Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 25, 1887, p. 3

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beautiful wedmnq ot birth day prebehtbat ceo hynd8 a fine slock of watches clocks jewel- ler spectacles careful attention given to repairing drop in and t oar largo stock cotnrrjniir jeweller- stationary books and fnc goods geo hynds actonnt methodist chitrch acton rev r phillips fastdft iusidciico power aveimof public siivkrs ikyju 11 id cy pm sim1y school fcto hible cites ioi i led uy the pastor allcordial h vitcd stranprt cud visitors always welcome at tentive usticvs at tile door if ittiut- aro desired apply to h p moore rew steward thursday al gust 1887 many mlkofi ucals collated by the 3rer thoughtful and alert free prers reporters council meeting next tuesday evcu- inj yesterday was st marys oivio holi day the uakvilfe iii- is removing to more commodious iuarters it is rumored thatia new society joiir- ual is about to be issued in- guelph oranpville will hsvera high rate of taxation this year between 20 and 25 mills the tcuders for the construction of guelph juuctioji railway were opened yesterday afternoon john mason formerly of caiupbellville has settled in cukville and will eugage in mercantile pursuits scientists say tho sunis losing its heat it has been too extravagant this year dur ing tho summer months mr thomas gowdy of guelph left this week for kentucky to purchase new stock in roadster horses t man who is always findinc fault must je always huntiug for it aud hegan- notbe an agreeable companion i the largest ij flat double bass horn ever brought into canada has arrived for the 3th battalion band hamilton i woodstock agricultural society is improving its premises by the aid of bees j composed oi the friends of the society the bachelors of acton and kockwood will ivm r kill in the town hall this even- ill- some 20 invitations have been issneni esv i- harper of brampton ei-pre- sideni of toronto conference mthe metho dist church lcit sunday morning aud evenirj r w kiu acdcogcorgctovviirhave jast put in steam heating fixtures through out mtssrs mcore mcgarvin trunk and satchel factory mr j i h worden have removed their liverybusiness to the stable next to hills tin depot it is a commodious and well arranged building operations have commenced for the erection oflbo new exhibition building in the driving park mr smith has his ucrrmti busy ith tho bailding which ar mohuy or a local character utdab interesting 4 yrondeevl courtesy tor georgetown tho bwd and tho balvatiou army aro evidontly on better terms now thau somo time axo xn saturday ovouiug tho baud played on main street kb usual when tho 8 a army was passing they tho army ceased sin ng and boatingtho drum then when thc returned tho hand ceased and allowed tli am to pass unmolested this ib us it shoul 1 be the number of spectators on sntiird ty evening was unusually large htra milton w itjjrwors by- jaw carried tho by- ajv for s2ooo0 for tho construc tion of wa eij works iu milton was carried on monda t by sixtoon of a majority tho election v ai close and spirited but tho i business r icii wore uuijted in tho determin ation to i oaure a system by whioh they may feel t ink their places of business are roasonbl secure agaiubt destruction by i lire the njsw waterworks will be a grand j thing for hilton if tho expenso inourred is not found t4 bo too heavy or tho towns folds evor vaniklna iu tho wullworkcdt p climax thii con pan is uu experieucec c no and the i ast f characters embraces a lumber of ti lenti d amateur artists to th w wlio enjoy a ellaoted drama ibis occasion will afloi d a are and enjoyable treat a it oaetwy institution closed ati friday the bank of londiu deoided says gen of a vmimmtm iaid 0 that one fifty tons th i ifnrt ip mct ihotyrta i bo ma el tibcot year lhat there it linut al aljcjty aud i ho h irvost in tiauy p acw boretarjd thereby it u slid quel h til m has sold no less than ot tw iue t his season in garttraxa many seul inde were sending still owing to the iwlpi famine 4nid fftrmon brought their old reapers again into rinuuritton tiein the grain by hand droit it aid otst josephs church tl6 brnbcra of tho ouelph cathollo unicfiwi 1 give an interesting dn mutia on- tcrtu luiai at in tho towu iall acton ou tuoshyj yoning th september iu aid of st j opl ilchntch thetetupern noq diia li tlblclu a story of constuijicv devo tion ind oveon one hum and fuiltiless- nosb ponorsity sinl biillle1 veuioanco on tho fjthei will ho played th lot nn- in in iugenioub mat nor iih whut- mysery thero is in tio openiag k i m mmitm aians cier ctjb rsn v7nst wm fcf fwi rjsvetllu ylton ton4rwhom i 0 to irausjict no further bjisincsi pub i of t with the io at d closed it doors yorv few bills his tiank are in circulation here but any xdy will grcn t ext not equire to saenfleo on tl em to any red emei i at par itho london the iall stoc khdl lera aroliableto make i ihe gujjt train saturday morninc r u i a good l ian of quiet and rctinn beat iii previous records as it went rroru toronto to windsor iu five hours including all stops ad changing engines at london sstul band tournament disposi tion anil had much moro preference for life by the home fireside than in any publio sphere his wife and five sons and daogh na of ryan berkinshaw a co ters snriive hira gueiph has teen dissolved mr berkin- shaw retires and the business is continued the tournament of the guelph city under the stvio and name ofg b bvan a tu a t -a- baud lc btttcdnesdayi and thursday was a great st cccs3 and a credit to the band for pportna sliould remember thkt ac- two daj s the city was given up to festiyi- corfing to a cfrange in the jjirae law duct j ties pg te the demonstxation the ehootin this year does not commence until i streets were gaily decorated the business the in sept instead oi the loth angut as j places erellcd in bnutings banners and formerly j fjgngai a a grand holiday feelingprevailed tic- inasoa work of the new presby- j the gt at event of the first day was tho teritn church at eden mills has been com- first ch ssband competition which resulted plettvl by it lamb the contractor it is in bov manville organ cos splendid band expected that the church will be opened by i taking srst prize and 275 sarnia second in atei the uiy defi- those bvin possessibn of tho bills of the bniik of ltindpn to muko nny large sacritico ou i hem cici tha nui th gra not wet tlasl who may bo iu pisbcsaiou of them ut for it ia belieyed theyi will bo jfiye preaa no great loss will acctiao to the ral jlublio theassetk of tho bank are uattre to havo assurod tin bauk of tor mto to subli an extent a to have led them to ho very act almost of tilting them ove iq j ar value and thus it may posid t at even if tho suspension beoime icrmanenttlie yuluo of ithe hani s of the public will not bo interfered with at so it would pro iibition camp in george town jf he r rocecdinga in connection with tho on camp at georgetown wero to a close last eveniug tho proi was faithfully carried out and pro libit bro ight resources i moiy scott act outrages tho arthur enterprise saya on thurs day last mesars flath and gorolomy scott act officers weroin arthur with summons es for messrs cosgrave and fikpatrick hotel keepers for breaches of tho act the fines were paid amounting to sj3 aud 55 respectively the constable put up at the house of j j oneil aud dining their absence tomo person or persona entered the stables and removed the nuts from the wheels of flaths buggy tho uutb wero not to boionud and it put tho inspector to considerable trouble to replace them but be at lau succeeded in procuriuj others that would fit ou friday night onoil had several panes of glass broken in his hotel windows probably as a punishmeut for entertaiuiug flath hard on tho ben nn4 the printer yon have all heard oi tho hen that got buried under a pile of hay aud lived from two weebts to three mouths according to the abili y of the man telling the story and theii can e out somewhat thin in flesh but neverthe ess in first class health and all risht mi ritully well a dakota lien re cently h id a worse time than that sho accidentl y got shut in the store pt a hiau who does ut advertise and remained there four wee is when she was rescued sho was nnic wreck having oaten a peck of dried ap les ani then drank three or four quartso keroseuo during her enforced confineji ejit the owner of tho store was making i little trip iu the country aud painting the fences and brido with by yoi rcxs jt etc bt fossils unocrv iaxvlell dentil o itr dona id ferguson last eek we referred to the fact of mr donald ergnson of agnes st having re ceived a paralytic stroke lie never rallied from tin effects of the stroke and on thurs- day n ornini his spirit took its flighty f om the house of clay the old gentlem m had attained a ripe eld age having passed the four score limit he came fr im scotland and fettled u erin nearly f f ty years ago and some fiv e years ago rem jved to acton built a comfortable brick hi use for a home for his family and j a spent h s latter years in peaceful nst he i prsentan themselves vis gevcrnment of- was for many years a member of d isciples i h church and the meeting house of this body ij i was bui t npon his farm in erin he was ye i fii ch oi of qn christmas charlie the eightyearold son of mr george stcdard while playing about the elevatcr at etardmcres tannery on tues- daj- afrcmoot ftll into the pit and received some nly brmses mr ec acheson of wycliffc college toronto preached interesting sermons in st albans church last sunday he will have ciareof br albansandoist johns pockwood until the first of october tie frisbyteriau authorities have followed the exaraplo of the methodists here aid removed the fence from in front of the church all vote it an improvement to the general appearance of the premises messrs hnnter ezard intend dis- solving their present partnership and mr ezard is preparing to erect a new factory on the site where the firms building was destroyed by fire on the 12th of july cfilinjijn the programme of the dominion and industrial exhibition at toronto sept 5th tyi7th has been sent nvby mr h j hill manager the entertainment offered by the management in addition to the exhib ition is calculated to draw an immense crowd a sample of scotch granulated sugar has jhst been received at this office from messb lightbonnd ralston co impbri tera montreal- this firm refuse to enter thesugar combination and import the above excellent brand in order to supply their enstomers the city fathers of brantford have de cided to go to muakoka on august 25th for their annual excursion it seems that al nine villi tnnding tho fact that considerable aud threatening weather prevailed tho canip wpis a mocli greater success than j the address of hon j b i saturday was something grand universally enjoyed mrs you- mah8 srioko in the evening and on sunday aft rnoc n with her usual convincing power an cicm neuce the addresses of hon c st jjohu aud mr st john were well edward carswell carried his at will tirat rave then gay now of laughter and anon tho shedding his well known powers of clo- and mimicry are well retained c t 0 day was utilized by tho ith good effect and yesterday was iiterost astd culminated in ttiqgrand by the battalion bnd and vocal- ii rec ive au ienc a t urst tears uce ew la ies v full of i concert ist ai other fraud exposed swindlers aro onl on a new trail and interested parties will do well to piisto ihe fo owiilg taken fitliii an efcliangejn their fi we are informed that parties re als aro travelling through the province an law wi pe of with si 25 and waterloo third and 575 the tr idesprocesbion on the morning of the sec and day was one the finest ever wit nessed in the province there were 110 convey inces bearing exhibits of good6 man- ufactu ed and in process of maunfacture sixty jutchers mounted aud in uniform andeitbt bands irithe procession the band ompetion the becond day was most intcrei ting doberty organ band clinton took first preston second and- walkerton third the games and sports created quite an in erest the wholo affair passed of pleasaatlly and no doubt profitably to guelp i city band schools reopen next monday on monday mornnig next the public schoo bell which has had a wo months rest i long with the teachers and pupils will r ng out its welcome peals to announce that schools in arid that the fall term has o ened wo opine that oth teachers andsbolar3 yes and parents t will be pleasi d that the long vacation hajs expired and t te regular routine of workj embrac ing b ok learning aud discipline both of wbic i has been almost eptirely laid aside durit g july and augustsare about to be resur led the schools present a neat and tidy ippearance and are in good sanitapy coud tion during vacation tho trustees have bad the- premises thoroughly cleaned and whitewashed the necessary repairs have been effected and anew well been dog for ihe convenience of the school the boarl is alive to the necessities of the juvei lie population and their efforts are dated a practical way of showing appreciation is for every parent ig u children for school age to see apprpi this havi toft most all the councils around are exenrting j except oars and they have not even mooted and punctually if thisis done ihe trnstee the matter of a holiday eithervfor them selves or their constitnents messra moore mcgarvin of the trunk works teeeived a consignment of 7500 sheets of cnade plate from south wales per str ontario last week a similar shipment is en route the large quantities of plate and sheet iron whicji this firm dbes in the business is snrpri- j ins- i t coal is already developing tho rising i tendency which retail dealers and contain ers have all the season been anticipating uxause of the combination of big dealers j some one has written that the earth is he lords but evidently ttie coaleomhin j atipu want to get the waranue into other haudj j vidtimieing owners of threshing engines 1 smull machines they atseit tbatia passed lust year providing that nil sons within the pppvince having charge or oieratiugauy steam boiler or other de rices tinder steam pressure shall be ex amined and liceiifcd before assuming or empling to operate a dyiee of any kind uijdcr iiressnre of steam and they claim to hove leeu tppointed examiuers with power licet se any person competent and from wfcomthey receive the required fee for the information of our readers we may say at such a bill was introduced into the legislature last session but it was not pass ed therefore all persons claiming to have been appointed evamiiiers as above are frauds and should le handed over to the constables wellington scott actuals at kockwood on wednesday last wm johnston of eden mills was fined 50 and costs for an offence against the scott act iu two other cases one against wm gib bons carpenter and the ctlieragainstlouis schram nassagaueja for selling ou the 1st of july in a grove nt thos eagles farm in the township of eramosa judg ment was reserved there was another case against j biansgrove eugle the no torious gallugher but the defeudent having already two warrants against him has betaken himself to the dominion of uncle sam and inspector cowan did not go on with the case guelph iferabl in spector cowan shouldnt give uphia case so summarily the defeudent j branbgrove eagle bos been hiding within ten miles of rockwood for tho past week or two and although he is very careful about who sees him his whereabouts is known go on with your case mr cowan youll find your man ou tho guelph road bomewhero in the vicinity of that noted city called sodora he tried to work the camp at georgetown ihu week but hs game was soon nipped iu the bud rev alex warren passes away for several weeks rev- alex warren had been visiting iiib brother and other friends in kincardine aud returned home on monday evening feeling very ill and weak he rode home retiredearly and got up as usual on tuesday morning ate a little breakfast and was engaged in devo tional exercises with his brothers family when his spirit quietly took its flight from the frail earthly homo mr warren came to canada with his parents fbom inverness- htm pmjftsbdwi oi acquainted mr johnson of kluoardine is tho guest of friends here j miss annie kennedy visited fronds in milton last week i miss tina moffat spent sunday with friends inberlfn dr r mccuuough of georgetown isin london feng on a visit j mr 8 it jose and children of toronto aro guests of aotou friends j mr poroy a c beoordof 8t catharines i visited his old homo this woek r i mr richard maloney spont sovornl days i this week with friends in guelph j i miss e r butohart ot milton is bpend- 1 ing a few days with acton frionds mr and mus a e i anion d of chicago are the gucrts of excouncillor ixnoml i miss m eiston left yesterday far grlnn- by aud kelson to visit her friends thoro j mr ciuikshitnks of cobourg was n oallor at tho fuki pnvss office last week i mr w ii storey left on monday on a j businesstrip to glovcsrvllje and now york mr thos gowdy jr of guelph visited frieuds iu aotou and limehouso this week rev w j mokonzio rnral doan visit ed acton on monday on ecclesiastical busi ness j mrs fred ii storey was the guest of toronto frieuds two or three days hub week l 7 f lynch of wychffo college toronto is spending a tew days with friends hero we had a pleasant 0911 last friday from revs w birks nassagoweya and a k bilks b a of guelph i a largo ituinber of our citizens attended tho band tournament at guqlph last wednesday and thursday mr el a ilenntreet of aylmor ar rived in acton last thursday to spend a week uhilei tho piirentul roof miss ida smith and miss ethel willet of guelph have retnrned homo having spent a few weeks at aughonguile mr ltobt btett of toronto was tho giost of messrs charlie moore and will speight oollego chums last friday i miss blanch third daughter of dr n biggari of indianapolis ind was tho guest of hor ndut mrs s a seoord several days last week mrs adam dickson who has been spend ing several months with frieuds iii toronto and lindon retninel home on j thursday evening misses jessie und nellie mcleod of georgetown wero guests of mioses emma and annie moore of the first line during the past week mr john a davidson of the guelph mrretry and mrs davidson returned on saturday nightifrom a four weeks trip to tho northwest- mr chas ruby of berlin who is just convalescing after an attack of typhoid fever spent a few days inbreathing actons pure air this week mr w ebbaue of the film puitss office left last week to send a woelt or so at gravenhurst his old hoineitid other pointt on muskoka lakes miss jcatiuie hynds master fred and miss charlton of toronto and miss marion bmith of guelph aroj gueats at aughongnilo farm mr john litvsnii v s- who has been indisposed and unable to ntteud his pro fessionul duties is we tire glad to notice able to be about nguin rev r phillips visited frionds in orange- ville last week master herbert who had been spending his school vacation with relatives thqre returned homo with him sergtmajor win snyder of guelph- formerly of acton is filling a position as practice registrar at the ontario rifle company matches at toronto this week mr j s deacon ps i has been elected one of the directors of the provincial teachers association and sir ii gray h m miltou us one of tho committee of management the many friends in this vicinity of mr and mrs phillip neniotreet of speaker mich will be pleased to learn that not withstanding their old age they are en- joying a very good state of health we had a very pleasant call yesterday afternoon from mr john holgate of to ronto who forty yearo ago was one of actous prominent business men acton is a green epot iu the old gentlemans memory yet mr donald s moore of the scotch block was succosiful in passing the recent non professional sccoud class examination from woodstock high schooll mr john stingle of nassagaweya ditto from col- lingwood mr peter mcnab arrived home from scotland last friday he vibited his form er home a number of the principal cities knd the celebrated gretiia green peter has been much improved in health by the trip and visit ss i i p svi 9 mt j il i i i i til ujjl j sjtfh absolutely pure th nowdor nover varies t streugth aud wliolonomont lloto ofououic tlh- ii 1 1 amvvolof purii y utro oeouimitlitl tlmiitlui ordinary kinds andeaniutt bo vid l tll v h tlil li uoiiiiletltlou with tho multitude oflowlwit oh volglit aluui or pboephato powdurg herd only tlicaii hoyaj iheino puvdrft co 105 will bt s y txtrjiordiiuirj foductrons itpiico jnoa gr alt action irniilkiiroholii oli fast and piles cliambrays reduced from moiulayjuiylll 1bej7 steam is x1f out tiroat jubilee kale is making utiina hu n the atti ara llelng redueuj- upuoaily boo tho follow pricij lllu ints lafwns and muslins- iot zephyr 250 to lot lot phisji striped fine chambraifs widuced froni i2lc to 2jc joored spotted swiss lawns reducd from il7j- to 2oc white urilliuiits reduced from to 5 illtici nml white printed lawns dnccd from 15c to 12c colored oatmeal cloths reduced frijm 2lc to 10j colored brocaded lawnr reduced frijm 25c to 10c cream and gold camas cloths duced from 0c to 15c fine ameiicuu bccreuckers rcdaijed from 10c to 120 madras nets reduced from ow to5c dnd from loc to 27 jo gingliams reduced from lop to 10c american print robes reduced frpm 1 75 to 1 4 f great sacrifice in white all 0 knbroirtcrics reduced fromgoc jocj from 75c to 50c from 81 00 g7jc from 1 50 to 85c from 82 to 1 25 ciilored all over embroideries at exactly half price reduced frm 81 co to 50c from 2 00 grand ratige of wide oriental floiu- cings atiioc per yard linen prints reduced from 12c to 10c grand special line of prints of reu lur 12jc goods at 7jc per yard printed muslins at 5c fhiiii rjripel and river check wljite lawn at 5c swiss spots and checks at8c10c ajm 15c worth 12 15c and 20o white embroidered lawn dresses reduced from si 00 to 83 00 jud from 85 00 to 84 00 gents department lue halifax tweeds worth 75c at 50c line navy serges at 40c 50c and 0c cheap all wool canadian for boys w ar cheap and garments cut fret of charge lino summer underclothing at mlf price line summer knitted overshirti at 61c worth 81 00 ljue mens stiff felt hats reduced to 25c i mens wliite vests 25c i jleiia brown dnck overalls j5c mens bummer scarfs 3 for he mens double and twist cotton socks 10c pet pair or throe for 5 men and boys tweed suits at re duced prices 12 linen alpaca aud seersucker c oats cheap special sale of 200 plain and bn ided jerseys at 3i 1 per cent under regular prices i come to the great jubilee said 10 11 12 13 14 pect it f joh w bond co ditef t jltardware imprtrs gtjelph wo earr tio largcbt jlook of hardware iceiitrat ontario uiul invito atteiiuou and comparison of prices try ujbfor anrealed and oiled fence wire barbed fence wire buckthorn fence wire hydraulic hani iron pipe and titling i scfom shovels manure drags halfpbuuliel measure i thrbiig machine 1 citing threshing sbichine ori meat jllibppeia hijiitom and diitclierh maohtuery aplplb parers uitr bbtbtmtni5 bhee as stltalitd from hoi i con 1 krln six- owes and l lamlm lufimuatlon will lw thank fully ret cinil and saitamy rewinlad acton p 0 t u a w a colmav for sale all shades tvue to hinges ready mixrrl paint color eitrd building hardware loo wriugers j carpet sweepers t lanips and everything usually kept iii huge establishments bnyingfor cash in the best mi ritela iii thuwoill we can do best foryou letteraiof oiuiuiry ptjiiitly answered xu iluistrated uatuloguc sent on application john m bond cc better than gold medical sclenci so easily 5s n col 1 taken that not infre quently 6uc is tit n loss to tell when or liow it bus brigliiut ed and is proueto ex it it will go ur a i tu ui hghtly as inue per- jit al in baps it may go clnslly if lidpikl a little but every coldjtliat comes is ualte to stay itroay happen just at tt inhjnio when from other causes tho io normal strength of rchlitancoln thosj stem iwshecn lowered a little inuttcutio i or delay may mvd it n dangerous dtttcd once become dc i i tn firmly seated undjthawiorkof d slodgment will be very olfliult the sluplo coryza or coldin lie head may ii si develop into a cntirrlr find is inmw indeed exceed ingly likely so tod i tjiat such li tjic case is of idenccd by tin i factthatscven persons out of every nl n nine in tho at lantic and mid- uuuu ulosfatcsjiavo eatarrii lit a nvei e form or if it docs notjtiikviliiit turn the little cough that is nt first but an ann iyanccis almost certain to- become dry 1 aril racking and con- siniltlly recurrent worrying in waking bourf banishing loop uud momentarily weakening the patient cords uni tonsils bccpiueiuiluuivd the laryui vocal tl inflammation extends into the liroucliiid tubes ikryn- avcdc git fith bronclfitls ftlcn o nrellieeijipst words that the doctor culled in itbout t hut tiine v ns tho trouble locs on work ing dowditho pucddvbrpnohiiil lubes to the uncnni iuiigsuli- matcly treateniiigrulinnnaiv cousuiiip- tlou orperliaiis uio inalaus iinsumcy tho quickly drpthdai fl llia of piieumo- r cl i unal iriu jut about us unwise n thing as anoidinariiv sensible person can do is i o neglect i little pdcqcblrirccold n- cough und rntotrivto gjvc j chance to develop in nnv cf these vnvs and when it comes to the trontntciitcf children no- uc ami pect u oriiit- tnality all ht al i h tle dangom to be feared from colds and coughs irwv be averted in the very outht hv ilii administration ot ayelfhjciiitititv pkc- toltal a medicine inrfftiblv hfitifinitt which allays the coughing f ion- freshing rest lirdbrfiis back liih cherry pectoral in 1 ie onlm inedici io that can bo relied npon to break np a cold and curd a cough and is invaluable li i the treatment of all nflectious of the throat and lungs tba following are fiamplcs of what pcoplo say who know il has produced no other anodvue cxpeetorimt so good as aykuh ciikitity lkcton ll it is iuvaluable for diseases of the throat and lungs llioi f swnirrzeii maine medical sclibol brunhioh t jlfci lwrns ciikiny pectonal affords inopj relief in ease iof whooping cough than any other mi dicine bn artthlin v cox ist lout mo i have used a rnigs cirkiiry pecto- it ill mv fiunll for 20 years- it ii a woiulorfuf remidi for throat and lung diseases l g arrett tcxana tex ijiv eliilflren- have taken aykitd ciieiiiiy pkcto iai for coughs and croup and have found it give immediate relief followed bv cure sdls j gregg loiccll mass i find nothing else jq cfficiutoits ayeus clirltity pectohal in tin- thi- ment of colds and coughs ami liavr used it iii croup asthma and iniiicm consumption wjlli great wirm dr j ii wilson ccntcnillc loira my wife troubled williviolonl cough ing hard and dry for so voar got io low i thought it would kill lur sho took ayelts cllehity pectoiiai and ut entirely cured g 31 caur french campimfss sevefal members of my family stiffereil sevcrclyliith influenza all were- cured hv avivhs cherry iectoiwi in a feu- daysbexitykfsserh xommvt y the nest remedy that can ho had flr gonghsjand colds is ayeiis cherry pectorai- e m sauckvt lowell mass ayirs cherry pectoral trepared njf i dbvj 0aye ooj c malytioal qheinists3 lowell mass for salehy all dihlgglsls summer underclothinh bait piggan fvtepino and fine cashmepe shirts and drawers 36j 38 40 42 and 44 jhetst measure 34 ri bollert 27 lower wykdham st uuelph on t telkllloxk ix otnclt that they attend the classes regularly j mrjamesl3arolayofoilcitypeun8upt j tho oil city boiler works well known to i many of our readers has just removed to i ann arbor mioh and in partnership with mr eoevos of niles ohio oommonoed the manufacture of engines and bpilers in the above city i j champions of the county a base ball match for tho championship of tho county was played on the agricul tural grounds hereon saturday between the burlington aud campbellville teams resulting in a victory for the latter the score standing burlington 13 campbell- tq agentsco aim street east loronto get iin tho neatest complete and host belling koodlo rnot america send 25 ccuta forbaniplesotik i flulsboil in flue plueh particulars sou stamps aro enclosed for reply the canadian yeodlc front most aokhfie in wko mien oiy wapgou no lkihitouhhsijvltehtdelivo hoavv waggon f inch tire and flbavy and light set single naiics foriiartlcnlarsaiilyto a a e sttmaxix aoton aug3rddgs7 notice o pabt mu 1 n tiamiltos of tiio jwelungtou marble works has ttu day taken into uart- norsliipmr w if clark late wnnager of tho oiiclph vhito ijiuio tto nid they wthcarry on tho business under the nauioapd stylo of ham ilton clark j h immrox v b clark ice i ice fousale ice havo still about forty tons pt pure spriug water icepn hand and am prepared to supply at who defiiro it ill anv quantity at trsusoilable prices invo your ordoih at ouco atftbo cen tral moat market w 11 hutbkdoe brick foilale a ixy quantity citrhstclafsitcd lirickafelm frl grove djicl vcrds lot 13 tjrd liio west cbhiguacotisy uoai- xtcuut lteksaut brick de livored oq tfc train or in actoii samplo bricks ou exhibition nt tho ilitii liijss ofllce acton john a martin uor 24- hranipton july lvh7ik7 cash foe hides thecxufk31nkd i uiii hiaes calf ana shce skins at hn ijpif market priccb for casli nt moores cordovan tanaervj acton k h0be3 llobbi of all kimly t to crdrrin tlic niost satisfactory niaritier vt kamsay acton july 4th ls salesmen wanted edward o gruinim tio tnirinr kud well luiovii kurseiyzuiui oi tjijoistor ny desires to make axraugeinenus wit one or two ilive cl orgctic man to tafc orders for his nursery stock huhas a choice stock including alio icialties his induceuieiils to licgirinars are particular advantageous hufniailsiili he liroinjsefl and guarantees to furnish strictlv lirsc clan stock heciri give active wmtro upright men good positioun pul desires to cemmuuieato witli a fewknchliiou vitli a view of iiccajlug their survicor vritc to itini yoon as von have read tlds for tonus ami full paitioulcjs ljneniber only sntlrro dealing uni mvil nini- address- enw 0 hiihuii nursjryraaa bpciicitcr ny iy v village property ctos- a3 sstsid3i03 sale phf rsdersignfd- citrrs for sale lot no l main htrcot aitt n vliitli islureeted a c oimnodioiw dwelling iirivi ioujc rad stahlo miall orchiivd cistevn e a vcv desirable 1 ropertv i also tbospeysite pfist office vroiwrty and nfty i cres adjoining 12 acres of oreharfl on wiich aio rectcd a firstclnrs dwellicgrrad 9talcwellc- j good opening for a profitable brpcen fyll particulais upbn application- tcescfsion iyen 1st of october or novonilicr as desired- crmscasy apply at fnun 1hesb office acto2 qr to i n james coneli tf rm- ripejside p o jambs stibton lds- dstist v r block opposite post office guelph vitalized air i i extba vauk n merino todekclotflln at l2g per uit lhaisr b gcrutldy merchant tailors cuelph wobl istogtj i pai h less extraction cf teeth artifiaial teeth guaranteed perfect in appear ance at aud use fins gold work a spchauy all operations strictly -first-class- appointments mode by letter wc the unilcrsigiictl hcrbby nivioilnce that wc will- again all the wool oterjjd at our mills for which the highest price in gash or in exchange for goods dont worn if yon aro out of omplo uiout write to mr cowdy 41 vi lliugtou btrcop east toronto kend stamps for reply will ill feel amply repaid st 1 tarys loses a good man mj j- crabbe his disposed of the st mar s a iijiit toilessrs west and mcleod of b righton and will now enter into a part ners iip with a prominent wholesale mer- cbai t in ttoronto puringtbepast seven- teen years the destines of the argus have beei carefully and successfully guided by mr crabbe its course has been honest and straightforward and it enjoys a wide preitige the aryut has been the- repre- seu alive jchtpal for lleforih party in the djstric iind iu opinion upon political is i ei as upon otbersubjects has always earned donvincing weight mr crabbe has tilled a high standing in publio sociu aud religious affairs in st mary aud lips occupied the niost prominent posi- ra uumber ot uiirnly boys have during i jg i thegiftof his fellow towusmen thtjiaut day or two ucp comroittiog de- 1 jj gat at tne council and with credit prorations in and about fairview ceifcetery j jrnself and the towu filled tlie mayors and the caretakers orchard the council is determined to put an end to these pranks i 0 t methodist sunday school hujj we would kindly adyise the hoys for their own takes and the eelipgs of their parents to derit forthwith for otherwise heavy punishment will surely follow cha r kor ten years lie has been superin- spending a months hplidays at the meiropbliun studio cmntu c rr dozen shire scotland in w32 when he was bat i ville 33 lleformer champipnb with such two years of age on tho 7th of november scores as above shouldnt bejvery bard to they settled ou the farin at prescntoccupjed j vanijuihh j by mr john warren on lot 2j 4th line ks- j quesiug abduta mile from acton his hlemh mahkcts youthful days were sjwnt here when about 25 ho commenced teaching school which he continued until 1b32 when he en tered the ministry in connection with tho baptist church about thisj time being in ill health he took a triptoscotlandbat did not improve and for ihe past 2s yearshehas been more or less an invalid hismiuisterial labors were principally conquod to the counties of grey and bruce durham being his last pastoral charge though for some time he was the pastor of the baptist church in acton his christian oharacter flour holler flour titoiie white wheat 1 rod wheat spring ulasgowl barley oatt hye leas hay straw wood per cord egg per dosou butter dairy packed butter rolls cbooso lotatoos por bag apples fork lambskius august 24th 1887 1 s 10 to 3 40 lootoaio 0 75 to 0 75 0 7fl to 075 0 75 to 0 75 0 50 to 0 58 014 to 0s6 0 60 to 0 52 050 to 0 52 lou to u00 3 00 to 4 00 4 00 to 4 50 0 it to 0 18 0 15 to 0 10 0 is to 0 so 0 10 to 0 11 0 75 to 1 00 0 so to 0 75 5 73 to 0 10 0 65 to u 70 o 3to 0 36 0 00 to 0 ho 0 83to4 sue to s oo 5 50 to 5 75 0 60 to 7 00 j- l buy -lo- wq have a large and well assorted stock of blankets jp weeds flannels stocking arnsl 4 knitted goods etc etc in ijrreat viuufy solcctid cxnrossly to supply tlic rcqiiircmcirts ot the farmers eolj ordirjg spinning weaving and in f tct all kinds of custoraworkdohe in oar ubuhi prompt ahd satisfactory manner neisfhoit cfe sons limehouse new t i m brennan has pleasure in announcing thai liis tail oring shop in creechs fruit store is nowopen and in full running order and in a position f to fill allorders he is si iswiug good tweed suits at sh s3lp elsewaeee for 15 scotch tweed sujt 1 i 18 soli etsevjieue iohtsand 24 fine worsted sut at 2q sold elsewiitjji atjj5 4 ts gentlemen wanting a firstclass good- fitting coat etc rda y rely upon beingaujl6d r in every respect by leaving thoirpfders with the clothier 1 will cure or relieve biliousness dizziness dyspepsia indigestion jaundice erysipelas salt rheum heartburn headache dropsy fluhering of the h0art acidity of thestqrvach dryness t of the 5kin arid overy species ot disease tu from disordered zjv d2 p smuatttomazggfy d y the largest in the conf erehoe he will be gre th n- d in all circles bnt no doubt wil find a niche to fill in his adopted borne thi free vntt wishes him every possible sucss we are sattsnbd that the atgu in i he practioal hands of messrs west 4 sic jeod will prosper as usual wafl juuo vaif f ilixioui to wlowin tlie oloestthifflter the j foouteps of our saviour in word ana action i timothy seed per bush than alex waricn he conceived is to be bis duty tddo the ioiod he could for the v i- master and this he curefully endeavored j bootohliuglisn nd cahadiab suiting- to do with strength from on liigli his j in great variety at 3 fyfei acton death was pot unlookedfor but he will be qoto j jfyfef aetonfor your cloth sadly missed in many circles thefuneraj j he oaii suit jpu for price aujalit will takeplaio on fridayat 2 oclock w kndstyleevejry tifpoiv the baptist church for a riiort f ervico after do not forget which interment will take ilaco in fair- 1 when yoaiutiij purchasing a first clas view cemetery orgvp orpjanq to go to j l mclean of the guelph tempie of mnslc he is no shilohs cure will immediately relievc4 ufptb but buys his goods in i trge quantities croup whooping cough dull bionchitis t rook bottom flghres and imlytho high- sold by n mofiarvin est firide rrhajtel yf j iu 11 fill vm wmmmm a sure now beui lelcsn i wmghes fine stock now open of tjiese cele- brsted watcte to farmers aiid threshers tjje on your machinery only the wellknown eesls0soa varded it during the last three yeiiir ir pedrlbeb aslo gloasflfor you nd highly recommenced at tbelloddl t 9 gold waggons and hojse eowerb farm farmers ask for them use no ot manuf acturep at queen oity oil vorib by saiwilel rocers fii co toronto medals have been i try also these oils uro use one way gf saving money come to the clear sale rried on tiiis gfjojes oppqrtpnity sale will be i re aid cc luig eairi 1 ml this l ihdies 1111 hosiery i 73e uosieryformerly 37ic rcclncrd tp25c a lotoi quiidrens hobc at iu iu dapartmostfal larerdeopfimcsiylesin cnttou snnks at 25c worth laundered shirts at 40o special value givertin unlaunde ed shirts at 87jo rtain wav of ivlrt rtonev is bv comina direct to tho rigit house and purchasina your wants at tlie immeusejciearinj safe at greatly rertutled prices certain wayjtfjavfjbiijhoneyw iiy cnminairociw the month oi august bar are to be haduil ibo handsouie boatin j5hawls and summer wraps thi beautiful lawns from 10c la 23a per jnr4 extra vfilu s io itidia kxtra flue quality ot lndics hose reduttdl to 43o formerly price special itlenfcijoh is invited lo the gentf pnrnish- 37jc socks nt 10c worth 18j a lot of boys soc s at 5a per pair worth 20c meas uu each or 3 for 8m0 a helterqualityisboldausl 12or d tot sh mi its and boys boiling cainmn and hivln teunisshidts t fnn kin nmidrev lace tji shirts bomeraher that watkiiva h aaufnttuies the shuts sod tj the ituh shses frme bs hng off at 31 lt fi stsftiaaffatnnpirvcnrnet t 32r formerfv 40c tniesrv carpets at 3wc formerly 50c tapes ry carpels at no formil o large street this establishment closes at g oclock saturday jyeoingi htpj mm msmm mm ziwi if v- lu-f- iijr iy fecom4s movement made to my espeqial order gold and bij yer bsavafee guelph at the righlt house f i i c wjltjizmlsrb m f i 50si v i w

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