Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 29, 1887, p. 1

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railway onfawtj lfvnrf ikxjjt in triv- artfiis3 i3ity jf lot stop hreca tours cure xanae cqj cleveunb ijuiyaadj d pamphlet itttavq torim- liwi pttt afnt s steam nit day mick t b- ct v sir fs-mfccbb- u oii ucrict vly sttct cfricc teiws cures r 3iogd comilatot s5in ii5sases iecjlatoi lbicins cal trsc cel he valley be iametji wj fir i tak3 h iji that r ft rf liie i ijvirie fe af- itidsa s js aue ti- i r lit is 1 vi frise ol j i- t 5crtbet v rifecsa -a-t- ijt cshjtft v l lave rt i cte runeistf li r ret tiao rt io bc iii jumpls rv- l0xdososfci eumatksm fwders s im1caem a ji iiivclcfltr lfcbiiiir roostaws lssieaji rr nif luse r r-jik-n- riiiw cu nijk y bofld vc fflr 1- 1 tllliif- clcjl vtfcoj vcu or two r 1 obomsj iic each p ept of pmtl- ular 81ze 1w1 rac volume xi ii ko 18 cbcrt0it ffttxtss is rcntisned kveuy thursday morning attuk free press power print1nq house acton ontario sussorrptlon ratm onjvim 1j six ilontha 50cm threk mostus sict i rvariblv iii oithiicc if uot natd in adyaaeo i3ortfrwlinecharkcd no paper discon- timia till all arroais arc paid except at tbe opfciouolilienbuslitr advertising rates inclui loindlis 3 inohis ljnh i tb tvooi oo iflw 1 000 c jlo 3503 4000 350 s mo 1 mo j0lr7o0 ltoo iso 700 150 400 100 c- avtrti5cinont scents prrlinc for too firs insertion and 3 cents per hue lor each sub- lelient insertion cash h number of unci rockvuvl ly the sjtafo occupied measured by a icalc of solid nonpareil aiivortisoiuents without apeejno directiona rill bo incited till- torbirt an charged acconl njly transitory advertisements must be llo aalvauce chmifes for ccntracrodtertlsementtimntbe in the offloe by 9 am on tueslays otberwife they will be left over until the followiug wcokv h r uoobe editor and proprietor dii5iitt55 fitttrton u iowry m b mc ps graduate of trinity collo member of collee of riysioimis ami surgeon ofnce ajil residence at the head of frederick treotacfofc w john lxwson ontario veterinary coueco toronto-vet- ont office in kenny graduate of toronto-vet- crinarv surgeon acton bros kvt lul shoe store residetrc3n the rear horses rxinineras to soundness anlrcertincates iven all calls night or day promptlylittcndod to terms easy l bennett lds demist a geoaoctotrn ovrjinjo c ilckinlay lds suelieon dest1st gcorcetotm out usea the jicvstin of xitrous oxido gaa comuionly called vitarired ain for extracting teeth withont miu having been demonstrator and practical iece of dental surgeons depenil uj a tejcher in- koal colli toronto patrons may depend upon xccclvinc utisfaction in any operation performed- w cton everv second and fourth wedneaday office in aeseva hotel vtsi of each month t h cabrique surgeon den- j tist m1ltox honor graduate of the koyal college of dental surgeons of ontario till visit acson thursdav of each ck befiin- nins the first ot july office in agncws hotel preservation of the natural teeth a specialty artificial teetli inserted on gold celluloid or rub ber bases guaranteed perfect vitalized air nitnjas oxide and other anaesthetics used for painless extraction of teeth i tohn8t0n i mcleajj barristers solicitors notaries conveyancers 4c private funds to loan oawtowu hall acton e f b johnston wa a mcleas bvslis mowat suuciioe notary pcbuc money to loan orticx dats tuesday and saturday r mattkcws block acton nptairs m e mitchell solicrror cosvetaxckestc oise first door west of the champion ot main street milton money to loan at 6 percent s hilton allan 4 bairp barristers solicitors ic tcsostj xsd geoegetows 0utrdmans block georgetown and 80 king street cast toronto w t alits j shhtox ba 1 baied bk b os agerow 4 carsok itakkistersatlaw 4c ontario hall jo church street toronto- acton banking company storey christie ft co -bankers- acton u ontario gunehal banking business transacted jconwloaltad os approtss xroras notes discounted and interest i allowed oil deposits find thepuzzle- the undenigned u ppard to furnish on the ahortcat notice in any quantity and at hot- torn price firstclas lumber lath staves head ing 8hlngleswash tubs chiirns butter tubs pork barre43 wood flour and feed and anything jn tho line ot farmers housekeep ers or contractors necosaitios the puaalo is to flud a better tilaco than thomas 0 mocres to buy anything ih tho above linos also to find out ii yon are indebted to hliu for anythlngpur chaaed from him his book say some are and he would like the money w h rutledce the butcher deals in everything iu tho meat jinc no cits establishment canlw foimd twtier stock ed at all seasons no questionable coods of fered to customers atlany price lowest prices audwuiare dealing is uv motto one trial convinces on tles iwints cash alwayii paid for cattle the highest iprice id for hides and sheeikina w h r5jtledge wellington marble works qthsbso si axrzzf s hamilton clark proprjietors wholesale and retsjil dealers lit marbte granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importers of all kinds ogrnite and marble having lately visited tho bay ol fundygranito quarries and having purchased the entire stock of gray and red granito monuinentaheadstonoa crosses urns etc- of alexander taylor at lata than cost we will until further notice sell at prices never before known in ontario for in stance granite monuments it high wo 7 ft 758fte80 au work and material warranted flrstelass puues wanting airytking in thia line will do well to call and see us before purchasing elsewhere as we guarantee our price arc from 30 to 50 per cent below all other dealers i t rilkjekw mpp jobs caeson bcl coceownattdbxzt vv patents secured fob ixestions hexliv gk1st ottawa caxaba twrnty years practice so patent xo psy 7 m hemstreet lijevsen arcnoneen for til j counties of wellington and halton orders ui at tho kei phess office acton or a my resijeace in actot will bo promjrtly at- lendc i o tcnas kra-oaable- 2 irone7 to i can on the most favorable uiidsauii at the lotrest rates ol interest iri snics ol rsxi aui upwards x a murray llcixaedtrctloneee rr the counties of halton and wellington orders left a his resilience main street oppos ite ciiarch street actou or addressed to acton jq tviu receive strict attention terms n issuable notes discounted if desired liyery a splendid assortment ofl famcy gdods i at4- j days bookstore gueijih day sells cheap just aliluveu ai the bazaar a lai1uk skock ok wools doiiblo and sluglo berlin zephur audu- losian fairy zopher and all kinds of fin gering wools for tho fall aivl winter trado a lovely assortment of embroideries in cambric slid aiualin handsome baby hobos and cashmere cloaks lovely shades ill plubhjcs felts satins arraslncs embroljlory snks fillosellespon- tons cbenillo cords nanglos and all tho latest trimmings for tidies banners draperies etc underwear mado to order btauiplng a specialty and dont forget this is where you can get the light rtjnninq new raymond sewing machine tho machine everybody wants needs no recommendation itself call and see tills popularmacbiuo and inspect our stock of fancy goods frankh webber acton august 18th 1887 gwkellt i sole agent foracton vicinity fortheoeiebrated bell orcan and lan8downe piano j 1i worden hang assumed iminietorship of theliven- business lately carried on by mr w e smith would solicit the patronage of the public and will do their utmost to please all customers well equipped and stylish rigs can always be secured in the vii pbess 1 notice that mr j c mcleans advertisement doubts my sole agency for the bell organ- i now state that have a written con tract duly signed by jmessrs w bell 4 co giving ine the sole agencyfor the sale of the bell organ for the city of gnelph aud a radios of twenty miles including acton rockwood eden mills eyerton new ger- many breslanand hespler the above mentioned contract can be seen by any lady or gentleman on calling at my music store opposite the post office 1 believe the reliable firm of w jell co are ad hering to the letter of that any person other mian my agents who are selling the bell crgan in the above territory is obtaining thm in some ausatis- factory way or is seljjug it secondhand acton ontabiq thi r8dky septejiber 29 1887 ijomg iwovldna am a coppxhplaw i wouldua gio a copjior plack for ony than that turns his back on duty clear i wouldua tak ills word or note i wouldua trust him for a grout nor lift an oar in auj boat which ho might steer when things aro ust as things should bo and fortune glos a man tho plea wbjoroor ho bo i it ibus hard to understand how ho may walk through house and laud wi- ohoerf u taoe and open hand continually j i i hut whon in spite owark and care a man must loss and failure boar ho merits praiaoj wjia will not to mlsfbrtuno bow why cook iiih lionnot on bis brow and fights and flglitb he kensna how through lang hard days 1 wouldua file an mild bawbeo for ony man that i could see whs dldna bold tho sweetness o his hiithers naino tho kluduoss oliis blithers claim to honor o a womans famo ear niair than gold i nor is it hard for him to do wlia kens his friends aro leal and true lovo sweet aud strong whose hearth knows not from year to year tho shadow of a donlit or foar or feels tho falling of a toar for ony wrong i but gio him praiso whoselovo is pain wha wrougd forgives atkl loves again anfl thouglilipgrlovtb ijcts not tliu dear ontj from his care but loves him inair and inalr aud inair aud bides his tlmo wi boo audprayer and still bolicves ay gio hliu praiso wha dlsua fear tho uihlll fight from yoar to year aud wha grips fait his ain doatonoa through good or ill wha if thoy waudcrjloves them still some day of joy lielllgot his fill hou win at lost i iorr jarrifhht keformtr srlrxt 3f amiln juafting wasil lack there was a frantic cry of whoa whoa i and ilio drirer of no 7 pit down the brake and the car came to standstill just as a ranaway horse drag ging but a fragment o a carriage dasbid past men wdmeu end children ran in various directions tone of them trying keep out of the horsei track abd ottaerk more venturesome mi king ineffectual at tempts to seize the dangling bridle mr lord was unfolding the bee which always reached him about the tin ie ho started down town when tbecpri- motiou ontsjde attracted his attention look out for your old basket ptaud slight kick completely overturned it their lioslc and excitement a colored wj- man and two boys bad actually oollidet at tho same time finding a street car unyielding background rcrbert atkinson nearly tumbled in basket of freshly laundered cloth which tho woman in licr fright had dro i- ped iudignnntly applied the force necei- sary toscattcr the immaculate linen npc u the dusty street with a fierce scowl and muttered oat i he immediately spraug upon tbeoar oth jr vehicles standing near completely blocki p the passage and while trouble was imrr i nfltit for the drivers wero lond in expost latiou mr lord gave his attention to tl ie tlie contract and j 1- johnd1y architect gcelrn oxt oinck qnetus hotel block market square tjlrancis nunas successor to t f chapman bookbixdeb st georses square 6neljh ontario atcuiiut booki of all- kinds made to order ieriidieahi of etcry description carefully boonav baling qtatiy aud promptly done mhe haxlax barber shop mnfc stskkt acros a if oisy shave a stylish kaircnt a good sealoam aaexhiluratmgshampoojiwwysgin- ffpis loaoi and put in firatclajk condition ladies uil childrens hair tastily int j h wordes tonsorial artists first class outfit for commercial travel lers at special rates a comfortable bus meets all day trains aud night also if ordered give us a call instrument i notice proprietor recom- mended the bell organ to customer the indisputable reputation of this organ is i such that all dealers recommend to custo- j h worden hieijijo i guelph business college gtjelph ontario i mhe fourth scholastic year x began september 1st the facnltyhas been strengthened the college premise enarged and new appliances added each pf tno m members of the faculty is an experienced and eneeeuful teacher the thoron and- pctieal nature of the work done by the college uprorjn by tiietrocsesbof its graduates both incanaaa and the united states ladies are admitted to ail the advantages offered by the institution fortcnns etc address m maccobuice 10iy pririetpal lumber shingles and tathv ritljq undersigned desires to inform the public i that he has now ouhanfiand willkeen in stock a full line of piqe and hemlock as wouaj other kinds of lumber also first and second class 1tnc shingles lath coal wood having purcliased the coal business pi s kmitu i am prepared tosnpply aujklnoi stove coal i havo also a good stofh of wood- hardwood ashcedar and mill w6mitreaon- ablo prices wood and coal dollrered jambs bbown fire mutual insurance conpaky or tbb s l c0u1tt7 07 vzlx1w0t0w estadlishku 1810 head office u4ph- jnres haiuinrmotcbttndie itatolaetories and all othur dosriptiw i4 vtopertf on the vnmiiin mgto systoai pw 8uae citunairifcoft pwdm sfiblrjr johk iai iwll pause and consider that it will be to your own interest to patronize home trade we would respectfully inform the inhabitants of acton and surrounding country that we are again in full running order and in a better position than before the fire to fill all orders entrusted to us to parties building lumber will be dressed 1 i hile you wait and alottidiugs ic mode with neatness aid despatch ft b we are ahw prepared to fill all orders for j pumps on short notice aud from long experience in the business we ieel confldent that we can give sat isfaction every timei so come on with yomf orders and help to roll the bau along money mokes the more go whether she tas legs or no tkos bbljacb manaffer v the will be hero before yon know it but keneybros ov the o w kelly oppo6ito iist office i goelph my warcroom is well istoeked with musical instrutnents including pianos organs guitars banjos violins harmonicas and accordians also a full line of the latest sheet music and am receiving new instalment daily j cwkelly rigiit to the ifront i of all competition we ilace oub elegant and substantial oods splendid in quality i j complete in assortment overflowing in j enerous bargains i mens womens and cuildbens boots ana shoes btjbbbs 071 irss0e2 c at prices that always ead to speedy sales lowe8t prices ooxsistfclt withr- a good quality work and dominion boot shoe store v r main sonrbbt acton have anticipated ibs early arrival and laid j in a splqndid stock of boots jft slioes ac for fall weaj onrwphtatioiifoif good goods and superior val ie i w11 established we odti sort you all 4 otti ciwtoini department is tnrningoutflrbt olaas work as nana mth good stock o4 repstelng u always pnmmuyaiia neatly done kenney bros cubtom work jand repairinr promptly attended to w wiljliams mill street acton 1 t the picture gallery guelph waters bros who webe burnt out monday ni6ht have temporarily remold t j t nelles old stand where they aro preparing to sacrifice their tremendous scene just under his window excuse me madam said the oth r j boy lifting bis hat which he was in t ie act of placing on his head after picki ig himself up from the pavement where ie jor u moment had fallen when during i scramble for safety both the woman a id herbert had brought up against him yer didnt do it honey yer uovvtys ler blame was the answer as bhe reached for her basket she grot ti ed and george gruham exclaimed k re yon hurt and while she with one hand was tightly holding the braised and spra in- ed wrist he was very carefully gather ng np the now soiled garments brubbiig shakiug and folding wkenthe car slatted everything had been arranged and the manly lad was walking away with the washerwomans load i mr lord returned to his paper first looking at his own advertisement which read something like this wanted at this office an hottest and gentlemanly boy abut sateen wars of age who has a home in the cityu none bnt an apt scholar and one weljrecam- mended need apply call at twelve oclock today mr lords experience in advertising was buch that he congratt lated himself on the short notice he had given trusting that the right boy would be on hand and j he not pained as he would be if obliged to tnni away many applicants for the place a little before noon bis wife came in for a chat leaving thiir little annie with him for an hour as was her custom when out at this time papas little rest has come has she as he took the child in his lap it was one of his happy hours ho often said when he gave himself up to a rolic with his little fiirl o pa dinah has hurt her hand and tumbled down in the street it was something about a horse and a car any way mam ma has packed a ba ket of food for per jand taken her home it was no matter boot the tumbled clothes mamma tjld her yes dear but wl o is dinah seelug that the child was too much interested to think of anything els s just then 0 she helps msry wash and sorne- times takes the clottes home with her pa there is tho vey boy who brought the basket for her omiiig here as she looked from the wind w it is twelve oclock darling and i most attend to a little bnsiineflfl ton may sisy here with me john through a bpeakidg tube ron may send op the boy i in the order in wl ioh they como i good morning 1 and a youth politely removed his hat as he responded to bis pleasant greeting a preposessiiig ftoe and evidently a weiliutormed boy ol sixteen bright and active with a letter from a well known man which read lomething like this james armstrong is the son of an old friend of mine re is a fine scholar please jive bim a pi ice and oblige etc weit james i luce yonr looks and i do not doobt yonr ibility bnt i noticed thpodorortobapettf how long hate you smoked a two years or mpre ho answered looking reaoutfody at the gentleman though holhad thdgraee to blush i y boy dp yqu know you arevsbwiug oftoisery l its you i ab cmsni might preajslt yon a long sermon toll of tbo blighted lives ruiued nerves and empty pock its but i forbear my laklearn a lessoa throw it away before it u too late ill e loose you now v tie boy went ont in a swaggering in different way muttering something alwut taking away u mans liberty i pityingly mr lord saw him depart theuexttboy was clean and pure to look at aud handed ins recommendation to mr lord in u very selfsatisfled way the gentleman with the scene of the morning fresh in his mind even when ho read the complimentary words words written by i his oiwu minister could not say yes to suoh an applicant ho had no doubt of bis flue scholarship and his general ap pear tnce was greatly in his favor but he said j herbert i came down on car no 7 this indmiug and witnessed a little scene that iyou will recall i advertised for a gentlemanly lad ill excuse you how with hot cheeks lie departod the next was a boy with a tide face but uot as well grown as the others rand with no rfcommendution except a nolo from his mother mr lord read deal sir we are strangers in the city i know of no one whowith this short notice can re commend my boy a mother ma be partial in hor judgment but he is a good boyjandyou if yon wilt take the trouble can aearn of his echolursliip will you please give him a chance to learn a trade that has great attraction for him we have a case in the house and he can already y set type quito rapidly his father was a printer excuse this long note and oblige yours truly m a gratiam well a mother ought to know ho to bimeelf and as his eyes took in the of respectability that pervaded the dress of the boy he realized that unless supt lauted by new it wonld soon become very shabby and- he recalled the time whe i hit own mother came to the city witl her small children and the disappoint ments thkt he her eldest child had met with befere ho gained a foothold in the seething tide of humanity that surrounded the unsophisticated youth t if you can give us a littla time sir mother will write to our old home and get the names of parties who will give mo a recommendation my boy i advertised for a gentlemanly lad jand of that i havo had indisputable evidence already and the examination i will now give you will settle the question of scholarship f everything else ill take on trust feeling confident that i shall not beteceived that evening mrs atkinson when dis cussing affairs with an acquaintance said jl can notjinderatand the luckof some foils herbert went to the editor of the bee this morning and was only the seodrid boy there yes my boy got there first interrupted the other and he had a ibtteri from one of mr lords own friends and my boy broke in the first speaker had a recommendation from ouf minister and even tben mrlord took a shabby little fellow herbert says who doesnt know anybody in town such luck was it luck boys said air trice three cents wi xdkhful feats with a saw i ha e often read of the- wonderful feats performedby skilled workmen with tools snoh an engraving tho lords prayeron the hack ol a silver three cent piece or making a steal i engine that would stand on a silver quarter but i saw some wonders performed the otler night that surpassed them all all the minute articles manufactured here tofore have been made with small tools and in somn cases with the aid of a microscope bat there is a man in the sea beach palace expobi ion on coney island who works out the mo it delicate articles with a bandsaw nineteen feet long and revolving at the rate of over a mile a minote upon this im mense machine the skilled operator in my presence sawed out four chairs all complete with les and backs but so small that the four w ro placed on tho end of a led pencil at one time then a dozen knives and forks ol the mostdiminutive size were made and pltced arcrind the lead pencil so small vere they that although the entire dozen v ere placed round the pencil not one of then touched the other then theoper ator trimmed his fingernails on the huge saw as sleverly and easily as one could do it with a penknife welting his thumb ho pressed the balls of it into some sawdust and thin sawed the sawdust off his thumb withoh scratching the skin yet a single nervoun twitch of the arm would havo cost him a band ah sorts of curious puzzles aro turned out with astonishing rapidity from all sorts of misshapen blocks of wood even trticles of clothing as thin and flexible as cloth are worked out by this magiciiin from little pieceb of wood with his big saw the cap ho works in was sawed out of over 1000 pieces of wood ho two of ivhich are the same in size or shape ntlvate foittlxes ix ancient tijifa ptoiubition saves the hoys the best argument i have found in maine for prohibition was by an editor of a paper in portland that was for political reason mildly opposed to it 1 had a convert ation with him that ran something like this wi ere were you born in a little village about sixty miles from langor do you remember the- condition of things u your village prior to prohibition diftiuctly there was a vast amount of drunkenness and consequent disorder ancvo erty w1 at was the effect of prohibition it i bat ap alljthe ram bliops and prac tically banished liquor from the village it beca tie ono of the most quiet aud pros perous plates on the globe ho n long did you live u the village after p ohibition els ven years or uiitil i was twenty- one yet rs of age thm then i went to bangor y do iyou drink now i have never tasted a drop of liquor in my lifei wily tjpjtothe age of twentyone i never saw it and after that i did not care to take on the habit that is all there is in it if the boys of the country are not exposed to the infernal- ism this men are very sure uot to be this man and his schoolmates were saved from rain by the fact that tlieytould not get it until they were old euoagh to know better few men are drunkards who know npt the poison till after they are twentyone it is the youth the whiskey and bepr men want rnorthaiilerican ucniaot i both take tips nearcenjral park there lives- awoman who occaplesa comfortabk apartment and seems to possess a competence she rises late apd- has her breakfast sen t daily from a neighboriijg cafe to the waitit she is liberal tipping him frequently rot long ago this waiter when passing along third avenue waslaccoated by a beggjir woman she was w retchedly dressed repulsively ugly and sq lalid the waiter gave her a mutilated in and the beggar thanked him volubl the nexfrday trie waiter received the same mutilated coin from the woman to w bm be carried breakfast he was astoanc ed he could not believe that the woman ho tipped in so regala manner and the wi itched beggar of the avenne were ono ani the same person he con cluded to ex eriment hiurkingcoin he took a positi in on the avenue boon the woman that had begged from fhint the night before tasked him for alms he gave her the ml rked pieco of money two days aftcrnji rds he received it from the woman of te opartment when she paid for her brea ifast ho then accused her of mendicancyl she discovering that she was cleverlj caught laughed aid said wo both like tips you and i tie waiter relished the joucv ho continues her slio cpjitinues to tip him aud to prey upon the public aw york epoch why nature weeps men xevek done 3f son done work j from morn till set they bo but worn tns work is nevei quite irne for when o ie task shes finished sonie- thiugf found awaiting a jbeinrfiiig all jear ronbd whotucr it be j to drawihe tea r bako the bread r make the bed or ply the broom or dubt the room or floor to scrub ior knives to- rub or table toset or meals to get or shelves to scan or fruit to can or seeds to sow or plants to grow or linens to bleach or lessons to teach r batter to churn r jackets to tarn or polish glasb r plate of brass pr clothes to inend r children to tend r notes indite rstories write these oars itopel your barks oer house holds is i in sunny he vens where you rest it ease and one wfc d more dont you iorget it please wuitfn plutonian croesus possessed in lucdid property a fortune equal to tlfiooooo besides a large sum of money slaves and furniture tlie pi ilosopher seneca hada fortune of 2600000 of iaooo liberi caligula jt l anb bis shoes how muci i a man is like his bboes for instai pe both rt soal maylnse both have jbeen tanned both are made tight by cobble b both get left and ribt both need a mato to be complete and both ire made to go on feet the both eed healing oft are sold and both in time will turn to mold iieutubs the soothsayer hid a fortune 000 ib at his death 23025000 which spent in less than ten months cicsar before he entered upon any office owned i99500j anthony owed 300ojoat the ides of march paid it before the kalends of april and squajndeted 147000000 of the pnblic mojiey apicius expended in debauchery 500- 000 cleopatra at an entertainment gave anthony dissolved in vinegar who swal- lowjed it a pearl worth 8000 iisopus paid for a single dish 80000 caligula spent for one supper80000 heliogabnlus spent for ono meal 20000 lucullus usnally paid 20000 for a repast i jilessala gave 400000 for the house of anthony i j a slvgulae will dfew years ngo twogentlemen wlio had left executors to the will of a friend on examining the property found a scrap of paper on which was written seven hundred pqnndsja till this- they took in the literal sense and examined all his apartments carefully but in vain they at last wound up bis estate soldhis collect ion of bookb which was a considerable one to a bookseller and paid all the legacies the fact of the writing on the scrap ef paper was often discussed between hem and about seven weeks afterwards one of then recollected that among the books sold there was a folio edition of tillotsons ser- tndus it might be that thib was what was alluded to by the word till they wait- ed on the bookseller and asked if he had the edition of tillotson which had been among the books sold to himl on- his re plying in the affirmative the executors immediately bought it back and on examin ing tho leaves found banknotes snugly dis persed in eeveral places to the amount of 700 1 j girls enotgh 5- a story of the rising generation iu one of tho saburbun tojwns there r u lyouug lady quite a young lady she is too whose somewhat boyish aspect arid inudce itly masculine tastes have won for herthi sobriquet of tommy not long ago sb i gave a little party to the children of the neighborhood and in preparing for the evint her mother in order to get aran idea ol the sort of young people her daugh ter wo ild like to have attend told her to prepaie a list of those she wished to invite tomn y went to work with great zest and in a short time finished a pretty long list there mamma said bhe with an air of conclusiveness theres every single one that 1 want to come her mother took tho document and read it over with an astonishment which in creased ab her eye approached tliel end of the list tommy had only one girla name on thi whole list why iommv the mother exclaimed do yen want none bnt boys to como to your party what are you thiokuig of both hav well mamma said tonimi you- koow girls arent any fun but would your boys have aoy f uii if there werent any girls werent any girls why therell he kitty biokerstaff and me and that ongllt to be ijirlb enough i boston traiwrijit i thedoctoti and the miser a celebrated frenori physician ricord was one day walking along the boulevard in paris when he met an old gentleman who ub very richi but who was at thfe same irne noted for his extreme stinginess trie ld man who was somewhat of a hypdc londriac imagined that he could get some medical adf ice from ricord without payinfforit d xstor am feeling very poorly w here do you suffer most it my stomach doctor a l thats bad please shnt- your eyes that i right now put dot your tongue eo loan bximine it olosely the invalid did aslie was told l after he had vi sited patiently for about ten minutes he op ined his eyes and found himself sur rounded by a crowd who supposed he was crazy dr ricord in the meantime had disapj leared excliaiigt caxtdodtieemr stock l the stamp of a cigar 1 came in and yonr clothes are fihea with in your fingers as yon j indian phixce8 ix canada two indian prinpes occupied the blue and red parlors at the queens toronto on friday night one of them isthe thttkose sahib of linebdi a province of bombay and assumes the incognito whiut traveling of j sir josval singhbee the thakose arrived friday morning ftojn ottawa wlerdhejldbeenaguert hill and was driven o the queens ih sir alexander canlpbells carriage in the evening he dined with ion mr mowat last mgh the thakose wasjoifled by prince bchebi whoholdsswayinkatwafi the latter came from the east both princes were accompanied by p large reti nae tbey represented their countaex at the queena jubilee celebratiok aidod eng aud daring mieir present tour in amenca have visited tlie principal icities t tey left for cliicagosaturdayand thence g to san franoiseq en route ft ndia what the the last is first wi ill be tjie last and wear but theyre with shi the first the shoe new when mei wear oat theyre mjen tool they boll are trod will treat on others nothing loth their lies anjd both world to now wculd you when pol ihed in tl and both peg out choose to be am in or be his slhoes bwioh courier ho f to avoid stbike8 can be done to avoi 1 strikes it is said that nature shudders avbon a woman throws a stone and that when she sharpens pencils then all naturo gives agroan v- h lit theres nothing that gives nature more keen anguish and distress than to see a struggling fattie with a babe ho tries to dress krytihjvdqc when thh comes back a thing atn bout as tryln as a healthy man kin meet is some poor fellers funeral a joggin long tho street t the slow hearse and the bosses slow enough to say tho least i for to even tax tho patience of the gentleman doceascd the slow scrunch ot tho gravel and the slow grind of tbo wheels r tho glos slow go ofovry wnc at ovrybpdy feels fk i ruthcr liko the conrrastwheu i hear the whiplash crack a quickstep fer the hosses when the hearse comes back moctit goiu tortls the ccmetr youll want to drap your eyes but cf tho plumes dont fetch you etll ketch you j otherwise youll haf to see tho koskit though youd ort to look away and conouiirc and save yer sighs fer any other day 1 biziniv wont wake uj the sleeper from yer sympathizin his rest- yer tears wont thaw them hands o bis ats froze acrost his breast and this iswby when airth and skys agittin binned and black i like the whoop and racket when the hcarso conies back thoidy wadin rouud hero dvcrshooluouth deepih woe when theys a graded pike o joy and 6unshiae dont you know i when ovoniu strikes tho pastur cows u pull out fer the bars and stittishjikc from out the darkll pranco tho happy stars and so when my time comes to die and- ive got ary friend at wants expressed toy last request 111 mebby rickommend to drive slow ef thoy haf to gobv long the out- ard track but 111 smile and say you speed eiii when tho i hearse conies qjamea whitmmb kiley bkr ihmeu when mended dead blh nchna shinie nothing but the cultivation of a common bond of syn roathy between the employer and his em pyees together witli tie ex ercise of rea jonabtc prudence in s sleeting a force wor men so as to shot out tarbul- eut intern erate and evildiepo ed men legislation will not abd cannot reach the root of tho difficulty sober im instriona welldisposed workingmen who feel that their esnplojyers are actuated ly kindly feelings tkwjjrd them will usually be not only willudglput anxious fo talk over their diflerencja with theiremployers in a friend ly spin an to submit to arbitration when thnj8propcjed as a way put of thelronble is lias been the experience of one of the largest industrial corporations in e west and the experience of numbers of other em ployers of labor will confira it but if voluntary arbitration be rejected compul sory arbitration offers norelief always tell motheit i- s i there is something thai tugs at ones heart in thelast words of the young woman in scramento who shot patterson and then committed suicide withl morphine after being jong in a stupor she rallied a moment and said to the attendant please dont tell mother it was the final illumination of a path that was euding iugloomanddis- grace mo4e te victim of heartless selfish ness by the man she had killed and going to her final account tarnished and forlorn she was after allthe victim of not telling mother there is po wajj ol estiniatidg the sorrow andsin and suffering that would be avoided if tbeeonfidencepf cliildren con tinued through life to run to their mothers qver the gravsof this girl 8ead untimely by hr own hard on whicb was the blood of another might be inscribed the epitaph died iu hv youth heartbrokendishflnor ed a slayer selfslain because she would uot tellmotherooh franciteo alia a judf scjsxe lffjthe scriptures a judgmeuff scene is described when the judge is seated on his throne and before him the people are gathered he shall say to- those upon his right hand r come ye blessed of my father in herit the kingdom prepared for yon from- the foundation of the earth for i was hungered and ye gave me meat thirsty and ye gave nie drink naked and- ye clothed me sick and in prison and ye visited me i how does this apply to the liquordealer mannfaoturer or seller let the judge ask of the liquor man u did you feed the hungry no i made the hungry more hungry and took from him the means by which he might have lived did you give onto the lent of ay brethren drink yes i gave him drink but instead ot refreshing him itturned into fire within bim and made him less a man 4t cursed him did you find turn baked and clothed him no i foond bim clothed nd in his right mind and i took from bitn hig gar ments and left bim naked in poverty and distress thelastofnieai5tecs the unveiling of the etatnte of cayanhd tamac the last of the aztec emperors in the city of mexico on the 21st aug was an occasion of unusual interest and signifi cance very few mexicans of spanish descent werd present bnt thousands of indians many of whom came from miles i round the capital bringing with them great quantities of flowers attended the ceremony when president diaz unveiled the statue the spectators cast flowers upon the ped estal iu suchi profusion as almost to hide it the event shows that the indians cherish the memories of their ancestors patriotic struggles against the spaniards at the time of the conquest auaddress in the aztec language was delivered by francesco del pazo a cibcmstaxces alter cases a wayne county farmer whohad a little time b spare during the drought went at italic created 8eyeivaitiflcial mounds to resem blegraves in a field next to the road signboards were put up arid labelled tramp nol tramp no 2 arid so on tli tugh and when the work was finish ed lb granger went up to the house with ftgriii on hia face aridsaid tojhis wife thi fe ere dodge will beat all tlie laws in hioh gan to keep tjamps awdy bri aifast wasptover hextlrhorning wbep ithere was a kupek on the kitchen door and the firmer opened it to find five gaunt tramps standing m a halt cirole tottiherer tiejyehed as soon as lie credit lua neuses didnt jou see grave down by jie roail e did sir answered the odest tramp thats just why we stopped we vantkd tknpwif they came to tfcelr death jiy ereatrng dtirbll lite fhu a sullenlooking man with a horsewhip entered a nebraska newspaper office and asked the boy where the editor was the boy sized him op and answered gone to ohio wont bis back for six months whores the foreman hes gone to washington with an in vitation the to president wont be back fore cold weather what do you want want to paralyze em no iio i owe i and thought id pay np that so hold on a second- perhaps the editor hasnt started yet he whistled a long dark form crawled ont of a woodbox and the editor was ready for business aviraibaslate journal t could iaxfebou8 dbixks a- bartender plaintively wailed the neces sity of llaviug to nib congealed drops of sticky beer off the bar bnt if i bit them jremaia said he in a tone of one seeking compassion they would rptithewood m they reft the wood do they fiercely repeated a beer bibbler then what ih the name ot common seus does beer do to mystom i bepliedie manipulator of drinks it- is beyond me to tell of one thing i am confident and lhat is mans stomach is made of cast iron elsewise how oould he withstand lte fluichvhe poors into it let me shew yott somefhifti he placed a piece of j raw meat oil the counter and dropped upon it sjnnteasures of an im ported ale in flvo minutes the imeat had parted intolitfle pwpbfc as though hacked byadtflrmute a sm1lixg fttijbe i want ip see the head of this firm he said as he entered a small store on michigan avenue aud foind a boy- seated on the counter reading a dimeno veh hesdeadjsir didnt he have no partnej no had a wife i suppose v yes but she mortgaged the stock to go to mackinac for two weew arid you are in charge yes sorter iu charge that is i sweep out and sit here to tell folks that weve basted and to please hold on until next spring when wet propw to open on the corner above smd sell alvgooda at the low est cash prioerno trus5 ijiiited 1u this word used after the name of a joint stock company means that the liability of the shareholders b limited expressly to the amount of their respective stooks where there is uo such limitation by statute any single shareholder incurs a reapomubihty equal to the whole debt of the concern to make such huntutiou valid compairiesmust make pahlio registry of the fact sm in one respect 1 ewspcrsare hkefoiucn when thev get a new dress tbey are bound tcmfcow it i y bbis

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