Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 3, 1887, p. 4

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srrvv v- mam ftt tm if tttursday home a i i mb vkssron who is xwir why j thought that jxro know we wan once agaga for a ysar 1m that u before i knew yon- ttat m aa ago ny dear over cordial now rnbb for shame such ttowwate yes that wato-tto- demure mhv things and fer meu do tntke tiroh w under us lite ned was snob a goodhearted wlow devote of conran he wi ummi 0 you id wot frown and torn yellow t coom have had a domju of lueii one thing t will say howfrcr he unhappy that i oaji ee voor fellow he iwwujriaever quite conquered hu islon foe 111c too poorr yes hot prokid as a lbrd when you came well won know the rest dear yoo iroow take uufabroad yes of course t lowd sow beat kts tumka- ned who la that overdressed lady yon greeted to warmly today what ia it yotfre keeping to shady what u the to yoo anyway t that lly the wife ot a hacker thoochtrber toilet reiuarkably on by the way you ought to thank her she tras once an old fttnie of mluc offered my cottcratvlattonb nothing more to tell yon the truth our affair mere infatuation in the day of my eallotr youth was the toad oi me well the amid to im iter her we spooned tor a year whydidntweuiany why you know i met yon and loved yon ray dear of course we all knew that be bought her youth and beaoty exchanged for pelf- what if you werent a rich man daughter my dear i loved you for yourtelt f thk tbvk version twat tbrold old story repeated of two youug heartatb bcataa one their twin aspirations defeated and their youug lirtslorovci undone you think so well youre sadly uiistakeu tbey each had a something to ecii sow ndi fancies uie other for akco and both yes tbey both married well 7wvty w0i hriiiitki art ttepa pmtw matft rjring hint to owi i ft nw shares in anui tunny bout vrt presume e awe him o laugh in hit tteeve then it uo um in crying over spthtd trillav itfiiybethreefoortbtwiur ibeg y wrpardoi air but it juot your name 8my lis v second kentlemau mo ir my nut ie it bmiui you ime im joubt edly mitul tu n for my wn brown hello jouet hova your wifet jonee li itlo deaf very blutterinit eud ditagreeabljagaiu tliit morning wleiinj rasping tofferert from atthma receive qui ik and permanent relietby utlug southern a ithma core bold jby all drug gitteorby nail on reoeiptol price lratktnummkthli will rite 8o will biebuit and bread made with imp trial cream tartar baking powtler iut the only reliable fwmmwm mliek4multelhlat la fo to baton t uwnan dlgirtlve appmatoeie onej theaoftoodopliw tf mirfllthltg in uiatttwe it i eaailypnfolt- ordir qreaty food tot gh food aloppy food bad oookery mental ry lau boon irrej lar habiu and m ny other thtngs whl sh ought not to behi ve made the amerlc tn people a notion of lytpepuot but oroont aii utt flower hat done a wouderfut work it feforiniug thlt tad bull- umi and mitking the araerloan people to healthy that they oan enjoy their meilt and be happy bemomber ne hnppiuote without health but groolit augtrtt flower briugt healtli and happlnoae to the dyspoptjo atk your druggittftor a botllo seventy flvo oenta 1 the mar who left borne to ipend the summer with hit family hat juit returned the summer it not spout but hit money it dr lowp worm 8yrop will remove all kind of vtyrmt from children or adult a brave boy bv ebks t rexfoki chance ot throat and gurdjb balaam at reliable cure for gypsy give no fifty oenta aud ill tell your fortune tithwoman shure an if i hd fifty oenl s that would be fortune why go 1 imping and whiuing about your oorns wbei a 3i cent bottle of holldwayt corn cure will remove them i give it a trial and y n w ii not regret it a sf irrew batnae people wlio aie exposed to the auddtn changee of i ur n uthern climate have little esoiping colds cooghi sore lung troubles the best safe- to teep hagyards iectoral i land it it a quick relief and tril j tatvijj i i j fi ijiv 1 1 m woeb deuwtaud tlmlo fietun bephtr audtt- lealaibjalry ztpbarandallkinaof fin- gtriug wools for the lall end winter trade a lovely ajtortindnt of kuibroideriot iu cambria tuduutlla v handtomo llaby itouos and catliutore cloakt lotly suadot in iluubpi folu battut arfmluss buibroldfjry 8iu kijiomiim tou- pons cuonlllo cprdi liaiiglea tnd all the jjaiett trltuml igi for tldloii liauneri draperlot kto undirwoaj iniulo tooitlor i humping a specialty l l wmmg s wm est aad ieaafi ri la the tarrcrlng browns houi hold pnioa hs ho qual for reliovine sin both interns and xttrnal itcufea niu iu the bidebaax or bowele sore throat ttheurostisin toothache luiub igo nod any kind of a pain or actio t will mostturely quialc en the blond and i csl asita a ting powler ii woudorful jrownt household psb noes being aoki owledgcd as the great pir reliever tnd of double tho strength of any other elixir dt liniment tn the world should be fi every family handy for ase when wanted as it really it tho beat remedy in the wo d for cramps in toe stomach and pait s and aches of all kinds and is for tale by a i drugfntts at 28 cents a bottle and dont forgot tliii it wliorc you can got tlo uohtiruimmo newtraymond sewing machine tbowaohluo ovorylxxly wants noodt uo reootnjnandatlon it tocoiniueudt itself call and too thlt popular maohlno aud iutpoot our stock ot fanny q fraljjrj rwebber aotou august 18th 1887 buch complaints ju i like to read of heroes i liky to see men who have done heroic deeds i feel strengthened by thinking of what they have done it acts as a tonic to ones moral nature not long since i saw a hero i was a witness of lus brave deed and i felt a warm glow at my heart- hundred times since at the thought of it but the deed of bravery waa one the papers said nothing about they wonld not have considered it worth mentioning i suppose but i do and i am going to write it down to help others who may be tempted as this boy was for my hero was only a boy f but there is the makig ot a strong man in him it happened in this way i was walking down the street and stopped in- front of a saloon to talk witt a friend as we stood there two boys cajnealong come in and eavsoinething to drink said one of them thank yon was the reply but i never drink oh temperance are you said the other that had a suspicion of a sneer in it yee answered the boy bravely i dont believe in drinking liquor well yon neednt drink iiquor if you dont want to said his companion take some lemonade not in a saloon was the others reply why not asked his friend it wont make yoo drunt because they sell h whiskey over tbeape bar will it f i dont suppose it would was the reply but saloons are bad places and i dont believe in patronizing them what a moral young fellow yonare said bis friend with contempt in his words do yon intend to preach when yoo get to be a man no i dont expect to was the reply but i intendito make a man of myself ind i never knew a fellow to amount to much who got into the nabitiof frequenting saloons i havent asked yon to jhang about saloons have it demanded bis friend angrily one wonld think from what yon say that i asked you to get drunk yon didnt ask me to get drank was the reply but jrou have asked me to take the first step in that direction if i drank now i would probably drink again how long would it be before i got the habit formed of drinking 1 tquor v some other young fellows bad come up by this time and the one who had invited his friend to drink turned to them and said youve come juajt in time to hears temperance lecture go on bob maybe you can convert these chaps then they laughed but bob did not get angry he looked them bravely in the face and said i suppose yon think lam soft because i wont drink i know you think itfoolisli because refused to go into the baloon and have a glass of lemonade to his friend bnt i dont and i am not afraid to stand up for what i think is right if you want to drink yoo will doit i suppose in spite of anything i could say against it bnt you cant coax or langh me into doing it i want to fiavs my own respect and i shouldnt have it if i drank for i dont believe it is right to drink whiskey you think i suppose that i am a coward in not drinking but i think i should prove myself a coward in doing it wasnt i glad to hear the boy say that i couldnt jielp going to him and telling him to thank you said he looking pleased at what i said i mean to be a man and i know i sbouldut be if i got to drinking he was right god bless the young hero i wish there were thousands mole like him a conscioibpe rformanceof duty strength ens the will utalixee the moral force quickens th 5 ene gy and inspires the resolu tion to win iu thb life slrngelet the new american bank- in china will have a capi ia of 50000000 taels will it do business on the principle of beads i win taels ylulofe marker last january says j n teeple of orwell ontl there appeared diptherii in our neighborhood doctors ran night and day bnt i kept right to hagyards yellow iil and brought my childreu through all right yellow oil cures all painful com plaints and injuries freemans worm powders are safe in all cases they destroy and remove worms advice io moiui ns are you disturbed at night and broke i of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cut ting teeth itsosendatonce and get j a bottle of mrs wi islows soothing filyrni for children teeth ng i ts value ib incal culable it will re ieve the poor littlo suf- fercr immediately depend upon it moth ers there is no mi itake about it it cures dysentery and diarrha regulates the stomach and bovrels cores wind colid softens the gums reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system mrs windows soothing sy rup for children oothing is pleasant jo the taste and ia th prescription of one of the oldest and best fimale physicians and unrses in the umt d states and is for sale by all druggists hrouchout the world pnce twentyfive c mts a bottle be sure ami ask for ma i wnssiiows soonrno syncp and take n 3 other kind cet the best tbjc wbtirn of london ont t vastly improved illustrated article all the xc i popnlsr departnipiits hnuie kmilfngj i psges uegularly balince of1887 free to all now biibbcrlbius for tuo year ibs at bo lowliirieooi salmagcsaudothrrkeriuniui i kieelleut xusirallsehtctloiis iuteruntlouhl sunday nrliool loii ley c ipn iu children or adults the worn sirloin is deived from the french it wonld puzzle our best lawyers sometime jo tell where the meat we call sirloin steak is derived from the extraordinary popularity of ayers cherry pectoral is the natural result of its use by intelligent people forpverforty years it has provta itself tbc very best specific tor colds coughs and pulmonary com plaints btllam t ktsxeiy far attwaitnllss procure a bottle of hagyards yellow oil from yotrr i ledieine dealer and use accord ing to direc ions it cured ida johnson of cornell on of that complaint and she recommends it as a sure cure for j ever failed to give satisfaction go to j fyfei i acton for your oloti ing he cau suit you for price quality and style every tin e dont forget klly bros great sale on saturday yean it has ie mamma said johnnie who had just been reading the war news i am afraid we are shorof sauce for supper hadnt you better call out tho preservesj sejlars which might otherwist be thrown away by rejeorting to ineflectoal medicine are saved by purchasing that inexpensive specific for bodily pain and remedy for affections of the throat lungs stomach liver and bowels dr thomas bolfectrio oil whicbp does not deteriorate hd ia thorough and sure tie m4m averaadl the mode of operating of burdock blood bitters is that it acts at once and thf same time upon the stomach liver bowel kidneys and the blood to cleanse regulate and strengthen hence its almost univer sal value in chronic complaints james hi gilmoajr of t gilmonr 4 co wholesale grosses broekvhle says i have used 1 amarac elixir for a severe cold and congb arhich it immediately relieved and cured iaaasttessvlai i it is sad to contemplate the amount of physical iiiesibg i tlas jrld how many weaiy bioke dovjjn invalids there are to wlom jbfe jis burdensome the nervous del nlity and general weakness of those afflict ed with ungering disease it best remedied bj the invigorating powers of b b b f v i n sks bickles anticonsumptive syrup is a combination of several medicinal herbs which exert a most wonderful influence in coring pulmonary consumption and air other diseases of tbelungs eoestandthroat it promotes a free and easy expectoration and gives ease even to the greatest sufferer coughs colds shortness of breath and affections of the chest attended with weakness of- the digestive organs or with general debility seem to vanish under its use no other remedy acts to readily in allaying inflammation or breakibg op a severe cold even the most obstinate cough is overcome by its penetrating and healing properties when children ate affected with colds coughs inflammation of the- longs croup qoinaey and sore throat this syrup is of vast importance thenomber of deaths among children from these dis eases s truly alarming it is so palatable that a child will not refute it and is put at such a price that will not exclude the poor from jtsbenefitb an ignorant old man listening o the eulogy of an american statesman waa inovedtoenuinsuwrnin his description of it tofcta wife malviny 1 he exclai nod it ww grand it was the- most giot log paregoric i have ever had cation to li to national tills are ansuriiassiid as a safe mild yet th oroogh purgative acting npon the biliard organs promptly iand effectu ally j j one of ot r soathern exchanges reports that on a recent lords dayj a baptist minister paused in bis discourse aud sur prised tbecxingregation by sayiiir breth ren i see yen looking at your watches i will look at nine ajid after doiny so he wetiton pjeiiching j people wh reside or sojourn in regions of country nherc fever and laguesnd bilious remittent ftvernre prevalent liould be particularly careful to regulate digestion the liver ana the bowels before the ap proach f 1 he seuwn fqr the periodic maladyi tie tiihely ue of northrop lymsnavet etable bucoyery and dyspep tic cure u a valuable safeguard against the malarial coi rge it is acknowledged to be the beat blood purifier jin the market iprof ijowi magic sulphursoap heal ing soothing and cleansing for all eruptive diseases of the skin idelightf ul for toilet use thiy were talking about expenses and how men get icb said one my butcher and baker ha e made money enough ont of me to build ibemselve splendid houses responded tie others the barkeepers i patronize bav built whole blocks out of what i owe th sm asltaiablak haceesa it is the duly of every person who has used bocheei qtrman syrup to let its won derful qualitie i be known to their friend in curing coisumption severe coughs croapastbro pneumonia and in fact all throat and lung diseases niperon din use it witbrat immediaterelief three doses will rejie ie any ease and we consider it theduty of 1 11 droggists to rec jmmend it to tlie poor ying consumptive at least to try one botti a 80jd00 dozen bottles were sold last j ear end po one cai e where fairly was repo tedl suhh a roe icine a the ofrwaasjy irp cannot be too widely known akypi rdrtuggisiaboot it sample bottle to tryjifjldkt ten cents begolar fizfceisi bold by all dtpgista andj deaitslntiie jhljeea states ana jattada the holly queen a luulted nuiuber of this beautuulirouiiuiu pic tare it offered to subscribers for loct extra the wtstkiin adveiitwer ani rilsluu foit 110 agents wanted overvwhero twcntytlvo valu able pruesto be awaided over and above the eath eoiumisslcin to tlio most suecuuiful tgeutt keciatcrod letters cot no at our rlk for free aauiple papers tenut to asenta otc address advebtiekvluktikci co london ont ji01uii kv wixowkkkiiy will next visit surgeon acton rcmlkiun hotel monday 28th november one d iy only miuert throat and lung the leading liberalconserva tive newspaper of canada j iktthk weekly spectatoe one dollar a year- ilrifilit incisive alio kdltorialk the complete sin ot the lav tbo cboiccst mlwvllaikbiiii lradinr serial stories by the kpt alltbrni dr talmaceti i rrat hcnuoim the fullestuarkut iteiwrtk i tbo choico- humor bvkkythixti lob kvkbv110dy tlic hiiectator never uumiw news i dull aud uovcr abirl alwava clean and stroi will purchase far yot spectator tho beat co iievur imblic itiestton it ik for a year tile weekly vatiio journal and tbo befit weekly nuwliapvi iu cauada cntuually liberal coininission to neuta dress thk kpeltatoii hamilton out ad- catalwh 1 hboat cuj ied a few of the bnndre is who bare xen edcccss- folly treated by dr v aahingtont ierr mctbi un joo uckelry kingtton nt cotarrl and consumjption john mckalvy king iton out ci tarrb mrs a bopping kingston o it uronchi consumption mr b scott klngi ton out c itarrb b and throat lira jno berram hi rrowsmltbod t catarr throat jamesaattbewap haater actou out ca tamh bead and thm t 1 vi francis berlin out catarrh bead and throat i i miaa nellie eby ber in ont enlarged tonsil v wing p u cora ma 0ut catarrh bead henry boot t berlin ont asthma mrs p wagner nr berlin ont catarrh bead and throa leri kercher 8t ja bt ont catarrh beac and throat colin campbell ft jdwardont asthma james staoey dutto ont catarrh wm8boemaierboineyj0ntcataitli joseph smiley port qratlot u r badform i qratlot u a catarrh w hstorey esq of storey son glov mannfaftnrers acton ont drwashiiirton ii the only throat and h uit 8ureeon in cauada mis mary a bomiourg ceutervilc lontj catarrh bead and tbr at mrs godfrey lehn s 8 jacobs out con sumption tltn snider uloomf eld ont catarrh bead and throat purest 8tr beady for use li making soap soft seetinaarjd a hnnlredether earn equals m ponnut sal soda sold byajlorocirs and drn gists siwghxett toiohto nsesi- to the front of all competnjlos we placeoub ejegant and substantial 6oods splendid in quality complete in assor overflowing in ment generous bargains i men8 womesi axdchiuben8 boots and shoes etrbbbes ovaeshoes c at prides that alway i lead to tjccdy sales lowest pri 5es toxsisr kt with good quality cubtom work and repairing promptly a itended to w wiiitlams mill street acton hacyary 1l0w oil cures rheumatism work are pleasant to tali contain tieuowa is a sofo euro aad dttoeioal fttastiayar ot worms j i children a adaua ajts wdlts oftie valuey rka yes phdeotthevallor tbatitthe name of the medicine burdock lood itters will cure mm- mm enmrajk salt rheulu heartbunn headache 4 ev tpeotbb xseom disordered i it cured n e of dyspepsia idongnca sample paeki ie for 23o packages for 1 contents of four paokagei i was entirely have never felt the tymp oms since tbst four year ago lalsoboigbta bottle of lrldo of the valley liniment la it aprlug for my 1 ired man who sprained bit an tie so biidly lie c ould net bear hit weight on it first ave the well- was j- i t 1 ice pitchers gake baskets oons forks knives 4c ac brulwat- crand tru o ibf 0 bast wxed 7iani otonsr the season has opened with a rush and to keep our stock as sorted jicw goods arc constantly arriving and more to vcome our dress oods mantle floods i and istaples are going very fast bift we have a large stock and jnpplerjuetited by recent arrivals the assortment is larger cheaper and never than eyer -00- tliij uupreccdciitqd rush in our- millinery department fully demonstrates the tact that we have the largest cheapest best ausnrtcl and most fashionable in the trade in this viciiiity notwith- stttndiiig any thing tu thucmitniry we are offering an allwool rey plan nel at 20c see it an extra goodcanton at 8c worth 20 per cent more soiucthing very iine in ltidiis kid gftives in proper shade notably a special line of french josophuii very cheap also cashmere gloves hud hosiery wool squares clouds hoods facihators toques and tamashauters in splethiil shades and styles we arc o- in purs and pur trimmings simwine a beautiful ritngc of goods in astrakan persian lamb atid scat i great tlrivcs in mens tp shirts gurnseyiaml drawers wc havo a largo sticktt koadyhiades and overcoats bought the choapegt niaiket anil wc arc in a posuiou goffer the pub iir this line which can not be otjualledby any house in lie bargains iu town give us a call a large stock of mtns and boys long boots rcceiie very cheap 7 i henderson mcrae co f acton exprc is pass 1 ail 0oatt mi- jtri wimaan throsi h exp 6 09 vja aecom vupn cble lbokxprcstdoeii 1 oh and hamilton lr tiueoft oolng ivost0 15 smiiidi doing 1 last 10 to mtii puitesttflt eontaia alum ammonia ufc oranjin e w gillett ka tettiictwzltzbl the wanzff to candles b yrnav co samilton tm nochfm isj- naglobehr porftivtjlj nongxplosiyit burns any glide every lhasaftranteea with the 1 gat can pat on sbi beat vats boll eggs make t ttew etc sou aiiext yon icib orhodders b burdock i a a i mitx kjp porslyj vegetable pleasant ebeetujal use jufe dr h ddrs coi take no other solfl orj cents per b jttlo drlhodidj couiih and li 1 3ils sold bror rwbore price ifc perlottlp iropriatorssjpdr the union pi opttetors t wan how lost hov just pnbl efied a now t trellscel bratcders of 8permab rrhpea or hi nntary sem inal tosses j fwutuolgeno sauce cj the celel rated antbor essay clear y domonstnti uspccessfdl iractice that jtaej nences of 1 alfabnse niajj tavj pointing qi t a leqiio of ture j certain and effectual by nieu sufferer nq matter what meie may cure hi asejf cheaply pj rsthis ctureshouldbeint yontlijuid c rery manip tbcl sencundeseiliq address on jecespt of 3 t v a plajajt foarcenti stamps address the tulverweil i a aish bf jjbtf tobbt s ti call at mcgar yins drug store and 8ke our njjw lot of r oxford and bacster bibles at all piuce8 a fhe line of stationery has just arrived our 8t0ck of prtljicines toilet articles pancjr bfe jlpeffumery is well assorted chamois vests all sizes 1 after uiiib irii 0 of the valley liniment for boars bo waa nb 0 to 1 hssssb basii i mgasiinis dw stationery store greatest known remedy io the world for tlio inro of catarrh not an inhaler buttho medlclue it to be taken lnternalljronce t day it strikes a ttho root of the disease and 1 amoves ihe cam t at saoe as tboosands will ttiufr that have uswl oatarrh remedy the three above rani list k j hand in hand and wb ire can i get thiiu tbo matthews as loiij ont also a all lrstclass medicine dealei 1 iu cauada mi uu- aotnrsdbypbofamssiusvks london ont gloth hall -o- 3tal8 in fall goods up ii large quantities of hue imported fri tliis seasons trade -0- i shanfszj x grundy mfiltbhant tajlors cuelfm departments in ftol nniii order -ooo- splendid lighi everything nem low priced i tovo a manufacturers stock of mantles at less thiiil ale- pvices childrens ulsters 1250 worth 350 ladies ulsters 8 worth t4 ladies jersey jioliets worth 750 ladies knitted skirts german make 1 koitted wojl shawls froni newest des gne in carpets tapestry ciibet 20c bri wool carpe s7oo mekgy broihe 46 and 48 kinc street east hi tjbe on your maohinervjmly the weliknbv 9 gold medals bave bed avwdtdptdurimtliej to try also ouripaorii xf ri waggons and hotaepowera these oilaaro used and highly recomma fannooelph fatmarajaak foe them use no other j maiitaotmq j sakhjlurobfrs co ags ismfiisji i ijtm i free pbe ix3tjonf z v 1b invartablxjia wjiffaa sracbijj aitnchis loincbts 6 wabtt lineb oasaalwdts first w onwbyahej tlrieilem wiw f f adrrmjf t u1 bsipmrtglw nfily nadrance chanies for- cont i in thoofieey ft 1 colloge of fw rreefc aston j ohn la ontario vet bros boot and kie hordes examtoed as i all calls night arj terms easy jlbennl j 4 cmpb- a obstiotr j newsjstemol j tailed vitabsea v pain having b- f teacher in boy 3 toronto pataoi satisfaction in any visit actonyeteryjg ot each ntqat v tffl jh cifija i tist ml- bojal college ofjp will visit acttowl i ning the first ot jlb 1 vreservatson o artificial ttetlir tier bases gnar tohsstoi barristers soli j ei- private fundi offleei e f b johssios jiimowai ji blibistebsij orticb ofrkesmattne m sduciton office first office maitstreel percent- offices kings b agebowj bible office ontario fi gwbidaebofl cocboh i 1 patent8 ttwenty xcirs jwalhh1 j iibasjrbl pprtho conntm orders left at theifl atmy residaice ik tendttoi lerrns i also money toll terms and at toe earns of 6300 sudip for tbe gbantie orders left at bit ito chorchstreg t q will receijn reasonable kotesl tohijdayj orrtdb queens ij sllo stgetgis sqtfarc account 3ooks periodical afeter baling neatly and j ftihehmii an easy sbive as an exlsiliaratiugs boned and pat in i and children bair i gruelpli tjei tbfe fourtj began septel been s trengtbenedj and new applii members 61 the 1 bnceesslol teacher i nature of the vroxk by the success of and the united 8b all the advantage for terms etc 10ly i lumbei aiii tpue tinaorsisnea 1 a that he has boj stocktk fall line of 1 other kinds oi lu class hue shingle coal having purohas s smith tarn prof stove coal ihav bardwooaasht ableprioes wo i a t ml fire msi 1 oofxrrz head off mas ia t1i vs-

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