m m irunkhi m nxprww 13 ipai jfitj ss l kinal lertoursi iera low r rcr 5tcc eetceta 1acknac is nd clevi 5ate0 pamwu ftils gtni put aj cand steam ttafcl inzer lam1 idle foebis ef v- si i tl i ws euri m sloos itdney- at freculatogl htes sndi luc rh crritsucii 5s3 i ii ud 1 oetj tojfa q si si 2ita ss 3s ssfep ix r s i 5 remedy t- gls5k0ar5n ingcomplaint asr efhosnivtg v n rn f macu rlf rurr re to bronco iitjs r zcrfr r klck fijir eizz l9 co fcuocrv lit out wm misery slun ti tltf of ttusl i vl itrrt t thmi iiuistjr i t ijibijilr w- jtjit omovi t ii lvitiijvvkujaj ll- l ijtljiii ui- tvntswiecci lc1 i t3atue i i tht riu8 orij fim tt oaee jt 1 1 v wbici- fry ihifff ljf alrflriv iiii mi uilioi iai h4 slxxpfilc2lg9- x i oboi1 vcvlumb xiiino is pcnusukn- bvbrx thuksavy morning at tub- tree pstss power printi 3 house acton ontario acton subscription r ate8 osr tn siwv 8i m0stb8 wirra ilinkktjostbs ssct8 laviriably in nhiuico if uot piul in iulranc ill l nkn wvt1 vv u v llllaa iiiior yor will ijo chargoil tuiul till all iwrcarn aro plri oxcopt t thia nopaiwrdiscpn arc pi optiosi vf tlidmblislier advertisinq rates- banking company strt christie 00 bankers licuu outario aigtwqlial baakim businss transacted siwii 1 tii 0 vo a mo 1 1 uio 41 in 10 in a in liu lls lus lies 8sbs iow 350 j0to 1110 t00 800 9700 iso 100 xtsual alvertrtomeots 8 ccnt8irune forthd r uisorsion nul 3wut mt liuo tor each sub- f lout insertion civsh the number of lines rkouod by the space oeeuptotltiucasuml by a t isle of solid nonpareil alvcrtiseinonts xrithout spociqo diroctlons trill loiuiorel till iorbidauu charged accordi ngly tninsitorvhalvertlsemcnts must bo paid n advance changs for contract ailrertimuucutt must be in the office by 9 aui on tui9lays otherwise they will be loft over until the following wook ht mookk bditor and propriotor business ixtrtorr h lowry m b mcps graduate of trinity collvgo mogibcr of colegtf physicians and surgeons office and residence at the head of frederick street acton john iawson graduate of ontario veterinary college toronto vet- cri7 sargvon acton ont office in kenny bros boot aud shoe store residence in the rear hozscs examined as tosoondaess and certineates given all calls aight or day promptly attendod to twins east l l bennett ljs denx1st okokgetowx ostaklo a c mckinlay lds surgeon x3l dentist georgetown ont uses thc ncwsvsteiu of nitrons oxide oae commonly cilled vitaliied airi for wtracting teeth without rain having been demonstrator and practical teschctta royal college oi destal borseons toronto iatrwns ruay depend upon receiving aatisfactlou ia any operatiou perfonneil will visit acton ovcrv second and foorth wednesday of eict mouth- office iu aguewg hotel jh carrique surgeon dkn- tist 3illtok honor graduate of the koil coileo of dental snrgeons of ontario will visit acton thursday of each week begin ning the first ol july office in agnews hotel preservation of the natural teeth a specialty artificial teeth inserted- on gold celluloid or rob ber bases guaranteed txaiect vitalized air nitrous oxide aij other anaesthetics used for riiaiei extraction of teeth t0hnst0s mcleax uimtcrs solicitors notaries civoveyauccrs ic private funds to loan 03s- town hell acton efb jonsstosi wm a mclbis m0ne- loaotid on approted notes notes discounted and interest llowd on depositb find the puzzle rphe undcraignod is preiarcl to furnish on tho x shortest notice iu any quantity and at bot- torn prices firstclass lumbar laihrstaves head ing shingleswashtubs churns sutter tubs pork barrels wood flour and peed and anything lu tlie lino of farmers housekeep- era or contractors necessities the puule is to and a better placo than thomas g moores to buyanythloginttoftbote lines also to find oat it you are iudebted to him for anything pur chased from him ru books say some aro and bowouuuikethe uiohcy w h rutledce l the butcher dvxl- in evorytliiug in the meat hue no cits establishment can be found better stock- ta at all seatious no questionable goods of fered to customers at any price xowet prices iaiitl kquart ilcaliiik is my motto oibtrial cotiviiices tin ihisi points cash price paid for liides aud sheciskiis always ku or cattle the lukbvst w h rtttledge wellington marble works q738ec si qvslss acton ontabioi thtjusday sfiptbmbhb 1 i0h is the time 0 buy wall papee r i cheap at j dks booesipre i quelph gl and sale going roll wall paper for 50c 1 75jj 30 reaper for 20 paper for l5o caper for- 10 iaper for fa hc goods boottgl low must be soil to ropmfor news book arrive this pall 4 oi day sells i 38c 20c 15c toc 7ic c nake h do aut arr1v hea ed at the bazaar a uttloe stock wooli dou ft lo ian j airy zepher and all kinds of in ik voly handi oine woo a for tho fall au1 winter le and single berliii zepiici andu ftotxy jubilxx tor jubilee tim followina hlmplo but beautiful vonioh savs tlio ht htoiiliona kuvlow of loudon wore addrothod to george tho third oui entoriiik thcr nftletli year of his rolgn by an old inhabitant of the grampian hills who lived in tliu cottage in which norval ill tho tragedy of idoukim waa brodij j ifrao tho graniplan jfllln wllltlio lloyal oar i hearir lftm8 s and listen to nonnau the shepherds plain talo tho north win is blowing and gouily will boar it uuvarnishd and honcbt oor hllland oer dale when london it roaoliornt court sire rocol volt lfxoa talo you may read it or a song sing poor norman is otusy lu you may bollevo it im fifty yoara a nlioplicrd youra fifty a kiiik only drink it as for uows you cant fx 11 mo ttnytliinf i can says she oh ill tell yoo decent man like yon wont begrudge hliillinr for tlio like of my mows ill trubt you your policeman the now one tho tli in mun ia a thief hey saya i i yes huh phe hojot one of ypjir iny uows isnt it worili something v 1 looked up only one ham iiuur oycjr- hed i maybe yon took it yourself sully 8aidi i i coitmut reacluit biio eaid no assortment of enibroidctil cambric and muslin titttdo in baby itobes and cashmo le vely i ihades in plnsbes arrasincs embroidorj silks pons ciienille conls cnf gles c tho 1 atcst a mowat r sobcrrok kotakt fcbuc mouoy to loan oyyice djiys tuestlay and saturday it matthews block actou upstairs m e mitchell solicitor cosveyvscur c 7 hamilton clark proprietors wholesale and retail dealers in marble granite aijil everything pertaining tip cenfetery work direct importers of ail kinds of granite and marble t oisce first door west of the champion oiir- maiu street ilillou money to loan at 6 jlrcent hilton allvx ba1rd barristers solicitors c turoxio and geoegetows offices ctcelatans mock georgetown anil 8d kins street cast toronto s t a-i- i suiwon b j baihd ba b 031 ageeoyy 4 carsox butitlstessatlaw ic oatijo hajl so church strcctj toronto gwsaijr3aapp johs caesos nc j- co cnows attonjey atents secured fob isvestioss hating lately visited the bay offuudypauite quarries and having purchased the entire stock of gray aud granite monamenta lieadstones crosses nrns etc of alexander taylor at less than cost we will until further notice sell at prices never beforo known in ontario for in stance grauitemonuments it high 00 7 ft 75 silt 90 3 ft 100 10 ft 120 all work and material warranted firstclass parties wanting anything in this line will do well to call and see us before purchasing elsewhere as we guarantee our prices are from j to 50 per cent below all other dealers tho kelts fillosdu trimmings dralerit- for etc tidies i nderwear modo to et tho stamping a specialty aud dmt f irgct this in where light runnng new raymond sewing machine ml order call and i ee this popular machine a n our stjock of fancy goods ffiankr welder actoii auust 18tli 1s87 liyert kesfv grist ottawa ca iy yeara practice no patent kapay w jm hlimstrlpet liei accnoxeeu for th coantie- of wellinstoii and halton orjvrs lef at tie fitke pkess office acton or atmv residence iu acton willtje promptly at- leuit1 lo terms reasonable aso inosti lo ocu on tho most favorable terms and at the lowest rates of iutitest in sums of woo nmi upwards j h worden havisci assumed proprktorhip of thclivop- buiiineas latelv carried on by mr v e sniith wouldsolicit the atronagc of thepublic and will do their utmost to please all customers well equipped and stylish rigs can always be secured c in cm a mckbai li cinrtlj aictionttn for the counties o halton and wellington orders left at his residence main street oppos ite church street actou or addressed to acton p o- vrill receive strict attention terras rcisonabk notes discounted if desired j ohkday f architect gcklph ost ofite queers hotel block market square first cubs outfit for commercial travel- lert at special bates a com f oi rfalili litis meet night also if ordered all dav trains and give us a cafl mac lino everybody wauts wku xiieds no recoil meac ation it rocouimcnda it df aeh wkeij sole agent for acton and vicini for the colebrated bell organ and lan8downe pino the 1ree piiess i ut tice tl ileana advertisement doubijs rfiy sole ageney for the bell organ- i now sl ate that i have a wn cloaks iatyiis pou- all ilauueis your jubilee thou wl my ain 1 will mingle vor you an inysel twa fat lambkins ill slay fresh turf i will lay in a heap in my ingle and wi my old uoobours til raut out tlio day my pljios that i playd on laug nyiio i will blow i them my chanter ill teach to lilt ovor tlio tfprlug my drones to the tuno twill rouu nli rouii thrmv them i 0 fifty years a shopheril an fifty a kiug tho flock o great britain yovo lang well at- tended tho flock o groat llritftindouiaudodyour caro frao tlio tod and tlio wolf tlioyvo boon aiiuglyi dcfolided an lod to frouh luisturca freah wator aud air my flocks day by day ive led over tho heather at night they around me have danced in a ring ivo been their protector through foul and lair weather j im fifty years shepherd youiio fifty a king thoir fleeces ive blioru frac the cold to protect me their fleeces they gavo when a burden they j grow sviieu escaped irnc the shears their looks did ro- spect me sae the flock o great llrltaiu still looks upon x11 thoy grudge not their monarch a mite o their riches their active industry is ay on the wing then youan me sire i think we twa matches im fifty years shepherd youre fifty a kilig but all i lloyal george an ah humble xoruianj life to ue balth draws near to a close i the years far awn that has our natal hour man the tiuieh at our elbow that brings us reposo then een let it come sire il conscience acquits us a sigh fra our bosoms death never shall wring an may the niest jubleo amang augols moct us to hail the oultl shepherd and worthy auld king xoiiman xicnolson grampian hills october 1ki9 aud all the people shouted and said god rave tlio king 1 kaiuuel x 34 j stud 3faimug tuabing wn him tin re dont ive roe awar h d kill me if he know it was me as lol 1 i e aw him the star on his coat ahono u it d inc i j po i wij th toj i lei i fa the story of a ham insect at tei con- lady tract duly signed by messrs wueu aco giving me the sole agency for tie ailc of the bell organ for the city of gcelph and a radius of twenty miles iucludiig acton rockjwooa eden mills evirton sew ger- tnanv bnealan and ucspeier tb above menlioneoj contract can be beeijty any music belief iro od or gentleman on calliig at nif store op dsitc the post office the reliab e firm of w belt co f rancis suxak suctcisor to t f chapmani bookbikdek si geoijes snuarc gutll ontario account jimks of ell kinds miplo to order periodicals of every description carefully bound iiuling neatly and promptly done t he haxlan barber shop mill sineeiaci6k an easv shave a stylish haircut a good seifoam an eihilierating shampoo always given bajor tanel and put iu uretclass condition ladiea and childrens hair tastily cat i k h w0bde5 tonsorial artutb giielnh business college guelph oxtario rilhe third scholastic yeah x begins september 1st patronage drawn from ten states and provinces yoans men and boys thoroughly prepare- for bnsincss pur suits graduates eminently snbcessfnj as ac countants business managers shorthand writ ers clerks salesmen travellers etc both in canada and the united states moderate rates thorough practical work and courteous treat ment characteriiwi the institution jjadies ad mitted to all tbe advantages of the college splendid facilities afforded for the acquisition of french and german j h worden hbllqi heritg to that any ersou other than are nellirg the bell orgcn in territory i facte ry vay or is selling instrunfent i notice prloprietr mended t je bell orjin to pause and consider that it will be to ourown interest to patronize homo trade vc would respectfully inform tho inhabitants of actoii and i urrounding country that we are again in full rui ning order and in a better position than bcfori the fire to fill alf orders entrtstod to us to parties building lumtperwill le dressed made with for information adrebb m maccobmick principal lumber shingles and lath while you wait and mouldings ac neatness and despatch ji b avp are also prepared to 8j1 all orders for j pumps on short notice and from long cxperiouco iu the business wp leel confident that we can give sat isfaction every time so cbme on with your orders andjhelp to roll the ibajj along money makes the more go whether she has legs at no tiios ebbage manager indii puts ale reputation o this such men my s obtaining them thut to fltlicuiidctufinc1 desires to inform the public 1 thathe has now on hand and will k in stock a full line of pimfend hemlock ju well m other kinds of lumber also first and second class pine shingles lath coal wood s hardvoodt ash godarand mill wood at reason able prices wood and coal delivered james bbown mutual fibe insurance company ojf tub i optwir of vrsmmtov e9tabl1sued 1810 head office cueuph tke fall will 1 here before yon know it but eenneybros my ay en the letter of th contract and ts who h above e 1 msatis- a seior dhaud justone o w ke opposite post all dealers recommeuirtc custo- to ioll be ar f yes tell thisftory was told by a rocer twenty yeursago it is perfectly true as i believe and i give it as nearly iu his words as i can remember them it was told when half tlio inhabitants of our qriiet suburban street were out upon their door tteps watching a policeman jurying at home vara hiiugryhohnngrj chase a thief a mist ruble meged young fellow who turned aud dcdgdltiid doub led with such an expression of despair on his face thut though he had piclcd u pocket no emotional young person present could help feeling sorry for him how- j pho i ought to bavo begged before ever it was i confess a little surprise to j stile god knowb but i swear i meant te hear the words well i suppose it is j pjy y f th ham to seudyou tht i th 1887 lamplight as ho got it down tlujy wcjro btaii then tho polico did he hid yo vder somewhere when he changes w other man hell get it then you ccfn culjohlnini atit murk ye well its juit th to under the cliureli bteps im thinkin a pity mo for my information i gave her her shilling and she whia- ed that she could get a nights lodgiig h that money and hobbled off ai d u i put up the shutters pnllpd my dour and crossed the street there was griat space under the church porch a hidh wc oded one i struck a match aud searcl i ed about mid there wrapped in an ofd pa er i found my ham i was furious a common thief wqalkl nojt have made 1110 feel as i did but a po iceman bound to guard my property 1 3 ro i me it una my duty i felt to do th wc rst i could to him and just then e he ird tlio ring of the club that called th s otl ler mau to his post and heard the slot 6ttps on the pavement i youvo signed your own deathwarrant my manj youre done for isays to my sei f feeling that vengeance was mine bj rihtforonce and i hid in the shadow and in a moment more there lio was 1 him get tho ham under his arm beon howed thou i pounced upon him like s er j j a pretty policeman you are yon thief d i and i held him fast i was very strong at that agostrongei thkn he wub he struggled for a moment and then al of a suddendropped the ham and stag- ge ed back against the church wajl oh god my wife snid he and be- gai to sob you ought to have thought of that be foje if the guardian of onr property if steal it what is to become of ns amr ood salary too a man that dont neec aiiylhing i wouldnt blame some pool jgar so much thoujjh td have hire ested but you yon ought fp bo bung a he said i deservo it all but ipi yon ono thing first tliey art i pbige theee cents his golden hair all scorched but i not hurt otherwise papa fie sail billy most burut to deft only the big nan saved him down a ladder as jic spoke tlujre ctnio u crash tho roof had fallen iu what shall i i ay to yon iiow can i thanksyou or blois you enough 1 i said grasping the hand f that brave nmu- when they had brought him to for ho had faint ed at lost there were bums on his hand and on hisj face he had 1 arely escaped with his life bulihegave mn the smile of un angel v qt d bless yt u 1 said he dont thank no ive on y paid a debt thttsl why i auttys want a green hand to hive a oh trice said our grocer turning avjay inn walking toward his shop jiex ot leltkitj it i urn faint but at homo they hat nothing but a little gruel for three days ive only been appointed lately i donl get auy salary until pay day ive beet sick and ive worked hurd to get this mrj money when i was paid my wifo askec yoiu for credit yesterday you said yot gake ncine they dont where the neigh bojrliood is eo poor i kuow there dc what yon like with me im donafor jtha tears wero falling down his cheeks i tjook him by the arm i led him over ii rat shop and i went in and bbnt the dooi behind us policeman says i im doing wbai wrong but somehow 1 eoit ofwisb he would get away this time proceed from the lips of our grocer who liadt followed the crowd from his corner tothespot before the house ho looked at roc as ho pasted me and i baw hunger in his eyes may be that drove him to it siiid the grocery but i dont think he is a professional thief and somehow if i could i would not have him hnutpd down tonight i wish he might lawyer cull condoning an offence i kno get off and find come ono chhritabletohim j hqt see here im taught that the time wil and go to honest work tomorrow prisons ieoine wlien isliall stand before the grea dont make desperato men better though almighty to be tried for my ofiences no they are ueedful for criminals of couise doubt lvdone worse than youve done i you see ho went on t hud e curious i i ij but know it and i hope he will for experience of my own once upon a tine j gu- ro ns i forgive you then i tool and i never have forgotten it and never clo aibaskct filled it with what i had o can i provisions and said to bink take thesi it was when i first begs u business with i home as a present and let yonr wife come very little capital in a poor quarter of the j hoyo tomorrow ill open an account witli banc roft is cordii j and polito aldri jh ii never warm but ulwayspolitc markjitwains hupior is seen in all his acts bob burdette is unconventional and full of geniality will oarlfltons banner is simple and genial ike his poet is charles dudley warner writes easily and always cordially tho jioet stedroa l uses the peii of his son in answering miscellaneous letters e p roe genera jy prefaces his letters with the phrase ear mr r edward in invariably usgs the prefix idear sir and the afilx yoiirs truly francis parkmai the historian is cau tious an d dignifiet employing only the word ir wdhowells frequeutly daslfes off ft note witiopt nsinj anycomplimentary od dress at til walt tynitmani ligidly ignpresallletters which is strange sieing that he welcomes visitors whittierj regards humanity at large as his friendsl and fre dy uses the address of dear friend in ais letters james russell lowell is cold distant and reserved jhe ib sa a to regard- the letters of unkno vhcorresr ondents with suspicion george william curtis is the pink of politenes ih his co responderice and gener ally addsj al cordial word at the end of his tetters dr hdlmes is thfe piost genial of corre spondent 3 he res poiids with a cordiality in the to le of his k iter that makes you at once feel oj liking u r the man ahapprifohk i a pretty story about a german fainily discloses the secret of a happy home where joy aboundeth though there are many to feed and clothe a teacher once lived in strosburg who had hard work to support his family his chief joy in life however was in his nine children though al was no light task tb support them all his brain would have reeled and his heart sunk had he not trusted in his heavonly father whenhe thought othe number of jackets stockings and dresses they would ndd in tbo course of a year and of the quantity of broad and potatoes they would eak j his honse too was yesy small quarters for the many beds and cribs to say nothing of the room refttired for the iioiso and fun which the mery riiiie made but the father and mother managed very woll and the honbo was a pattern of neatness and ordol one day thero cams ajjuest to the house as they sat at dinner tlio stranger looking at the hungry children about the table said compassionately poor man what a cross yon have to bear across to bear jasked the father wonderlngly what do you mean nine children and seven boys at that replied the stranger adding bitterly i hivo but two and each of them is a nail in my coffin- mine are not said the father with prompt decision how does that hippen asked the guest because i have taught them the noble art of obedience isnt thst so children yes cried the children and yon obey me willingly the two girls laughed roguishly but the seven youngsters shouted yes dear father truly then the father turned to the guest and said sir if death yvere to jcome in at the door waiting to take one of my child ren i woahfsay here he pulled off his velvet cap and hurled it at the doorras- cal who cheated you into thinking that i had one too many the stranger sighed he saw that it was only disobedient children that made the father tniliappy one of the nine children of the poor schpolmasterafterwards became widely known he was the saintly pastor oberlin the mqlbll tkaffic ix africw avit ai hi hob recom- the organ is war srobm 1b well sto ked w th instrimec ts includlug piatioi organs banj as iolins harmonicas and vccordians also i full hue of tho latest slleet mtieic and am recci ring lew instalments daily c w kelly lllce qcrfilph musical guitars -right- the front town with poor folks for customers peo- plo that neverbooghi delicacies mind you bread poor butter sugar tea and coffee cheese dried fruit herrings that sort of thing yob know when tbey were cheap id have a few oranges some grccn apples and i usually had a ham or two to sell in blices they didnt go off very fast bnt i kept n couple of them in their yellow- cloths always hanging lit the door i remember i was standing at the door on the edge of the evening when i first noticed a new policeman on our beat he was a large man natarally but so hollow cheeked and with such sunken eyes that i thought to myself that man must have been sick lately j he wasstaring at the hams with those eyes of his and i6ud to my wife when she called me into tea j shouldnt wondet if he meant to buy a whole one he seems to be biziug them up itis bitter to ripe with the lark than with a bent pin what character f dickens does the new taethod of doing tie hair resemble all- ofatwie howirild are you miss emma i am old cnpngli to k now better than to an ewer that question now that i ihhb got iny bay ibbuid the relieved farme i thankfno world would bo greatly be iter for a good bhower what are the ivild waves saying is the question jusi now they aresaying not to come near them unless yon engaged your rooms a month ago or aro willing to sleep in the bowkng alio annie is it pwper to say ere or liraf ere- jwhy kale of course not well e dont knew whether it is propter or not but i feel c jd in this ear from that air oh fnother ivhat do yoa thiuk re marked the high sihool girl our minis ter has an amat uensis you dont say 1 reblied an o d lady with much con cern is lie doct jriu for it miinnia to litt e joey aged four who wants to stay in hs como dearie i ia tiraenovi to get u dont you hear that robin btttside yot r window he 6ays get up get up get up now get np quick joey listening thoughtfully yes i hear him but he says it to his own children 0 al competition vve place our elegant and substantial goods spi ndid in quality 1 cpmpl te in assortment i j overflowing in gem rous bargains me fs or iii ssurovjiuildlnes rdurehandlse uanufaetoris and all other desription of property on the premium note system fw sloie onas davidebn president beer miry john taylk -flrent- 4vijj dominion boot shoe store 1 cain street acton have ant cipated its early arrival and laid in a splendid stock of bobts shoes c for fall wear omre mtatdonfor good goods and so erior value is well established we can suit yon all oar toittim bepartinejit is turn ng out flwtollsb works osoal with boodblocli iai repairing to lwi y pronaptlj b4 nertly done kbnnybros e loots womens and ouiiidbens at prices that always lea4 to sjjecfly ales oo r- r lcfwfcst prices cos8ibtest willi good quality y oo i cutoi n work and rjeplairing p omptly attended to w hdr yu cku pay me payday j helooked at mb with his great hungnf eyes god bless you he said and prospe yqu you deserve to be rich to be happy now and theu j dj you think what youve saved me from i 1 die for you well t did the crying that time and he took the basket and went away hii wife next day and i gavo her a littl t4okand he paid me square and fair anil many a good turn he did me as a police man can if he chooses i but after a time wiib better off i seemed to prosper wondei ffflly somehow and i moved t9 a bette street aud a better store and 1 lost sight cjf my policeman wejl all this was before the preseujt diy there were no telegraphs no mei scngcrk or polico callain houses the fir ir en vlere a brave jot of fellows bnt they hadnt the uhunceb ttey have in the pre sent system and your house migfioe biirned down before they got to you and i dont know why i had it fixed on my j gfat tlie hose fastened to the fireplug and mind that he would send for one but all so one night when my wife and i waked that evening whenever a good comfortable to find a red glare in the room and 1ft looking young woman came into the store knowithe stairs were in flames we hadn t i thought it was the policemans wife mucbbope for our lives there were our shoes williams hill street acton salesmen wanted vtte ai slntrant of a few t lore ftr lulasb men w to sanvass for the sal i of onilcariles otuvrwyrbtoelc to mei who j2ake a rmtjt j kiu n a n fooja balaries nt i mldoyment bpeiialties both t ini ornwnentl lines jhjch other otapplogwuhrtferences koa8rarsainirrb hy come for a ham and it is a fact that when 1 went out to take them dowu before shut ting np forjthe night there jwas ino early closing then i saw the policeman staud- ing in the shadow staring at tho hams he kept it np for three days on jho night of the fourth a storm burst over ns i think i never saw it pour so aud it was icy cold and dark as pitch outside the hams bung under shelter abd i did not try to tnke them in i thought no cus tomers would come ih that rain and i sat down heartho stovo to read my newspar per aud take a smoke in comfort aud somehow i got interested in some political speeches and before i knew it my wife tvas calling to me that it was ejweuoolook and id better tako in andshtit up then i looked up wll sally says i 1idiahbe a lit erary party neglecting my business for my rojnd one of these days if i go on like this and i put the paper on top of che cheese box and went outside to put np the shutters the rain had stoppod j it wab clear and cold and the stars wire shining iu the pools of water youll ttlwy a see after a rain in a badly paved street every body seemed to be in bed it was as still as the backwoods and i tell you i jumped when a cold hand came out and touched mine hot says i hey wliafi that its- only mo mr splcer says a hoarse womana voice moiold solly givemeaibiuipgthey used to talk of shillings in new york ii those days gimme shilling aud iltwl younews oh ro wajt sauyjsfye i youd cdsxrtkd chudren too weu i dont liketo tbirik of that moment i shouted out of thewin- dow as loud as i could fire i firot ard 1 heard the policemen ring their clubs ard shout the word after me and windows flew up but who was to get us out who i put the babies near the wiudow my wife was on her knees i btarcd down tliestrept looking for help and i saw r policeman- tlie ono that stole my ham who had come flying up at tho call of tho other dash to ward the house iu jyent tho door for i beard it and in a moment more lie w ib there through the flames as it seemed he beized my wifo inliis arms wrap ped a blanket about her and i follow id i with the babies we were in the street as it seemed by a miracle when my wife cried out litile billy little bdly 1 out boy was stall in the honse in tho little our hoy 1 onr treasure i all to ns i my godtioned i roslied toward the honse the smoke and flames beat me uaok but the man wio hod rescued us plunged into them the engines were coming at last r lien drag ged usut of harms way ansjgahwt the lare of light i saw btanuofj indnd w of the second floor that man with this t oy iu hla arms i covered ray face ajj my archdeacon fairars article in the july contemporary catling attention tojtheenor- mons growth of the mm traffic in africa has caused a genuine sensation it has often beenclaimedithkt while the germans have not hesitated to flood that country witli intoxicating liquere the english hate not been open to the same reproach it seems however thatin 1884 germany sent 7180263 gallons of spirits to western afrirai great britairiin2328 gallons t amairica i2v312 gallons one of the native missionaries th the islandlof lagos which is the key to iheyoruba country on the west coabt and lias a population of 75000 says that his cjuntry lies at the mercy of european traders who aie flood ing it with diirik mr joseph thompson a wellknown african traveller says that the civilized nations are roaring into the country immense quantities of gin ram and gunpowder and declsires thatvthe evils of the rnm traffic are far worsehhan ever were those of the slave trade in south africa according to ai olbqial report 101 natives were killed by brandydrinking in- two months in w83and on the eastern beaboafd the destruction of life in a similar munuer is said to be quite as great arch- deacon farrar calls upon the british par liament to pnian end to this disgrace so far as it lies in its power ye milch mawe adowu yo lane yo milch maide went full blythe she sang on gale a pall was oil her chestnat locks to fetch yo milch awsie ye sun lit up yo westcrno skio yo aire rang witli her sougc- ye triuingc birds would cease to singe as this one walked alonge her shaiiely snklesshowetl beneathe a skirt that stiu t her knee an if youlookcd from it to grouude o youd something comev bee liesido ye bars ye maiden paused an waitinge rested there a blythesome souge from out her throato 8till filled ye ovenirige aire ye milch maide chmed ujion yo ljars witli earo an rustic graci she eate within ye solitude with tbinsin in her face boyoudo ye bars in pasturesgreeue yd milch kiuo there did browse how well their teats wore filled withmilch tho maiden often shown i ye stiu sanke it touched yo trees nor was yo maide alono r for at her feet a country lad i f mado susans bars a throne then saldc yelsd unto yo maide v i haye my jiatrhnoiila so susan faire niihih not ye kiue but fix for lntriiuoiiie downe hopped f airesnsaii to his arms all downe they strolled ye ishe ayitlliu ye milch maides breast an his as 006 heart beat ye twaiuc- in truth f aire firiivrmprp je sleek kiuci teats bennred but iu her lover latls brbwn locks ver chubby hands oft lingered while looking iu his manly eyis shefcltawealthof miss au finding soon ms spacious uijduth she closed it with a kisb i r 1- a imion this which was not mado alohc for iatriinoriic but sciiig born of love thats love womidupinriiatruiiouie eugenkashtox 3d gramercy park sev york tfoahs vs pipes -i- afixb mjxox extravatance of anlerlcaii smokers as viewed by a londoner one of thetriatures of aroericuu street life that strikes an eiiglislimaii on first arriving here most forcibly saitj a younif londoner recently is the abundance of cigars i was simply astonished io observe on my arrival here teamsters porter cab men aye even pedjers with handcart smoking cigars in england yoa know where cigars cost just as much as tbey do here a man who never smokes anything on the street but a cigar is looked upon as j an epicure and if lie is not gentleman of landediroperty is regarded as a very ex- travagan follow what do we smoke hvby piswg pf course i know fellows loudon leltows toowhoare worth all the way frprajtloo to 1000 a year who are inveterate bmok- wis undyet regard cigars witi abontju n icli reverence as yon do diamonds no doubt the most extravagant of thein siiloke two cigars at 3 pence of f cents a piece per day kof i must bay that the princely extravagance of the americah smoker who though hemay be too poor to boy himself a warm overcoat when the cold wind conies will still scorn to smokes pipe on the street floors me in iiosdon if costermonger or cabman sppeirea among his comrades with a lighfjed eiar in his mouth lie woold be i hooted from one end of the street to tho other for endeavor ing to assume a luxury hia circumstances- in life did rot entjtle him to j jr- m ml opjis of thought with the hoai i have met wjth queer characters in ray day remarket a conductor on ono of the city roads last evening all sorts of excuses- are given and all old fakes are workedloget si- ride one of the nerviest men it has been my luck to meet was a wellto6o old skinflint thatnsed to ride frequent ly when i first came on the line the firs time i ittempted lo collect his fare he smiled knowingly andln an off handed manner said oh thatsalirigbt i was young in th i bin and passed him by ha worked the way to death not only did he ride h niself but frequently in vited some friendf to ncoompany himi at last 1 tumbled au i madesometinquiries at- headquarters touctiiug hisrigbttoridefree the very next mo ning which waa one of thehottjbt offthot july day 1 boarded the car fare youes in his car oli thats ailxightlh 3 placidly replied no it isnt illright yon cant play trie any longer was toy onswer assuming an air of it jured dignity the old fraud said connected with the road in what capa city- my son drove the snowplough oh your road li at winter that roan i want the biggest and bestwatermelon in the lot he said asi he surveyed a great pile of watermelons in from of a woodward avenue grocery yes sir here is best melon ive seen this year plug hi was the brusquo command yes sir splendid red core shall i put it on ice the purcliasordrew from his ppeket a flask of portwine and proceeded to pour tho contents into tho orifice thc melon readily absorbed the liquid- and when the plug was replaced the man chujekled he he he i want the melon sent to the temperance fanatic say nothing aud it will be a big joke on him a couple of days later the mail came around to the store again and asked well the melon was sent up oh yes and the boy didnt give my little plot away oh no but we beard from it you did- he he lie what did he say he and his faniily were off up the lake but the hired girl aud coachman said it was tho finest inolou they ever put tooth into hweeprexn never rt de with n io again unlesb he had the dust ittcti8e fourio j room uext ours the deaxflst lot strength was gone i sboulronjy leeh im on sboutod die if i looked the ladder 1 some 1 tbeytegotrthe ladder np 1 then a great jhout arosebrmr joy xjreat ttesvyen be prilsrf li swf j y d they put my utile sijljn ttfytiarmb t here 3ly license idle men do not think they only dream knowledge is the only fountain both of tho love and the principles of human liberty genuine cheerfulness is an almost certain index of a happy mind and a pure good heart truth is a torch but ofce of fnormous shse so that we slink past it in rather a blinking fashion for fear it should burn us as the medical properties of some plants can be adduced only by distillation so our good qualities can only he provied by trials enthusiasm is un impulse capable of raising men to a higher level of thought feeling and action tlun they could possibly reach without it ijreat effort from great motives is the best definition of a happy life the easiest labor is a burden to him wlio has no motive forperformingit he is the greatest man who chooses the right with invincible resolution wbjt bears the heaviest burdens cheerfully ana whose reliance on truth and- virtuejs thernqst- unfaltering the eud which at present calls fourth our efforts will be found whenit is onc to be only one of the means to some remoter end the natural flights of the human mind are not from pleasure but from kope to hope cheerfulness is the bright weather of the heart pleasant cheerful conversation shopldbe the- rule af the table it is a breach of good breeding for one member of the family to sit down to the table and silently read the daily paper v ts 1 as hist0hica1 i sara ltones sayfj now i believe if i was goi ig to seu 1 iquor i would come here you ha iq quite a nice city here i dont know iow man r of yon belong to the church i dont show whether ypur mayor belongs to the iui irch t dont know his name nor who hi i is bnt i tell you if everl sold wl ibkey i w inld want to go to a town where i he mayor wbb a presbyterian elder andtht counoilmsn were methodist stew ards aid aldernibn were baptist deacons ifwonli t have re y license signed np and take it home and say to my wife f pi eserve thi t j put it in my trunkand lock it ip well phd when i die i want them u rd tiiat in mv coitrx withmje and vhen the trumpet should waken e from s dead the first thing i- would hink abot t would be my license and wl en god summoned mo before the great v hite throne and showed me the jo vastatijnlhadmade amoug the children de charged witi murdfr he at a recent examination of childrenunder 13 years of age attending the londonboard schools the following replies were given in answer to tho questions asked write ashort account of the conquest of ireland the conquest of ireland was begun iu the year 1170 and is istill going on i name sonjeof tlie leading events in the lifeof lordneuori cjuo lad began bis answer lwith these words mr nelson was a sailor the king made him a lortiy which pleased mr nelson very much what is n compound sentence a oompound sentence is a sentence about many things in gwiernland about nothing in narticular why was the ark of bulrushes in which iloses was put vsaubed with slime and with pitch tomakohim stick inside was th icady reply of ajlitue boy jtoioiiox lvrix a cinciiiftati lawyer was very fond of showing off bis classical learning to a jury stobiks from dowxeaot many arguments appeal to the rustic newenglauderj but thereis one that never fails thelbijumenfuhi ad cwnejiam r au elderly farmer and his ipiddleaged sou sam had been spending the day at the county fair when it came to be time to go homeward sam appeared rather worse for his days pleasuring j sam saidhis father jivhat ails ye haint yefgotno seuse i dont care a cent aboui yer taksu a uipper or so but hew kin ye be such a tormented fool ez to go and git corned ezye he now a gleam of triumph shone in sams watiry eyeb as jie answered wolyc gain ter do weii fiilkt oin it lu ye there is no reply iu rural new england to such reasoning as tliislrkditors draw er in llarptra magazine for september i m of menj i would pulp out my license and bay ijord i didrit know it vsb any harm her 8 mvlicensk signedlby preslyterian eldlerb methodist stewai ds and b iptist deacons 1 warned the jury pot to allow public opinion whichwas against his client to influence their verdict iye np said he all feeling on this iiitpoittaiit matter and be like the ancient his adherence to thvtruth who in liis defehcei most elo lclok at the scouomy of nature when qoently deolared amicus calo amiou whaler failed to supply the world with oil i plato amicus cicero sed majdr ntns for li ht petroli urn was idispovorcd and tho next noinmg the lawjel fonnahimbelf lhe btncard pil cumpuny gobbld reported as saying j lnay cuss cato 1 businssprovidenceoegau 1 may cuss plato i jniay odss cicero said holsekekpixti ixpiihgexce mrs molly bigman a newly married lady does not know anything about hotkee- keepiug but the is anxious to have her husband believe that there is nothing in the lipudb keeping line that she does kpow he happened to be in tlio room when the cook cameand said will you pleasojib incout de coffee de woteris lcen aiiilin dislas halflionr let tlib ur boil matildu replied mas bignjan calmly ithe longer itboils he btronger it mil i o editors drawer ur llarier juia il e un seiteutbti sl when upthe pctroleun to tun i on the n itural gas major vertab ho thit diluentu heeketu gtwl cureth fuvor but lie tliatsie it shall como unto hiui ro- ildfi k t isfesi bisii n i i27u