fe owr i cuwnm at berlhi on lite sstfi ausmst the wile t jpp cteuwnmwrrltter ot a sou huowx at ctanrans comer on the mh attaint th vtte ot mr john brawn of a daughter f 7 k i howtttuotfelptioii thursday hh august xmu daughter ot httttyhvrfttrld td saoy i tutuunwat bbnrcttviue wta rubor mmm to haltuaed 18 vnsr h ni bora ou ruhipnii antrhn mmcmhoo mactucbww- in beeton august ibui caritou condon bee intent km ot mr and mrs k h macpberson ot the worm aged i mouths end irdays mk at the knox cuurefiwause mora on the srth august kevhugb ro ot typhoid fever agetl 15 year agut lycars jmwitbiu acton attuo residence ot her sou mr wuliam uurney margaret uriffiui aged 68 years ooxk lu namavvya oil uie slut ot jab cose mother ot mr wui cow 8txkthvnmm4iftwoyii on uie mb thomas stony aged si ye ootsxty the following ooaldeouu feteulars dluribntmiithmftfr iotork pmm r dyt wj h ftttat end tat fiin ajs this copy however iot th editor u hardly considered eu nn- compromising meudottheltaveessecia hon by theoouutyclerk theedltoroauu into possession of the ieant honestly never- thelew ind give th tnt for the infor mation and tdlncatiottot thegtneral public it reads follow and xjplftiub ltaalt confidential circular antiscott art assorutloa orthe county of ltnlton 5ft aged mrwiat in ixnidon on the iwui august mar garet mum v itimer of mr- benjamta wsjuoo noaractou aged so years 4 j bt juton jr s thursday september 1 1887 xotks an1 oomjiksts amlatbtuwpawkk dsarsib t milton out auf it 18w to- tlic petition against the return ot hon edward blake as member for west dor- hurt has bceu withdrawn tor want ot sufficient evidence a revised statement ot dominion revenue and expenditure tor the fiscal year ending juuesotb shows a total revenue of 35801- ml leaving a surplus over expenditure ot 134437 the value ot the fisheries ot the do minion it is stated has shown an increase annually since the confederation it is understood that tins years catch from present indications will be of a very satis factory nature the tanperauce woman have prevailed upon the managers of the new york state fair to be held in september to allow no sale of intoxicating liquors oil tlje grounds and to permit temperance addresses to be made by both men and women igfflisffifc upef aooounta buiduit 11 mtt ottkoiidiy evtt ink alwprnwttuoljtmveiw ooaocil lor ou leron lowry smith t id wallaoo hiuujm ot lut nnfltlng rcajd tnd don flrmadj i mrs l a seoord appoared bbtore the coimcjiaua appealed to have tie taxes on the priperty destroyed by ire id jane equitably rednoed the oounoll contldewd the matter and xtbe dectrio light is beinj tried iu the scottish fisheries as fish are invariably attracted by a strong light a powerful eketrio lighting apparatus has been fitted to a stetmepr plying on the fishing grounds round the isle of may at the mouth of the firth of forth it is expected that the brilliant lure will bring a good haul the cities o toronto and montreal pre sent vast differences especially in morals more especially is this noticeable in con nection with the liquor traffic toronto has just closed up seventyfive of its li censed booses reducing the number to about 150 montreal has just issued cleren kumtbed licenses for that city for the pre sent year c a new incandescent electric lamp has it is said been devised by the electrician of the julien power storage company at brussels the filament is made of a new material and gives a discharge of electricity in the hydrogenfilled oulb which produces an aureole of light it is claimed that the jdnminatmg power is onethird greater than in the edison lamp for the same ex- penditare of energy t the winnipeg commtrcial says that the increase in the acreage in manitoba has been large estimates varying from 20 to 35 per cent over last- year according to the districts whence the reports come with the crop harvested in good condition and the yield in keeping with present indica tions manitoba farmers will have in the neighborhood of 9000000 bushels of wheat far export this fall according to a pacific coast paper the ca pacific railway company and the c p x company are negotiating for a new line of steamers from vancouver to northern coast points with a view to meet the requirements of the constantly increas ing stream of tourists from the east it is proposed to pat on firstclass steamers the objective point of the new line will very probably be some port in alaska while all traffic is forbidden on the nia- gars falls reservation and all shops eeda water pavilions and bazaarehave been torn down an exception is made m favor of the indian women it is felt the presence of the representatives of the rice that once inhabitedtbe locality enhances rather than detracts from the scene and they are ac cording allowed to sell their bead work they come from the tascaiora reservation seven miles from the falls mr- gladstone speaking on tuesday on a retrospect of the queens reign paid the queen a fitting compliment when he said that the leading change during the reign was the system of a representative parlia ment elected by the direct influence of the people ruling the country many sov ereigns consented to laws because they could not help themselves from indivi- dnal personal evperience he ksew that queen victoria had given willing hearty and active consent to all beneficial changes and had made herself the prime benefactor of the country j i the high school section of j the teachers convention at toronto last week discussed the question of the propriety of increasing grant to high schools and were a unit in favor of such ipcrease the minister who was present said he was in favor of increas ed grants but the obstacle lay in the legis- latnre which was opposed to larger grants for secondary education in tbe mean time masters and trustees should look to the conrty councils for relief the minis ter has expressed his intention of introduc ing a bill at tbe next session making it obligatory on trustees to impose a fee on papils death of wk babbeb exmpj am diratej to request that rou wul b kind enough to call toother the rrtewji of the above attoelauou lu your ward turn or vutagv organlwatocilbuuch ot the attoouuou and untbatr semi two or moro dstagatoi to attend a nieetlatt to be held at the wallace house milton on wednesday aug mst tor hie toor- oogfeoniabuauobof umoppoouruot u boon ac in toiii county for on coming repeat vote lturmtttsteduiattmclal efforts be made to induce iaadtng men throuahout the county to act ui committee and attend th tneettnf at delegates aniouitit other important nutters bo mttid at th meeting wtllbe the selection ol a county onanlser to superintend the opar- ktionnotlool committee it il most impor tant ibat every section of the county be repre sented at the mwitlujl so that no tuue may bo lost lu pertecuu our organisation kindly write a soon as ouibe jcttlnk me know tbe prospects ot the repeal ntovemeutln youruslgh- your ounuovt tervanti v wm pantos beeretary the meeting took place on wednesday as announced the hotelkeepers of aoton were present bat the leading men were not forthcoming we presume an enthu siastic meeting was held the petition for thsrepeal ot the scott act presented the ejection held the scott act overwhelming- ly defeated and licensee arranged to he issued on the first of may 18s8 all at one sitting the latter events will however only take place in the minds of the friends of the above association and your obedient servant wm panton county okrk will humbly obey the commands of uie liquor interests in the meantime tiiosktvho havje treuhei ix kxox chlhlh the induction of a new pastor for knox church acton recalls many incidents which have transpired in connection with that church during the thirtyseven years since its organization prior to the settle ment of a regular minister rev peter fer- ruson of the bootch block preached here onee a month and occasionally a student from knox college toronto would supply in 1851 rev john mclaughlin was induct ed into the charge he continued the pas- tor for eleven years and on the 5th novem ber ltabev lachlan cameron now of thamesford was inducted tbe church grew- and multiplied under the ministra- tions ot its first two pastors and much re gret was felt when they saw fit to sever their connection with the congregation mr cameron was tho pastor for thirteen years and wig followed by rev d b cam eron who was officially settled in jane 7th 1875 for ten years he was in charge he tendered his resignation in october 1885 mr cameron was of a literary turn of mind and during his pastorale published several books and pamphlcta among which were v a series of discourses on pauls epistle to the ephesiaus a volume of some 400 pages a pamphlet on baptism another on thoughts on prohibition in which hp gives it as his opinion that total abstinence societies and prohibition are un- scriptural mr cameron was also the author of several gaelic works his pas torate was not unqualifiedly harmonious but he left a large circle of friends as reported last week rev james w rae was inductee on the 23rd tilt and preached his inangnr d sermons hut sunday doric the vacancy of the pulpit after the resi gnation of rev d b cameron a large n imber of ministers visited acton and offi iated in knox church but we ven ture the opinion that a good many of the member iot the congregation will be greatly surprise 1 when it is stated that no lees than fortyse en different preachers occupied the pulpit d uing the vacancy the great ma- jprity f them of course excepting dr torranc the moderator were here with a view to i call the following is the list 1 kev b torrance d d oct 4 i860 mr mcgregor edinburgh 11 2 a wilson i ih db cameron t i 5 k mclenxuui nor 1 h b torrance dd na rislt lj 6 jamesargo s3 7 john mcmillan 39 j mcd duncan doc 6 murdo ilckeazie 13 tv mculeyj john mckay b a doc 2tti jauy 3 1q w d mclaren 17 si w c armstrong jl tif klunear feby j- f wilson h d a mclean 21 k torrance dd 3rd and li vifita e8 and 7 march c vi gordon 14 3 d htijusou 21 i- 38 lieorgeiballautyne airrih john mckay b v 2nd visit 11 b torrance dd 5tli viriti is d b cameron second visit j13 c w gordon second visit stay 3 d curric 9 16 jobudoff 33 dr mckay lfflkm b torrance d d 6th visit junes i 0 b greig la win whitfield 20 27 b torrance d d seventh visit july i win anderson 11 a f mekenzie july is and 25 hid aufcust 1 rbhn duff 2nd visit 8 1 torrance d d 8th tc 9th risksiriora janics a grant fflaheii 0 dbcajijeroiijrd visit 12 b torrance d d lotu t 11th visits 13 ic x john lorteoik oct 3 hnr- xorris 10 torrance d d 13th vlstl7 ltcblan catucron jh laid millar 11 nov 7 14 reduced by the sum of vel jht do lla ra presented the committee on i inanot their seveuth report roiommi nfutg pay ment of aoooantf as follqws- peter 8syers lumber jaroes brown lumber hiram ryder work on sidewilkk p it ryce md prov boar 1 o ileal tn i john lawson constable fees hp moore printing and adv james brown wood moses i allahtyne work adam look work h p a core board of h ealth thomai easton repain win walker lamplightiug kepoh adopted a bylaw regnlatiug tlio slo ol this mo niclpality was in iroduo id required number of timet and jiasw the 1 cense feo for resi dent b lb hers who are rat ipayers is to be 110 kna for all others 190 conn ill theu adjourned kr ui ou r own corrcioud6 it tlifl report ot the recent important pr isbyt erian gathering in ac i in last wefeks hxe pnksn will to doubt be read wl h iu erest by mbst of mr wm barber of streetsville exmp p for the coanty of haltou died ou thursday morning last of heart disease after an illness of two mouths deceased was born in antrim ireland and came to canada when a young roan in 1838 he settled in georgetown where heestablished the paper manufacturing firm of w bar ber bros which has subsequently be- come one of the best known in canada mr barber was a baldwin reformer and early took an active interest in pnblic affairs he was first returned to the legislature in 1807 and twice subsequently j elected in all cases for the same seat hal- ton his death removes one of the old and- j marks of canadian industry mr barber was a successful busiiie ly respected citizen 9 10 11 li u 11 17 in 19 ao 31 23 33 2l 26 39 30 l 33 33 31 si 36 37 iiess man and a high- s of ho police magistrate williams ot upon t coanty during last week imposed fine up on violators of tueibcott act to tbe amount of h550 tbe body of mr joseph friestinauj jr agent in toronto of the northwestern masonic aid association of chicago found at an early iiour sunday morning on theridowalgucar liisresideim inl ark dale with a baltetholo lbroagh his jest it is suspected that hf wus murdered and nibbest althpfib snicide is hinted at- alex i iter 1821 272r dec 5 13 19 28 jim 2 4 9 ltn i xo visit feb aofc ij souwrviue x frazer terktraitli i h featbell john davidson henry sinclair a m mcclchaud alex vnzet 2nd j13 39 4bu mordy james argo 2nd visit march c 0 jcmadill 13 si fmccualg so 42 goo a francis si april 3 f j boinervnicsndvisitlor john mordy 2nd visit 34 may i b torrance dd 13tb visit h 43 i hovgeo coull v 44 j w penman may 32nd a- juno 5 ic 12 43 james w bar juno 19 a 30 4 july 3 46 jmeakin jm31 t7 wcleland anunsttam ii tprranee dd 14th vudth this i indeed a formidable list presbyte ian friends have been enjoying tltc itim rant system with a vengeance during tl u past two years no doubt the present ion of the names of the ministers whohavi offi during the vacancy in tl order oltheir vittti will revive pleeaant recollecti ns and perhaps the salient points of their t isconrses will again be broeght to mind wit i many a w iwsetowd hotel keeker i named ehetiee as been sent to jail for two ntonths t r a third offence against the scott ravi mrs booord the ajkuranoe second instalment ot her taxi a frktvsoxscthxitrj yourtbaders tho pnsehcand hearty brotherly of eprt sentatives ot tho other tic is miy be taken as ore ot t lie th adv incing spirit of b rother ly m atin the ohurch of c irist cai ion f tbe excellent iport ful uish id by a paper wh se ed kn wn a belong to anotl ler di nomination is i igra jef ul act what iver tejodp to make pei iple t the same coma nnity spi rit a id work is surely oomomdable we 11 as pleasing to the si aster end ng the decision c 4- you anborkies regarding ivic ho roijht t e allowed to suggest th it be a go d thing to arrant e for i coition to the muskoka regie u being bought so prominently ca h y r very ilikelj many nei rhbo rhood adjoining acton ad ant ge ot it 1 vhei the news of rei ched the corners ex iress- d this howe nu lifiet by the report domwlosyndt that the would be er was bat he 888 80 06 80 i 71 14 19 00 18 71 iocs 060 4 35 8 70 8 60 1 35 60 10400 meat iu read the hthtt of this toronto kwe ihlusdwuloh from tmm htlijisptel h th k jubueeoelbra ion of the year over w000 will bo qfrerea lu prises there will bo drill exhibitions by various societies brilliant illnraiiitlons nightly with 300 electric lights c hinose lautorus aud colored globes the grei i electrioal rail way will be in operation tt ero will be trot ting and running races in t ie ring magoi noent fine art exhibitions 1 iveflsh reptiles etc general admission 25 cents an extra grand programme of special attrac tlons will be prepared ifc- smm m llvti if i ympatliy dienomina- signs of lovo per- the publi- b entipned to is well oujoin good as inuuicipal iday we it would heap ex- which is into notice from the would take allabixs arrest t uliijlactlqn was somewhat bad been nlximy at tfkimsll y 1ahk gbuisiiy pauk aug uornot loss than 12000 people listened to thjo sermons itev bam joues preached here yesterday the day was a charming one nearly 8000 teams from all over this section were pass- ed into tho gates the bet t of order pre vailed what i have written i have written was the morning text at 380 pm the largest audience over gathered in thhf park assembled mr jones took for hie thpme wliatsoevcr i mail sowpth that shall ho also reap again in the evenlug a third audience ol atloast 4000 eagerly listened to a sermon from tho text 11 tho wages ot sin is death be en your vnnnl dont allow a oold ib tho and barely run into catarrh be cured tor 25o by tishg dr chases catarrh cure a few appli nations euro in tipiont catarrh 1 to 2 boxuourea ordinary catarrh a to 5 boxes is guaranteed to cure chronic oatarrh try it sure cure head to slowly i when you can only 23c aud atjotion sale register fnniay koiit 10 sale of f arnk slock the ipro- iiorty ol win anderson kiintclihull halo at 1 oclock win hcuiktreet auvtlonecr nliiriiilltiliullto grant lot 37 eon 3 win hoiiistreut khuiav bupt yohiui 6ft6tk tho lrolkjrty of jiuucu g krin hale at 13 oclock auctioneer ilkmh jiahkits vis flour ltollcri flour htouel whlto wheat bod wheat spriiiklglansowi barlej- oats bye peas hay straw wood icr cord esk per dozen butter dairy packed batter rolls cheese potatoes per bag apples pork lambsktus pelts hides i wool timothy seed per hush clover sood alaiko iguet 3lbt i 2 10 1 do 0 73 0 75 0 75 i m 0 n 4 50 150 h x 3 00 i 00 0 13 010 0 1h u 12 0 75 050 5 75 0 5 0 25 0 00 0 23 2 00 5 50 0 50 uw to 2 10 to 2 15 to 0 75 to 0 75 to 0 7v to 0 ci to 0 30 to 0 53 to 0 m to 10 09 to 4 00 to 4 0 to 0 13 to 0 17 w0 to 0 15 to 1 00 to 0 75 to 0 in to 0 70 too 85 tof 50 too 3 to 1100 to 5 75 to 7 00 set n he e and there howeve we learn of i fin i of 50 and costs at georgetown on mtnda i a diahikdly sllvessnlltwx social ho retty little hamlet of etonia put on its liolii avgarb last friday evening tire oc asiot i was a lawn festival which formed pa t of he services in connection with tbe re- ipen ng ot the methodist church which ha i reo ntly undergone alterations decora- tio is ai d improvements that increase the coiofor ana convenience and add to the be uty if this wellknown place of worship te i wa i served on the lawn of d lewis wl ich hen night intervened was brilliant ly lifehtid up with chinese lanterns and he a a i tappy faced bevy of men and women yo ing i nd old feasted on the good things provide i or pleasantly whiled away the tit ie iu social converse promenading etc tie cliurch in which the literary and musica part of the programme war subse- qu mtlj carried out was tastefully decor- and a thing unique in the way of church de orat on being a collection of cereals con- sis ting a upwards of 150 varieties grown by tho elmes who as an exhibitor at tho to rontc and provincial fairs is wellknown thi vugl out tbe district under the chair- mi nsbi of tbe pastor rev t a moore an exoe lent programme of speeches music etc was presented the financial result j215 justifies the statement that this en tertainment was an unqualified success woodstock daily sentinel jleeitte aiuh1bui fohbes sfjuoisly ill kbw yobk aug 27 the career of archibald forbes the famous war corres pondent is near on end he was to arrive herein the fall and was to commence a course of lectures under tbe managementof 8 b pond and had arranged to leave liverpool ou the 20th inst yesterday mr pond received the following cablegram my health is wrecked caucel every thing signed abchibuu foriics mr pond said today for the past nine mouths mr forbes has been suffering from general tjlebihty and lung troubles and i fear it will never bet in his power again to lectnre here or elsewhere it is under stood that mr forbes is in tbe last stages of consumption and that he has not much oner to live pakdoxed by the gikex providence r i august 26 seventy- two years ago robert tirrell committed a crime against his reigning sovereign sing george iii j of england three day ago tirrell now ninetythree years old received a royal pardon for his offence from the hands of his offended monarchs grand daughter queen victoria and now after an absence of nearly threequarters of a century be is about to returu to his native land that lie may die among his kin and again see the places he knew before com pelled to go into exile he was m soldier in the buffs one of king georges regi ments which had just returned to europe from the united states where it bad par ticipated in the was of 1812 the bkevkhhlltlzk list it looks very mucfc as if the liquor men were making an effort to buy up the farm ers through the agricultural societies in the list of special prizes awarded in con nection with sooth simooe exhibition the following names appear for the respec tive amounts topelanil brcwhitfco h10 da vies brewing co i 10 iiobt davies l 10 oooderliam a worts vj j cowrrave brewing co carlins ontario browing co co wedding presents m ws vv mn hiuhmttfinotin sniheatmeat in jommemorntion of her mnjcbtyis jubilci irhich for cheap goods will solidpse ladica it will pay you to give the utsst tdltton has hseo sooo bagxwrtbgtmo more wei ly 2000 mora fgrarln thanibniutii atnerlean dictionary it also jrrsphtcal imetlonsrr glvhig corning nearly 10000 loted rrswsc features we bare sm jtj8t added j trartv fnovr gazetteer m eonanilnf over 2swtii brlcoy describing ho conntrle and satursj feaintcs of everj webster is thestj autnorlty wiiii the ps puprsaie the govt printing office and is ru by the sute supti of schools is is by tho lending college presldenudf i st aad canad the loatton taeg lttstt ttonary of tbe iangnage- the ftttrtwly bwlew tothil tuliobestpractlcaffilcuomuy the calcutta englishman say monrfect work cfihekhh ftoftsfffloqta sty lswberilgliestlak tto mm turk trfbttas says it is r listlietnosnicfnlexistlng foi ofthebngl language a it ii an tevaluible comnsnkia in erei and at every fireside special tcstlmonlalsontprepeid on i g c meebiarf co pab sprlpgfleld mattel the dominion organ and pia horetotore attempted in acton and fulitlier from the fact that we take stock in august the public wil realize that our immense stock must ho greatly reduced before that time and to effect this sweep- iiig reduction in prices bargaius are tl e order of the day remember this is a stjricittsr oa8h sale and lasts ffu one month only ils you t 20 per cent lower than they can possimy he bought for inter on in dress goods parasols laces of alii kinds embroideries muslins otherlinos p j see our job hues in boots skloisfe ghjov3qs we have decided to commence a- gieat eumrucr sale brsrttbtijbtg- 2asl wc are offering dress goodi suitable for fall use at millinery carpets 1 straw hats and ready mades we offer a reduction of 15 per cent jto 20 per cent off for cash lojiortioiiately cheap oo wjaclark- the jeweler f cueiph has just received another large assortment of silverware suitable for wedding presents to anyipcrsou from acton or intermedi ate stations buying 500 worth ob ovbb at my store i will pay their fare to aud fromguelph giving personal and prompt attention to watch repairing i am bound to give satis faction or money refunded remember the place w a clark jeweller 26 lower wyrtdhom st ouelph the picture gallery sueiph waters bros who webe burnt out mow ni6ht have temporarily removed to nelles old stand where they oro preparing to sacrifice their tremendous stock a choice line ol dbctcebies always with sugars at cost we have just opened a new line of the famous 50c tea call arid inspect it l p s ladies will tiiidit to their advmtag 1 1 l r ill 1 a o thereby avoiding the rush before closing t8p also ou new ocribvous has the largest and most complete t dominion jmxljs jlghtrt hchff mtxyisia to urlbozripi msdsl and diploma at ccufaiilx x uedal and dipkmis at sydney aostrslli oeld uedal st ptorloelal etymtloi is highest awirds at indostrlsl eimbiuos 4 1880bi t vtffist xow iuxvticrviagi 5qvars and upr1cht pll bat pr the massbt jerrespondenee solicited sebdforl slogoe msfled rree addresf domikiox obgas axd piakoji eowvusvirs to r o c to do their shopping in the earlier part of thcday m merae fe co the key to heah burdioailds rtjnlockb all the clogged ftvenaas bowels kidneyb 83id idviartf ing oh graduajly withsnt weal system all the imparities humors of the beeretions at felt time correcting aciiity oi stomach curing bilicukiess pepeia headaches rf heartbnrn cotistipation of the skin dropsy disa visio jaondioa silt erybipelas scrofiila yiu the heart hervavusaeob and j era debility all asa aitdi i other similar ccanglsinfeiyiph happy iw it eub2 blood bitteia cold iff 1 kotasntt2pbtrdcrorirrit3tiiisliqo 50 da and 1j it jiot obtainable at j cuts tcht prepaid on receipt of price fulford co brockvilltj dress goods dress cxqqds dress just arrived a very liaiidsonu lino of drcs goods ini all the latest shades at remarkably- low prices vv s ladies and gentlemen please note this fact thai we now sho v the cheapest lines of dtft goods in the county our gwls are alt toice no fihelfwoni goods to offer you mid c special value ix jjrey and i rhmu ot l v white cottons sheetings pillow cottons shibti1 weaving i mr t mitchell debircs to inform the people of acton aud surroundings unit ho is prepared to take orders for weaving all kinds of fancy bog carpets flannel shcctiug shirting and ureas goods striped or plaid twill or plain albobed blankets aud hor6oblaiikct8two yards wide and over aud i will guarantee that i willgivegood satisfaction to all farmers and others who will favor me with their patronage tmitchell ifowlers li what does it mean the brewers apd distillers didnt always take uch an in- oar t hi the agricultural exhibitions in j scott act territory a weaderfnl ortna tire largest organ and one that plays a controlling part on the health of the body is the liver if torpid or inactive the wltolo system becomes diseased fir chases liver cqre is made mporlnlly for liver pd kiloey diseases anil is guarao teed topnre boceipebookiind medioirietl is it not somewhat paradoxcal to class as supporters of the government thoie me ii and no wapapers which thegoverkment betosuoprt f v mmm and tho time hat cthk5he8t price8 paid for butt r and ecc8 towkllns towels cotyonades and prints beoa door to mgarvins j3rug 8tg3 bat n lery toi stocs books j am jf lubliyfl fitnuid tentlvef if aittf tewsti h m coiiati jbrf out 1 l nowj ated schola tae nwre either i fa the at fi were i preacsj day agrjcl towii f m ra ho afci they menc thej then the si holidl wife j hors maplj theie distl ingi line i uoul retjinj satu is a so decided that a uoothei plate in aotoii can this be dhic to such good advantage as at lteol of 13xits arrived wlioii every prudent buyer should study how to make a dollar go as far as possible pho knowiug ones hay although bjetween seasons s tocks are jlsually frorii in every department v puess goods in every it skennd sliiidc aiid 73c ycr yard and those goods are really lrints millineky and pak4sols will bo ini olijcot for lio cusf omers1 o purchase lartre boots mom mam iw kaa 3dj1ap pilb i koklfttyi fmik puruucolirefi j butimi i- fe m ivorth 20 per cent n0re rswrrep sibkaavltotsioa acton 7 broken we have kept fesfoek well up aud customers will fiud a jare rauoc to scj r wc aturt them at c loq li 14c 15c 17c 20c 25c 30c 32c 35 47ic ooc a p1 ball ooiiots ldi03 fiy balls colehrtddcor8et with coiled wire section without doubt m man conitoitnblt add lwpf cforpot tniido ittiit fearful reductions y- v i in hers foi v filthylufero is what we want aiid vc purpose makini tdd enough to vote linvneiy gootta matiiifncturod within ijian tea wuieh epicures and ijivalids likei a voir lrotii iti i rbsmr3 m nl b ail