Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 29, 1887, p. 2

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sfifcst jfcl bow uiuv at crcirsoitt cornort on tbo ith 8cfc the vile of mm ony of a son sc6tt in krinou the lsth 8cpt hie wifoot fit john kcott blacksmith acton of a kii micamtii kmuomi outhc mm sept tliewtf of d mccaigksq inspector of public school algoma of daughter- rmriialimioijmjiii the list inst by the km tinttoa r voud at uw methodist im- s0jiatie7bratm6u mrtalcxaudcrrarashaw to jtu uertiu uaisholmiboth otctou kiwsenv divniat thvwidicofhcir mhersahiiton ljiwcpq by the hev r dver a k kchnodv idhlur of uio oraurevfllo advertiser to hatti may oud daughter of w a davis kski dsd t klkttbkb in aeton on the hand september align fletcher aged sckr grmjtkblii oueliih on iltf kcptciiiberhrry mtllbrake inlaw mu ot lltiumuwr nthe herald i a cmrbkiiiu acton on tlirf ttd september juum campbell proprietor hoya1 kxchsmw hotel aged bs jvar be jtrtmt jfm fjrsss thursday september 99 1887 l 81usk tttrasskssmkvt by toe tsaalng tuatjoifyronafjr iu the r unieinallt ot8uelwunilvt trt assetsmc it the tin ot uxiou hat bet nduoed i xm 81 milr hut yr6 10j w present ear hero it a poluter for our own muv ioipality in act in uio mtenment it mideat ram onehalf o twothirds of the cash value of property and the rate although lower than urn ureal majority of muulolpali- uot of a stona ilw and enjoying sitnilar public in provemeuu and oonvctiienoos ia ncceavari y placed at a linker figure that oan iw a preciated by those unacquainted with the btrcumstaiioct of the oaie as they m it kuwed exist tire in nitioe that is certain to be done notes and oqmjtkxfs rnncs ajotcgatiiig stlrio were imposed iu this cpuuty during the thrtk months ending 13lh september for violation of hie scott act the temperance workers of halton are organising iu anticipation of an attempt to secure the repeal of the scott act the act has operatcdso well iu hilton that it is the last place in which repeal should be proposed mail immigrants continue to arrive in canada in large numbers by every mail steamer the records of the department indicate that the total arrivals this year will largely exceed last year the majority of uienew- comers are well provided with funds when the priuoiplo of assessing property a its actual cash valoo it not- adopted has frequent been commented on in these oolumua the unfavorable impression that it create upon those who reside in other places ai d who probably have a jdetire to locate wi h us but who are deterred from doing so i pon learning that our rate it 16 19 abjoir 3 milli iu the dollar ii another matter oi no small importance the ques tion shoo d immediately be considered the ontario gavtilf of saturday contaius a proclamation by which new territory is added to toronto thereby extending the city boundaries to high park on the west the woodbine on the east and davenport road and the ratbuelly- crescent hills on the north some hundreds of acres arc included in the addition englands total exports of cottons for the past half year exceeded the6rst six months of 1886 by over twentysix million yards but there has been decline of the quantity taken by india in the past three months the decline beipg a somewhat serious mat ter to the lancashire manufacturers as indias demand rules the cotton trade we live in the age of speed a letter written in london england july dlb was received in an interior village in new york by the mornings mail of the 18 the reply was written and mailed in the even ing of the sam dav and reached london on the evening of the 27th thns making bat eighteen days between the writing of the letter and receiving flie reply til k scott atovkxt10x ltcferri aa to the meeting at milton last week the milton jfrbrmeraaya this was the best convention that has ever been held in the oouuty showing that theinten st in the scott act is by no means declining but rathet increasing it could be seen f om the toie of the discussion and the ictionof the delegates in the con vention hat they were satisfied that the scott ac had accomplished modi good and werej determined to fight harder than ever to hild their ground the oakville star says the general feeling w re one of enthusiasm and confid ence tin opinion btinfl freely expressed that will the same amount of rork that was pot intothe previous campaigns the effort 10 epeal will be defeated by a large ly increa ed majority j indeed many of tho gentleme present seemed delighted at the prospect f helping to bury the repeal under big ina ority anil thns sustain the reputa tion of halton as the banner scott act county ol ontario the leorretown jjcraltl says the number f representatives was large and the euthj siasm that prevailed would indi cate a sli m chance for the repealera suc cess in fi ct a mighty victory for the friends of the t imperince act in case avote should b brought on tho friends of law asd order in halton have orgauizedl and are now in good shape for work thelcoo- ventiou was altogether a most successful one aud th chamjhvh says a rtat flrabntiiiilferyllttiiliiemllaceaiidi asiiiaw losh ftallf ajuujon d0luu8 oiuvknmciwt sept ssia terrible tire top ko out here lata last evening whioh at present writing bids fair to wipe the town out of exiitenoe it it gaiuiug ttrengtli momentarily and all offorta so far to chock or tttbduo tho flames have proved unavail ing owing to the inflammable nature of the buildings a despatch hat boon tent to tho northern and northwestern railway at toronto asking that a speoiai train be ten from alleudalo to orlllia to convey the orillia flro brigade to their auiitanoe word hat just been received that the train will bo tent at once and on its spoed in re hiug hero depends the only hope of aav ng the town from dettruotioih 1 ho excitement has been terrifio aud it is h rd to ascertain at yet how the fire art originated tho loss cannot bo estim ate as an immense quantity of lumber has boon destroyed and the fire is still rag ng the townspeople have been man full t fighting the lire with their hand on- gim i but it has been of little tervioo owing to t tie rapid spread of tho flames 1 he fire originated in mowneya foundry in tlie nortlt end of the town at one oclock thii morning during a strong north wind tin north side of main street is completely bur led including every business place in tow n nine blocks are completely cleaned of i uildings a few goods have been saved thire ia not much insurance j the loss will be from 100000 to slooooo there ovbrooatii qp8 suit viwy placed in sitoek on rwear bought a bankrupt stock sf tlie above we will have powder absolutely pure strougtli and wholosomoim marvel of purity moro cconomlcol iahnotlhi aoldiii itkimuu uiumuuue of low uti short alum or phosphate powders sold only ineaus uotal dakinu 1otrdfn co 1m wall st n y this iiowdor uovor varlf igtln than the oratluary kinds auu ooniootltion wltli tho umltit welsjht therefore we will begm a grand clearidg sale- had to get clothing at your own prices i 1st 1887 his will be the greatest opportunity you havel ial leryl toi stocl bool gj t hundreds of suits and overcoats to select from kelly brothers ictot kelly brothe beptcmbor 1887 1 poblil set twe mcleod anoerson co op the mammoth hojjs georgetown have much plcnsuroin aniibun- cingtotlieir patrons and friends of immense arrival of new and fasliionnwe fall ami winter bollerts 27lowerwyndhbmst iueiph in fuill blast joh m bnd co direct hardiarare jmporters j gxjejilfh i are no provisions in that towen the eng lish church and the school house were also burned oiuvemtinst ont sept 24 tho in- habitants of this prostrated town are facing the groat calamity with composure the goods iii fancy ftlltl staple dry homeless ones have been well tentertaiued by their moro fortune neighbors which with tho timely aid received yesterday from orillia and braoebridge in the vay of pro visions has had a very reassuring efjfect the losses will exceed oooooo whioh is much greater than the first hurried estim ates and the number of families burned out is at least fifty and tho stores and shops burned exceed forty in numbor contributions for the sufferers are coming in freely chicago is gradually feelingtbe westward drift of the cattle and hog business the traffic of her great stockyards is lesseuing and the time is nearat hand trben kansas city pork products and montana aud new mexico dressed beef will partially supplaut the chicago pork and beef in eastern united states markets while iu the cana dian north west we of the dominion shall discover a similar cattle centre the vajne of tbeeiports of the dominion for august was a little over ten millions of dollars a half amidjon more than for the corresponding month of last year tlie export trade of canada for the two month of the current fiscal year is somewhat better than for the first two months of last year the showing as far as it goes is a fair one and if the trade of the rest of the year is proportionally good canadians will considerinall things have no reason to complain from our own corrcsponilcul hockwood xews per hap i its silence is part of the arrauu inent in onucctiori with the still limit iu which lie an lis are engaged a kksleltate ckimixal goldsmiths geography publishad in 1824 describing the united states says people become old in america sooner than in europe upon females the influ ence of the climate is still more sensible when yoong the women are generally beautiful particularly iu philadelphia but after twenty they begin to lose their fresh color and teeth and at the age of twenty- five many of them would pass for uropeans t forty what funny things those old geographies were if it be true that mr w h meredith the leader of the opposition iu the ontario legislature is about to retire from political life to accept that seat upon the bench which he is singularly well qualified to fill the only conservative leader in canada who enjoys the respect and esteem of his political adversaries will have disappeared mr meredith has been unsuccessful as an officeseeker but he has maintained throughout the most unfavorable circom- atances the character not only of an able bnt of ac honest man lvilinst c- it was a matter olfixed belief with pro hibitionists of both political stripes- that nothing would ever be voluntarily done by the present government that was not tin- friendly to the scott act one action can how however be recorded in their favor undertbe old dunkin lawitwascustomary to institute proceedings for the revocation of the law as soon as it was passed and as the first result of such a law is often a state of chaos there was frequently a revulsion of feeling to farther the aims of the liijuor men to avoid the turmoil and weakness of having the law constantly in question before the people a provision was put into the scott act requiring that tlie law once aiopted iu any county must remain in force fortbree years unfortunately how ever the law did not explicitly state that the vote might not be taken a long while before the expiry of the three years this defect must have proved fatal had the gov eminent favored permture action for with the government rests the appoiot- meat of the polling day an announce ment appears in todays ojielalcazeik that in no case shall polling for the revocation of the jaw be allowed to take place more than fifteen before the expiry of the three years terni for this very important announcement we presume the country may give special thanks to the hon mr foster the representative of prohibition iu the cabinet irizitm tohoxto iliowony at iuv pjek vow ou tuesday afternoon of last week coun ty coustabks black and hurley weut to j sive practice burling on with a warrunt to arrest peter zimmermau jr for noupayment of flues for violation of the scott act they found j zimmerman with his brother levi and his son at sijuire edward thomas threshing black made the arrest zimmerman resist ed and harley came to his assistance and they attempted to handcuff him the prisoner then called upon his brother levi to help him on which the constables called on c w crooker to assist tbem levi armed himself with a hardwood stick about four feet long from the threshing machine and his son seeured a pick axe whicli was taken from him by a bystander he then secured a firewood stick instead the rev s cleaver was then called upon by the constables the threshers not only refused to help the constables bat some of tbem in terfered in holding buck crooker and cleaver so that they were unable to render as much assistance as they otherwise would have done the consequence was the three zimmerruajis escaped after being chased some distance the constables struggled manfully aud would in ajl likelihood have succeeded but for the interference jthe zimtaeruiaus fought with brutal filrocity hiting and using clubs and stones black received a very severe wound above the eye and bad his clothes considerably torn harley re ceived a bad wound on the thumb and an other on the arm crooker got two or three severe blows ou his arm and shoulder and mr cleaver the methodist minister after wresting the clnb from levi received a tetcreblopr in the head from another which the bod anded to his lather con- siderabte blood flowed from this wound but fortunately it is not considered serious referring tri the matter the toronto citizen says the conduct of the meu collected at the threxliing becomes all the more reprehen sible when we remember that in addition to scott act roffencee peter zimmerman brutally assaulted mr b coates exhead master of burlington public schools a few weeks ago under cover of night and has threatened several other temperance citi zens and levi several months ago nearly murdered constable page while in the dis charge ol duty surely the halfandhalf temperance mei of burlington will have their weak knee strengthened by these outrages or else lecaso to call themselves temperance mcuj and openly assume their true character in supporters of ram and raffiaiiini the time has como to draw the line and chooie sides for or againbt in tins contest messrs saml thompson and j ii stricklund are extending their residences a skin disease of a not very desirable character has broken out in the public school mr dan strachan of metz was in town last week dan is doing earnest work in the presbyterian mission field the bosh fires are staying right with us miss trellevyn who resided here some years ago is visiting friends here mr john innes lias added gents furnish ings to his tailoring business the congregation of the church of eng- uud are erecting commodious sheds i two lime kilns are building just now j wb iiraggs cider mill is in full oper- ation clulli dr j i dryden aud his brolherbarrie coiitiii- meft last week for europe they will j wander iu britain and ireland tlifcri cross j to paris and other place of interest on tho i illi u i it u intr our ciiliiiiig continent we hope to see the dr n aiitl ljiiiko up in ur taiiiiiijf greatly invigorated to attend to hi extdi- j jj it for st gools we ore the lenders in j the latest siyjes and the giiiding for fall bargain visitors sur- priscd buyers delighted fine goods and low prices do tho work our dross goods and dress materials costume cloths dress sijks dress trimmings mantle goods mantle making and dress making are inurvejs of popularity in seasonable styles niid fair- figures dbessmakingsour staff is busily ot work we have had to cut short j the miual summer holidays orders have kept crowding in on us we have had to disap point a few we could not think of keep ing our hands contiguously at work during tho broiling hot- summer days into the autumn without at least a short resjite iu order to do this we havoi simply hadtcv refuse orders but now they ore all laok again wfth additions to their numbers a regular beehive of bimy worhert onlors will be promptly attended to iu our usual firstclass style our material for making up is something enormous wo have never shown such a variety of novelties sbel beautiful fabrics bich designs itew shades together with the choicest garni tures and trimmings our dress materia and dressmaking department leads the trade wc carry the largest fitock of hardware ince comparison try us for annealed and oiled wire bucklhor itul ontario and invito attention and f prices fence wire barbed fence fence wire hydraulic hums iron pipe mid fittings scoop shovels manure drags tlalf bushel measures threshing machine uelting threshing- machine oil meat choppers stuffers aid butchers machinery i apple purere eady mixed paints all shades true to color card uilding hardware locks hinges wringers i arpet sweepers lamps and everything usually kept in 1 rge establishments boyidg for- cash in t re best markets in the world we oan do lj jst foryou letters of cikiuiry promptly answered an il irated catalogue sent on application johnmtbondco our millinery h superb choice extensive varied any lady can be suitetl the stock is wonderful in quality quantity and style ourstaple goods is beyoiid com parison the largest find elienp- est ever offered coitoiis at won derful low prices a magnificent canton flannel for he per 3111d superb grey flannel 20 inches wide allwonl 20y pur yard ill guntlfiueiis wear oiir suiting mtttirials over e iliderciothihg tiid giiits huniisliiiigsni all kindf mill1nehy and mantles- as in the dressmaking so in this department our hands aro back a week earlier than usual orders aro coining in thick and fast our goods are opeued out and ar on display j its such a stereotype j thing to say that our goods ure the nicest iu town and we dont want to follow in other peoples tracks excepting they nre very rood people but we nsk you to see our variety compare and judge for 3ourself we dosay that we have never shown any thing like them for variety beauty arid general attraction millinery goodb in lovely materials mantles in ladies misses and childrens in new styles mantle cloths in grand variety ulster clpths from the cheapest goods iii the trade plain and brocaded silk plushes very cheap sealettes in excellent value and i so wc risk for your mud patronage which will have our hest attention xytf ltickivoodscptv27th 18s7 an ordehixtolwirrl whlrh tlm tiinuito msilciihnirtrrirrh its the llrath lllnw to the sent art lirptal howinput bnxfcptwthtbechfafye of today couuins the following order-in- vc llllvc il lillsjc rtock llirgc council with reference to the scott act i- i- r 1 l- ni a a v i premises eveiv facility lo do btibi- whereas it is desirable as a matter oil j administration that a uniform ruleshbnld f lless comfortably wb have ull- taildltlmt andclotuingthis growing diiiiilmcdt is stronger tiiisseoscn than ivvr htorc we rmploy one of the bet cuttitk in the iroyiiico n sure fitter and most ty lnh ilesigiu r our raugo of niurtral in xuyliirgc we cover the re- uiin nts f all clause- our pino im- loited worttds diagonals and fancy suitings are really choice ourcanadians are tho best value tye ever offered we struck a regular ixniunza in a manufactur oherilig bargains id ers line of tweod mode of fine importe wool worth 81 per yard which wo arg running ut uoc splendid for mens and boys wear cut free of cborge noted for choice goods pfirtmiiit for stle anil fiirjh lias niisiiriissll tlie liest ofcvcry- tliiiiif jjtttno hih iiic proftts linlics mid gents footwear lnimense stock reut variety voiisiautlv be adopted in dealing with actions praying for the revocatiob of orders incouncil bring- ing the canada temperance act into force notwithstanding that three years have not olapsedfrora the date of the comjng into j wc are reaching force of tho act under said order-in-coun- j trade with irresistable induce oil hi excellency on the recommends lneilts whisper equal faciiiics to buy the goods cheap send a delegate from fverv home and let us prove that l we are reaching onit for inore tion of the minister of justice and by and j with the advice of the queens privy coun cil for canadahas been pleased to order and it is hereby ordered that no eleetion for the revocation of an orderincouncil under the canada temperance act being i chapter 100 of the revised statutes of doubt that it canada shall be authorized to take place earlier than fifteen day before the expira tion of three years from the date of the coming into forcetlioreof under said order- incouncil competition nrctiinrnrlson our new fealiiio- jccliisivc si vies uliequajed bargains will dcmoii- i strate beyond the shadow of a 1 doubt that it will pay to trade with mcleod anderson go georoetowfir e b bollert 27 lower wyndham st oukj4hont tkiklhoxe ix offlljk sexatok jlrjiasteks will hon william mcilaster who died at toronto last week bequeaths 10000 stock in the standard publishing company in trust for the baptist denominational society oneqoarter to the superannuated ministers society and the balance equally between the boms and foreign missions to his widow are left the bloorstreet resi dence during herjife and an annuity of 95000 tohis nephew james smcmaster of london eng and senior member of the firm of mcmaster darling co he leaves 9340000 the balance of the estate is given in trust as an endowment for mcmaster university subject however to the annuity to the widow and 92000 a year to the home missionary society j an annuity of 600 to his sister in georgetownjand moo anuulty to professor mcvicar the total value of tho estate including american securities is 91200000 so that the ultimate provision made for momaster university will amount subject to the annuity to the missionary society which is perpetual to jhooooo wedding presents actov kxihbitiox s the dennis estate at king and youdr streets toronto was disposed by auction on saturday and for theground only with- out buildings brought prices varying from moo to wlo per foot the eale realized 2m878 the principal purchasers were messrs 8 h janes jas mason and the toronto real estate investment co niepostmastkk ukskuatvhkan3 halifax jt 8 sept 27hpn aw mc- lelaii postmaster general has admitted bribery by agents in the election fordhc commons and his seat for colchester is consequently vacant the election court opens at truro tomorrow before judge mcdonald when the charges of personal bribery agaiiist the minister will begone into oxk xkikmkl the otlifitt hahheu the appeals of messrs waltie and pit man hotel keepers incarcerated iu the county jail for violation of the scott act judge rose at oagoode with tho following re- were heard before hull last friday suits quiix v wattik through unavoidable circumstances i have had to disappoint a number of my oustomers in getting their work out on time lately but the studio will be opened on the mi of october when things will run as smooth as formerly thankingyou for your kind indulgence and patronage i am your obedient servant a a ruby the artist ikpkappelei moved for a writ of certiorari iu aid c i a writ of habeas corpus aircady rantcdl to b ing uji a conviction under the canada teuijiera iseact holuiesioclanjere i- cvrtvr the utoglht ates motioh rcfusodwith costa 1 qvuvs v pitma-v- shuton moved oil the re turn of writ of hame tonii and certiofsrl for the discharge from uto- of tlie defendant wuohsi botn ilniirifo ted by warrant under con- viction for an offence against the canada tem perance act delau ere tor the mablstraun order niade and couvl tion quashed mr wattle will ssrve bis term at castle vanallan and mt pitman bus been liberated owing to a technicality toronto base tllj clnb has won the in ternational pennant one hundrad game have been played at d ten cities weseintbe contest since his appointment as pojioe magis trate of huron dr williamb has made over seventy couvictioub for violation of the scott act b of dock rlood cabinets willie j200 per doz during bhptv days ilh and 5th october and no longer ruby the artist the iucrease in torontos assessment this year- is vi 8000000 the greatest previous increase was that of last year j ten millions waolabk the jeweler cuelph ha jqst received anothor largo aesortrneiit silverware suitable for wedding jirespnts to any person from acton or iutermedi ate stations buying 860q worth or over at my store i will pay thoir faro to and from guelph giving personal aud prompt attention to watch requiring i am bound to givo satis faction or money refunded remember the plaeo w a clark jeweller 26 lower wyndham st g uelph jambs stirtom lds dentist touelfsblook opposite poiitqfffo guelph vitalized ate will cure biliousness dyspepsia indigr 0i jaun relieve pep8ia ffl mik heartdurn hp acior dryn heart omach the swn ami every species ot disease arising stomach bowels ok blood proprietom toaoirao t milbijm co j f th s igj jlito bbtttit dresmlakihcr f vflbs hattie thubstonk itx receive orders for drfajmtv borne corner church and fredas will go out sewing for lainilies seed wheat for i alabge nuontitj- of clean uidi wheat of tbe scueca varietr wmhbust acton august 31t 1887 appbenticb wi a good stout baboutsiilmii sec to learn the wagon maklatul taking business apply st oncetov jai cash for glj the undersigned bascommeqcedti of grain at bis warehouse at station acton and will pay tbe price for all kinds of gram ice ice fob sale ihavo still about forty jen of 1 water ice on hand and am rreptrilb all who desire it in 4trjr qasntiir sil prices leave your orders at ones is tral meat market whbtj 5 and 7 wyndhamst cuelph ioint 84 clasgow mlesmm wan5 we are in want of a few more t to canvass jor the sale of el of nursery stock to men who success of the business we caapayg or commission and give permaaaatai we have many new and choice spec n the fruit and ornamental lines t do not handle apply at oncewi may bbothoap k0b81uyjis r salesmen v edward o graham the popular known nurseryman of kochests to make ammgements with ove of ergetle men to take orders for bis 1 he baa a choice stock including fc his iqdocements to beginners artf- j advantageous ho fulfills all he guarantees to furnish strictly he can give active square u ctions and desires to eomi such men with a view of 1 services writo to him as soon asyobji this for terms and full particulars tonlysquare dealing men need a edw o geahim nurseryman judicial or a- i valuable fai is the- township of esql in the cofxty ofhaltojl a jew flpoclilltios tnopon tho fall canjpaign ailarge consigtiiiipn of kid gloves from ft jrencli iid throve iianifaitirpr oonsistruo of i t ijcksliuft to the judgment of the division of tho biah court of 3ust in theitter of ito lamb lamb vs 1 datcduhe twelfth day of scyumbef 1 with tileapprobation of a ii mckinb local mastorof the suiireme court ot j ture at gnelph sealed tenders will be re addressod to a m mcklnnon master ia eery guelph p fj- until the fifteenth day of october apj at the hour of twelve noon for the fat lands and premises 3 kaspsli tthc wert hali of lot if 1 l ifi flip shthliueesijlj tpwnshippf bs jqeiny oonfaftingooesjh npfcffi f4iip half ot lot twentyeight in the sixth comjessiop towwhlppfksqueskjf ooutaffflnb md three qoartcr acres more or less and three qoartcr acres more or less on parcel 1 is erected firstclass brietl 1 60 dozen blapk colored tan shades sseif thore is also erected ou this parcel om2 nearly new and with all modern meats stouo stable underneath drig shed root house and all ni buildings there 1b also a well in tho there is also an orchard of about three equal to anything in the city for si to ho sold at 67c see our gj centfblj qloye j lap it- i barn 30x31 thdro isalso ah orchard on file n valnabte rorrtywssorncdpy eopspj 1 cpudition and the iarm is in a hiib iyatioii a spring creek runs throw of the farm and tnroogufl ere is a eppstaat 1 o water there are fifteen acres of woqdi i laudteponparcehfy this frrm is sitpated two pjiles fro pid flvntroin beorgefoprp at both- ofs lles api flrgtclass markets for tbeslfi plushes ni3 velvetsdaiy arrivingj w j a niairiiificont line of striped aiid checked velveteen at 75c for half a clnllai t- ske- ouil stklfiil and chetkell velvet at oot larrc- ouiiiiiiiiin yarns oaicliau ontj 3cotpji fijicriiu bjilttviii iiiifl baxmiy pit best vfilvip f v i the highest or any tender uot copied l 1 i tebmsofsalb goou value the piushaser shall uiwu the av his tender pay to the vendors solicitor i cent of his purehaso money and shaoii one month thereafter pay into court totti n r lvtu of his matter a further sum suffideoftal 01 ii rjlvl 3 up with salirtea percent one ball etmi 1 chase money the balance thereof to bj by mortgage payable in afar years with t at the op whplepf b said month hec possession in other 1 d donditions wii be the i i d williamson co cuelph way hae m hec possession in other tne terps and condition conditions of this court fpr further particulars apply to messa stoni mclean solicitors gnelph tort gbftrif watt tfhptqi ps sofl a m mpkiknok u local susiowk read oithejacton fre fi igtbdd news fwmimlljtott 1 j- hotflinrake qim milton maiyimoth cheap store on vs3 p tuesday aridlsrediiesda7 4 ani stliseptemljer when wc will havo on oxhibitiim in our city show ltoom the finest stock of millinery goods to be qeuiu the county 1 uirdb wiuhs flowers plushes fnnoy trimmings mid oruainouts along with the latest and most fashionable telling noveiet miss fnmrrwll firstclass milliner will be in charge of the show room if you cannot call on due of the above tdav- f p mpbell a you are dowiiat the jlalton exliibitiin on october 6th and 7th take advantage of it as the metro politan studio will not make any more of those besatifol cabinets for j200 after oct 5tb ruby the artiit rth two wealthy bra ihord men have do- gated 5000 ich it wards the establish tueut of a county hot so of refuge for that city and the county auction saijekeblflter iv tbo iro pnidav bent 80 bale of stock anil implements tbo iiroperty of james grant lot in prln bile at 13 oclock james grant lot il eon 3- u oclock win heuurtroot anctlonoer tiftmcdar oct etu auction salo of stock hn- plutnonts and household fundturo belonging to the estate of the late thomas lambj lot iff con 0 esqueaing bale to oommebce at 10 oclock lunch at ft john 8mitb auctioneer pai n less extraotionof teeth artificial teeth guaranteed perfect in apwar- anoe fit and use fine gold work a specialty all operations strictly firstclass appointments made by letter vaii ve at nome aud make more money i uu work an at anything else in this world cttpltalnotueoded you are terted rrec uoth sexes oll ages anyonecau dp hwjwork large earnings sure from first start costw outfit and terms free hotter not dry goods millinery fancy qbods consisting of trimmed hats and bonnets fei iu our jitamnioth cheap onrfjoodsttr thh following depalltjpujjes 01othin v 0arpets aiud oilclotibs boots shoes 4 r jt a pini to steb in when we mil be glad to see you v groceries wallpaper trutik4 andtalises ip btoite arc all fllled villi goods wliioh we know will please you both iuqnalitv and uricis onr nrif q iio 11 i 1 o all leaders aiid ourderswe ijargains we 4m t s tbpvraywo sell onr goods knowmgthat prices tell efety time grey flaanrllsc 20 toxin of yirabrido cottoa for 1 00 plalac or obookea wioooy bo a idi vr7iae aliool ore tlaaaol wl pk bcoifcr s6o bst ootton throod two sjioolg for co- 20 bundiei sattitr for 91 loo ladiebriao auwoouewoyi 8ber orjmoa taljao browa ifary aadbiaek velveteen too yard patronize stylialt tijrlrt s1ttjta short jacfcrtbifor proseit vrear xrorth 5 ftl i j sir barjraiai womoa prtuwua oaiten soo woawag uoeoots si wo seu and shoaa ghuv -7- 5 bwra eouotrlo soap 88o 13 lbs bxiffbt stuttforsi r 6 pals beit oaaadlaa coal oilftr tioo 5kbo8t aaerieaa 9u zjlfa b cseap store miltow cod morr just 1 wpdfj than asi mills safe abate hpold im bannel t now pfehti a oacrie majorl muditi fail sh pi ess i for th0 raud wjacu t ictonl neetia tj bar brioll el dew place 1 lis it thd ast we nachii ngoui c kio i iffice lffair ml 1 heyc mpn lyetnl nurmj astsd lis ivil t riendl jend 1 mnphj norialj ledhs iletfioj 1 1 ieid iilll 3 rant 1 ash ebcettl rc l nartel 1 broa m lermpq iabbal laybyl lame i jid2ia ent j 1 low 1 rona i lis wii iachil hortlj ivcbll ml cirlj jiareutl nhddrl iudfrl the sirf tb i ihortl iberdl wnedl irize i ail oronf lladsl 1 usf onl vhen i lim low learij eady j veart 1 ias t qese 1 rilll tb eala carap iet m 1 uirei i 1 ita1 r ba

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