Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 3, 1887, p. 1

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fe v 1 r j volume xllliwo tht ctrnt jfre jjras kveby thursday mousing aims pre3s powir printiq houfje acton ontario free sub80rimtootett oxnvkvil moo six uqxth mctt tllllkit moxtus j85o invariably iitarvanca itnatpaidluadvaam slisperrearwtubeeuargfl i tittnot till all arrears ar option of the publisher advewlsinq rjte8 tpal f no paper dtaoou- jfd except mt tb 21 inches 10 iuckut 5iinhcs 1 inch 1 1 vn f0 mo 1 3 iio 1 1 mo vdottwismo 4000 000 tooa isuu 3 ltto m0 800j 100 cnai advertisements s wtit per hoc or the first insertion aud 3 routs per llui for each ut- seiuont insertion cull the number of linn nksoiiil tv the space ooonpitd uiaasurwl by aeale of solid nonpareil advertisements without specific directions iwill be inserted till forbid ana charged accord- ugly trausitory advertisement must be paid n advance changes for contract advertiaonientsniust bo iu tbo otoco by a am on tuesday otbenrim tbcv will be loft over until tb fallowing wtok h i sioore kdltor and proprietor uusituss fiirtctorp h lowry m b m c p s graduate ottriuifrcoll member rf college of rhysicians and surgeon oftice and residence at tbe bead of frederick trcot acton johs lawsojj graduate of ontario yf wtitiary college toronto yet- eriaarv surgeon action out office in kenny bru- boo and shoo store residence in th roar hones examined as to soundness and certtflcates iven ah calls- night or day promptly attended to terms easy l bennett lds dentist gsohoetown oxfaiao l c mkixlay lds surgeon 1t jeorcctotrn qai- use the ncwsyswai of nitrous oxi3e gas commonly l -a- dej cauedvitaltiod atrl tor extracting teeth without turn hating been demonstrator and practical teacher in koyal collepo of dental surgeons toronto patron may depend upon receiving satisfaction in any operation performed will visit acton every second and foartb wednesday of oath month office in agnewi hotel h carrique surgeon den f tist milton honor graduate of the koval college of dental surgeon of ontario win visit actoa thursday of each week begin ning the first of july office in agncws hotel preservation of the natural teeth a specialty artificial tcftb inserted on cold celluloid or rub ber bases suarunteed perfect yitaliled air nitrons oxide and other anaesthetics used for nainless extraction of teeth johnston mclean hamsters jtolicitors notaries conveyancer tc frivate funds to loan office town hall acton e f b johnston wa a mclean t a mowat bikeliter souciton notjlbx ptbijc money to loan ointx dirttuesday and sarardaj 0 ntr matlbesv block acton u5tair9 vr emitchell soucrron costetiscix c offie first door west of tbe i champion oftt main stnct mil i on money to loan at g ihtccuw hilton allan a bairtj bmtiiters solicitors c togoxto xx1 geobgewtrs 02ii5 trcclmans block georgetown and 80 kins street cast tcrouto w t illvn j gailtox dx i bviki d b auerow 4 carson aetou banking oonipaiiy 8r0rjby ohristix dj6 -bankbrs- actou ontario aqskbral bankiho business transacted uovst toaiw 017 apph07ss noteci discounted and interest jevllowed on dopoblts find the puzzle n rk mbdertignort prciwrocl to furnlih qu tlia x shortest notice in any quantity and at bot- tow price firstclan j lumber lath staves head ing shingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood flour and peed and any thine in the una ot tannery housekeep- anotoootractonnaceaatue j j tho puulo li to find it botta place than thomas 0 moores to buy anything in the above lines also to find oat it yon are indebted to him for anything pur chased from him his books say souio are and h would like tbo money w h rutledce the butcher deals in evurytliiur iu tho meat line no cita tent can be fouud better stock ed at alt seasons no questionable goods of fered to customers at any price lowest ivicea and squaro dealing is my motto ode trial convinces on these rwints cash always paid for cattle the highest price paid tor hides and sheepskins- w h rutledge wellington marble works qtrxszo sir qttslph hamilton clark proprietors wholesale and retail dealers in marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importers of all kinds of granite and marble having lately visited tbe bay of fondygranite quarries and bavin purchased the entire stock of gray and red granite monuments beadstodfcs crosses urns etc of alexander taylor at leas than cost we will until further notice sell at prices never before known in ontario forto stance granite monuments tt high sod 7 ft 875 8 ft 909 ft 100 10 ft 120 all work and material warranted firstclass forties wanting anything in tbi line will do well to call and see us before purchasing elsewhere as we guarantee our price are from 30 1 50 per cent below all other dealers do to haiikistellsatlaw ac osi ci ontario hall 50 church street toronto utvbalklebowjjjr john caesoxecl cocnowrxarroajcer r i katents secured fob inventions kknky guist ottawa caxapa rvvnty ycirs practice no pateut no pay w hemstreet llcex3ei acctlpxeek for ih foauies of welunfcton ami haltou or us left at tbe fuee pbkss office acton or at my residence in acton will be promptly at- itudej lo terms reasonable- also money to loan on the most favorable terms and at the lowest rates of interest iu sam of ocuo and upwards t a murray llcessei acdloxteb fer the counties of rhalton and wellington ortosltliatlii residence main street oppos- itc church street acton or addressed to acton po will receive strict attention term reasonable notes diaconnted if desired john day architect gttexph oirij oifkeojieeuvhotel block market sqoarej tjibancis ntjnan i successor to t p chapmau bookbixdeb st georjes square guclpb ontario account ilooks of all kinds made to order ierificals of every dessriptiou carefully bound kulink neatlr and promptly done liyery j h worden haylnti assuuinl proiirietorelpp of theliverv bukuuni lately carried on jby mr e smith would solicit the patronage of uiopubllc and will do their utmost to ileas all customers well equipped and stylish rigs can always be secured first class outfit for commercial travel- lariat special rates a comfortable bus in acts all day trains and nighs alsoiif ordered oivensacall j h worden a bplbndidj i 40f- fancky qbods assortment at- days bookstore qublph day seljls cheap j tf stakson tailor aifici draper is now bhowiug i luarnificont range of new and choice line i in falltitiiigs aijilovercoatiligisi extraordinary va o in t underwear tiis collars jcnlts gloves fcc its one dollar mens working pa i j n spnson rockwood next door to post office -the- ceiftt storei 1 as busy atjipii jas a beehive openinc oujt new cocps arriving from germany england and new york aad marled off at the lowest cjash prices jas f ten cent kidner store w barber bros paper makers georgetcd 1wn kciliri of hel t he hanlan barber shop mill stbeit agios an easy shave a stylish haircut a good eafoanv an exhiliaratingahampooalway given bazpn honed and pnt in firstclaa condition ladies and childrens hair tasjtuy cut j h wobde tomorial artut ouelph business college gdelph onlabio the fourth scholaslflc ybab bcan september 1st tbe faculty ha u- en strengthened the college premiei lenlarged and new auplianees added each of the six members of tbe facility is an experiouced and taoeasf ul teacher tbe thorongb and practical nature of the work done by the college is proven by the sntxess of its graduate both in canada aud thfc united sutes ladles are admitted to all the advantages offered by the institution for ttrms etcj address m miccobmick 101 y principal lumber shingles and lath pause and consider that it will bo to yonr ovu iutcrost to patronize home trade we would respectfully inform tbe inhabitants of acton and surrounding country that we are again in full rnnning order and in a better position than before tbo fire to fill alt orders entrusted to mi to parties building lumber vyilt be dressed while you wait and mouldings sic made with neatness and despatch n b we arc also prepared to fill all order for j j i on short notice and from long experience in tbe business we reel confident bat we cap give tat- iafactldn every time bo come oh with yonr orders ai4 help to roll tbo ball alijng ialoney make the more go whether ibebat legs or no thosebbag hanaker machine finished book papers a b illtill gkadk veek1y news the paper used in the above mills wm ont this journal is from barber sc bros dxr cottq ma ivantoniblnvomahjanhtlto qvlokly vot lean how i ihall pring nilnoj yawcob blip to ben ddr coming nian forfrydayldsoeiu t mo dor brosbobt look 1 derhardor to make dot coming golugfadpr tvssboddbor he vaauoro like mo a dciitschor blain und rude a to boon abofo hoes ijootnl uud grown boon a uulo 1 doud oxshbootdot pay of mine a to be utati tnibrovo irijou dot vasllnkton s all aroundt uliop mine und scbopmlt hadehoj abblodrco bo he can let der couudtry know ho chuardter vainal und got soheap advertising dot ho dont could dell n llu mluo yawcob lets dor diocs alone undil dj dhey bear uud dbott dot feller ho hon susro looks oudt uud fiota ilor d dot advice it oup to young a no v 1 4hooter he doud do id budt id vont t bonio say tvas bedder iot you teach dorj idoas to shoot yell i dluk dis aboudt goot dot poy vonco dook hwj way vllllam te budt yawcob vas no pobty veil dot arrow dond go drol der core pooty uoari shust near enough to ulss id uud go drdo hoes brodors oar he dravels mit bees bu veilder uud dough lie vas a don iporaucopoy sompdluies hodakc a be der i doud know shust oxa tly vot dot vas tis vorse as blor j sbust like ho shtrike a yglono and valk irlghdt off on hi earl i ask von time aboudt i 1 but dot poy he only grumble und say j beddher try i 1 vonee dhcu maybe i ronld tumble dot yawcob ttys dot vena boor und lie vants to bo richer und dot der coming ma i must been a vlrsdglass pasoiwll pltche j i bo say he must ba sbt ikingbudtiuud try und luakeahlt v und dells me ivaa off ulnepaae fun off it vheu i say he soon iiust bardie bees canoe oudt on dorse wim p he say dot von oh haula rssholiil vas goot euosgb lorului f dot shakesliocr say abo nit der son dots brofll- gate nnd vild how sharper as a ser icuts thanks vas boon der toothless shf d i got dot leodlo dwlsted i mean dot thankless youth ho cuts hecs poor oldt fader more as a servients tooth 1 uud dhcu der brovcrb dolls us dot der sliild ho must obey lot eef yon should hliparc der rod you jjlipoil liini righdt avay veil yawcob be vas pofty goof i gnesn i dond gomblalu cndl i koiiicdimcs vlsh mlneieif dot i vas beeii apoy again i leta him blay mlt pasejiiajl uud tuike headers vhllc ho can i prngb him oup mlt kindness uud i risk dqr coming man irtjtiicighbor hfciffcr usj dor shtick vhile otllo howls und daucci i11sbioil ilur rod und kj hare der shild 1 dink und dnko der nlia ices j hanicrs magaxiuc tlttt fami isnce iloved a my dear co the celibacy is that once i loved a liialdcn fair hut she did deceive me remarked jfack as he took his seat oh the first formj- j i am sure they look voryilover nonsenie ernie tis ooljy the awe-in- sprinif fileam of their gbsseti 1 dont be- hove they are clever a bit look jack theres qoite n pleasant- looking ono ttmoiir them flow she has such a entllo face and wear a pretty brown dress what a great diamond and silver anchor she lias for a brooch well it is pretty i dont think 1 ever saw snch diamonds before y jackstarucl and followed effles eyes altd saw standing on the low platform a gentle looking woman about thirty with large brown eyes soft musses of waving brown hair and a ruddy humorous month this lady opened tlui meeting with a geutle persuasive speech about the- dignity j of labor uud woroaus work in the world claiming cijnally of the sexes with so little arrogance that one felt it would be a plea sure to concede the point to her then with her sweet face all aglow with excitement she pointed out a true womans mjsuon showed how shoulder to shoulder js broder oudt uujl dhei wjould labor by the side of man without oaubing him to cry out for elbowroom it was a pleasantly powerful speech given with great forceand judgment owing much tis true to the sympatbetio persoasioh of a sweet womanly voice winding op by beg ging women to bo a power for godd in the sickloln efcry kind ofwk to win mens respect by teaching men how to roverence womanhood then she flattered the ladies by telling them they wero decidedly better looking than men on burns authority who said nature first her prentice ban alio tried on jmau and then she made tho lasses o green grow the rashes 0 sighed jack as the lady sat down amii a storm of applanses why i taught her that and much shell make me answer for what are you talking abbot jack why my nutbrown maid of cotfrse tbe heroine of my only romance that lady with the anchor round herneekl do yon mean to tell me jack tliat is the woman who jilted you v certainly my dear and very grateful i am now i see bow shes turned out well may she hide her face behind her fan a boldfaced jig give me the programme why as 1 live she still culls herself mar garet steerstraight oh 1 say eftie isnt this place awfully hot lend me your fau i hope when women get their rights tbey will oblige ns with their privileges among others when they take away onr swords they will give as their fans to hide our di minished heads jack i believe she sees you she has tu ned all manner of colors and iaall of a flutter shes seated quite at the edge of tb i platform why dont yon arrest- her at ention let the dead past bury its dead my ideir but jack she looking hard at yot if she looks harder 1 bhaut break j but she couldnt look harder jock no if she tried with both hand jack fejt foolish lie was afraid to tnru hii head at last the temptation was too strong for him and he looked and loved agjju when- tbo audience were leaving be stepped up to the side of the platform and whispered to her in his droll way j peggy how long is it since you took j let ve of your senses and made an exbibi- tion of yourself among these miserable old yourself my dear long ag girl under the rose another fellow went ill business also rub roeq g fttnbing juaiden fair wlioh secret of my was looking uiiusoally well in a soft rich- tlhted dresstnafshowed her soft smootli neck and pretty rounded armd dres heavily embrdiderod with silvej ornn mehts to match shonol on her fiiiedark skfti and round her neck fastening a velvet band gleamed tlie diamond flnclior while she was jsalng to theglrl she called katie little commotion at the door canscd her to look round audi the hot blood flushed for a second over her breast and crept to the soft wave of her hair leaving her chill and ijoiet for there in the doorway stood pretty mrs maddocks lean- ing upon cousin jackb arm her sweet face breaking into dtliulitfnl dimples at sight of the old friend she had not seen since her marriage f 1 5heygatueired ronnd her and set up such ahatz of admiration that captain jack was glad to slip away and came face to face with bis old sweetheart he held otlt his band in sileuce she took it us gingerly as though it were it jellyfish katielisle saw a strange trouble in the two dark faces slipped away leaving thern alone peggy said jack softly where have yon hidden yourself all these months i have searched for yon night and day and here you fnru up just where i lost you tliree months ago come out into the gar den 1 want to talk to yonx f as bespoke lie led her out oil to the lawn then facing her in the moonlight lid said i i peggy tell me how it is you still wear my love token is it to mock me tvitli a semblance of hope qb my dear my dear why have we beeaiarted all these years what miserable misunderstanding marred our lives the moonlight danced upon the anchor tnrning the gems to liquid fihs peggy put her hand upon it and said with a voice quivering with emotion it was wrong of me to keepnt i was weak foolish mad i will give it you back now that you may bestow itn where your love is captain jack looked amazed then the quivering lips and shaken voice raised a passionate remorse in bis- breast and lie caught her to his heart bestowing upoaher shocked face a rapture of caresses one weakmoment of delicious yielding peggy gave to love then she started liway from him saying hotly yon oh how dare you insultme so wbat- have i done that you should mock me with such a poor pretence at love oh you are cruel for the sake of tho old times might at least respect me by this time peggy was oryiuj bitterly jack took her bauds in bis with an air of perplexity what do you mean margtret are yon mad why is an honest mans love an insnlt ob jack yon know it is sin and to respond to it w8uld be to degrade my wo manhood how yon must despise roe to imagine i can forget that iharriaije has parted m for ever j mari garet uro jjonmar but aro you sure you did not deceive women 1 loved a pretty 4nd disoterf that for thevame uj of so i left s a h ever i jap bu yrl headquarters for the bell organ and lansdowne piano the leading pianos and organs of the present day 1 i having been appointed sole agent for wuments i am pre- j c inducements to pur- chasers this fall instruments sold on the monthly or qoarterly gooddisconntfor cash and prices or call at the wareroom a couiiktjb stock of sheet music new musio and the latest songs arrving dally catalogues furnisbod a lxu llb of aix wtu a fall 1iuu ul 1 uv mm- v other kinds of lumber alo first and second class pine shingles lath coal wood haviugpurchased tbe coal bnsine ot mrc s smith i am prepared to supply all kind 01 stove coal i have also a good etock of wood jiard wood ash cedar and mill wood at reason able prices wood and coal delivered james bboww y mutual fire insurance company of tub qqvxt7 07 wouviwsqv estinusizn 1810 head office cuelph ivrcii hill unmorebauaiae afufactorie budall other deiriptlorwof property on the premium kote system pw svooe onaei president i i will be tiere before yon know it bat penney bros dominion boot shoe store majnstrieetapton have anticipated its early arrival and laid i in a splendid stock of boots shoes ac a or fall wear ouritejimtatioufurgfwl goods and anperior value is well eitablished we can suit yon all mumoal instrtunentsi guitars banjofiutes mouth organs jetc etc instruction books for call and examine my opposite poitofflce the picture -o- op histoni depitineiit is outfil msworkasnjual remrttis tlyaut noasy ootiev- bros who 8uhrt out instalment plan or write for catalogues frco on application violinoellas violins jovery instrument stock ojw kelly 1 clear field and no fa vo r and have been a jolly old bachelor evet linco and i hrve lived long enough to fiel greatly obliged to the young woman i rlio jilted mc for though my dear i sometimes feel tis miserable to be singh i console myself with thethought that it might be a mil lion times worse to be married tell me how it cat le about said tlie girl with all a girls re ish for anything ap proaching a romance well my dear the girl 1 spoke about was an heieps and lad a crackbrained old mother who fancied every man that looked at her was a fo tune hunter i was staying at their couutiy house with a lot more men for tbe shot ting and as the bid lady would not allow bvers i courted my pretty queen as i sale sub rosa one day i gave a note to her maid for her and found out afterwards had not said all i wanted so asked the i irl for it back in stead of my note i gt another addressed to the same lady twice as affectionate and containing a ph togranh of a very fine fellow so fine was he indeed that when i settled up will him afterwards i found it an euby task o dtrck him in the horse pond roll bin in the gooseberry bushes and in fact u use a trite expres sion knocked him into a cocked hat i confound him i pon my word it would give me great pleasure to go through tbe performance again well of course i promenaded quick aft r this pretty little holiday which i had g ten my senses and from then to now bav never seen or heard of my nutbrown maid why that must be ten years ago i daresay tho ib married and has got halfac ozen youngsters by this time let us go iu your mamma is calling mamma did you jack has been crossed tbe old lady looked at the tall fair girl i shortly r- ever sinjee you have you have been hunting with a to help clumsily to miss guelph fcallery guelpti waters brqs know that cousin hn love over her spect teles before her sflying been engaged tffie np peoples lov i af fairs youll be making me jealous worrying some love secret out of yourapa webb monday hibht i have tempora rily removed to nelles cjld standi i where they ai sacrifice the siilil e preparing to tremendous stjok next suppose jack call crossed in love it he was meant for a jd happily wedded to the has been what yon has not hurt bim illy jaoktar aid is sea cant get away from wantyon to escort iear thelady lee surer that evening just ajfter tea effie tame up to the sailor with mischief injjier laughing eyes cousin jack tom the bank tonight so t me to the institute to on womans rights yon leave woman gif i and stick to tbei privileges find they pay best oh jack do take more than one strong time and ive heard tiefe are quitettjrenty all together at the lecture come do go theres a good now put out that ugfy old pipe and not you my dear tom will find to his obrt some day what a lot of withered old witcjhes s rights alone me i never iminded woman fellow im ready start at once or we sljall be compelled to take a back seat it isnt in yoji as likely steer- vvho has t know by my toull saw at a flaok lets since i took leave of you captain ut tell me who is that pretty girl you have with yon j v thats my cousin eflie the brideelect yvii know i oh i understand you arc here for u bridal all tbo village is ringing with news of ho grand wedding tlut is to take place oh may day yes i roust get effie to invite you though i hope she wont imbibe any of yonr notions she does everything i tell her now let me introduce you to her just then effie came np and prjtty air of command told jack hef with her cloak he did so enough and then introduced her stierstratght the two ladies bowed stiffly effie pnt onjher most dignified air for she felt this brownfaced woman had slighted lier dear cousin jack and was prepared to dislike hei accordingly to break the uncomfortable silence jack sail as a showily dressed woman passed j look effie theres a awall doesnt she look nice i nonsense jack- you hare no taste she looked a perfedt fright v no taste indeed miss thafu tale when yon send me to ohose your wed dingdress 1 what do you think miss straight the brown lady with a cold little smile said that j no one after seeiufihia companion could accuse him of bad taste then they bowed and were borne apart by tbe people leaving the hall that nifjht when talking about tjie enter tainment to her sisters who had been pre vented from attending by indisposition miss steerstraight said i saw miss lawsbu at tho halliapretty the gentleman with her wjui tbs bride groom elect i suppose 2 fyes if it was her cousin mr docks j margaret held a screen between lier and the firelight as she said a little huskily they are a noblelooking coupl a i hope they will be happy p if loyo willbring happiness your wish will come to pass for i never saw a more devoted pair you look tired my dear vyes i feel tired and must try and get some rest for i am sorry to say must return to town tomorrow is it not vety sudden i thoi would have stayed another week at least there are so many people i wanted you to know 1 must go dearbntlf i iaay turn later in the year to finish my have to see my publisher about books i how delightfully cool y4u loik miss steerstraight and the rooms are so intense ly hot- how do you manage to sweetly cool j- by never considering wtethet i look warm said margaret smiling ljodly npou the pretty crimsoned facipfhe youugfeiiiimf katie if you forget o blusiij blnsbing vill forget you the pretty girl looked upon the wosjuxu id3c jtbo world i older tlian jjon by several yekr j for thousand of years it has been full of better and smarter young men than yofarsolf when they died the globe went whirling on awji not one rttan in ahtjodred millions went tj the funeral or heard of tbiir death be as smart 1 you can of course know imuchas you can shed- tbe light of j our wisdom abroad to the world bnt dont try to dazde or astonish anybody with it and ddut imagine a thing is wimple been use you think it is j ont be too sorry foryourfather because lie knows so much less than you do ho jnd to think he was much smarter than jiie father as you llilnk you are smarter thin yours be worldhas great need of yonng men but no greater need than young men have pf he world 1 tour blothes fit- better than your fathers lit limj they cost more money they re mere stylish 1 le used tobe as straight and as nimble as fouare he too perhaps thouglit his fat ler oldfashioned our mustuche is neater the out of your hai r is better and you are prettier far prettier tbitii ta hut young man the old geutlemaiis ju aely scrambling signature flu a check will draw more money out of the bank in a mi mtes than you could get out with a rea m of paper und a copperplate signature in il months toung men are useful and they are ornamental and pe all love them and we could not get up a picnic successfully with out tliem but they are no novelty they ha o been here before livery generation lias a full supply of them and will have to the end of time each crop will think themselves quite ahead oft he last and will live to be called old fog ties by their sous o ahead have your day fyour sons wil by and by pity you for- your old- fas lioned ways dont be afraid your me it will not be discovered people all i oner the world are looking for you and it you are wgrth finding they will be sure to fiud a diamond is not so easily found as a qnartz pebble but people seari for it all thelmore intently- sundafworbl ra mad- dear i ught you- will re visit t ny new goodness ried no but yon arc am i drunk or dreaming married me my dear blessed if the jebt is in bud taste sir i hero comes your wife i will leave the qqestion for her to answer my wife i what little eflio myhwife oh thats a good joke my brother toni would like to hear you say it- why what- ever put that into your head you little ab surdity is she not your wife then jack certainly not my dear thanks to tom she is my sister allow me tb intro duce you to mrs tom maddocks you most manage to kuock up a friendship be tween you for ray sake after a pleasant littlo speech eflie left them rightly imagining that a third per son would spoil what promised to bo a momentous interview an hour later found them still together in the moonlight but their faces were radiant with a happy content we must go in jack people will be chatting about us h let them i have something to say yet how about tmvtllove letter ibat un mitigated ass hiirvpy sent tojyou that started me off iu such hot lias to to india yon dear old goose how could i help the foolish fellow writing to lie it was the first and last letter he ever wrote to me blaming him for all our wretchedness i was very rnde tohim i am afraid i should have written and explained the miserable mistake yonr jealousy made you commit but i could not trace you oh darling i have been so very very unhappy boor little woman well we must make up for lost time by being married at once and crowding ten years happiness bu top of onr general content you will come to me at once pet and forget you ever leagued yourself with the strongminded sister- hood j j oh jack andyoh ask me indeed i shall be glad to get away from them they bully me awfully because my opinions are not pronounced enough for them they were vety prettily pronounced when i heard them my dear butjl fancy the marriage service puts an extinguisher on all that sort of thing if the holy bonds are entered into iu a proper spirit can yon promise to love honor and obey me pet i jto truly lovej one must honor jack dear and where one honors it is easy to obw will you be faithful to me dear until death do us part arjd cherribh me ajwaiys peggy i love you where one loves ouej must cherribh and a part of the cherish ingsj to my thinking mnst be to keep faithful icome darling no more serious thoughts tonight do you remember that when i first saw sweet tcggy j twas on a morkoway well today week is a tnarket day also i waintittd be our wjeddingday oh jack so boon tis never too soon for happiness aud must count in the ten years we liave heei parted dear ten years have tried our hearts jack yesmyowu dear love and found them true andtried hearts are treasures wm 1- s i r tablt llasners foncbil am little fi iks arc souiotiirtea not polite or orderly fit th rir moajs the following sinipu and praictical rules arc riven for their special benefit and w ilch wo would adviso theuj to com mit to memor 1 in sllei ico i must take ijy sest i alidgj ogodihauks ixrforo i eat jtfust f t my food ill nadciieo wait till i a u asked to bandimy pfato i must nqt scold nor wiineviioriqut nor rac ye my chair or ifafe about l wltb k life or fori or napkin rihgv p linnst not play nor must ising i must not speak a useless word for children must be seen ilot heard i most lot talk abput my food nor fre if i dont tilink it good my mo itb with food i must ttoi crowd nor wh jc im eating epeak aloud mnst tt ru my lickdo cough or sneeze and wl en i ask sayj if yon please i the tat loclotu i must not spoil nor xli h my food inynngcr6goil must ki ep my scat when i have doue not rot nd the table sport or run when old to risortlieu j must put my cha r away with noiseless foot i and lif i my heart to god above iu prali 0 for all bis wondroils love x0t a xe1v state a funny m in was asked where is the i state of mati inrony received the follow ing explanatiry answer it is in the united state i it is bounded by rigging and kissing o i one side and cradles and babies on the othor its chief products are population b oomsticks and stay ont late nights it wis discovered by adam and eve while trj ing to hod a northwest pass age out pf paiadise the climate is rather sultry until y u pass the tropics of bouse keeping whe i squalling weather generally j sets in with sufficient power to keep all hands as cool as cucumbers for the prin cipal road lea ling to the interesting state consult the fi sit pair of blue eye you run againstf 4- tjlie pleasukes of the telethon e saie a quiet and comfortable hotel iu the charming hamlet of bethlehem amid the white mountains time late ib the evening nearly all the guests retired for the flight the few still reading in the par or enjoy tlie following telephouicij wrestle tinkletinkvtinkle hullo fred hnl lo connect me with tbe profile house tbe profeel house the frpfyle house hullo is that yon profile im tlie highland house the highland jjbi se the hiohlaxd hosatlo high- land houseibethlehem jcnybff gfvej mrs cough and friends two rooms couiiected rooms mrs gioff jdonble f gough the highland house mrs gough here the telephonist bang ed to boli the doors of the room that he might hear the better can you give mrt gough two rooms to morrow night con lected rooms mrs gough goff here tho ulshjiiiessed titters of the iisu tiers made u young htdy of the house tuki i an intrest iu the telephones ortlro- grapby she interviewed himi then cane oh mrs gough i mrs j b gcughnot goff mri jb got fill i am the highland house fred whets tbe matter mrs jbi the hig iiu nd house htoa-uxu- be thlekem prople house profeel houso m s googh mrs j b gough wants- two connected rooms connected tomorrow uig itif its fiuelif its fine if its not rail ing not wet mrs gof mrs g-o-u- 3h aud friends im the ilighland hod o fred fjed tinkle tinkle tinkle- fred you take this message for the profile hot se enrrons dbaweb in ayav aunt for qctobek ycub church fixasces arpere the potyek of pbixtefts jyk vf i seeyou advertise all through the dull times said no merchant to another it certainly doe nt pjty ypu- in reply t o thati- rejoined the other it most asst redly does i am glad so many of you illowme to have the field to myself wlen im overwhelmed with customers it i s hardly necessary for me to advertise v hen business is dull f want to have it bri ik and the way to make it brisk is to ad ertise that lias been my experience dr ring the last ten years printers ink can outtalk any sales man itcan intargae anyobstinalebuver it cant be ta ked back to and comes -up- smiling every day and brittgo conviction andxustomer s with it yea sir pays rao to advertise all tlie time philadelphia call and you s9 of the wortd witli admiratiop that u lwhen no mention ias keen toido put him shared by many that night foiargaiw aj french dramatist makes one of his oharacters ina reoentplay declare that he is holding up tbe trowsers of despair with tho braces of hope to a deacon caught by his minister com- ing out of a saloon there is nothing bo con soling as a shji hot beif tea on tbo bajoon window when a man deolai us that he does not want an office and keeps on deoliuing i exception to she findingsof the jury belp your pastor in his salary at once pla i to pay promptly all through the year be systematic on the first day of tbe wee i lay by you iir store as god has pros pertdrou afod not outy lay it by but pay it over moati people can pay one hundred dollars easier in fifty instalments tb aj i they cay pay sixty dollars in one two thrj e or instalments beside this if uli t the aiembere pay weekly there is ahniys something in the ireasury take frequent inventories square off your obli jationa at the end of each quarter pot the business of the church on u bosi- nesi basis nowls tlie time tobegin lit notl ing hinder if you have never taken a prominent part in these things take it now all rally have your children share the responsibilities with yon acquaint the youngest of them with the practical duties and obligations of church member ship be happy in it your religion is a failure if it does not conduce to yonr com fort it may not produce constant ecstasy but it should produce good cheer take reasonable pride in the standing and refu tation of your church your neighbors willj respect your church if you make it respectable otherwise do not blame them if they do not look out for your- benevo lent es the church cannot carry forward her enterprises unlesb these benevolences aro sustained every one is import int do roxit part no more is asked no less should satisfy yofl j fateofjmojlesfmex t lie world geuerally takes men at their owr apparent estimate of themselves heioe modest men never attain the same con iidaration which bustling forward men do it lias hot time or patience to enquire rip uyy and it is partly imposed upon and can iedi away by the man who vigorously clai wiits regards the world also never has two leading ideas about any man thorcls always a remarkable unity in its con options of the characters of individuals if ajn historical person has been cruel in a siufje degree he is set down as cruel and not liiiglse although he may have many goo 1 qualities all not equally conspicuous j- if a literary man is industrious to jt re markable degree the world speaks of him as only industrious though he may be also very ingenious when you see a counterfeit coin on the sidewalk pick it up you are liable to arrest ifyou try fo pass it i r gape cod folks took exception to cape iuod folks and how the publishers take iww be got aiooi seat j a good stirv is fold of an atlventum j which- dr- ucknight rector vi trinity chtirch- had in attepdingtthe services in westminster ablley celebratjng tbe jubilee of queen vic orias coronatiotlt the good doctor had ui ticket of admission bat bea thinking bin self of an acquaintance he had with th archbishop he- approached the entrance and when he reached the grand doorkeiper said im f rcjm america and i would like to t see the arch rishop t n thefuuctiinary caught a portion of his sentence filu iced at his clerical dress and with a respee fnl floarish waved him inside handed liiratyer to an usher who marched him dowu thi stately aisle while the o- jy oial voiceran j outiaswful 1ones 1 0 the arch bishop of america 1 the doctor overcome by his embarrassing situation for i moment was placed in one of the besteats iu front of the house among alt the first quality- folksy where he greatly enjiyed the succeeding evercipes and there wamta bettermanintheabbey than the inno sent wearer of the big title of the archbi ihop of america rivmiro j adcerxittr ji yalua ihe lytebest eiles i j j basis couimeieial year 360 daygor 30 da iter jj sy- month 4 per -cent- multiply the pruicipaljby j-j- i the required i umberej days jdiyide- bji 0 and point ofl fv v oper centmtiplyby tlnumberidf j days and divii e by 72 i iper cent- multiply by thbhumber of j days divide iy six and point oft three figures from t le right 8 per cent- multiply by the npmber of days and divi e by 45 9 per cent- multiply by the number of i days divide b r four and point off three j figures from t ie rigfit 10 percent multiply by the number of days and divit e by 30 12 per cent multiply hy the numbergof days divide b r three and point off three figuresfrom tl ie righti i 15 per cent multiply by the number of days and divit e by 24 il8 per cent multiply by theahmber of j days divide b 2 and poit off three figures j from the right 20 per oerits multiply by ttie number of days and divit e by eighteen the interesi ineaphcase will be in lars and cents a jkkenf items dpi ipl- ballloonj l crazy cricketer wet weatht r will inflaenisa man wlieu nothing else w ill the pink of politeness is something that does hot wash off i powder is li se money its awful hard to tuna after i begins to go when an dd seed is planted death williave a ha rvest of taresi polling stoc t cattle trains pitched down auembankmeit love is an internal transiwrti says a fiter ah j es so is a dumbwaiter r a kottlediiu ii is so called because it is made up of a reat deal of noise and very hkletoeat n i that michif ahder who willed josh bill- ihgs s5000 mi st have died from a bad speiu imitation n aybe the sincerest form of flattery but it is possible to have too much of a good- thin a cleopatra s needle should bo set np to mark the floids it would soon be fujl of ohioroglypnic i the indicat ons are that jthe groundhog knew his bnsi less when he- retired for bix aveeks to his v inter jiome this is a l ew figure for tho gentian- said hans wl eh he was fined foofor sell- iug beer witht uta licbhscv n cnrcil by it mr samuel that ho tried down as a candidate m f sffji egypt will be wanting to trade its army for the american navy after awhile a bwiirn nil kls failed allan ot lisle out states ii the rioctoiv in hpt locality ihile sufferii i for jcutsttilh liver and kidney troubl 3 noihiiig 1eutfitedbiih 1111- tij he took i iirddbk bjoud butcrx our j- holtlea of wlujdi iired him 1 m n i rlfl t3

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