beaotiftjl wbddmo ake bir ceo hynd8 a tine stock ot watches clocks 3v 1 lory spectacle careful attention given to repairing drop iu aiid k onr 1 urge stock sornprjsiug jewellery btstiunfry books and ffaicy goods qeohynds acton oh mkthowst- church acton rev r ehliljp8 pastor hcsidcnco bower vcuno- public services 1030 aln niid gsm pm sujiday tckocl xi bible class cbuduileduy the v m cordially tuvltrd stnuigvrs ami visttoi lwava at tentive ushers at the door it sittings ire desired apply to h l mjwre pew steward 5 vy i home gleanings waieh ari mttyor a lctoal oharaotar mkdttllntwwttng thvks1uy sevtkmbek 1 187 many minor localf collated by the ever thoughtful and alert fiee press reporters the tirst of september the vacations bave waned fall is rapidly approaching broad is 11 cents in duudas beautiful moonlight nights again weather contiuuos warm aud dry brampton has a new gas company mount forest civic holiday tomorrow i a coed uianv wells here have given out j cheap as apples riuivts arc nearly as now a good rain would be much ated appr the b and the oyster arc again ou deck evening fioard- of education next monday council meets next teesday aro well filled i with county eveuing tho school sotlolars again the public schools reopened oq mon day and are in full blast i little bell in trie town hah next tuesday evening the weather has been warmer and more pleasant this week j ptsturc fields are almost devoid of either grass or water now j fall plowing and seeding now occupy the attention of the farmers fruit peiilars are numerous never werethere so many to visit this section kcv father dumortier of gnelph preaclea in st josephs church last sun day i lev t j cunuiiigs of wyoming will preach in the baptist church next sunday afternoon i a meeting of the directors of esquesing agricultural society will be held iri george town on saturday i w have received interesting copies of chicago papers through the courtesy of jlrs s a secord mr james matthews is sending four horses to the toronto exhibition and mr v e suith one j au exchange says base ball umpires i are but mortal there are times when i jhey wih they had wings messrs e niciklin it son will pom- j tueuce ibe purchase of all kinds of- grain on j thciaurket litre next week the tramp toils not but he will spin the ires fantastic yarn you ever heard ior he sake of a possible quarter j vaiserton and berlin hold their civic hilijuys next week in order to altow their citizens to visit toronto exhibitioi smith he keeps a blacksmith shop his wife a poultry pen smith he shoes the horse ani his wife she shoos the hen nlll the cud of hh iunings on account of dark- tie dramk little bell theeutbrtainmcnt to be given tn tiie towtt half next tuoaday ovemug by mem bers of the guelph catholto union in aid ajf st joae ilia church aoton promise to be one ot i itorest tho drutna baa been well reccivm wherever it has hben played the cast e nbraccs auumborofexporiouced dramatic a natours theconiniuteehore is workiug ar luonsly to complete all arrange- mentetoen uiresnccess a large number of tickets hav 3 already beeiji dupobedof the tovfn jup exhibition isnt it ibout time tho directors wore getting out the prize list for eaqueaing ex hibitiou ml the neighboring exhibitions are ahead i f our dvmship the poster for nassagawo a ahow was issued from this office over hrw v eeki ago if tho exhibi tion is to b i mad buoooss this yew it is high time i he pullio and particularly in tending ex libitot i were given some informa tion conoe ning it we t understand that through tli i effor a of sevoral acton gentle men an uu lsiialw attractive special prize list is in pi eparation georgeton m foremens tournament tho fin men ot georgetown held a tour nament lc st friday tho clvio holiday it was avel attended and a good time was spent by tl e visitors the gamos wore all that could bo desired and those present were well pleased with the days proceed ings in t he hose company race a team captained y wm johnson of tho guelph fire brigide took first money boating their opp nents by 12j seconds in the hook aud ladder race berlin hook and ladder co npany beat johnsons team by 1j seconds taking the entertainment as a whole it reflected credit on tho george town firemen jlf tal p ttuytic stroke last w duesday mrs margaret griffith who has f x some years resided with her son mr illiam guruey church street was afflict d with a paralytic stroke from which she never rallied she was previous ly weak at d comparatively helpless having been confined to her room for the past year an3 his additional aftlictiou resulted iu her de ith ou saturday morning a funeral sc vice was conducted at the resi dence on sunday morning by bev b phillips atterwhich tie cortege proceeded to fergus the former homo of deceased for iuteriti sut where a large concourse of friends ha i met to pay tho last tokenb of respect accident o wellingtons warden mr ma thew sweetman avardcn of the county of wellington met with a painful accident o i friday ho was descending a ladder iu 1 its new barn and turned around to slinta i loori when liis food slipped and his body livung around with great force against th ladder he managed to get to the houst and a surgeon was called it was fount that two of his ribs were broken at the srii ie and that he had received pain ful bruiso on parts of his body mr sweetmai has been lying in bed ever since unable to move it will be some days be fore be is roohd again his many friends will earnc stly hope that his complete re covery mi y result very speedily still dot gjetfective work on moidlay the follovritg persons were convicted it georgetown before police magistral e young of violation of the scott actj b eagle the notorious galla- her 50 and cosls ympittmangeorge- town s10 and costs elias clark george town wa sentenced to two months im- prisonmc lt being his third offence galla- her wort trouble these parts for a time anyhow he didnt make the constable eat his summons either as he boasted hft wouh ilr- gallahers bluff and bluster w mt be heard very loudly in hal- ton or wellington for some time he will require t lie low cover np his tracks care- folly and move about very cautiously in fnture i death of jrev hugh kose ma it is wih jieep regret that we announce the deatlj of the rev hugh rose m a base call at guelph saturday minister of knox cbjurch elora well- maple deafs 20 gait 20 game callerhv known tojmany of onr readers which sad jexwtffl a vwuaole infltieno whenever you see a man sneering at tin qouutry newspapers int him dowa a donkey who bwyed lit a mortwwouli till be the same borne oountry newjpa- pers are pitiful enough but mbst of them aro as good as cirounibtanoos permit and do more for their town and section than all tho growlers from beorsheba to botany bay you cannot pritt a million dollar nowspapor in a ton cent town aud the pub lisher of n firstclass oountry newspaper doos more work and gives more for tho money and encouragement offered than any class of workers we know of tho re- epeotablo oountry press oxerts t wide in- fluenoe and is one ot the greatest forces in this country jcaniiic ualformjclosiagby the merchants as has been oustornary for a number of years an agreement was entered into by the merchants last spring to oloso their places ot business uniformly at eight pm usually the agreement has been mutually observed but a few weeks when one and another would run a few minutes over the hour and each week this would become more and more apparant until the agree ment was lost eight ot entirely this season the matter has been different im mediately upon tho hour of eight being rang by the town boll tho goods have been removed iuside and the doors closed the arrangoment is still faithfully observed and there ibuo good reason why it should not be continued throughout tho fall and wiutcr months acton excels at base ball acton base ball club took part iu the tournament at georgetown last friday by playing a match with georgetown it re sulted in aotons favor with a score as follows aitos c koltgfctown w a storey 1 1 kelly h 8 white d drvdeu m karrisb j apnow 11 farrisu v smith jlmyurden 5 i 3 0 1 patterson uook mckay rami tialbntuh ciribbon mckeuzto astigiui ltoc a a 1 1 0 1 i i 18 17 n inning 11 s 1 i 0 aoton tl tieorgetown i i 0 1 1 h is 3 g 1 417 another match was played in the lark here on saturday with norval which also resulted in actons favor the scoro was better than that of georgetown aotox ktoroy kejly i white 1 fnrrikli 0 drvdeu 1 sicklln 0 wonlou j smith 1 aguew kouvai cuimiimiiiui ii harpur 11 w vivuco meandrow t vituco t harper e golloii a vuuco ai iluluics actoli 11 iiv tmn3h i l 1 5 u 1 1 1 0 personal paragraphs reipeotlngvultort to ana fro with whom fwe press readers axe aoquainted miss minnie adams visited her homo iu drayton this week mrs m briokor oflistowel is the guest of dr moqarvin tj v mr ohas hyudi of toronto visited friends here las weep misj arluie moore was tho guest bt mrr crawford brampton last week mrs harry janes of glenwuliamsia spending a week with her mother bey it b cook spent a day or two at grimsby park and beamsvtlle last week postmaster matthews and his son chester spent sunday with friends iu elora mrrand mrs harry chapman aud chil dren of mitchell visited friends hero on saturday mibb bella ellis of toronto was the guest of mr thos speight several days this week mr george pratt formerly of acton is now occupying a good position in batilt bte mario mr r 1 warren editor of the george town herald was a oallor at tho fiiek pukss office last friday messrs- james brown thos kastoii and h p moore visited grimsby camp to hear sam jones last thursday mr james porter of sandhill and mrs wreghett of teston were guests of acton friends a couple of days this week miss alice vauatter returned home last week from a pleasant holiday visittofrioudb in owen sound meaford and gait mrs oliver lasby sr returned home ou tuesday eveuing after spending a week or two very pleasantly with friouds at elora miss emma speight who has been the guest of her brother hero for several weeks returned to her home in markham on saturday j misses jeuuio and annie mogiuuis have returned to their homo at youngstown ohio after spending thoir vacation very pleasantly with frkmdaiu acton bev b hobbs of niagara fulls south is meeting with his usual success his efforts are appreciated too and the quar terly board recently signified tills by rais ing bis salary from 800 to 91000 mrs bev j m bao of st catharines was tho guest of dr towry and family several days last week as soon as the improvements at the manse are completed bev mr bae will remove his family to actou 12 18 a social in aid of the hornby metho dist sujiay schooljwill be held tiis even ing at mr wm armstrongs ldt i 7th line esinesing j the eicarsiou toihe toronto exhibi tion this year are at sfbglefaxe irates for return tickets from the first that is from saturday 3rd september iteeve fyfe was called upon oh tues day to siltle a dispute between a citizen andra neighboring farmer overia hoss trade the case was dismissed and tbe prosecutor paid the costs everybody found emoking on the streets of saqgutuck mich during the dry spell was liable to be arrested junder the orders of the village council i- the cornerstone of the new methodist cbnreh at cofksville will be laid ton satur day at 2w pm by erastui wiman estj oi neta york cooksviile is mr wiuiaus boyhoods home about eighty couple were present at the ball given by the bachelors of iicton and kockwood last thursday evening the participants express themselves is having enjoyed a very pleasant evening ilessrs moore it mcgarvinwilloccbpy a space of about 400 feet at the industrial and dominion exhibition at toronto with their ediibit of trunks andvalaes the exhibit will be well worth a visit the taxation of the tewh oi mitcbel is now levied at the rate of two cents od the dollar and in the face of this the people are asked to grant a bonns of 19- 000 to one manufacturer and to make a loan to another the memorial service in themetbodibt sunday school last sunday aftniooni in connection with the death of littio clara stepliousouameusberoftheiufaut dass j event occ rred at the manse in that village last sunc ay evening mr ro3e has been for a tim i very ill from typhoid fever and although it was generally reported that his condition was critical no one thought there mas mac i immediate dadger he leaves a wife and six children mr rose prior to coming to lora had charge df a large aud manchester was both interesting- and impressive the superintendent and rev b- pjiillps ad- dressed the children in appropriate terms as a rule the very rich mtn fb iot those ho build up a community and create booms a single business man full of life and snap and enterprise who is not afraid to talk and talks sense andlnews how to advertise is worth any dozen rich men who usually only take advantage of other peoples lwoming to increase their valnea the georgetown tnwcominencod a new volume last week the herald is a better paper now than it has been for a number of years mr it d warren the present publisher is an enterprising business man and is meeting with ncceee when contemplated improvements liave been effected tho ihtuld will surprisi tbepublic an exchange puts it this yray will every subwriber look up tfieir address label ka tec how you stand with the printer if you finl that you arc paid ml a feeling of natisfaction will creep ove you are in anvsrs kindly give your earliest convenience and desirable sensatioa4o run along our column t you but if is a call at cause that inal influentii 1 cougregatiou in england and was but a comparatively new arrival ii canada but his name is already well known throughout the dominion just bef ire his death he had received a unanimo as call to erskine church ham ilton death oi a nossiigavreya pioneer last i riday death claimed for its victim one of tie early settlers of the township of nassagaweya in the person of mr thomas storey at the advanced age of 83 years for the past twelve years mr storey 1 as been ailing and at times was a great su ferer in the year 1837 he emi grated f om his nativehome in the county antrim ireland and settled with his family c n lot 20 con7 nassagaweyaabout four mil es from acton here he resided until hi i death a largo family grew up around lim aud they are all in comfort able ci cumstanceb mr storey was a raembei of tho presbyterian church sodom and his remains were follawed to the cent etery at that church on monday mornin by a large number of friends and neighbc rs rev 3i pies w raos inaugural sermons last sunday llev mr rae preached his first semons as pastor of knox church the teit of tho morning discourse was galaticns 42g but jerusalem which is above i i frtee which is the mother of usall the su iject of the discourse in the evening was l chariah 1810 both the sermons were e ccelleut full of practical thoughts and were delivered with that spirit of noun which seems to characterize xorvale u 0 j 1 i a a match for the championship of the county will take place at milton tomorrow between acton and campbellville an in teresting gamo ib looked for aiinuai sducarjonal services the educational services for the present conference year were held iu tho metho dist church last sunday bev e b harper d d of main street methodist church bramptou preached morning and eveuing aud his sermons were very much enjoyed by the large congregations which assembled on both occasions the dis course in the morning was uppn home training the text selected being luke 1 06 what manner of child shall this be the peculiarity ofhuman development from the cradle to manhood was illustrated and the universal importance of human life vividly portrayed the solution of the current saying tho boy is father to the man depends upon the parent or gaar- dian the grace of god wilh appropriate means will save the child morally not in struction alone is necessary but discipline and training which shouldcoramencewith the earliest breath in the evening the dr took for his text acts 72022 as a basis for the subject moses an educated man the influence of teachers was shown and facts were given proving that the influence of tho thorough education afforded to moses was still apparent and distinguished we should be learning all through life religious education should be afforded not uarrow and sectarian but such as includes the great principles of revealed religion moses education engendered the habit of enquiry and inves tigation of courage boldness and tender ness reference was made to the educa tional advantages to ho derived from the various institutions of today and partic ularly to those under the supervision of the church represented through all his remarks there breathed the spirit and sentiment of the stanza may those who teach and those who learn walk hithe narrow road 111 every sphcro of thought discern all ever present ood at the close of the services the doctor referred to the excellent sinning furnished by the choir during the day and thanked the members especially for the edification personally afforded yy jwhwy i a ifflph cloth hall- o absolutely pure this nowdcr novor varies a marvol of purity rongth uudwholnsouieuoss more oconoraicnf thau tho ordinary kinds niuhcnmiot ho sold ill imuujuutuinui num- uuuvuuliuuli uu bu1u 111 comnotltlou with tho muhituuo of low test short wolglit aliim or phosphate powdora in cans ltoyal baeimo rowdeb to 100 st n y sold only wall friday august 20th 1h87 neglected why whats tho matter with you said a friend bb wo canio up street this morning you havent changed your ad vertisement in weels well no doubt readers of the fiuk pitnss as they have ldoked for our usual budget afflry goods tiows have asked tho same quoatiour its so unnsual so remarkable barely theres some special reason 1 thoroj or rather lum iciji in the first place our chief scribe i who is accorded a monopoly of advertisement writing has beu away sailing on the seas secondly business has beon so lively that everybody in the liouiu lias been almost constantly employed waiting on customers and thirdly duriii tho past two weeks especi ally whatever time eould be spared during aud after business hours was employed in opening up the stacks of new goods which havo come to hand bo thats thereason why itnd if you hiyo thought thero was to be aiiy let up v to this or any other department of our growing business drop in on us and youll chango your mind mcleod anderson go have quite a large tjtock tliey are anxious to get lid of and if prices are inn object which should be we have cut down a number of lines iu summer goods which vc arc offering at extraordinary low prices summer mantles and jackets iij silk and cloth great drives front 50 cents up suninier milliner ive arc cutting to the bone judsiug from the tempejature the summer has ended to na it has been a most satisfactory season wo have sold more and a nicer class of goods thau during any previous season oar stock has been most thoronghlyclearod out and scarcely apiece of summer goods is left on our shelvcb we have also reason to know that the close prices at which wo were able to sell goodb gave great satisfaction aud were of substantial benefit to our cus tomers as well as to ourejjtres now for the task ahead new irmvals 1st fall 0ood ave aiieltaiyimjiiiiig large qiiaiititiei of jsiie iinporil woollens for this seatjims sliaw fc giiindy merchant tailors guelph bapidly- coming to hand at thei 160 iee aftlonlnblns 4ncccs it ia the duty of every person who has used botcliets german syrup to let its won derful qualities be known to their friends in curing consumption severe doughs croup asthma pneumonia and in iact all throat and lung diseases no person can use it without immediate relief three doses will relieve any case and we consider it the duty of all druggists to recommend it to the poor dyiug consumptive at least to try one bottle as 60000 dozen bottlee were sold last year and no one case where fairly was reported such a medioine as the german surup cannpt be too widely known askyourdruggistabput it sample bottles to try sold at ten cents regular size 75 cents sold by all druggists and dealers in tho united states aud canada hats from 5 cents up feathers ribbons j ornaments and all kinds of millinery extraordinary low j i parasols being cleared out re gardless of cost a line of dress goods atjlo cents worth 25 cents at 15 cents worth 30 cents ah immense j stock of magnificent dress goods very cheap muslins and laces for dresses from 6 ceuts perjynrd up checked dress silks 25 cents checked all i pure silk dress silks 85 cents worth 60 cents a line of black and colored satin morveilleaux go cents and 75 cents worth s100 and 125 judging from the piles pf new goods which cram our four floors from cellar to garret you would expect us to look for a large seasons business wo do our busi ness is a grorvitig one each reasons sales are larger and we aro determined to keep on increasing our purchases covenn transactions with manufacturers and deal ers in great briiain germany united states and canada are to haiiutlargely and new arrivals coming each day so that in whatever department of a choice healthy dry goods stock yotir wants inay lievthey atje snroto be met atno 27 we feel sat isfied no other stock in guelph will offer so many attractions we invite your in- speotiou noted for choce goods j baldw e r boiler 27 lower wyndham st guelph 02 t lelisruonutx ornon bbbd wbeat foe gaub labor qnantity of clean and good seed ii wheat of tbe fienoca variety wk hemstbeet acrox acton auguat lt 18st fttte sbtttisintettis whtpa8tray iotxdin myjiitebf m tho methodist church shod a goal common whip owner can at tbe fnee vjam tfioxab etilwtt have tbe eanie by catlin office motioe- ihb public is hereby notified against ucgoti- jl ating a note for i90 dated 17th august pnyablo at actoa banking companys office in ui lie months aud made by john storey in favor of william bobscii as payment of iil note has been stopped johs stoke y nasbagaweya aug ailtll 1887 foe sale iighif top liuet linht delivery mirgoii new j heavy waftgon n inch tire and heavy and light set single ban acton ang 3rd 1687 for particulars apply to ae nlfltlin mii notice o paat t h hamilton ef thb wellington marble works lias thudav takeuiutotiart- licrshii mr w ii clark lato manakcr of tho guelph white lime- co and they will carry ou tho business under the nunc bind style of ham ilton clark f i h hamilton w bclakk ice ice foe sale ice i have still about forty tons of pure 6pring water ice ou hand and ain prepared to bupply all who desire it in any quantity at reasonable prices leave your orders at ouccat tho cen tral meat mcrket w h rvtledge if rick for sale any quantity of iimtclosa itesbrick at elm grove brick yardh lot- 11 ird line west chiuguacousy near hount 1leapaat brick de livered on tho train or iu acton sample bricks on exhibition at the fnef 1iiess office acton john a mabtin box m brampton july 13th ik salesmen wanted l ildward o cirahain the popular au we known nuraeryniau of bochestcr xy desires to make arfsngeinents with one or two livelen- ergetic men to take orders for hisnursery stock ho has a choice stock including rine specialties his inducements to beginners are particularly advantageous hiftilttllsall ho promhics and kuaraatees to furnish strictly rtrst class btock he can give active square upright men good positions and desires ho communicate with a few sueli men with a vicv- of secarinj their services write to iiiui cs soou as vou hanjcjread this for terms and full particulnrb hemenlber only square dcaliug meu need apply xddkee- edw 0guahamsurserjjnau bochestcr ny to agents the canadian needlo co 4gand 18 front stroef eist toronto get up tho- neatest most complete nn d dost belling needle package in america send 25 cents for samples of new no t finished in fine plush particulars sentirhen stamps are enclosed for reply i dont woity if you are out of employment writoto mr cowdyili wekicrton street east toronto send stomps for reply tiesto open the fall campaign a large consignment of kid moves from a french kid glove manufacturer consisting of dozen black colored fan shades oqual to any tiling iii the city for 81 to he sold at 67c plush b3 and velvets daily arriving a maniiieenl line of striped and chocked velveteen good valu itt 75c for lialt a dollar inland our 67 cent kid gloye o- see our sllupeu and checkep velvet at j 50 cbnt8 larestock of canadian yarns canadian and scotch fingcrujg saxoiii very best value j b williamson fk co guelph cash for hides the uxdebsitixed is buuug hides calf and sheep skins at the best market iiiices for cash at moores cordotan tanner- acton robes bobes of all kinds tanned to order in tho uiost satisfactory mauuer t wm rajlay acton july 1th 18e7 jambs stirton lds dbntibt tovelts block opposite poit office guelph vitalized air painlessextpaction cfteeth artificial teeth guaranteed perfect inappearv anccfttand use fine gold work a specialty all opetations strictly firstclass appointments made by letter i 2 y ulack gtoa worth 125 grain to cents prints foi cents and 7 j cents worth 10 ceuts and 12i cents we arc going to out goods to the bone to reduce our stock inspection invited boniember our millinery dress making and tailoring idepnrt- ments great drive in gingbamp seer suckers and crinkles dchases mandrake i f dandelion liver cure 600000 sotpi chasb in too well and favorably known bynhirceoipt boohs to require any recommouda- fupn- a crusns iivsr cnro has a tccelpt book wrappod around ov tipgold ry bcttlo which is worth ob cnaes iiiver cuvo is guaranteedto euro all dlsoases arising from a torpid or inactive hver bucti as hvtrr omplnibpeprtn iddlgchilon blhonnrafnundcriictid bchciivcrspotabuaowloiuplcxlonclc idi cbabbs liter onja is no cure all it is afmply assduajriltar bulatar try it me dicine and kooeipt book st sold by au drhg y x ed3iawsok ct boleagonts j wxxl wool the uadcrsitied hereby aunputice tljat we will agaiu buy we all th wool we have a large and ycll assorted tock of blankets tvees j piaaaels stoqkiaff yafnst knitted goods etc in grsat variety selected cxpresaly to supply the requirements ot i the farmers bradford onf mr ltie iu all his addresses tho new preach it was greeted with unusually large audien s both morning and evening and expresi ions pf appreciation and favor aro heird concerning bim on all sides mr kaes pastorate has opened auspiciously and hi i congregation appears to be unani mous drawn toward him juner tl of the late rev alex warren the funeral of the late rev alex war ren to ak placejast friday afternoon from tlie r sideiice of his brother mr john warrea to 1airview cemetery the foneral was one of the most largely at tendee that ever passed through acton mr j ihneon a presbyterian ministerial studei t of montreal conducted the services at tbe house and rey alex grant snper- jntend eht of tbe baptist home mission at tbe gr ive an impressive memorial service was j ild in tbe baptist church after in tertaeit among those present at the funenlfrmadi8lnoe were mr james warn nkincardine mr and mrs alex davldloaelora mrg campaiftne god- mies maggie cameron mrj and ericb mrs bimoi moleau ripley w t stone toronto anrt mr dottoiforget j when you intend pnrcliasing a first cjas organ or piano to go to j c mclean of tm guelph temple of music h3 is no agent but buys his goods in large quantities at rook bottom fignrcs aud only the high est grades are handled go to j fy f es acton for your cloth- log heoan suit you for price quality and style evory time a pleasing- duly i feel it my duty to say writes john bortonof desert p q that burdook blood bitters cured my wife omiver com plaint from which she had been a chippie sufferer her distressingr painful syrup toms soon gkve way and i can highly re commend the medicine to all suffering as she did scotchenglibn and canadiansuiting ingreat variety at jfyfes aoton un tbr ycnllrt of klnrvallon i for three months i could notat af nil nieal or do a days work j bought abottle of burdock blood bitters began uin it and in three days my appetite returned in a veok i felt like a new man it was wonderful what one bottle did for me yrites arthur of hrintsvlle mus- ioka who suffered from dyspepsia jmio 22nd 1887 a w h rutledce the butcher 1 deals iu everything iu the meat lino no cits establishment can be foui d better stock ed at all nana lis no questionable goods of feredtocuslomers atanyprlc lowest prices aud sijnaro d jaliug is my motto one trial oouviucenou thcao mints biirddck bipoj will cure 6r relieve biuousness dizziness dyspepsia dropsy indigestion fujttering jaundice ti jl 0fthe heart erysipelas acidity of salt rheum the stomach heartburn dryness headache of the skin and every species ot dis a from disordered livjuti kwkets stomach bowels or blood ioprletors toboneo 1 j offcrod at our mills for whiiphtlie highest price in or in exchange for goods r- etc pw mts m brennan has pleasure in announcing that his taif oring shop in creechs fruit store isnowopenandinfullrunning order and in a position to fill all orders he is showing j good tweed suits at 12 sold elsewhere for 15 scotch tweed suit 17 fl8 sold elsewhere for 23ih 441 fin worsted suit at 20 sold elsewnebg at 25 i i t gentlemen wanting a firitclass good- ftttihg coat etc may rely tijpon beingsriited in every respect by leaving their orders with brenhan the clothier r- l rbll carding spinning weaving aud iri fact ull kinds of custom work done in our usual prompt and i- satisfactory manner newton limehouse sons elgin watches to farmers and threshers use on your maotunerv only thewellknown eevless oil farm fine stock now open of these cele brated watches 9 gold medals have been awarded it during the last three years try also our poorlossaslo roaso for your wagg us and horse powers these oils aro used and highly recommended at themddel guelph farmers ask for them use no other anufaeturedatqueeaoityoilytorksiby i samuel rogers co toronto m f rl movement made to my especial order gold and silver bisivajgrei guelph one way of saving money come to the clearing sale at the right house a sure aiul certain way of savins money is bvi coiniue direct to the right house and purchasing youp wants at the immense clearing sate ow beink carried on this goltdjen opfolitlmltysale will bb continbedthkoughout the mokth of august ho departmet8 ofltliis large estabrui 9 oi seasonablo goods selling off qlicap- sec the liaudsonie boating shawls and furoiier wraps tho benutiful assortment of ladim black golored and fimc f trimmed jerseys a large i assorted stock of white victoria lawns from 10c to 25c per yard t- iiri nnn nvueed to nearly half former prices a lotof extra hue quality pf ladies hose ji cash always- paid lor cattle- jticoialii forbid wp v -i- ili tho j highest ies and lipopkin butledge this esublishment closes at ooc ock saturday a venlngfli v f y hamlltoh itjrjtut 6th 1887 wmg0mm it greatly reduced prices twgainsnre to be had in all extra value in india linen in the hosiery department lyou wiutihu manygooas retltieea to nearly nan mrmer prices aioi oi axira nuo quality qi lindies hose educed to 4oc formerly- too hjiery formerly 37acr rednodd to 26c a lot of cbildrenshose at ltiand 12ao wortlf nearly double the price special attentioii is invited to the gents piiruish- singdepartraent ja4aracn3t of faeijy styles in cottou socks at 20c worth 37 jc bocks at loo worth 18o a lot of boys sockat5o per- pair worth 20s mens un- lauudered shjru at 40o speoialvajue given ir unlaunderedshirts nto eacbor 3 for240 a lieller quality is sold at 1 12j or 3 for s3 mens anil boys bontrrrg tenniflshirts- a lirge y ripty of boys jtavy bltfc niidoreylacetjp shirts reiuoniheriint watkiui rnannftictures tile shirt8 sold lit the jtiiilit house and sallituonitd tiioubtpinors at maoi ifaoturers rrioes a large variety of ihakes in ladies mens and childrens underclothing to honsekeepeis aijd other tlio carpet department i full of bargains bt assere botildrings formerly 1 30 reduced to oop per yard alot of beat jdaltty of fine frame brussels ellmg off afi51 per yard tapestry capote from q itapes fy carpet at 82o formerly 43c tapestry carpels at 37ic formerly 50c tapestry carpets at 50c foi imvly 7r a large assortment of- best makea oftapest brussetf velvet and wilton carpels cornice poles at extra low prices walnut cornices rmliiiidto nentlv hnjf former prices a bcautifuj lot of seslnc wiwoiy bhnasep clinp al8pstnir ivoila slair buftpna hnrtslibriis celpiiratecvwiriilowrallera ctirtalii chairrs iiiiliuajy hr knraish- irigs laeo oiirlaios felling ofcverhcheaji a lot of single pairs of not curtains at neatly italfifprtrier prices mnrfrns curtains reduced to low priced crete curtaius formerly 9h75 pel pair redaoejl tbjss mpwt oods rcceiii from europe this week a large assoitmout of english bleached sheeting pillow cottons xihtguwn aud other cottons alftrgejassoftmenii ef whhi- oeria lawns india liiiuirs cck swiss muslius black sllklaee ploiinciug silkilurtaiii borleiing ininws iuiued bibs ladios fancy handkecehtefb also a eplei idicfitock of white honeycoitiu nd blarseiiles qtiilts the bight n is onking street east one door west of lutgtjson street v 3homas o wticjljsrs jfcs4 iji vl i iii hi l ill