j 7 volume xitis 14 rs rvblnvnrrt kveky thuk day morning at ras- j free pres power prntij house acton ontario subsomptfon rates ovk vkxr 1j00 set vosrns 50ct thrkk mvsxtbs s5cts j likiriiwy in silvance if not paid iti ndvaacf 9tnl jlypcrvoarwiubecbargvd tinned till all arrears are paid except at the nff paper dlscou sro pai option of the publisher advertising rates stack i vb mo 3 mo b00 1 srco 1 1x00 joloui w00 700 1 600 1 iso 800 imo t00 3js0 i 100 attoh bm 8t0rby temsna oo -lmnkers- acton allowed pindth casual advertisctticuts 8 cents pr line for the first insertion ami scents per hue for each sub- tevaent insertion cash- the number of hues reckoned by tho spare occupied measured by a scale of solid nonpareil adventffemeots without specific directions tirrwrtertri till forbid and charged accord- njly transitory advertisements auut b paid n advance chsupm for contract advertisements mutt be ia tbe o9 by 9 aui oa tuesdays otherwise tacv till be left over until tae following week b p moore editor aal proprietor ibnshttss fiiretorp iking cbiiipaiiy ontario a general itanklxq business mavsacted 1i0hi710a sd on appbotss sotss notes oisoou ited and interest on deposits acton ontiri xlibte a splendid assowtmbhti of- e puzzle wh lowry m b graduate of trinity college member of college of physicians and surgeons office and residence ireet acton m c p s go rceon at the bead of frederick john lawsox graduate op ontario veterinary college toronto vet erinary surgeon acton oat office in kenny bros boot and shoe store residence in the rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates iven all calls night or day promptly attended to tsiuiseasy l l bennett lds demist ggonoerowk oxtabio ac mckinlay iuls surgeon dentist georgetown onu uses the new system of nitrons oxide gas commonly calieaimhied air for extracting teeth without pain having been demonstrator and practical teacher in royal college of dental surgeons toronto pato uay depend npon receiving satisfaction in any operation performed will visit acton every second and fourth wednesday of each mouth office iln agnowe hotel jh carriqtje surgeon den- t 1st milton honor graduate of th boval coleo of dental snrgoons of ontario wili visit acton thursday of each week begin ning the first ot jnly office in agoews hotel preservation of the natural teeth a specialty artificial teeth inserted on gold celluloid or rub ber bases cuiranteej perfect vitalised air sitroas 0ida aijd ctajer anaesthetics used for uajnless etraeriia of teeth- oilnstox a mclean lurristers solicitors notaries conveyancers jto rriv fun is to loan- os re town hall actoa e f b jaxstox w11 a mcleas the undoratgned 1 1 prepared to furnish on the shortest notice in any quantity and at hot- 4 torn pr bos nrstelau 4umb0rlatjh9taveshead- ing shinglbs wash tubs ohurns butter tubs fork ba rels wood flour and feed and anything in the ine of tarmors uousekoep- n or contraetors n icenittea thapnulelato ind a better place than thomas c moores to buy anything in u e above lines also to find out il you are indebt d to hlui for anything pur chased from him 1 is books say some are and he would like the woey w fancy goods at t otrtt 1 sball ram tutsr day qcxrober 9i 1887 h rutledce the utqher deals in everything in the meat line no cits establishment can be found better stock ed at f 11 seasons days bookstorp uelph i day sells chap just arrived ax the bazaar no questionable coods of fered to customers i at any price ijowcat iriceand sqnare dealing isuiy motto one trial convinces on these points cash price paid for hides add sheepskins tv h rutledge always paid ifor catue tho bujuest des- wellington marble works qxtbbeo t qxtblph t a m0wat dirtiisti suucnoit notaet pceuc money to loan onue diir- tuesiiay and saturday omcrrrmauliettk tyqzk acton nivstairsij- soltcnob qosvevvsctn ac office- iirst door invest of the champion 6r5c slsin sreer5iiitoq money to loon at g percem j s ii ilton alln i baird barristers solicitors o tososxo axi geoegetotts oses creclciaris block georgetown and 86 king street east tcronto c i llloc j shilios 31 i buuk bl tiauebow 4 oa03son muwliatbuiijatlayv ic jsaoiitariq hai a church street toronto ii bilebow mp jobs caesosncj- cocnowsattonxet patents secured fob inventions kenuy gk1st on aw a canada twenty tears practiee xo patent ko pay w m hemstreet licesei acctioseeb ivr tb2 counties of wellington and balton orders lell at the free pitm office acfon or sz my ressdctice iq acton wiit le promptly at- v3ri to ttaijs reasonable ajig nic t to lbaii on tje mo favorable icjusuli at liit iei4it ratbi of interest in sums of 00 and upwards hamilton clark propmetors wholesale and hut til dealers in marble granite and ev irything pertaiuinfi to ceroeterj work direct importers of all kinds of gr iite aj4 mftrble having latclymtitcx the lliyoffnndygranlts quarries and havingi urebased the entire stoes of gray and red granib 1 monmnenta headstone crosses hrns ctc of uexindor taylor ait li than cost we will nnitl further notice fell at prices never before kn jwn in ontario fcr in stancegranite menu sects ithlgh mo 7 ft 7s s ft 800 9 ft h0 10 ft 130 all work and material warranted fit itclass parties wanting anything in this line 1 ill do well ip call and see us before purchasing j liewhers aa we guarantee our prices are from 0 to 50 per cent below all other dealers a laqoe stock woolsdouble and single berlin zopher andu- loslan fairy zepher and all kinds of fib- bering wools for the fall aii1 winter trade a lovely assortment of embroideries iu cambric and muslin uaudsouio llobes audcashnicro cloaks r lovely shades in plushes fclu satlnsj arraslnes embroidery silks fuioselles pou- pons chenille cords banglos and all tho latest trimmings for tidies banners draperies etc i underwear made to order stamping a specialty and dont forget this is where you can got the light running i new raymond sewing machine tlib mckliiq everybody wnutn xeouu no recoimnondtioa it rocoumioiida itself call and boo thia poiiulur macliino and insect oar stock of fancy goods frank r webber actou angubtl8tb 1887 liyfert j h tvorden having assumed p oprietarship oi the livery business lately c arricd on by mr w e smith would solicit tl e patronage of the public and will do their utmost to please all customers well equipped can alwayi t a mckkat licensed- aicnoxeee for the coaaties of halton and wellington fc plrst class outfit 4r commercial travel- orjers left a his residence main street oppos- j a gdecial ratei he church street acton or addressed to actou opeciat xvavef a courfortablo bus meets all dsv trains and p 0 tviii receive strict attention terms reasonable notes discounted if desired john day architect pcelph oxt qmte haeeas hotr1 block liarket square eirangis nunan successor to t f chapman booebdtdeb st oeorscs squjre gujlphontario tccoant ikoks of all kinds made to order lcribdish of every description caref ally bound bnlins neatly and promptly done mhehanlan jabber shop et actox an eisy shave a stvlith hairdo t a goctfl seaf oam ai eihlliaratjng shampoo always given bazors honei and pur in nhtchtnconditj0it ladies ani childrens hair tatujfcnt j ic q wbdex tqusorial artiato iuelpli blufe college guelph ontario qiue fourth scholastic year x- hsjyj irtember 1st the faculty has 1 en srenst henoi ihe college premises cufarged aui new biilianccs added- each of tbe six members of the faculty is an experienced- and successffj teacher the thorough and practical nature el the irork done by the college is proven hy thcsacca8of its graduate both 1n canada and tire united sutes ladies are admitted lo all the advantages offered by tbe institution for terms etc address m maccobuick 10ly principal lumber ffingles other kindii of lumber also pint and second class pine shingles 4 lath coal wood having purchased lisoal biiaincss ot jlrc 8 smith i am preparisl to invply vail kind of store coal i have also a good stock of wood- hardwood ash cedar and mill wood at reason able prices wood and coal delivered jamesbbown fire ihsorakce oommhy 0 thr mstabljsujjd 1810 head office cuelph nsiircslluil li-i- merchandise m and all other deiriitlcns of property on the mmluin kotejiystem a cnas- davidsma johu talv aelt rrigbt also it prdcted e and stylisn rigs k be secuieidr ciarkehit sole agent for actonand vicijiity for the celebrated bell organ and lan8downe piano fciive us call j dv e worpen p anti consider that it willbe to your home trade- we swouil inhabitauts of acton that we are again in better poaiuon than orders entrusted to ns lumfcrep wi full own interest to patronize respectfully inform the lid burrouudlng country running order and in a before the fire to fill all tp parties building frr dressed while yoq wait and mouldings neatness aud despatcu n b we arc also frcii for v pu on abort notice aud business wo feel conpden isfaction every time orders and help to roll makes the more go wljotucr the jlo 1 c made with iarel tcfljl all orders m ps from long cxirieiicc iu the t that we can give sat- socomo on with your tho ball along money she has legs or no th0sebbage hanaker fall will be here befc re yon know it bat kennbybros dominion boo main street acton shoe store to have anticipated its early arrival and laid in a spleadid stock of do fori all wear our custom owreputatio 1 tor good goods and aoperlor valu 1 is mil established we can f uifeon all o- depaitment is tqrningoufintel workaa nanal with rood stock i and repairing is ftjways propptj r u4 peay 4w imhzy bros in the fhee piikia 1 notice that mr j c mcleans advertisemeut joubts my sole agency for the bell organ- j i no v state that i have a written con tract 1 inly signed by messrs w bell 4 co giving me the sole agency for tbe sale of the be u organ for the city of goelph tuad a radi is of twenty miles including acton rock ood eden mills everton new ger many breslan and hespeler tbe above menti ned contract can be seen by any lady cr gentleman on calling at my music store opposite the post office i believe the reliable firm of w bell a co are ad hering to the letter of the contract and that any person other than my ugents who are selling tbe bell organ in tbe above territory is obtaining them iu some unsatis factory way or is selling a secondhand instrument i notice proprietor recom mended tbe bell organ to customer the indisputable reputation of this organ is such that all dealers recommend to ensto- 0 w kelly opposite post office guelph my warerooui is well stocked with musical instruments including pianos organs guitars banjos violins harmonicas and accordians al6o a fall line of the latc6t shoot music and am receiving new instalments daily cwkelly -right- to the front of all cqhpet1tj0x we place our elegant and substantial goods splendid in quality i complete in assortment i overflowing in generous bargains mejjs womens and childrens boots and shoes eubbeks ovseshoes c at prices that always lead tp speedy sales lowest prices c0n8isiest with i good quality fjutffcom work and bepairing promptly attended to w william mill street acton the picture gallery 6uepfi waters bros who webe burnt out monday hi6h7 have temporarily removed to nejle8 old stand where tbey are preparing to sacrifice their tremendous stock a little farther on there will bo time i bliall first rest aiioii i thm do wo say while tiagoryouth invitos young hoiw to try hor wihgs in wintou flights aud nimble fancy builds tho soul a nost in some far crag but soon youths ftamo is gone burned lightly out-r- vyliilo wo reiieat tho jost with smiling eounteuanco i shall nud rest a littlo farther on v a littlo fartbor on i i shall and rest half fiercely wo avow i when noon boats on the dusty field and daro throats to iiujolut our armour aud the glare throuswith tho pulso of battlo while ilifes oost files with tho flitting stars tho freiniod brow isiuh for tho laurel nioro than for tho breast whore love soft nestling waits not juowy not now j with foveriah broath we cry i shall find rest a littlo farther on alittio farther on i i shall tlnd rest half skd at last wo say wheu sorrows sotting cloud vblum outj tho gleam i of glorys torch and to a vanished dream loves palace hath boeu turuod then all depressed despairing sick at boart wo may not stay our weary foot so loholy thou doth seem this shadow bauuted world we so uu- blest j weep not to seo tho gravo that waits its guest i and fooling round our foct tho cool sweet oiay wo speak tho fading world farewell and si not on this sido alas i shall find rest a littlo farther ou f 8tuct gfa juaing mothers earrings there now is not this too bad i i have broken these earrings yesterday i did the same to my pearl ones i do think i am tbe most unfortunate girl i know well dear do not worry they can be mended answered a gentle loving voice but mamma in the meantime i have none to wear mrs fairleigh left the room very soon she returned and handing lottie a little box said there lovo you con wear those i in tended giving them to yon for yonr birth day but as you need them now it is just as well lottie opened the box the smile quickly fled and a look of great disappointment was on the pretty young face what is it dear oh mamma they are so oldfashioned yes my lovo i know they are not just the stylo worn now but they are genuine and very fine and coral is so becoming do put them on indeed mamma i cannot wear them id much sooner go without please dont ask mo with n pained expression on her pale face mrs fairleigh said i inn very sorry my daughter loves fashion better than her mothers pleasure tho reproof lottio felt keenly but it did not improve her state of feeling she was disappointed androortified and so in a voice full of petulance auswered i do not bee why it is necessary for me to make a spectacle of myself besides my going without earrings hurts noone mrs fairleigh turned aside to hide the tears which gathered qnickly in her eyes bnt lottie saw them harrying on her cloak and hat she went out without bidding her mother goodbye she felt miserable she knew well bow ungratefully she had acted yet tried to ex cuse herself by thinking mamma might have known she ought to have remembered when she was young she would not hrve wanted to wear things that looked like those mrs noah wore lottie waited on the door steps the coming of some one a very few minutes only when a quick firm tread brought the some one to her side j have yon been waiting lottie he asked not more than two minutes bat charley what on earth made you wear that funnylooking tie lottie asked her eyes expressing immense surprise while a smile played abont tbe corners of her pretty month funnylooking i am glad you think so but i thought it was a very sadlook ing one at any rate it was a sad trial to me to have to wear it i have been expect ing to hear every nrchin i came across sing out something about it charlie said with a comical expression on his handsome fape well how came you to wear it do let me have a good look lets see brown satin with orange and scarlet flowers my how very gay we are dont laugh lottie i will tell you how it was annt eittie made it for me this afternoon when i went lap to dress she came to my room rjtid brought it say ing she was tired of my wearing those gloomy black ties and- she knew young men liked bright things only she supposed tho girls would not make them for me bo she bad given herself that pleasure i could not bear to wound her dear old heart so i pat it on notwithstanding kate mollie and sue protested against it you might have worn it in the boose only no i will not deceive her should she find oat such was the case she would be mortified and hurt ah lottie dear we can afford a little sacrifice for those dear ones whoso sands of life are so nearly run charley you are better thfl i lottie said i and then her thoughts went book to the devoted mother whose every thought wbb for her happiness and she could not ban ish from her mind the pale face with its troubled look tho dear face ever so loving that she left without a parting trias whats the matter little girl i begin to think by your continued silence that you dont care about walking beside a young fellow with so remarkable ft tie no no charley yon must not think so if it were possible to love yon better i should ior this act of loving kindness lottie replied her voice trembling with emotion is that so my darling then aunt kittle can make a dozen of all the colors of the rainbow and ill wear them all at once if j pleaae ner ioh would he care to please me or could he love me if he knew how dreadfully ungrateful 1 was this afternoon lottie thought tbey had walked to their destination a friendshonse where lottiewas to spend tbe evening i will come for you abont nine ocloek lottie all right and cuftrloy on your way home now ifyouwllljuststepin a moment an3e liqw mjother is and if you wi do anythlug for her i should like it svnuch bhe may bo quite alone aticf 1 noticed her looking pale and worried wlieri i left i alrhobt wish i liad remained with hor i will look after mother dear and if she ibuot all right wlfi home directly after you as lottie ejntorod hor friends parlors a girl no longer vory young probably twentythreo or fouriwab just taking leave lotties entrance and introduction delayed her going for several minntes quite long enough for lottie to observe her great beauty and exolaim as the door closed after her oh how very beautiful yet so very sad with suoh a depth of pathos in her eyes that it reminded me of adelaide proc tors cleansing fires and thoso lines for as gold is tried by fire 80 a heart must bo tried by palu your thoughts are true with regard to- claire hartly lottie five years ago she was truly the most beautiful girl i ever saw such a brilliant beauty but a terrible shook catneto her when she was just eighteen she went out one evening leaving her mother in her usual health three hours after she was sum moned home to find the loving spirit gone since then her life has been devoted to the fonr little motherless children left to her care she has had a trying time with the oldest boy but faithfully she has worked and now she has good hope of her efforts being crowned with success lotties heart was very sad everybody and thing seemed conspiring againbt iyer peace oh 1 if she were only home 1 lottie said her friend susie moreton we have just received a telegram announ cing the arrival oi a cousin will you ex cuse me or go with me to the depotto meet ber is any one going with you yes willie thanks then susie but i prefer stay ing here because in this caso one more- would make a crowd lottie tfnswered with a knowing smile then dear i shall havo to leave you to entertain yourself for not knowing of this arrival i let nora go to see her folks this afternoon so i shaifmive to preside in the kitchen now make your self comfortable draw an easychair near tho fire you look really cold and here are the new monthlies to amuse you said susies mother and so the kind little woman passed out and susie went away indeed lottie was just as well pleased- to be alone she could not cast pff the gloom that had- gathered oyer her spirit and feared her friends might notice and question her concerning it seated before the fire she held the books bsfore her turning one after another leaf without being conscious of anything on tbe pages any other tunc she would have found them full of interest slowly tho time wore on- oh if chari ley would only come and bring her news of home of mother ah the had not long to wait charley was with her but his bright handsome face was very- grave as ho olasped her hand and drew her dearer to him susie and her mothhr earner too their eyes filled with a tender solicitude she could not understand is all rightlipme she asked anxiously all is right lottie dear charley answered oh what is the matter then you look so strangely with a great effort charley suppressed his sorrow to say dear is not our fathers will always right mother the poor girl gasped ting stable cdue i was a little startled yesterday at meol- ing ion the street in- the beat of lloalth apparently an old acquaintance whom i j jwied that jbey hardly knew tvhat they had supposed to bo fujing d consumptives i weredoine tlmmon liit grave long ere this tbe last time that i heard of him was abont a year ago and then he had been given up by tile doctors as a hopeless oase i congratulated him on his recovery but 1 roust confess that my liveliest emotion iri regard to him was one of curiosity in answer to my enquires he told me that when the medical men had exhausted their resources ho determined to pat into practice a plan of his own ac cordingly be journeyed by easy stages to the blue mountain regou of virginia where he established himself in a farm- bouse and bought a horse he spent he whole day in tbe open air taking care of the steed himself and riding him about the neighborhood at first lie told me bis weakness was sueh that lie could not stay in the saddle more than 15 or 20 eqlnntes at a time and he had to pull up very soon if the horse broke into a trot every day bowover lie became a little ttronger and in a couple of months he was able to ride 10 and 20 miles on a stretch with very little fatigue he attri- bqte4 his recovery in part to the fact that be not only rode but groomed bis horee and busied himself an hour or two in the btafale everyday lathis opinion he coufirmed what i remember hearing an old physician say years and years ago namely that a horse barn as he called it is one of- thp healthiest places in the world for those who love horses tho stable euro would be such a pleasant one that a physician who prescribed it mightbe sure that bis direc tions iwould be followed to tho letter baeum pott jfaffflfllll bbideflroomfi a justice of the peace in iaritoga county recently joined a pair wbd worp so em bar piiice thbj3e cents were doing the man wore a whitebtraw hat wbjeb he whirled on hafinger before tliev ceremony began when told to stand l up he jumped before the justice with the greatest alacrity for a evrijiomeute he did not know wliot to do withhis hat but finally found his way out of lite difficulty by pnliiue it between his knees this was too much for the bride with the handle of her parasol sho caught the hit palled it frohr its position and then abashed at ber audacity 4 dropped- the hat and paraspl tp tbe floor t the afae justice tells the stjory of an- other eopplo who came to be married the man was dreadfully pnezled and without jeallzing the act pulled a cigar from his pocket and began twirling it around iwben that portion pi the cere niony was reached where tho bride and- groom joined hands be happened to have tbecigar in his right hand what to do with tbe cigar be apparently did not know the justice paused a minute andtbeji again directed the pair to join handsj by this time the poor fellows embarrassment was painful lie gave one agoniziugloot at the justice of the petico and- stuck t ic cigar iu his mouth before the ceremoi y could be concluded the jubtico had to take the feigar from the mans lips bjdon trjttxilef tbywvui teach me to do thy will thy will is over best nd hiunlily ac ting learning still my fackrt shall be at rest f is not enough my kjug to suig thy vtiil bo done i must rayloving seirvfco bring totheeinosthory one with willing hands id serve with eager sprinkling feet which never froin tho pathway swerve and love hatffiuiado most fleet irom ti 3 va hejiovixg a bixg from finger a swollen paddy axd dr gfthrie jutii 1 t gps clasping closer to support the trembling form be said dearestmotherms well better than for many- years lottie freed from all sorrow sheis with yonr father gone dead i ob merciful father take mo too i ob mother i mother 1 the agonized girl cried l why lottie darling what is the matter you have been dreaming dreaming oh i is it a dream are yon susie perfectly sure t has tiotchorley been here lottie asked searching the room with still anxious eyes yes dear you have been bleeping i came in a while ago and found you bo said subies mother oh thank heaven still i ehall not feel just right until charley comes what time is it i- why cirht oclock we bad to wait for the second train you slept at least an hour and a half come tea is ready ah and here comes charley just in time to bring yon good news so you can enjoy mammas delicious waffles lottie forgetting ber usual- reserve be fore company sprang forward to meet charlie exclaiming oh i am so rlad to see you i 1 his face wag not as she saw it in licr dream bat smiling as he answered why one would think we had not met for an age little one i hope my coming may always briug you pleasure dear about home did you see mother oli yes j she is all right never before had those two words struck so forcibly on hor ear with a perceptible shiver she repeated them all right charley yes indeed font lam afraid yon are not you look pale aud i declare you are trembling go in to the fire j what did mother say that i must not let yon stay late and be sure to wrap yon np well in the great shawl she gave me now is not that all right choiley asked giving ber a- sly kiss as he pushed her gently into the warm room all right thank god lottie fervent ly said and a prayer of sincere thanks giving went to tbe mercy best she shall be all rightwhin i get back to her heaven bless my mother and gods help forever to come clottie re solved the loving mothers heart was rejoiced by the warm embraoe with which lottie greeted her on her return and when she said mother darlhlgf will you forgive your naughty girl and let her wear those earrings the happy mother wondered if there were manyuch good daughters as this one who so blessed her mothers heart mrs fairleigh never knew tho cause but she felt every day lottie grew more thoughtful gentle and loving jlr boher striving to ketip up appear ances before tbe minuter aggie bol on lerame go out arter that wood mrs bol- lsr0 no nerer minuifat cnl iv case of filtk ix the house if the following sensible advice by mr a w c shean on the subject of how to act in case of fire were always followed disastrous consequences would doubtless be lessened fire requires air therefore on its ap pearance every effort bhouldbe made to oxclude air by shutting ail doors and wji- dbws by this meaus fire may be confined- to a single room for a sufficient period to enable all the inmates to be aroused uud escape but if the doors and windows are thrown open the fanning of the wind and the draught will instantl cause the flames to increase with extraordinary rapidity it must never be forgotten that tbe mofct precious moments are at the commence- xnent of a fire and net a tiugle second of time should be lost in tackling it in a room a tablecloth can be so used as to smother a large sheet of fiamet and a cushion may serve to beat it out a coat or anything similar may be used with an equally successful lesult always en deavor to attack the bed of a fire if yon cannot extinguish a fire shut the window a idbeatire tosbut thodoor when uiuking gnodybur retreat a wet silk handkerchief tied over the eyes and nose will make breathing possible in tho midst of much smoke and a blanket wetted and wrapped urpnnd the body will enable u person to pass through a sheet of flame in comparative safety should a ladys dress catch fire let the wearer at once lie down rolling may extinguish the fire but if not anything woollen preferred wrapped tightly round will effect the de sired purpose s w better tmyibehsr the late dr guthrie was very diligent iu visiting aud quite equal to any emer gency one day he came to the door 6f on irishman vlio wits determined that the doctor should never enter his house you cannot come iu here said he youre not needed o wanted my frietdl said the dootos im only visiting round my parish to become acquainted with my peo ple and have called ou you only as a parishioner it dont matter says paddy you enabt come iu hero and with that lifting the poker he sairl if you come in here ill knock you down most of men would hate re tiled or tried to reason the doctor did neither butj draw ing himself np to his full height and look ing the irishman fair in the face be said come now thats too bad would you strike anion unarmed hand rhe the tongs iheif ive shall be on equal teriiie the man looked upon him in great amaze ment and said ooh sure yer a square man for t minister come inside and fueling rut ler ashamed of huf conduct he laid down he poker the doctor enterecj and talked as be could so well do in a way both so entertaining and so- instructive as tbwin the admiration of the man so that when be rose to go paddy shook his warmly and said be shuresirj hand dont no beer thanks it will do yon good after working in the street all the morning said the fore man of a party of laborers from the public works department to one of the most in telligent of his workmen during a nooning on an uptown street the other day id rather drink what ive got iu my bucket whats that oatmeal and water what do you drink- that for to keep cool same las you drink water itldosent rest you like beer though itigf it once and see when began drinking oatmeal iu my water the wife had to almost make me take it now i wouldnt he without it i nsed to drink a glass of beer every noon 4wo before supper and work the growler before going tdsleep at night that cost about twenty cents a 4 day now i save all that and get along just as well as before i dont know what there is about the meal but when i have had a drink of it i dont care for 2 beer or anything else to drink- youd better try it yourself 1 oatmeal in water explained a physi cian to a mail and express reporter who bad overheard tbe aboverecorded dialogue ib one of the best drinks in the world for a working man especially in warm weath er it is nutritive satisfying and agree able to tbe stomaoh for laborers it makes a useful addition to the diet costs but little aud repays the small outlay in the form of increased ability to perform labor either physical or meutal the pleasure of giving let the contribntionboxes be not many begging machines but so many op portunities for those who wish to give a pastor should take up a collection for all the benevolent societies of bis denomina tion notias a forced duty but as giving a chance fbr the one man in tbe congrega tion if there- is such an one to give to that particular charity we have ho right td neglect those whowant to give forfear of offending those who do not this simply giving the people a chance is ou education in itself and if all pastotswould simply give their congregations a chance tliey would keep the treasuries of our benevolent societies full and take better care of their own ministers some timid ministers rob gcid jkv simtiifiam t watciies for the iwijxd thisia one ofhreoatest things iii the watch line that has yet appeared said jeweler charles s grossman holding up one ofhisnew swiss watches designed for the use of tlie blind thebld raised figure watches were clumsy and tlie blind people were constantly bending or breaking the watoblliands by touching them in this watobia small peg is set in the ceiitre of each figure when the hourhand is ap proaching a certain hour the peg for that hour drops when the quartet before it is passeu tbe person feels the peg is down and then sounte back to twehe he can thus tell the tune within a few minutes and by praqtice he can become so expert as to tell tbe time almost exactly they have been in use about six months and there is a steady and rowing demand for them a yorh suiii pass my door without giving me a call george wasmxgtoxs grist 3lili hie millithat washington built standsin a ravine half a inile est of perryopolis fayettecoiuty pa it is still inoperation and propelipd as he designed by a stream running dojvn a rugged run called after the founder of ihe mill the latter is as might be expected a rode structure originally it consisted of bnt one story and the lines where was- lington left off aud the improve- mentslsucl as they were began are plain ly discernii e the name of theproprietor is samuel smith who takes pride in the fact that i has been kept in the smith family sine i it passed from the possession of the iudn trioua 0 inder to tbe easbf this are to e seen two of tbe block bouses in which v shingtons slaves wee housed tbe only on stemainigg through the years since their 1 ccupancy still further east on the elevf tion stands the house of mr hersey one of tho original owners of that portion of j he granfto washington upon which peri opolis was bujft tbi8 stoi pew whom he aud of ineiiclicaii iu his eyci neis aud d sufficient being grea- a sum au later tbe si depew aui kerchief bi sicknessa that wife pew inte stopped wi thtnlookii after all didnt expi argonaut dldxtjfsxpett such treatme9t is fold of cnauncey if de- ouebay be was yfbjted by a lawyer d known as a reputable man ie downfall truthe ranks- of he bajd not heard wiqv tvlars tlie man told of bis wifes sick- th and then asked thejloan of ney to bnry her mr pdepe w movedgave the manja liber- uch sympathy six mouths e man again called upon mr taking out the same old hand un tlie old story of bis wifes death i wpcdtb bury months ago aid jmr de- uptine the man the man iping wiped hiseyet dry an 1 g mr depew in the face saidf e years i have known you i it this from youi cnauncey pat off to sj prise on n sleeping pi was push kfabkable escape a touchfig incident in connectionl the submejjjence of the town of zng iir switzerlaufj was the discovery all daylight of a cradle boating on tbe lake several liun- dredfeet fijpm the shore several boatmen witb- icure it bnt what was their sur- iving alongside to fill d a babe cefully whether the cradle from window in one of the doomed hot ses or was accidentally released from the dreckage willnevcr bb khowd tho little cj lild was uniujared the scene on shoreah ong ihe matrons who bad gather ed there tot oin in the gete al lamentation was patbed each woman in turn gaeing wibtfully irjto tbe little face iu the effolt to identify iti d for tii senator iddleberger has started a novel movement the- shenandoah 1 society will hold its annual prohibitiqij agricultnr fair next mfdthr tlve privilege- of rolling liquor on tfe fair grounds was adyeitibed to be soldi to the hifihestjbidder the senator wot awarded the privilege for the sum of 8109- he then voluntarily obligated himself to ihe society that no intoxicating liquors sholtld be sold or dispensed on the grounds onrina tie continuajnee of the fair and decided to kebp closed the buiid- t heretofore ueedjas a barroom quill paper wihdow glass is now said to be an assured fict as described a wjiidow pane is msjde of white paper manufactured from cottiir or linen and- modified by chemical idtiob afterward the paper is dipped in a preparation at cttruphor and alcohol jfjioh makes it like parchment from this point it ean be moulded and cut- into remarkably tough sheets entirely transparent and it can be dyid with almost the wholeof the aniline colors the result b lug a transparent heefc showing far mqre wfi bnes than the ttest glaiex- hibitr h slits o the t ministers of the gospel sometimes say things that they would give anything not to have said said ajrity clergyman j i- remertiber weh hearing a brother minister put liismt in it badly at a funeral several yearsago the widow of thb man who was being buried bad lost three husbands before and the minister in the few last words spoken over the coffin referring rather unwisly to the fact said o lord comfort aud support this afbibted woman who has been bereayedjo often before and who here the divine pansed bnt did not collect his thoughts sufficieutjy to avoid concluding his remarks with maybe be reaved so often again i know a worse blunder than that being made by a- lay- man said a greyhaired deacon this time it was at a wedding in a fashionable suburb of this city the groom had been married twice before bnt managed to make an awful mess of matters when it came to putting the ring ou tbe brides hand las the episcopal church service requires shall be done he dropped the ring and lost jiis netverat the same lime atv the-brides- house afterward some of the groom sfrieods chaffed him about his awkwardness and within hearing of his new ly made wife he replied oh you have the laugh on me- now but i promise you ill do better the next tituezpittbifrg deipatch 1 tbs ikxk ofcolumbk fv the bones of the discovererof america are to be once more removed as if they had not yet earned rest when columbus died he firfet found resting place at valla- dohd but it was not for long in seven years his remains were taken to seville and n 153b across aeooejan to haytij where tbey weredegtffichijyin the cathedral of san tjomingoivl76 it was tfiought to be hightime thathe bones of columbus were disturbed again and they were taken to havana in cuba now after a further rest of a hundred years a fresh- transfer let us hope the last is to be made and genoa thenavigators birthplace will fin ally claim its own- the word for the day y wekuow that all things work together for good to tlitm that love god bom viii 28 i- no ill can betide thee lifes shadiest mood brightens to sunshine in loves genial ray and sorrows slowest c1ou3b dissolve in day allillris good grant 0 my god that neither the joy nor the sorrow of this period shajl have visited my heart in vain make me wise nd strong to tbeperformauceof immediate duties and ripcu me by what means thou seest best for the performance of those that lie beyond jiiutary redtapeiss eneral draysou has a heathy abhorr ence of redtape and tells the following story of one of his indian experiences in order to draw his pay ii was necessary to forward op the last day of each month s certificate itating thtt the individual was then alive duriug the monthsof june and july i was travelling in thehimahryas in wild districts whepno jsuglisbmau was wftbin tniles on my return to simla- 1 forwarded a oertifioatbioii the 31st august stating that i was alite and reijuesting that my pay for june july and august should be paid tomy lmnkera in reply i received a commamcation saying that my pay for august woumibe onedited to me bat that there was no certificate to prove lhat i was ale in june iht joly it wa strategy that conquered 1 jack blunt onco loved a maid whose- hair with tcrracotta might compare my heart beats but for you he said no matter if your hair is rod with mo the color has no heft and he got left george smoothley latercame towoo bald he with passion tender true hove you am all that is yon thoso locks of dainty golden hair the sunlight kissed and lingered therc id give my all for one wee curly ho got the girl will you please saw this ring- off my finger it was an old woman who made this re quest of a broadway jeweler arid as the worker in gold aud silver took the wrinkled though fat and shapely hand iu his it trembled violently and a tear dropped upon the counter excuse me continued the old lady but it is my wedding ring i have never had it off siuce i was married fortyfive years ago i have refrained from having it cut hoping that my finger might get thinner and that i could take it off without breaking it and what if j can remove it without cutting inquired the jeweler but can you said she looking up in u half creduionsjway if you can do it by all means then the jeweler took the swollen finger and wouud it round from the top down wards iu a length of flat rubber braid the elastic braid exerted its force npou tbe tissues- of the fingers gently and gradually until the flesh seemed to be pushed down almost to the bone the old woman a hand was then held above her head for a lsrief interval then the bandage was qnickly uncorded and rewound about the the member this fas repeated three times and finally it was found upon unr covering the fingej that it was small enough tovadmits the rings being removed with ease i have never failed hut once said the jeweler- and rfeave remove4jnanyv ringi from fingers even more swollen tlmn yours do i chargefor it oh yes iast the same amount that i would gu if the ring- were left to ba mended after being cut one dollar thank you 1 andss lie turned to his- bench and the old woman left the storkhe added but after ah she might have done the same thing herself its not tbe work however i charge for its the know how mafttmexprm 1 k