Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 3, 1887, p. 2

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my m mmmf w 5tofmtsaaewrtlotwp- at the iwliniri wwaunjwrij ktatxxrum www 5fb5am tomllieicmtx brampton by 1 tlkpkai- fob halto 2uxst keaato reiki ottbs law raertea oiristle i kuaekira n jwu wia month kcnirlxat georgetown on u 3h october van rnsselt nx huuuuriy known as bong ana keaacm wtto of tbe we alexander ittts- aeu r thur8da y november m7 x0tcsaxdcojwkxts there it dejection in kansas while there it rejoicing iu the canadian xorth weat the farmers of the one place have only ball a crop while the farmers of the other hare an abnndaiit harvest a movement i ba toot looking toward the union the various temperance orders now existing iuto one this action it certainly desirable for there now exists ho vital principle by which they should longer be separated the c p b has a prison car for the safe conveyance of prisoners it contains foar cells and a room for the guard all of which are heavily armed and capable of standing a siege front without or violent efforts to escape from within a ruest went to a hotel in st catharines ont there was no lock to the door of his room and some money was stolen from him he soed the landlord and judge senkler held that- the hotel keeper was liable the travelling public will agree with the judge j r the attempt of wong chinf foo the boastful heathen to make an international ijuestkm out of the levying of au impost dutyoffoo upon him by the dominion customs officials on his arrival in canada has signally failed the washington authorities having declined to become ex cited over the matter the universal belief seems o be not onfy that opposition to mayor howland for a renewal of his term is utterly useless bat that it will not be offered there are any nuber of factions against him bntthey cannot uniteand none of them lias a can didate that can cope with mr howland in personal popularity gm it is rumored that lord lansdowne is to be appointed british ambassador at bocae i and that be wiltbe succeeded in the gover- norgeneralship by baron stanley of preston the dispatch says he might make a passable figurehead for canada hut heis certainly a man of lower calibre than most of the recent governors a banian scientist has invented a method of nriiyg nitroglycerine from guns the next great war will see dynamite guns nitreglycerine guns sleet over shells bal loons that can be steered and go against the wind cycle corps dogs as sentinels magazine rifles locigen light and in fact a regular dantes inferno on earth f the fight over whiskey becomes more and more embittered and gives every pr mise of at no distant day becoming the great qoestioniof jtbe day it has already issued in the severance of long and pleasant friendships and in the pro action of too many personal fends the liquor intsrest is a very strong one and very many of ita friends are exceedingly unscrupulous just as some of ita enemies are not quite sojadi- riots as it is deaueahle that they should he bui whatever may be the foolish nnlight- eaed seal of some prohibitionists tins is evident that anything that helps to abate the nuisance of liquor selling and liquor drinking cannot but be good if the tavern keepers fancy that their cause is at all promoted by mobbing and rioting by dynamite throwing or personal violence they never were more mistaken in their lives toronto truth the halton tamos the canada cucen has the following in its last issue respecting the remarkable antiscott petition recently presented at ottawa the petition for a vote on ibe question of repealing the scott act in this county is sow at ottawa it is said that this remarkable document has appended to it 1786 names of which the antis claim only 1c36 to be genuine qualified voters thus admitting that even in this small dumber there are 150 bogus signatures h there are some carious things about this petition and some odd facts relating to its circulation of the men bo canvassed with it thirteen are hotel keepers or bar tenders of those who signed it 25 are or have been in the liquor business several of them being even now fugitive from justice nineteen of the signatories have been fined for violation of the law some of these have been in jail of the thirteen liquor sellers who canvassed for votes nine have been fined for breaking the law just think of christian citizens having a law breaker come to them and say gentlemen tbe temperance act is a failure i have sold whiskey thougbit has been in force and if yon want proof that 1 have sold it i may say that i have been punished for so doing some of these christian citizens say yen the act is a failure and forthwith put down their names along with tbe nineteen men who declare die temperance act to be a failure because they have been punished for violat ing it we find a minister of tbe gospel will ing to be found in this fail arecrying cotni pany so wilting indeed that he has signed tbe petition without his having the tight to do so to tfce credit of halton be it said that tbe only clergyman who signed tbe whiskeyfavoring document has no vote and lastly whether leastly or not we will leave our readers to judge among this illustrious failurecrying company pops up mr shaugboessy of oakvilie of medicine certificate notoriety ko was so anxious to cry failure that he did tint wait to learn to j write lrisimme but sigdedtbe petition by making bii markv of tbe 17wj signiogi3 did it in this primitive fashion surely the i scott act is a failures it it not ye known whether the pray of the petition aakini for a vota on the repeal of the soott act in helton will to grahm or not oat if order to anticipate the matter ad be felly prepared f an election tlaoarapaiga was been opened in the county and tot first shot was find actcotoeday evening j the town hallwaa well fllledi mid it eight oclock joseph fyfe eeaj reave took the chair and rev x v ba opened the meeting with prayer after extending an invitation to any op- ponent on the question to take the plat form rev j b rosa m a the peakar of the evening was then introduced in a dear logical knd ocjnvinciug speech of ah hour and throhpiarfera mr ron reviewed tbe soott act its history and progress from inception op to the present boor by care fully prepared coraparitiw statistics com piled principally from government reports undlsputabh authority he showed the beneficial effects of the soott aot through- oat the province and dominion in the diminution of crime and decrease in the consumption of intoxicating liquors in his introduction he referred to haltont prominent position in the matter at issue being the pioneer county to adopt the scott act reference had been made to it in every county in the province and the manifested bravery and enthusiasm of the people in sustaining so loyally the principle involved- has been admired everywhere he was proud to quote the record of halton and felt satisfied this snug and compact e comity was not now going to wipe out its rand and glorious victory of the past halton is a pivotal point and upon this question is no longer of local reputation hut is looked to from all over the dominion manypointa of statistical reference con tained peculiarly interesting facts and all the comparisons of commitments for crime were wonderfully favorable to the scott act rrijiut eight counties were taken where under the crooks act in ltttl there were 311 commitments while in 1880 under the scott act there were only hi in charlottetowurp- e i where there were 5vj cases under the crooks act in a year there were only 300 under the scott act the speaker proved clearly that where the scott act was in force the consumption of liquors was largely decreased and gave the reports from the various provinces grading from british columbia where there was no scott act with an annual consumption of of 7 gallons ofuquor per bead down to p e i which is entirely under 8oott act law with a per capita consumption of only j of a gallon the entire decrease of con sumption of liquors last year has ajcoording to the blue book reports been 1342500 gallons a saving to the eoujitry of about 26q0d tbe scott act has received the votes of 147000 electors a majority of 44833 over its opponents in the vote for repeal of the act in last session of the house of commons 107 members voted against repeal and only 18 in its favor this shows conclusively that the country is in no mood to tamper with tbe question tbe matter of repeal be said resolves itself to this that thoan who agitate for repeal are pecuniarily jnd personally interested the operation of the scott act in halton has succeeded in making itself hated by the liquor traffic has not affected tbe muni cipal taxes so as to make them hurdensome has been a valuable educator as to-temper- anee sentiment baa broken tbe backbone of the treating system and has shown that a county can get along satisfactorily with out the revenue from license in oonclud icg his excellent address mr boss appealed to the electors to stop forever this petition ing and voting business by burying tbe re peal thia time under a majority of- 400 or 200 votes bev it phillips followed in a abort ad dress he referred to tbe exhaustive ad dress of mr boss and asked the faudience to make op their mind that the act was not going to be repealed and to work to that end there is only one intcreejt which wishes repeal his experience in acton proves that the scott act is very effective in diminishing drinking iu two and a half years be bad seen bnt one dntaken man on tbe street and tbe contrast with that to be seen fifteen years sgo when then a resident is very great he spoke of the wonderful good conduct of the crowds of over 4000 who were in town on fair day and everything passed off wtth good feeling orderly and not a sign of the effects of whiskey he spoke of the general feeling of peam and prosperity which obtains here he if prepared to work for the principle which ia bearing such good fruit and had no if ear of the results a great moral itsneis atstaketi bev j w bae was pleased that the address of tbe evening was not made op of appeals to the sentiment of the people but that the merits of tbe moral principle at issue were presented in cool dear and logical facts clearly and fairly put forth in tbe coming election he thought no christian man should east his ballot with out being able to ask tbe blessing of go upon such action do not let anything be draws overyear eyes to make you believe the issue is not grog or no grog j for upon consideration of tbe question you will find that grog is on one side and bo grog on the other if you nave done right in the past stick to it if yon are a man be manly halton has led in tbe past continue to press forward with tbe flagand call upon the dominion to march np to tlie banner bev s j cunnings rejoiced in the privi lege of bring present fie was fully pre pared for work and if called upon was ready for service at any time he desired that all snoutl know which side be was on a vote of thanks to the bev mr boss was moved by kevrb cook and second ed by bev b phillips and the- meeting wos brought to a close by bev mr cun nings pranouncing the benediction bttti futare tdsira to gtva yo rtidenu much formation u i possibly w n about thia otty fori think thare ia joonsl israble ignoranos mufes1dinomijoart noenoaniqith capital why i was aot tally asked by oltiatu of yoor town what ottawa was and ifitwasablgewaps sicbiifamel there ara not many manoiaetoriea in ottawa although there a room for any number the principal b itlnew being tbe manufacture of square timber and sawn lumber i will dorotetbl artloleexoluilve- ly to that subject for it tas reached snob proportions here that it o ills for more than passing notice toil city i tbe oenre of tbe great lambering operations of the ottawa valley in the proeecutlou of jwhich important staple trade thooundi of men and bortm are jjonatantly employedj and millions of dollars are invested in the business the priuoipal mills here are those of bronsons weston periey t patteje john b booth g a grier 4 co and the young estate on tbe ontario side of this ottawa biver while those of e 9 eddj are looatad just across the river in hull oil tbe quebjio aide tbeee mills are all driveni by the wajters of tbsjhaudierefaluwbioh have been utilised tor manufacturing porpois by the jodieioas conatruction of dame and piers at tbe head of the current j messrs mclaren 4 co have a large mill at the rideau falls as stated before thouiande of men are employed in thia boaimia going to the woods in winter to oat ths logs and haul them to the water and rifting down and sawing them in summer tbey generally start for tbe forest before november living in log huts and shauties all through the season at present there is agreat scarcity of men and lumbermen a e at their wife end for labor about the beginning of may of as soon as tbe ieje has eone the logs which have been cnt tod hauled to the smaller streams are floated down to the head of tlie ottawa wbcjre their farther progress is stopped by mjnos of what is called a boom a boom ie contracted of a line of logs connected by iron chains extending across tbewbol i breadth of the river the raftsmen hei s pick out their own timber which they i moghixe by the msrks tliey put cjn and form into large rafts some of which have an area of no less than 300000 aquar i feet wooden botaes are built on them f r tbe accommo dation of the crew as th i journey down sometimes occupies over f tar months it is a dangerous business at 1 requires great skill to navigate these now eldy craft down the rapids tbey are stee ed by means of large oars which project 1 p front as well as behind them tbey ajre built in tbe most substantial manner hs83bk 3rmc 2 thly hve aooompliehed an agreemett h i amrantly toen oome toon every pob t sul imittad to thsm even m the flnaooti i qn uon which wa new mrlly the nw t ienitoajl i n the conolosioii of ltb regular business mi longely moved a vote of thanke to mh mi reiernd hit colleague rand to the elt sei a of qnebw itt the i courtesy and hoipitallty he said thi t the conference nit at bare a most import oi bearing on the f oi ore of the dominion tlie dlfflonltlow which had existed betwem the provinces sectional feelings wbli h bad prevailed in jthe past had been 1st ely due to the abeenoe of frequent lolero isnges of opinion between them this stab of things would to a large extent ba remov d by thopreieijt isststsssioi 4- are selling off at ad ainaiiug rati at the bight house it takes f wo dell very with wite foray year4in m thaubayoaniaatjhetter ii ir tbe goods aa fast m tbey are sold thousand of sustamers who havf salliontewvaomtfoftbetotontojeeeoo sghihote 06wjtl7at fttime ti th know tbef can do better here tbanitoront iliglhi iwle blankets finoelsneokwer bed fjuute fanejrgoode taoee grey cotton vihitkmtt pen mcottonadefa nevportalu table wver piano cover oarpete oilolothf msvbn mattng and thoiijidjf oflier ari iclee an tmi twajttab oanada wetfani feels evry conn leuoo that tho valoe lie givflliiutomer oannot be beateiby any bpnae in canada hi sb of jtinter goo i areraoraon tbe hnndaomhv frame broeeeli i ottrnetait ii tbe beaotifomapeetry cmjkunw 0bttaiwi bjarawatad window bhades pobj et 5 tbm good stvla aaberiordeaigneand dnrabli qafiueiy flmu ho oil ibquiung price a enitomeu oannot tell tbe valaeof good by tbe price ontili iy see tbe qnajitle jsoaiphy laimore ire crowded with puswmrs daily tho ividle w by the tbooandm large lot of fit fu u rw fnn7jotd 87c tosfc atetof ladiolimepotoowntob clarke bert bteoord m0 lrd thi motperdoxeu tbe table cloth aid certain departntaurliabeatibtw edgoafa bootoh german and 8wj curtain table and ptan6 ifowfthelille madras turoomao groekfanxaoo curtain dsmakf j begp ca catu tain cloths just see the bilkpl isbes tbcro are enormous tock and varieties of bem and of velveteen sijk velvet and bibbpb rkingrti eet hughson street mind the names on tho windows arothe riihthouseand i immense 1 m tbo windows are the bighthootoand hamiltonoctober 25 1887 but sometimes an broken up through aom misadventure almost a corn- in which case the whole i plete loss at the mills tbejlogs an lent into square timber and sawn into lumber laths shingles ac just aa they oome from the water tbe lumber is buil up in immense piles to dry the mills an run night and day during the season an 1 when lit np with the electrio light aj night present scenes of bustle and brilliancy that one might go far to see the rival of saws going up and down and cut iug a large log into as many piece as r iquired at one passage through men wleeling tbe cut lumber away to be cut into fourfoot lengths or piled as it is y iu would think from a casual glance that pandemonium reigned therein but all is rder and rtgu- laiity at preseut there is no wa of making use of tbe vast quantities of sat dust from each mill and it is simply dumpc i through boles in the floor into tbe river be ow i believe there is a law governing the disposal of the john norquty t remler of man toba seconded the reaolutl n hn said thi t thi chairman of the ongress and hs fellow member bad ducted themselvti with uniparing patience to the ditcher e ofltbelrdotle and he fet ion that tie result of their labors wot id be in fotare yean reoogniaed a a mo nument to tbe r bind he must oongratol ite mr mcrclef the ooovener of the confer suoe on tbe suo- that bad attended u deliberatloui hi only regret wa tl at the efficiency with which they had deal with every sub jeet they had discussed might perhaps obviate tbe necessity of av other snob gath ering for some time to con n mr merclor moved that tl ianka be tendered to tbe hon mr mowat foi the able manner in pbloh be ba presided ver the delibera tions of this conference it wa seconded by mr fielding of nova bbotia in acknowledging the nsoiution mr mowat aaid i mtfst be very brief it givsf me great pleasure t say that this ooi terenoe ba giveu me ai i opportunity of forning new friendships hich i greatly valwand which i hops 1 1 ret am for the jres of my life i appreciate tbe honor which the conference did rce in appointing me at the chairman end j i think it my daw to say that whilst 1 havo atieuded roaby meetings of vsrious kinds for publio purposes including the qcebec conference of 1804 1 ban never bad to do with a body of men who manifested nioro ability can- dorlor patriotism thau the members of this conference have done 1 havo especially observed bow thoroughly every resolution has been discussed i and at the same time how closely lo tbe point i am extremely graljeful for tho kind way in which the ution and pceches havo referred to myself and to tbemauner in which i have discharged my duties as chairman and the little repetition there basbten iu fact i cannot recall any discussions on important subjects iu any publio body in which there has been so little of men talk so little said not material j trust that the work which we have now bjought to a conclusion will prove of service to our country overcoats to and baw silk east one door t the mi bbvb pohliejsarf psstot 1 onhveuh v sittins pew stewart qs psrujexass overcoats suits amdruwderweah having bought a bankrupt stodk of tlie abovfewe wllljiave thi placed in stolon r vi atuftbay october tetj 1887 j- therefore we will begin a grjand clearing sale this ill be the great ast oportuiiit you haveevg had to get clothing at your own jprices y srhundrid8 of suits and overcoats to select from tor infante and ohhdf en k i cs erne ootte oeafhjatlon irnluasaaperiortoanypreacrlptico i tesrssahestss ali kwewateme kijuuigll iwcmiwoisau te cmnmoonar murray btrectny furniture j 1 fjrwi cottage price which pok oi -at- awdust from tbe mills cjn the smaller rivers but owing to tbe jvaaf extent of this business on the ottawa biver special legis lation waa enacted by the qovernment allowing tbe sawdust i and refuse tobe thrown i into the river at some point along the ahore it collects in iucbtuantities as to seriously impede row bbata while the guileless and unsuspectidg jitranger may take an mvoluutary bath by trying to walk out onto this seeming trrajitma i believe that some scheme ip behjg perfected where- by the logs will becat up without the aid of saws the vast piles of lumber jhat you may see on all sides of the mills notwithstand ing tbe millions of feet shipp sd every week forpish- ample evidence of t ie extent and importance which this grea staple trade has attained in ottawa a eanfolly pre pared estimate by a gentk an himself engaged in the business plaa s the probable lumber cut for tbe coming wi iter of 1878 for the ottawa and its tributaries at over 680000000 feet at prencnt the mills are not running to nearly their fnttej tent on account of tbe extraordinary lowness of the ottawa biver which renders it difficult to get the log to the mills why a couple of weeks ajjjo a man sctualiy walked right acmss tbe edge of tjje cbaudiere falls from the hull side to periey a pattees mill i hope your readers will find this account of one of tbe most important ndoitrie of our dominion interesting yours tfaly tbe delegate then dispersed mx cjables iplficeox wltliilrawn froin the daptltt inluutlie polnlk tpnii whlrh br ulflrrs lclxnon oct 26 bev ursporgeonhiu withdrawn from the baptist union in announcing bis decision to withdraw and replying to his critics be says to pur sue onion at the expense of the truth is treason to jesus to tamper with bis doctrine is to become traitors to iiim we have before us the wretched spectacle of professedly orthodox christians publicly avowing union with those who deny the faith call tbe fall of man a fable and deny the personality of the holy fthost be- plying to tbe question why he does hot start a new denomination he say that is a question for which lie has no liking that then an enough denpminatons already and that if another wen formed the thieves and robbers who have entered the other gardens walled aronnd would enter it also so nothing would be gained tlie baptists generally regret mr spurgeons decision and an urging him to reconsider it lisrstjke 3srow in the- eunerau fully supplied with will astosbtb you undirtae1ng everything necessary it call on speight this department s sqka3 j a speight mana a boyal bikt1i a yuunj prlneeiw luvsden the lnrliirt of balmoral cattlr ontario mutual life assurance company head office waterloo ont note its pkogftess f 18w 1c8 sew amumum astusuces in force iljju pmuium income 531m interest lnccuio 6111 death claims til so l iiald is anota 111619 gurplui on hand 150 wm bjbndry manager i1s87 ajxtjsh 6jxh 111x1 1e1773 1050030 sjomto 18370 up s7bi lifiui i70 13116 73501 w1770 fot j 19m9 i26fi3 i7sb 1886 utlifiu 34010 909490 61535 w hbiddell secretary hp moore agent for actp ottawa oct 28th 1887 acc killed ox thejtbj 1 a little oirl hom her iifrjst iienwuiinm loxkon oct 21 a dispatch from bal moral castle announces ithat princess beatrice wife of prince henry of batten- berg has been delivered of a daughter both asc doing well just eleven months ago the same royal pair wen presented with a son and heir a wokthy plbucatlon tbe constant success of tbe illustrated london jftic american edition is not by any means a surprise when even tbe con tents of a single week is considered take for instance tbe issue of october 20th now on tbe market the supplement alone giving an excellent colored portrait j of prince bismark is a valuable souvenir to possess while in addition then an pictures of tbe nizan of hyderabad two pages tie- voted to illustrations of thestateof ireland another page of our troop in burmab one of border sketches in kelso 0ne of bristol cathedral one of the death j of cesar and a most attractive picture of a little girl and a dog entitled speak i the reading matter i as interesting and com plete as ever while the price for all is only ten oects all newsdealers have it and the new york officers in the potter build ing s millinery and mantle departments in full running order falil hata the largest and be st assortment at the- intown- east end 6ome ai ldthtig dee f hem have a larq4nfi of cheap 25o tom100 whicih must be sold has v fr at oncel handsome how uoms splendid light everything new iiow priceb a manufacturers tock of mantles at less than lj sile prices whole- jafyfe acto john m bond direct liaxlkv im gtj a kick display in i amps and lamp f the elb pk0tect- another move has been taken in the halton election protest as the following front osgoode hall note of saturday will bow itihwodojrtox electiox vxrmaxi bmaaimihmeciaty outer co moved i for naaiarekmspotweiier meruite the itespelek mills closed v itwm fer mmia ttonw that orowpmitionhadbtaba j above wonld indicate otherwise selied hf the bank of montreal indrra claim for 140000 hiiafox oct 27 the woolen bills in hespeler owned by john harvey and j b kcquestiou of this city bavie been seized at the instance of the bank montreal here for interest undera chattel mortgage for 1110000 the mills have been running behind financially an abon i 120000 has been sunk within the past t bree months tbe only important credlto- besides tbe hank ia w tbenen co of montreal whose claim id about 3000 the bank has been keeping tbe mill going for a considerable time paying all band and also supplying money for buildingtbe part that was bnrned down two month ago over iso employe are thrown oot of empljym mr traverse manager of the bank of mc streal here aid today that it bad not yet been decided wbataction would be taken but that it waa not ijkely the bank wooh accept tilt security offered by the flrnj to retame 5 j the georgetown htrald friday 21st annie ferguson daughter of mr angus ferj williams with a daughter of went to visit her nnole mrj esquesing who lives north of they spent a part of tbe day joyously there and started in the evening as they a n t n w railway eroding ys last years old of glen- norton eocles of williams yfully and ome early ed the saw tbe len evening express near at hand coming at full speed annies companion crossed and told her to hurry along after bet but as she reached the midst of the crossing tbe train being only a few rods off he became bewildered and while in a drea iful doubt as to which way to go theeui ino struck and almost instantly killed lei by tbe time the train could stop and hok to the place of thfr accident life was quite extinct the body of the nnfortnnatehtt b girl was taken back to mr bcdes rhe only marks visible were bruises on he shoulder andfaco whiskets abolmes v i pettahkwo opt 37lat night the residence of drrfe p residtjnto tbe soott act aociatlona seton are i j spilling coal oil aronnd tfaeaee and 1 jhting it a abort time ago tbe reeideno s of mr baetiter wro gilland td lev mr tovell were treated jn- the wnii manner bewards have been offered for in ormation wlilch would convict tbe gpilt the violaton of vbe seott act 1 a over 50000 nneaamcejanfaryjlast j havi be emparated ss the ph0vivcia i 8uvbay schools- the annual report of statistic presented at tbe provincial sab bath school convention at london last week by tbe chairman mr c peake of toronto is given below he said that during the year much bad transpired which called for gratitude to god with tbe increased capabilities at tbe command of the committee effort have been jnade to prosecute with more and presering energy the work for which this association was in stituted the result has been iu a great measure enooursging and the experience gained such as to furnish a fulcrum for more rapid and appkrent progiess in the near future tbe statistics of the sabbath schools throughout the province of ontario are asfollows pkn0mwat10v helhodut presbyterian episeppauan baptist cotigresational kvangellcal ann bvengiel htti eran friend lteformed kpltco- tmlt r union schools es timated ti childreirs ulsters 250 worth j360 ladies ulsters 63 worth 81 ladies jersey jackets 95 worth 750 ladtev knitted skirt german raiikc 81 knitted wool shilwia from 81 upwards newntt dexigns in chrpets just received taotr crpet 25u bruseeis carpets 70c wool carpet 75c li meeay brothers 46 and 48 kinc street east hamilton dark verd librar lamps colored glass lib ary lamps jumbo hand i library lamps small night library lamps j fancy brass lamps fine hall lamps decorated library lamp brass library lamps ebony gold library lamps tamps from 15c to 2000 the finest and most com plete assortment ever in cuelph and prices lower than ever t best brands of canadian and american coal oil thtibsm 3la ooliateilbf council ml iacton towso- thuriday giving day iorangeya 811000 in the cos operations otfci ianumber band from m a meetitjg willbe held jin the verj good many pf rorft crojs i tbe qui will be held in sunday mornr there is- nj rink in ope would be u thevofenj ing 88aooo bttn tookvplaci0tf carried by466 4mi p fresbyterianlc gathrdftypre wellfiuedpurb bev vti preach in church gnejpbl acterahdworkl i8037iij oftheawntoj posed- for vioi addition to thiq guelpb beforeput winter raekf your chirnn nasaf throjogbjil spent tuisvwj cciflagrattonf f h mr andt dossagawi cottage on they their fri ofapairot j j company saturday i pwitag to i i character thai j itheir tbere ttown the mehjl shebeen drirki i regains no ie membry gnlyj ases milton a convent anaras da at iwbicb i dispqssed anil coming fight ft will be out u county tjjie hottt fountain cald erin was oea afternoon and spread to it of the nejght ture was savel siderable if the vault- iiu at gargill ws night of last carried away disguised mghtwatchmiih monthly wa mrcariilli delectivea oneoti the support rug frame is j framing de electroplated ware a prof ubion ol choice goods headquarters for farm scales cheap at john m bond cos qtjelpw building tiardwat lance saws axes barbed wir f backthoro wire 1 innealed wire cow chains halt i flower stands and all seasonable good teacmills kcnolamt klhoolh os 1101x on poll 479 310 fit b 1679 1996 fist 6voa 4481 3 197 9330 aih38 lflsh ih w 306 iktd 11 j8 the noted milton merchants make the fpllbwing oflfer for tesa days onlyfvpm th to 15tu november ribyjery man pnr chasing from them a 3uit of glotfieis or aii 6v tcot iii receive bbb 1 white dkess 8h1ut 1 moo iracieb j- 7 iso 57 mjh3 000 1000 total 3w tbe treasurer mr j 3 woodboase of toronto presented his aunuairepbrtiiow ing total receipu of 1848698 and disburse ment of 8240575 leaving a balance n han4o88 thecitisensof philadelphia offer 8100 hjcb lflfidltioo u iwill lead to tbe t ban ol the uptilght citiaeu isou guardj ithi4 r i jtfts silk tle 1 35 i every mnu iij ilaltpn slioulu tvaimiimaoliof this grand offer fietyeiiberjtoiily holds good fir ten days tcare d9terrriiicctpael our goods in f very part of tbegouuty t ptythmgiix milton irt p s lae mention the rrerf rea when you come 20 40 s 10 ie lrtrgest andolieiipisf stockiof lij j jajumpfe jboklfigupl artiefe w6ri any size or at th price forh reasonable v for this 1 publish a list they willno l it iu their farxui ence 8fst itol wooden tenth twentieth thirtieth cotton i tieth woolleni i rolden sevejrty j thelastis a weighty volu enterprise upui mr jm 24pags anevfli trahsd descriplj centre ita pal and manufaotu i private reside muishftojet itl i towns av j4it pliarnmenticll hobbsidf pito j ed the major j 1 he entitled to f vhannaceudcsil j cariiy onthfi winnipeg i wmjemhered t wsitantinmt wmtfyearsagcl prolbtabledra pilot moundfh iqatojfi iag heoairs aad style eyevj drorijr hollin 1ake a sons when bbjras i ttstfss iigh mk ss im- mammoth cheap ston 55j-

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