vol r- me xii 1 xo 20 f be jvcton ttt ress svbkv 1 u luiuiib tiuus v morning xt th pre88 power pflfmtl 1c2 house acton ontario n ubsoription imfm 0 twh mrtxtir ttc riwll hholpahun advance jir will w no liwfw- fiutall jrrvtl 14 jw ricpt t ll advcrtisino rates sfvu j luetic i in 1 uuu vimi vre imvi ao 1 0 cl 1 1sw 0 0 lino sos l mo wo ilso 100 l and l per line for each aub- l linscrtt cii the number ot llnm 1 jlof blms u2iniortwnu torbi1 ami chmtfivl accord twnmtoryadvertimincntsuiut be ld a sdtaaoe h r mookk twaitorattdrwriotor h birtrtorp vat h iowry m b mcp 8 w graduate of tnultv course member of vlww of rflvslciaus lld surgeous ffisaii cadence u the head of frederick trect acton j0hs lawtfon graduate ok ontario tennarv college toronto-vet- irt surgeon vcton out office jn kenny ssl boot mid shoe or residence in the rear rot examined a to oanduns and certificate iuadkejut a ih promptly attended to terms oa l bennktt lds dentist j ukobcttown omvma c mikinlay l ds surgeon i tektlt georgetown out use the rrirttcm of nitrons oxide gas icouimonly srvln italued iri for ctxctiug teeth without in harms uva demonstrator and practical kfchcriu roral college of dental surgeons toronto- patrous may depend upon receiving tytlsfacdoniaanr operation prformed will tstleioa ererr second and fourth wednesday of each month a office in gncw hotel j h carrique surgeon den- tist milton honor graduate of the viral cole of dentil surgeons of ontario iiuvwt vcton thursday of each week bepn- srthe4rt ot july office in aguew s hotel nervation of the natural teeth a specialty ijtmaal teeth iwrted on sold celluloid or rub- be bases cuiranteed perfect italixed air sitroaa oxde anl other anaesthetics used tor twaler tiwtkn of teeth t0hx3tox d mclean bamjsocors nouvnc conveyancer- ac private funds to oan oie town hall acton e f b johsstox vth a mclkjls x a 5i0wat bjiskh-i- souotoe notast pcbuc money to loan j oftuxdiis tuesdav and saturday qjtcz matthews boci acton bankiiijx company 8t0rby ohmstm 00i danker8l j acloa ontario j i 5l trasaotlld notai h notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits find the puzjzle flhk tnideralgiuht la iirejimr o lurnuli on the x ahortcil notice lu ny tiuintlly ami at tiot- tomiheenriuiuaif uumber lath state head ing thlngleswath tube churns luttsr tubs pork barrele wood aa or contract a lrertrmenl imitbef flour and foejrj ahr office t teda otherwtm nd anythlur in the lino of fannora liouiokeop- am will i o unil llp l 1r00 or coutractort uvceailttea tho puulo ti to fud a better jkaco than thomas 0 modees to buy anything in tiie above lineal alto to slid out if rou are indebted to him tor inythldk pur- chaaea front liiiu hu bookataytoinaueaid he would liketbo uioiicy w h rutledce the butcher deals ia everything in the meatjline no clti establuhuiout can be found belter stock ed at all seasons no questionable coods of- fered to custonjers at any price lowest inces and square deahuf is mj motto one trial tun inces on these point cash a ways paid tor eattlol the highest jinco pan for hides and sheeiikin w h rdtledge weiqgtbn marble works qhsbxo t atrslrs i j rj 1 acto onbio thb yoybmbbb it lo 87 splendid abiortitlnt -01- fancy goocfs -at- i rays bookst0lte quelph j i day sells cheap j ir stjnsan tailor and draper ha now showing a magnificent rauge rjw and choice lines in of cton npstairs m e mlttchell svjatoe cosvetincejt ac 02- ftt loor wet ot the cbampion os-c- mii nrcti muion money to loan at 6 hilton allan baikd iterrsterv solicuors ic torst am geongrrotrs- oca ieuniin biock georgetown aud 80 kns street east toronto ti i i shiltin bi 1- billld bj oagerow 4 cabson bulklstek3atlu ic 05c oatirohall 50 cnurch street toronto uw uiiie0wu p p johs cieson bci co c30watt0bner patents seccbed foe kvextwns keartiklot ottawa cajiada twrntt ler- tractice xo patent no pay hamilton 6l clark proprietotsj wholesale and retail dealers in marble granite and everything jertaininr to cemetery work direct importers of all kinjis of granite and x marble having lately visited the bay otfundygranite qnames and having purchased the entire stock of gray a id red granite monuments headstones crosses t rns etc of alexander taylor at less than cos we will until further notice sell at prices ne rer before known in oltario for in stance i iranite monuments tt high 600 7 ft s7s 8 ft 590 0 f t 100 lojt 120j all work and materia warranted firstclass wirties wanting anythinj in this lino willdo weil to call and seo nabefon purchasing elscwhorosp we guarantee our pne is are- from 30 to 50 jicncent below all other dei jers i w 7m hemstreet lienseh accnineen fr the loaires of wellington and halton orders lef at tu- i aix pi as office aeton or i 2vreslene in acton will be promptly at- lisdeu to ttrtc reasonable to moaov to loan on the most favorajjle tennsanj at the lowest rates of interest in 4i2is oi in n 1 cprards j and will j a murray lllaei alctlonler torthe ccaatie- of halton and wellington oners itft at hreilence main street bppos- ite church treet ctou or addiessed to acton p0 wll reeive strict attention terms reisoaabie notea discounted if desired tohs vax architect gcelph ovt market square omce ueeu 6 hotel llock piraxcis ncjtak suessor to t f chapman bookbixdee s gtorse s bquare guelpb ontario leeount books ol au kinds we to order penodicak of every descnntion carefully bopno llnuns leitlv onj promptly done mhe hanlax barberi shop mulsibeeiacios an eu shave a tj lish haircut a good searfoam in exhilarating shampoo always glten boned and put in firstclass condition taai and children s hair tastily cut j 4 h wobden tonso artists guelpli bnsiuess couege geelph ontario the fourth scholastic yeab began feeitanur 1st the faealtt haj beenstrenstjieawjecoueseprbnrfeemaxge anl new apphands added each of the six member ot the faculty an experienced ana 63ieful teacher the thorough and praetlcai fall suiting trouserings tt and overcoatings extraordinary value in underwear ties collars cuffs qloves c mens working pants one dollar j n stinsop rockwood next door to post office i fl ur- 1 aikatl a won inw wtilivlalm w how alio ungliamonrt ttirgnjb wt4jlsioiib day v a diey woodlaua who uiftj ooiffo nt call an ttwy airy foomtepi that round j on fall 1 did yoa borrow or ateal oaoli imppy unto from torao fontlienxl anugatera buratlnu throaty io you maku tliein out of fluworau ny 1 or whvo in tho auuueama tfolilnii my 1 oh i cannot ml hid tlio merry olf 11 1 cannot help it ii alugs itself tbcrea avaotig in my hoir whnto imy note 1 inn louder that wowlleo3jlutiir k qrauder than tlioao vhlchnnvo fotiuil a umw sweeur than any fay llp liavo niiiih llrlfliter than innlieania of flowci ot gayi tills ioiih tttnt lings through lliu lllulong ln it uowr oiiaaiji tlirouiih alonntor hi of ono iwiot joy will it oarol still i will imrrow your phrase my pretly elf for this souk in my hvnrt hint aliiua itself ada m hlliipson clrrt ifnmilu llcabing eben janewa6 0ffer what in tho salary eben salary yes it may not bo nuflloiortt tn moot tho demands every woman has on lior pnrso thisauostion nskod by a womau whoso yearsiumbcred thirtyfivo was as mttoh a ritldto to the middlonyod man alio nddro-s- od as was tho sphinx to tho anoiout egyptians for after long and careful deliberation ho had made a proposal of marriage to abby austin whose accepted lover he had been long years ago and her reply was a question altogether foreign to the subject which interested him to the exclusion of all others i think i spoke pretty plain abby and it isnt a question of play at all i asked you to marry mo and oome whore theres plenty to keep- house t now your fathers gone youll maybe find it lrard getting along he remarked with the happy self- consciousness of a successful man 1 it requiresfbut little being alone as you say anct that need not cause me auety nt present father did not lea e mo with- out friends and there is still a small jamount of money but if i were going to accept a housekeepers position i naturally wanted to know about the salary what do you pay mrs mudgo eben eben janeway now thoroughly exas perated exclaimed in tones more emphatic than gentle i dont want u housekeeper i want a wife are j pu dreaming abby or what i am not dreaming eben nor am 1 4 more stupid than usual i understand j ou is as busy as a befehive i better than i make myself understood was the reply the graceful line looking an active member woro to her tilings of the pait it wall npi strango that alio had cmr tanowny lam stayed at homo moitly through tho yearn of hor irtarrlodlijo abby austin had boon her frlond and ootiiimllor i ovor ready to loud a liolplng hand in tiino of trouble no ono olo know o well tho dally trial the oruahod hoppi mid vain aspirations of tho woman who imd boon kbon jiuiowuyn wlo onoo lio nld to hinv emily is breaking down you should got her a good girl ebon pnij ho had nn- bwolw my mother noor luul a girl abjiy if aha could get along i dont sou why kuilly cant ably nulil tin nioro hut ovou wiion tho ijurdon was hoaviost lghtoiio it with will ing hands and tho sympathy of a loving liourt two youis hud puisod slnuo emilys tired liands wore folded for tlio last time and mr jnnonny had uomo to tho conolu- slon that the rolgu of misrulo must ond a paid housekcopor was not to him an ngrooable inttidto tho houso soemod tolilm to havo passod from his hands into hors and honsokoeplng bills aooumulatod faster than ho could bottle them his ohlldron woro unruly and gottlng boyond his con trol the ten cent stjore hiii xam in looking ovor tiro canadian hhlpping lilt the number of voiioli that have tlio humo namo must itrtko tho reader with surprise the builders of ships iom to have exerolied but littb ingenuity in find ing uamo lor tliem tho hamonof women are tho most oommon and it la loally at- tonlihlng to find how many buildori have aolvoted the eanie name for tholr ships tliofo iro ou tlio hit hh vviipls lliut havo boon ihrlitonod mary ti mary ann and 18 mary juno tlio number of wmioli wliqid names begin with mary are no fowcrthan 17h and atijonu tlioio are not counted the marluiimho- murlo ann 01 aud tho mario luuisn eto of wliloli there uro over wo more after mary and mario anulcaud iti cojnblnationi la the favorite namo llioro bolug about sovouty ciioik wlilok havo that uamo thoro aro llftcon marias and as many maria loulaui why any ono should oall his vessel morning stur it is difficult to conjecture jot thoro aro on tho list seventeen teasels of that namo quiolstcp does not appear to bo a very appropriate uomo for a ship ot there aro ten v yuickstopion the list muilwor is prolty and poetio so thut wo do not won der so much to find nineteen vcssolsbearing that namo but why therliould bo tivolvo al two irothors and eight thrco after long dehberaton ho deolded that a four tllreo 8f8lcr9 not so easy to guess pretty nearly all the saints jo tho calendar 1110 represented on on the shipping list and uomo of thorn to creat extent for iubtanco tlicro are 24 st josephs 18 8t lawroncob 10 6t lauis and 7 j 8t pierres besides llyerjy 1 h wden s havi g assumed proprietorslfip of tholitery bu iness lately carried ou bj mr y e smith ould sohat the patroua of the public do their utmost to pleaiall customers well equipped and stilish rigs c an always be setured openinc out new coods i arriving from igojrmnny england and new york and marked off at the lowest cash prices jas f kidner ten cent store w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont mikl t blcult 01 machine finished book papers hltih oltmif wkiikly news first class outfit for commercial travel lers at special rates jj a eoniortable bus moett ollfla trams aud night al 10 if ordered one us a call j el worden hieijilo i ah the aaiant offered by the institntion for terms etc oddrew uuaccobmlch 101y principal the paper used in this journrtl is from the above mills wm barber a bros- kellys music store pguse and consider that it fill be to your own interest to patronize borne tr ide we would respectf oily inform the lnhabitints of acton and surrounding country that we ire again in full running order and in better r osition tban before the fire to fill all orders e otmsted to us to partieb building lurjiber will be dressed while jia wait and mouldings ac inado with neatnes i and despatch k b ave are also prepared to fill all orders for pumps j lumber and shingles lath rithc undriu dtsires to inform the public 1 taat he has now on liand and will eep w uocv a full line of 1ine and hemlock a ejf other kmds-rt- lumur also first aud second class fine bhmges a lath coal wood on shor notice and from long experience in the business we feci confident that we can give sat isfaction every timo so 6ome on tilth your orders ind help to roll tbc ball along money routes the moregozwhcthorsbohas legs or no thos ebbage manakcr a ihe lall will be berib before yon know it but kenneybros headquarters for the bell organ and lan8downe piano the leading pianos and oigans of the present day guelph having been appointed sole agent for these two leading instruments i am pre pared to offer extra inducements to pur chasers this fall instruments old on the monthly orqnarteriy inbtalmei t plan or gooddisconntforcash write for catalogues and prices or call at the warerot m usving purchased the coal business -otto- c- 8 smith i am prepared to sopplj all fffijic stovecoal ihaiealsoa scdstockof woor hardwood ah cedar and mill wood at reason able praj wood and coal delivered jamks buown y r mutual fire insurance or rja- estabhshed 1810 j head office guelph 7ire huljiummarenndie s and all other descriptions of property on u premium note system c pwbwne cnaa- davidtwn preident saewury of the dominion boot shoe store mahf btrekt acton tiare tfitfiipaked fta early arrival and laid lj in asplendid stock of comri ete btock 01 sheet jlusio new mnsic and the latest songs arriving tjaily catalogues furnished frco oh application k 1uli use 01 au- haaooal instrumente atlolinoellis violins guitars banjos flutes jjloutb organs eto etc instruction books for every mstruwnt call and examine my stock o w kellf opposite post office bpots shoes ac for fall wear -os- onjreptatioiifor good goojis u4 sopepot value u well established j r wo can nt yon all oiuf ctfstom department is tantinjhitrfrtcln work h usual with rood stock and repairing u ajwayinaluyjw iauy don j nnivr bbosj i v picture gallery waters brps- who webb burnt out mokdajr night have temporarily remo ed to nelle8 old s1tand where they are preparibb to sacrifice their tpeqiendouf stock ghcjblph 6uelpl woman made to tho man who foi the second time asked her hand in marriage his first wooinu had been quite different from this ho had wooed with soft words and lot ing looks and she had answered then with low sweet words the question he asked today l yes eben i love you and god willing will be your wife wero the words spoken y ears ago today sho only noticed tho same question by asking mother what is the salary eben i did think strange jou couldnt uudcr- standenglish abby i always was will ing to allow you was the best bcholar eben remarked at length dimly recollect ing the twihghtbour when she placed her hand in his with sweet trustfulness and conscious that she listened now with busy hands and eyes wliich looked straight for ward searching the secret places of his heart who shall sohc tho mystery of the sphinx who understand the change timo effects in a womans heart i do not understand r you at all ho baid in reply to her last iemark i wish you would explain yourself abby well eben you have la large farm and a large family you expect your wife to do a senants work what do jou propose to pay her as a weekly monthly or quarterly salary so thats it is it i must say that j considerin were old lovers youre uncom mon cool frosty you think may be you are right we are older than we were at the time you refer to with so much senti- ment mr janeway seemed disturbed miss austin waited for him to speak her eyes meeting his calmly her fingers industri ously at work with ivory hook and scarlet wool how white her hands were yet ho had known of many hours of bard labor those same hands had performed when it was a labor of love what did the woitan mean he addressed her in an aggrieved tone you might pay me the compliment of listening to me at least youre uncom mon busy no i think not i am usually em ployed tvith something or other but tho salary you asked about abby who ever heard of such a thing 1 you never thought of it when we were younger no eben neither did emily out and in among the threads of bright wool the ivory hook pursued its way guided by miss austins uimblo fingers the natne ot the wife who had been bis slave called a flush o the sunburned face of the farmer no she didnt j she never wanted for anything to cat or wear you know that abby eben j janeway trying to understand the strange look on his listeners face added to be sure she stayed at home mostly and it stands to reason didnt need the fixings youve had to have going about so much yes eben i am as yon say fond of going about i enjoy going to church visiting my neighbors attending the dor cas society and lectures and concerts break the mouitouy of a long winter in the coun try mijts austin replied while her visitor fidgetted in hib chair he had not forgot ten that jhis wife had been fond of these innocent amusements and had only given up going to church the but year ol her we j other things had been given up one by one as the children came each claiming its individual right to care and attention so with washing ironing sweepingfbak- ing and the jnaking of butter and cjtfeese emily jjanjeway was busy from the time ier bed at an early hoar until she to it exhausted physically and lectures concerts even the 8oeity of which she bad been there was ono woman who could doftly unravel tho tangled threads of his domestio affairsrabby austin blio had always come to emilys relief aud assistance when things got ahead of her and generally they straightened out under hoi- direction yes ho had decided lib would oiler her tho place of honor from which emily had been removod in his best suit with his hair out and face clean shaven ho presented himself a mail wellto do as he would have ex- pressed it and in the prime of life before this woman of middleago with small means for her future support not for the sake of an old romance but because she was the one practical woman of his ac quaintance whom he supposed capable of evolving order out of chaotic elements in the place he called home i thought maybe youd like to come youve been there so much late years when onoe things get straightened out it wont be so bad the children always did mind yon abbey you have not toldme tho salary eben to be sure i only asked out of curiosity just to see if yon had found out how much emily saved while she did all the house work and took care of tho idairy her board and lodging did not cost much yon must have saved money eben well yes considerable but as it i looks to me now everything is going to ruin pretty fast the old place dont look as it did when motherwas alive i emily wonld hardly know it as the well kept house she lived in i am sorry 1 for you eben i yeb my wife was a good housekeeper but mother sho seemed to get on without complainirjg so much did if ever occur lo jou that jour i mother had but one child to care for jeben i well jes i dnow my six are much moro trouble since mrs mudge came ive been thinking abbey that i wouldnt mind if yon got a girl to help round one that would work for her board ho added with characteristic forethought come now whatlsay he asked in tones vvhioh be- trajetrdomcthing of the anxiety he felt there are 21 providences iu our mer chant tnariue canadian blnp owners are not only devout they are exceedingly lojal there are 20 victorias on the list and c british queen the princess louise is well represented and so is the marquis of lome there are on the list 9 sea birds10 sea flowers aud 0 stars besides 0 wate lilys and 5 zephyrs there are also on it 11 lady of the lakes 7 queens 10 may queens 0 yillage bblle8 and 1 paraaane who have 9 larks aud c linnets 7 swallows and 9 sea birds to kjed them company it would seem that in naming ships as in naming children ery little originality is exercised and uo regard appeals to be paid to apprpprjateness or to the eternal fitness of things every body or almost everybody beeins content fo follow someboctyelses example 1 a 4flyl price thbee jjents v juern jupflkh why is an old maid like a dried orange 1 juooauiio noithor of thorn is worth a good tho lion and tho lamb may llo together but they cant hold aoandlo to a oouplo of lawyors itlsstrangoka woman who olalms to havo a mind of dor cjvii takes evory oppor tunfty to glvo overylwdy a plooe of it husband attempting to slug my voloo is rathsr lijiiukiisky tonight wlfo no wondor its lninky you nio full of oorn a mr moran married a miss moore moran moore will bo the motto of that firm i but timo alono 0111 tell bow olosoly it will bo adhered to an inourablo old bachelor one who toemlngly rejoices in hla inflrmlty-do- luirlbos marrlago as a fyinalo despotism torn pored by puddings la said a hoy i know what makos folks laugh in their sloovcs well my son wiiat makes em cause that whore tholr funny bono is 1 say tonkins oan you toll a young tender olilokon from an old tough one oourso i oan well how by tho tooth chickens have no tooth inobut i have tbo juuo bug disappears in juno the llglitujug bug in may tlio bod bug takes his bonnat off and says ivo coihe to stay it is love that makes the world go round wo are- inforrfiod by thopoots it is a somewhat notable foot that a very limited quantity of poor whisky will pro duce the same offeot voir saturn has a silver nug the moou a ring of flame tho suu has got no riogst all but ho dot there jns same oh dear bald a young lady how much i miss my poor dear mother why it appears to me loan see her now just s sho ubed to sit at the breakfast table reach ing out for the best potato i love you with a deep and undying affection he sighed can i hope that that affection is returned why oer- tny responded the matter of fact young lady i have no particular use for it -i- mothkks work ialit i j llailiigrowigbriil liinffhirt jloaatlng frying and boiling hwosplng dusting and climiilitf washing starhlug mid ironingr- illpjiliig tiirnltuf ami mending cutting bunting aud stlkjitug making tin j hljiob of the day old like linn catilinst to m fates to waali llultoiistoiaen j allilthollljoofmlrli htolklngn to itonl 1 v i1ii11 tlio children plaj htorn to mil tear to wlptnwm making tin in m tliulfvolniigdns it ih tner hum from rum it tllliilulit who ti h that n nicilliil ork is light iairt ii at cwifiing four jilttle forum in wulu prayiim all said anil tlio i111i goodnight tiiuklng tlioin hitfo iii will limit be kllotilh nuking u ei em li head that uinl in liuavcn iu keep hnfe all nn dnillngii awnko or shleepj then i think tho old ullage true eier will piovo itlsoasv tolilmi for tbime tbatnelove iaiititl all nioller ine 1 often hhv ah i hang the tumbled clc tin ifutn and tho tearlropi stai whllo my btuduned htiu acllos for tlioniothor nor jbn the wnj micro oh t lioia are her uostliugs rich 11 all all aro gone ba e ollu alono foldod their gaiiuioufs with toiitlorcut rare impressed tho 1 illon ud vacant thalr nojribbous to ti noifacch to nasi no hair all aury noicrry vplccf to hush into ret t god gave them and he knowotl i best but ah the hcartauguis n the tears that 1 fall this motbor b work u th hardest of all s s messedger kindness axd comtjpextje miss austin looked ftmight in her suitors face with her brown eyes which retained the nellow softness of her youth saying simply no eben i told jou 1 could provide for myself when father died i expected to do so but changes have occurred i could not now accept your offer and would not if i could you may wish to know the reason as the friend of a lifetime it is jour right to know why i cannot our convi rsation may have informed you why i would not shp parted to adjust the wool which had in stme way got twibted around the ivory hook it isbecause i have accepted a similar offer ironi judge gpwer who is disposed to think me capable of directing the ser vants he has retained since mrs gowers death and of being of great use in his family of girls tcs his wife i shall have an allowance whioh will enable me to gratify individual tabtes and dispense charities as may seem best to me under suchloonclitions i leave the state of single blessedness without regret well abby as i said before you are cool ton wont quite forget old friends will you certainly not eben miss austin re- 1 plied you can depend on me for advice conoerniug the chlldftu i will help you if i can thank you yes but i wish jpn will tell me what i shall do about miss mudge she is a great trial to me and now you see i cant send her way as i hoped to your question is a difficult one to an swer eben for the present you must i should say do the best yon can but having once started in search of a wife yon will probably continue the search when you have found that pearl of great price a good wife strew her path with pomejof the roses of life so shall she repay you with love and tender care when advancing years brings ills fo which you are now a stranger 1 the scarlet wool has given outhe hook securely fastening the work it had fashion ed lay on the work brand mr janeways face still wore a troubled expression at length he questioned do you think of any one abby exouse me eben but i wouldnottake the responsibility you will no doubt find what you seek unaided all in good time l well abby maybe so i wish yon joy anyhow 1 he extended his hand roughened by harjd labor for a last handflhakewjth abby austin it would seem qffetiant to shako hands with judge gowers fedy time it is said rights all wrongsv mrs govci who seemed to have been born a lady graced the house of her hus band while eben janeways second wife wa a good housekeeper yet not bound to the ever- turning wheel of drudgery which allows no repose of mind or body roughlooking man brought his son one day into a district school sayirig i have brought my biy here and wonld like to see if jou can doj anything with him i 1 confess ho is more than i can manage ot j all the stubborn boysi know of he is the i worst i one day as the teacher was passing along bv the desks he laid his hand kindly on j ins shoulder but the bjy shuddered and i shrank from him what is the matter henry asked the teacher i thought yon were noing tobtrike me why should i strike you because i am such a bad boy who says you are a bad boy father says i am- u cad boy and mother says so and every one says so buty are not a bad boy aft least 1 think so and you can be asiuood a boy as any one ask god to help you to be good and you will be sure to succeed the poor boys eyes filled with tears he was not used to such kind words aud when his teacher left him he thought can i be a good boy when every one says im so bad but he did not say i was bad he said i could be a rood boy i will bo a good boy from that time a marked chango was observed in the boy he took a great deal of interest in his studies and made rapid progress hia schoolfellows soon learned to love him he grew up to be a great aud good man and became governor of one of the largest states iu america jiritislt worlmaji it would seem natural for a carpenter to walk with a lumbering gait my bark is on the sea remarked the man who sent his dog on shipboard tho fisherman has no difficulty in mak ing both ends meet when he catches an eel even a doctor iwho speaks only one language may yet understand a great many tongues wheuthe days grow sad and lonely iiotc and y oath and friends deport there isliaught like a bologna sausage to cheer up his heart there is nothing consolatory for the patient suffering from a severe cold in the head to be told tlmt- colds attack the weak est spot if you want to yet a ool idea of tumult ous motion you vvunt to watch iheagitalion of tho bustles of two women dancing a hop i waltd joggs thinks his girl the pride of earth ho pictures her iu glowing colors and lov es her for her modest worth baid to bo thirty thousand dollars and what innkeb you think im a slow reader asked merritt because re plied miss snyder i lent you a book more than a jear ago and you dont seem to have finished it jet who is that young man that justcalled on you asked the senior member ofthe firm hes connected with4he squarup life insurance company what does he do i dont know but judging from his deportment 1 should say he must be enstodian of the assurance mercian traveler a sixsati0 opinion of a fashionable world woman bf the do jou expect to vvm reform movement was annie jenuess miller 19 e york editor of dress i hope to why do jou object style it is ungraceful deforming and your dress to mrs 13th st ulew to the present tnjuri- she wanted papa a lady iu the btreet met a little girl be tween two and three years old evidently lost and crying bitterly the lady took the babys hand and asked wlicre sho was going down to find papa was tho sobbing reply what is your papas name asked the lady his name is papa but what is his other name what does your mamma call him she calls him papa persistedthe little creature the lady then tried to lead her along you had better come with me i guess you came tbia way yes but i dont want to go back i want to find my papa replied the little girl crying afresh as if her heart would break x what do you want of your papa asked the lady i want to kiss him just at this moment a sister of the child who had been searching for her came along and took possession of the little run away from inquiry it appeared that the little ones papa whom she was so earnestly seeking had recently died and she tired of waiting forbim to come home had goue out to find him a diminttive pbivffxg press a firm on wall street new york has in operation and on exhibition what is probably the smallest working printing press in the world it is au luterchuog- able cylinder prmtiug from a continuous roll with a cut off it is but 12 12 inches in length and 7 12 inches high its width in the widest part is 10 12 inches at the office n here it is in use it has been necessary to furnish to brokers aud others a daily letter of finsncial news until the invention of the press this service was per formed by the manifold system nine manifolders were required working very rapidly by simple hand power after the type is set 200 copies per minute cf any do ladies generally support the re form i yes very generally my correspond ence is very heavy next to mr clevp lands mine is said to be the largest daily mail of any womaus in the united states and from not only every state in tha union but from almost fvery country of europe is iho magazine dreztl succeeding very handsomely indeed drew has been published less than a year ancljtam gratified with reports from all over the world of the acceptance bj ladies in the very highest rank of the reform which dreik adv ocates mrs miller is a comely woman in ap- pearance and is very entl usiastio fn her dress reform agitation ai the tew york qraphic says she herself is young and attractive with a figure b 3 harmoniously developed as to suggest strt ugth power and beauty the reform which she is urging with bo much eloquence aud grace seemed to be the coming one mrs jec ness miller has he advantage of high socul position being of the same family with tie late wendell phillips and the poet oliver wendell holmes it is in the fashion ible world of course where all the sty lei 1 are determined aud where lite change vital begin says 1 how do you endure so 1 keep so well i dress myself accord 1 u i i she much work and circular can be printed with a dynamo ygelf ured qr m i fl onj machine to furnish the power over 500 copies can be printed in the same time chicago herald a i0ws ioecold politeness a brave active intelligent terrier be longing to a lady friend one daydiscovered a monkey belonging to an itinerant organ- grinder seated upon a 1 bank within the grounds and at once- made a dash for him the monkey who was attired in jacket and hat awai ed the onset in such undisturbed tranquillity that the dog halted within a few feet t reconnitre both animals took a long steady stare at each other but the dog was evidently recovering from bis sur prise and was about to make 1 a spring for the intruder at this critical juncture the monkey which had remained perfectly quiet hitherto raised his paw and graceful ly fluted by lifting his hat the effect was magical the dogs hiad and tail dropped and he sneaked off to the honse refusing to leave it uutil his polite but mysterious guest had departed fiusli times tig to my own ideas and furthermore i bive myself the best of care aud treatment six years ago i was almost exhausted iin my work of lecturing writing etc indeed you do not look like it now no i am not now i am now a per fectly well womau and ir tend to remain so you see i understand die laws of life too well to be or remain ill but strange as it may seem for one to say who is opposed to medicines or general pr nciples if 1 find she left return i ruentall dorcas a certain vivacious young girl on 19th street hab been in the habit of wearing low shoes and a week or so ago caught a bad cold in consequence her mother told the doctor about it secretly and asked him to advise her not to weur them when the young lady was ushered into his presence he requested her to give her tongue the usuakoutdoor exercise and he- examined itatentively yes i thought so said ketwith a shake of the head yon have been wearing low shocs and have oaught what we medical gentlemen call a low shoe cold now yon must quit wearing them at once and take the medicine 1 am about to prescribe faithfully and according the to direction be wrote an innocent pre- w there doesnt seem to be a high estima tion of value placed upon the bride who- is given away nasby bays that nothing palls a man down like whiskey we hare also beer told that nothing elevates a man like whiskey- scription and was about to leave the house whenjthe patient called him back and para lysed him by saying siuce you were so clever indiscovering a lowsboe cold by looking at my tqngqe will jou bo bind enough to take 1 t my shoes lojk ut my feet and tell me if myjjiats ou straight the doctor says he has swore off treating lowshoe oolds the girls nowadays ore too smart altogether as1twjlv be- publietth to take below staibs 1 i a much worn broom is very bard an cirpet if possible keep one utensil sacred to onions alone the covers of the range should never be allowed to et red hot if you wish jour bread to be white put very little lard into the flnur when the griddle persistently smokes fresh lard will ofun act as a remedy do not allow ashes to accumulate iu the ash pan until they reach the grate dont expeot the servant to do good scrubbiug with a brush worn down to the single remedy which i do endorse and that is warners safe cure which gives new energy and vitality to all iny powers it is indeed what i sometimes call my stand by i have many opportunities to reoom- mend it aud embrace tjhem gladly be cause i know that it is thoroughly reliable and for women especially effective indeed i often find myself recommending it to my friends as warmly as i domy magazine or indeed my improved garments and this i would not do did i not pei sonally know of its virtues 1 mrs miller insists that all women- can and mjust be beautiful and will be so if they follow her style of dress and seu- treatment will you not state briehj in just what your reform consists oh with pleasure t propose a jersey fitting garment to be worn next to the body making of womau viision of loveli ness 11 over this i put a cotton or linen garment of one piece without bands or binding over the entire body also in 1 1n placo of the petticoat i propose one complete body covering garment called leglettes iv we abandon the corset entirely as totally unfit for nse in its common form and we substitute therefor a supple sup porting waist and then via make the out side gown as beautiful at arhatio skill and common sense cau design mrs millers words of counsel whioh every woman should heed will undoubtedly give to the women of america some new ideas upon the subject sc very near to each of them 1 a granite iron kettle may be made bright iuside by boiling a small quantity ot borax iu it a gentlemen recently carried a tetter of introduction from a friend to a stranger the stranger received him coolly and showed him the door a little investiga tion showed hiui the reason the letter said treat hiinhko u trump hut the stranger liatf reatfit treat him like a tramp a man ought to be a raaul man and a womau ought to be u womanly woman au effeminate man and a niasculiue woman are always offensively abnormal yet the true man is sure to liav 3 a womanly aide t his nature and a tru c woman is sure to have certain attributes- if the best manli ness but there is all the diffierence in the world betweenf womanliness and effeminacy and betwem manliness and masculinity in man or woman 1 the fly is generally jktiowlcdffed to be aspirant for the orowfi 1 1 if 1