Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 3, 1887, p. 3

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du stitmftjl wmk amd birth day pmcmmrra a ceo hynds aowrttcckol witohti dtoefa jwel- jry spectacles careful attention given to repairing drop in ami see our utse took- comprising jewellery stationary book and fancy good 6e0h5mds acwhont the methodist church acton s i 4- eev r phffitps pabtor i parsons bower avouue piiwic seniocs 10j aui aud 8 pnv sunday school wweclttws9nsibmhe pastor all cord lly iuvksjt strang and visitor- always vfefootuo at- tontiveushcrsattb c jcxr it sittings desired apply tohp moore pew steward max1 m locals collated by the ever thoughttal and alert ifree press reporters fj jjjjjjjgg hoto giikalf ings whloh couuctriieeling next tuesday eveinug actons improvement for 1887 foot op to333o0 thursday itth iust will bo shanks- giving day orangevile spent between 310000 and fllooo in improvements last year the eou tractors have commcuced operations upon tlic milton waterworks a number of nebraska papers are to haudfroin mrs i s armstrong ivanhoe a meeting of the board of education will be held ou monday evening 14th inst the very severe frosts have caught a mod many of the farmers later with the root crops the quarterly sacramental services will be held in tlie methodist fjext snudav morning thereis not likely to be any skatiug rink in operation in acton tffis winter it would be unsafe to use the old rink further the voting on the berlin bylaw grant ing sso000 bonus to the berlin 4 c f it took place- on mondaj the bylaw was carried by 466 majority miss dolly slrachan organist of the presbyterian church rockwood was on saturday presented with an addressand a well filled purse by the congregation rev dr barns of hamilton will preach in the dublin street methodist church guelph next sunday on the char scter and work of the latebev dr jselles 3057 his been paid into the treasury of the county of wellington for fines im posed for violation of the scott act in addition to this 1050 has been paid in guelph before putting up your stoves for the winter make a thorough examination of yocr chimneys and places where pipes pass through partitions a little time spent this way may save yon an expensive conflagration mr and mrs archibald campbell oi xassaweya will remove to their new cottage on young street in acton today they were recipients at the bands of their friends and neighbors last evening or a pair of handsome easy chairs the occidental concert and comedy company failed to put in n appearance las saturday their agent writes that owisg to unlooked for misfortune of a fatal rjiiracter the company wis obliged to leave their engagement unfulfilled thereis a dont recollect club in awn the members of which can go into a ebcen drirk whiskey and their memory retains po record of the transaction their memory only acts this way in scott act cases milton beurmer f a convention of the hal ton temper ance association will be held in milton to day at which important business trill be discussed and preparations- made for the cciii fight there should and no doubt will be atull representation from through out the county the hotel of henry willis at bel- jwffseaooi- the uight sohool whioli has boon progress during the winter mouths wven yer4 wui be reorganised on t am day evening 15th inst the sossiou will be held in tbo school room of the fourth department in tlie town hfcll and will bo conducted by mr thos j t moore the principal of the public school tho usoafj subjects will bo taught the expense to pupils will be uomiual at the attendance must necessarily be knifed fcu who dettre to embrace tho privileges of tho sohool are requested to apply to mr l fraaois before tho above date if shoottaratciimt to string a serious shooting accident occurred on thursday on the first liuri of erin near mimosa henry twranoi is a farmor there jaee sanderson a yoong mon is working for him thursday afternoon i ujejtwert haung itj turujps they saw i an eagle hovering around and brought out a rifle to get a shot at it tioung bauder- son was fooliug with uie weapon pointing it at cattle and other live stock in the field mr torrance told him to stop it but the boy heeded not the advice when his employer was driving off sanderson aimed the ride at him it discharged and the ball entered torrauoos thigh shattering the bone and splitting the knee cap he was aitting on the load at the tjme two fergus doctors were sumrnpoed and uiey amputated the limb at tho taugh torranoe is iu a very critical condition he may not recover it is generally thought that tho shooting was accidental even if so such gross carelessness shoild not go nn- pnuiahed sanderson has been arrested attrsctzar outside a treat on the extent ot the trunk ai id satchel busi ness of messrs moore s mc jarvld and fte escellouoe of goods of thi manufagtore are attracting the attention f other enter prising towns and bids are i teing made to secure their removal within the pabt week they have been approached by the authorities of gait and bratftford and by private parties iu belin tho proposals made by these places are however we are happy to say not entertainea by this firm for they consider that actouia just about as favorable a location for business as any of the places meuifoned and having become established here with buildings aud fixtures adapted for their particular wants they are not likely to move from acton to any outside point rnless it be toronto which has superior facilities tor manufacturers our citizens should ap- preciatc the industry operated by mesam moore 4 mcgarvin and should do all in their power to encourage them in their business which is so closely allied to the progress of the place the pranks of hauoween the usual halloween sued on monday evening citizens but we are sorry that the fan was notj prauks were pur- byr the jouthful to have to report confined to the wftmtj saint i vultoti toink frcj with whom rll r ac ituunttd mr d honderabn left ou 1 lesday on a trip to ottawa and montreal jto 1im been is here on jspsraprtfl tsmim aawifccxi rlrytfi mr laohlankennody lendiug the bnmmer in malnk kmu miss l grendon ofberlln maggie mooro and idmte till iwi dwf uow and miner of gaalph pottage thii istiai taiugj county have taken5 ilfc newly aoquiredl street we weloomo the mr w h storey attended now he of the missionary comralttej of txor conference of the methodist church at stratford this week mrs norman and niece on bprioghih havo been spending a tow dayja vvith mr 0 wolls they are fit roii fo lexington mich where they will make their future home mr gordon forbes who it s for tbine time head baker iu tho kxceli or when mr donald mann owned tt is occupying a good position in i ergns has full charge of he business here rev mr willoughby of t le toronto conference has accepted the ii ivitation to become pastor of norfolk street methodist church guelph the congregation is to be congratulated on securing suoh a fine man to ilnistor to their spirituar welfare acp is plbiia school the ruplls wl o obtained the ihirlickt marks at the irtuber kxsniluntlpiix the system of monthly written examina tions has been adopted in the departments of acton pnblio jkhool and the following is the result of tfie october examinatiodb first depaktmes thojiis t voork teachkil senior bamuel lalrd minnie ncibob scllle grant ittttnntdiate slarts ims oi usual trivial doings of vole put that one or two outrages of a criminal oharacter were perpetrated the most eenons of these was the placing of the j leavy farm gate belonging to the entrance oc bailiff hem- streets farm across the nilaof thegtb thereby endangering the uvet of travellers and the property of the railteay a pas senger train passed over thel gate cutting it all to pieces fortunately without acci dent to the train but we understand that the g t b authorities hsjve taken the matter np and will endearoij to locate the offenders the charge fcr tf is ac will be trainwrecking a peniiei another outrageous act w down of the storehouse c n north mill streej property ondestroyed daring the secord has surely had and loss of property lately this wan ton loss it is tt the offenders jiu these cases to justice i an interesting sociaj eye one ot the most pleasant which it has been our priyili met at the residence of mr i nd mrs joel leslie of erin township ion monday oct 27th the occasion was jbejcelebration of mitri herbert honderson xs john perkins 390 katoorr i88t junior maris j j rearson s9 bella stephenson v 373 mamie masalas it marks iotsihlo 400 second depabtuek hatt1e o ibllt teaci ikh stiiiyr marls inwls orr 215 mlnuleitortou lfa7 boaty porkins im jntcnuciliate marin chester matthcwb 133 john kicmiii 130 oconje mclkjiiuau t junior martt fred boss l3m frankoark i 186 cliarlio moore j ltobert tiurney marks iossible ho thibd depaktmbxt axxik uaiiarrr tkacn4 senior maoric ramsey ltobert dennett sarah mcclure ihtarmplialc ltobert mephereoii eugene daniihinais miunio edirarda bortiemaun auiiior may sydor johnnie edwards m theplttj for the past eight ol lim ooditatly been improvements progress watchword on every hand our oitfaena havo been ai nhuil ai audlmprovemeuts lu aetun tbe preieut venr jotocit tows years aotou in making been tho marls aj a64 murli mi 369 sco marls ara 14t7 319 ary offence the tearing irs secords iiich remained ut fire mrs flideut trouble ithoat adding hoped that fill be brought herings with e to mingle the tenth- anniversary oi tneir marriage ibantaic caledon township on the edge ofow fifty of their riell l tfgutnt erin wis aestroyed by fire early monday sfterboon the fire btarted in the stable and spread to the bouse despite the efforts of the neighbors a good part of the fnrui- torewas saved but tbe loss trill be con siderable the vault inmr henry csrgills office at cargill was broken into on thursday night of last week and the sum of lil carried away the work was done by two disguised robbers who first tied np the nightwatchman they expected to get the monthly wages but were disappointed mr cargill has asked the government for detectives parts of the country some from near hamilton others from palmprstou assemf to share ptuons din- me consider nt conversa- many useful nored conple s of the hour n the happi- nellio ktaullcr marks posiaible 300 it ib hoped that these monthly exumina tions will be themeans of inerjeaaing the interest in the school work by ihe pupils and that a healthy and encouraging desire jto excel will obtain among the rkihtkols llslshmejit tno kingktuu fire kngnseiitfuee ito life ilil- liruouinent mid twpiityrflvr years llcklwitlvely kixhsrox oct 2c william andrews and alexander newman who were con victed at the police court yestei day morn- ling of burning down the salvation army barracks as well as an attempt to set fire to the third methodist church appeared this morning at the court fo senjifice newman was sentenced to pen i servitude for lifey and andrews to 25 year imprison- imeut the summary manner in which the miscreants were brought to ustice and the righteous punishment imiosed upon them have given the utmost latisfoction ihere i one of the most unique inventions for tb support and fastening of quilting or rag frames is on exhibition at the picture framing depot of mr c c speight it is a simple and ingenious contrivance for boiling np the frames and fastening the article worked upon at any width desired any size or style of frames may be nsed the price for this useful article is very reasonable for the benefit of our lady friends we list of bled in the old leshe hon i in the joys of the day a ner was served after whi h able time was spent in p tion and congratulation i gifts were presented to th hi inreplyto the congratuls ti mr leslie dwelt pleasant y nessof their married life anjd stated that he had felt it his doty si d it was also a pleasure to have them ai gather together in the old homestead on pore many sacred memories were awakened by the meeting of so many old friends and as wo well all gather home in the oir little ones publish a list of wedding anniversaries they will no doubt cut this out and paste it in thenfamily bibles for further refer ence first iron second paper fifth wooden tenth tin fifteenth crystal twentieth china twentyfifth silver thirtieth cotton tbirtyfiflb linen for- tieth woollen forty- fifth silk fiftieth golden seveniyfiftb diamond the last issue of the essex liberal is a weighty volume and exhibits considerable enterprise upon the part of tbe publisher mr j m kennedy the paper contains 21 page and contains an exhaustive illns- trated description of tbe town of essex centre its public buildings mercantile and manufacturing establishments and its private residences tbe liberal is doing much to letnhe outside world know it townvattractions at the recent examinations af the wiarmaceutical association mr john a hobbs ofiilot mound successfully pass- ed the major examination and will now be entitled to registration as licentiate hwmacentical chemist privileged to carry on the drug business in tbeprovinoe winnipeg fr vc mr hobbs will be remembered by oar readers ljew8 wstantirilcgarvinsdrngstorei sere some- years ago he is now engaged in a profitable drug aud stationary business kt pilot mound man on bis own memtitij morn- heaven and mr and mrs and we are of all that them many wedding day of halton bang ing and engaged in prfcyer earth seemed- near togethi r leslie are highly respected sure that we voice the feelings know them when we vhbii happy anniversaries of t bolton farmers institu the farmers of the orddspon be taking tfch toward the organization of their nstitnte for the season just opening to t hem a season of comparative leisure is a hand and the institute meetings are a n leans for mutual improvement and edification the various sessions of the organiza tion have been pretty well perbtobnlated i mdng the centres of population if the count f and it now be comes actons privilege to extend an invi tation for the next gather ngjand we have good reason to believfe it rillf be accepted the meetings in the past hsjve invariably been of interest to both fa mi people and their families embrace a series of session the programme during tlie da sisting of addresses by pre f provincial and dominion colleges and prominent u mint dairymen and others which are fol we i by interest ing and practical disenssio is iy those pre sent the eveningseesio i artakes of a social character and erobr ice popular ad dresses interspersed with roc j and instru menial music and other it imi of entertain- ment which bothhvdies ai 4 f antlemes will wjcndaptnelate onlh if of the town we invite thefarmersinstrtnt of theoounty of halton po hold their ne tt i onyention in abjcfl aid fee safe in proimii bg a hearty reception and good time go to j fyf es acton tor ytaclothi w he can suit yon for price and style ever time childrea cry for htchert caetortft wen baby was sick we rare ircass w she was a child she crfed for u when she became hiss sue dung to d when she had cnudien ai jrretbcu t and towns- ey generally ering2dayb- sessions oon- irsfrom the agricultural see kelly stock oietcoal salts aid hjnwear- in hrit il ojjferi wiienybunltendporcljasijig first clas mclean of r miiaic hs is no agent bat bnyibis goods lage juantities ym rock bottomjflgores avuii oify the ihigbjt est grades axe ir- j sevan years ago a gentleman long active ly engaged in educational work iiu boston and who is an ardent lover of children projected the illustrated magazine our little ones in recognition of an existing ineed in the year 1881 tbe a he iy maga- uhe- which for 15 years held the field against all competitors was pnrehased and incorporated with our little onls and they havo since been published as onimngazine uiif lhtle ones arid the arrryj from the nursery age to tbatiof leaving the primary school constitutes the truly formative period of life iu iti the mind laud disposition may be moulded the af fections cultivated and the tasus develop ed by attractive and carefully adapted literature that is simple witbout being silly and pictures artistically eqlal to those which grace the best periodicals ifor adults what the influence of the best current literature is to men and women our little ones with its pages of expressly prepared and finely illustrated articles istochildren each fresh appearance brings new joy the time when anything was thought good enough for the children is fast passing the fact receives much consideration that these as ifptore citizens and members of society are entitled to careful guarding and lovely association during tneir tender impressible years the endeavor of the publisher beto deserve a wide patronage having at heart the education u of the class for whom their magi signed next to its prestige in the home skid with mothers its utility ai a sohool reader has been tested and certif ed by the most competent teachon supe ior artiste are now busy in illustrating tbe ivork of a corresponding list of writers of prose and poetry prepared for the new volt me which will inolnde lessons in natural hi itory etc lessons in gentleness and kindness in obed ience pnnctnality amiability ill ennny it sentiment with oppressive an 1 repelling n orals omitted a specimen c py will be imntfree to any father mother r literary cjritio who has not seen a recenl number address the bchskm- pen co boston mass will still from all ed welfare dneisde- y year iw and aud ne- uild- with ne and new proid and oohuno tpftotrnr appearanoe aud vauei and is year by year becoming more attractive to outsiders anxious to settle in a tidy thriving and enterprising town it is a pleasure to note that tho improve ment this year keep pace with former years and the evidences are that this mil be the case for yean to come and while we never can hope ioi acton to become a place of very exteryis pulatioii the present eyicltonjncsjftiti growing limit is far away in the future and there is no doubt that its reputation as nn important manu facturing town an agricultural centre and a pleasant place of residence will every year grow wider and command greater at tention from the outside world we have this week compiled a list of the improvements and the valuo thereof that have been effected during the present year the list has been carefully prepared and we have endeavored to hayo it complete and are satisfied that in the main the figures are correct tor they have been supplied by the leading builders of tho town messrs john cameron john lambert thomas ebbngo and peter mccaun inthe majority of instances the amount indicated in each cbo below has already been expended but of course quite a num ber of tho buildings are not yet fully com pleted they are all however in course of erection and will all be completed within a few months the list foots up to nearly 828000 and with the civic improvements of the- year such as sidewalks crossings culverts ac it is swelled to 238u0 a good healthy amount for- acton for one year the build ings generally are of a firstclass character the bulk of them are located in the east end and tho improvements there have ma terially enhanced both the general appear ance and value of this portion of the town following is the list 1 beardraore it co new beam house sweat pits and extension to tan yard at their sole leather tannery on main and queen streets 2400 2 moore a mcgarvin additions to trunk and satchel factory on main street and fixtures 750 8 thomas ebbago additiou to planing mill and new machinery on willow and biver streets 8700 i a w green new framo dwelling on main street and west bower ave ho0 5 david williamson enlarging house on main stretand veneering it with brick 800 fi thos c moore bank barn and stables on main street 8100 7 lome public school main street north now brick woodshed 9jc0 8 john ahern additions to residence on main street and veneering same with brick 8900 i w e smith the new buildings iu exhibition park ei00 10 edward dynes removal of dwelling on john street to church street and im provements thereto 8830 11 wm swackhammer new brick resi dence on mill street 8750 12 john lawson driving house and stable on wilbur street 120 i 18 mrs james ltydcr brick residence pn mill and wellington streets 81500 1 11 john mcmabtcr frame residence on mill street 8go0 1jv joseph chisbdlm frame residence on mill street 8600 lcypeter anderson addition to residence on mill and wellington streets 8250 17 wm selwood donble brick tenement on youf g street 81100 18 wm selwood double brick tenement facing on gtr 81000 19 mrs d swackhammer brick dence on young street h0 20 j lewis brick dwelling on welling- ton street 8700 21 archibald campbell brick cottage on young street 8u50 22 james sharp foundation laid for a veneered brick residence on young and queen streets to cost about 81000 23 james sharp frame stable on queen street 8150 21 diehard worden frame raised for a veneered brick residence 011 arthur street to cost 8700 25 john kennedy veneered brick kitchen at residence on young street 8250 2g patrick kelly residence clod with brick bay window and other improvements 8500 27 john cameron new kitchen and in terior improvements to residence on john street 8300 28 mrs alex h brown foundation laid for new rough cast front to residence on queen street east 8475 29 thomas ebbage foundation laid for new double frame dwelling on west bower ave to cost 950 80 hugh byder salvation army bar racks in course of construction on mill street and park ave 8700 to be expended this fall and 8500 n for completion next spring j 81 j a speight remodelling and in provements to dwelling on willow sweety 450 32 j a speight foundation completed for a tenement on the corner of agnes and willow streets to cost 8go0 83 the late james campbell new shed and hall at itoyal exchange hotel 8100 immmeaim t qorapilmentwy re0jaar toigniflotut rivnteifyiot qwffluij mantlei ai d dolmans imported direct from the m ikers have come to us from all directions a nong others are the following from the di iiy papers in referenoo tcj pur display at thsguelphexhlbluoii i prom thu daily ifsreur gtfelpb f imv anons and cwjruino mr k it bollert makes a speciality in hi 1 largo display upstairs of 18 fine cloth tiiirl silk rtiantles samples of the stock m ids specially for his trade by german m tnufnoturersi ho also shows a dotsen fur muntics ond dolmans specially choice riming from 88n to 8800 togother with tho dresred skins from which mantles are mide to 1 rder another main feature of his exhibit is an assortment of balls health preserving corsets and a striking elelctric signboard a case of fine millinery aul furs completes his really creditable till play from the ijof malt totohto j i a fink msi lav this exhibit was really about the only attraction on the gallery the principal fcuture being his specially imported ger man mantles made specially for his better class of trade these are noted for their elegance of style finish and material he also exhibits a fine lino of expensive seal mulntles and dolmans ranging in price from 8125 to 8325batio and greenland sekl matties from 880 to 800 each astracan aud bokhara mantles fromf 825 to 810 tlikse aregoods not surpassed iu the do minion for quality he also exhibits the dressed pelts of all the above furs which arclubed as samples to make up to order in any style mantles and mautle making is the most prominent feature of mr bollerts businesp who also carries a large stock of general dry goods and deals largely in tbe celebrated ball corsets his store is 27 wyjudham street from the daily herald guelph k b ii0llei1t the most elegant costly und attractive i exhibit in the building is the splendid as sortment of mantles millinery and for goods from tbe establishment of mr e b bollert lower wyndham street it occupies almost the entire south side of the gallery and comprises the most beauti ful line of imported fur goods that has t tve-i- 3 1 rf vf fz seal persian lamb otter mink aeftrachan rabbit and coney by far tho lurgoar jfetvetfiiid chenpest stck of fuw in this vicinity evry thing in lliis line has beei niflkcd l down to the lowest notch and ennnot fail to plfaso nil who hfc looking fpr good nrticlo nta reasonable juice i it wafrrrjbip a good smabtglfeljj jearaolageat steer 4tiuy straved uiwn thejw erixti8onami in boptembor tvo white ttother rod ht plomoprovo property pal- expenses and fako duncan keiih dhilscaol tho kubscritk- esiak about the first jyeailiag stoerfi 011c- wdlte tlother rod jind wblfe owner will noteost seventeen oroiglitccu b miaavdis kotoii ihe uidursigned has t a noto for vsoo made by thos hyfte in favor of david oarty dated til april 1887 and nvnbio at tfad bank ot hamilton oeorgctowu in 1 mouth ho lieroby cuuon uictnublic against nefiotiatiitg tbe same esquesfng oct if7th 1s87 forsalk evej- been brought into the city among other fine articles of femiuine adornment a sooth sea seal mantle and dolman valued at 8325 claims the particular attention of the ladies there are ulso a variety of bultio and greenland soul goods of extra quality but much cheaper than the above also bokharan mantles from 825 to 850 and a collection of dressed pelts which are made up according to order in cloth goods mr bollert shows mantles and dol mans iu rich silk brocade silk and fur liued dolmans cloth mautles dolmans and short jackets in ladies misses and chil drens sizes and of every quality tho samples shown are all from mr bollerts regular stock and the mostexpensivegoods were manufactured in berlin germany especially for him every visitor should see his exhibit the centre of which is adorned with the majestic sign of tbe ball corset compaoy our stock of mantle aud ulster cloths silk plushes plush brocades aud fine mantle material is also very attractive our mautle makers have an established reputation for the very best styles and work noted for choice good i no credit e r bollert 27 owir wyndham bt guelph xstt telephone ix office j f flannels canton flainiels alwool flannels trnion a heatvy allwool flannel for li guaranteed pure wo fjttnuels shaker mts per yard l one hundred acre6j of wsd mnro or icsbbelur went hat i it 17 in he xocoiul cdmwtwlon of kjnesiiib 1 ifty ares well tim bered it will be sold in he block or in ten acre liarceh for further 1 articular apply to james mcfhehi idn lotmiciii sesqucsiugl tesbebs ib wood dress good drefs gcdods in this department wq arc doing just doiile the hnsiness pt former seasons aiid we foci this is a fair proof gtlint we show the correct goods and that our prices arc the low adding novelties to this department and if you spected our mammoth stock take n look thro that we lead we are daily avent already in- and be convinced a b j if i s millinery weliavo been terribly aged to fill all orders by xr llinery busv in ibis dcpiirtmentibut have maii working overtime ladies will find tho latest now york- style in stock and are jbure to be pleased with our display no troiiblf to liow goods mantles ulsteps toboggan coats and walring jackets i mantles from 75 pents up overcoats- mens youths and boys 6ood houest vialue everytimej j rjendejtstiiil b receive 3 by thcuudcikigucil jl up to the hth of ndv tuber for tweiityfivci cordfi of rood sound diy iu plo wood two-feet- long to be delivered at the lublic schoovbed for jmirticulars apply to h p loore secretsi salesmen ijvaftt we are in want of a few to canvass for the sal oroflrsjciassnicn rof choicevaricties- of nursery stock to uanwllb tan make a saccess of tbo business we dun pavood salaries orcoinmimion andfiivopori lauent einfrfoyment we have many new and choice specialties both thosayde secretary n tbo fruit andornamentail lines which other iy at ohcerith refe maboffbees do not handle apptatofccerith refereuccss mabboffbees xnnsebyjfek hqchesieb ny salesmen ianted howard o graham flib iwpnlar aud well known nurseryman of iipc icstcr ny desires to make arrangeincnta trthj one otwojlive en- ergetlc men to takeorriors fbc s rf he has a choice stock inclujling fine specialties his inducements to begiiin rs arc particnlarlv advantageous he fnlnllf a ii ho promises and guarantees to furnish- stnc ly first class stock i t npriglit nien good conimnnicate with a iw of scenring their services write to h ass xm as yon have read this for terms and full pari culors hem ember only snoore dealing men if ed apply caddress enw 0 on m nurscrynf ah hochester ny dqsj pail to see our stock f undel0lothino ivve keep dry goodsinillinery clothini boots shoes rubbers qvepshoes groynes chealthe mottolj it butter ecc8 and poultry ranted otor j rest brbs bankrupt inderwear pfce at kelly p 1 dr lows worm syrup will rjemove all kindsot wprms from children or adults i james h gilmoar of t gilmiur a co wbolesahj grocers brockville says i liave nsed tamarac lixir ifor a i were cold and congb which it immediatol relieved and cared the extraordinary popularity bf ayera phefry pectoral is tbe natural inlt of its ltohjr9t4eipfflorirtrl tfjyem lthss provetf itself the very bo t speciao mcleoo anderson co of the mammoth house georgetown have much pleasure in announ cing to their patrons and friends of immense arrivals ot new and fashionable fall i and winter 3obds in fancy and staple dry goods wfiaro tbe leaders in the latest styles and the guiding star forfiill bargains visitors sur prised- buyers delighted fiue goc ds andlow prices do the work our dress goods and dress sjajeriai8 costume cloths dress sills dress trimmings mantle goids mantle makiug and dress making are marvels of popularity in seasonable styles and fair figi res cur millinery i superb choice extunsive varied any lady con be suited the stock is wonderful in qualityj quantity and style oui staple goods is beyond com par8oii the largest and ptieap est vcr offered cottons at won der lew prices aaiiagnmcent cai ton flannel fbi 8c per yard soiierbgrey fjiniiel 26 inches wide allwool 2j per yard yil can lire at nptae and make more money 1 iiii at work for lis than at anything else in this world capital notneeded you are started free both sexes nil ages ahy one can do the work large earnings sure from first start costlv outfit and terms free better not belay costs yodnothingto send usydurftddress and find ont if jvou are wiie von wul do so at once fl hallett a- co fortjand maine valuable village property for s je nursery stctck m w e sillth hereby informs the public tlmt his rami of villago lots adjouibig the exhibition la is now completed and tlic lot 5 are open for sile seine of the most desirablj builduig lots ever offered in actou are includf diii this suney and more attractive location is not- to be found hi tbe corporation toxins ca y and made knonn mion application l w e- smith village otf acton j tem taxes satepaxees are hereby notified jthal the second instal ment of taxes fori the jarrentyoor wul fall due on the j 15th day of rj0v next 1887 the lion of geutlembni wear our litis over- km coatings tjrridereotbing and gents furtii8hings ox all kinds and not forgetting our cutting and make up in ouv tailoring department for style and finish has unsurpassed the best of every thirg rut no high price profits i ladies and gents footwear immense stock great variety constantly offering bargains in this department jjj we have a large stock large 5 and 7 wyndhamst cuelph 84 oswoldst glasgow we are upw displaying one of the most attractive stocks of milr iry ever seen in gujefphr the shapes are large and very stylish and the trirtmingaretiie richest and most varied that we have ever seen iii any former mihiricry season i i and if tbo said second instalment he not paid on or before the said 15th day novemlicr feu per cent jvilllje added thereon inaecorilanco with a bylaw iiassed by tbojym ifie council so not put off payment to the ast iy attention s called fo flsohotrlngjlicn urn ng paymeirt present ax bill cheques must heinarked good mx raxes niust be paid at tb ucfcrksofflce main s reet by order jte mcgj kvds y plerk treasurer how to byili suitable fo- city tojvn or country i t a house we have tho host plan ofc house over arranged by an architect it ischeai beautifauysrrang ed and oruaniontal seieutynvo thonsaj ilans of thuybouso have bee n sold and overtdo louses have been built hi th a united states from thetnbi eh 6peaks plainlj for its liopnlarity all architects charge for gel ting up a jilan likeit would be about 15 the in blishcrsprico is for the next sixty days we v ill mail it poetpaid to any address ou receipt oi x if you ever in tend to hull da house bond 1 1 onco for this plan you will ncvur bagrudgo tlic tho plans give scale to work from ol colli r- first and seoond dors and four different jiic nres of the boiase- showing how it looks whan 1 nished bf front and rearsud the two sides qnr offer will bold good for only sixtyday from the date of this paper so order at once books trc ating on cai-penter- ingi building architecture i tc circulars niail- odfreo address 8hkpakd stewabtr i evansbuboi pa james stirtdnrljds- dentist touciib blocks opposite p it office guelph vitaleq aie painless extpaot on ef teeth artificial teeth guaranteed perfect in appear- anoe fit and use fine gold work a specialty au operations strictly flrstc ass appointments made by letter mantles mantles i our stock of mantles is simply a murvel of elegances wei show every variety and effect in cloth and desigu dolmans with close inlerbnigahithectancepfthe dolnians with the warmth and 1 ponveiiience ofthbjackots short jacket i we biiow an iinmcnseringe our iissoitnicnt of childrens jfacke i vcoiripletc and prices ore very moiorafe premises every facility to do jtii hess comfortably tvotbave tittf equal facilities to buy the goodi cheap send- a delegate r tvery homo aiidlbipye weaving mil t mhchelll desires to inform the peo lie of acton and surroundings that he is prepared to take orders for weaving all jiiiji is of fancy baf carpets flannel sheetii a shirting and j dress goods striped orpt id twillor plain also bed blankets and hcrsoblanliets two yards wide and over and i will guarantee tb it i wiugivegood satisfaction to all farmers and others who will favor me with their j atronage si litchl n absolutely pure ivst varies a marrelofpi ijssomeness more econoi idndi and cannot be too mnltitudeof low or phosptiate povders r uwo powwa co dress making f i miss ivdd is very busy in this department and is turning out p6er- styles tfrts department owing ti fmissttodds wlltrnc roputationj is assuming vast proportions y home sttock fa ercheroahoi f each coach hint sa nefaxubm lmbor- tc i tod brcedas of ret- ch iron and fmicb cqadi- h nesis uliraitsock fi to crosse ime w cittymlch vet tc y large tod of hot tt ect lfomwe ou tt re cefte taree frq address sstsfeftfai dsibotrr ffgses mandrake dandelion -o- i- fdomz mcleod ai mmi0i gentime- wo would say vhattlc stock pclotlis both fosuits and over cpatsy is nil tho latest style jwdb vule stri re and worsted coalings ajreiirtncii worn anfvtheiyery intcst tluiigs x a oitfistock ifrendyminlesis very conipleto aiulwe vafjgunjiii teo j a njiuclt befctov fi uuiqiij tliem 1 list n uie avtfrugc cutter ojei itfsfc6 v r opp tqprqf urnislijiia f very eonipleitei s v jowilliamson tiiuuhletabllloaacjinwtirllcrili ckeililverhpau ballon- l oupjexian ijifeo unss tlvflr cnro li no cms ail simply a 3viilneyt4ver keen ifor ylt dieino and sceipt boot 81 sold byau gists cure 0tor fa varsbly 1 p any rccommehda 600000 da obas is too well ai byhisrecoiptboots to rr da chashs hvbr cuiro hks a receipt wrappel around every bottlil weight in gold db charks ilvtr cere is whiciiiw all diseases ailiig iiumaju liver suoh as ivr tomjr uip mi fr mm jtorpldjpt ina cms5ij8

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