mmm iisu sfesiil mi 48 m i ila u t angus month wbon sonftuer lie bjteplnsiude swilirgki ofwfcklt jiaiow wme drinktike orefcarto fragrant tlci- bmmh t grass roontfnb nm throoch the tarty vitattoirn hesxttuftlngotui scythe bottwitoftlunuwilmidbuth r august mouth vfliea eytrywhcro music floats upon the air fwm tfih of inrnsirttl talcs rtaytag doxra the lull and dales xapttt month whn moiy to seek the shad of spreading boughs whore the robin qulrki hi liwut oootenptin cherries red august month of twilights when dtfhsmgowejdcomagaiu august days are guards who keep watch while summer lies arteei jrroai dtmptier sittrmah su xithotot or ukrf tku mother its brother will at a meeting in chicago major hilton related the following incident which oocor- red oo the scottish coast just at break of day of a chilly morning the people of a little hamlet on the coast were awakened by the booming of a cannon over the stormy waves they knew what it meant for frequently they hadj heard before the same signal of distress some poor soals were oat beyond the breakers perishing on a wrecked vessel and in their last extremity calling wildly for homan help the people hastened from their houses to the bhore yes ont there in the distance was a dismantled vessel pounding itself to pieces with perishing fellowbeings rjmgjpg to the rigging every now and then some one ol them swept off by the fnrioas waves into the sea the lifesaving crew wa soon gathered man the lifejboat cried the meu where is hardy but tbeforemau of the crew was not there and the danger was imminent aid most be immediate or all was lost the next in command sprang into the frail boat followed by the rest all taking their lives in their hands in the hope of saving others oh how those on shore watched their brave loved ones as they dashed on now over now almost nnder the waves thereached the wreck like angels of deliverance they filled their craft with almost dying men men lost but for them back again they toiled pulling for the shore bearing their precious freight the first man to help them land was hardy whose words rang above the roar of the breakers are they all here did you ate them all with saddened faces the reply came all bat one he copldnt help himself we had all we could carry we couldnt ve the last one man- the lifeboat again shouted hardy i will go what leave one there to die alone a fellowcreature there and we on shore 1 han the hfebot now well save him yet but who was this aged woman with worn garments and dishevelled hair who with agonizing entreaty fell upon her knees beside this brave strong man it was his mother 0 my son your father was drowned in a storm like this your brother will left me eight years ago and ive neter seen his jaceaince the day he soiled yon wiil be lost and i am old and poor oh si witt me mother cried the man where oni is in peril theres my place if i am lost god will surely care for yon the plea of earnest faith prevailed with a god bless yon roy boy t she re leased him and speeded him on his way once more they watched and prayed and waited those on shore while every muscle was strained toward the fast-sink- ing ahipby those in the lifesaving boat- it reached the vessel the clinging figure was lifted and helped to its place where strong hands took it in charge back came the boat how eagerly they looked and called in encouragement then cheered fas it came nearer bid yon get him was the cry from thepsliore jlifting bis hands to his mouth to trum pet the words on in advance of the landing hardy called back tell mother it is brother will v j 16rt1hlnrwlrulhotdola owner lpt vfrhan loo ting for lodgfoge inquire within or o without it vfm tin i lady who ibought ahe wm go ing to avrooi i who had a faint suspicion you saji you were very luoky the first time you bought a lottery ticket yea idrow a bank and have never invested alnoe it was th editor of one of oar esteemed morning utemporariee who onoe char- asteriised a gent m being the vulgar fraction of i gentleman contributor here is a maunicript i wish to sub nit editor waving his hand im aorry j we are all toll juit now con tributor blandly very well i will call again when some of yon are sober young lady gaudener dont make a flowerbed there j it will spoil our croquet ground qlrdeaor cant help it miss thems my jirders your papa says he is bound to hi ve this plot devoted tohortioul tare not hi ibandry are yon haying much practice now asked an ol ijndgoofayoung lawyer yob sir a good aeal thank you ah im glad to hcj it in what line is your prao tic particu ally well sir particularly in economy loetio c jler who has just orriyod iu bermuda what is that balmy spicy odour that watts q at the easement and seems to send the new lite spinning through my sluggish no rthorn blood practical caller who has b en there thrco weeks onions once a p gwas lying by the bide of the road on i ho othor side was a man the pig was sob r the man was druuk the pig had a r ng in his nose the man had a ring on his finger some one passing ex claimed so that the pig heard it one is judged fronlhe company he keeps in atantly the pig arose and went away ffla80nabulhil v mun ii gain lifo dollar p bhljbhi core will immeliatel rellevjo croup wl ooptng oongli mh bidaoliitta 8oldbpnfctogjrvlu itiajihe aadatday iu when le fa ilt prompted to withoi we rwhgfor it oroiipw hooping cough and bifouohitia imme iatolyr relieved by hilohjs curo soldbnlmogarviu a la iy w rite i was enabled to remove the oo na i oot and branch by the use of holloi rayi corn cure oaors who have tried i hay j the aarae experience wh wit yon cough when shilohs cure will gi o in mediate relief prioe 10 oontsy so eta and ii boldby nmoqarvin for dyspepsia and liver complaint yon have a prin ed gurarantoe on every bottle of shilohfs yi alisor it never fails to cure floldb v1xtirf the cherr use by it has for odlds plainti anisall extit ordinary popularity of ayers pec oral is the natural result of its ligent people for over forty yean prov m itsolf the very best spcoifto coughs and pulmonary com- shiloh a ca tarrh ltemody sold by n mcgarvin 8hil hi catarrh remedy a weilivo cure ffr cktarrh diphtheria aud canker 6dd by n moaarvin r month catt rrh fob permanent rastlrf- w ii bi of berlin and others request us to give he quantities of eaeh of the clovers and grasses given our in last issue to form a p irmanent pasture on low lands we do so w ith pleasure lucerne clover two lbs aisike clover two rd clover two white clover one tiuoihy four kentucky blue two perennial 1 lye two orchard grass three bed top two meadow fescue two hard fesc ae two sheep fescue two crested j igtail one fall fesoue two wood mea low grass one total thirty pounds 7 iirtif canadian urcd hoaltlraud sweet breath tfy bhilohs catarrh remedy io co its nasal injector free bold mogarviu butth la trier ad le the point dyspeps a is dreadful disordered liver is misery indigestion is a foe to good nature the hurtlan digestive apparatus is one of the most c implicated and wonderful things in existenc it is easily put out of order greasy ood tongh food sloppy food bad cookery n ental worry late hours irregu lar habits and many other things which ought not obehave made the american people a n ition of dyspeptics but gre dus august flower has doue a wonderful work in reforming this sad busi ness and naking the american people so healthy tl at they can enjoy their meals nd be ha ipy bemenber no happiness- without health jut greens august flower brings health aid happiness to the dyspeptic ask your druggist for a fbottlc- seventy- five cents have other reliel mogarvfn oil aftsr y njector free with each bottlo of priue so cents secure price by n c c jat obs buffalo n y says dr thorn is e sleotrio ojl oured him of a bad oaseol pile i of- 8 years standing having tried lmot twobuffal physicians without relief oared him he thinks it cannot be rccjirompnded too highly tnniarat a cald will often causo an irntatiou dry ness a ad si reness inside the throat the first dose pf tamarao elixir will afford relief are utuall mcleod ndmn 1 co hove- quite u ltngo wpulilliife ave anxious to t i it of tttid if prices are tin iljoot tvjruli slioultj bo vo have cut dovn n nunibel of li ii oh in tiunitioi gixiiin whicb wo aro ortciiiijj nt extraordinary low prices summer ajuntlcs aud jackets in hilk uml cloth groat drives from co cents up isummcr milliuory wo arc ttittling to tl bone i i hats from 5 touts 141 bouthers ribbons ornaments mid all kinds of millinery extraordinary low puru8il8 boitig ukurtd out re gardless of cost a lino ot dross goods at 10 cents worth 25 cents at 15 ceutb worth 30 cents an imnioiibo stock of inagnificont dross goods very chou muslins and laces for dresses troni 0 cents ner yard u checked dress silks 25 cents checked all pine silk dress silks 8acenuvoitli 60 cents a line oi black and colored satin merveillcnux go cents and 75 cents worth 100 aud 8125 in comiucinnration of hailwa y time i 3 grand trunk railway ooixoiiist obwirw ilj1- 7a5vm i kpre express v am i xirei jf iass mail 10so am fibre expreni through kxpo 09 nra mair aacoui d6fpln- mixed 3 andbratdpton time or clohimuatit ooirg wost9 1 am anil 20 pfc gcrfbg eaxt 10 10 aii and 5 20pm w olilopsej itftthiijn g- ladies it will pay fhllcun averse to proprietory tredicines nasal bal n is a specific for colfl in the head ind a tarrh- and having faith and evideiee that it will care those troubles we as c an 1 court a fair trial of the dis cover aijd a fall investigation at their handi black gros worth 125 g rtti i io cents 20 per cent lotver than they caii tdsiblybe bong in dress goods pa1mbol8 osty s jubilee w which for c s have decided to commence a gieat summer sale leap goods will j lioiotofoio uttbtupted in acioo a id further from the fact that we take stock iii august the public will realize that our immense stock must bo grea ly reduced before that time mid to effect this sweep ing reduction in prices bargaiiisiro the order of pho day remember this is a r j and lasts for one month only j you tojgiveub yout casi we aro offering dress goods suitable for fall use at it for ars of suffering persons who vain y sought rcmedical help from tex things a baby can do it can beat any alarm clock cier invent ed waking up the family in the morning give it a fair show and it can smash more dishes than the most industrious ser- vanfc in the country it can fall down oftener and with less provocation than the most expert tumbler in the circus ring it can make more genuine fuss over a simple brass pin than iu mother would over a broken back it can choke itseliblack in the face with greater ease than the most accomplished wretch that ever was executed itxan keep a family in a constant tur moil from morning till night and night till morning without once varying its tone it can be relied urxm to bleep peacefully all day when its father is down town and cry persistently at night when he is parti cularly sleepy it may bo the naughtiest dirtiest ugliest i moat fretful baby in all the world bat you can never make its mother believe it and you had better not try- it it can be a charming and model infant when no one is around but when visitors are present it can exhibit more bad tem per than both of its parents together it can brighten op a house better thap sil the furniture ever made make sweeter music than the finest orchestra organized fill alarger place in its parents breasts thin they knew they had and when it goes away it can cause a greater vacancy and leavera greater blank tbap all the rest of the world put together j very talnalilr havi ig used b b b ior bilionraess and torp liver with the best results i would re ommend it to all thus troubled the med cine is worth its weight in gold tillie wiiite manitowaning ont used dr berry in wllhaaf eqasl wilson montrose of vienna ont having fowlers extract ojf wild straw- his family for summer complaints caniioi speak too highly of it for children as well as aged people troubled with die rrhfea it has no eijnal says i has not sb ilol s vitalizer is what you need for constifi tion loss of appetite dizziness and all ivniptoms of dyspepsia- price 10 and 73 cents per bottle sold by n licgan in a valuable plnretfry tanper of neebing ont says be only found b b b a sure cure for dysj epsia but he has alse found it to be the t est medicine for regulating and in- vigoratiog tho system that he has ever taken b b b is the great system soar es haveobtained tho long desired from northrop lymans vegetable discdvery and dyspeptic cure which puts a sto to the torments of dyspepsia renews activ ty o the bowels and liver relieves mala lies incident to the gentler sex land bnilcs up failing health andstrcngth gives parity to tho blood snd touo to the whole systim aloblhnr surrc it is tho duty of overy person who ha used jsofcheen german sttntj to let its won derful qualitiesbe known to their frienda in eunnj ccniamption stviro coughs cropp asthma pneumonia and in fact altbroat and luug disease no person cauuse it without immediate relivf three doses will relieve any case and we consider it the duty of all druggists to recommend it to the poor dying consumptive at least to try one bottle as 80000 dozen hottles were sold last year and no one case where fairly was reported such a medicine aa the german syrup cannot bo too widely known akkyourdruggist about it sample bottles to try sold at ten cents llcgnhir size 7 cents sold by all druggists and dealers in the united states nudj ccnada bel anil iourorl la ibe sottrrlot browns household panacea has no qual for rclieviug paiu both iolcinnl nnd xtrnal it cures pain in the side back or bowels sore tbrnnt liliuumalfir toothache lumbago and any kind of h pain or ache it will mostxurely qtiiuk- en the blond and heal as its ncting ponet is wonderful browns llouccliold 1au acea being aekuowledgrd as the great pain reliever indof double tbe strength of any oilier elixir or lluimcnt io the world should be in every family liaudy for nsc when wanted as il really is the best remedy in iho world fur- cramps in the stomach aud pains and ache- of all kinds and isforjittle by nil druggists at 25 cents a botlk i prints for o cents imd 7i cents worth 10 cents and 12j cents we arc going to cut goods to tlie bone to reduce our stock insiceiiou invited ltcuichilicr our millinery dr-hs- making and tui luring depart- ments great drive in uinglintns seer suckers and crinkles georgetown june lsnd liisl temperancecamp teorgktown garap oieu5 aurd3y2rjth augus 1s87 at iy m jolii 1 iincli 7 l irs i you- maus slxdav- iu in- lvlvliii ijuitin srrmou iy wil mitmuvr j 11 vrs i limus t c 11 ht jiiii jyor sec our job lines in luter on lces of all kinds kmbrolderieii muslins millinery carpets stkaw hats and keady mades we iffjju a reduction of 15 pekl oent to 20 per cent off for cash j other lines proportionately cheap bootisrsc slioiejs o gloyes a choice lino ot alwavs vitli stiuitrs it oast wo uive just opeue also ou- new 5c ribbons gkboc jr je s i a new line of the famous 50c tea call and inspect it to jfor their advintiio t closing at 8 p in p s ladies will hud it tberelrt avoiding the rtisli befi s henderson do theirh6pping in the earlier part of the diij mcrie fe ca okday p kdwnrjcniiihiil iriknyin ai wctr loiili i in ilnc st lohn v velisdvy rrrt jl you- jlowlnuti tjll iiiv yr fit ricliu 7j1 cuii- are jon made miserable by indigestion constidatiod dizziness loss of appetite yellow pkin shiloiia vitalizer i9 a pos- itive cure sold by n mcgarvin forlame back side or chest use shilohs porous plaster price 25 cents sold by n itctiarvin i i an ibdoabted opinion i wis severely troubled with diarrhea and having used some of the wonderful dr fowlers wild strawberry i- was in a short time completely cored i can recom mend it as a splendid medicine yfm a stafford shedderi ont that hacking cough can be so quickly cured bysbilohs cure we guarantee it sold by n mcgarvin sleepless nights made miserable by that terrible cooglj shilolscarei8tleremedj for you j sold by n mcgarvin b bb- 8lood tlie trnu i tried every known remedy i conld tliiuh o for rheumatism without jiving me any relief ontjl i tried burdock blood bitters which remedy i can highly recom mend ty all afflicted as i was henry smith mlverton out the iii v geo n thayer of boribpru ind tis-v- both myself and wife owe ourlivcf to shilbhs consumption cnro ahvice to motuees are iyou disturbed at mght and broken of your rest by a tick child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of mrs winslows soothing syrup for children teething its value is incal culable it will relieve the jioor little suf ferer immediately depend upon it moth ers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhcca regulates the stomach and cowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces inflammation and- gives tone and energy to the whole hysteni mrs winslows soothing sy rup for children teething is pleasant to tho taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest aqd best female physicians and nurses in the united states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price twentyfive cents a bottle de sure and ask for mns winslows soothing svapr and take no other ljnd shilohs cough and consumption cure it sold by ns on a guaruutee it cures tuir- snniptiou sold by k mcgatviu will you suffer with dyspepsia and liver complaint khilohb vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you sold by n mcgarvin the picture gallery guelpfi watebs brosi who viit burnt out low h18ht have temporarily removed to nelles old stand where they arcprcpiring ij sacrifice their tremendous stock l jjj hosiery sale mag kin a1 summer touri palace st lo detroit mackinac isl m clair oakuad boiua maxtat e tray week vr btwa detroit and clevewr 6pci18ond aorlag jul tad j our illu8tbated pamphl lutes and biourtloa tuduts war hf oat bryout tuiul aentar laoxtm e b whitcoms genl put agtf detroit cleveland steam nav- oetroit mich the wanzeh laji 50 canlile powebj p h vaazpr a co ifann hamiltoii oat tfr y a- fm jd sjl li 5 mf ji j 7 no chimney so globe 2co inoe xtfo fopitivcly nonexplogive jcfiver gets i cil burns any graac of cool oil every lamp guaranteed without inte with tbe light can put on nursery attach heat water iioil eggs make tea mid coffee stew etq jj g matthews sole jtoektlioe act on axuvjtmtv wwmm burdock iouri wedding presents sold by the ckvkchks ix the 1x1teu state tbe new york lndrptndeut hi collected t niatixtdee showing the strength of the prin cipal religious denominations in the united 8tte minis- coninmni- churchen tcre cauw methodist ttjui 29 ijs33fifi jknuui catliollth 6910 tjirn 4j0u0jou0 bsptilts toflta vm wzlpx prwbyteriflna 12w ow 102436 lutheran l jyjo ww concrrcmaonalisto zn i190 u6j79 kpicopjuui im aw mail intbib table only the actual communi cant rf the boman catholic chnrcb are counted with that body the aggregate catholic population is put at about 7000- 000 tbe smitlh separate bodies of christ ians ho clatsifie aud counted with the denominations t which they belong and tbe total nomber of commuisicanu or actnal church members is estimated at icooojooo do oot forget when yon intend purchasing a first class organ ior piano to e4io 3 o mclean of tbe frflpb temple ot utuio he is no eot pubnyi biagooja in urgoquantitier jraabottomfigorea and enjy tie high trtgrawajehandlrf mcgarvin have toil tried ii if t ion can testify to its marvellous powers 4 healing and tecomment it to your fiii nds we refer to dr fowlers extract of iwild strawberry the grand specific for all summer complaints diarrhtca cholera moiibas dyftntery cramps olic sickness of the stomach and complain s of infanta or adults let its merits be known to all wliohavonot used it tilvctltrni a ctaance that islto say yoiir lungs also ull your breathing machinery very wonderful raachiner r it is kot only tho larger air- passages bpt tho thousands of little tnbes and cavit ep leading from them when t lese are clogged and chocked with matter w icii ooht not to be there your longs can loihalfdo their work and what they do t ley cannot do well call it xild cough croup pneumonia catarrh c msumption or any of jtbe family throat ani 1 notd and bead ano lnrigobstruct- bng ail a e bad ail ought to begot rido there is jut one sure way to get rid of them t at is to take boscbcea german svrnp wt leb any druggist will sell yon at 75 cents a bottle even if everything else baa failed you you may depend upon this forcertftir the fall will l here before you know it hut kenneybros of tiik mm m dominion boot shoe store main steeet acton have anticipated its early arrival and luid in a splendid stock of boots shoes ac for fall wear o ouiieimtatioiifor good goods and superior value is well established we can suit you alu our custom department i taming out antclass vfork as nsaal with good slock and repairing is always promptly aud neatly done eenneybros m washington m d l r cps eiiiiueiit throat and lung surgeo4 i i will next visit actop at dominion hotel tuesday 20th sepimbler one day only j ri lib 1 it out in ml lajjies skamlk8 hose 1240 worth 20c i ladies flll l sll iokei hose 20c worth 35c la dies i5ald lui x hose250 worth 400 cihldlteivs ljcsii splendid value at 10and12ic tapbstiiy cajuets 57j worth 50c tapestjtv caitpeis 4ni worth g0c union oauprlts 374cj worth 450 allwool oaitpklsooa worth 85u j laoeoupvtali 1mrmerly 125 now 94c lack curtails koli meuly 175 now l31 ss k m kllhy 250 now 188 lomiih laietuiaal lacecijkiwi shcnctiits for li vti ulniio nt 0 ocloc ivebj comf1 bilious ihpuee elc dtspepb kidney colixli the creat reculat of the stcmach lwertbcvels aat blood cures eccdache constipation j female ccirplzwis and bunds up th3 systera head tho following years imht ihnve nufforcfl jroui rtyvri sia olid i 5 rpciuiaetcl to try dr bpf compcnnd 1 ii so and found it a jv cure hclkti toronto out said everywhere prin 7j dki hocder8 cvhcn fkil ltxg cub xcrerjails giran lyircilcajjdsbav the union biedicine cf fropiletors toronto ont ijsi x- iolmelv 300 now 263 t ii stuhjiur cariuit iiwccjiers k bat rdriy ovvoins ro jclo iead rrh ca- lulj cataluth thhoat cukkd a fuw of tho huudrcde who hrvo btvn siiijtimi fully ueitcd by dr wnchinktoiis nt mrs juo mckclvy kiiiatpn oii fnnrrli and conmiiiiiitioii loin mckclvy kinfttoii out onto mr a hoiiiing kingston out cousuiiiitiou- i jii- e scott kingftiiih orl crlirrh and tlroat jiifiiio lttrttui linriasiithoiit tliroit tameb mttttbovrr 1 maxtor acton turrnh head and throiit f fiuucif hcrlin out catarrh throat miss njiuo kbviktlin out lnlir v wiiik 1 mucuuun ont oitii ilcnrv hotluliin out asthlui mlf 1 waincr cicrrl lkiiiu out heiul nnd throat levi kcrchtr kttacobe ont crti and throat colin campbell ft kdwiml out jaiiicp stacoy rutton ont catairl wm shoemaker rortnev ontgiitnrrb josipb smiley fort gratiot u- s bndfonn i v 71 ktorey fwj of jktorey siiii ijlovc manufaltiircrs acion qijf dr v tho only throat an liinc kurieii mies mary a roniboiirs centum catarrh head and throat mrs godfrey lehncsn kiucobp ilfil ead nl athin mckat brothers 4p king street east between hughson and john streets 1 hamilton cat rrt cod cat rrh j tl v iinklou ie cruaiia ile lpnt sunilitioil titnshnidrr lllooaifleld ont cat- and throat 3ut on nh head hie dominion organ and pi molfi thcjwefler cuelph iihb just reriimd another liiijjt ttsi nieirt of kilvcrtvure nuiiiibie for weilcliin prtstnts to nnyperoii frm acton or iniuiinvdi ato sttitiofih biiyiu 500 worth or over at my atore i will pay their faro to and from guelph giving ppnonalawl prompt attention f watch rcrxiirjuc i um bmiud lo uive rutin j faction or inouey refunded ilemcidbtr the place w a clark jewrller 28 lcwsr wyndhcmst guelph mgarviiks dlllig stationary tore tik schools will koonoii paints oils c inafev weeks parbhace your new sehool bpoks hereiuiallvauthc rized editions oa hand- slates cpy books ink pens pencils i in large variety are now being used in acton in large quantities and mcgarvins drug store will supply you with everything in this line paints ready mixed in all quantities and oplors muarvifs drug and stationery stqlle actox v 1 ht qas tiie largest andiost complete fact nrtn dominion 160x168 blfltit bant m amiti to taj loisr is u wctli uedal and diploma at contnniaitbls r medal and diploma it sidney australia v tl geld medil alprovlncul kiubwon toroi to lbji higtwmrts at inhttitrlal ixiabltlon yoroito we abe kow masopaotitbiso square and upright piano 9 best ik the maekzt jorrospoadenco solicited bend for nitutrated dat logne tnalltd tree addrcia dominiok oltqan and piano oojjpaky bowynviln okt nfn tliocnnadin ncot xo afi1sso and ka frdnt 8treet bast xorbnto rot up tho noitmt dk st complete and lletd btllisih kcelo 1itiskncn in america kond 23 cent forhimpleslof now o i finished iukiuo ilusli inrtlonlart si ut wh sii tainpsaroonqloncd for reply don t worry if you are out of muujovmoi writotojiircowlyl v iliiistod btri ot eo t toronto konflntninpsfoiieuly vflll at noino nnl muk lnorli moiiej i uu t fnvuh ttiin ut kiiytlitiii else in tirlidti liothscxis ell ues any one c n an me work trgo cridntf pure frpnl fit it ifcirt owtlvoutfuraiidtlminaneo kter n lel spjf yoinntldostttsuutt 0 wmjaaro 18 and dud dat if yon aw vein voir will ooso i cisfcirisi mkmsi iti id pride 0ftljfevalle yes pride of thevalicy that is tkeuanjej the modicine it cured ule of dybpeiisia biiai i bought a bamyde packafio fori5c tbenifli packages for 61 and before 1 bad taken wb contents of four pocicscs i vrns eatirelf ii have never felt the svmptoms since tbat four 3ears ago idfobouehta hottlo of t of the valley liniment last spring for my 1 man who sprained his ankle so badly heicov not bear bis weight on it alter usinr pride tlio valley liniment for 14 hours he was able t go to work as well as eve- and what at name of that other ii ediriue why pride of tl valley catarrh and itcecmetic curo thatisti greatest known remedy in tho world for the en of catarrh not an inbiiier buttheiledicinoi be taken internally once a clay it strikes atts3 root of the disecfe aud xcmoves tbe cansei once ns thousands will testify fbat hate- nsedf the catanh remedy thelhrcebove rxmedtt go hand in hand andvhcre can i get theflltj at l g matthews acton ont also at nrstclaas hedicine dealers in canada mao factored by pkof a si shbieves london one vffis -vti- il to farmers jahd threshers use n your maohmery only the wellknown pskftless oil woes wdssbs arepleoxuittoto contain iicir own purjativc la a eafo strro said cucci 6estrojkect irorxas it cididreaoxadnxti q jolid 1veedaijs nixve becu a it during the last three yars i f try also our peorleas axlo groase for your ajgfinsttn lldthc loavera tlievc oils are used and highly recommended at themodel furmgoelph har mannfacturcd at iun3 iisli for tlitrn use noother qucaoitp oil works by gamuel rogers co i toronto a great gauseof mm oxuiiloss cr isaiyi coitagpe or furniture -for- -at- priceij which will astonish you fuitorula fallv undertakingu v ailliliul ttjltlr every tiling ueoessury in this department m speight sqlsr j free one j rnvl eijr tiqucd optioj 3j inci 10 inclt 0 incll linclf cunf fitfthl seijiiej reckoif ssalec advd willbj nglyj n adif chai v in tbe they i mnhoqj a lecture on the xinroiricajiticbtiibc3 kaillriilcmeol ciijiiiul ivxabiebf or sjimi atorrboea imluccri lv iilaliuse jluvolnntaw emissions lniotcivv nervous- leiility impediments to maiciigo kcntrully ctiusttnip- js tion epilepsy and fits meiralra i ilsysicul ihcas pacitjjoehviciiiliillia tho world nnowyed catlroriiijhisitilmirallejj tjectnro clearly ro- k firm bis ewn tsperience tuat the awful consequences of keifaluse niwa be effectually reiwovcd feiiaoat dauectoussurpa cal onerations bougies instruments ring orh cordials pointing ont a moile of cure at qncsj certaip auu effectual by which every sufferra- no matter what his conciilioii uioy he may currf himself cheaply privately and radically fiirtbts lecture willproyo a boon 60 thousands aud thousands i fion1 uniler seal in a jlnin cotcibpe to any aiwrwjs on receipt of four cents iir tro postog i stnisiip acdriei j i ttssiltorwellsodidrlc 11 anslst kbw vom s y 1 i o box15 natures remedy forcgughscoidshoarscnesi hjyrgata lililggj3fwptaint5 in ai aj5 t pa liiftmi vegl n e a 3peicht man acer southern asthmac i imstaht ntueft- i i i asthma and bhonhlti by mail on receipt olr price- samples 25c bsgmlap si2100 i aoshtto fxilford co brock esjr iiilta lii collegl officl street i 3 erin bros horses girto allc termsl nev m ealled t i pain tejchel torpntl sitisfai visit acl of eocbl uoysl i trill vis i ningthl presenf artincm kitrcra painle sxf fij bi m office office ptorccul g office gwa tweiitji w feriltj orders i ai my il tended f also j term9 il euftisoq j 1 for tbcl orders j itechal po reason stgeol accod feriodil ruling f rrili ab esyl anexliif boned e aadc t ifll from t and boy suits kcount 1 ers clel canada i 1 thoroucf ment cq uiittedtl spleuf of preuf for in wtf lui frhcu 1 thl stock a i other 1 class pi har s smitf stove hardffl able pa fit hei ua and all premll