Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 25, 1887, p. 2

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mm- born umesrru lnwrvil xy on the lath aucurt the trite of mr mfouk tlirrctt ot datightef howrrrlu iih- iv the lotli aiutunt the wire of drhoftitt of twhw taukhteni 8t0xti iiitrouto tn the 7th ins the wife of nr k ptovel of mtrujjhtcr stowlin nvisnilpct on the rth iiikt the wife of mr johustovoltof a son pktntr on hunlnv31t ancnrt the wife of it vv lvtrie lakscller of rtatikhlci disd hvvt at svdtirv utmll on tho 27th lutio of tviihoiit fever kit inloved noil of kit ami jne stout ltocliwvyl iil il ver deeply lvcrrttt amtstbosiiiikiivn ou stiumv ifie uh auenktjnhn s armstrong koil vj er 1 iiioiilhaiut lftiur kimuso fu acton on the ixtlratiktisliviiitim frtpunoii aiei si yearn- vvannxn at crdur creek fmnt near acton on thi lit ausnt kev alex warren kkoi xt year t uton fnt fjrtss thvuspay aluivstaa is87 xotks am commknts a model scientific temperance instruc tion law was passed ly the lenialaturo of vermont in 115 no money can be paid for public schools unless temperance is taught to all pupils in nil grades 0d1 nation services j h maim of tli west end lunchrooms st thomas who was recently fiued joo and oosu fir violating the scott act was arrested by serjeant ltoss yesterday auil lodged in jail in default of payment of the fine andcosts ft an investigation by- the department of agriculture into the alleged existence of plcuropneunioma among cattle iu western ontario shows that the disease has abso lutely no existence in the point edward quarantine district only a few thousand yards of grading re main unfinished on the red river valley railway counectiug mauitoba with tho eastern lines the provincial government is credited with the determination to com plete the road in spite of local or other obstacles those who take an interest in the fate of stanley will be relieved to see that tie rumors of his death arc without foundation he was well wheu heard from on jane 19th at the rapids of the arunimi and it is a physical impossibility for news to reach the west from him siuce that date the pronytargr tattrma th tut duttw pfirtat ilng to uii betttoracnt of rot j 7 irao oyw knox 9hvuroh 1xtkkes1 ixjtt am dtpuksnivk skitvmtp tuesday the ilhrt of aiwuat 1w will loiik be remembered na onoof tho most in- tercating and important days in tho history of knox church acton it was the oe- casion of the ordination nnd induction of nov jaineo w ltao into the paatorate of the churcli and was attended with tho usual soloion and imprcasivo ceremonies prescribed ty the presbyterian church for such occasions tho induction of a minister over a pre byterian congregation is an event which in the natural order of things occurs but pneo or twioc in a goneratton hence unusual in- trvaat was centered in tho one referred to and as that interoet was not confined to the membership of the church directly con cerned the attendance was very largo aiid the attentive elders had their hands and heads fully occupied in arranging comfort able seating accommodations for the vast concrekatibn which aasomblod thk hkiitkus at two oclock the members of tho guelph presbyfory who were present rev dr torrance moderator awl revs j a r dickson gait dr wardropc guelph j b mullan fergus dr smel lier fergus 17 strachan rockwood arch blair nassagiwcya and elders chas davidson guelph and peter mann acton accompanied by rev dr mitchell of jersey city nj dr laidlaw hamilton and k phillips aoton fylod out of tho vestry and took their places on the plat form thk oltmnation sehmon rev arch rlair of naasagaweya who was appointed to preach the sermon of the day opened the service by announcing the 100th psalm tho 14th chapter of romans was then read and the rev gentleman led in prayer after singing the with psalm he took for his text romans 14 17 for tile kingdom of ikxl is not incut nnd drink but righteonsups and peace anil joy in the holy oluwt from this text he read a carefully pre pared sermon embracing many practical thoughts and scriptural deductions the snbjuct was divided into two principal headings the kingdom of god and the characteristics of the kingdom tho form- i er treating of the king of kings the iws j ooujratu atod tho oongrcg ition ipmjjtlrelr cholio o si wlnlitar auci rlrr tt mi and spolotn very ooniineodatiiry tcr mi ofrov mr llae wbom moinwnip lutl jhitliorto beet feeli met lu 1 iamilton prmby t ry ltelorred in lift t rms to old astool tllont hi job loric i of kiiax ohuic aetr n on tud i aiutod mombcrs pasoodj a dr m toholl o jertcy dity mcrly of belleville made a ipetch lull of good udviio ant ooui agev icntt words of oongratulatiou to in pcoiilo verb extended by llov ardion i churchhill who borfe wis icb o tiio coiikrcratioiml bo ly rov mullan of fergui a characteristic address he moto pltjasuro in attending ind vice 1 o had received a right 10 jaiid welxnne ho congratulated higlilan lers of tho congrgatiou largsuofi littl diflorcnces which in turulw s aod out ffvor if a gaclio prcaclier an g intlio call to a man r ot now yosivo go yoai tly ioinu spor kor he niiid dont shirk work dot ileal met us i i tho work of saving rsv georgete oxt ndetl chi roh 6tand b inal ions onpplc of heart in hiving in k their tlio good method hopid so n to see a grand now charih whore tho m c no now stniids an 1 witdi h1 thorn all godspeeil rov mr htrachan wa now oliliged to rcti c an 1 his placo was lakon ip mullau appj bid sacred iu past ajvay y for happy droat on itor and rich i ho good tlioro lollmvod in nivcr folt ic ion ser ai high- tho old urlou their dont si pco 1 iju heart- auaolio ihinistor tstvohiin pu uhvays lis ho iv g wallace w ii was tho nnxt sppajcer ho tho congratulations ot of the in u bibtir town spoko noty to i e enjoyed by tho and asked them privileges enjoin duties their pastor and ueinlx in to ron askt d to work in conjti iction with other ho said tho peoploliejt ere act- ton the church would to a if the orangevole constable had filled coffins with the raartil remains of the whiskeytraders who assailed him lately he would have been doing thp province a ser vice these men are toof low to dishonor themselves- but they distract the town whicli is cursed by their presence british law ought to be lnggcrthau a mob of rum- sellers toronto ttlrgram the toronto carpenters after having been oat on strike for ten weeks have gone back to work this is one of the longest strikes on record and it is creditable to the toronto carpenters that it was conducted in an orderly way ko illwill exists fce- tweerr the employers and employes but it can scarcely be said that the absolute wisdomof the striae as a remedy for labor grievances has bec demonstrated and hoped they sugtestiiin with refcrenco rev r phillips after ckprcssjin himself as the bearer of frfttema his congregation to knoa uev pastor pronounced being present to participate in the of t lie div he reviewed the ruling the kingdom the subjects who are the sinners created anew through jesus christ and the glorious consummation of the kingdom in the new jerusalem under the second division were righteousness peace and joy in the holy ghost the ser mon was ranch appreciated and was a very fitting discourse after singsng the tllst paraphrase uev dr torrance reviewed the circumstances attending the vacancy of knox churclj pul pit the snbsequent call to mr itae and his acceptance of the same and stated that all requirements having been complied with the presbytery had granted permission to x afternoon and evening and the exceeding kindness pre railed he was pick of bis good brother r amongst us and already felt drawt toward i bin with the feelings wh he desired his cooperation ii mo al and social questions whiuh the community wished the blesi iug of god on thn now through rev r 1 oook church extended its complinhci spo ke of the pleasant bocial iut er oarse he has the had ma h be during tho past thirty pastors of knox church sue these fraternal feeling invoked pastor mr ii gsto ordinate and induct him i the damages on account of the accident on the peoria toledo western will not beshort qf moooouo probably 80 people will have died and 5000 is the limit that- can be collected for a clead person this one item will figure up 1w000 the seriously wounded may collect 10000 or 15000 eaih ada to this the loss of busi ness and the damage to property and the disaster will cost the company a round sum we take issue with the herald and de clare that its statement is nottrue and that bo far from the scott act beiuo failure anywhere it is much better observed than the license laws if violations of the scott act are evidence of its failure then the license act is the biggest kind of a failure all laws may bo said to be failures on the same ground ths ten commandments are violated every dry are they therefore failures thorubury ynr- summer tours to europe are getting to be tjnite a common affair among the wage workers of america said a new york steamship agent lately the queens jubir lee of coarse drew an unusual number o english over to the other side bat english irish and scotch residents in the united- states visit their native cbnutries in in creasing numbers every year the excur- oos are of all kinds mill operatives mechanics and employes in various trades and businesses they have got ahead in america and they want to show their fine feathers over there the usual doctrinal and other questions were then preferred and satisfactorily answered by mr rae after which ht was ordained jy the laying onlef hands by the ministers and elders of the- presbytery and visiting clergymen wev dr torrauce offered the ordination prayer at tho con- i elusion of which itey mr itae was declared inducted into the charge of knox church with all the rights and privileges thereto pertaining uiiuis to thk illntstkk dr wardropc addressed the milliliter from i timothy i 12 let no nuui devpl- thy youili hut he thou ail example of the believers in wont in couver- sation in charity in spirit in foith nlid iu parity sound and practical words of admonition and encouragement were spoken andmauy points of value gleaned by long years of personal experience in the ministry were i kindly given by the dr he recommended i the sublimity of paul the fervor of peter j and the faithfulness of john and enjoined i the minister elect to preach christ do work of an evangelist make full proof of j his ministry- andjook and work and pray for reat things in the salvation of souls amlress to the ikolu in addressing the congregation rev mr strachan spoke of the importance of the event both to knox church and the sister churches of acton he urged the congre gation to workiwith their minister for the salvation of sonls the great work of the church is not performed by tho minister alone but by minister and people unitedly i assisting to bring sinners to christ re- i ferrcd to the duties of the congregation services he tiopel in linie through gods blmsmg op the jh i strachaii of iuecji vaij much iiirprcsse 1 of the day wit i simi gol to lc more direclv conccriet spuke aciou alter cal deiote i mister ot the lit j noyrij iarrtox u ru6jrnfifkson xattliai ntlltojlt anl li div in a formtr unlleilri waid reofad the re ulu in gragw growlug at the ntarip ajfri onltural oollex gnplph parpoto in thli uwlnii our experfenoa ii fruit treoi and it will ho obacrjod tint our aevorc ollmuto oonditiuui aro as dlialstrous to tho orohurd a to the vine arj the site for un uitlurd wui oommlltco of tho fruit grow era aooiu tian in 1880 it embraced o which owtilg to tho fulluro o hai been krcatrlcled- 1 itely t twalvo acfea this von pli great variety of frt it life i thirty foot aimrl ami cqul each other accnrdinti to wl called tlio hrthmiil n elliod iu the ural yenr tic rlv evt i ilidiuutingitliat the planning 1 flkoltdctow fin ohpttcitbil the erection of theflne now proaby r trimti n to chare os of to if ino tho church lau cliuruli in joorjetowii peciul prominciiet tlio ttltjectof and in casting u glanco at tho turcbci that town thovlaltor isaoon couvlucci tho fact that very few towns or 7llliiet ftllj possess altoli iniifociiily lolootvd hy i ronteon aores many irocbi i mi urea of nted with a i ho apples by mr id of churoh pirivilcges of knox eftjberthat them to for god chribliandenom tit jia from groc cho cl his ileisuro at bcrvioes the aidtassos ot re oiced in of feeling which ed with ns ich ar i b fothetiy io great concern iu css aud itious baptist u ho el h eirswitli wonli mighty revival all others had spoken mr ed u ii and in few hut til lit jj words addressed the people ovtr wh tint day been placed lie felt hail dincted him to acton ami is whole time to he iutrcated the bhssing of of tin the servi so of the the and congregation tale pleasure iu working will ministers aim others for tlio snch mi iral aud social mnvemc iti calulated to be of benefit to theoor imnuity he entered upon liib duties with a s of spirit and entire depein lei god for guidance the services were iiitcrsptrjjed with iiishndanthemsinosk crolito dercd b the choir their mnsi and when it was felt enjoyed tl tlse of the organ addd so ira the excellence of the singing much vrender to the ccmmuiii socuerar later adopted to pcrfo im ite function in connection w itli grosutianal singing at alii the stjrv he meeting was closetby doology and the benediction w by revjb b ccjk thus closed oue of tho prominent among which were two of great j wiuth holy ghost an3 folly i importance pray for your minister and pay ycnr minister promptly it is a rich privilige for a minister to live among a praying people and the first charge of though tlit yfir does not agree with at people should be to settle with god the prohibitionists in thinkidg the country j for i servant the first debt to be paid ripe for prohibition- or believing in the i the niohi iiaki or huwsiiip beneficial operation cf the scott act we j the ri hantl of fenowship was then must admiie tbe ground taken by gome of j extended to rev mr rae hy the members their leaders as regards partyism hon j tie presbytery b finchs remarks at georgetown camp feception were right to tire point its a bad day most and enjoyable social gatherings acton and have no doubt a ilo spirit cf christian fellowship congregitions of acton will repblt mr lae comes here reomm nted ou all sidies as a minister of i he gosjcl filled co lsecrnud an 1 leading esteucr- favorite iu heartily iihes him paitc ru coiincc to he afterwards held a own torrcsidcjn he great work of preaching to repentance i e ib et ru getjic a good preacher and social circles the kun pin weliom him to acton and ior the country he eiid pot chains round their necks and willingly follow the chariot of political bondage unfortunately too many of those who cheer buch utterances bhow tjipmselves on election day the veriest slaves of faction it is largely owing to their failure to iri- and was introduced to each member and adherent and other friends when men will present by mr d henderson adjournment was then made for tea and everybody was invited to sit down and par take of the bounties long tables with their snowwhite coverings were placed on the green beside the church- they were loaded with good things of every description would be much sooner attained than other wise t fuse a spirit of independence into the rank in tile f provisions sabstantials and and file that prohibition has made so little j dapties were provided in great abundance progress toronto jvw the vera never j and as eacn was relieved of ltsbtirderi came to a more tenable conclusion and if j a new lnd u possible more temptingsopply prohibitionuts generaliyi would bury their j was immediately forthcoming and every- political feelingswhich frcquenuy x- j oue beartily welcomed to partake elude their better convictions prohibition without money and ttithout price the ladies a luiox church are not often called upon jo i ovide anything of the kind but when they ore their guests liave found that they eitccl iii calinary skill in their liber- ilvth ok gajjtostjf astkb thejr j mr w quurrie postmaster at gait died tea wak iiuch enjoyed suddenly on thursday morning at 130 i to ini towiasce t he had been ailing for some time bat in the interval between the tea and the lately had quite improved in health and evening meeting rev dr torrance who was able to attend to business at the office has acted as moderator of the session of hewenitliome on wednesday feeling as knox cliurdi during the vacancy of ihf well as usual but ubont eight oclock it pulpit was presented by mr d henderson was noticed that he had fainted internal in behilf of the congregation withj a gold- hemorrhage had set iu medical aid was headed cane suitably inscribed dr tor- at occe summoned but was of no avail as j ranee ieplied in iiappy terms he bad en- joyed msconoectioii wit the cotigiegation and had always perfornied the duties whioh e theprooeod- evdry success in his new tio n cltkwkoxs iixkh lot gnm nurtvst borne th kt owii g enongh to nam the i or roe of in fo mat on bat however corre it he wbi ever did to u det erviuj in thai otjofiii uie ioinjg of ihoae wlio i oiubioii of hub bright aud iiriiiiin ptctnro battles to try aold at ten cei defy liw and order i tome death soon claimed him mr juarrie was appointed poritmaster in 1877 r sltlikils kikk ix 3iakkiux j fell npiiw him withjileasore ings ware informal and of ccmnte jail the muikuam aug -21- shortly before three more ejajoyable tbjrcwlb wuwretged oclock this morning a fire broke imt at tho j a the jewellery atore of mr ooorgehyna rear end of the murkham printing tbb wdiwo vbbtwsi office mr chauncey and family barely i le evening meeting wa also largajyat- escaped with their lives the fire extended j tended in order to show tha spirit of south burning mr floinings piano and j cnriatiaii fellowship prevailed between the organ store owned by mrb marr and two i two congregationsbev b pmllirwahdrew stores and dwellings owned bvmr moore j le tuesday evening service in the metho- of eglihton on the north fide mr h h j diet church and the members of this oon iteesors heautiful residence caught fire on gregation a wwn almost en indue to ye- the cornice and burned the speight i jolce with their p wabytwriw frfenda in lw manuiacturiug companysuowerfal steam eitleine0krje pomp began to play at once bat being aiid tharrivaj of aad4jticarnbeaw short of hose had to send to clarry tot chrirtin the town eebiiisons woollen wills for extra wwe j hevmr staraohan of bookwood wee before the stream could be brought to bear to te jciiair ant ttt tnsktingnw m mr rectors house wliich was fortliert wed jwjtfe an htboay the ohohaiind avjay from the pump vu iifcflrlv consumed by bmdr uhim of itoiltrjri m unu ined that oar icl pro lil itory law i lie october numlier a bi wee no kood aunndliew a hv a stock law proh bltinf at larg of attue slieep ind pi s fo itotai loss about u00o bt laidlaw was the first speaker he in the kdtja ifiis a im w trusted ohtinuc irch and college- vith the he had ijbal god ic would pcrotion hiuieeh i fellow- success of as trcre bly ren pir m ncli all that side turned dark co ill not be i if i how hat tlie harvest is prac lie illy over wly c nnot every furmer tatc a day or tw i for the recreation of 1 imaell ai d family wi see no reason why e cursiens est shot id not include tie sons well as those iu other occupation this sc son iffords more time than i isi al and it weald five hie young people ol t le family a jreal pleasure if a trip wis grimsby park to hear sam jones to niigari to sec the palh to lltskoka to re el a onid the beauties of th i jskos to hi milt n ueaeh to iuhi ic the la te broetses or even to the credit i jrks to scramble ov r t te rocks the modi 1 farm ut gi elph and many other placta might be named to which farmer i aud tie r families co dd n ore probtably tace a 1 ol day with i th clii dren than going to lainum or ail ythh ig of that ilk v hat rr orp ip xftac le ttian a whole famil y fo a di ya mutual enjoy mentl the- eceut ticott act i uuea it re the dominion day as air hi re it eetis to w- tb tl e wealing of aba p or ot pis io rout of tho it or so ban to pleaac a c t lo lis detective ire f theeafe of athfcf who stole a blve of jeei of another whb iol rim dime tnrweaui f unoi iter wlto n lived f rsertaxerie of a ease of rattlesnakes ot aid ol atill another wlio co ifltwte tlio aiw all symptoms of dykpbila i rtbm d ol baby that lad uotyw arrived and 7 cenu per liovuf people have american tourist uhroad wall nppoarin bi and its tho fact settled ceswfully dhne the tollijiwliig dit i aro iniijjrtiiiil factoii in account jug fur fiilu cunmtonh kiminoriihinii tin iiit ixicatioi lutitulo nnrlli degrees 118 niinutoj height aliovo hci level 1100 feet tiliovq luke oiilarin fm foci lcxosurc wimtcrl inolii ed to mirth t int ns yot 1 kome vlutt gruvelly yosl sides pirliiilly no shelter of any neco soil cluy louni an on the north and drained j mvsali jmbnt crops lilivo been gri whoiicli ychrin the orchard cliiohy roots three foot on each side on whioh nothing is g kept well currants cultivated acres have bcou plan goosoberrie and which arc intended to mature this porliot is alio thoroughly in auturr n the t oca areunual- cultivatod ly banked liavo been figorcs in brackets u variety plaiitodv pear tio vnricli4s i he be- ospel in i i lino was all havo failed to rcat ii the i evenlh year the few that led a prcsarions cxistenco for a few years have been rooted out viiimi8 varieties the nrviviug ones being lorilwrd 4 l bra uliaw 2 purple egg 3 io carrrienjr18 vaiielijek olikct 1 i miy duke g 7i fyivx vi vmrictic grife jo 111 goli cu lin4itt ii grimes golden pippi 05 yellow ltcllflowi 40 swaars 12 famcuse 10 12 tomkins county 1 kiiihii 1 olitircliod ns our sister town ea uro all compartlveiy fisw lbo uipllst- oliurcli is tho oldci nmbiirht i thorn but in ii t- epnir is built of rel brick iiud its lofty tcwer aiiuoiiiices to tho peoplu for uitlos aro md thut thoro is to bo found n plucolof wnrs lip it was tho llrst church lit town honi rod with u spire tho congrcgatloi alists i ivo dlhliuit from n boautifiil stimo elturch faciuj tho town i is usually gquurc its uiehitictiire is phasing- md i r its interior in very attractive fill georkos clmroli of liiiglnidi it hplcndid toiiu iy tree grow ml been suo- lice stand on i proiiiinciico ill tiv east and prusonls u iuiiiiiiandiiig tlio muliioliiit church lis u c red brick biilliliiw with din- paiapot and ulinl itlwl the noitlioin pint i f tbu ijluce chuich having been coinplcted sust a j or so before the consummation t the union the ltdrnaucutiiolio liody ha couple iiud ice illlrt ml and a strip of land of the lino of trees own 1 ut tho soil is a bolt fivo or six ed wit i raspberries strawberries keep iintjl the trees inchoi i so far we by insects or thoroughly manured mniiure mid a fruits aro second time rinyart the mi nine to tc but little doubled mice tho wholowai tho third vcar with fa the portion on which growing has been mat nred a 1880 at tho jtioio tho tces wdre set out a windbreak was plant 1 on the north and west sides this coi sisls ol two rows of norway spruce eight- feet between the rowa and twelve feet letween the trees the trecb of each row altci hating these trees aro doing well- and will soou en great pro tection from tliewcst rlyiwii ds wliiih pre vail here i hum in the following record f results the iotul of each the i maidens i 2 1 talltnau s vet m7 7 r online lady lla 1 i i i spy 2 rni lku dit pewaukce 2 2 twouty 0 beauty o kent 7 pippin pi 12 chicago i 12 an 21 humble- co upon 2 v alexander 31 russet 111 2v dora 22 so uravcnsuiii 2 2 grubs 5 kjeswick karlv hitvest 2 ludyswcet ricaii golden baton pippin j st lawrence ll codlin 2 tuninur rote 2 2 115 37 beiiom4tl i j rnehun ii ol 737 nlatited duchess of oldeuhiir engluh ij asset 2 red ajt mann 8 10 shiuwafse010 4g0 living 831 dead iu all cases where i he trcef have income i uickly and hac died he bar it is its legit- the con- cc8 iging the pronoun- condition j was attuin occurred in the vitnli seemed retard d uud tree ceatied to live tercsting irheld in ic united ai long the lears to result from ticctci spring sun before the and a proper circulu ion h throughout the whole tree i coxcij sloxk 1 the i climate in this v severe fori raising unv neat little htouo ojinroh built yours ugn and a j credi limited niemberhliip und of that body in gcorgctovln the now piesbyteriaii cb in cniiso of oicction fipoii tho old cluircliwill ho a beautiful building stylo of architecture is in keopingwith iqieiuii hullluli dwel ici- hill it is ft low ear atu a of tho ion ilo ibow to cjwgrcgii n urcli bite of tlio its tho cost of tho chinch thus nil tl o congrijga ttons in town arosupplicd with first c sanctuaries iu which to worship god cliureh building is a thing of the past georgetown so far as tho present gem titjn is concerned only two ot actons cliiirchofl tlio methodist nnd roman ci olic ciii comparo with thiao of gem town in point of prominence comfort beauty but we have great fuith in future uiid from present indication grand new prcuhytcrian church will dedicated witbinvcry few years find if pliinti for enlargement and inipioiemen st albans cliureh are carried out in iced of the anglican minius will alio to shoiv n handsomer editice coigruttiato georgetown upon the crc aulo position it occupies in this respect th- ge- ind the a be the of ow be we lit- plantod aud john mcdonnld xon of alex mc donald kiiip of the third line below ac o i foil from if scaffold in the uitu onod iy ast wick upon a grimmoito by which his left leg was broken in two phices the bone iro trnling through the ilenliilt toddl of georgetown reduced the fracture it is only a eottple of weeks since he full from loud of pciis and hadjiis head and ihouliiers badlv bruised lis stindiiy night the con spadiua avenue methodixt church torn worhippeil for the last time irftiii prcient idin poinne lkwple wagner 2 i iniiceii furthwitli ljaldwiu toyul 13 22 2 king df cauty 2 2 wealthy northern mothcr2 l nee 111 12 ramuo 2 2 fa 1 on tht sjulh i red all ficon as this i a irarked change y of th tree growth in a s iort time the this condition ap is of the warm frost hi left the roots tlie erection of a- iilw and biilliing u scut sixteen iiiiik mil to cot j70hu till be cpm seasojable nc5th3 ll is liie faililt div in a mans lid ici- lie feels aiioniiilcil to gin a tiojllar tioituiikitg for it ctou ioojiiii ooiigh and jlroncl kis lllllllcdilteiy relieved bv sllllollrt c hc sjjild in- x mcgai viii luly writes l was enitblei to remove tlijoecriis root and branch by tho fisc of jvicoru cure others who hftvo ii have the same experience vyiiy will you eongh when shilohsj c rpgatioi of lto lgive immediate relief pri c 10 cei eu aud tl sold jiy x molbarvin ior dyspepsia ami ijivercomplaint ve u printed gurarantce on cry bottl lilohs yitaiiar it never fails to 1 commenced ll si sim hy n mcgarvin the extraordinary popularity of ayrh i c lerry pectoral is the naturalirestiit ol its iso l inttlligoiit jieojilo for over forty yars i it hus proveii itself the aery bestj sjkt iiic for cdils coughs and pulmonary cpm- plaints i a xasul injector free with each boltlif of shilnhs ciiturrh ltjiicdy sold by x mcganiii pricoflo ce icinity is too bat the vary hardiest i of fruit trees our c tpcrieute is borne out by several in this iieigliborliood- uhose j orchaids are yearly liccomiu a thinned oat 2 tlie i varieties wlrreli jiave withstood j our adverse surroundings best nre ben davis alexander tallmnii 8weet fall 1 pippin iinchcsg of oldenbiirji red as- i trachun beuoni wealthy maidens blush i pewaukce st lawrence early harvest 3 the small fruits have c one excellent- i ly to these reference will b made in un- other bulletin 1 i all orchards exposed o windi con- tinuiuj largely from one dirt clionlliroiigli- out the year should have a i rindbreak for shelter oil the sids from w hi di the prcvail- ing wind comes and this slnuld be plant- of inter- m800n l l najire bett r i f toil as lu 1 tna t a spruce ivo kcr l shiiohs catarrh ltemcdyia iosi cure for catarrh diphtherial aud ciii onlli sold by n mcgarvin atarih cured health and hwcet bnjath secured by jihilohs catarrh ltctm ilyi price 50 cents nasal injector free fold j by n mcgarvin j i k p c c jacobs buffalo n y j says dr j thomas eclectric oil cured him of a bad cascof piles of 8 years standjii ha ing i tried almost cvory known remedy besides i tvyo buffalo physicians without re iof i ilit the oil enrcd him he thinks it caifnot j be rccoinmcndcd too highly ajfter years of buffering persons kvho i hlive vainly sought remedical help from- i other sources have obtained thlougdeured relief from northnip lyinaiievegetiblo djiocovcry and dyspeptic cure which but it is not advisable tohave them planted ajstdp to the trirmeutsof dysjxpsia reiiows in ouo row close tngither fof ill sn ii cdsckl abtivily of the bowejls and liver relieves n the treesbecome a harbor for iuieot a taken to rvl two or tliric rowa in i the manner already referred toi in 6f plantiii cao the same 5 tlie hexagonal pluti which tho trees are in evcy distance npart is prefeiiitle bjjciiio 1 litoretrees eiirbe plvnted iiitlio same spiicc i 2 you can cultivnp between the trees in three ways v3tlietree8 have moro jilit midair f orcliarjs shonld bo j wel diaiiied especially where the climate isiscacro mtkuahy x0tehj v is iparjtionlnrly pleasant oaded up l etockwood are cans- nl they are i bcrm 0 ul a strong va they may gi cat owdit the september iitiirtwih 1 rich in tlircc short stories tesldi the two ieiy of descrip tive articles blanche will s howard con tributes a humorous novelette tony the maid illustrated by reitilmrt the con- i iila to tilie- golden lion guelph mcleod anderson have jtiitcft inrgc stock they fcj anxious to get lid of and wo invito tlic jiayi us i hciv lure goo tho si fro 1 1 j cu red ml jjiiflicsftiul gentlemen of 4cton nnd llockwood to visit nikl we tnkethc vespoimbility upon our- s of assuring you that you will be well re- mill on r stock is very attractive this i senso ii byth in iifidies and gentle niene goods during tl k ol io two luonths ot june and july we ehall return tho to itiiytiik from acifoii or rockwood who 4juya 8500 worth to in oarfatunlays or 31000 worth any- other day of the week at w nre o jkis ourstoc our sloe 130 u d w iferi i igfjil endid value up 1vnd sarins dress goods illllinery c 1 aiietsm very huge aiklwell assorted if unys clothing is complete in every line and size v it tin sfhoo here lianil lire ts f 2 of ire jarv ns drug stationery store will reopen paints oils vaviiishes a ptxfchaceyc les all sit irrew school books lar quahtjtiesanclmcgarvli s bor red editions on drpg st0 wiu supply you wih nm caition- on eyerything this hne paln tg cc py becks ink ready toixed in all quantities and pen pencils 6c in large variety i colors mar ins drug and stationer stitje fl its i cai l rttll ccttage or gastle pti iineiuli fi il on nts uiid iws hole tliidios incident to the gentler sct builds up failing health and strength pitrity to the blood biid tone to the n system i i tluilhlns sucrrii it is the duly of every jienjoit who has used bvcttr gcnniui sirup tb let its von- drful qualities be known to their friends in cunrii cousu mpt ion severe coiifihs croup asthma pneumonia in fact all throat and- lun dlseaes no pirson c liiuse if without intmedlate relief 1 hreo duses will relieve imy ease and wp con ijder ii j duty of all drnpklsts to recon lend ii to tho poor dyliu consumptive at icabt 1 1 try one bottle as 81000 c osqii ttles v ero bold last year and no omi case w here flirty was reported such a mediuii o as t le german syrup cannot be too vv dely known ahkyourdruigistaboit it 8a nple to itoiiillar lefi romanco of work well i old kuitland in thecavalicjidiiys n3ha ii iii written by tlie roirjti kitbip yoimy la la size 75 cents sold by all i nijjyist and f la dealers in the uiiitedstatea and cunadu ci1 tl o runnlnji southern author amellajrica whoso pir- anvicpto motiiwbaro joa distirbed a mjilii and broken of yoir rist by eic would be j trait appeared in thojtay jtipis tiu uflild at fferiiijt and cryimt wjtji pain pf cqj- a boorl the corn4ra kdeciiy at titto of her tue ln tolls j iuk teith if so sind nt orjcp npd jet a 1kow arvioe at the only iliiiroh here i thoatory another sonthematorywriler ijottlenjf mrsvinhlow aint ut bo very pleat iut to ci licr pre i bobard m johnston u reprcjaented by a hwot peoplo tohaarhh wordi luberopersed p of two tieuro charnoters mull jmid jrantlnu j viixll with an illustration hy kuppe j t j i 0usankii 45dward marlih of firtjionj 8itli who aerrorl a termin jail for violation o i ho bnnlrareomeumes so lutidioos as g aott witt 0 tp n-w-u- deel be to take riytbintf bit jjold coin mentarv iiinuer by hla friejids moh lay fjir chi dren toethiii us value s lupal ojtuiblc it wilt relieve the poor llttli suf men tary supper itllroeinberol the jrofeailop are not j n in celebration of hm release nnd the jvstcm slu windows j aaroelritrjdiwlll very likely be tbe mejiib rpp fjuchildin teotliinij lij plensh j of rrttidk him into jail attain skeleton to viohto tlie aet rofi tbei by indncjiu tjto tusje niw is the jiruscription of dnlj of jr edification tlie old ist and bcav female physioian i and flhilohv4ulierihat a nul for f j te umtda smaitffb r toler m wbetook a pr indian j tsz 22 jsl mouarviu mgsm3i price 10 fjiror in iiiicdutely depend tlpon it i iotb- fi ill io iu no miatiiko abinil it it nrcb yseut iry anil diiirrhcoa retulittc i the toniotli and llowes cuicn wind dolie softens tlie uuiiih reduces i iflamniitipp i ijnd gires tone and ciicrtfy jo th j rhqlo jj oothhi byi price t vontyfivo cents n i hil ask for -miw- winsloi etuir aud lake ik otfirr kiid now uhllllillil mriinoijkiii i iviiiiuirntiui i itetvht liiuiim i kith cliianaj 1 rortx paiil sijits surplus pu hai d ijiessmlk musk lcicworth 200 diksifc dies i1a iidlikni ta bd sure soo rurjia 48 stes fjkiuilt cm f mt1vi lyuclrtsu ftmm king st iluasvson co guelph e7 weeks are now being used in acton h ure furniture for- at hiih will lastonieh itou lukdertaklng supplicl wih everything necessary in this department ekjht son acton i 6 a speight manager inuhe tour life -ifcthl-j- r ontario ivtutual life assurance company lltad office water400 ont prices are an olijuct tvlntli siul be we liavccut lu n a nuiul of 1 i ii oh in summer goods vlifj j wcnrcolieriii nt oxtraoniimii lov prices summer maiitle3arij juckets in silk ami j 1 oli irjvcafrqiu oqcftiitm iiji snifi niji milliner we arc cutting u bene hats irom i cunt- tip ifibbdiio orriimciith ftnl l kind opaiijiineiy exiriniji low v mm irtlslciiig ilcjiiii nut rgi girdless oi cost aline of bre gpods at 10 cents wortli 25 1 afj15 ceiiis worth 80- cents jnjimeiise stock of niagnifieoi dress goods very cbeap musliij and lacis i for urinses fr6rn cctifs per yard up i clieekcuircissilk8 15 con cjicckqd all pure silk dresp silk- 35 cents worth go ccntg alino ofblflck anlcolored satitjl merveilleaux rgo cents and r eeiits worth sitoo and 125 black gros worth 125 grain 75 ctinti 1rints for ocenjs and 7i ceittvs worth 10 cents ami j 12 ccitii wc arc going to ciit goods tftl the bone to reduce ov stock inspection invited rcirioiiber our milli making and tailori ments greatdnvcin giiig suckers and crinkles ncry il de georaeiowii june 22ud lfcst wedding prsents iaijistpeerj w a claftk thejewellar j 4 guelph has just received anotherlaijge atsortme of silvcrararc snituble for wedding present to any person from actori or internieljj ate stetiens buying j- 8500 worth ob oveb at my htore i will pay their fare to andl fr6ragueiph- givingpersoial and prompt attention 63 watch rtpiiiripp i am bound to prve satis- faction or money refcuded eemetcbcr the plaee w a clark jeweller 1 26 lower wyndhain st guelph m 1m picture gaii saalpil waters iros note its progress 167m sijl2 j101 niu rno abib 113011 29150 lfso 1s37vi imilkl si tli ck71 l2iai liw 3i7l u377j op ma fiwsonifi iwl479 traitu ufliv 27t 12001 11 w s2i23j0o 71901 ii770 ffis as854 ioc i3fifili 17ih3 18si 27v 9774511 27l3j8 43191 51sb0 31010 wl4il0 61333 wm- sskdst man gey w h- riddell secretary p mqobe agent for actod v sale who werk burnt out sqhtpay kibiffi have temporarily rcrnoved to nelles 011d wlierethey are prep i j sacrifice their tremendous stocks lltsiiiwnedhoseaog wulltm 350 liukuian 1108e25c worth 40ci hosk splhndid value at 10lvnd 120 carpet saije4 pestuv a hpkis vac worth mc khtllv iiaiimrsf v0uth lin cai fkivs s7ic woutii lfij wool ovuiiri il woltth b5 mxs ilhlhyvsk now 940 vi ns rmiimkltly sl75 nv 1 3 tixs flmkija50now 18 frf0im el iy now 2gi al -ti- i imi iii stinolmciuict swusrvrs sloik at ilmy vviijirn mekay brothers eot east between hughsoirt and john streets 3ek t mitchell desires to inform the pcoplo of acton surrodiidiiifs that he is llreuared to i orders for weaving all iiindfjof fancy carpets flannel slieetiiiil shirting dress goodg striped or plaid twillorpl also bed blankets and horrenkew yards wide aud over kad i will guarantee that i wiilgivgoi satisfaction to all faniiera tiud otlf rs wb will favor mo with their paiironsgc tmitchehki stand tt- dffdwll lexaciirwa nm i i ures it tl cboler cholera infantum all summer c vi ol duyal l ullers wkk shikmsks ii7iriilra ii vssst t i

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