Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 20, 1887, p. 3

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flmth datpwjmmt8 etohyn a fine stock of watohes okcto tare jtty spectacles carefnl attention riven to repairing- drop- in and ski nr large gtock comprising jeweheryj stationary bootes and fancy good oeobtnds actjwont methodist ch acton kev r phillihi pastor residence lowcr averjnc jjrch home glea tooa y- r n ij 44m1kvwm r- pnwioservicetlo ora and school bible clmseottiiu scoooi cordially bto suuday lyuo fi3i l m whiev rr- via teton fantei ferula- aa fa or two mstts pk wi neeiaiis ftrst daaa1 i hal8ted lsm ffj j tjkjum lifip knoaittonr vsj ad ojeetms i ayoffic folk uiouou 0ober 1887 t sftennog sv j and pvmgdfre j and fjj lbortr metujoowl ha 3hf acton 1887 hua ursuj iaj ywu- wohall vh v next a l ij jaan vrmt tea per acfgnijuice vith k last day ianrisi2 when iiu cbeqaes fiicst be paid orocct is p f a treasurer fof ice rsof mb f lit cbaaccry pit justice made lain u vs latah haiing gay brascv upon the eroi of tok fbekin in tf 1 rp t about or before use by xt se- lmcs nd nrr- t the fhu par- of tkeir icritif jbj of uier s1 be benefit of die tr bolding tuy ml xar office jl cc the 31st eleven odode tvd lor tdjpdi- i vi7 lvsox at graj-h- g held- of acton mxa epared to take of fancy bag shirting and it trill or plain blanket to wiu give good d otben bo oaage r ns ing de- a l smi iij hoes e not ron ktraafie m visilort alway iwuvbertatthedoor tj biucf are desired appljr t4 b 1 moore f rtwsteirard i fl jutoit jte lrcss tulrsdvocfoberjlwr ifaxy m1x0k lmfils oouated by ti srer taoughtivjl and alert fie pres rportr the fall wiiit looks well hjacabouta hay is selling at 5 a ton ib winnipeg tlic trees are nearly 6jetude4 ot foliage- six toronto steamers are in oakville harbor for repairs ia iirpo number of citisens attended the worlds fair at erin yesterday the frame work for be now saivfttion army barracks on mill street is npi mr john lawsonr aas built a new stable nd driving hoase on his lot j on wilbur street the provincial sunday school conven tion will be held at london on oct 35 26 and 27 rev w j pigott ba remoed the remains of his son interred iu the old ceme tery some years ago to the cemetery at- fort erie last wee the firstfrue awarded to brampton band at the fall fair has been recalled and awarded to streetsviue in the band competition at milton show georgetown defeated milton and took home uie red ticket- owing to tie shortness of feed among the farrcers cattle are selling at low prices t the auction sales this fall ticia for dr sextons great lecture in georgetown next monday evening may be bad at the feee pee ofece indian summer weather has been en joyed during the past week it is hoped that there is much more to follow hollinrake sons the live milton merchants are prepared to pay cash for bntrer in tubs- or rolls and eggs see new aiv a conpie f boys while playing about the exhibition building this weekpulled the rcpe out of the flag pole- if not replaced a magistrates trial is likely to result mr doagall mephee of the lotb con erin was so badly kicked by a horse some three weeks ago that he has sinceflnc- cmnbed to his injuries at the raetting of the town council on ilonday evening the expenditure for the vsvrn for the corning year was estimated at 55s1317 miiton erorairr about sltocoo has been expended in new buildings in guelph this season the jfitjrj sites a list of the improvements their bnildersand the cost of each new buildig the directors of the melahcthon agri- tultoral society have determined to i pay for the publication of the list of prize- wisnsrs in the local paper this is as it fhouhhe aiwther batch of lieep killed by doga wis settled for at the last meeting of esjnesiag council it cost the township 7065 for ten sheep and twelve iambs killed shoot the dogs the finnof j g beaty streeuville his iisiced the firm has been engaged in the hardware and boot and shoe business for raauy years liabilities are wiooo and assets are placed at 510000 tie base ball boys go to xprval on saturday to endeavor to recover the chjam- pkmship of the ottntj so ignominioply lost to the xorval club a couple of weeks ajo- they are going down to win tl uwbuldbe difficalt to select in the province more bnitblejgrpands for aa agricultural show than those- at acton- for horseshowing especiaby they coold not be better georgetown herald erin show yesterday was a great success the weather was delightful and and visitors crowded in fn swarms the vfllage didnv begin to accommodate the people the reputation of this farfamedj exhibition has been fully sustained the georgetown herald will please acr cept oar thanks for a proof sheet of its report of the teachers convention- held at milton on the cth aad 7th insts the convention was an unuauatjy interesting one but the report is necessarily crowded out of this issue messrs freure bros of the dolly boiler mills here hasve rented the roller y mills at georgetown and will run them in wmoh ar itoauy of a iooal qhanwur i i ri r4dllnhri tog- aqutfajr tkx cnfftcto w collectort of taxei have been app6iutid aa follows in the townahi div no 1 thoa chiaholin div no david lind- ay divno 8 sk kudell div ko 4 john blliolt divi no 6 geo camp bell div no c win bloan they will okch be pjaid 80 for th i aorviooa twbuifbaaeftjkwpfac the fhkprsrs wanu a weekly market wtaeushed t aoton simlla to that here the people ot aoton and vicinity would find such au institution s great oouven- ienoe and it would benefit the village by keeping money m circulatu n there which otherwise would ro elsewh re caawtpioh t2 sltwrcirlc cass the sitreroreck assault a se came up for hearing again on friday af ernoon after hearing oonstahlo harleys case the court was further adjourned uuiil saturday next at ten oclock ntoholas m irphy the no torious lawyer from toronto was again present someone is evidei tly paying tlio piper satirfactaniyadwinfinjf the frkb pitk8s is enjoying genuiuo subscription boom each nek adds new names to our lists one hoasaud more names wanted each name to bo acoom- panfjed by toll address and 30 oeute for which tho free phess will 1 sent for the balance ot 1887 tell your friends to sub scribe now and get the full benefit of this offer the fat press has a lager number of subscribers now than eve before in its history nexrbaiiqinots v mr w e smith hasbut eyed the- two fields south otthcj exhibition ifark into town lots there are twent f otjthem and they ore desirable quilding 1 its two new streets have been opened up and they have been named andegistered park avenue and wellington aveuue it is not gener ally known that thopark ii composed of thirty lots surveyed many yjars ago and that havelock street divides them in the centre r i badly behaved dogs some of the dogs of gtorgetown andl acton have evidently beet misbehaving themselves at least the fo lowing resolu tion passed at esquesing co mcil would so indicate movd by mr graham ewout ed by mr kvaut that the kccve be and he is heh by appointed to confer with the beeves of the yf laficsot george town and acton with relerouco o united action by tile councils of the several u unieipalitics re specting doss and for tho bott r protection of sheep from their ravages in thc uiuuiciiffljitics carried a disinterested journals c pinion the directors of the esinesiug show especially those residing in j oton are just ly jubilaa at the success wh ch has attend ed their nevertiring efforts to make the show worthy the patronage f the people over looowcre in attendano i and jo- some of the various classes the exhibits were even better than at former county shows much of the success is due the fur press for its welldirected efforts in making the merits of the show known and pointing out the duty of the people in the mj tter dtmdas slolrdacd another swindle i the post office authorities have been in structed to notify all persons desiring to remit money to thos s gaidner ctaicr0 chicago farm journal or jrarm journal co chicago 111 that thl postmaster- general ot the united states pasiasue4 an order forbidding the delivery of registered mail matter or the paymant of money orders to the newspaper je it ownee some fifty guelph investor risked a dollar each in this unique tottery scheme and all that they received in- return was otfe copy of thepaper and a so called souvenir of art something in the chrorao line barfmzjr4iputtjf fehnell winters a laborer jam ployed on the government farm at que iph had his leg amputate below the knee t she toron to hospital t saturday on fridiy even ing ho took tho 865 train oi the grand trunk kjailway in mistake fo one which was to start at a later hour he did not discover jbis mistake until ho got to john street where he endeavored to jump catching hold of tho bide bar ho sprang off the step but did not let go hisjholdintime with tho result that his left fo t wasoaught under the revolving wheel and badlji mangled amputation was foui id neoessary the illustrated london new the illustrated loudon aeic in its american edition of october 11 th furuishos as usual many pictures upon i variety of subjects inoluding a doublomgo pictsro deer stalking in the highl nds three papers devoted to the britibhj mission to morocco a most pleasing afidj instructive pibture entitled a sad dogs day sketches of life on board a mano war tho homo ot florenco nightiugo e o o the supply of reading mat or is alio abundant and interesting wliilo the number ciomplete coats at re ail only 10 cents the office ot publication is 287 potter building new york immortality proved outside cripture bev geogre sexton m a itf d ll d of london england will j reach twioe in the methodibt church geo getown on sunday october 23rd aud will lecture iu the lame place monday evening oot 21th on if a man die shall he livo i igain 7 the question conclusively answered by modern science philosophy aud beuson ih this age wheu currents of unbelief are sweeping away the foundations of so many peoples faith it is well that great men have been raibed up bujiwdrks qf the truth in tho front rank of tceso stands dr sexton he is not one vho speaks from what he has read simpl but also from the experience of twelve years spent in awful darkuess of infidel ty dnring which time he was one of its i blest advo cates he is thoroughly convi rsant with all the arguments and sophisti y ot every phase of infidelity and also with the facts and arguments of the most modern science and philosophy and consequently is able to speak with authority on the gre it questions that touch every ones future moreover he has coupled with his knowledge the very rare gift of making hib su aject inter esting to yonng and old learned and illiter ate by presenting it in poj ular form clothed in concise statement impressed in the simplest english our c tizens who go to hear dr sexton will enjoj a treat personal mention respecting visitors toandfro4lth whom free pres3 readers are acquainted m bui qiielph mahket8 sm flour stone white wheal bed wheat spring glasgow ilarloy oats ryet vmlu hay 8tmw wood per oord bgaiperdoien 1ritter dairy packed litter rolls i iioote 1otatoot por bag apples pork lambskins pelts hides wool timothy scod por bush clover seed aliiks too to a is 0 tt to077 0 77 to 0t7 0tt to 077 0 co to 0 07 oaaroos4 0 50 to oh 0 m to 0 i 8 00 to 10 00 s oo to oo 4 00 to i 50 0 18 to 0 90 018 too 90 0 23 to 025 0 19 to 0 15 osotoloo 0 so to 0 75 5 75 to 0 10 q 05 to 0 70 0 95 to 0 85 0 00 to 0 60 0 98 to 0 93 9 00 to 8 00 6 60 to 5 75 0 60 to 7 00 a fare for neafenrs there have been many remarkable oureb of deafness made by the use of hagyards yellow oil the great household remedy for pain inflammation and sorcnesb yellow oil cuies rheumatism sore throat and i croup and is useful intomally and exter nally for nil pains mid injuries uryonil dlnpuie thero is no bettor safer or more pleasant cough remedy mado than hogyardb pector al balsam it cures hoarseness bore throat coughs colds bronchitis aud all throat and lung troubles i nullum iu pnrvo tlicro ib much in a little as regardb burdock blood bittfcrs you do not have to take quarts unci gallons to get at the medicine itcontaiua every drop in every doso has medical virtue us a blood purify ing system regulating tonic a the extraordinary popularity of ayers cherry pectoral ib the natural result of its use by intelligent people forpverforry years it has proven itself the very best specific for colds coughs und pulmonary com plaints auction sale register fiuday 2ut orroder unreserved palo of farm stoek and implements the property of mr james mooro lot 1 con 7 kmniokn halu to comuiouce nt tcu oclock lunch at twolve mm hemstruct auctiduoer tcesdav 251u octoiien auction kalo ot farm stock and implements tho proiierty of james dunn lot s8 con 7 kassagawsya salo at 19 oclock wm houiatreot auetioncer friends in flington is paid a welcome to rev mr cannings a welcome home social was held in the basement of the baptist churchmen monday evening when the new pastor of georgetown and acton baptist churches bev s 0 cunnings and family were tendered a hearty reception after tea a programme of music speeches etc was carried out mr j a dean made a neat short pointed address on the temperance question and expressed his pleasure at being present to welcome bev mr cun nings to georgetown citizenship mr m s clark in behalf of the church extended a hearty and sympathetic welcome to the new pastor who made a brief and appro priate reply jtorgtloten herald new gtj2 station at guelph the grand trunk railway will build a new and commodious station at guelph next spring it will be a brick station 02 x 2j divided info two large waiting rooms one general and one for ladies with a ticket office between available for bothand the necessary closets and other conven iences also they will enlarge the bag gage room and build a new platform 24 feet wide in the front of the station and 12 at the bides and back also a platform between the two lines of rails now if the gtb authorities would only ship the present depot at goelph to acton to re place the diminitive barracks which does doty as a station and a residence for the agent here we would all appreciate it the newspaper putt this paragraph should be read by every gentlemen are enterprising business men anithey are making the milling business e raeeess they deserve it at the october meeting of the toronto presbytery a resojution was passed bepar- tfiog boston church esqnesibg and koox church milton making them separ ate charges services will be held infenox chnrch atjl am and 7 pm every sab bath m mure champion any person who will send ns the namesof five new subscribers to the faee tuimi jfor next year and five dollars will receive the paper to the end of 188 free and each of the subscribers will also reeive it free for the remainder of this year this offer applies to clubs of five only not to single subscribers tbi work of improvement at fairviow cemetery continues new lots are being purchased weekly and the puretiasere al- nwet invariably proceed at once to give ftemvn attractive appearance a nwnber of removals from the old cemetery to the new one are taking place and monuments fe bang placed in position doaotrorget v r when you intend purchasing s first chts organ or piano to go to j c mclean of the guelph temple of j music ko is no t bat buys his goods in large quantities t rock bottom fignres and only the kigh- t grades are handled mr john matthews vii shelburne last week bev s cleaver ba of down with typhoid fever mr g c clark of peterborough his friends here a visit this wee t mr and mrs scott of nilson were gnests of mr d hendereon h s week mr james brown spent s veral days with friends at niagara falls tl is week mr james firstbrookj of tor mto was a guest at mr vf h storeys this week mrs samuel green of tars has been the guest of acton friends dtirii g the week mr john easton and mr al on of nel son were the guests of mr tho nas easton several days this week mr thomas calhane anfl bis eiater miss mary culhane of montret 1 formerly of acton visited friends here la week miss cassie mcphail former rot lome school has been engaged as tocher for the second department of ac on public school i mr and mrs alex irving vt to had been visiting friends iu acton for sev ral weeks returned homo last thursd ly miss lizzie grant accompanied then misses annie mahaffy and lena dor- land will continue as teacliesof third and fourth departments of he pnblic school during the coming year mrs james nicklin and chili rcn return ed home to lowell mich last thursday they spent four or five week i in acton and other canadian points very pleasantly the official board of norfolk st metho dist church guelph have extended an invitation to bev n r willou hby of port perry fo become pasl or of that church 3 hon edward blake sailed from new york last thursday for engh nd it is expected he will take an extend id and lei surely tour through southern jeurope for the benefit of hia health elder wm crewson of bays ville mus- koka mado acton friends a short visit this week mrs crevfson will return with him we understand that mr evangelistic efforts in mu6kok4 successful mr alex durno and mcthei house left yesterday moruing hu- ss i y-it- iht a i t m hotea m new good8l fashtojirable good consequently bave marked evefytliintjj in tending buyers will find a inrgciyfuiedand nttrnctivq stock to scject from i vyinceys and meltons very cheap big drives in cottons shirtirtg canton flannel allwool and union flannel carpets cur haw is corsets bustles cloves hosiery collars cuffs flannel cannot be here mentionel ticking sheeting ducks tins rugs counterparts yarns broidery and dozenof other sssss i willlneky it is n well known fact that in this department we load eviryfi house in the county of ilultoti fiiid that people require change and new ideas and we haveheen fortuimto in secikiiig the services of miss gloveij tojthe millinery trade and who has had charge of some of the best establisliirieiil jiii the conntry which positions hold without great experience and ability she is now in charge and will be pleated to meet the ladies of act country dont forget that the leading featured in tins department are style niid- reasonable prices mantles fion show big ranges of mttntlo cloths and ulsterings of heaulitul designs ci better to do a low to corres- bought early in tlfo season and as low as njoncy and ajong experience in bu nrgo business and havo 6mall profits than n larige profit and do a small btisincst ioud with the hard times i v special values ik dbesj goops all tlie new bhadesaufji makes in stock with lriminingsto match thj dcparfrfieuthas had special attention tjlils season and and ifllinerjr pfjmse cheap goods pg can doi we have decided tnatfti 5 men and boys overcoats childrens toboggan coats womens misses groceries fresh and cheap pure uncolored japan tea a specialty butter and eggs wantep iids mens and youllivbaots sl conhection with their business here these fone who desires knowledge on a point of absorbinginterest to newspaper publishers every day almost newspaper men are called upon fcf notice this or that thing which is of no interest to the public but which would be an advertisement for him who asks the newspaper favor the col umns of a newspaper are the publishers stock in trade worth so much an inch and which he is willing to sell to make a living hence when a publisher is asked for bo much space to puff some one free he who makes the request is acting precisely as if be should ask a jeweler for a ring or a tailor for a coat there are some people who think it a favor conferred upon a newspaper to ask a puff every puff is worth at least ten cents a line and when a newspaper gives this away jit is just so much out of his pocket stique mich wher3 he has secured a good situation his many friends ii acton and limehouse while regretting b s removal wish him every success in his x bw home from our own correspondent r0ckw00d xew8 is staying ilrs turney of chicago 111 with friends in rockwood and ljicinity mr d l sohuliz and two g lelph firms are dealing largely in turnips at tbestation the want of sufficient cars is tx ing felt the hotel being built by mr p lee is nearly finished it adds grei tly to the as nobby a lot of gents furnishings aa will be found in any village can be had at the merchant tailoring establishment of w j oteveusoii erin call and sec kelly bros bankrupt of overcoats enitt and umjwwtar dontforget kelly bros great fa on sstoroay qt interest to health seekers an important article for healthseekers appears in the november habpebb under the title of tlie winter climatic besorts of three continents by williain smith brown mr brown has for forty years made the matter a special study in bis wide travels and masses into nine pages the net result of bis researches regarding the invalid resorts of egypt france italy algiers spain switzerland and the united states he specially emphasizes the vital characterists of the chief places fn this country to which pilgrimages are made for recuperation of health and shows that each particular locality has its own quality of influence adapted to a certain class of invalidism and limited season of benefit which must bo carefohy ipguted il any remedy i to be derived what the medical profession has failed to do he has accom plished by a broad and carefnl investiga tion of ajtjtbe healtb rrlrtofreurope africa and america revealing the short comings and the advantages of each site appearance ot the village tho of the interior fs magnificent crewsous are quite of lime- for mani- powder absolutely pure this powder novor varies a marvel of purity strength and wholesomcness more ocouomlcml than the ordinary ujads and cannot bo sold in competition withrtc multitude of low test abort weight alum qr phofephste powders sold only in cans botju buino pownrb co 100 wail 8lny i j howito build a house suitable for j city town or country wo have tins beat plan ofrboiwccvcrarrnagcd by au arcbitcct itls cbenj bfrtiti fully jirranf- eu and oruainoiital hovcirtylivo uiousaud nlails of this hoiye liavo been cold aud over 750 houbcshavo bceii built in the tjuitoclgtatos front tbem wblcb speaks plainly for iu popularity an architects charge for getting up a plan likolt would bo about hb the publishers price is 95 for the next sixty dab we will mail it postpaid to any address oti receipt of if von ever in tend to bnild a house scud at oucu for tlvis plan you will licver begrudge the t tlie plans give scale to work from of cellar mlrst and second floors and four different pictures of the honke showing bow it looks wheu nuinhud of front and rear and tbu two sides our offer will hold gotl for only sixty dnyrt frpm the date of this paper ko order at once hooks treating on carpenter ing building architecture etc circulars mail ed free address i srkpuid a stewaktv i evaxhbuitn pa ljustaltlllv13dat 4 the baza jlh a laiioli stock of wools tloublo aud siilo llcriin zuplicr andu- lcslau voiry zclior and all kinds ot fin gering wools for the fall and winter trade a love assortment of embroideries in cambric arid muslin woodwork jit is being meet them executed by mr p mccann aiton our base ball team has been very un fortunate this summer in being unable to secure opponents speedside club did some stout talking but that s the way tbey play best even at this la te date our boys would very much like to on the diamond where to hotli thesow to tho editor of the fuki piiksb dkaii sib what you say ab ut george town and acton as suitable plat es for the esquesing agricultural show i lay be all well enough but have yon ever ookedinto the superior olairus of limeh use we have as good farms and farminj around as either place with much mot romantic scenery the place im more c ntral than either and just sis accessible by rail true we lack the taverns and some o the stores but people dont go to fairs not adays to get drunk nor to buy a half a pi und of tea but to get prizes and to get something useful and comfortable our bankets for instance to take home to keep heir hearts and backs warm cross out y mr square and look at the most central a id suitable place in the township fur th i township show very truly joiid newton limehouse oct hth 1887 mrsliary thompsoi of tironto was amloted with apo worm 8 fe t of whioh was removed by onoj battle of dr lows worm syrup r handsome baby holies and cashmere cloaks lovclj- shades in plushes felts hatfus arrasineb embroidery silks illlobcllesrpon- poris chenille cords bangles and all the latest trimmings for tidies banners j draperies etc i undcrncar mndc to order i staiuping a specialty and dont forgot thin is where you can get the i light runnino machine new raymond sewing tho machiuo everybody wants koods no recommendation it recommends itself call and boo thin popular machine and inspect our stock of faiicy goods frank rwebber acton august 18th 1887 jamhoofd r how lost how restored 1 just published a now edition of i r culver- wells celebrated essay on tho j adical core of bpermoitorrbcea or seminal weasnefls invol untary homiuol losses impotfucy ifeutol and physical cncapitcityi impedlmeuts to marriage etc also consumption epilepsy and fits ln- dnced by selffudalgeuco or sexyal extrava gance ifccj tho celebrated author in this i admirable obsay clearly demonstrates from athtrty years successful practice that tho alarming conse quences of solfabuso may bo radically cured pointing out a modo of euro at oiico simplo certain alid effectual by moans of which orery sufferer no matter what bis condition may lo cjgmplimentary complimentary refercnoes to our really niaiiificent variety of germari mantles anc dolmans imported direct- from the makers have come to us from all directions an ong others are tho following from the dai y papers in reference to our display at the guelph exhibitiou i rom the daily mercury guelph linyoons asnclothiso i j mr e it bollert makes a speciality in his large display upstairs of 16 fino cloth ant bilk mantles samples of tho stock made specially for his trade by german manufacturers ho also shows a dozen fur mantles nnd doliuano specially choice rucning from 83ti to 8li0 together with the dressed skius ffoni which mantles are made to trder another main feature of his exhibit is an niportment of balls her 1th preserving corsets and a strikiuq olectrio signboard a cuscof fine millinery auti fnrs completes his really creditable display from the daily miil toronto a hse ihsliay this exhibit was really about the only att action on the gallery the principal foaluro being his specially imported ger main msntlesj made specially for his better claisof trade these are noted for their elegance of style finish and material he ala exhibits a fine line of expensive seal mantles and dplmanb rangingiu pricefrom 125 to 325 baltic and greenland seal mabtles from 180 to sco each astracan and bokhara mantles from s25 to 16 these are goods not surpassed in the do minion for quality he also exhibits the drejbsed pelts of all the above fnrs which arej used as samples to make up to order in any style mantles and mantle making is thei most prominent feature of mr bollerts busines who also carries a large stock of general dry roods and dcujs largely in the celebratedball corsets his store in 27 windham street from the daily herald guelph ki iu iiollku r themost elqgant costly and attractive exhibit in thcj building ib the splendid as sortment of mantles millinery audi far goods from the establishment of mr e b bollert lower wyndham street it occupies almost the eiitire south side of the gallery and comprises the most beauti ful liiic of imported fur goods that has jever ben brought into the city among other fine artulcs of feminine adornment a south sea set 1 mantle and dolman valued at 325 clain s the particular attention of the ladies there are also a variety of baltic and greenland seal goods of extra quality but much cheaper than tliebbove also bokharari mantles from 25 iff 50 und a collection of dressed pelts which aro mado up according to order in cloth goods mr bollert shews mantles and dol mans in rich silk brocade silk and fur lined dolmans cloth mantles dolmans and short jackets in ladies misses and chil- diens sizes and of every quality tho samples shown are all from mr bollerts regular stock and tho most expensivegoods were manufactured in berlin germany especially for him every visitor should see his exhibit the centro of which is adorned with the majestiemgn of the ball corset company our stock of mantle and ulster cloths silk flushes jplush brocades and fine mantle material is also very attractive oar mantle llakers have uu established reputation fr the very best styles and work noted for t hoipe goods no credit e k bollert 27 lover fyndham st gtjelphbnt telepnob in orncs 1 o th lion of iti denials tabling lines which uo exception we a lad 7 well known she couldnt possibly pn ancjl surrounding 90 clents up we ocs ul rubbers m jijirmyn mcleod anderson co of the i tammo fh house georlaefrowjnf have much citig to tlieiij of iminenso fashionable goods in saney goods we nije the atcst stylos for fsill baifeaiiis ers arnvn fall pleasufe in aimpun- patroifs and friends s of newand and winter ud staple dry aders in fbe andtli guiding star visitors sur- prised buylers d lighted fine goods and lew prici6 do the work t- our dres goo is and dress materials custunie silks dress trinuniiigs gwlisymaiitjie niakf inakiiigare in beasuuule figures 5 and 7 wyndhamst cuelph 84 oswldst clasg6w we are now displaying one of tic most attractive stocks of mil- mory ever seen in gucjpli the shapes iirejlajrge aiid very stylish l ihut wliave ever and the trimmings lire the richest and most seen in any former millinery season may cure himself choaply prlvatel aud raill- call rthisjlocturo should be in the ha ids of every youth and orery man in the laud sent under seal in a plain envolcpo to any address on receipt of four cents or t wo postage stamps address tiiculverwell medical co 41 akk bt kew took s t p0 box iso ufjii cnii live at nomo and make more money i till u at anytl lug elso in thi i world capital not needi d you are started frie both sexes all ages inyouocau do the wrk large earnings sure rrom first start co tlv outfit and terms free better not delay coi ts you nothing to seud ui y nr address and find oat if ton are wise you wl 1 do so at onee b hallett co portland maine mantles our stock qf mantles is every variety and effect in c sleeves having all the elvsfanl convenience of the jackets simply a iriarvol ofle2ance we show oth and design polmans with close ce of the dolrnans the warmth and sholtt jackets we show an immense jackets is very complete an dressmaking mit8 todds wellearn qfl rep t0 3jhe jambsl sttrton lds- dkntist tovells blocli opposite pott office quelph vitalized aib painless extraction cf teeth artificial toe h guaranteed porfect in appear ance fit auevus j fino gold work a specialty all operations t trlctly flrstclass appointment made by letter overcoat w6 wouldsajy that our coats is ulltlic latest styles are mucjijarn aifcltlictejj to ban make our stock of furnisliins is very complete mae huge our assoi tincijt childrens pieces ore very liioilcratc miss todd is very busy intliis department and is turning out bora very handsome arid new styles this department owing tt iitation is assuming vast proportions o o- gentliimbln btock of cloths bojtli for suits and over- wide wjtrstripe anil worsted coatings llligs latest th ur stock ot readymades is very complete and wecan guaraii- you a much better fit frfni among them than the average cutter f j d williamson co cuelph i in geuf y cloths dress mantle fugaiiddress- of jiopulattty les and fair uperb choice sjricd atsy kdycaure is wonderful fy and rfvlc 0ur3jiljfiieryiis extensive suited thti stock in quality quanti our staple goods isbeyondcom parison tl c larg ist and gheap est ever offer j c ittons at woii- dcrful low pi ices l magnificent canton flannel foi semper yard superb grey flankel 26 iuches wide allwool 20c per yard emen 9 wear our shiug8 of all kinds ijettind onr- cutting tailoring cloths suiting hitteriate over coatings underc othing and gents furn and not for and make ua in ur department for stjlc and finish has unsurpassed the best of every thing rut io high price profits ladies ar d ifaimerise stock constantly cfferiiigl this departn ent we have 4 land premises evcij faci uess comfortably equal facilities to b cheap sei every home imdlet we are reac trade with ments beyond tbcj competition new featurtj fall hats o o- the largest and b east est assortment in town at the- glolhin end come and see them s- -2- store strate beyon doubt that with goats footwear ireat variety bargains in stock large- ity lodobusi- we havejuu- jiy tlie goods igate from us prove that lii ii 2 4ut for more irresistabic induce- whisper r arison our exclusive styles pr com uiiequaled bargain will demon d the it will mcleod anderson co geproetpwn- shadow of a pay to trade o- y have a large line of cheap hats from 25c to 100 which mustfcfeqld at once jvfyfe acton d mandrake dandelion liver cure soffcooo sotd tb csasb is td p favorably known 6 well anil by his receipt boo storoqui oauyreoommeud- tlon da ohieks li- or cure i las a receipt book wrapped arbuud c very bott a which is worth its weightin gold da chases ta it cure is all dlsoases arifi ig from liver such as ii ct tomf hiuf dprnei indbicnlionblioaiirs cnaranteectto cure rtorpld or inactive hiuf dptffvila janndicciiefid achejitcrhro ttsuovf jvutplejdaiimet da chasss li rer cure is no cure all it is simply a kidnej ivorrkcgtllator- try it lle- dicino and booeiit boosiet gists sole agents vi- xty jv wv sold-byslldrug- djiajtoti jfc co bradford out ovekcbats p having boughti place ji in stock qm suits and underwearli above we ill iavt them ock of jforfowwih- begin nffd to et clothing 6 yoj h undredsaf suits arfd overcoi ismzmmmm it 1st j887 the greatest oppprtunity yoi have ever i to select from ill a w m v r rvjifo fivsl tfsm m sip

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