i imitt jmfress tjptbday september 15 1887 fle ijoung jfolka tot babs ajucmka i ftsftsif tomiriimnr my four year old baby mt on my lap la the dusk of ttre fading day so hell be seemed as bo nestled there 80 lude on mother and mother tint i uked a i ktnod the golden head what would vou da dear if iiiannna wwja dead the eyes met mine nitli a vtcadfait look 1 that showed neither sadness nor fear the hi mill smiled in a rarelem my as though my death were a now found play sot a tear in eye or voice at ho said i would live wlv graunna h yo4 wb dead bat grandma iaoldaiid fwblc yon know atl not able tocrv for you you coumni stay thcixv the laoo grew tran one quick scared look at uy tacv he gave then till half defiant he slowly said i totud liw wiv auntie it you van dead but auutic hax boys of her own you know and she wouldnt want any more so vou couldnt live there the brown oy nil ltfe looks ptvuy ploouiy just uow nut still with a quiver of lip annvhln lu said touldnt t live wiv tnclc tom it yoa wa dwdt uncle tout ha uo wifoor itouic you know and a man couldnt care for ymfi i the little breast heaved with its weight ot wocj wa there nowhere then for a boy to go i and be sobbed as his anus rouud my nock hi threw i would want totlie and go with your- axgkr in a moment of anger a man may do what he will regret during all his life the following is an illustration of this fact two boys jerre blunt and will hamlini had been playfellows from babyhood going to school together and studied from the nine books they rarely disagreed one morn inj two boys started off to school as usua on the way a dispnt arose about a jackfcrife will had the p tions day borrowed jerres knife am when he returned it the rivet was li jane said little at the time bat this an fortunate morning it was alluded to wit considerable bitterness too tried to spoil my knife cause yoa hunt sot one yourself said jerre angrily i didnt said will an you lie if yon say so j more angry words followed then blows neither of the boy could tell who strnckj the- first blow bat they fought like wild beasts will was throws touierrouudand before he could rise jerres coppertoed boot- said by n mc garvin hit him twice in the back he cried oat sharply with pain and then lay very still he was lying partly on his face his back i towards jerre and as beid not move jerre cried oat with boyish orri want to make believe ive hurt ye awful i hope i have sot oull let my jackknife alone v and he tamed and walked towards tbe school- onse after going a short distance he loot ed back and seeing that will had not m k he ex claimed j youd better be comin al nig youll be latet and then he walked slowly back and bending down took wilit arm saying more gently for he sad becoi ae somewhat alarmed at his friends silen get up didnt mean nalkal 1111 wim bowels aid rt aiaatioah soane grai imar school dtologtk b tweenteaohsr md johuny taaohatwoat it the future of ha drinks f johnny hekdruuk a lady writ a was enabled to remova the corns roo and branch by the use ot holloways o rn out others who have tried it have t ta same experience young wlf petulantly wall even if i dont come i meet yon every night la i used what dot it signify young has- band that we have been married six months prof lows sulphur soap u a cheap atid bandy form ol obtaining thehealiug virtues of a sulphur b tth that hackit oough can be so quickly cured by 8hik hs cure wo guarantee it sold by n m qarin a new eti jland mau has jut had a patentgranted him for aue4triq the partioula t are uot given but u looks as if the f otur r of the small boy wa dii oourasiug are you m ids miserable by indigesuoa cousupatiou magmas lou of appeute yellow skin shilohs vltaliser is a posj itivecore 8 mbyn veoarvin r a oorrespoident asks ck you girt me the salary t the speaker of the fiouse t- kind friend v e cant j wo haent got it audit wo had wed probably conclude to keep it i forlame bai k side oc ohest use shilohs 1eorous plastci price to cents sold by n mogarvin connoisseui i lell you what it is mo- baub those uszara are simply superb yoa shouldnt paint anything bat birdsi artist disgaoi ed those are not buzzards they are angel k shilohs vit diwr is what you need for constipation joss of appetite dixriness and all sympfa ass of dyspepsia price 10 and 75 cenfc pet bottle sold by ht ucoarvin liumning k rocketlover three meu who were sitting ot a box in front of a grocery store one of them was knocked senseless theothor tto exclaimed leggol im coming right 1 ome sleepless nij hts made miserable by that terrible oough shilohs cure is the remedy for yoa sold by n mcgarnn the rev ge j h thayer of bonborn ind says both myself and wife owe our lives to siilohs consumption care trrjr vrfrir iri tmvthtetsf manaitm for thr mtminil eoud pot tat a full orauywork iborighuhotus of burdiiel uo blt bagkn using st and in thm laya my appetite returned in a mkifthltoauhf man it wu wonderful wl at that one botuedldforme writes arihuallehibol hunfcsvlle mus- okay who sul tered frot dyspepwa j mxkmm mm iiibmiui freooirding i condition of a book i page 17 a hole turns the leaf page 48 another hde imleeaalai relat nasal daln dots not irritate or cause sneesiitg doe 1 not require any instrument for itt ue d enot have any ill effects re lieves from tl e first and one w otnt bottle will oure an irdinary case with no other expense attached in the matter of speed there is a great similarity between afiash ot lightning and a bit of unfounded gossip 1 r 1 i daaiaiae to effootually oure a bad cough or fjold and do it quiokt use tamafao- elixir it strikes at the root of the trouble and gives immediate relief kininienntapopularresortforeuropean bridal oouples but the brides see to it that their dear huhbiet keep away from ems iaahiou is going to get left for once she ordflrb that ladies will wear their hair this winter as they did titty years agobntthey wont any ot them own up to wearing hair iflfty years ago a texas woman bafi a pet alligator tliat wags his tail when his namo is called the average alligator never wags anything bat his jaws a trendermi organ the largest organ and puo that plays a controlling part on the health of the body is the liver if torpid or inactive the whole system becomes diseased ijr chases liver cure is made especially for liver and kidney diseases and is guaran teed to cure receipebookandmedioinell by examining the tongue of a patient physicians iiud out tho disease of the body aud phijosophers tbe disease ot the mind be on yaarvaard iont allow a cold in the head to slowly and surely run into catarrh when you can be cared for 25c by using dr chases catarrh cure a few appljeations cure in- sipient catarrh 1 to 2 boxes oures ordinary catarrh 2 to 6 boxes is guaranteed to oure cbronio catarrh try it only 25c and sure cure and come along to school to hurt you i oh my hack said wu1 ing from unconsciousness sightly turned a white face t jwards jerre as if recover- and moving to rise it feels so bad v- he trietl cant i cant he moaned a id sank back jerre was thoroughly alan aed now and tried to assist him but wjll anly groaned with paiu at each effort a neighbor team came i long at that moment and the driver seeit g that some- tbawas wrohg lifted will nto his wag gon andtuld jerre to go and call the- doc tor lor long painful weeks aud mouths poor will lay on his bed helpless hen he began to sit in a chair add at last o walk with the aid of crotches when t st long after the sorrowful decision was g ven will can never walk without bis cr itches poor jerre was perhaps the most mhappy one of all concerned gladly wo ild he have exchanged his own sound 1 ody for his friends crippled one for he fe t that be was the cause of his misfortune had the two htds been he bitterest enemies tbey could have wis sd no worse late for each other the one ap trf ol cripple tbe other h lifelong regret 3 ocftall for a moments anger takes at his wok 1 i spose youd take a man r last cent tea drink here eiclaimed respectably dressed individual with a red nose as he walked in and leaned on the ba r of a bail- road palace saloon with pi asure re plied the affable attendant the first speaker ordered a drink of brandy which he quaffed with an appreciative gargle fol- lowtm by a smack of tbe lips reaching dow into his pocket the caste mer resar netid a red perniy laid it on i be counter and astonished tbe bartender w tb the two wards last one skvt to covkxtbv the people of coventry in i england in cjdexi time bad a great dislike i 4 the mili tary this grew to such an oil nt that a woman who was known to have spoken to a soldier was considered- to ha e lost her character the soldiers in the town were accorded no bocial privileges atside the barracks so to send a man tc coventry was to shut him off from associa ion the watek klass a water gloss is constructs 1 of four beards about fifteen inches long nailed to gether in the form of a frustrum f a hollow pyramid the tmal end is cloa d with a piece of ordinary window glai 3 this placed a few inches below the k inrfoce of water enables hie observer to s objects for a considerable distance and it water it is much used by pearl divers ins niolte blobftou t ley aay a cabbage leaf un der the hat wil prevent sunstroke popin jay dumpsey is all right then blobsiou how so pop injay he carries a whole cabbage- under lis bat all the time shilohs con h and consumption cure is sold by fw on i guarantee it cures cod sumption so d by n mcgarvio yoa ask me to bring yoa a little pin money said sj young husband to his wife yes dear said the lady expectantly well to save you the fatigue of going out this hot weather i have brought yon some pins instead v j will you buffer with dyspepsia and liver complajiut shilohs vitalize is guaranteed to cure you sold hy n mcgsrvin i an exchange calls tbe revenge that a man out west took upon an enemy by eloping with his daughter sweet k may be to but it is of the glucose sort that is apt to become very tajrtwith age if your child is stubborn or hard to administer medicine to dr lows pleas ant worm syrup will bef appreciated worms caujse mnch sickness among children that freemans worm powders wulsareiy she by the by i met your brother at dinner last night such a delightful party sucbadinnerlsuchflowers he indeed where was it sbe at tbe a the a upon my word really forgot whose bouse it was i was dining at the extraordinary popularity of ayera cherry pectorsi is the natural result of its use by inuuigett people for over forty years it has proven itself the wry best specific for colds coughs snd pulmonary com plaints worms derange the whole system mother gravesi worm exterminator de ranges worms apd gives rest to tbe sufferer it only costs twentyfive cents to try hand be convinced j v teacher miss sinuico pleare parse the sentence adolphas married caroline miss s well adolphus is a noan because it is the name of a thing married is a conjunc tion becaoseitjoins adolphus and cotoiine and caroline is si verb cause it governs tbe noon an exchange publishes the song of the ga man meter of vtf had got so course it is sung to long abajtleat thange magistrate its ten dollars r thirty days uncle iiastus you can tike your choice uncle rastus after some co itempla- tion well yo kin gimme de ah money ix lte aacoblxblac s it is tbe duty of very person vilto lias t uted5wce ucrman hjjrup to let tswon derful qusiitiesie known to their friends in coring consumption severe joughr croup asthma pneumonia and in fact all throat and lung diseases no perscn can use itsrithout immediate relief tlirv doses will relieve any case and we cpnsidcr it the duty of all druggists to recc amend it to the poor dying consumptive t feast to try one bottle as 80000 dozen bottles wereaold last year and ho one case where fairy was reported such a medi line as tbe oainah syrup cannot be too widely known ask your druggist about it i ample bottles jfeo try sold at ten cents i egular size 75 cents sold by all pruggu ts and peaiers in the united states and c uud 1 ltd with dyspepsia that i bfardjy cared wh tber i lived or not says frank a swain of the toronto qlobc office three bottles o urdock blood bitters cared him and h says it now seems a pleasure to live it is true that octors disagree bat tbey dont disagree hal so much as their medi- cines do qame carrrrt i have usei dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry and found it the best remedy 1 ever asea for dysentery and all summer complain ts among children and i think no bousebol 1 shouldbe without it mrs a bakery ingoldsby ont reporters engl sh hat been enriched by thetaddrliou of tin word cabrioletists in vented i y the mobile register kjllablr i have used dr fowlers extract of wildstrtwberry ind found it a sura cure ifbr summer eompljiint i was very sick and it cured me entirely alexander w grant moose creek ont trying to make her country cousin pre senteblt at table a city young lady said now lent when bie is served yon must not u82 your knife to eating it gosh all hemlock tody il never do i allers take my piece er pi right into my hand when i eats it that settled lem anus weriivemcmberl mr jastbinnle ox toronto states that hi little vaby when three months old was- so bad with summer complaint that under doctors treatment i erj life was despaired of font dotes o pi fojwlers wild strawberry cured he r sbe is now fat aud hearty a delawaro couj le on their wedding tor succeeded in i wling everybody into thinking they had been married a long while it is the first case of tbe kind on record the greom i 1 88 and tbe bride 81 1 ajrieasibgbait i feel h my duty to aay writes john bortonef desert p q that burdock blood bittjers ppred i ly wife of liver com- plaint from which si s had been a chronic sufferer distrc thing painful symp tons soon gave way lipid i can highly re- ccmendtbe mediel ie to all suffering s ahedid 4 waft until the last hioment but lsave your ordort for printing for actonm bfg exwbitipu at- job dxpajitusiit atbuee wo have better faoliitles tbsu ever liefpre and can give jrott giroulstra handblllsi dodgera or oardb in flritclans style and at reasonablelratcs b p moors rtetprtutitttee wo the uiiilpraigiiod herebv nniiot nee that we will again buy wo the unaoraigitoil hereby- nnuoi nee tuai we win ugmu oil the wool offorod at our mills for w lich the highest price ip or in exchange -o- veiiiivo uliifgo and well blakets tweeds flannels siookirik yaras in grcuf variety aelcctiil cxjpressly ito i til ie farniote o o- for good i ibsortod stock of ed goods jstc etc upply the req lireraeuts ot fauhats pall hats fauhats the largest and best assortment in town at the- east end clothing store cope and see them roll carding spinning weaving and hi fact ull kinds of custom work do e in our usual prom t and i satisfactory inau j neisrtdn limehoise sons crarfd trunk ooranst kixod 7 azin j ejpret express 1 ho iani i kipret fassmall 10 0 hin ithfea through expill9kin i mail accom 6 fcm i iiuedg chicago express tioes not itopb andfirsnipton tuik ofttosiso aiabss going wcslfl 16 ajcban 5 piit ooing kost 10 10 nini and s ifopaiss mackinj jj sumrrier tout palace st ijo tent trifiset wsek betsieaf detroit mackinac i8l eurssroakllnd hoomhasi sevaiy waalc bay b detroit and clvl jp our illustrated pamph bates sad fcsuntoa tlckats wm b fm guelph cloth hall -o- new arrijalis in fall goods ayeanj daily opening iip large qn woollens for this whenever you ore augry with ouo you love think that the dear one may dio that moment your anger will vanish at ouce cholera and all summer complaints are so quick in their aetion that the cold hand of death is upon the victims before they are aware thatdanger is near if attacked do not delay in getting the proper medicine try a dose of dr j dkelloggs dysentery cordial and you will get immediate relief it acta with wonderful rapidity aud never fails to effect a cure a persian philosopher being asked by wbat method he had acquired so much knowledge answered by not being pre- veufcd by shame from asking questions when i was ignoraut c c jacobs buffalo n y says dr thomas eclectric oil cured hi tip of a bad case of piles ot 8 years standing having tried almost every known remedy besides two buffalo physicians without relief but the oil cored him to ttastks it cannot be recommended too highly after years of sniferiog persons who have vainly sought remedies holp from other sources haveobtainedtheldngdesired refief from northrop 4 lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic cure which puts a stop to tbe tnrmentsofdyspepsia renews activity of the bowels and liver relieves maladies incident to the gentler sex and builds np failing health and strength gives purity to the blood and tone to the whole system stem aad raarrl la ihr actrrlbc browns household panacea hss no qual for relieving pom both inlernnl and sternal it cures pain in tlie side back or bowels sore thmat ilhenmatsm toothache lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will mostsurely quick en the blond- aud ileal as its icting power is wonderful browns household pan acea being acknowledged as tbe great pain reliever and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every fajnily handy for use when wanted as it really is the best remedy in the world for crampe in the stomach s nd pains and aches of all kinds and is for sale by all druggists at 25 cents a bottle advice to mothem are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cat ting teeth if so send at once and get a bottle of mrs winslows soothing symp for children teething its value is incal culable it will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately- depend upon it moth ers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens tbe amsi reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to tho whole system mrs winslows soothing sy mp for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states and ib for sale by all drnggisu throughout the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be sure and ask for mas wixslows 8ootuiko sybct and take no other kind l i have a uarge line of cheap hats from 25c to 100 which must be sold at once j fyfe acton -o- qnj iiti sfeapn ntities of fiiie impoited s time i shaw fc g tmdy imercha fit tailor8 cuelph la brier aad to the polat dyspepsia is dreadful disordered liver s misery indigestion is a foe to good nature tbe human digestive apparatus is one of the most complicated tod wonderful things in existence it is easily put out of order greasy food tough food sloppy food bad cookery mental worry late boors irregu lar habits and many other things wbioh ought not to bebave made the american people a notion of dyspeptics but qreens august flower has done a wonderful work in reforming this sad busi ness au j making tbe american people so healthy that they can enjoy their meals nd be happy remember no happiness without health but grpeus august flower brings health and happiness to the dyspeptic ask your druggist for a bottle seventy five cents mb t mitchell desires to inform the people of acton and sarroundings thai he is prepared to take ordersfor weaving all kinds of fanoy bag carpets flannel sheetine shirting and dreis goods striped or plaid twillojr plain also bed blankeu and horseblankettwo yards wide andover and i will gokrantee that i wiflglvegood satisfaction to all farmers and others who will favor me with their patronage t1iit0hbll mcleod anderson co have quite a large stock tlicy arc anxious to get lid of nnd if prices are an bject wiiicli should be we have cut down n ot lines in summer goods wlncli jve are offering at extraordinary low prices suninier mantles anil jackets iu silk and cloth great drives from 50 cents up jsnrniiier millinoryhb hitting to the bone hats from o cents up feathers ribbons ornaments aud all kinds of millinery extraordinary low parasols being cleared out re gardless of cost a line ot dress goods at 10 cents worth 25 cents at 15 cents worth 30 cents an immense stock of magnificent dress goods very cheap muslins land laces for dresses from 6 cents per yard up checked dress silks 25 cent cheeked all pore silk drees silfce 85 cents worth 60 cents aliueof black aud colored satin merveilleaux 60 cents and 75 cents worth 8100 and 125 black gros grain- 75 eent worth 125 brinfs for 5 cents and 71 cents worth 10 eiit8 and 12j cents we are going to cut goods to the bono to reduce pur sjockt inspection invited remember our millinery dress making and tailoring depart ments great drive in giiitlniuis seer suckers and crinkles georgetown juno 22nd 1887 1 fall 1 887 having completed our purchases for he fall trade aud having most of our qodds forw ard we are now in a position to show ourjiiaany friends and patrons the result of our fall purchase i which have been prosecuted with more than oldinary care bf jroor tloat asvat 0 vvhrtcf mb wl tm detroit cleveland steam deffioir mica t the vvanzer ea canjdle powi b ji wanzsr fs co manufrt hajdlton oat i ijg ko chimney io41oljy 2o kiioke- fositively konexjilcfhr never gel cd durnsuiiygrcdp of coal 0i eyervlamp uara teet viilliont ia with tbe light can pur ou smtery tttj heatriroter boil eggeubalic tea ana coll stew etc l g matthews sote agkxt roii acton iid yicv drhoddeeiv blirtfock compound t v o i3st dress aqods especially wc have gone to great pains in selecting the newest and best goods procu rahle i custoiiieio will find a good sclectiou of the very latest sljiides in gobleins heliatropes etp also a splendid assortment of the more staple shades especially wavy which is coming into great prominence again are simply immense and along with dress stofis wilt be dticjof the principal featuies of pur stock this fall as wo have gone into the above lines more extensively than eyer before vyc invite the attention of those wanting a filtstcl ass article feeling cbufidcut that wc cnu satisfy everybody v i m eakly fall and winter staples stock is complete t our tnbw absivals in ge3 jst ts dptjr3sfissirdb our stock of gents tics is still ihead of everything in town new suits m brennan has pleasure in announcing that his tail oring shop in creechs fmit store is now open and in f nil running order jandin a position to fill all orders he is showing gopd twjsrd suits at 12 sold ehsewhkbe for i5 scotch tvveed suit 817 4 18 i 1 sold glsbwhkfie p0b23 and 21 ine worsted suit at 20 sold elsewhebtf at 25 t i gentlemen wanting a flrstolass good- flttiog coat etc ni y rely upon beinginlted in every respect by leaving theirorders with thi oldtfliir j we are showing a fine- dongola eid stoe at 275 sold elsewhere at 325 see it look out for our millinery announcement i soon groceries choice and cheap remember the famous 50c tea henderson mcrae co cu ibilioi dyspi sitjs compi pisbe thcfrecul is qf the stomacti laser bbwejs blood cures hekdache con female complaints and euiidstrj thejsystemr- head tlie following for years past 1 have suffered frotj sia aiid 1 as reccmnieatied- tb try dr f coniiiohd i 4m sittud found if i core j e 4 cnitistcron sold everywbere llricc s- db hoddebs cgugh ut lckftl neverfails griraiileoil liicci5c the union ebicine1 piopiieloisi torcnto ont 5 mm pride of the vm yes priile of the vallevthat is thfi the medicine it curetj bc of djepep iboaghta sample uaqkaga for 25e packages for 1 and ibeforo iliad contents of four packaged hwas enfij havtf never felt tuo ermptams- since m four years ago i also tensut a bottled of the valley liniment ilast spring for is man who sprained his iuklfi so hjuuy i not bear his weiglit on ii mtzt jusiiigj the valley liniment feij 4 hours he mi go to work as well as lever and wha name of that ether medicine yvhyiprb valley catarrh and rheumatic cure hj greatest kaown remedy iu the world fort of catarrh not an inhsler bnttholfedlf bo taken internally onci day it stril rfoot of the disease ana rernovc the i onoe as thousands welitcbtitr tbatlx the catarrh remedy the three oborei go hand to hand andhero eairffr at l g ilatthews actou ont firstelass medicine dealers ia canaoasi xactpred by pnbr a si bhbjeves r3 londois yelwo cures rheumati freemafs worm powder i t ia areplcassnttotsioj contain thefavl pnrsativo is a saf o auro mid efltw detrbrorvenbinciuldrenofai acton vt simimgm3mij- otj eiess until january 1888 mm wm m a great causeof human i os toe loss or leelr on be itarrtronlmei kndlral curoof keiniifel wraknees or4 atorrhosa induced by saltabuse ihyoj missions lmiotuev riervous dcblut impediuientstomarriasoibeucralw oos tion bpllopby and fits mea tal ud lliysfof pacltyc bybobektjjcuijvebwea tho world renowned author iu thisad irecture clejuly prcivts frokn his own en oxax tho hwf al cousoqueunes of selfaba be effectually removed uiuiout dangerei cal operations bougies iiislruuientsi i cordials pointing out o njodo of curii certain and effectual by which- every 1 no matter what his conelittou maybe mj himself cheaply prtvatolylaud rodieally3 tthls lecture will prow a boon wthofi and thousands i 8ent under seal iu a pjiiiu onreionfttl address onreceipt of four icuts or two pal tamps addrefg i ys the oultetwell if eficalccl tlaiiisthewtobk s t v 0 b0 psalbalm- koi a snuff powder or irritating i4ay bpcts end 140 jfjsot obt uiabloaiyoaf glits sprt prepild oa reccip fuljford a co bockvlllo oprico m everl free prc ac oxe tb i- 1 ihrariawj lj25pery tinjued till pp lottofthl 30- ncbes wlb acbts inches dch iusartiol cabaj flrit laqaeittt reckoned by i icaile b solii iin ealseri blip ngfy- a idvanee changes fd in the ufbed tbeywluhef bi de5 ne syrif called vit pain irt teacher ia toronto pat sata yisltacwtnfej cf eachmontr fjaroai j tibffi bojalcollgd wifj visit apv rwtidnf artftcult bex bases 1 ninons ox pail less e o hlrristejd ofsjcbt- offiqe per tf soui office n maint lent to j li alus 8ffl atefjil hekaf twinty yc a ml forllhe cbdl orders teftia ite church b waii able oakl 3wtcft stiicorgas i sconuvbi odicatsol bdl aftntlf tr- l exmliilcad lj begipl bean strep gtl naw kly fpmuhderij 1 thathel sto ik a full 1 oth orltlnda cla is pinejt v i having iml imituviii coal s stove hardwood- able prices i jloth- prnleaijmj i