Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 8, 1887, p. 1

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b volume xiii no 10 i ije tm m ress ptbmshsri i every thursday morning at ras frjee press power pbintrro- house actbk ontario acton banking company storey ohjr1stib 00 -bankers- tctju outurlo subscription rates 0nh tkm 100 k months aoci j tllltkkmoxths 23ct8 i inrariaulr inadvance if not nmd in advance tm nor voir will b chargej no paper dtscon- tinned till all rroar are paid except at the option of tho publisher advertising rme8 mack 1 nt 1 0 mo 1 8 mo u mo aoiiiohos tmaooi 3soo i eaauo s700 lolnchis 1 35001 9000 1300 350 5 niches 1 u xixo 700 iso huch 1 cool mo i- 300 100 casual advertieincuts8oeiitperllmfor tho flrst insertion and s seats pyr line for oach jiub- stauiuit insertiohi cub tbomiuibor ot lines reikouea by tuosuace occupied measured by a srle of solid xonparoll advertisements without specific directions will be inserted till lorbld and charged accord- ugly transitory advertisements must bo paid b advance changes for contract advertisements must be ill the ofrtco by 9 ani on tuesdays otherwise thev will bo left over until tho following nook i hpmoore 7 editor and proprietor jbnsmcss jb tretont h lowry m b mc ps graduate of trinity colligo member of college of physicians and surgeons okc and residence at tho head of frederick street acton jphs lawsox graduate of outixio veterinary college toronto vet erinary surgeon acton out office iu kenny bros boot and shoe store residence in the roar horses examined as to soundness and certificates riven i ml calls night or day promptly attended to terns easy l bennett lds dentist i georgetown ontario a c mcklnlaylvds surgeon jt dentist georgetown tint uses the iietr svsteui of nitrous oxide lias commonly sailed vitalised air for extracting teeth without twin having been demonstrator and practical teacher in royal college of dental surgeons toronto patrons may depend upon receiving jsatiqactibu in any operation performed will visit acton everv second and fourth wednesday of each month qffico in agnews hotel il carrique surgeon den- ttst milton honor graduate of the boval college of dental surgeons of ontario will visit acton thnrsday of each week begin ning the first of july office in vgnews hotel ipreservatiou of the natural twill a specialty artificial teeth inserted on gold celluloid or rub- berhases guarentced ierfect vitalized air ilrou oxide and other anaesthetics used for painless extraction of teeth tohxstona3dmiean biiristers solicitors notaries conveyaucers jrc private funis to loan office town hall acton e f b joussws i wu a mclean t a how at t bimasicn solmtoe xotanvprbuc money to loan orjsce days tuesday and saturday ornci matthews block acton upstairs general hanking business transacted konltloasss on appr0vsd kpjtjbs notes discounted aud interest ja lowed on deposits fiijd the puzzle nhh untjvrsigned is prepared to furnish ou tho a shortest nottco in any quantity and at hot- ttonijiricos firstclass r lath staves head ing shingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrelswood flour and reed and any thing in the lino of fartners housekoep- ors or contractors necessities the pnule iito find a better place than thomas c moores to buy anything in the above lines alio to find out if you are indebted to htm for anything pur chased from him his books aay some are and ho would like the money w ha rutledce the butdher deals in eyerytaing in the meat line no cits establishment can lio fouud better stock ed at all seasons no questionable goods of fered to customers at any price lowrat prices and squaro dealing is my motto one trial convinces on theao points i cash always paid for cattle tho highest price paid for hides and sheepskins w h butledge wellington marble works quebec st auslfs hamilton clark proprietors wljolesale and retail dealers in marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work dircqt importers of all kinds of granite and marble fe acton ontabio thuri iday 8eptembeb 6 188t larg t aud best tit tho tty page scribbling be ak foroconuf sfinds of sohool supplies at- of schools al pub ator diysscoutkxorclso da the books used til thio high aud le schools to hand 1 1 days book- day sells heap hooks is the s bookstore quelpit au8tarrlvidat tb bazaar wools double lian sertiir 1 lovel and single fabry zepbor and wools for the fall an assortment of cambric and mjusllu haulsomi jovel k labok srpc l oi baby robes and shades in plushct beijun zephdr andu- dl kinds of fin- winter trado a embroideries in i cashmere cloaks felts satins arrslnes embroidery silks fuiosellcs pon- ous chenille cords bangles aud all the latest trimmings foi tidies banuera draperies i tc uudcnroar madeto order stamping a specialty and doiit forget this is where you can got the light running new raymond sewing machine tbe machine everybody wants koeds no rdooumiendatioh it recommends itself call and see this i6pnlar machine and inspect our stock of fancy goods k frank rwebber aoton angnst 18th 1887 m e mitchell sciliirror cosveyancee ac office first door west of tbe champion ofiee main street millon money to loan at 0 jer cent hilton allan 4 baird battistersv solicitors ic toeonio axi geoegetowx oaces tteeluians block georgetown and 86 king street east tcronto shiitos b i dantn na w t uvs b oiv agerow cakson barristers- atlaw ic onuno hall 50 church street toronto eakgekow llrp john caesos ccl co ciiow attooey datents secure or inventions j1exi1t grist ottawa casim twenty years practice no patent no pay vpi hemstreet liexjed awnoseen for the co untie of wellington aud halton orders lef at the frke press office acton or at mv residence in acton will be promptly at- teadt1 to terms reasonable also money to loan on the most favorable tcrns and at the lowest rates of interest in snnisof j00 cud upwards t amurray liccssti aircnoslen or the- counties of halton iand wellington orders left at his rrsidcuce main street oppos- r aduressed to acton ite church street acton or po will reasonable p o will receive strict attention teruib notes disconnted tto llf having lately visited tho bay of fundygrauite quarries and having purchased tho entire stock of gray and red granite monuments headstones crosses urns etc of alexander taylor at less than cost we will nntil further notice sell at prices never before known in ontario for in stance granite monuments ir high cmjo 7 ft 75 8 f t s90 9 ft 100 10 ft 120 all work and material warranted firstclass parties wanting anything in this line will do well to call and see us before purchasing elsewhere as wo guaranteo our- prices are from x to 50 per cent below all other dealers liyery ji ii wokden having assumed proprietorship of the livery liumiiess lately carried on by mr w e smithjwould solicit the patronage of the public and will do their utmost to lilcasc all customers desired john day architect v gcelpiuost office queens hotel block market square tjlrancis nunan i successor to t fcbapmanl bookbinder st- georges square guelphouurio account books of all kinds made to order teriouicals of every description carefully bouud ruling neatly and promptly done t he hanljj barber 8hop millstbzetactok an easy shave a stvlieh haircut a good seafoam an exhiliaratingshainpooalwaysiveiu razors houei and put in firstclass condition ladies and childrens batr tastily cnt j h worden tonsorial artists gueiph ontario the third scholastic year begins september 1st patronage drawu from- ten states and provinces young men and bovs thoroughly prepared for business pur suits graduates eminently successful as ac countants business managers shorthand writ ers clerks salesmen travellers etc both in canada aud the united states moderate rates thorodgh pra tieal work and courteous treat- mentcharacterize the institution ladies ad mitted to all the advantages of tho college splendid facilities afforded for the acquisition of freach aud german kor information address wtf m maccormick principal hight cwkelly sole agent for actoa and vicinity for thei celebrated bell orcan and lansdowne piano in he fhek mc leans advertisement doubts my sole rock food eden mills iiany well equipped and stylish rigs can always be secured first class outfit for commercial travel lers a special rates a co ufortable bus meets all dav trains aud an- w state that 1 have a written cou- duly signed by messrs w bell co j for tbe sale of ill organ for the pity of gnelph aud as of twenty miles including acton iientjoned contract can lidy titore i r gentleman on calling at my mnsio opposite tho post office i believe 1 erin ilso if ordered give us a call j h worden inch ners hello 1 ffause and consider that it will be to yonr own interest to patronize homi trade wo would respectfully inform the inhal hants of acton and surrounding country tliat tonic again in full running order and in a bett r position than before the flro to fill all orde s entrusted to us to parties building ljmber will be dressed plteb i notice that mr j evertou new ger- breslan and hespeler the above lioftrg dseds or kwdnxss 0 oitnd liot tho cymbal the trumpet do not blow ijet uot tho people heo tho alms you bestow charity is uot proud but modest in her was and from a gulng crowd i 8he6eltethnotthovraleo i bo it ihiiob or a mite vhlen jyonre giving away do look ehcortul and brlglit and bo pleasant as day v for a cboorf nl giver tho lord ays lie does love eou a cup ot water ho blosaes from above i i let your deeds of ktrrdnusb he as quietly doim alt wlldll on earths blindness falls tlio light of the sun in deep rilence on high through thdntlll hours of night the stars oer earth and sky shod their soft gleams o light assilently in all j just like blossuigsdivluo o let yonr kind deeds fall your virtues brightly shiiio tho dew cools the parfchd fround gives llfo to the flowers but it maketh no sound to wake the aloeping boi irs j jf blessings would be won j aud a place in heaven thus should kindness be done and your alms be given tx jfpnttln flwthittg f 4 y price theee 3e4vts norah qretirke d aut bakdolle shes but mother saidalioepjeytbn yonr own bisters chile well an what if thatf saia mrs peyton turning her p le of ciirrespondence over and over again eart softened towards rier beantyi aijd elplesshess what oan you do said she dubiously almost anything maam murmiirfld orah i oani wish or iron i cart obok ind sew and i have been taught to enjl iroider and sing and paint a little in water olors j mrs peyton opened her eyes very wide astonishing 1 exclaimed shejf astoa ahjug 1 compare the culture of these old ellripened countries with the crudities of nr native land i embroidery singing ateroolor painting 1 my dear giving orali an onthnbiastio hug you are aj jenius but mother interposed the composed voice of alice as lbng as bridget has gone jiwny with a swelled face norah might le of considerable assistance with the house work- dont you see j housework oh yes i didnt think of that baid mrs peyton rubbing lier iioso with the featliorond of her raill pen i should like it very much saidnorah k and then 8dded alice if she has any leisure timo after war ds she can practice and paint and do all that sort of thing come norali and ill allow you the kitch- j but- my dear cried mrs peyton rousing herself as it were from a trance how does it happen that yon have none of the accent the brogue if i mayuse theex- pression of your native country j norah orourke colored to her eyebrows i j there were several american ladies o taught me the catechism of a sunday afternoon said she i i suppose i caught their way of talking she ib oeriainly a girl of unusual tal- ber daughter ith eyes that but alice s nonsense well said steel pen and ent whisp mrs peyton to alice who only smiled and led the way to tlie kitchen i f rioruh orourke proved a jewel of tihe first water did 7ie make this saimi of partridges and olives said mrs peyton and tjiis be seeu by any t he r liable firm ol w bell go are ad- ticular sheet triat had evaded her vigilance you ought to know y this ime that ouri kith and kin are confi ed to no particular race or generation i o far is that goes the whole world is my brothc rs and bisters children and mrs peyton 1 oked ai over lier sncctaclo gl isses v beamed with mild ph lanthn py only reddened and bii her lif mother said sb i tfja yery well my deuj ye y mrs peyton selecting a nevt examining it with inlcroscipio precision i suppose that is a part of the new dis pensation disrespec and i rreverence to wards ones parents its a little trying i must confess bnt no mattef i am prepared to endnro it what else s i o be expected from this generation mother i didnt mean to be disres-pect- fnl pleaded alice overcome with com- pnnction bnt i never had a sister aud i am sure i bhould love nelly norwood and she is homeless and alone a jgreat deal more so than any of these welch- emi grants or scotch colonists mrs peyton waved her penhandle in the air my dear my dear she remonstrated im sure you cant have considered how extremely narrow your scheme of philan thropy is this niece of mine is an ameri can her foot is on her uativo land she breathes the pinescented air of columbia while these poor homeless girls but interposed alice pulling at her short black curls in despair ibnt nelly as poor and homeless as any of them and hasnt she the first claim on us political economy my dear mildly in sear ih of one par- plum tart tand is this delicious bread of hef baking upon my wotd alice i am delighted with her especially after- that delicious nocfimie she played bnj tie piano last night and tho way in whtoh i sue meuded my lace collar yesterday and slid ib so beautiful yes alice really tea afwith those dark eyes j and luxuriant silken looks of hers so yon like her mother said alice intent on winding up a ball of worsted that had fallen a prey to the wiles of a at gray kftten my dear im positively in love with her then said alice we may as well confess norah come here help me to tell mother that yon areatnorah orourke at all but eleanora norwood hor own sis ters orphaned child i j what screamed mrs peyton tipping over a whole wastebasket of crumpled en velopes in her bewilderment the darkeyed yonng beauty hung her head yes aunt said she it is quite true but i was just as poor and solitary as if i i were nn emigrant girl and i am just as grwful for a home as norah orourke j cquld havebeen sl3 added pathetically i bnt cried mrs peyton where is nprah all this time the real norah the true norah she has gone west to her brother who has taken up a government grant of land said alice she would not- stay here she said she could earn her own living and did not choose to be beholden to any gentry for it so long as she had the use of her feet in her stockings oh said mrs peyton in accents that betokened some disappointment then kstoyffikhm i r ubthlngraovo htlrring lias appeared for u long tlmetltantlieapnealthat comes from the inmates of jtheteiinossea 8tateprlson at nashwfle lb behalf of prohibition it i olgned tjy 401 oanvicts begiuning with the name of cp norton oid ouding with that of ben morris and runs in part as followsi-j- wettielurrrafasoftlie state peniten tiary knowiiifr by observation aud cou- vinotd by undeniable facts that liquor is the cause of au the misery weendiire of alltheijiardbhiris and privations we sab jtjvexibe bank actobskr kaccflrttrt for hqw amltq ppl iny oliiiaren 1ijbu ihkwwjbcariiy a one bfinyiown iliearsbme forid parerit ex claim by teaching your children to earn money of cotlrse ifis not always possible for tliem to save it when- earned that is there are oases where it most be applied to meet tbe necessitses of life at once chil dren cannot begm too early to earn a little money arid there are uii infinite nrtniber of ways in which they can gain a few gents iaispovar untn old mistress podgy llveaiu t a fat old dame and qnlet who never failed in doing- ooa- when she could profit b i she ouco keptlodgers in h rjhouse aud tis a fact surprising 8bo never tried to do them exceirt whehcandalizi her ways were of a gencroi s kind wrong her vhtuesshc enlarge andjievcr did dishouest d giving them an inexpressible feeling o jebtthomtedepenaentupon usydof hereby pnue and ownership in having somethng that is truly their noticarne8uy ask that the voters of this great state riiaybsriousiy considor tlie question before them itud give their aid in word and deed to the jennso of ierhibition i we do not oliinr ihafcovery crim- inal act was perpetrated under the influence of liriuor but e i fearlessly assert that threefourtjis confine in tliese walls can tifsce hialt downfall dircotly or indiretiy to that cause a n j the uppeal is given to the public tbrough i the chaplaitrrn wulley who certifies that it was drawn up and signed iu tiie exaot form in which it appears by the prisoners themselves tion as to form or matter upon his part or the part of atoy other man outside tbje own it will serve as an incentive to greater iudustrjr and the habits theyill thus retrajre wilkbeof vastly more benefit than the money they save one of my own ikys iu early cluldhood evinied a strong prbpejnbity to extravag ance aud alllioui hour means were not siichj as to permj auy great and foolish outlay of small c litis by the jlod still he- managed to rjfenu in the niost trifling way all the cents ondximes given him by fond grandparents and uncles one christmas without any dicta- j ibys him a hriht tinbauk promising him five cents for every half dollar fie ac cumulated wlu n his savings had reached roll of convicts theiiihelvea j wm of 5 fai d they were long in so j- we know there is always some discbuntjj p 1p savings bank i tobe placed on such statements coming from criminals or drunkards or deadbeats but when alio ovcrcbargi d them she prayed each evening h her house neer misedthis duty 01 e day and neer was absent from the church but whcushc slept all si uday she kept her housb as she hould do 1i cyil habits scorning and always carllocked tl edoor i tho early in the moruui so bobcr wcrehcr ways sh strove intemperate acts to bani di that when strong drink w s carried home she quickly mode itvan sh exceeding cleanly arc her says they merit all good wisl es lhe hair that doth adoru er head doth oft adorn her dishc s her fatness grieves her hi t she kliows her sorrovswill get f cw r aud when death eomestw 11 bring relief relief to all who know lux it is natural for them asnally toexaggerate the part liquor has played iu their degra- dation making it a sort of bcapegoat for their own sins and weaknesses but al lowing for air reasonable discount this petition remains as one of the most cogent arguments ever put into form for the ex tirpation of the ealoon these men kuow their enemy and know liis power it uf hardly conceivable that such an appeal does not come from their hearts what a hood of misery is presented here flowing through the swinging doors of the bar room poor wrecks now theshores of time 1 iu all the infinite eternity god has given them one life to live here upon earth and only one aud they have made a hide ous failure of that why in great part yes in greatest part because of the open gaies of hell kept open by the license policy of the state legalized bythe government madopart and parcel of organized society and their profits shated in by tbe christian commnnity under which they receive their seal oi sanction god pity us all for the hells u ju earth for which we have beenso long nespoubible the saloon mutt go ioicc actions of drowning leoiuh i believe i can tell just by the clutoh how many times a drowning persrjn has been down musingly remarked edward horn of the ferry company and the man who has saved sixtyfour lives the first tripdown they go for youvyith a firm de cided clutch tliat means they still know what they are about the second immer sion causes a shaky uncertain grip which choc giving him a bankbook of his own i from tlmttiiuo i noticed a decided change in his character he nevter became miserly but grev up an earnest prudent boy sodu de- i them edsj- 1 a mixisteus pkiu iisites vising ways and littlistore if y ur children are obliged to psrform such acre imng ashes hv ber in amcricw means of adding to his duties as cutting wood and the like they will havi i more energy and ambition if you pay tliei i a few cents per weeft or better still let them work by contract farner ayriculturist for siplem- the blinder of a thi ek it is strange said police captain kilbleaj how the most expert thieves sometimes give their business completely away they often make ab bad blunders as al newly fledged cop i remember once i w 8 on patrol duty in the bowery never mil d how many years go that is for i am not in middle age yetand i was taking it eas towardthe early hours of a pleasant summer morning looking carelessly npl the street i noticed a iagpicker coming to- h waid me stoppii g every now and then to digiwith his hool into the ash barrels on the sidewalk b e would have passed me as is usually the ase without my even be- stofving a glance on him ut as he went by melhe said good morning sir and turned the next cornier j ist a few feet from me it was so unusual f r men of this class to give a ppuceman a pi sasaut greeting that i look- ed curiously af te r him and a sudden sus picion jumped into my mind that all jvas not right with him i stepped softly bnt quickly after him and before he had reach ed the next corntrl stopped him and witji a quick inspiratiph determined to examine his sack it was fall of silverware gold the perquisites of a mi listers life are as a general uiiug oyeresti mated an old clergyman firmly believed this who had received a call to a small church in the eastern part of this- state from his much larger parish in massachnt ett a delegaa tion from the chnf ch was t ent to urge him v to accept the call he ased them what the salary was they rep ied that it was about sg0 per year but that the people were very generous- and i ere continually bringing in things to the mi nister well said he i dont wish to offend you but i must positively deolirier lnd now let me give you a bit of my exj erience in my younger days i received a call to a small parish where as in the case with yonr people they r were very liberal it was their custom to always giv j the minister a balldi butter wheu they churned and af quarter of veal when the slaughtered i accepted the calh things went along as they were represented du ing the first year after that there began to be a falling onin 1 their donations until sooi i receive dhard- ly anything ibegan make inquiries one of my parishioners t id die i gave per fect satisfaction bnttrle jjjeple had begun to raise their calves lnoj it lias been my experience continu b the old minis ter tliat donating pans heherssbon bejih to raise- their cilyessflitclsioii mti journal i th0sf glowistf jtelok rs of ffellwscs a reporter has recenllj rcveilcdifsarae of this secrets of his calling he says hat the leports of fashidbable wi dditigsare gener ally written and put in type sonsa hours before tlie ceremony tak place and that can be easily broken if you so choosy it is watche8j that lmd hoan btolen is the rea8on why deyart so correct 1 the last time down that the grasp becomes j mu lt v- and the thief tiad walked safely past this other policeman until his unlucky good to the letter of the contract and reasoned the mother recognizes no snoh she would hardly have dono for the lector- that i ny person other than my agents who sjlling tbe bell jrgan in the above tjerrit ry is obtaining tliem in some uusatib- iactoy way or is selling a secondhand nstn iment i notice proprietor recom- nent ed the bell organ to customer the udis potable reputation of this organ is that all dealers recommend to custo- i gllcllill blucfis c0ll6ge willis you wait arid mouldings c mode with neat less and despatch for uwc are also prepared to fill all ordors puivjps on s lort notice and from long oxpericrico in the busi uess wo leel confident that we can give sat- isfa tion cvcit time so come on with your ord rs and help to roll the ball along mouey mal es tbe more go whether she has legs or no thos ebbage mannecr lumber shingles and lath j phe undersigned desires to inform the public 1 that hohaa now on hand and will keep in stock a futl lino of pine and hemlock as well as other kinds of lumber also jpirst and second classpine shingles lath coal wood having purchased the coal business oi mrc shmitbl am prepared to supply all sn stove coal i liavo also a good stock of wood- hardwood ash cedar and mill wood at reason able prices wood and coal delivered jamkbbbowh mutual fire jsurance company of the 4 coxwn 07 willujtgtosj jebtabirshed 18t0j head office i cjuelph isures uuil huts if erchandlse siuuiuactorlea and all other desriptlous of property ou the premium kote system pw swae oua davideoo president secretary i john taylo ajjretv irjh- weelly opposite post office quelph mj wareroom is well stocked with musical instr lincnts including pianos organs tiuitars baujjs violins harmouicab and accordiaus also a full line of tho latest sheet music and am recei viug new instalments dally cwkelly -right- 1phe fall will be here before yonknow it but kenneybros i of tub il 0 iminion boot shoe store 14ain street acton i hi vo anticipated its early arrival aud laip in a splendid stock of boots shoe 4c for fall wear c ui reputation for good goods and superior value is well established we can suit you all our hwtoin vdepartiuent ja turning outtirstclasa work as usual with good stock and repairing is j alwityg promptly and neatly done kbnbybe08 to the front f alt competition we tiace our eli pnt and substantial goods 8p dndid in quality i yomplete in assortment overflowing in generous bargains i m ns womens and childrens boots and shoes bubbes oveeshoes c at prices that always lead to speedy sales lj0we8t prices coxsistest ottii good quality obtitom work and repairing promptly attended to w williams mill street acton the picture gallery guelpti 1 waters bros f who webb burnt out monday night r havetemporarily removed to nelles old stand- where they are preparing to r j sacrifice their tpemendous i j stock claims i hate political economy sputtered alice i want nelly norwood to come and live with us we have but one spare chamber sajfd mrs peyton in a tone that was meant to settle the matter definitely and that lis intended for norah oltourke the grand- daughtcrf old michael who has run away from county callahan and is even now on her way here but mother what has she run away from mrs peyton hemmed and hawed from from the debasing influences of foreign persecution she said if nelly was to run away yon wouldle very angry cried alice andwhatstl e difference i should like to know between nelly norwood and norali obonrke once for all alice said mrs peyto i decidedly i will have no more of these undutiful bickerings and altercations clo and bring me a cup of strong green tea and dont let any one interrupt mo until i have got every one of these letters ready for the mail alice went away to her own room and in dulged in the unprecedented luxury of i a good c5y mother is worse than mrs jellyby she thought i and oh what what shall i write to poor nelly norwood my own cousin mothers sisters child must i tell her that we have so many outside in terests that our hearts are sealed against our own kindred its inhuman its barbarian thats what it is i scarcely a week had elapsed when mrs peyton sitting in her writingroom in the midst of envelopes blotting sand and drifts ot waste paper gave majestic audience to a pretty brownfaced yonng girl picturesque ly attired in the peasants costume of southern ireland with thick cowhide boote on her slender feet a red shawl looped over her head and shepherds plaid skirts scarcely reaching to her trim ankles mother said alice u heres that girl that that eleanora o norah obonrkel saidmrs peyton beaming all over- my gorfd girl you are welcome welcome to this land of freedom and universal toleration tell me was your voyage rough v it wasnt an easy one said the strau- get briefly well let ns be thankful that it is over at last said mrs peyton pattingthe girls shoulder how straight you are my dear and what an excellent complexion you have ah the isle of erin is the place to bring ont natures roses once more let me bid yon welcome and nowj what would you like to do have you any career chalked out in ydjurmlhds eye id like to stay herej and help about the bouse said norah hanging down her head mrs peyton was a little disappointed there is no use in denying that bhe would have preferred that norah of the purple- blaok hair and peachpink cheeks should have elected to become ari orator or a writer in behalf of humanitys needs but after all she was hut a child and mrs peytons ing platform decidedly not alice made reply not without a sparkle of mirth in heteyes i hope dear aunt you are not angry with me said norah or nelly norwood in a low voice but alice and i love ono another so dearly and indeed indeed i will try tcrjinake myself useful iu your household since you are good enongh to have me here if you send norah away mother youll have to send m9 away also said alice throwing tyjth her arms around her consinv neck i tky dear child dont be so tragic said mrs peyton i havent the least idea of i sending either of you awayi norah is a girleleouara nelly whatever her name is and i really believe she answers my pur- p6se better- than he tactual bona fide norah would have done bo now run away there are two dear good children and let me get my correspondence written up for the even ing mail and the two giris flattered away twined in oife anothers arms alice yhispered to norah norwood i am so glad and norah anbwered blithely- so am i a convulsive bewildered one and but few swimmers can save a person after the un fortunate man has descended foi the third time almost invariably the drowning rnaii on his final journey below the water will seize his preserver by the legs it seems to be a law of nature and one i can not account for it would be easier to save ohe whole river full of men than one drown ing woman the odd feature of the latters struggle in the water is that shef will seize yonr handsif she can get hold of one or bothofthena a woman will drown quicker than a mam j she opens her mouth from the time bhe first strikes the water and nover doses it and so loses herbenbeb more easily yes i saw one person die of stran gulation while we were under water to gether his eyes were wonderfully fascin ating as he stared helplessly at me you may not believe it but they shone like two balls of fire detroit tribune mirning to me lost him his booty and sent him to the penitentiary for a term of years netv yorkcntpiiv tbe reporter it seems c tils uponthe bride ou the morning of the gl gai day he finds her in curl papers ind very confidential what he would say j shewanteb her hctihe said hkilt l1ckxse xo liemkdy 1iy pavni n lockf by it ib entirely proper to regulate law good things which in the hanp bad men are liable to abuse the law making and lawenforcing power may be properly invoked to regnlate transporta tion by railor water the law may be call ed upon to declare whaflk proper interest and at what point interest leaves off and usury begins and the law may also regu- late the sale of necessary drugs to prevent their misuse by carelesb immoral or had men but an evil a known marked admitted evil an evil- which has no admixture of good an evil which the sense af the entire civilized world has branded as an evil can o more be regulated than a barrel of wder can be fired off by degrees an evil that needs regulation neods death f it bo an evil if the world acknowledges ind regards it as an evil killing is the only remedy what would be thought of a proposition to make a law resulatiug adultery a law regulating burglary a law regulating arson a law regnlating larceny a law regulating highway robbery a law regulating forgery a law regulating assault and battery alaw regulating wifebeating and so forth these crimes are riot to be regulated they art forbidden the liwdoes not say you may under pertain rules land regu lations do these things but for the protection of society itr bays too shall not i- i k i want you to paint my picture a wealthy lady to an artist in paris t shall be delighted i dontcare about the price jhank you when jdo you want to begin i will oeready a week from tbday very well good morning t a week after the artist awaited his patient at the hour appointed the maid appeared with a huge hex 7 whit is this j madanjesi costume oh i it strack him as curious for the maid departed without another word he shrngged his bhoulders and waited those american people were so queer but he supposed the lady would appear and put on the dress there shftdid not come two or three flays passed and no message sud denly thelady bounced into the studio well is the picture progressing f madame you have given me no sit tings i have not been able to begin begin why didnt you get the dress i sent yon v yes i have aboxiof madames heri well 4 but i cant make a picture bear me 1 i thought yon could fill in thehead at any time that dress cost 85000 and 1 want it painted the like- ness doesnt matter san francisco chronicle blhusband andwife were talking grairl- trikr would you said bike say sis5or8 are of spibsors is i id say scissors are of courle ho rer plied would you say molaeses is or molas ses are molasses is of course well then would you say tlie family is well no what you wouldnt say tho family are well when family is abingnlar nonn wonltl yon 7 no what wonldyou say then id like to know why love id say tte family was nbt rell that yon had tho grnnts that tom my had a bore finger that the bahy had he colic that katie had the headache and thatl was trying to make an average by being well enouj h for four she went out of the room and didpt speak to liim for two flays merchant traveller i better than a bell j zi r 0m amjis sttisissiii theres a new racket on the road that beats the chestnut hell all topieces said a commeroialtravelerfrgn stpaul when ever a felltfw tells a story that is a little musty or tries to perpetrate any bad pons or brag too much about his salary or his sales or bisfirms hberality in thermatter of expenses nobody sneerb athim a word nor rings a bell theres a slicker way than that first oho of the gang will step up and sliokeiiands with him silently aud solemnly thenlanother follows and another and so on all around about the time the second mans hand is extended the victim begins to fell warm in his head aud cool and liot by turns under his vest and about the time the third hand is ready he is almost in a state of collapse i never saw a man who can stand more than four shakes of that kiud though perhaps some of theso chicago chape have got cheek lenough to take em iu by the dozen andcry iior more cvucago herald train tall sheives him all the ess intfat information including the full title and nafce of the clerayman the right baling of all the family names as well as those of the in vited guests he so s for himself the general decoration and jrangementuf the rooms above all he ge b theprecise shade and style of the weddin dress a close de scription of the bridesrn aids eostomes and those to be ombythi ladies nearly re- lated to- the two fami ies tha iieporter adds that tlje bridefe fa uily usually desire to have the list of wedding presents printed j in full but that editois generally object even provincial weekli a he remarks l getting out of the habit of meniioningthat mrs deacon jerkius gave the bride an elaborate pin cushion a 1 ledgei feomcthixg to hi5k about m every woman shoulc jiave some special thing to think about except the regular weekiy ron id of doties ifact sflrae ayh in life exc pt that of ookiug eating and sleeping and the conti lgent possibility of dying spon to get rid ol it all no aim and ho change make asyl ims overflow leave children motherless ind make life- pot worth the living evs ry woman had her ambitious dreams ones what were they to write then let h r write every day if but three lines ou som subject she is most familiar with to paint let her get waiter colors paint fiw rers and work at it every day if only half an hour ifbnehas but half a chance let her prove that she uses that that she can do more than many who have not only a whole chance but many chances pauline adelaide- hardj in good house eiping how to treat yolr wife lv nover except for tl e best of causes to oppose niy wifes will to discharge all services for hot salfe freely never to scold never to wearylier with commands never to look cross at her to promote her piety to bear her burdens to overlpokher foibles to love cherish ah i ever defend her to remember her always mo3t afrection1 ately in my prayers thus god willing we shall both be blesscdj from a busixess staxdfoixt i have recently seen it- stated that mr gornelius yanderbilt of the central hail- road has refused to let a room in a large building near the fortysecond station new- york city for a saloon and wishes there wasno saloons within an cighthof a toils of a btatiou when his father vas president of the newyorkeutral the nephew of a friend of mint rented the eat inghouse at utica at sgoo0 a year a short time after he took it mr w h vanderbilt came along and asked him how muchreut he paid he told mr v gaidi you eell liquors yes sir well if von will uotsell them yon bhall have thplace at 91100 a year agreedl mr yi was wi6e he did not want spirits sold where the men who had charge of trains could step ipjor drinks clerelaml leader do dialogue between twoblind men yoa know the gentleman who tve yoh a aimo jiisi now only by bigtit r j a maimers ixte1ligext mare farmer wm h ellisof bloomiugburg n y ownsa ihtle mate called wiitofoot that is remarkably intelligent and kind every schoolday morning whitefoot hauls mr elliss two little girls in a waggon to the schoolhouse a mile from home and after leaving the children there the little rhare turns around and trots back to her masters house without any driver when the sohool closing hour approaches mrj ellis hitcheswhitefoot up and stajts hei os alone for the schoolhouse ahd in duei time she cornea back with tho little girlsj she is so careful arid expert in- passing vehicles on the road that sho never hab a collision 6r damages any of- her horse on a- recent monday night mr ehisti hired man drove whitefpol over to middler ton on his way to new york- before em barking on the cars here bo tacked a piece of ipaper to the waggon seat cqptaiiiingthib notice dont stop this mare fjhe berj places where trees might be earning dollars longs to wm h ellis jloomiugburg auijj for their owners growing by the brook or i will go home nirriglit and then turning j tho rivcrf or on lsiil sides and overhunging the mares head homeward he let her g uliffsi too steep mr cultivation jand there j sure enough she covered the distance a j tt icust a fialf fdozen odd days in jevery long nino miles in safety aud utj a pace that brought her home iu about an haur savetieb0y ut 5j on almost every farm there are yvaste a torfc synat season vheu the planting tork might be oarrledi on when no other work of equal value is drowdiug the husbandman a young man was led to the gallows his brokenhearted mot ler went to bid him farewell he said oh mother i didnt want to kill him i vas crazed with drink it was the saloon tiat did t- tell the temperance people 1 1 be in a hurry if he had only bel raged to some temper ance society when h j was a boy onci had- harned what a drea iful thing strqng drink is it is not likely would have been in that awf ui position the temperanca peo ple must hurry and get in all the boys and girjs before they are ruined temperance banner eyrhlslajlm dampened enthusiastic citizen abpnt- to visit europei j how delightful it will be to tread the bounding billow add inhalethe iiivioratinj oxygen of the seathe sea the bounding sea i long id sei it to breath in great draughts of lifgiiing stir i shall want to stand every tiiofneut on the prow of the steamer with my mouth opeii- citizens wiffeencqurgtjingly you probalily will thats tlatyay all the ocean travellet8 dcr j a dejecied siteuco eusuesixjcrroif free i wznmmmmm ico j t i r jy mmmmt i

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