Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 29, 1887, p. 3

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bsktnifuljwbddihq and berth- day pbwmhtb at ceo hynds a fine stock of watches clock jewel- lery spectacles careful attention given to repairing drop in and sto onr largo stock comprising jewellery stationary books and fancy goods oeohyndb aoton ont methodist church actotf w2vr phimbb pastor hot mcnce bower avwmc hom mtttgisi dm public services lf ajfi ud jw sunday school 430 blbtcxsiaw conducted by lltt pastor all cordially invited- stranger and visitor always welcome at- toiittrensbcrs at tho itoor it sitting are desired apply to h- p moore pew stewart i juton jte rtg thursday september 29 1887 many mlyojr locals collated by the srerthongbtful and alert free press reporters whitbys rate of taxation is si iiie mills to- xatsagavveva fair at brookv morrow the graiu buyers have their bauds full just now acton exhibition next tuesday and wcduesdy i weeping willow sheds inoro leaves tog of the knitting factory wiuders as we go bobbin roond wiittou rate for the current year is 23 mills the same as lat year if his preaching is goo a man may safely practice what he preaches the smoke sue the dust continue un- abated and the raiu still holds back communion ser rices will be held in the prebytcriaa ch irch next sabbath autumn leaf col gdors are now hunting up old books to be ui sd as leaf pressers merchants put oat a liberal display of banners and buutinglon exhibition days the boys spenjd their leisure hours now- iu gathering beechnuts tbey are plentiful an 8000 waterworks bylaw was carried iu wiarton last week by 69 of majority horsemen are getting their trotters iu conditieu for the trials of speed at the fall shows leave oar orders today at the fbei prr office for your circulars and cards for the exhibitiou i mr smith is bnjilding a comfortable grand stand iu the park it has a seating capacity tor 400 people the attendance of all the members of acton lodge 100 f isrequested at the meeting tomorrow evening tne foundation of the salvation army barracks is under construction it will be a briokcld building j30 x 50 everybody is well satisfied with fair- viear cemetery noif it is u beautiful place and avery week improving mr thomas cameron succeeded iu disposing of a number of his excellent sheep at the provincial exhibition at ottawa last week gleanings p artf iol ohareotar u i tsonatsajsttoig thtobtwvtn suajattk 8am jones 1 the author of a good many wise sayings ut about the best remark wo have heard of him sayiug is thtffbllqw ithe nost beautiful eight in lie world isto n a family around a cheerful are withthe 1 sad of the family reading aloud from his local newspaper which he has paid for in iidvanoe jsw the j u bftcffealta early in th summer the pass prkss spoke of uie de flrability of speoial publio cleanliness urn season owing to the possi bility of the a iival of cholera asiatio cholera has ma ie its appearanoe in new york it is no likely to advance very far inland this fall but none the jess municipal bodies everywh ire should be on theirguard and itake every iossble precaution oohiebomart are wantaff it the printers dollars where are they a dollar here and a dollar there scattered over numerous small towus all over the country miles t ud miles apart howahall they be gathered in pome home ye are wanted come in single or double file that the printer maj send you forth again to battle for him and vindicate his credit reader are yoi sure you havent one or more of the prit tera dollars sticking about your clothes a fatal week ti slderly a titans it is a long ti me binco acton had four deaths in one wi ek bnt never at auy pre vious time in its history did it ever lose by death iu onp we k fouroitixens whose ages asgregate nearl 800 years a week ago last monday mrl wm steel died at the age of 81 of tuesday mr john nelson aged 55 on hjirsday mr james gamp bell aged 05 and mr angus fletcher aged 90 a total of 391 years verily the old are fkst departi flajtoa again the provincii associations re banner county agricultural and arts rton the prise farm com petition iu grout no 1 awarded prizes as follows gold medal to john fothergill burlington coa ty of halton first silver medal jos k mcmiohul waterford nor folk second silver medal cj baker paris station brant bronze medals to eaeh of the following j e brethonr bturford brant q trindjsr 8imooe john r mar tin cayoga j c 8haw woodburn wentworth d ii horton north pelham monk g barrel waterloo smash up on thec p b a bad smashjnp occarred on sunday morning at streetsville on the credit valley branch of the panada pacific railway early in the morning a heavily loaded freight train camp to a stand on the main line to allow the engine to be watered while it remaintjl motionless on the rails another freight coming from the west also plunged right inu her iu the rear smash ing the caboose into matchwood and totally wrecking six cars loaded with general merchandise and their contents the train men had an narrow escape child scalded tofbeath on thursday last a child about a year and a half old belonging to mr james har- mer near eden mills was so badly scalded that death resulten saturday it appears that mrs harmer had taveu a pail of boil ing water to the fetable and on setting it down the child came into the stable and before the mother could reach him he fell into the water pealding his body in a m t i t j l j terrible manner j dr winn was sent for mr john bennett has opened a sewing but he could do nothing to relieve the little sufferer the patents have the sympathy of the communty in their unexpected bereavement afpreioy whom you itayqtarry the marriage law as printed on the new marriage license planks provides that ito man shall marry jhis mother grandmother daughter grndulheri wife wifes mother wifes grandmother wifes daughter grand daughter nor his lister brothers daughter sisters daughter fathers sister or mothers sister ttbey farther provide that no woman shall marry her father grandfather son grandson stepfather grandmothers husband husbands father husbands grandfather buibands son husbands grandson nor her brothers son fathers brother ormothafs brother one of oar oldest citizens cone mr angjs fletcher who died last thursday afternoon at his residence on john street was ope o onr oldest citizens hisdge is given of bis friends th older he came and formerly younger dtyi he fletchertbe pi machine show room jand mr g h byder a tailor shop in the old glove factory bnild- ingoa mill street r copies of the downington mich unvm aiterivxr have been received at this omcer special attention is paid to local affairs in its columns i make- strangers feel welcome when they oome to the exhibitiou a favorable impression created at that time will cause a rttnm of their visits im silting by the style jennie he murmured softly as he slid into the pew last ri outlay and sat down right next to uis wifes brand new fall bonnet subscribers ask your neighbors and friends to take the acton fee pbess send us their names on a postalj card and sample copies shall be forwardei free rev b phioips will preach a me morial sermon in connection with the demiee of the late mr john nelson in the methodist church next sunday evening the 20th batt rifh matches will be held at georgetown tomorrow there will be five matches for the white mc- craney and regimental cups and 970 in cash f newmarket has sold its waterworks debentures 90000 drawing interest at o percent atapremiumof310percent new market is a town enjoying good credit abroad an interesting and very appropriate sermon was preached to the children of the sabbath school of knox church last sun day by liev mr bae instead of the usnal review service an excellent sample of the isabella- amber grape has been left at this office by bey b b cook it was grown in his garden on fairview avenue he has a number of varieties one thousand names wanted each name to be accompanied by full address and 25c for which the fuek pbess will be sent for the balance of 1887 sbbscribe now and get the full benefit of this offer mr john bennett is about to retire from the hotel business and will devote his whole attention to the singer sewing machine companys interests he will shortly remove to bis residence on bower v avenue where is my boy and where is my girl tonight should oftener be asked by parents do yon realize parents that yoar children are receiving a most undesirable aud frequently immoral education while on the streets at night j mr john currie of everton carried off- the silver medal at ottawa oh his shorthorn bull baron import fr aberdeen scotland prince of snnnyside owned by mr currie carried offsecond pri alto third for bull li months old mr jake worden came home from toronto last week with a broken shoulder blade he was walking post a high build in on which tho bricklayers wereat work 1 when a brick fell about fifty feet and struck him with aboveresau it wak a painful blow meesw kelly bros will commence a clearing sale of a large bankrupt stoek of ready made clothing overcoats sotffender- wear on saturday this enterprwm firm ban earned a reputation for cheepipds in these lines and no doubt many bfligains will ix given during the comins georgetown akeady final itibmirtary to enlarge the newceeerj- opin few years ago owing tov tte lorewmpt oxx muniepal uthcrs aetoo wiy not re quire to do thb during ttwliirtinifl of ny of ito present residents the pureba of the nineteen acres as ayomed hiv sebeaaity m i ninety years but many k he was considerably acton a few years ago ided in erin in his at noted far and wide as being very efficient with scotlands bestloved instrument of music he was a member of the presby terian church bnt owing to his great ago and many infirmities was nnable to attend the public services for some years prior to hdhdeath the funeral on sunday was attended by a large circle of friends and citizens dangerous play with serious results last thursday morning milton the four- yearold son bf mr m cooper painter met with a painful accident he was run- jaihg after a waggon and had hnng on be- hindfor a ride and when he decided to go no farther ran frokn the rig and directly in front of one which was following at a rapid pace iwa trice be was knocked down and the waggon driven by a son of mr alex- smith machine kgent passed over him and nig right collar bone and a rib were fractured dr 8 taoey reduced the frac tures and the 1s1 lei fellow is doing well this play is alwa s dangerous and children should taught i iot to participate in it a distressing ac jldent while assisting mr james savers lot 17 con 7 nabsagawi ya lastfridayin pulling stamps george f ynh son of mr martin flyhnvmet with t n accident by which he lost a finger and x ill be nnable to resnme work for some w ks the stump machine wbh in operation and one side of a heavy stump was raise i several feet and the young roan was w irking under the side of it when the chain oroke the stump- came back to its poaitioi and the lever of the machine struck hj m across the left hand completely severiig the fore finger and burying itself in tl epalm of the hand dr winn was called ind dressed the injured band several stitches being necessary the wound is very painful but is slowly healing hard on the const bles on saturday tl e 17th constable harley andt the inspector went but to silver creek near georgetown o arrest wm perryraan for default yirr pai ig bis fine for violating the scott act i errytnan was not to be found mrs per yman i1eld one of the doora but was pulim away and when the imjjiector was gtifo down ceirpr she threw a handful of cayefine pepper in hu eyes mrionly of wbiob took effeot she also dideonsiderable slashing with her bread- pan and a stick of jwood for which she will have to answer before the magistrate short- ylufonntr we understand that mrs perryaantaaentpred a case against the inspector tor asmilt in connection with the frky ibpve referred to tie case iatobe beaifd before mr w h storyjp bete onsatorday i aaottar wolia ships clothing a windier who has adoptedtfomewhst new method has been oparatlng iu uia neighboring oiiiw he sends a cheque by eomeboy he picks up on the street tr a storekeeper generally a grocer orj bntober with a note signed by some lady i ustomer requesting the storekeeper to cash the eheque and send mouel by boy riio note states she needs monejy immediately and will call and explain the thing is very plausible aud generally works the man watobee near by for the boy and if he comes out alone meets him and gets the money but if he is aboompanied by anyone from the store he does not show up as to one sees him but the boy it is very dim- cult to get a description of him ordfjjatmnandiuducaoa attforval on tuesday bov james argowaa in ducted into the pastorato of the preshy terian church norval to fill the jvaoanoy caused by the retirement of the ijev jos alexander m a who for 8s years had occupied the pulpit bev p mof mc leod of toronto preaohed an excellent ordimvttonisermon from eph 123 and ordained mr argo bev h m parsons of toronto addressed the minister and bev mr alexander the people after tho ser vice it reception and tea were given by the ladies and a plaftorm meeting followed in the evening among the speakers were bevs j w bae aotou d straohan rockwood w patterson and if m par- sons toronto b davey georgetown and others bev w g wallace of george towu occupied the ohair gone to filsonbxirg mr alex bremner aud his family left for tilsonburg yesterday our oitizeus wish them suocees there refering to his new business relations the tiltonburg wemf says mn bremner his entered into partnership with mr b f bell of tilsonburg and the business will be con ducted under the firm name of bell 4 co the new firm contemplate making many improvements in and around the tannery a new boiler house is to be erected im mediately and the whole building heated byjsteam j several new vats will be put iu and maohinery for making sole leather will also be among the many improvements made about the building the tilsonburg tannery has been doing a good business in the past bnt with these new improvements there is no doubt bnt it will increase much more rapidly in the future j oet ready tor the exhibition j it should be the desire and effort of all our citixens and business men to cause the visitors who attend the exhibition next tuesday and wednesday to cany away with them the most favorable possible opinions concerning acton as an enterpris ing and attractive town a place favorable for the transaction of business or as a place of residence all the streets and private premises should be put iu clean and tidy condition good taste will accomplish this the expenditure of money is unneces sary to any extent let windows be clean ed and newly dressed unsightly debris re moved flags buntiug and evergreens got ready and other matters of minor impor tance attended to the effect produced will be asnishing by all mcanb arrange to have the streets thoroughly watered during the two days last but not least let it be known by hand bills and dodgers that we can fiiyc as good value in acton as can be bad elsewhere in the dominion let us all be wide awake during the fair days death of mr james campbell while the remaius of the lati john nek son esq were beiug carried io the tomb last thursday afternoon mr james camp bell proprietor of the boyul exchange hotel quietly aud suddenly breathed his last for years mr campbell has been suffering from dropsy but whileattimee a great safferer was always able to get about and attend his business last year he took a trip to scotland and spent a few weeks in the home of his yonth aud for some time he felt considerable benefit from the visit two or three weeks ago his com plaint became more serious aud gradually but surely he felt that his heart and luugs were being affected and that breathing was becoming more and more difficult last week his medical attendants performed an pperation upon him but with little relief on thursday mornidg he got up and walk ed about as usual but shortly retired and about half past two oclock he quietly sank into the long sleep wjiich hath jb waking md campbell was born in eenmore perth shire scotland in 1822 he speht the first half of his life there aud with iris wife came to canada iu 859 he spent eight years as a farmer in nossagaweya at the expiration of which time he went iuto the hotel business in the boasiri house now bennetts hotel five years after he re tired and for five or six years he lived a quiet and pleasant lifo in his home on fairview avenue what seemed to him a very favorable opening then occurred for the purchase of the royal exchange hotel he became proprietor and until his death superintended this hostelry ho was a good hotelkeeper unil no more orderly or better kepthouso can be found in the county for many j years mr campbell was a member of the presbyterian church and for sometime was treasurer he was also a member of the masonic fraternity and was initiated in scotland he was a genial hearted citizen had a good word for all and was generally liked by those with whom he came into contact s he was child less his wife and maggie an adopted daughter survive him they have general sympathy in their bereavement the funeral on saturday was largely attended the religious services were performed by revs dr torrance j w roe and r b cook the bearers wero messrs d hen derson w t smyth geo havill alex bremner wra hampshire and j a frazer milton personal paragraphs hsapmthm tqaitiare to and frovritbpwnom ifrmlt4ifara4ujunto4l mr and mrs 3 m fernley of braht- ford visitedtheir old home this week i mr and mrs h 8 holmes of the tgit b visited friends in goderioh last week beeve fyfe oonduoted the services in the disciples churoh at everton on sunday miss graham of elora has been the guest of acton friends for a couple of weeju mr robert and miss maggie hall of trafalgar were guests of acton friends on sunday mr and mrs j e mouarvln spent a couple of days this week with friends in orangeville mrs 2olman hall and jennie of pene- spent several days during tho week with friends here f mr chester t hill is now in jackson ville 111 oooupyiug a goodposltlon j in an artists studio mrs w biddell and two children of toronto were the gnosis bf mrs t adam dickson over sunday miss celia stafford whose home is at present in toronto spent a couple of days this week with acton frieuds i mr george tolton formerly of adtou is iu rosalia washington territory doing i a good business iu graiu buying mr s j t brown speoial agent tor the bell telephone co well known in acton has taken to himself a comely bride the fhee phkss extends oougratulatious mr john durno of limehoube who went to manistique mioh some monttib sgo is doing well there mr alex durno and wife intend moving to thajf city shortly mr j w crewsoh late principal pi gravenhurst publio school well known in aoton and vicinity left last week for vic toria university cobourgatwbjohlnstitk- tiou he intends to graduate in the arts oourse at the meeting of guelph presbytery last week bev mr baes name was sub stituted for that of the late mr bose on all committees oh which the latter had been appointed this is quite a oomplim- ent to knox churchs pastor among those attended the funeral of the late james campbell f rom a distanoejwere bev dr and mrs torrance guelphl mrs cope and mrs campbell 8t george mr duucan fisher bhelburne duncan gamp bell and wife kincardine bobi and mrs cunningham guelph d mogibbonl and mrs f and miss mocauum mutonf j mr d straohan student preached bis test sermon before the guelph presbytery yesterday and received very high compli ments from the presbytery aud audience for the ability he showed both on the mat ter his discourse contained and tho manner in which it was delivered mr stritchsn gives promise of great usefulness in the ministry feryut adcocdfe oft tape8try bruts and mfnster carpets mt yjjoty should see 08 5 rand display mr wm d frick of philadelphia for some time foreman of the batche fac tory here has kindly sent us a copy of the xorth american containing a facnim it of the first printed copy of the constitution of the united states as published iu tho at adtcrtutr september 111 1787 it interesting sonvenir the electric lighting system is ucjt all sunshine iu welland people who havent a light at their coruer squeal as the follow ing from the tribjnt shows the man who can invent some scheme whereby eight electric lights may be placed upou seventyike ilicfertut btreet corners will be- hospitably vnterlained by applying to the town electric light committee colofecllturtains carpet sweeps em -at- t smyrna rugs r- now on exhibition jlljgto l 8tiiebt hamiiiton o o- the largest and best assorlnient in town at the east end clothing store i oom and s6e them a i have a large line of cheap hats from 26o to 100 which mlwt be sold at once j fyfe acton mgarvins drug stationery store the schools will keopen niafbwwebks purchase your new school books here all authorised editions on hand slates gopy oob ink pens pencils 4c in large variety t w v 3s istoql r -o- wi thoudqeriffned berebv announce tliatjv ttllflie wool offerca at our mills for which the his 6 will again btiy highest pricein or in exchange for goods n -o- wo nave a large aud well assorted stock ot blankets tweedy jlanarts astpoldii yarns znittei goods ec etc iu great variety selected expressly to supply the i requirements ot the farmers ov o o- spiiming weaylng and in fact all kinds of custom work done in our usual prompt and satisfactory manner si newtoil fe soyisj t- lisehouse i guelph cloth hall o iljw arrivals infatl oodb w6 ire daily oleiliiig up ijarge quantities of fiueiinppited fi wkueiwfoivthisseasou merchant tailors cuelph taints oils vaniishes e j i v are now being used in acton in large quantities and hoarvins drug store will supply you with everything in this line paints ready mixed in all quantities and colors mgarvifs drug and stationery stoke acton farmers arid threshers use on your machinery only the wellknown peehless oil 9 gold medals hsv been awarded it during the lestlhrceycals it try iso our pediiespaxloreaeo for- your waggons and horse powers these oils are used and highly recommended aftbemodel farm guelph farmer ask for them use no other manufactured at quomolty oil works by v samuel rogers ft co toronto elgin li i uklph makket8 sejit 2 10 to 2 10 1 w to 2 15 o 75 tbf 75 0 75 m0 75 0 75 to 0 75 osotoow oaulteoas flour boiler flour stone white wheat bed wheat spring glasgow tlarloy oat kye peas hay strovr wood per cord eggs per dozou butter dairy packed butter rollb cheese potatoes nor bag apples pork lambskins pelts bides wool timothy seed per bush 2 00 to 3 00 clover seed 5 co to 5 75 alsike i g 50 to 7 00 elalr i- thk fail exhibitions the following is a list of the exhibitions and the dates upon which they will beheld which most interest our readers i esqacsiug acton oct j kasbagawoys brockvulo sept trafalgar oskvllle ioct st catherines cct barrie oct petorboro oct fergus t oct j halton milton oct brantford oct siincoo oct northern wulkert6u oct north perth htratfonl ioct erin oct the wine grape the only rood for canning preserving jelly or wine four cents per lb b a secord 4-5- 30 31 47 37 44 m 1112 1819 47 67 1819 l v- v we lsh to intimate ta the ladies of iipton and yicinjty that oijir fall lisjplay of millihei win hk opeji for their inspectioii on and after sr fine stock now open of these cele brated watches r- grape only the barn on mr john swanbfarmin pilkineton township near elora was de stroyed by 6ro on sunday morning the exhibition boildiiir in the park is now almost completed it presents quite an attractive appearance notwithstand- the fact that it is a good deal larger than the drill shed utilized by the georgetown people the deroaud for space by exhibitors far exceeds the capacity of the building the buildlngjisof goodheifihth and asecond floor willbe put in next year mr james matthews was particularly successful with his exhibit of horses at the guelph central exhibition his yearling golddist carriage stallion took first priie as did also his twoyearoid carriage geld ing aud his twoyearold roadster filly his roadster mare took second prize he is exhibiting them at hamilton fair this week the parlor ooncor held at mr j b deacons psi on thursday evening last was a most enjoyable affair an excellent program was rendered consisting of read ings recitations vocal and instrumental jnusio and selections by theband feaohes and cream were buppliedln abundance procqeda of the evening were- applied for the benefit of the ladies aid in connection with the methodist fjhurcb milton rt farmer dont forget kellj bros great sale on saturday mr john williams lately hotelkeeper in erin has undertaken the management of the wellington hotel fergus do not forget when you intend purchasing a first slas organ or piano to go to j c mcleat of the guelph temple of music he i i no agent but buys his goods in large quant ities at rock bottomfigures and only the 1 igh est grades are handled as nobby a lot of gents f aruishincs as will be found in any village can be ha i at the merchant tailoring establishment of w j 8toveiibon krin call and see kelly bros bauktupt stock of bversouts suits and underwear movement made to my especial order goil and silbux bsavagev guelph go to jffyfes acton for your cloth ing he can suit you for price qaility and stylo every time bcotobknglisn and canadian sui ling in great variety at j fyfes acton underwear bres for half price at belly itemomber last chance to secure t lose beautiful cabinet photos at 1200 per cor show days oct 4th and6tb bnby artist inknawji- there is no remedy known to mecical boience that can excel dr fowlers ext raot of wild strawberry as a cure for obeli morbub diarrhoua dysentefy or any f rm of summer complaint afflicting ohlldre 1 or adults f- the alaekreseaye for sis years i suffered with my throat and enlarged tonsils i wasyery weak 1 doctored four years and had advice from three doctors they said i would hw to undergo an operation i trjedbk b instead one bottle cured me mj a squelch baglan oja miss sniith wh6se abilities fp ivra m aiig so highly appreciated will be in charge this season- i ysy bhiseiasons stock hasjben tkwight wiiih more than ordmswy y othingii ji it i a prompt mh reliable cure rorotoieitfltttfbsii oliolera lofaatum oolicwarrhfljfl- dyseatert and all suxamer oom- plainta of ohudrea ox jlavlta f hilttlibs io psopbi1tobs tdboxto xt agtoil tk vi j if v ft v ilai v 1 i m ssi ihukifim nfi 1 i 600000 soldi da chase is too trelland favorsbl known srhis receipt books to require any rccommonfl on s da csires liver cure has a receipt book wrapped around every bottlo which is worth its welghtlngoja bcstjises1jlvercatois gnaraoteodtocure i all dlsaucs arising from a torpid or inactive liver such as liver coujptninr dtomjwin iaiugnnlon bulnsaci jtaoadlcc head ache idrer spots sallow touiplciienele da ohasss eiv cnreia no cure all it is simply a kldu83tliter ficgulator try it me- dklnp arid eocelpt book it bold bvafldrns- tn h t kdmajv80iv it co fiolegentb bradford ontj x i afcna jjsv it a iji m t mitchell desires to inform the people of aoton and surroundings that ho is pretested to tjke- orders for jfeaviugall kinds fit lancy bag carpets flannel sheeting shirting ind dress goods jjaslatd ttallbrplain also bed blattkjitjsd fiotsoblankots two 3rd8 aud i wiliuarttat wlugivegood satisfaction to all f aimers 880 others who wm favor me with their patrriae y ijffl f-t-

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