Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 25, 1887, p. 1

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is itlllisiikl eveuv thur oat m0kn1ng at tin- free prss power printa house actojf onlauio oxi u subscription rates suxv six kojrtlls jocts tuum months sjcts vuriiily iiuavlvnico if not paid in advance ptr yo u will be cnargel no pitpor discon- ol ti ill arrears nvc paid except at tho on o the publisher advertising rates toii banking company storey christie co -bankers- acton ontario a i v1v sto00 1 oo 2000 clv b mo mo 2000 12w 3 sioin 700 aoo 1 1110 00 iuno a50 j oo ajinclk- wiiklu 6 itiehe 1 inh casual advertisements s cents porlinc for the ir iisrioiiniuli cents vvr line lor each sub- siincin nwviion cami hie number ot lines rekoncd by the space occupied measure by a x scale of siiiii nonpareil alverlisoaipiits without sieeiuc directions iriil lc inserted till forbid ami charged nccoril- njiy transit advertisements must bo paid u advance chmises or contract alvcrtisetucntfciuust bo in the oiflcc by u am on tuesdays otherwise they will be left over uutil the following week h r moore editor and proirletor business tjirfrtorn v7 h lowry x b m cp s cnidume of trinity iillgt mculborof coluve f physicians aiidvsurpeons odiccand residence at tbe head of frederick street acton j ohn lvwsos gkaduatk of out trio veterinary college toronto yet- eriisry surgeon acton out office hi koniiy s- invt aui svih store residence in th rear hordes icinil- j as to soundness and certificates all call tern casv nnuclasto ru or iln promptly attended to ll rknnett lds dentist likoiuietown ontaui allo 4 mckinlat lds surgeon jc lustlst tieorgetown out uses the iiev- svsteii cf nitrous oxilo ios commonly calleivitiilired air for extracting teeth without pii having nvu demonstrator and practical tefclier in lioyai college of dental surgeons toralo jirurviis may depend upon receiving svtisfctie in any operation performed will visit acton every second and fourth wednesday of each noir oflice in agnews hotel jh caiihiqre tist mil scrgeox den- iltqn honor graduate of tbe koya cvilece of denial surgeons of ontario wil visit acton thursday of each week legin- niu- the o july oflice in agucws hotel rrestvatien of the natural teeth a sjiecialty artificial teeth inserted on gold celluloid or rub ber bases rliranleed perfoet vitalized air niirius oxiie and other ankestbetics used for yaiuus eitractioa of teeth tounston iv mcleax barriters soli ac irita- lam jiior notaries couvyancers is lojoall t- 0axtcmu hall acton et b l-nssros- wua mclm- bx xtovtat solklio xotaky pfiiuc money to loan oi t m lxis tuesdayand satunlay l miiuhes iiloek acton upstaira jr e mitcheel seuitoi cokevascee ac ojic firs ior west of the cliainipu oiire mria street iiilloh money to loan ft c rercc ijhiltijxallas a baird s off liiirristers solicitors c tvjiloxto intt gkoriitowk es- reiiiuans hlofk gtorgetowii ami 80 kinq street east tcronto xltx jsliltdxtfa 1 baikd bl b ajkiww carson laklhsteksaflwv ac i ijiro hall m cbnrcli street toronto weitijesit jlpr joux cveonecl f cj crotcn attobnzy r p atexts secured foit inventions nky uki5t ottawa canada co prairici- no talent no pay w for o- s-u- a hilmstreet l si arctioxiier l- iti of weliiiifttou and haltou r ihi klir lnis office aclou or eye 11 acton willbe promptly at- terijis reasonable juvv to ituti ou the mon favorable 1 a tlie- lowest rates of interest in vyi 1 upwards wuhal iiankixii buslnksst transacted uwtt0avbb on approysl h0tb8 nojtes discounted and iriterest auow6d on deposits find the puzzle rph k unilcnlrtiod is iircparcd to furnish oh tho x shortest notice iu any quantity and at bot tom prices nmclnsa lumber lath staves head ing shingles wash tubs qburns butter tubs pork barrels wood flour and feed and anything in the line of farmers housekeep ers or contractors necessities thopuxzle is to and a better place than thomas c moores to buy anythinc in tho abovo lines also to find out ij you aro inilobud to him for anything pur- ehas4d from him his books say sonic are and bo wuld likothe uiouey now is the time to buy wall paper cheap at days bookstore quelph grand sale going oil 1 roll wall paper for 50c 75c 38c 30c paper for 20c 20c paper for 15c i5c paper for loc ioc paper for 7jc believe him true money enough to get me somo slioei dear jesus i lii wunt to help mar imii c irry tho clothes aud bring wood and niter and its awful cold to go burofool nc w dci r jesus ainalilenanaaballowlfosatjlookhib utr tho nj prayer for ohrif bhkc amen tho vomrrlrmcail lay wearily uiu tho old in lho dim r ned toult 9 llu r wifes kiieu toiturcb pinched unci ijhgi ltd ft bhoralbodhertonrful eyes nnd o so mournfully j yaut of proper foot hllll ohtlljllt said she closed eyeu uud bonv hands r ubcd i have not heard from lainlo and thoy say bos i false to 1110 ipllcatnw entreaty brought tears oyon and tho homewiird journey donot hellovo tboiu lassfo whatow thoy say aunicj j tllonb j or do v j j n y oh what should hu bo thinking while ho sails lho v suid lna raolher aflc waters blue i yon ure not ufraid i should like you to go if it isnot of his sweetheart that ho knows is to thenx4hk for ino i am out of g ouet caj price w h rutledce the butcher ixah iii everythiui in the ment line no cits i tablislmncnt can be found better stock ed at nil seasons no questionable coods of fered to customers at any price fancy ooods books c low must be sold to make room for new stock to arrive this pall good nml true do not believe it lassie your hid is true to you he promised whenbe partod that ho would eoiuo again he told you that he loved you you could believe hhn tholn and now that he is sailing accross tho dreary main wlty let your heart bo troubled with such n needless paini how tail hu meet a purer maid out time iiihiu tho sea and far away iu china would tho chinese in dies be very aid to win hhli from you flo uihui such jealousy if you think you cannot trust liiin you had bet toinoitoav iubukiiif day und i bliajl tliem t inly in tlm nioinini it will very dsrk on account of tho bjiiow can et yoursled and draw the groceries liome on it if you want to oh 1iii not the least bit nfraifl re plied ned but he continued hebita tiugly aud ith a slight tremor in hi i voice 1 btlieve i will nutlet thj sled om the the in sup- to his vas re- tta if ivtf ijil tltv his niotlier echoed jn t liewould have be m iii its po6sessibir thus burpris i thoufjlit you had iiloi watch- j verifyinjj the pro erp it is moie blessed kilwj fhi vis1 roks am tltaykllkks ter set him free 1 t price a ial iimiinei id square dealing is uiy motto s on thise points alwnyu wid for cattle tin ahl for liicles and sheepskins highes yv h rutledge wellington marble works 1 qv7sbe0 st gtt2i7h hamilton 6l clark proprietors wholesale and retttil dealers iu marble anile and everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importers of all kinds iug lately visited the hay of fuiuly granite es and having purchased tho eutiro stock of grac and red granite monymeuts headstones hav quorr crossqs nnm ew than price stajie of granite aud marble ft 90 0 ft of lexulcr taylor at less rostwewill until further notice sell at never before known in ontario for in- granitc nj muraents ft high c0 7 ft ico 10 ft 120 all work and mate ial warranted firstclass parties wanting anyfj ing iii this line will do well to call and see us be pre purchasing elsewhere as we guarantee obr f rices are from jo to m per cent below all otbr dealers sniitli aud v j murray lit nsii aittiontin for le fj onl5 ilft a itcchurci 5 i o vr reteive tcj f halton and wellington his residence main street oppos- reet acton or addressed to acton strict attention terms liyeirt ii florden inti- ftastiiiitt iiroprinwsbip of tholivcrv tisiiils latiiy carried on by mr v fc tvyjujd solicit the patninie of tlivitilic llojthflr utinot to jiluasu allcustoiuent h i wel tea jabie notes discounttrif desired xohn day o architect gcklrh oxt omek- iicen s hotel block market sinarc ac night jf raxcis sunax saeetisor to t fchapuiani bookbixdek fciiiorgtihnuaru linelplioutario acinunt jiooks of all kinds made to order terioiicals of every description carefully bound buluwieatiy and promptly done mhe haxlax barber shop mill stheei acton j an cisv shave a stvlishbaircnt a good seafoam an exhlliaiatinssllanipooalwaysgiven kajors hone i and put in firstclass condition ladies aui cbimreus hiir toatily cnt j h wobbev tousorjal artists guelii business college guelph ontario mu third scholastic year jl uzuh septcuiber 1st patronage drawn from ten states and provinces young men and luvs thoroughly prepared for business pur suits iraduatcb eminently successful as ac- countaits ltusiuess managers shorthand writ ers clerks salesmen travellers etc both in canada and the united states moderate ratos thorough iratical work and courteous treat- no cilracterize the institntiou jadies ad- niitted to all the advantages of the college splendid facilities afforded for the acquisition of french and german for information address m juccoumick wtf principal day sell cheap i j oust arrived at 1pe pazaar a laiui stock nv wools double and single hcrlin zepher andtl- lesiau fairy zepher and all kinds of fin gering wools for the kail nnl winttr trade a lovely assortment of finhroidcrics hi cambric and muslin handsome llaby itobes aud cashmere cloaks liovely shades in plushes felts satins annsillts kmhrolileiy silks killoselles lon- pons chenille cords carigles and oil the latest tiiunilings fur titlies hauliers lraieries kte inderwear made to order stamiuug a siccialty ahd dont oiget ibis is where you can get tho light running new raymond sewing machine thu machine evcrylknly wants niwls 10 rccoiumoiidatioii it rttominemls itself 1 call and too tit is iopulnr machine nnd inspect our stock of fancy ttowlr frank rwebber actou angust 18th 1bs7 oh uol she cried i love hhn that i could uvvor do then said the kind old sailorwife believe t that he is ti lie heed not the foolish gossiping that brings dis tress to you hut jirny that tiod will save the ship unit now is overdue j put nil your soul iii earnest t prayer and dry your idle tears ive loved and trusted my gooil mini through many siient years anil ho came honiu ogaiu dear uhiid allny your causeless fears look lass without the harbor bur what sail is 1 that appears is it the ill every tmowllake impatielitly waiting to give than to revive for the ground to become covjercd what hug induced you to give it up whim the coasting is so beautiful 7 poor ned ho was only a boy vilh boys love of fun and as ins mother carrying to ant clothes that hir and as lie extei would ofttirries think ho washap icnelt and from the artinkardb lowly hovel ascended i uch a prayor of earnest fervont thanksgi king that tile two specta- tors outside the iriudow instinctively barod their heads and uttered a fcrjvent amen yheit it was finii hod perhapb si id nod witji a suspicious remble in his vc ice johnnie will always think some good angel brorjght hie shoes and stockings and 1 aiii uojt o sure thttt heis wrong siiid ilt jones i rasping nods hand and shaking it warmly there jure plenty of my hoy pure warm them ami j i am sure a beat under n mnull bovs angels an earth ocenes i hearts constitute wunt j nobler one never net bej jacket nd you j many times lu ring the wiiker iccd met johnnie toiling c rcfully through the snow from the villafo tho totlier lrndj washed and ded kindly greetings ho remember the sled uhd ier in tho sacrifice than spoke if ilkhidinlf tx tiii cotxtfty 1 neer nelec your accustomed private ho seemed to feel tho thrill o pleasuto and du of rclldi edilation belfcxauiina the rxlnfuruting breeze as it rushed past in tm aud hill attend some place of he looked steadily out of i he wndoifc for a 1 wr8li l1 l da mlebs l nonieut resolutely swallowed somlthhwi ed w 8ut cirenrjurtwiccb asyou are sure in his tliroa and take out tbe glass and read her liitui mary ann my captain unnied his ship tor ulc when lirstour love began it is our ship the maiden crlod then up the sands they ran at eve each happy woman met her own true sailorman liurd thut kept risin said oh im getting so largo that i dont care 6o my much for a sled and f you hro willing that i should do its i please with the money i will nse it for something else why ned bard his mother laugh- fiflg i caiit eee that you aire vc very imifh larger than you were 1abt evening great siltd jantilti ilamng andlhen you seemed to anticipate a deal of pleasure from the possession of a sled ned tliqiitold liia mother the st6ry johnnie blacks prayer and that resolved t6 tako the hoarded tajmi buy covering for tho pjor ohilils feet mothcr kissed him with tears j and replied well done my you havo a tendert unselfish hip hip harrah hurrah hurrah should you never have another shouted the boys at tho granville fechool you could call yours you are throwing their caps in the air turning possession of that alone j handsprings and othcriviso ejtprcssiuj i as ned passed tfiedrunkardlfllint oil his their satisfaction at sight ojf the snowflukeb i way to the village that evenijig tl rough of hie had o and his n her eyes noble boy 1 once saiw three young tigers larger i than newfoundland dogs loose on tbetjeck i pf a british i india steamer ctowded with j several hundred mecca pilgrims thedage in whicli they werocontined was large and i baited on each eido with n partition run- j riing ulong its middle which had a drop door one jnorninj the man who had charge of tho animals neglected to put iffe the bars pit the side he had finished clean- ing and soldrove the timers ont of the oppositesideof the open caje tbe animals on obtaining their libctty j took different directions and crouching in the nearest corners lay snarling und ex- j posing their teeth showing unmistakable signs of nothing but fear a most danger- ous fear thoro was little confusion the irids of tho deck was simply deseitedund tlio crowd gazed in intereat at a respectful dis- taucc mr pltmse the third oriceh myself and i the keeper each placed ourselves before a tiger barring their exit should they at- tempt to move away ileuse euijnired if ilie tigers had been fed that day they had uojt they had al- iagainst the wooded hill it stands oliost of u dead home staring fliroifgli broken lights on wasted lands where oidtimc harvests gtcw viiplouglicd unsown hy scythe unshorn 1 the poor forsaken form lielijs lie uiiturkli aiid rife with gohleiconi i and pale green breadths of rye i of healtlilul herb andfiowcr bereft j tho garden plot uoljmiscrif keeps through weed- nnd tangles only left the snake it tenant creeps i i a lilac spray onco blossom elad sways hare heforc the empty rooms lleside tilt rooliss porch a sail i pathetic red re blonms j hib track in tiitjuld nnd ilnst of drpmh on iloor aid learth the snlrel leaves and in the tireless chimneys lijouth his web the spider wcavi- a- the leaning barn nliout to fail llesotuids no more on huskiiif eve xoeattle lov- in yrd or stall xo thresher beats iris sheave fin sad so drear it seems nmilr some hniuiting pjrscucc lllfljies jis asig that down you shadowy lane some ghost might drivehis spectral kino t juhn gl mmttfcr gypsy lllovklik hear dollu rich und that u the the snowflitkeb they were falling so swiftlyj brinjiiug them promises of unlimited sport that they were lho dimly lighted window he con d sec i johnnie and his mother hovering ovor to enjoy on the coasting hill tho old old cracked stove vainly trying to all tl linsc td anxii us icli was cw kelly sole agent for acton and vicinity for the celebrated bell organ anpd lansdowne piano womans picking herkeese shouted bob bie green yes and youfhull be first to he on the feuther bed said harry somers dextrously plunging him into a soft lleecy drift amlhe must not sleep nlone he continued boisuruusly shuiing unotlicr into the same bed this wah the signal for a general btumpede uitil booh there was the store i have concluded hot w take such a confusion of cups scarfs mittens the sled that is if it is the same to v hi boot heels and boys turned wrous end up ccrtainlyi will be all the pamo x mj that i greatly fenr mother goose trembled i cun find palcjfor it any dayj sail mr for tho safety of her downy bed but she jones good natiircdly and now my little is u kckxi old soul and i suppose realized man what can ido for you warm by the miserable fire and the of tlie poor naked feet banishec of the sled which might have his mind aud ho hastened on give johnnie tho pleasure wli store for him sir jones said neil on the store i have concluded the sled that is if it is the same to v certainly will be all the samo the keep sight ought equipped and stylish rigs can always be secured fir t class outfit for commercial travel lers t special r3tes mfortnble 1ms iso if ordered meets all day give us a call trains and in the fisek pnuso i notice thatjirj c mcleans advertisement doubts my sole agency for the bell organ 1 now state that i have a written con tract duly signed by messrs wbell a co giving me tbe sole agency for the sale of the bell organ for the city of gnelph und a radios of twenty miles including actou rockwood eden mills everiou new ger- i many breslau and ilespelere the above i mentioned contract can be seeu by any i lady or gentleman on culling at my music i store opposite the post oflice i believe the reliable firm of w bell co are ad hering to the letter of the contract and that any person other than my agents who that boys must have their fun so she suld nothing but as soon as they had arisen went quietly at work lo replice the feathers i whicli they had mi uineiinionioiisly dis- persed just back of the school house was along steep coasting hill which hud so far during tho winter displayed a tantajizingly bare surface and how the boys had longed for it to be covered especially ned brown neds father wus a farmer and did not be lieve ill spending much o folderols as he termed skates sleds and the various ac companiments that arc so dcur to every boys heart jed was 12 years old nnd the only boy in school of tlihlage who did not possess a sled lit ing handy with tools he could have manufactured a very good snbstitatc but he hud no time except ing sundays and he would as soon have thought of disobeying his father as work ing on sunday and he must manago some wju excuse you in the eyesight of tibd o never entertiin invited company on the lords day i nd pay no visits unless to the sick and needy asuctsof benevolence 4 never engugs in anything cither on the lordb or on tny secular day which wiucompromisoynurchristiau consistency ti seek to do giodto the souls of your family aud all otl crs within your reach 0 always remember that you are to stand before the judgmentseatof christ ip 1 iiavkluxo 1 never on any plea whatever travel on the lords da 2 make your irrangements to tpp if possible in some ilace whero you cau en joy suitable religious privileges 3 if at a public house or watering place on the lords da do not mingle with in discriminate conpany keep your j own room as much as tossiblc and be edgaged in such a way as may make the day pro fitable to your soul and honourable to your god ii kvcry day fiid or make time for your privutjeduties of reading meditation self- examination and prayer j 5 curry tracts md good boolcs with you j to read dibtribut or lend according to j circumstances i jg seek opportu li ties to do goodto the souls of those into vyjiose society you may i fall ways been fed oil living fowls fltuuecall ed for tjiree chickens from the hen coop two hard stones do not grind small- taking ilieselbetlirew one in the face of who wants to steal potatoes must not for- each tiger get the sack the chickens seemed simply motionless i r is not good to choose women or cloth glued to tiiespotko instaiitaneous was the fixing of teeth and claws flense then went deliberately tip to a tiger coolly took two to divide if 5 by cuuilleliglrr what is theluse of a kiss unless there be ng the loose skin of the back of the neck frith one hand unl the root of the tail with the other and plotting out his full strength draggedhhe heavy brute along the deck lo the cage and forced it through the open bars the chicken diversion acted perfectly the brute had no object but that of retiiin- ing its prey it grottled fearfully its eyes biased its crashed through the chicken its unsheathed claws clasped and pierced the quivering body redhot irons would hardly have made it loose its grip on the bird j then the keeper and i helped fleiise in carrying the other two tigers into the cage author of three yean of a wanderer life odilfklialavshli axil te3hkak who has got luck need only sit ut home with his mouth open those are the fattest fishes which fall back from tholin into the water on the great subject qf temperance grand master douogh gives no uncertain sound in hisaddress in thegrand lodge n should be a matter of pride to every- oddfellow ihatiu 1823 years before any of tho greatt temperance societies were organized oddfellowship took a giant stride in advance of the social customs of the day and by tie maryland reform abolished the host the beermug aud de- ifjis of tliofsohf l tlrere never was a gcotj war or a bad peace i care not how much intelligence you have if you cannot exhibit it yon look like an ignoramus truth subsists eternally aid finally triumphs over its enemies because it is eternal anovstieng even as god himself the philosophers of the world will con cede that the elements of which yon and i are composed ara eternal yet they believe that there whs rt time when thero tvjis no god when the hour of death comes that comes to high aiid low then it is not what we have dene for ourselves brit what we have done for others that we think on most pleasantly living ox skuimed milk louis herbst who keepb 4- saloon is camden tj s and who is one of the best known gerpians in south j erse celebrated yesterday his third anniversary of a skim- canter from the lodge room orits precincts med milk diet mr herbst is largefine- ly formed man of about liityv aib of age agiiiu and again has the sovereign grand i lodge reufnrined this law and declared 7 never by dead or conversation appear v that vhilc total abstinence is uot on to be afcliumed of your religious profession 8 remember yrju aro to stand jieforetho ned selected the groceries wind i hjs mother had desired him to purchase and then asked have yon any float boys shoes that i have some nloiuitrn lejiliod the jolly merchant producing them they are high ones almost as good as boots he continued the price said ned one dollnrseventyfive ned hesiiatf d for a moment aiid then said timidly 1 want them verv nuch but i have only one doilaraudjahlilf well wcllsml mr jones vi jo onsly applying the imgcutter you shall have oiein we wont let twentylive cents stand in the way of a bargain ned took the money from his pock it and placed it on the counter no need for him to count it he iin4 done that too many stake silver times to admit the possibility of a mi the sight of so many small piecespf j h worden hello i pause and consider that home t rill be to your own interest to patron izo trade- we would respectfully inform the tantfl of acton aud burroundiug country that earcagmnin full running order and iu h position tliau before the fire to fill all entrusted to us to parties building mber will be dresseh bettei order while neatu ni for lumber shingles and lath i fphc uuiersigued desires to inform the public 1 that he has now on hand and wihknei in stock a full hue of vine and hemlock well as other kinds of lumber also first and seconot class 1iue shingles lath coal wood i having purchased tbe coal business otiirc ft smith 1 am prepared- to supply all jtwof stove coal ihavealsoa gowl stock of w pod hardrood ashcodar and mill wood at reason able prices wood and coal delivered james brown other way to buy the coveted treasure aroused good mr jones curiosity bit not early in spring he hud commenced lioard- wishing to appear rude by asking queitionb ili pv j- i ed down hitroustrs legs as they pickou tift in niifiriinalinn nf trn rinmtrwf ininrnf lm ndbfld in n rnlmiapn tri t ii r ing iii anticipation of tho coming winter he asked n a careless nay and every penny that he could obtain hadpt yon better try the e hoes u my are selling tbe bell organ in the above j honestly went to swell the sled fund by boy 1 tliey look rather small f c r you territory is obtaining litem in some unsdtis i fe last of september ho had saved one ned hesitated for i a moment and then factory way or is selling a secondhand dolar bat he 5 wi luy m 8 blnb ie btoryf of potjr jonnief instrument i notice proprietor recom mended the bell organ to cnstoroer tbe i ono as possible to pay for my long waiting i prayer when ho had oonclodpd th s good aud so chink chink chink had occasion ally bounded in the little iron bank nntil indisputable reputation of this organ is j wlien thefiret8n0wcilme 50 cents soch thut all dealers recommend to custo- i ua been treasured judgmentseatj of hrist let me entreat you to read these items of advice over im over again nnd pecur them in every tin e of temptation they are life affections e warning of- one who knows the danget of your sitiiatiou and whose hearts desire and jiraycrto god it ii that you mhy maintain your christian integrity honor god live in obedience to 1 is will and enjo the peace which can doolie spring from a conscience yoid of of fence because lie love ofgod is shed abroad in the heart ir bttmi l 1 littiji laughs the wise head tmt makes a sight draft on a sensible heart will have his paper honored with full payment of common sense whitehall tim guest at siimner hotel who is thatj distinguished looking young man wiping disheb proprietor that is mr emerson a thunderbolt struck a small boy in mlddleton n y he other day ahd scoot- merchant added two pair of wam woollen hose and wrote on the paper containing in answer to johni ie i more j them i prayer on his way to school this morning of i should really like to witness th you wait and mouldings ic made with- ss and despatch we are also prepared to fill all orders pumps on sh rt notice and from long experience iu the busim ss wo feel confident that wo cau givcsat- isfocti m every time so come on with your orders and helpto roll tho ball along money inakcc the more go whether she has legs or no tiios ebbage manaticr clw kelly opposite post oflice guelph my warerooui is well stocked with musical instruments including 1iunos organs guilars baujos viohus harmonicas und accordiaus also a full line of the latest sheet music aud am receiving newinstuluicuu daily 0 w kelly -right- the pall wi i be here before you know it bat kisnneyblios dom mutual fire insurance company or the ssijaushtidlsm head office cuelph nurcs iul lii5kflercbaikliseiliuuxetorlef and all other dimriptioni of propcety w lreuiluin note byirtem f w swae ojias jjavidwn resident sectetuy- jdhntaxtml igect v nion boot shoe store main street acton have anticipated its early arrival and laid in a splendid stock of bcbots shoes ic for fall wear our eputatioii far good goods and superior value is well established we lean suit you all our curjin department is tt mtojjiutj firstclass work as usual w tb gocjd itpch and repairing is al rrays proniptlyand neatly done nney bros to the front ok all competition vk place olk elegant and substantial goods oo- splendid in quality 1 complete in assortment overflowing in generous uuigains mens womens and childrens i boots and shoes rubbers overshoes c t prices that always lead to speedy sales lowest prices i consistent wit11 good quality ouutom work and repairinr promptly attended to williams mill 8treet acton 4 ii m mm w w fl salesmen wanjted aro in want of afcriv mora nrstclass men tocenvass fbr the sale of ebplce varieties at nulrsery block to men who can mako a i uccei of tho business we can pay good salaries r eon mission and givonemianent emmpyroent j v hi vo many new and choice ipeculties both utile io no which i write he had stopped at the store and priced the sleds and ah tuck a beauty that he could get for 81 50 he had never expected to possess onehalf as nice dur ing school hours his mind had been so tilled with it that when the teacher pronounced the word misled he spelled eled sled ned blushed the scholars tittered and even the teacher could nut suppress a smile bnt noticing that his eyes had been wandering out of the window and divining where his thoughts were she kindly ex cused him bring your sled tomorrow nod shouteda half dozen voices in chorus when school was dismissed let me christen it give riie n ride me too me too continued a babel of voices from the midst of a shower of snow ballf ned swung his cap around his head bowed laughingly riht and left in acquiescence and started home i say ned said harry somers after they had walked a short distance lets go round by the store and ask mr jones to put the sled aside some qne else might get it you know and itv tho only large one in town oh 1 yes certainly i will do anything to please tbe boys goodnaturedly asserted mr jones when ned timidly requested him to lay the sled one side was once a boy myself hecontinned grasping ned by tbe shoulder and i giving him a playful shake and now my lads is there any thing more i can do for you j no thanks politely replied the boys audleft the store to walk separate roads home i ned had proceeded scarcely a quarter of a mile when these words in a chijdish treble arrested his attention bear jesus- rned paused to apeertain from whence the voice came and after assuring himself it was from the wretched abode he was passing known us the home of v drnok en jim he cautionsly drevyi near tho broken window aud listened i dearjesus inanuna says you are eery awful good and will hear evenljittle ragged boys like me when we pray dear jesubr mamma gays yod cau dp aiiytuipg jqu make my lacks litue belbal forced tempeihiice rs a cardinal princi ple of the order aiid though it has refused to pass a law prohibiting dealers in intoxicating liiiiiors from obtaining membership in the order it has laid emphasis upon ihe fact thut it i is left to local lodges- to determine by the i ballot what is meant by good moral ehar- acter temperance fentimeiits have undoubted- i ly made great progress during the past few years many societies which formerly j celebrated tlieir annual gatherings by i dinners at which liijuorb were allowed have substituted water and gained thereby the npproval of tho community oddfellowship cannot afford even- if no higher end wew to be served to lag behind j public senliiycht on this question aiid if we t would command the respect of the public improve our memberb morally and intel j lectually and fulfil the mission of the order by warring against vice in all its forms we must ad here- closely to the wise and whole some restrictons which have been thrown tracy bancroft wlio delivered the mngui ficet oration on the ideality of life at j around us in regard to the use of intoxica- i yajomouth conn aencement burlington tingiiijuors free pre j oddfellowship and the barroom have him up he exclaimed with agonizing earnest ness oh teacher ill be good bur lington free preis in these days of of things it would all the tramp a iowell g7iuil a new society will it wash progressive all sorts be quite in kqeping to nothing in common and the pure robes of onr order must never besmirched by the touch of the saloon a fvxny bit ofxhakity i saw an old mini the other day who jike several other persons i met looked ex ceedingly warin suddenly stop to eye a progressive parasite- wm ioqked e warmer than t0orellatiov ix 1het 111 is hf ex- ihreo-vears- nraedmilk and butter 1tu hovel is to be entitled i itrefersjto thetrarap welkuow blamed vjell vhat the answer will ailctrote rnit and ornanientil llnef whicli other handle apply at oncoith referencess i want to anaont you please hay bbotheb8 i tha n d he kreymsboihebtejily pp tue natty arms k rjam m m and save word ibbut stockings and herb thev arand mamma do yon finv jbjus wjnit ttiey bin dulyjatrivinb me z yrecirandjb went tjiey nre sanely ip aabver jo yur iarty withhib stt prayer my childfor here itis bitten nsl sawe good angel brought ther i bi fc do not lei m forget to think iilan wjth the tears etill streaming down her fao sh clasped her hand around thi i child and sss fellow joy on receiving themjsai 1 mr jones and calling to a clerk he said here frank 1 am going oat for t few minutes you please attend to bnsuie s d ar my abseuce yes bir rcspectfnlly repliid thelclerk and mr jones donued his great coa and accompanied ived as far- as joli inies house they passed a short distance byond the house and deposited the gnoeries iu a safe place itetnming they ca itiousl re- movkd a bundle of rags frpr i biokeu windowpane pushed the shoss thrmgh and stationed themselves where they i ould see without being seen the kttentii n of neither johnnie nor his mother wai at traded nntil the slioes struck the boor with a thud mrs black turiied qn ckly etround and johnnie clang to uer wih a little gesture of fright bnt perceiving the parcel she picked it np and carried it to the light johnnies curiosity had iver- come his timidity and he stood by fit shed aud eager questioning excitedly while his mother undid the bundle the mo nen t the shoes were brought to view his ager questioning ceased and he stood regai ding them with parted lips clasped hands and a look of reverential awe then bu ying his face in his mothers apron lie sobl id in hib excess of joyi mrs black sea cely less effected than johnnie waited for him to become calm and then turning the parcel oyer she caught sight of theibj orip- tipn and exclaimed yhy jolinnio have you been praying for shoes oh yes mamma do you think esas sent them yon kiio you said if j 6uld unfortnni te porter bjj a good loy jtesua wipuld ansveiiny prayorj and i tried haa to be good lor a long time and tlien jl prayel and ohf mamnia ho nnist havo knovfet wliat was tl linking fori never said one wiord j bout i 1 know sweet songs i it poet hasonrgratitude tabway a poet writes cannot sfug th somervillo journal the old saying i osent read poets are borp old maids tat a gcjod many wouldbe poets are just the same somerville jour nal i paws fbr a reply says the dog when hoasksforalump ofsugar new haven oh tassar girl tour tears will drop v3iou yon info nayour chuni that theres a fa luiro intlc crop of clurtting gm i boston courier we have coasec to hate tlie man who practices on the co met we just pity him apbltisneighbors n b we are not one ojbis neighbors lowell cithfii asoveiiekix did it the following st dry is told of an under- graduate of trinit about forty years back one night being e igaged to an incollego sapper he anfortn lately did not reach the gate tillfivaminutjs past ten after ten no outcollege man conld enter nor could any incollege mar go out the young man however rang the 5 iell and tohim appear ed a vision of an underporters face re- conrioitririg throng li the peephole of coutse refuiingsdniittaik e aud saying ft its as is worth mrib to let persuasively wills much as my pkee you in toiim 1 sovereignidd it the tcmptatn was toiq great well mi slipitiuiderthe b iaid he janitor tate sir the aouttduly ppearinrii thegati rjjyas gently opened bnt no sooner waab i iside than seizingi the by the collar be liurled him into die stret and barred him out oried mr bi for hea- oh mr bhc yens aaki i- letliie a sir its aa much as my place is worth he situai ion fron iviil do it slip it other principle tha taught he and i was amusod to see him walk np to the exhausted animal and begin to fun his head i really think the horse smiled at least his look of dejection anu suffering immediately disappeared it was a kind act for a stout old party in a sweltering seersiicker devote his only fan to a poor cabby itwss not so common a sightasto see a harvard senior fan a lovely girl on clabb day bnt itwas more disinterested a feeling that i had witnessed the scene somewhere before in a comic guise made me smile as i walked away i was puzzled for a moment to know whence the reminder came but finally recognized that llie recol lections of titania and the donkey headed clown had been stirred by this mod em bight yet i felt that the old fellows kind act was wronged by such a thought he is one of the men wlnvhelp to compen sate for the wrong8jdorie the animal kiug- dom on tho streetkboston pod what jimmy wanted to know if there is anything about the lesson you do not understand said a snnday- bchool teacher who had beeii explaining tho crossing of the bed sea just name it and i will endeavor to inske the matter clear jimmy williams wants to ask a ques tion said tobo green very good what is it that you wish to know jimmy questioned the teacher suavely whero was moses when the light went out 6ang out jimmy in a 6iueaky voice to him b master of within a sovereigu under jthe gato the thepbrteriwas readmit- to enliven the bnpper- y- god lias pne mde of saving men and women and yoac mnot be saved upon aiiy i that which jesus christ ueneuols bltnotjlst an eccentric character in scotland was on his deathbed the lawyer who was writing to bis- dictation havingwritten down legacies of i j00 to this person and 81004 ti that and so on at length laid downhis pen saying but i donjt be lleveyou have all that money to leave oh wauithereply- i keh that as well as jouj but 1 just want to bhow tlicm my goodwill 1 thrift of time will repay you in after life with a nsuryof protit beyond your most sagnjne dreams there y4y go again to set those beautiful cabinet photos at the metropolitan studio acton 3sopei dozen for ohemowli duly ending sept 1st ahd dont you forget it 1 h irb v- and weiehs about two hnndrbdj pounds three years ago he was afflictac with 6tys papsia aud kidney troubles andifasfldviseda by- his physiciafito try a diet of ekimmed milk exclusively i j s he tried the remedy ior a couple of months and was so benefited tytho diet that he determined to try it for lyearj at the expiration of the latter perif d mr her bss health was almostj perfect far from becoming thin or emaciated flcosi tha long- contiuell nseof skimmed milk luaform was if possible even more roiun 1thah be fore and by the advice of his doctor he dd- cided to adopt skimmed milk clubire diet permaneutlj- for be has eateu or drank adsolute y nothing but the article narued not evep water- and decla rcl to h3 friends wlio isited him that lie proposed to contiuve ski and dispense jvith steaks bread and beer for ifce rest of liis life probablyonopf the most mernorablecir- curiistances in the long reign of queen vic toria is the initiation and rise of the co- operative idea iu connection wit the trade and industry of the united kingdom the cooperative proprietary of grekt britain and ireland now own land whole streetsof dwellings arid almost townships they oc cupy and own stately warehouses in man chester and london in newcasfleoiityne and iu glasgow they operate aibansrwith transactions amounting to 980000000 a year they possess over 1400 stiresj doing a business of 8150000000 annually they own share capital to the amoaufi of nearly 850000000 they number 800000 members who make over 813000000 inl prohts annually- during the last twentyfive years they have done a business of over 81800- 000000 yielding a prolit of nearly 8150- ooojooo they have ships on iji sea life- boats on the coast have invested in canals in bngland and in trading companies in america- they own libraries issue a newspaper erectpablicfountains6ub8critie to hospitals and charities establish science classes and rent or own newsrooms people- demand ritotemospajasxt m what are they asa general thing they arc prescriptions having been inse4 with great beccess by old and wellread physi cians thousands of invalids have beeu unexpectedly cured by their usei and they are tho wonder and dread of ifhysicians ahd medical colleges in the u si so much so that physicians graduating at medical colleges are required to disconntenahce proprietary medicines as through them the country doctor loses his most jrofitable practice asamuuufaclurcr of proprietary medicines dr 6 g green ofwoodbury n j advocates most cordially in order to prevent tbe risk that the sick and afflict ed are liable to almost daily by the use of j patent medicines put out by inexperienced i persons for aggrandizement only and the employing of inexperienced and inconr- petent doctors hywhichalnmst every village j and town is cursed aud men claiming to- be doctors who had better be uudertakerf experimenting withj their patients and rob- j bing thetn of their ijioney and health for j the good of the afflicted that our govern- ment protect its people by making laws to regnlnte the practice of medicine by better experienced and more thoronghlj educated phy6ioians andthereby keep up the honon j and cridit of the profession also form lawsj i for the recording of recipes of proprietary i medicines under examination and decision of experienced chemists and physiciaus appointed for that pnrpdso by the govern- ment before iley ie lkeiiecu for general us he would hiost freely place the recipe j i of bdschees german syrup and greens angqst flower uiiiier snch laws had fie the pioperptotecticnaud thereby save the j prejudice of tho people aud avoid the com- petition and imitation of worthless rhedi- j ciues copied from the chicago mail 1 aig3s7 j- i vsft ffllfe

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