Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 20, 1887, p. 2

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owr tfj o witbsmh last the ue ft jcwpmsja erase td4astqaataton tba utfc oeto mm 2wf tjhe a at atrjoha thatte nqtow oasltfc oetobet tb wtts 882 alcbaurta swh 4w hie lh october 4anes kflbcmb affrt ft years bsxmbt4a torampte at the ph last mr rjcnwa esom ins mi wedntaday mi october cbabeaootba briu el aged myree months and udajrs xlutaat bis retmeoos in coboura eu the ffiffoutheiumr8biwiad d lu d chancellor o victoria pulversity aged m years jittott jfcee ffctss thursday october 80 1887 xotkkoid comments r- is the convention of the remiera of the province will open at quebec today it stated that parliament will meet early next year probably the last week in january r seott act fines imposed in peter borough city and cwuty nine january lit 1887 amount to over 0000 il 1 a vara of publio opinion is moving in favor of aaaeaainc propefcty to iteeaah value and we think should be kept moving until it isajmiversal practice halton is the only oohnty in ontario in which the repeal of thi seott act can be voted on before april next whether it wtil be voted on bero orinot this fall will be known inside of a few weeks milton i the canadian pacific railway baa re- dooedits rate on potatoes to 33 cents per 100 pounds from manitoba to toronto as potatoes in manitoba cost only 35 cents a bushel ontario is not likely to suffer from a potato famine canada stands fourth on the list of cus- tomers who trade with the united states great britain and ireland are first ger many second france third and canada fqarth so says the rcjport furnished by the chief of the treasury bureau at wash ington what whoppers some of the canadian correspondents send to the united states there is an onosnajly n big one going the rounds just now it is to the effeej that cardinal tascbereau w is insulted in to ronto and that a mob 1 young britons broke the windows of t is hotel in which his eminence was beinj banqnetted 1 and the police were called and there was a ight and if wu feared hat bt michaels palace the residence of uchbiabop lynch would be attacked all his is of course aewr to canadians bee se the cardinal sufered neither abase o indignity daring bis visit mmmpir town htnm paws wilti bet of mttmi tion held heri ooirje of weeks agol to prore thjs he jnoo tnttj leftlhtl n w thtlh8lereoslpabslntto art the admission fee tan nta there oool i not hw ptaaiblybeett m aft wxettof aboatibo for interk pars then tw0 pre eat poor innooenl youth attar pt wiac tfce ibove to his own sattsfaotloi the tfnwrf bits eaus tt i fmta passu eat matt a blunder or aonwhing aha litlnu autty of oonrse 1bat its figures lied well the publie bas freely espi eased its opinion oonoerni ig un suooess of the exhibition and nnm er of visitors preieut and the estimate iss almost invaijtamy been plaoed higher baa that of the pans however 1 1 near as is pokible with any larjtmthrini the exact nnm barof partona in i ttendanoe can bit in telligently arrived a and for the insyoo- tion of the editor o the utmm we will hluitrate forjiini i he oorrect and trust worthy method of f rming an estimate of attendance the it ell went readers of the fix puss did not require any aoch d tailed information benos we omitted to tabulate therattends nee in a previous issoe and we do it a this later data solely for the education of tor bentfthtsd bat es teemed oontemporu f there were bet een three and four hundred members ol the society who were admitted free say 40 there were over six hundred entries f stock nearly ejrery one ot which was a companied by an at tendant admitted re for the sake of oorrebt computation aflhont the shadow of a doubt we will pla the number of free stoeknten amo t lerjs were ftlrtyaweu jodfies te receipt i at the hall on toes- day evening smoun ed to tss80 am at the gate on wednesday 237 of this amount the gate nepers assure us that fully onethird wa i paid for childrens tickets at fire cents he balance by adults which would make i n attendanoo of 1668 of each now we wi ithrow in quhtnlit 400 interlopers a fail proportion in such a crowd who pass the gates without paying and the table below v ill prove to a certain ty who is the blnndei in the computation of the number preset t t the georgetown jlcrai i is making haste rather rapidly its coun esy to brethren of um qmll is not remarksl le in last issue it insinuates that one ne rspaper is a falsi fier which insituation is given the re bound in another colnm of this journal and in the same issue it pays the dnndxi standard thiscomplimen xbe dundas staiuuxd lu i becu for one scar under the management of it vil watson typogrspbicaily the standi diione of ontarios model newspapers it is however morally eorxaps the dnndas standard it is true holds opinions differing from i isny of us nppn some subjects bat to say laat is it morsl- ly corrupt is in ous judj sent untrue we believe notwithstanding ions the siandanl hastbc morals at- heart hon herald uctulxct wbuktol tree 330 8tockcaretabrsaa uitted free 330 judgss admitted fr e st adulta at ten cents ach l6fi children at fire ceo seati- 168 auznrmnce for free b mters 400 tooalnuiribcr prese it- mil there is no reasons ble doubt that 4473 persons were in atten lance at theexhibitian held in acton on the th and 5t of oct and oar thousands at readers who were present will bear us o it in this as do the officers and directot i generally of the society r in this matter the iitor of the herald has certainly placed h mself in a very an- ebpasctex harriabanudi trwhaytitarteiaait pm wm delayed tfua mat 880 in waitini for the southern pac be train from the wbnrbnwtliaw j iiiw ihal when hit train had ram ate i atiue two men wearing cloth masks 9 una over the tender with revolver in each 1 ind the engineer tried to atop the train mt the menordared him to ran ou to a ear and atop qolek when he reaohed the one he supposed they meant five miles rom the city they ordered him and his fiismen to get off the angina and took them i atk to the iipraai oar the robbers in tpe meantime were firing off their revolver and shooting and oorsing beaching the express oar one of them threw dynamite 1 gainst tot door on one side ot the oar th 1 explosion booked a large hole in the door and broke oat the glass in the other d ors the robbers called theexpress mess mger to oome oat the messenger vu j irnest smith and witlihim wm j b leardaley elerk in wells fargo offloe at fi rt worth when they hoard the firing they put ooi the tight and went to the near end of the oar at the command of thejrobbers they oame out smith leaving his revolver iust inside the door the robbers ordered smith and beardsleyio hold up their tends and then searched them smith was than ordered to go back into the oar and light the lamp he elfmbed back and the foremost robber started to mow smith seised his pistol placed it almost against the robbers breast and fired sending a bullet through his heart the robber fell back dead but fired twice at smith while falling smith and the other robber also exchanged shots tho robber then attain radei bodjrron the ei uncouple it from the while he was trying to the epgine the messen barreled shotgun lean and shot at him therbbber sank down ithen sprang up and ran out of sight search was made in the of the eoe where the train was stopped leu in fifty ysrds from where he wm shot the second robber dead his body wu wrought back to the city kid plaoed beside lis late comrade in crime an examina tion showed only one buckshot had struck iim that it entered the front side of the eft ehonlder and out theartery jnst above lie heart messenger smith is from st louis liv ugnow at san antonib he has been 1 employed by ws faro a co for four rears and runs between 1 paso and san lntonio the citizens otel paso presented i iim with a suit of clothes today add have 1 aised over 8100 for a medal 4bwjimaa while iriy hail aud wm trading in fiir heoamiaoross an ludlsn wiio to his lodge to die he had inward pslri and pains in all hu limbs he gave somo yellow oil internally and applied it exter nally and eared him it also cored my hiuband of rheumatism and i find it valnable for oooghs and oolds sore throat etc mrs a besaw cooks mills ser pent river ont w barbar bros i paper makers qboraetown ojt i mark a blkclawv of machine finished book papers and- 1ikh1 gbadk weekly xkws the paper nsed in tliis journal is from the above mills wm barbab a bros ifmw to get bis com- e intending to n and run on tthe body npon r got his doable- bat of the oar enviable position it is to be hoped that he will be more carefi i in fntnre and also that in his nnnatnral i ndeavors to belittle bis native town and it i various enterprises be will not make such an unseemly exhibi tion of himself as hi has in connection with this particular harness for nearly tis peculiar opin- saf ety of public charity bro sir charles topper replying to the charge that he shirked the prohibition issue last session has take a the opportunity to place himself right on 4he temperance qoffitiort he says be irai prevented from voting by severe indispos tion and adds i regard the suppression of intemperance by every possible means 1 1 so vitally im portant that i had no hesi a tion in pledging myself to sustain whateve measures were introduced in parliament calculated to attain that end and i do not hesitate to say that if returned as a l spresentative of ctrmberiarjd the friends of temperance and prohibition may confident y rely upon all the aid i am able to give tl em- in carrying ont their principles i may add that should the time com wbei i am unable to support in parliament th wishes of the friends of temperance i wi resign my seat and give them an opporta lily of electing my stjecessor hail haltox efcectiov bffwif the first stepin connc ction with the election- protest in this a tmty has been taken the legal record of bnsiness tran saetedat osgoode hall on tuesday con tained the following be halton dominion electioij petition w u donglss forjwtitioner moved o strike ont pre- liminarjr objections or to fix a ay fortbeir hear ing w h blake for rerponda lit order made nxinf friday next for the bear ng the preliminary qbjectioi t are merely of a formal character they rill probably be struck dot on friday and tl consideration of the main issne will short afterwards be considered exhibittox x01 es the following additions a e made to the prize list of esqnesing eibi ution as pobi lished in the fbzk pilebs 1st week bert twoyearold clear grit colt whip 20 by james halst teta dispute having arisen respecting this poize caused by two sets of judges aware usg the same prize to different parties the society gave a 9250 whip as well as mr lalsted the winners were h l boss and thomas storey lady driver double pai r ladies kid bootsr300 by kenrxfy bros misi e jacksop lady driver stogie album i2j00 bj n vcgarvin mrs cfaas david ion ledyrtaking most prizes is fancy nork 3jd0 by w jackson miss etinie ml eon one of the most attractii el article on f was a pair ot mo casins n iade from the hide of a java se jcow u ind somdy trimmed with far an i prnamepted with fancy colored hand emfc toidery w 3 moore wm th exhibit r two years this exhibit been forced npon us b k a limit to all things fxee pkesb is ooncei ned that limit has now been reached am the controversy is herewith finally ended on controversy has the herald there and as far as the board of lldtoation thk ten cent store is as busy as a beehive openinc out new cood8 arriving from germany england and new york and marked off at the i lowest cash prices jas f kidner 1en cent store get the best the western dkatil of the bkv dk xklles lal- ffcc rjitlaiable chsneelloi of victoria rersity passes kway codocku oct 17 atj480 oclock this afternoon rev dr nellbs chancellor of victoria university died of typhoid fever jtter only six days illness he wm con- dons to tbe last tile town and college i in deep mourning ovdr an irreparable te a full sua or tearar s engaged for nut yearceneral inrn ue at salaries- hiss jelley brtigi s and kiss x r- pkalilsengsjedfor the a yaraa 7 xo xobe extex8iov f cebtificatrx and seconded by ebbage take tbe the board of trnsto s of acton public school met on monday evening members present m asrs w h storey 3 mcgarrin dr ixjwry tbos bbbage and i francis in the absence of the chairman it was moved by w h 8torej dtlowry that thos chaircarried tbe resignation of mi is jeliey teacher of second department wai reaa applications fo the osition of teacher in tbe school were recei fed and read from miss cassie mcphail manilla miss d corrigan toronto anc miss francis a watts walkerton tbe chairman mr 1 ynds here entered and took his seat the finance committee presented the accoontof mr j c 1 ill for numerals 4c for schoolroom 3 0 which was re commended to be paid the report was adopt 3 moved by w h bton j seconded by i francis that the follow dr teachers be re engaged for acton pnbl c school for the year 1888rat tbe salar es affixed hereto and that the chairman be authorized tor sign an agreement wit 3 each of said teachers thos t moore 1st dept 1 575 00 mist mahaffy 3rd dept s75 00 auss dorjand lui djqt 275 00 the engsgementof mi s mahaffy to be contingent npon her obta niog an extension of her certificate for tbe ear 1888 which this board recommends- roarried the biggest temperance injecting mi ever held in dniidas tool jwrtnesday night it was tion with tbe gospel tem whfoh baa been in progress wjck mr bochanan nude amioamernont he said tbatji deddeevto call convention mr ilxce fcwre in coniec- revival re for two torpor ant had lean for tbe lvpose0fmsiaviig tbe jlvksbiut at itavinj a seott act oampafeoin rtesfon rth eowtty hamilton bfjctator is thos ebbage that the r signation of miss jeliey be accepted car ied moved by w hi sto ey seconded by thomas ebbage that befeas in times past tbi board has on teveral occasions been requested byteschei s to recommend an extrusion of expirii g certificates in order to make them elegi le for- reengage ment as pnblic school tea bers and where as the 1 ractice of jeeomn ending extension of certificates is too often rabversive of the efforts of the minister if education to advance the standard i poblic school teachers be it herfore 1 esolved that this board places on record it 1 disapproval of ruch recommendations which they shall hereafter refuse to e idorse carried moved by w h stoi y seconded by thomas ebbage that tt application of miss cassie mcphail for the second de partment bo accepted am that her salary i be three hundred dollars er annum and that the chairman be an borixed to sign an agreement with her 01 behalf of this board carried moved by j e mcgarv n seconded by lhotcmsbbbage that the ecretary be in strncted to advertise for t rentyfive cords of good soimid maple wood two feet long -carried- j the board then adjourn d samuel s nelles dd ll d for thirtyseven years at the head of thl uni- njersity of victoria college wm a son of william aud mary hardy nelles and vu born at mount pleasant near brautford drit oct 17 1823 his paternal ancestors were originally from germany and were ajnoug the early settlers in the mchawk valley n y in 1839 ne jwent to lewuton academy n y where joihn o saxe the poet was his tutor i in june 1813 dr nelle 1 was one of the first two students mstricn sled at victoria liege coboorg after spending two in this institution he finished hut dergraduate course at ti e wesley sn uni- ity middletown conn and received degree of ba in 1846 returning to canada vt nelles was appointed to the pr ssidency of victoria college and since 8t ptember 1850 hm held that responsible po lition under bis administration vie- to ia college has greatly prospered the de ree of pp wm conferred npon him by qt eens uuiversity in 1860 and that of ll d by victoria university ip 1873j 3e was held in high esteem by theeduca- toibof theprovince snd jwm loved- and re ered by all who knew hinr as a lecturer and preacher on educational sub- jec le hehad bat few peers ii the dominion u july 1851 he roarriet miss mary wod daughter of tbe bevijrnpch wiod of toronto mrs nellee and five children two sons and three daughters sui viva the loss of a husband and father wbwas uniformly kind and good dr nelles died on tbe anniversary of his 64tb birthday dr nelles iim both lectured and preach ed in the methodist church acton and will be remembered bymanyofonrcitizens advertiser op london ont vaictlv iiuprovrd illumratrd articles all the news 1oimlar dpimrtnienu home kpdiiiug 12 iiircb itetrulsrly balance of 1887 free at the to all now subscriblupfor the year 1868 low price of 1 per anirn m 1 tslnisgrk suil oilier scnuniis exrelleut mimlrnl srlrrtliiuk iutcnratimial siimliy selinol lrrsmik i the colxty snow the wet weather of last thursday and friday interfered greatly with tbe success of the county fair tbe exhibit however was excellent fully up to the average in nearly all classes while in fruit it was probably the best on record for the county tho band competition wu a feature the music being of a better class than tt t dis coursed by the bands of former yeai s and the awarding of the prizes gave general satisfaction which wusometbingunusnal moved by j e mcgariin seconded by i though the attendance was smaller than the holly qtjeen a limited nunilxt of this beautiful ircnilumjlc- taro is offered to subecriucre for locu extra tuk wkstkun apvrdtisen axnlblllji fob 1110 agents vaiitcd evirywlicrotwottty-flvovalu- abjc jiriicn to bo awarded over and above tbo cash couinilwion to tbu uiott fncceiful agents registered letter comp at our risk for free ample paperx terms to breuts etc address aptebti8ek iblxtixo co i v- lonbov ovr hamilton spectator moiivrcg evesixfl weeklyr the leading liberalconserva tive newspaper 6fcanada- jet the weekly spectator one dollar a year bright iucikivc able mitorials the couiplttte ncvh of the day t tbo cboiccst misctllnnctus heading bcrial stories by the licit authors dr taliiiateh jreat kennoiin tbo fullest market bcortn tho elioiccst huiuuf kvekvthivo fohrverybody tbo kucculor never inissls news i never li dull afld never shirks a publie question always clean end strong it is si 00 will imrcbune for you loj- a year tho weekly spectator tbe best coi uscnative journal aud tbo y nomiaier in canada unusually lilwralcouiuission to agents ail- best wockly nonsiaier in canada j drew the spectator hamilton out catarrh aires tpamdistsbtoof voa cold in head hayfeveil east to use kotssnuit powder or iirluunj liquid trlco 81 ids and 1x0 if not obtainable atyoor druy 3ws sent prepaid on receipt of price addresl fulforo a covbroovilo ont i usual it was very good and the receipts at the gate were sufficient to pay the prizes champion i the attendance would no doubt have been good had- tbe weather and the roads been at ail favorable as it was the number present was far in advanceof what was ixpeted noder the aircumstances there were not quite so many entries as last year there was a ipodjleal of grumbling about the judging in several de partments and from what w i eould learn very justly so while the judging was going ou in tbe hall people w ere allowed to go around with the judges wl owere either exhibitors themselves or sime of their rfamily were and other exhih tors are com plaining biiterly of tbe sohen ing of a cer tain cliquej in town some if the judges were jndgiriz articles that hbl inged to per sons closely related to thl m and gave prizes in some cases where nc prises should have been even if some of i be towlf busi ness men wbuld take an inter at in the ex hibition and help to get the pronnds fixed op andthe taajn bnildiuk pai ited it woold make the place more attriewe they might also add soroe new fei tores to the exhibition that would help it naterially rtfumtr scotchngliin and canadian suiting b great variety at i fyf i acton 43o to ll0uj acton f ituj hecmoit you ioi am style every lime j updesr for half bros 1 svaifr for your cloth- price qnalitjr price at kelly hagyagg lmll cures rheumatism tkeema2fs worm powders arspleaeaattotsko contain their oirn pnrjntive is a aofo ptf cd ctfrctcsl oettrorer ot worms la cilxtn or adslta tj13 dominion organ and piano f n lavariabte i sueail ins if yoo have boor stonucb heartbnrn bick headache rising and oi rjcg of food wind inibe stomaob acuokii k or gnawing sensatton at u pit of the st imaob then yop liayo sore indications f dyspspsis which burdock blood bitten wll sorely cure it hw cbred the wofst oases on record the ass the largest aaa mot oompl tncmmiwltho uy iwar is uxail yfm b xow lxtraottjllisn square and upr cht pianos 1st iv tub maikkt gcvi aiuuilnkl f si ifn- adflfiim wbki0 oboax actlakortltiraxt dowyutua ojjt rrwpotoico 8njeltdi mousi msilvd f tibxvkpebsianzd x sltpersonaref i the 55a fitio takeiu h or in tbe buuou iujvuildssirauetnl ittbeyvtolsterkn cotrte ri- nqticm a ij41 lartissxa sgaiflsti il ranoibssdscishsat nw in favor o jamss usbbonim su 00 tin dou irst tiro soaii jr assslhavt reowvadno vattw not a box kwood oct ber 8tbr- ose htntjl ed acres op htm less being west half lot 17 m eoniesslouofkknjesing futr senr son parcels i w further rlcularij itl4coase tendebsf0r tl sndkits wijl be received by than up to the 1st of november for con s of good sound dry manle nor lone to be delivered at tho pamje i for particulars apply to 1 i hpmo0bei e are in want of a few more t to eanvasw for the ssle el i brsery bton to men i who en altbe business we cnn pava r et mmbwlon aud glvepermaant em e lave many i tew ana choice specfa b i fruit and ornamental imea ws n it handle uaj bt i obssbtauek salesmen wa edirsrd 0 orsbam the pobttlail knos n xuneiyn an of bocbester sfef to m ike arrange nents with one or ti erget lo mett to tl ke orders for bis km he b is a cbolce i toek including nns his 1 iducemenf to beeintteri are i adva itageous j u fulfills all be pr ruin ntees to ft nish strictly first u baon give actve square upright posit ons and d aires to combiunka3 few neb men with a view of seeai senrt es write o him as soon asnml this it terms an i full particulars only kjttare deal ng men need applv 0 gjuham nurseryman tho season has opened with a rush aud to keep sorted new goods arc constantly arriving and more to our dross goods mantle goods are going very iust but we have a largo stock and snpplenibnted by recent arrivals the assortment is larger cheaper andewerthan ever aw thomas hal to i fortb u cbajn erx tbevi j cbmt satuilay notice assrea meeiko0pcr2r theh4ttebop james hi li hrs by veuuiattbomssj ifflie vllnue of acton in the os y i sadmer j tas made an asslginttaai i i benefit of ins creditors underttv ijrt arae and a nendmenta and a ma ai editors wflj be held at my offl i k house in tl le town of milton on at tho tbe tions the 29th day of october hoar of oiu oclock in di on f lointment f inspoctots and kt rith referet ee to tbe disposal of t creo tors sre re inired to furnbifi pnx claimi by affldavi with vouchers aad i ueulsi a on or bef re tie date above i jjuctemej t8- sherifl of tbe county of 1 octouer hth 1887 i i the uiipreceilcntcd rnsh in otir millinery deipartineoi fujly demonstrates the fiict that weliavbi iargefit cheapat best assorted nud most fashiouable inthi trade in this vicinity standing anything to tho controrj we are offering ah ail- woor frey flannel at 20c an extra good canton at 8c worth 20 per cent m bfotwith- i sieelt -o- soraejtling very fine in ladus a gloves in properishadeb notably a special line of french josephine very cheap also cashmere gloves and hosiery t v wool squares oloucts hoods facinators tqiies and tainashanters ii splendid shades and styles 0 eisiaii in furs and fur trimmings wc arc showing a beautiful range of goods in astrakan lamb and 8eal great drives m mens top shirts go riifleya and draw wo liayt a large stock bt itcadymadcs and overcoats fwught in the cheapest maiketj and wc arc in a poiitiou to offer tl je pub lic bargains in this line which cniiuot be equalled by anj house in town give us a call l j a large stock of mens and boys loner boots i groceries very cheap heiiderson mcrae fcr go u actoi vilireoficj taxes dae on ho 15th day for i xs be lereby noti bed that tho becoiidvtt wjspt ol taxep for tbe current yemw9t of nov antuf tl a said seco ad instalment be not i or befoi e tile said j 5th day nofumbertaij cent wi 1 be added tbereon in accordanoels a bylav rossed bj thevuiago couuco- do no put off f lyment to the last j atteiit on is call d to the foilotring nuking payment j resent tax bill c must be luuked goi id all taxes most at the ci ark office main street t 1 3 3ujabvin clerk i- treasorael jtlpiclfvl nqtii o creditors of deceased pubsl ant to a judgment of the diri iion of the feign court of jubtit in a ccrti in matter f keiaoub limbv the cri ditors in lnding those havias pecific o general i neirencojnbrkneeir estateor any midiv ded snare tberbof ia lambial o of tboti lirpshili of esqoesinst couiity o balton fi rmer who died ont the 16th c sy of anri 1sb7 are on or h 28th day f october 1887 to sand by paid to m jssrs johi son mclean ouelphp o theii christian naincawj nam ai dresses ai ddescriptidnstbeffim ticulars f their c aims a statement of jimis accounts ind the m tore of theseeurilieiir held by tl ein or in efault thereof they m preniptor ly exclud d atom the benefit el t j jili -2- ji ts securltj jouglaafi day of october j887jattilehoaf3r5evon f forenoon being tbe timo appointed tor i catiqn on the claimi dated t lis 1st day sgd of october lfist a st jtchnnos vt iiocilila all mb t 3yixrcheije desires 1 1 inform ihe people of acton borronnd ngs thai he is prepared to t orders foi weaving all kinds of fancy j carpets flannel sheeting shirting dress go ids strip sd or plaid twill or pu also bed 31anketa and horse bis yards wit b and ov sr i and i v ill guars ntee that i willgiveg satiafactii n to all armers and others i will favor me with their patronage tkltcl holline4ke ia sons city show room is now in full ruuiiingrbrder miss campbell is executing orders as speedily as possible every lady lk the coukty f mammoth cheap st ire milton wlere youiii see each o r jfollowinff dl payments well filled with cpoice new 4 seasonable c oodr should see our elegant stock ot millinery we griaihtee to turn ont work equal to the cjty and at much 1bi prices tr there is one department above another in wliicli ladies like to see stylish goods it is tho millinery department vd make it a point to keep tho jateat novelties agoing come aud iuspect our stock you will go n way more than satisfiei tv m son goods millinery ffcitcy goods boots sho large stock of short jackets long coats to be sold remarkably cheap carpets and oilcloths rs f ati100 w60 0200 30f 400wto1000iasl for f iiijj fiortdtt ask to see our wotiflsevly w v6ft tss thoy have bepn aelhng liko hot chjeos duly 12jc n -tila-bfcii- pair trunks ngi croierh ani valis fes mai induwmeiit3 to li irgelfftiyers lii irmeips who have of thifj offer llinrake ps jltoni i gijbh paid for eggsaud bdlitub or roils ally qaahtkyof dried lapplea fyooswat cari00pi co tq ii kii r iaf orepalra stock njs books smi gmo hkvj km straners umrftnsbsrs if mtima pew steward many collated trjri the fall hay is tiie folise- sixt harbor for ra large the worlds tnefi anuy pa mrohi and driving street ihep tion wihhehi nd27 1 bev remains of 1 tery sorne ye fort erie tmfwt band at the i awarded to 8 toibejl shoivi georgj took home i owing to the farmers 1 at the auctio tickets in georg be had at the jrji ivyeafdo that there is i holiinr merchants aij butter io tab pdv a couple i the exbibitioij rope out of i magistrates t jlrdoo 1 l erin was so j three sveekst i cumbed to his atthemj mondayeve totvn forqtei c68 1517 mj aboutai new buildji mercury give their build building the cultural socu for the pub winners in i sbeuldbe another was settled esqoesrur 5i065 for killed sbo the fir bas assigned iuthe hacdwj for many assets are- pa xthel saturday to pionkliipof lositothentj ao tieyi j ivovincb aijncuutjralj for horsei not be better j erin success thl and visitors village drdntl people the exhibition the ceptouri of the teach j oa the6th i vasah nnu report is nea jsjue messrs boiler mills 1 mflts tgeorf ponneotni enttemen j nd they are succes at the j jpresbyteryv iating boav knoxchu ueohargi phurchalj bathin f ntutj any pen names of v pitegs for nes receive the l andeaeh of j i it free for thj offer armhes j single sub thyvror cemetery uurbhased 4jjiatfe fremrjvals nbwieare sxe being j aarwbbj wllthlobjidp the- tjirehait jbtevenl

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