Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 29, 1887, p. 4

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rt i i i ii i i i i i r i thursday september 89lf7 tijc fjtxunj yolks roms papsrs pusass copt fh 6 iji english ft and english ttr tijue nhall nm makeilowfarvet leagues of sea tiro woavto wvrr english yet halfia world shall tail to set limit to the strong endeavor han4 shall wield ono generous debt kills all hearts though far ami never quite will five thaw of begtvt till they lcat more near forever english yet england to i bee wettnn and go willi hands that brave the northern sea to er wliia sifts the your ihuw england to thee k or xvidc canadian hills arom and riio canadiau valleys know what low of motherland may be her we low first mitt lest but show reverence and deathless loyalty knowing tin heart from loiiftapo kltglaml to thee mother and home hoh and dear the words drift down the winds that roam out hf the north groan mild to hear mother and home surely across tho brightening foatn with tender strong young hands to eliecr and loving eager lij not dnmb the canada whose oyo revere and lieanty evermore shall eoiue- trrtind in thee where is no foar i mother and home how ha1sy was itrku s j irli kknnfcy daisy was such tv dear little girl and he had such a sweet face tliat it really was very unfortunate thatshe had a habit of wrinkling it up into perfect network of frowns whenever anything did not please her just as long as she had everything her own way her face was so sunny and bright that people wanted to kiss her whenever they saw her bat if she was refused some thing that site asked for or told to do some thing that she did not like to do her face changed in an instant and they would hardly have known that she was the same little girl mamma was much grieved over this naughty habit of pouting and she often talked to daisy about it and brought her to the glass to see how ill pared she looked sometimes too she punished her for it but still she could not cure the little girl f one day she thought of a new way and determined to put it into practice the very next time daisy pouted the same after- noon as soon as she had finished her dinner the child asked mamma may i go out and play im so tired of staying in the house no dear mamma answered it is too danyp and windy for you to go out with your cold try and amuse yourself house like a good little girl oh mamma and in an instant the frown had disfigured the sweet dimpled face mamma did not say a word but going to her paint box she opened it and took out some black paint daisy watched her curiously and when she saw mamma com ing toward herewith a brush she exclaimed what are yotgoing to do mamma i am going to put a black mark on your face every time you pout answered mam ma 1 think you will try to break your self of the habit when yon find that it leaves a mark daisy cried and pleaded bat it was of no rise she had to stand still while mamma painted a black mark on her forehead how long will it be here she asked with quivering lips perhaps i shall wash tofl at bedtime mamma answered kow daisy try to 8kab0nabl0 i a tirttiy wdtnn laitba witfsur 8 he absorbs all a mant attention national pills willl cure constipated bowels and regulate the liver trim finn would be moreooiiipiououi it sorao of the trimmings were discarded t prof lows sulphur soap is a cheap ami liaudy form of obtaining tlio healing virtue ol a bttlpior bath ah uroat men are attentive listener many of them acquire the habit by being ttarried it your child ii stubborn or hard to admiuiitcr medicine to dr lows pleas ant worm syrup will be appreciated there an in new york city about 100 woman physicians half a down of them make iucomea of about ttpooo a year worms canto muoh sickneai among children that freemans worm powders will surely cure p mrs livcrmore it still lecturing on sup erfluous women but site never gives any advice how to romovo em the extraordinary popularity of ayers cherry pectoral is tho natural result of its use by intelligent people foroverforty years it has proven itself the very best speoiflo for colds coughs and pulmonary com plaints overboard at narragansctt pier does she battao why yes i suppose you may say the bathes but sho has no heels on her bathing shoe g that hackiug cough can be so quickly cured by shilohs cure wo guarantee it sold by n mbgarvin oh mum tho was au urlylookm tramp kirn into the front parlor this morn- in whenoi wasaftherdaitid a tramp and what did you do bridget oi dusted mum i a severe trial i franoef s smith of eraadale muikokat writes was troubled with vomiting tor two years and i have vomited at often at bv times a day one bottle of burdock blood bittert cured me u4uetabte 1 havoluseddr fowlers extract ol wild strawberry for summer complaints and have given it to my friends it gives iuttatit reliof when all other remediet fail i would not be without it iu my boaio mrs t boil woldman ont aurky ktmpe- for six years i suffered with my throat and enlarged tonsils i was very weak i doctored four years and had advioe from three doctors they said i would have to undergo an operation i tried d b b instead one bottle cured me m a sqneloli raglan ont takaswav there it no remedy known to medical science that can exoel dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry as a cure for cholera morbus diarrhoea dysentery or any form of summer complaint afflicting children or adulu are you made miserablo by ludigostion constipation dizziuess loss of appetite yellow skin shilohs yitalizer is a pos itive cure sold bv n mcgarvin a wemdrrfml oncaa the largest organ and one that plays a controlling part on the health of the body is the liver if torpid or inaotivo the whole system becomes diseased dr chases livor cure is made especially for liver and kidney diseases and is guaran teed tocure receipebookaudmedioiuefl be leaf tiaanl dont allow a cold in the head to slowly aud surely run into catarrh when you can be cured for 25o by dr chases catarrh cure a few applications cure in- sipient catarrh 1 to 3 boxes cures ordinary catarrh 2 to 5 boxes is guaranteed to cure chronio catarrh try it only 25c aud sure cure dont yon suppose said a member of the police force that a policeman knows a roue when he sees him no doubt ia was tho reply but the trouble is that he docs not seize a roguo when he knows him forlame back sideor chest uso shilohs porous plaster price ip cents sold by n mcgarvin 1 i 1 shilohs yitalizer is what you need for constipation loss of appetite dizziuess and all symptom b of dyspepsia price 10 and 7o cents per bottle sold by n mcgarvin a western editor asks how shallwe get odr girls to read articles on scientific subjects wby mix them up with the household hurts beg pardon the fash on kbtea we mean thatll do it sleepless nighu made miserable by that terrible cough shilohs cure is the remedy sold by n mcgarvio a philadelphia fjirl says really a bostoii girl ah a chicago girl which a balti more girl indeedee a providence girl he ow a london girl pawncy a berlin girl what are you givin ns the bev geo h thayer of bouborn ind says both myself and wife owe our lives to shilohs consumption cure sld by n mcgarvin it is enough for the public that wherever she goes she carries happiness in hex train and lends by the charm of her gracious presence a mellowing influence to the ratf ged surroundings cf projaic every day ex istence j sjhilohs cough and consumptiou cure is sold by us on a guarantee it cures con sumption sold by n mcgarvio the first attribute of beauty in fact is health without which there- is no perfect beauty health ib the seed of beauty it is a mlltr la time when first attacked with a cold iu the head droppings from the nasal passages into the throat pain in the head or any of the symptoms or forerunners of catarrh a co cent package of natal balm will cure vou restored mrs j m phalenof sydney mines n si had clirouii rheumatism for two years and got no relief until she tried burdock blood bitters two bottles cured her i was like a skeleton sho says before using b b b now thanks to the discovery of such a valuable remedy i am entirely restored to health be good so i will not have to put another itg preserver j the shell which shelters mark there for half an hour daisy was as good as any little girl could be then mamma asked her to run up stairs and get something for her is a moment the sullen look came back and again mamma got her paint brush and a second black mark told the story of daisys illhumor by five oclock there was six black marks on the little girls face and when she heard aunt ediths voice downstairs she ranaway and hid her self for she did not want any one to see j ber with those dreadful spots on her face afteraunt edith had gone she crept down- j stairs again wishing with all her heart that she had been good so that she could have enjoyed the visit of her favorite auntie the precious pearl in a word judicious hygienic precautions convert ugliness to comeliness and give the maximum of beauty to those who already possess it shoulder capes of dyed mexican grasses are worn by new york ladies presumably with a botannical turn of mindrpoasibly grass widows will vou suffer with dyspepsia arid liver complaint shilohs viulizer is guaranteed to cure yon sold by n mcgarvin j japanese ladies of the upper class expose only half an arm a displny of tho entire arm would necessitate the npplicationof a sniekersee illfitting boots and shoes caure corns well trslrd i was nearly dead with cholera morbus one bottle of extract ot wild strawberry cured me and at auother time i was so bad with summer complaint that i thought i would never get over it when two bottles cured ine mrs e askett peel ont rrtl aad f esarorl la the sarterlaf browns household panacea has no i ijual for rclievine paiui both internal and xtsrnal it cures pain in the side back or bowels sore thrnal rhcumalsin toothache lumbago ami any kind of s pain or ache it will mostsurely quick en lie blond and heal as its acting power u woulerful browns household pan acea letng acknowledged as i lie great paiii reliever and of double the strength of any oilier elixir or liniment in the world should lie iu evov family bandy for use when wanted as i really i the beat remedy in the world fur crnmpt in the ftimach and pains and aches nf all kimlf and is for sale by all drugjiits at 25 cents a bottle when papas footsteps was heard in the holloways corn cure is the article to use porch she hid herself again but this time she bad to come out when the teabell rang she hung her head when papa look ed at the marks and asked how they had been put there and she could not bear to look op and see the grieved expression which she knew would be on his face when be heard how naughty his little girl had been daisy was very glad when bed time came and mamma washed the black spots away now the ugly spots are all gone said daisy smiling at herself in the glass yes they are gonefrom yource an swered mamma gravely but yoa made other spots this afternoon that i cannot wash away with water as i have these where mamma upon the page where everything you say and do is written answered mamma taking tier little girl in her loving arms you cannot take away the dark spots that you make there when you are naughty oh mamma must they be there al ways a asked daisy whh tearful eyes if you ask god to forgive you darling then he will blot them out said mamma do you know what if is that washes all our sins away the blood of jetais christ whimpered daisy yes his prectousfblood can wash away all the dark stems of jib and make us pure and white kow i jhave washed away the black spots that marked your ill temper bat the stains will stayjn ydnr heart till you ask jesus to forgive yob and wash tbem away i will ask him now and the little girl prayed earnestly for forgiveness and help in the future whenever after that isbe was tempted to pout she remembered the spots which would mark not only her face but her heart and she conquered her naughty habit chrutian intelligencer atalhins rtaceem it is the duty of every person vho has used butcher a gcmum isijntj to let its won derful qualities be known to their friends in curing consumption severe coughs croup asthrna pneumonia and in fact all throat and long diseases no person a can use it without immediate relief three doses will relieve any ca6e and we consider itfhe duty of all druggists to recommend it to the poor dying consumptive at least to try one bottle as 80000 dozen bottles were sold last year and no one cose where fairly was reported such a medicine as the german syrup cannot be too widely known akkyour druggist about it sample bottles to try sold at ten cents ilegular tizthjs cents sold by all druggists and dealers in the united states and canada get a bottle at once and cure your corns on the lawn in the gloamiug miss candid lauguishingly what would you say mr jackpot if i confessed to you that 1 am 40 jackpot promptly go you ten better j mrt c wells chemist and druggist port colborne out writes northrnp a lymans vegetable discovery and dyspep tic cure sells well and gives the best of satisfaction for all diseases of the blood it never fails lo root put al diseases from the system cures dyspepsia liver cora- fjhiiut etc purifies the blood and will jrtake you look the picture of health and happiness it is now shamefully rumored that tbe fashionable snnburn about which the girls pride themselves so much is applied with a brush out of an eightounce bottle joseph busan percy writes i was induced to try dr thomas eclectric oil for a lameness which troubled me for three or four years aud i fouud it the best article i ever tried it has been a great blessing to roe uncle john wily my girl youve grown like a cucumber vine wbatpro- gress are you making towards matriinany cimb well uncle im on my fifth lap asthma cured by the double treatment of boutin rn asthma cure is a common re mark the fubionablegirl at the seadhore and mountains will soon be inspecting her lino and choosing which of the many she will pull in providing she is fisliingin promising waters a nasal injectortree with each bottle of shilohs catarrh remedy price 50 cents sold by n mcgarvin if you have acongh or cold dbuotueglect jl many without a trace of that hereditary disease have drifted into a consumptives grave hy neglecting what was only a slight cold hud they used bickles anticon sumptive syrup before it was loo late their lives would have been spared mr a w levy mitchell writes i think bickles auticonsumptive syrup the best prepara tion on the market for congus and severe colds atjput six years ago i caught a severe cold which settled on my lungs and for three months i had a cough 1 had a physician attending me but gradually grew worse until i was on the verge of consump tion and had given up hopes of being cured when i was induced to try bickles syrup before i had taken one bottle i found my self greatly relieved and by the time i bad finished tbe second bottle i was completely cured i always recommended it for severe colds and cdusumptio i n washington m d l r g p 8 eminert throat and lung surgeon will next visit acton at dominion hotel wednesday 26th october one day only catawih theoat cuilei a few of tho hundreds who have beemucteaa- fully treated by jr washingtons new method mrs jno mckelvy kingiton out catarrh and consumption john mckelvy kingston ont catarrh mrs a hopping kingston ont broncho consumption sir e scott kingston out catarrh head aud throat mrs jno bctrani harrowimithout catarrh throat james matthews p master acton out ca- tarrah bead and throat f francis berlin oat catarrh head and throat miss nellie eby berlin out enlarged tonal f wins p 11 coruhns ent catarrh bead heurjr scott berlin ont1 asthma mrs 1 wagner near berlin ont catarrh hoad and throat levi kercbef btjacobvont catarrh bead and throat colin campbell it kdward out asthma james stacey dutton out catarrh i wm shoemaker rodney ont catarrh joseph smiley fort gratiot u 8 catarrh bad form w h storey esq of storey sob glove manufacturer aeton out dr washington ii the only throat tod liing boraeon in canada miu mary a bomboolf canurrue 10nt catarrh head and throat mrs godfrey lebneas sumption titus brd4erbootnflem and throat jacobs oat con- nt catarrh head j pa awanto xhecanadiankeedls i o akgnlscq 40 and 48 front street east toronto get up tho neatest most complete and best bellinrlneedlo paokago ib america bend is cents forsampies of new no i finished in fine flush particulars sent when stamps are enclosed for rep 1 orry if yoa aro out of employment write to m cowdy ii wellington btrejft east dont wi ritetow toronto head stamps tor eerily ii t hamilton septemhei 13 1887 taut qiiestiofei kb atnira- the b the question of what to buy how 1 6 buy to hjist advatitngo and whore to buy your supply the change rf t4e msoii is an iliierethtitf tnd important suhjoot of tlionlit with tlioiisauds i f pooploof tlhhclty ah iminotise supply of i o the right house eonsistiug of now imh uoois llusltoa velvets silks dress trimmings btsttoiib beaded gimps bluok and colored 1 m fnt trimmings newest shades of colored culliiiioros black mourning goods inoltuling cc urtaulds and grouts bluok crape au imme paletots havelooks and baglans iu l idiosi also childrens bizob from the vory stnallesi to tho largest sie in a great variety of styles beautiful lot of new muntlo cloth i astraohatih boavora and fancy cloths the staph and housofurriighlufi derjarlraents are crowd tons toweli toweling english ble ichcd cotfons whito honeycomb mursoilles mid toilc t quilts handsomo lyble fcovcra and cjurtaini brequlnt antttnloaatars sideboard i iciirfs andlothcr houbofurnibhing ltoiulhites an imm new patterns on eshibitob now w xilleii woieti squares crumb cloths painted blinds one ot the beat in tho market i urchasersshould bear in mind that wutkins pays cash tbem at tbe very lowest possiblo prl soa and givab his oubtotncrs thobcnellt of this in tho lo ishingt carpets etc see thorn at th bight hduse which- is on king stroot oast one door v if full hoiisofiirnishlngv ym litioryvtid mantles demanded bt ow goods lmvo been opened np al saded ornaments fringes stylish an imme so stock of new mantle dolmans ud at prices to suitalt purses a with new sheetings pi low cot- for portieres lace curtains lm- ry and kidderminster elegant ltnro protector acknowledgedvas ii6o stock of now carpets iu brussels topef joruices curpottjwcowerb known asthepul down on tho spot for goods buying from thenjanufactnrors direct thus securing v prices to which tho goods are marked when requiring dry gopds honsefnrn grand trunk rallwayt goino east mixed 7t in express 7 00 am oolsowbst kxprcsa j off ivxprcps oi- vi pasamaill am i tbrokxpreit jsj3 through exp0j pm j mail- jffj accoui 9wpni mixed 83s- chicago expreesdoes not stop between co and brampton tini ofcxoinc mails going went- 15 am sml 20 pin going east 10 10 ainjind j 1 pm est of htighsoii street the name is ftrand valley and hillsburg ooodi thomils c aticxits i won wood brass porcelaih 9 suction lift ami force pimps in wootl or iron lor ineulc or fiinlotir im cisutii ptihjs imd sinks of oery tlcsjriptiu wind mill ilvdiiiiilic kiimp wood lciul mui i iron pipe fikings anvtce ro moiuebs are you disturbed j at night and brokeu of your rest by a sick child safferiiig and crying with pain of cut- j ting teeth if so snd at once and get a j bottle of mrs winslows soothing syrup j for children teething its value is iucal- t culable it will relieve the poor little suf- j fercr immediately depend nponit moth- j ers there is no mistake about jt it cures j dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic j softens the gms reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system mrs winslows soothing sy rup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is tho prescription of one of the oldest andrjest female physicians and nurses in tho united states and is for salo by all druggists throughout the world price twentyfive ceuts a bottle be sure and ask for mns wivslow s soormvo syucr and take no other kind i satisfactibn guaranteed orders by mpil promptly attended to fall on james matthews agent at acton ww 188 bra fall and winter r b jermyns 3 rt rr or address z i l manufacturer orand valley or hillsburg 1887 aqtqn noted dry goods aiid millinery hoiise i x bought oarlyiii tint soasoii lirge business mid have small pond with the hard linns ewmioods fashion aijleuoods che p goods and as low as money linda long cxiicrionco ni imyiiig can do we have decided that tis better to doln r fits thai it large profit and do a finflj ijiisincst so coiigeijuoiilly have marked jsyepythw low to cprres- specxal vajliefsjjs duesh uooph f all the new shades and makes in stock with trimmings to match this depnrlmeiit has imdsiiccialfatteiition this season aud intending buyers will find a large varied and attractive stock to select from 1 winceys and meltons verjy cheap big drives in cottons shirtings tigking sheeting ducks denims tabling canton flannef allwool and union flannel carpets7curtainsrrugs counterpanesyarns thawfs corsets bustles cloves hosiery ollars cuffs ijlannel embroidery and dozens of other lines which cannot be here mentioned mackiimafe summer tours palace st lo eai i jonr trips per wek bctw 1 1 detroit mackittac islan at irnaoe chtoyem aipri hmwm oseoda band benri ot kuron 8t clair osm kcuto ilarmo cttjj tint wk day ectwmsj detroit and cleveland 1 spatial sunday gel p faring jul aad fri f osi our illustrated pamphlctg sates and zxmrtitm tickets will b funhsw 6y your ticket agi or addmi ei b wrijtcoms 6enl puis fan detroit cleveland steam narlw detroit mich a the wanzerlap- 50 candle power i at b id ttanzr co umatieivfcn samilton oat no chimney so globe o siiiojic soosctq posfltively nbuexiiloeivc never fcett iiass cd botds adjgradc of coal oil every lamp siiaraiteed witliont utarfo with the ligfit can- put on xurserv atuchm heat water boil eggs make tea aud coffee ontjrs stew etc r 3 lgiiatrhbws sole agexifob acion anhvicimtl drhooders burdock compound female weaiilfis3lancl general debility purely vegetable feghly coricentratodi pleasant effectual use ask for dr hoddrs compound take uo other solii urcrnhiiy tu cents er bottle dr bfoddsrs cough and lun6 cunl sold everywhere tic cents and ccot3 per bottle rrojirieors ri maiiufacturcrs the union tiedicine q01 propleic s toronto ont country dont forget that thh leading features ip this departiiicntare style and reasonable prices mantles from 90 cents up we show big ranges of mtiiitlo cloths and ulbterings of beautitwl designs men and boys pwrtooats ghildreuej toboggan coots w6 mipscs oliilds mens and ypptlifl bootsloesanapttjbc pure uiipolored japan tea a specialty qroccribb fresh and cheap butter and egg wanted b jebmyn rride ofthe vauleyii es tride of the yallev that is do uoroe otjt tho medicine it cured pie of dvfiiefsia llsgist i bought a sample packaco for 25c then firths packages for 1 aud before i had taken tffis contents of four package r wfi5pfitjrelyfst have never felt thp sviniitomj since that wilji four years ago 1 also bought a bottle of pride 3jjj of the valley liniment last bpriugfor uiy niroj man whosprained his ankle so badly he conujf 1 not bar his weight on it after using prida otg the valley liniment for 21 hours he wastoilo to go to work as well as ever and what i8uiisi hanie of that other medicine v whv pride ol tbiitig4 valleycatarrh audbheumatic cure that isthe j greatest known remedy in the world for the cm 325 cf catarrh not an inhaler but the if eaicine istix3 be token interually once a day it strikes atthe l rpot of the disease aud removes the eanseafr ftj once as thousands will testify that have nssf ijr tbe catarrh remedy the thraa apotremevrm- go hand in hand aud where- can i get theplj at l g matihews acton ont also afan firstclass medicine dealers iu canada mists factared by pbof a m shiuetb i x- sm arepleajeottotate contain their ea tnrjetivo is a lafo euro aud ctlcctax ieatxoycr otwamia is children or adultt a great causeof human misery ok ide loss of mmhood i a lcclnrr on ibc xntiiro trculbienlaa radical euro of seminal weakness or spergr atorrhoea induced by selfabuse iutolbnjawjj emissions iuipoteucy neitous iebilityafl s impediments to marriuge generally rensrinipr tiou epilepsyand fits mental and 1bvsicftl iptjha pmity4cbyitobehticllvekeijijjiuvf the world renowned author in thisauniiraw lectuie clearly proves from his own expcriepdpvci that the awful consequences of hclfabuse ml iucf be effectually reinoved without uangeroasstup- cal operations bougies instruments rings pty- cordials boiuting out a mode of cure at pnfij certain and effectual by which even- sufferelh ft no matter what his coudttiou mav lie raay corfisfl himself cheaply privately and radically fesi 3this lecture willprovo a boon to th6iisawj- and thousands si sent onder seal in a plain envelope to vsja address op receipt of four cents or two postapi fl stampf address twoulveitrcll kocieei co i u an bt new york s v p 0 bos wl roa gives en in thej caaartia roa colli in mp hayfeve ennl flro borl ivel all ter nevs calld pair tcaq tqrtj satn yisitl ofoj i j kovj will ning pre m per i sriri jiainl ua ac livis compjs s dyspepdit 1 b fjj biliousneja gh sick hea4ane s mdney itoudlaa ms eheuinatiatiljsh pmmrwm of and ail iinpimtes9 tj ot tbeboodfrobib y whatever csasfgr arising flfi o offi s i rtl jg ecr aschv ordcj f liua iujkk vn sum rwmk i j j for orlt tto c io siii reas p st m m bcei and km uicri succ sk uain trs by tl wm and 08 t m for stttcl othe clasj s si i stovl fll soctal apdf15 ii at your dro gisls sont prepaid en receipt of price ddrew fuuford co brcfckvlilc on u ffi m f

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