Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 20, 1887, p. 1

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qfcsn f be jittim jfm fms 11 rwushkd every thur2pay morning atjwub- fftee pres9 power print 10 mousb 1 acton ontario h socts subscription rate rtvvkxr bawwtw tltrkk mosths 45ct8 invariably in advance it not paid in advance iiiptivear will be charged no paper dlscon- itnucstill all arrears are paid except at the option ot the publish advertrtbho rates- stack j 1 trtj6 mo j mo i two jalmsw tsm i woo wawf 4t6o s 1 mloehs 5 inches i inch 21 woo aooo moo i jooo liool too 609 wo 100 wj moo t00 a50 1l30 100 el cualadircrtiseuiaotsbeeotsperliufor the arst insertion and 3 cents per hue tor each sub- atauent insertion cash the number of hue smbvthesrccurdlmsd by teal ot tlii nonpareil advertisements without specific directions will be inserted till torbid and charged aocerd- njly transitory advertisement moit bo paid a advance- changes for contract advertisements must be in the offlc by 9 aou on trioatay otherwise tot ih he ft over until the following week hti moore idltor and proprietor lamp fowel aulieu pat llushus bjratorp t h lowry m 5 mcps vt graduate of triuity college member of cuueea of phvsidens and surgeons office and rwidencc tuebd ot frederick trestactoa i nricr rets heat- 5js itfcuoil rret liafines iiy ituctaeess j jj i itu r 5iroysur irtws tktvlrr 33 icures f verccin ps3 xyaepsa a auie crises rf s iidnet troohjer ismsea j- iojii3pnitle c ii cctlfrci etow cacr ecllry or- ten aletlvs mpoukd ers hb cure tsrufi terra llcine co- wont valley t vavaept yr ytfrtan fin rg ibolth j iiu taken tk aas friirerr ves j i suite tint was l i bottle prile jg i wv be coolst ir ueicc pride of i bt wji awe to hrd irfcat u tt lt pride of tlm cyrt tbaxistte rldfortbeebw fttnkeile rcs tf cuuit tiat have on 3 nlxrse rrtnwfiea ia i cet thanj xm- alo at ao icnntda limn- i loxuosoxt adult iiritifctw ilievs elffiaibi of stomach 1 5a john lawson graduate of ontario veterinary couegs toronto vet- erburr surgeon acton ont 08ee- in kenny bros soot and shoe store residence in t be rearr bones examined as to soandness and cortlncate all calls uigbt or day promptly attended to terms cay a h bexnetet ld8i demist geoborrowx oxthuo c mckinlay lds surgeon dbxtist georgetown ont nsea the nwvratem of nitron oxide ga commonly dbxtist g usateni of xitrol- iuj vjtaliaed air for extracting teeth without rsn hariag been demonstrator and practical teacher in roval college of dental surgeons toronto patrons may depend open reeeitina tatiricuoa in any operation performed avill tint acton cterv eecond and fourth wednesday of each month office in agnewe hotel jh carrique surgeon den- tist miltox honor graduate of the koji cwleg of dental surgeons of ontario im visit acton thataday of each week beein- nim the first ot jali ooce in agnew hotel preservation of the natural teeth k specutty jtiflciil teeth inserted on gold celtaiodor rob ber bases guaranteed perfect vitalised air nitrous oxide arid other anaesthetics used for rainless extraction of teeth tohxstos mclean barristers solicitors notaries conveyancers 4c ftivnte txmii to loan oss town halt acton e f b joirssrox wit a mcleas acton banking comiiiiy storjdyjhristib acton vmaww ontario i osneral batfklnq business transacted konarioahxd on appb0tod vrpwf notoib disootitefl ihterejbt allowed oa deposits thkundersjbuod is prepared to furnish on the soonest notice in any quantity and at bot tom prices firstclass lumber lath 8tava head ing shingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood flour and feed and anything in the lino ot famirir hotisolieep rs or contractors uoeessltics f the puxxle i to and a better plao than thomas c mooris to buy anything in the above lines to d out if yon are indebted to him for anything pur- chased from him his books say some are and he would luothowonoy w h rutledce the bitpcheb peals in everything in the meet line no oiu establishment can be tonud better stock- cd at all seaaous no questionable coods of fered to customers at any price lowest prices and wjuare dealing is my motto one trial couviuct on thiso points cash de price lkl for hides and stieepakit tuo highest tins whiruf ledge qthbe0 bt works struts i 1- t a1i0wat bicsostix soucrrpji nptint pcbuc llooey tglaap qriiik dts tuesday and saturday qfrjcerilatttjeshloxk aotou apstairs m e illtgbell soucrrob coxvevisceu c ok first door west of the champion affie maiu street llilion- money to loan at g percent 8 niltox allan oairp llarristers solicitors ic tomxto am geoegetows oilirisiitreelibans block goorsctown and 8g i kin street cast toronto w t t- 2 s3utox ba j baika dl hamilton clark proprietors wholesale and retail dealers in marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work pirect importers of all kinds of granite and marble a 8plbnd1d al isortlttnt of fanoyr g00lt5 at days boo ore i guelh day 8ell8 jkstlqstso cheap -o- tailor and draper raving lately visited the bay of knndygranite quarries and having purchased the entire stock of gray and red granite monnmenta beadatones crosses urns etc of alexander taylor at less than cost wo will untilfurtber notice sell at irjces never before known in ontario per in- stance granite wonnmont tt high 00 7 ft w3 8 f u m 0 ft s10q 10 ft 8120 au work and material warranted firstclass parties wanting anything in this line will do well to call and see us before purchasing elsewhere as are guarantee our prices are from 30 to o per cent below all other dealers 1m ndwlshowioj raagiiifloant range of new and choice lines in fall suitings ftouserings and overcoatings io extraordinary value in underwear ties collars oufiijqloyeb c mens working pauta or e dollar j n stiis rookwood next door to poet offi v v wop worxwg mmsjfta- will you rob i opur i tbodsyoodoajjsblaowni the ouly day the worwafruisii can rest iu peaoi at jne r is not six days toiaiflcareeuouijl for uspwrworituigmeu j kor oeu when qoll created uartli i thoboveiilh day rested tlieu wu yburolius of our buuday the day that ood has giveu tlio laborors rest from toil and csro the best day of the seven ood made the saifttor thepooft not for the rloh alone yxxi this day the caros of oertb l aside should all be thrown i yt too not rob us of bur sunday give us this day alono kor wo havo wives and children tueyueed us men at home they plead for us thou hood tliulr cry if yond by lod bo blessd ulvo us this wulcomo day of peace tho laborors day of rost 8tltd yamiln luftfttng cw kelly sole agent for acton arid vicinity i fortheflejebrited bell orcan and lansdowne piano i airybition or liove so lenoro oan sing i am fond of mubic let me hear you niece it is evening and tea has been ovor but a abort while seated in nn easychair is the gentlefaced farmmibtrcss not fai avfay is tho speaker her brother a stately man whose elegance of attire suggests a lifetime spent amid other than the simple surronndiugs now about lihu j do you hear lenoro will you bing for your nucle i i yes with pleasure what shall it be v as paul raynor listeps to wb nieces rendering of that old yet ever new airl the last rose of summer he can scarce ly control hib admiration and as be looks at the beautiful yonng singer a sudden re soive enters his mind j the thrilling tones die away and for a few moments there is silence then rising lm baynor takes his nieceb hand in botl his own as ho exclaims my child such talent and suoh a voici as yours were never meant to bo hidden cotneivith me to my city home yon slial have masters all that money can do to im prove and aid your musical gifts mj aisjer has had yon all your life surely have a little claim for a part of your timeij as the girl comprehends what is meant a sudden excitement blazes up in her largo ojtes i here is the opportunity for which she ha always longed laid at last at her feet with a quick movement she springs to hflt aunts side j oh auntie would you feel bad if i said yes i would so like to go- jfeelbadyno for my dear i would know yon jwcro yell cared for with brother paul and it jj only fair he should have yon alittie yi b auekow 4 carson labristeh3atiiw c oacc- ontario hall 30 church street toronto- oweidgkeolipf johs caesox bco co cbowx attobkzi patents secured jlejtbv cjblnt otta cakada twenty years practice no patent so pay w m hemstheet llc5sev acct05beb r for lixe goanties of welungtni and haltoo orders lefi at the fbee jpkess qffjee acton or atmyresidcnecinactori wotbc pfqmptly at- teudfeilo terms teasqnshje ai50 iuontv to loan on the uiost favorable fenui aiid t the lowest rates of interest in ssosqf nyao and upwards livery j h worden having assumed iirojirictorsuip of thelivery business lauly carried on by ur w e smith wduld solicit the patronage of the public and will do their utmost to please all customers t a murray licensed acctioskeb for the coantres ol hslton and ellington orders left at his residentfe main street oppos ite church street actou or addressed to acton po will receive strict attention terms reasonable notes discounted if desired john day architecti omcejueeus boul block xph ost ct square tpbancib nunas soessor to t f cbapmanl bookbcideb st georges square gnelphwtario account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound baling neatlf ihd promptly done xz hanlan barber shop ijiit sibeei acrosf well equipped and stylish rigs can always be secured frstclas3 outfit for commercial travel lers at special rates a comfortable bits meets all day trains and night also if ordered give us a call i 4 wqrpen heijijoi in the fbee kutss 1 lioticc that mrj c mcleans advertisemei t doubts my sol6 agency for the bell organ i now state that i have a written con tract duly signed by hat rs w bell co giving tne the sole agency for the sale of the bell organ for the cit of goelpb und a radios of twenty miles including acton rockwood eden mills e erton new ger many breslau and hespler the above mentioned contract can e seen by any lady or gentleman on calli ig at my music store opposite the poet office i believe the reliable firmofwbeil 4 co are ad hering to the letter of the contract and that any person other that my agents who are selling the bell org in in the above j territory is obtaining them in some unsatis factory way or is sclliu a secondband instrument i notice proprietor recom mended the bell organ to customer the indisputable reputation of this organ is such that all dealers rccoinneud to custo mers cw kelly opposite post office gh7elph my wareroom is well staked with musical instruments including pianoi organs guitars banjos violins harmonicas and accordlans also a full line of the latest sheet music and am receiving new instalments daijty wkelly an shave a stvlfsh haifot a good seafoask raexhtliantingshauipoa always given- bajprs boned and pntjq nntelase oonditioo- idie- and childrens hair tastily cot i h wobdesjobsorial artists jsuelpli business college f guelph ontario i the fourth scholastic year btn september 1st the faculty has tn strengthened the college pre rn and near eiilimcts added each gf lie itjenjljcrs n the ficuhv is an cxperieuced and suceessf ul ihcher the torqngb and practical all theadvinuges offered by the instltntlob for terms etc address m msccobmick 10ly prineipaj lumber shingles and lath n thp public is well as has nojrnnljagd line oi mae and hemlock as wel other kinds of lumber also krst anabeeond class pine shingles lath coal wood having purchased the coal business ot mrc 88mituumireparod to supply all kndi state coat i have also a good sloek erf for 1 1 ion aro his nieco as much as mine only dear i could not spare yon forvery long i bnt hero mr itaynor interposes pause andf consider that it will be to ycfar own interest to patronize home trade we would respectfully inform the inhabitants of acton and surronuding country that weare again in full running order and in a better position than before the fire to fill all orders entrusted to us to parties building lumber will be dresserl while yon waltaud mouldings ac made with neatness and despatch j b- we are also prepared to till all orders lot ip u mps on short ngticp and frflui long experience in the bnsjnesswpteejeopfldepttliatwocan give sat- isfoietion every time 80 come on with your orders and help to roll tho ball along money makes the more go whether she bos legs or ncv thos ebbagk manncer right to the front of all competition v e place oub elegant and substantial goods oo- splendid in quality 1 complete in assortment overflowing in generous bargains 1 cliildpen8 i shoes mens womens and boots and 1 sxtbbbb3 ovfiessobs kb- lurdwobd asbcedaraad hiil woodatl able prsees wood and coal delivered r 4ate83ftowg the fall will uplrsfbl ij0vmfw fire insurance cohpajir or not rstabltiuep 1810 head office cueuph at prices that always lead to speedy sales oo lowest pricef coxsisrex ff th good larciaiuim5smorehandlslotactortss audall other desriptious of property p tfi suaiuin hote system pwstwiie 6jdum ptwin president jtlsw kljmybros dominion boot 4 shoe store main street acton have autioipatod itsj early arrival 4pd laid ip a splendid stock of jjoots shoes o for fall wear ouireimtationtkgood goods ai ropetior value 1 well established we oan suit yon all r t ttsfr 6itjtpl work wm arttbcrtick aw wpawdg i wsprosswilmi done uubtpm promptly atter deri to w williams mill street qton quality work ani repairinp i m bl j ilslj 11 the picture balkry 6oeph waters 1jros who web burnt out hoi my nont haveiemporarilyr moved to nelles old stand wheirteyjmiimiwiwo sacrifice theij ti emencious if lenoro comes hannah it must bo for a year at least the old lady checks a sigh jtlnit stems along time bnt i will not be selfish do you really wish to go le- nore ohyes the answer is umnittakablc in its joyons- ness jbnt what will harold say jharold oh ho will say anything i want him to anntie there he is now just coming up the walk i will run and meet him and tell him it is two weeks later f standing upon the farm porch is lcnore the moonlight that is touching with such a wondrons radiance all the surrounding objects is falling upon her upturned face andjuppn something glistening there i lenore you are crying ah i knew that when thetime for parting came yon i would repent your decision oh my dar ling say that you will not go bntstay and keep your promise to the man who loves yonso well so excjaiihs haroldvithcrby ashedraw the alight flgnre within lifu close embrace and kisses away the tears that the moon light has revealed no harold yon are mistaken i do not repent lenore answers r of coarse it grieves me to part all my life long i have craved for a glimpse of that wonderful world of which i have read bnt never saw i knew that i promised to marry yon in october but dear will you not be just as glad to havo mo a few months later as glad lenore you know the strength of my love for you my darling sometimes i fear that yours for me is not as deep and abiding and thus the lovers part ii is qb new story only a beautiful coun try girl with a restless impetuous nature eager to break away through the barriers that have hitherto surrounded her qniet lifej and to escape for a season into the sun shine that looks so bright beyond a year has flitted by twelve moliths of unalloyed delight to lenore and very pleas ant tod to hie buelo who looks on with proud gratification at the sensation his niece creates among his fastidious friends such beauty such grace aiid above all eutli talent and that peerless creature intends to return to a country existence why raynor sho is wild 1 with but little moije training that voice of hers would bring her fortune and farno part of his remarks mr raynor repeats to his nieoe jjenores cheeks glow my voice bring me fortune and fame ob ancle was he not flattering or do yon really think it is true i do think the latter most assuredly lenore mr itaynor answers it is for you alone to decide you hold in your bands the key to fortunes palace i yon answer in tile affirmative to the proposal i am about to make ettay with mo lenore twoimore years by that time yon will be mistress of your art and tho laurel crown that will become you so will be yours the end mr raynor has worked for un obtmively but assiduously all the past months he feels is gained at last when lenore tho eager glow of aroused ambition lookbaok with longing to the peaceful life ot domestio happiness that might havfe been yours for lenore though yon do not seem to think to i know that the step you intend will separate you and harold what his noblo heart needs and will oiue flay take to itself is no brilliant primaddnna but a gentle lovinghearted woman 1 lenore dear i warnyou foyourgood if you love harold witherby hesitate before a second time postponing ydoi riirrlagv and a lenore readb the rainy to her sooond leitor she sees that her aiints peue- tration is oorroot i 1 you do not love me linorevj harold writes if you did neither fdvtyhe iior ambition could keep yon from my bido let iiim go mr raynor advises as he peruses the letter lenoro gives to him 1 heihai noted the angry piufiiii ijhe young eyeb and he knows well howjto enn- niugly touch the right ohord let him go ho reiterates do not let a girlish fancy ruin the bright future that opens before you andiso another missive goes on its way carrying with it keenest pain to one of the noblest hearts that ever beat in a mans breast but that night lenore cries her- self to sleep two more years have elapsed- i resigning ah part in the gky doings of society lenore has devoted herself to prac tice and study she has labored hard and now at twentyone is mistress of lier art and on tho eve of tho debul which will de cide whether or not her friends have been too sanguine ji k but jb lenore happy it would be dim onlt to judge looking at her calm composed face so devoid of the enthusiasm that- at eighteen was one of its greatest charms it is monday thursday evening lenore is to make her first appearance in a concert if bhe succeeds her open sesame to the fortunate of the future will have been pro- nouuoed it is seven oclock below in the draw ing room mr rainor awaits his niece the door opens and a vision of loveliness sweeps in lenore queenly fair in wiite satin and pearls ah my dear uiecfc i am not a true prophet if the world tonight does not crown yon qneeimf hearts as well as queen of song but lenoro does not reply to her uncles gay greeting and- something in her face cheeks ins farther words what is it ardypnnot well or are yon terrified at the- thought of the ordeal which awaits you mr raynor exclaims it is this which my maid brought hie bnt a few moments since lenore anbwerb then sinking into a oliair bhe buries her face in her hands with a sensation of profound dismay mr raynor reads the following from his sisters hand deau lexoue come home at once the homestead was burned to tho ground last night through saving my lifebur neighbor and dear friend harold witfaorby has imperilled his own ho wishes to sec you once more you will surely waste no time in hastening to obey his dying sum mons since her departure from the homestead lenore has seen her aunt frequently but harold not once and now bhe is to meet him again only to bid him an eternal fare well and i ruined his life i grjeved and slighted his noble heart bach are the words that ring through her ears now but lenore tomorrow morning you can go by the earliest train surely you will not risk your future success by break ing this evenings engagement springing from her chair lenore elapsed lier hands convulsively together tirktelkphoxecbakk pehodipatty ttre public have a craze thrajt dri their notice at om um it is d goldiriiue at another a lead company that seeks to draw the hard earnings from the peoples pockets in ancient times it was thtr south sea bubble that turned the heads bikings and senators who werjr ulti- mateiy engulfed iu ono praud maelstrom that ruined them by thousands mohtrral just niiw lsqnietly being flooded willi tele- phonio schemes as fligbtly in imagination and sis dubious in results as the black angel companies floated in tho states to thefinanoialrniu of those who oiice prided themselves on beinc in aihtient position it is against investing in these imaginary companies that we desire to caution pur readers but yesterday a new scheme was afloat to wipe out the bell telephone company by reducing its tuiiffto 85 per annum for subscribers today another babbie company whicli wishes to reduce the price to12 is floating iu the air it is needless to bay tkere is little room for the next fifty years for any competition such as is perhaps intended or intended for sale from personal inquiry ot find that no person director or otherwise in the bell co has ever received any bouus on his stock and that that company has never sold share below pur for stock gambling purposes it is not to be sup posed therefore that any of tho new con cerns can place the shareholders ina better condition again the bell telephone co with iti 4000 or cooojniiles of lines con necting oities and towns offers to its sub scribers facilities wliicb no other telephone co can furnish tho- bell telephone bos dividends with the practical monopoly of the past eight years average about 5 per cent therefore it is certain that with its economical and conservative management it has been no special bonanza for its shareholders its stock sells today at about par with two or three competitors in the field and the consequent rate cut ting what prospect is there for dividends from any bf them since it is not to be supposed that the bell telephone co will retire from the field this then is a fair financial view of the matter as to the pro spect bf a new poor and untried company paying any dividends knowing the large number of our subscribers who are share holders in the bell telephono co we should be base to our trust did we not try to protect their interests as well as prevent others from losing large amounts of money by investing in rew bubbles which cannot by any possibility pay u fair dividend if any at all we find on still further in quiry that the bell telephone co has to day about 14000sets of instruments in use and owns between 4000 and 5000 miles of line connecting oities and towns in canada and the united states it has also llio exclusive right to connect with tho system of the american bell telephone co in tho united states any persou ut all familiar withthe business und the cost of constrnction can readily see thut no com pany could duplicate this construction without a very large capital opposition may be a good thing and where it bus a chauce of success a creditable thing but wherein common sense is there anything to be made with three or four companies in each a small population as we have ny the doniiuon of canada v we have tlieie- fore twodesires in this matter the first to protect our friends who have already in vested iu ono company and the second to protest those who may be eolicited to in vest in certain losses finally what is there to prevent the bell telephone com pany with its wealthy and paidup organ ization incase of a doubtful success of their rivals reducing the price of their simple hii for the preservation of itoote slrocs auil icef never try to wear a shoe too small or that does not fit you wueriyon first put it on there is no longer any necessity for breaking in ia shoe sciedce has removed all necessity for physical inborance in that direction never let- yonr sfcoo get hard on dry don t let it run down at the heel or side never ave ir into the welt or insole a slice repaired i time wil i retain its shape and comfort wet shoes gradually ow a thick crust of blacking on wash it off occasionally and it would personal pr pressure id is true economy never put jy the fire to dry but dry them and slowly never dry a wet shoe wit lout first applying some oil or grease c stor i oil or tallow is the best thesteaii generated iii a wet boot or shoe scold it a nd cause it to crak too mash force in polishing rushing with a soft brush is the vigorous work of the boot- will surel dont u a gentle better thai black ylien the brushing makes yonr foot feel w rm stop nntil your shoe cools off doutial your shoes apply alit e castor nil youeau polish it overin an lonror tro- never tr onorhiudloa patent leather shoe when sold alv ays thoroughly warm it before t juding tlie leather a patent leather sjro put on i i a warm room can le worn out un the id weatlier without injary there ladys outfi the foot we part of u gentlemans ot that requires more care than r and as a ink none receive pawns i his teeth to find tlia jis pure up to the ho itler told him of his dilemma and begged that the mi day thb ie diflictlt to find any sort of perty th it was notj under ihe unforseen circumstances at some time it other pledged fortlie payment of debt b t that a woman slioold pledge her teeth it something entirely new it happened i ie otbeidjiy at a sndurban pleasure re irt of mm i city of friinkforton- tliemainc amany a young couple had enjoyed a good sniper and were about leaving whbn the male half was shocked if him to indlord was gone he walked let himjjo premising ley sho dd be sent the uext said he would detain isle half of thecouple advanced 1 the 1 indlord to grant her ng whiji lie dii then irk the couple 1 odtly un til the bill i was paidj then the fe and bged private hea the back room the 1 idy pulled out of her mouth u spl mdid set of teeth in gold and offered it asg a pledge in payment of the bill that ctpf he oism struck uie sor did soul oft e public m to the quick and he allowed ie coupl lady had re acf51 the he received he money next day two youn fellows tomorrow i obnoi no imubt godttyintions to suoh a point as would wipe ouvpll audjsundry who opposed them by a tariff on which none but themselves tonight now this very hour 1 oh uncle my punishmeiit litis come and it is only what i deserve i would willingly give up ali that i have labored for i would gladly consent never to sing a note again if only harolds life might be spared in tho face of suoh vehement grief and remorse mr raynor feels that remon strance would be futile and another hour sees ancle and niece being whirled swiftly to tho station on their way they pass a brilliantly lighted building up whose broad steps large throngs are pouring a sight escaped mr raynors lips j lenore hears it she lays her gloved hand gently upon his i am very sorry for your disappoint ment uuolo paul alie says butalltuese years that i have thought my heart dead it has only been slumbering now it has awakened and even if hssoid dies i shall resign all my intentions for a career upon the musical stage he did not approve of it and my own desire for it the suffering of the last hour has forever silenced and mr raynor knowing lenore so well feels that she means her words but harold does not die though for mouths jiis life and reason hang upon a thread as tho sick mans eyes wake to conscious ness and rest upon the lovely face by his bedside paienow and worn with watching for together with her eunt lenore hab shared the arduous duties of nursing which neither would consent to resign into a strangers hands they dilate with an ex pression of incredulous surprise tbt deep ens into one of pain his weakness pre vents bim from speaking but lenore reads aright the meaning of that look j she btobps over him harold she says softly do not turn away had not auntie told me that your own lips had confessed to her that you btil cared for roe j should not now be here oh my darling will it bo an utterly im possible task to let the past four years be as though they were a dream and to take once more to your heart the woman who has learned through tie harsh lessons of bitter remorse and grief that not ambition nor fame can satisfy when love has been robbed of its own ob thank god i feebly murmured harold i this gives me new life i his umcxjvery waa rapid and vneiejpaul waeoneof the most cheery gueatea the wedding whioh followed hardlds tiori to health n y ltjger could subsist thcsltarelwhhr and insur ance gaxtle elev x to depart alter the teeth into liermonth is tb f crusec comfort waeting kli oandtih ire it with another and hrough ill thu years of famino iti lall sen e thou and thy brother iovo divlno f ill all thy storehouse or hy handful still renew bean y faro for one will often ma ie a roya i feast t grjsro for t ie heart nows rich in giving ah tswealt its living grain i 8ce3s which 1 lildcw in the garner sea tared 01 1 with gold the plain 4 is th bqrdoi isrd and boavy do hy stojis drag wearily i help o bear tl y brothers burden tio will bea both it and theci kuiul and weary on the mountains woi idst thou sleep amidst the suo- clmf that fro en form beside eitce and tigetherbith shall glow art tl on strlck in in lifes battle mat jtwouudi d round thee moan 1 lavisj i on their wounds thy balsams and that bah i sliafl heal thine own la thy hcarta veil left empty r non d butgoi its void can fill i nothi igbvit ac isseless fountain can its ceasel s longing still is the heart ali ing power self- ougrossec its strength sinks low it cau onlyjive h loving and by serviu love will grow xow jut tke lcfl at tho window and on de r me how clouly and ark and boa dnar and groy wiatsidav how could of so the world arumtday the fain seeuii and and the w skj it muddy so do i to frown i t conies i during dowu arth looks as crost as tho i expect 1 3 be happy and gay such a c lay wht a thin s aro as dull and as sill as a in tho house ohdijariif iknaw uetbiug u looks as if so am i if only the do it were ha jn a cr iunshino i r shine out again andthcjrain and the dark gloomy elorids and the mist aud- tbe g ay go awaj why then you jjr ould see hdw aerry ld be if only the siiu and the weather would tri so would i si a eholaf v i wit ax hihob he it susie- partners in the tea- buo i atlantic labor axd uql0il under the above head monthly remarks at present the worhingmaiican hardly make both ends meet is it not because he insists on creating capitalists out of the saloonkeepers and- not content with that on ftbmitting all his rights of citizenship to the same object of worship the saloon in politics is the most hideous abuse of tho day but where would it be if the working- men withdrew their support from it it keeps them poor it laeeps bar politics corrupt it supplies a constant stream of base adventurers who disgrace the ameri can name at home and abread it makes the terms public office and public plunder synonymous it stifles progress fosters pauperism brutalizes husbands and fathers breaks womens hearts puts rags on the wprkjingmans back disease in his body and shame and despair in his heart yet when labor is most disturbed when tho demand for advanced wages is the loudest when strikes are moat frsquent when hubger and misery are most rife hi the homes of the poor the saloon flourishes still there may beno bread at home but there is always beer and whiskey at the bar and men who coueider themselves the victims of circumstances or the thralls of capital squander their-earn- ings and bpend their savings in these dens can there be a serious labor question while this state of things continues can work- j iugmen talk gravely of their wrongs while it is plain to all the world that if they only saved the capital they earn they would be comfortable trade were jiebest jf friends and theft intimacy ej elided loi personal as well as business ma ters oi eof miema simple- minded felk y was a jachelorund was in the habit of eadiug t his partner extracts from letters sf an an ent and affectionate nature frorq i lady it the north of eng land who s igned hei self snsiei the married on weut to china for twelve months anclreturned just in time to attend the weddinjof his p irtner he sent the happy coupfett wed lingpresent aud ai the weddiiigreceptic n steped forward gallantly to bay his r speots i hardly feel like a at kuger 1 e said in his sweet est tones ad iressing t ie bride in fact i feel as tfioulh loujjitto be quite well acquainted ithniy partners wife since he has qfteu done me hei honor to read to me extracts from his t eaitnaies letters the faces of thef iraski md and the speaker- wero studies as tho bide drew herself up and said en pbatidally and distinctly beg your parpon my parne is helen 1 ayonblkhan was caught at kam was trying to rai o it whens your n xt storm wiggins beautiful calm day last qne when i ir brakw refuse to work they cause quits a breeze afterwards t thene dyfaamit i gan is determined to make a nc ise in the world the an itchisfsst y theyll be hanged if they appe i to the g overnor a big rubber firm has faio they stretched heir cred t too far the rii in who leldom travels always makes np or it by ccupying two double scats anothei proof tba i ibacon wore hamlet is that hi m and ba son are close telaubns sozzle 8 iys the re sod he takes his whis key btraig it is bocai use his month always waters for it the london jjmei saya thav ihe tjs civil war i ras the mt atobstinate war jnliis tory strange asit may more port than btaf board off a yacht cardina newmai says a gentleman is one who n ver inflici s pain this is rough oii tliemej lists if by ajny chanc a mourning hat or l a v offrhaxd maxneb seem there b always pleasant dan saiia coutrjactor to one of his trusted emp jyees fhen ydn are down seeing about that lime this morning i wish you would mention to dempsey that i would like o have that littler bill paid you neednt press it couknowj but jubt mdntion it t him in an offhand manner yes sort j i got thi money from dempfey sorr said dan on liis return im vrrjlglad yoi merely alluded to it in an offhind way i suppose yes sora idiandel him the bill band towld him i off me hand jaw that he and he paid ju yet bright upon her face exclaims junole i will stay as you wish not long after two letters are written one to theraaidenaufltjit jhe l and one to the lover wahm so impatiently the altial of the day that will give hit prom- uedlbride back to bis arms jdear lenore ruifsiheinswertothe though i shall place no obstacle in thjnk that tome on have- attained you will adv108to at night and child shfferii ting teeth bottlpof for children culable it ferer immedi era j there is dysentery stomach a softens the and gives- system rap for chil the taste ahi the oldest am nurses in tb by all drui price twent and ask for 8tbup and he didnt pay it i would let hdgive u im a wipe in the onldut forget for a while at waitv boston courier if yon nyiii tho salt some one will be 11 mad wsth you unless you put me in thefls 1 7 v stub your right toe yott atebiglvliere you are wanteds your left wnere you are not wanted j if the rooster orovs tin tile fence- nhe weather will be fair if ou the doojretep be will bring oompany a if the first sunday in the month is un pleasant there will be but obeeataoi during the month if you cannot make op a handsome bed yobr husljejrd wiu bwhomf jjdbst if you have a cough or- cold do not neglect it many without a trace of that hereditary disease have drifted into a consumptives grave by neglecting what was only a slight cold had they used bickles auticbn sumptiyei syrup before it was too late their uvea would have been spared mr a w levy mitohell writes think bickles anticonsumptive byrnp tho best prepara tion on the market for coughs aud be v ere colds about six years ago i caught a severe cold which settled on my lungs and for three months i hod a cough i had a physician attendiugme but gradually gkw worse until 1 was on tub verge of cqnsump- tion and had given up hopes of being cured when i was induced to try pickles syrup ferdinand before zjbad taken ono bottle i found my- press at sing aelt greatly relieved aud by the time i had finishedjtiie booondiottle i was completely cured i always recommended itfbrsevero colds and consumption ateamstir hauling a load of marble in vermont fell asleep ana then fell off his iocf ana was badly injured he idreerot lie dwelt in marble hauls i ijjetrditis nokalled the city of the straiuvheause the crooks- make their hequarttol at windsor i 0thkn8ii- you disturbed rokenof your rest by a sick and crying with pain of cut- fsoiseiid at onco and get a at wiipic ws booth ing syrup eething its value is iucal- reliov uie poor little suf- tely d spend upon it moth- io mistal e about it it cures d dianhoaa regulates- the bowels cures wind colic urns rec uces inflammation e and i mergy to the whole re win dows soothing sy ren- teething is pleasant to is the pi ascription of ono of best fer laie physicians and united tates and is for sale ts tbr uehout the world va centi a bottle be sure mns visislojvs soothfto ke no other kiiidv worlidiffe 3 frbm play r when a work man makes strike ho is out when a player jrikei he is in l sincj the i ike of argyle refused tocome up to tlie sdn ch on tlie irish question the scotchmen h vo stoiipjrd blessing the duke of argj le- b thoy cxp illcd mi gurigie from the masonic lot ie ho losent care what he j earned ft r was a lodgo in somo ast wilderness a hd ho go it i yard is running a printing ig apt is so proud of his s sp- cimens of it to his uaintai ces pentecoit preached for the ociety rom uie text lay les for ycursehes upon earth ptoth t without half try- bonnet is tsd opob yonr head you will need apep yotar owi sodib yoni riglk ea burns some one is praising y in if you left your friends are raking yot over the loals stnrni ig to the bouse for a moment s having once s arted out will bring bad luck u uless yon i lit down when i i droppin a fork it strikes the floor arid stands upright it will bring a gentlemi n visitor f a kmfe a lady while at the wa ikboard if the suds splash and wet the c othes you are wear ing yon w 11 haves irnnken husband if you irop yout dishcloth you will have comj any also if yon sweep a black mark or if j two churs stand accideatly back to ba k if a bab sjees his face m uie glass it will be the death of 1 im if his nails are cut be wil be a thief f he tumbles out of bed it vi ill save hii tying a fool breaia mirror siijnj of death death is also fort told by a log bowling under a window hearing a moprmng dove a strange do e uoverin aboilt or dreaming of awhite horse if you a ijsa new ir oon through the glass you will h ive sorrow as long as it lasts if you see it air in the face youll have a fall over the 1 ft shoulder bad luck over the right goo luck work that he wall streets- the rev autipovcij not op treas many of us ing governor a cxj ib3ied saveabee kebtjked mr m ikle a gintleman of eminent piety wasa surgeon ati carnwatch in scotland he was o ice caned to attend a geutleniar who had i een stuig in the face by a wasp and fount him very impatient and swear log on acionnt of his pain in great wra h ob i loctor said he i am in grei t torment cau you any way help do not fei r replied mr m all will 1 e over in i little while still however be gentlem in contiuned to swear and at ien th his att ndunt determined to reprovt- hi n i see nothing the matter said he mly it m gbt nave been in a better ph ee wnere might it have beeu aal ed the snff srer why oh ibe tip of yoni tongue h slcrlsbs disappearance of mr dy ipepsia i is said he was driven and kep away by the use of imperial cream tirtar baking powciir sold by airgrocer i b tajlojr of tenuesses is a the pro treijs of mi idical euugbteument lias led to the abando lhieiit of many anti quated rer icdies of qi estiouable value at d the adoption of newiraud more lationil ones fn mineiit am ong the fatter is nor throp dt l mans veg table discdvery and dyspeptic cure uie j istly celebrated blood purifier i camprehe isivo family remedy- r for liver tompiaint i onstipatioo indigesj lion loss jf physical energy and female complaint safe c ertain p ompt economic these few adjectives apply with peculiar force rto dr themis icleutrio oil a standard external a id internal remedy adapted tol the relief anl euro of coughs methodical fsfmily muki he rises at six lsorotiiroatrhoarsedesind all affections of reads his mowmig pajj r nntil his cluldren the breath wake up thetl he goq to their room and coriations dresses them iaiid is k ady fer a romp i m hg orgatik pain j5 soics lai fsness undl ipbysical kidney ubles ex- wr isk rfvi mm wsm

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