Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 24, 1887, p. 2

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mm born thankkuiving iuy iavi at tli xovemuer tli son iion lame kilns on tin wife of mr ooirc lnm jctll of n hmv it amis owrvrd in alton the ami their services ilhjuvlus married at tin- hovviutt ylm npe mt forest lv tlicltcv it 1ly a h d on the 14th instliiimk lett to khralhth jemina proton methodist ol nivrsoli- waddell b rt ho- liotli of died tnvnii in uiulpli tti thf lltli november nathan touu siiocl 10 veals and 4 mouths moltvv hi nnsnpiwijiniii the lhh iustttnt lliiahetli wife of the late thomas storey a tvl vents witmuott at toronto on the illst inst krniuts veiiit t the ltvte william montane wevmaeett ljiother of hew mr westmaeott of st aliens ilmivh here and sister of the wit archdeacon vixpii of ouelph tlllksluy november 21 1ss7 ntitks am iommkvts messrs john hoskin ij c and wm christie biscuit mauufacturec toronto have been appointed on the board of trus tee f toronto iniversity to 611 the vacancies caused by he deaths of sir matthew crooks cameron and hon wm memaster s llou john macdijiald has donated 511- 000 towards the establishment of a new hospital in toronto preliminary arrange ments for carrying the gift into effect and increasing the fund to f l0000havo beeu placed by him in the hands of the board of trustees of toronto university the central bank wilt not resume busi ness its accounts are being rapidly trans ferred to the ether banks so far nothing has been brought to light that indicates anything but overtrading for the amount of its capital holders of central bills are advised not to part with them at adiscount lirantford recently voted a bonus off 20- ooo to a manufacturing concern and is now being importuned by others this leads the lnii to the belief that the residents of the municipality are generallv of the opinion that legislation cannot be adopted at too earlya date to abolish jboiiusing al together ten years ago the united pretty much of a mouopoly of the foreign wheatsupphed to england now russia south america australia india and canada are in the held the result is that wheat is- cheaper in england today than it has been tor years and it is all owing to competition thursday last the day for general thanksgiving was a fine november day and was very geiiernjlly observed by our citizens as a public holiday the services in the churches were fairly well attended but if the spirit of the pro- clamation appointingtho day as one for general thanksgiving and praise to almighty god for his many mercies and blesbi igs of the year had been fully entered into tho attendance would certainly have been much larger knox church had the largest congrcj ation rev mr rac took for his text p talnis 100 4 enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise be thankful unto him andj bless his name at the close of the service a collection was taken in aid of a srcnoh mission school in quebec which amounted toj13h0 rev 11 phillips pastor of the methodist church took for his text psalms ui 11 offer unto god thanksgiving and pay thy vows unto the most high tlic above services were both held at 11 oclock am at seven oclock in the evening rev mr westmacott held thanksgiving service in st albans church the text from which his discourse was preached was psalms 24 1 the earth is tho lords and the full ness thereof i tie baptist church had a well attended service at the same hour the devotional exercises were superintended by rev mr cunnings while kev mr rae preached the sermon from 2 kings 18 21 and it came to pass as they were burying a man that behold they spied a band of men and they cast the man into the sepulchre of elisha and when the man was let down and touched the boneb of elisha he revived mid stood upon his feet the thanksgiving social given in the methodist church that evening- by the ladies aid was a most enjoyable affair the attendance was all that the lecture room of the church conld conveniently ac commodate the informal tea was thor- otrghly enjoyed after which the programme vas entered into rev r 1hillips occu pied the chair and revs j w rae j s tates had cunniutfs and r bcook occupied seats on tbe platform the choir of the church which has been reorganized and improved by the introduction of a couple of cornets opened the progtatnrhe with an anthem which was exceedingly well rendered rev mr cunnings was the first to ad- pebsonal mention respecting visitpib to and fro with whom free presa readers are acquainted mr a v green bbb removed from waterdown to parkdale mrs grieves of rookwood is tho ruest of her sister mrs james sharp mrs it bremner of acton is visiting friends here bracobridge herald mr and mrs feuuoll of toronto wuro the guests of mr j b pearson during tho week miss jellcy of parkdale was the guest of her sister mibs hatio jelley teacher for several days this week messrs fred h smyth wm smith s h moore and thomas worsnop of to ronto vjisited frieuds here on thanksgiving day mr t james moore has been reengaged teacher for leslies school erin for next year at an advanced salary his work j of the past year there is highly spoken of by inspector craig mr william nickell returns this week to detroit ho came home several weeksiago to visifhls father mr john nickell of the 1th lino who was then very ill but jbas since recovered i rev mr westmacott incumbent of st albans church has been absent during the past week having been called to the death bed of his mother at toronto who died on monday morning geucral sympathy is expressed for him in his bereavement hefat abbiuit5mtnts notice to creditors or james mcbaix dec11a8bi bxq 300 suits to be given away at your own prices 200 overcoats atl address and tkesextatiox rphk ulteditohs including those having a any specific nr general llou or iiicuihbranco uion tho kstato or auj undivided hlmru thereof 1 of jriuch mcliaiu late of tho township of juoblng in tho county of haltaii who died uu or about the f ourtountu day of october 1bk7 are hereby required to semi to d hcnilerbon kiuj acton p o administrate of the estate o jamoh mcllain on or aboutttho seventeenth day of documbor 1hu7 thoir christian aiulburnaines addrossob and descriptions with lull particulars and proof of thoir elainib and statements of their accounts ami tliu bocurltj if any hold by them claims to be proved by btatutory declaration ami notice is hereby given that after tho said 17th day of dccviubiir 1sv7 tho bald adminis trator will proceed to dibtribiito tho assets of tho said deceased among tilts parties entitled thoroto having regard only to the elainib of which lie shall have had notice and the admin istrator will not be liable for the assets or any part theroof to any person or persons of whoso claim or claims he bhall not have notice at tho time of aucb distribution this notice ib given 1ursuant to it s o chap 107 and tt vict chap 9 out johnston mclean solicitors for administrator dated this lhtb day of november 1s7 auction sale or valuable faum land in the township of erin under the order of the lteul representative of tbe county of wellington in a matter of parti tion in tbe county court of the said county be tween the heirs the above valuable propertv will be sold by public auction at auxewh hotel villaok ok alton we are in the kelly b svks anqtiherannouncemel geo hyndsaci i imiithk coming xmas prices hat will astonish you we are going to gnaj tiefns in our store and the stock must be clearer altera- out at having engaged a f irstx i as cutter a position to turn putfordered clothing equal to any in dominion bring on your cloth and have it cut or j made up prices low mothers acton kelly brothers cups aisd sauci in the past we have hadsomc i lainsriuid alto a gretit variety i years xraas ttocl cf cup3 anl eclipses anything we have ever of dont ibuy any cups nd saucersl have inspected our splendid assoj 15 dozen cups msi i1nti oi ash norkiomii a iliiisnut evening with miss jennie steel lrior to her hemovnl froiii acton here we interdict the habitual drunk ard in parts of austria gaicia and the bukoyim however the tuthorities go further there when a man is fined twice in the same year for being drunk he is forbidden to frequent drinking saloons and saloon keepers are forbidden to serve him with liquor and it is nov proposed to extend the law to the whole qf austria uow many colds many of them fatal are contracted while sitting in any waiting for a funeral precession to start there are many tbat- the general public never hear of there is another reason why funerals should start promptly at the ad vertised time methodical people make theireugagemeuts anaiike to keep them but theycannot do so if detained half an hoar or so by reason of lackof- promptitude on the part of others the seasons catch of whales is estimated by a san francisco paper to be worth a million mid a half dollar is 300 no notes the arrival of theurca jo days from behrinp straits her caijio is 48000 pounds of whalebone and 200 barrels of on monday eveniug a number of the frieuds of miss jeunie steel principally the youns people of tho baptist church met at her residence willow cottage and spent an evening together very socially and pleasantly for many years miss steel made tho comfort of her adopted father the late svm steel her special and constant j at tention but his recent death relieved her of this charge and she has decided to spend a few mouths with friends and relatives in the unitedstates it was this that brought her friends together on this particular occasion and a hearty welcome were ac corded them at an appropriate stage of the evenings proceedings miss steel was the muchsurprised recipient of a kindly worded address and handsome leajher saturday26th november hist at two oclock north west half of south west half of lot 7 in the 6th concession of erin 50 acres there aro about 11 acres of excellent land cleared under cultivation and feneedr llalance partly timbered and all of good quality well situated with convenient buildiiiyn and excellent water thin proikjrty is in u tine atfriculturnpceiitre dihtaut about seven miles from acton witb ex cellent roads- terms 01 halik onetenth ot hale balance to make up one half within a mouth and the residue can re main on mortgage if desired for m or 5 vears with privilegeof prepayment in instalments title indisputable und iininedinte possession if required forfurther particulars apply toll y peter son esq or 1 v kauuders esq hamsters cicelphorto win hemstiteet auctioneer aeton illclpb nov 1mb inst writing deskj and gold pen mr james l warren read the address and mies maggie dress the audience he referred to the j worden tendered the presents l music and to the value of good music in i i religious services said we all had great i t n- i ln dkaji fcisteit in christ we learn with reason for diankfiissess to god for giving j t deepest regret that it is your intension us a home in this grand dominion spoke soon to remove permanently from our of the- rasinv attractive features of our i midst and it is with pleasure weperform i what we regard only onr duty when we wry and the sprit of peace and ir- thus espres to yon g hear borrow at mom- which obtains also the religious j vour departure your residence in atton worfflof the country and the missionary i has won for you many genuine friends worfjwhichisso noblv supported by the i j membership with the baptist 7l i church here has aided much in dissemiu- chuhes of the dominion i utin hc priuciples of christian truth ltev mr iiae was introduced he made while your irreproachable christian walk tbe light of the i and influence have been tlje means of bringing others to a saving knowledge of the total catch couutidg sperm whales it oil worth hvoouo each whale averages j000 her catch was twenty eight whales the largest nember of bowheads ever caught by a single vessel rev dr bitrwasli dean of the faculty of victoria lniversity was elected a very happy speech world is jesus he quoted- and thb people of acton and of the dominion have met today to prove the truth of thisi spoke of the necessity for- organization for the accomplishment of good unite yourselves for the work of the church hand to hand with each other and hand to hand with christ he referred of the desirability for christian fraternity among the churches and stated that we would not be christians if we did not wish each other success we have great cause for thankfulness for the freedom we enjoy iu canada under the union jack interesting readings were reudered by misses hattie jelley and lottie speight and messrs y h storey and h y moore and the whole wag interspersed with excellent selections by the choir the benediction was pronounced by liev r b cook and thus was closed what is christ although you mii6thave met with many a discouragement and may ilave j had great difficulties to contend with in your noble attempts to extend our masters j kingdom you may safely boast in christ i that yon have been instrumental jn build- i ing up his cause here we only trust that continued faithfulness i and zeal may characterize your future life j until you enter that rest that rcmaiiieth for the people of god in order that you may be occasionally reminded of your connections with us and as an incentive to continued activity in the service of god and to show you that your work hasbeen appreciated by your brethren and sisters in the acton baptist church 1 we havepleasure in presenting you with i this writingdesk and pen which are only a slight tangible recognition of how we have enjoyed your friendship and appre- ciated your christian efforts i with best wishes for your future pros- perity both temporal and spiritual we commend youto the guidance of an all d 111 the matter of tile estate of james mcbain late of the township of espexing i n the county of halton deceased irith the approval of the oiiicial guardian vl of thellitlli couit f lustice fur ontario there will be sold by public auction on tiiursciaythe 8th december 1hs7 at the hour of 12 oclock noon on the premises by j william hemstiteet esq altltioneeh those valuable freehold properties in the town ship of esquesing comprising the north half of tbe west ball of lot number tvcntyone in the second coneessiol ol tile townslnp of esques ing iu tc county ol hultcn eoiitniniyg titty acres more or less on thepremisesjis it good lnm luiitse alsu a fiainc hank llarnhxls iimil un orchard- the farm is well fenced fortysix acres under cul tivation bftjauce jtimbeicii soil snmly loam the property is u miles from acton and is a very desirable property tbe iruperty will be sold subject to a reserved bid to be tixed by tbe oiiicial liiianuon teltms of sale j ten percent of the purchlie money to be paid to the vendor or his solicitors at the time of sale and the balance of tile purchase money with interest in one month thereaiter to tie paid into the canadian hunk ol commerce to the joint credit of john hoskin tle snid olticiul itiardian and david homlcioi the adininis- trattuof tile estate the property is sold sub- ject to a mortgage tor tim further iartieubirs v ill le nihde lit own at the time of sale or miiy lie had in appicktitm to lolin hoskin esq oiiicial uiartliait toronto j to tbe undersigned ami to tbe uid avcvtionccr johnston mclean solicitors for administrator dated this ist duy of november its j wise god undto ths word of his grace pronounced tohave been the best social j which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all them that are sanctified ever held in the church the aiixkipal iolnlil appoint mr i if smith to collect the llnliuiic oftiivc- unpaid anil liisimtrli flllior lttisincss y chancellor of that institution to succeed the late kev dr relies by the board of regents ou friday the meeting was harmotiiotis aud the election unanimous kefernng to this appointment the jn7 tlie council met on tuesday evening says the board of regents of that in- the reeve in the ebajr and councillors stitution have very justly recognized not lowry cameron smith and wallace only his ability and scholarship but his thc nl of last meeting read at d eminent and disinterested services to the eon university in the past it is gratifying to j a communication was read from joint learn that the choice has fallen upon a j dr ronald of brussels in which a propos- canadian andau aifmioi of victoria and j a wa3 male to iu a waterworks system particularly upoj one so worthy to the late chancellor the olanieyiiie anakt hlt ctiug tin- the opinion of mi public lbma i ml it- he-nlt- ollt- i ok ih out nov 17 rev wa hunter presbyterian delivered a stirring sermon at his thankgiving service today in which hereferred to the dynamite out rages in this town after denouncing the chicago anarchists in unmeasured terras the reverend gentleman fciid we too will learn by sad experience j da 0 that anarchy must be put down qfsociety will be ruined the right of pur govern ment to do it no one can surely question but the- de is difiicult to create- until some lives are lost who will be the sacrifice bucii auarchv as allows six out- rages in a ingle town would disgrace any government and mere especially oncte- puted to work so hard for righteousness it is nonsense to say the authoritiescannot j cope with this hiwkssness if they corijfij- i ponded with tie authorities of chicagothqy i might hear oietling to their advantage j the fjiijf lis the cowardly scouii- drels of orange 11c who signify rlicir jlis- approbation of the law of the land by dynamiting lei ie vainen are without knowing or intetding iheiinst effective j of scot act niouirts the hideous- less of tl traltte that lnigs fevth such 1 villainous cubages is cj- lecogiued by seme people vlen its lvil fruits are thus i thrust uog t jiotice lovery instance of resort to this dataiuly ciinie converts huiidieds of rej tct hie citizens not lor- merly enemies of the ljuor traliic to ardent longing for the day when diink shall neither b nianiifacuiied nor sold- tnrouglieut hi- bioad bominiou nothing and electric light plant combined i the committee ou finance presented their tenth report and recommended pay ment of the following accounts a stephenson stone hammers lohu mnttlieiv- cedar posts thonia- mel tnii work on streets 1 m mcvaun work ut cemetery j h feaion luiiis ac k i couk sanitary inspector ivc james matthews half of ecmetery fence h 1 moore voters list adv c mr e d warren editor of the gtorye- toirn jierahl made a short reply in behalf of miss steel utter which rev l s cunnings pastor lfe- r b cook and mr p mann jr each made a few remarks the plcisiuit proceedings were brought to a close by singing that feeling hymn god be with you till we meet again miss steei will leave in a few weeks to spend thewinter with dr walterb at his mountain park home at wernersville pa go to acton for your photos p ruby the photographer hojs secured a new process to finish photos far superior to anything yet seeu judicial sale valuable farm i is tin 1 township of esouesing i county of halton 1 get your clothing made at kelly bros where you can get the latest cut prof lows magic sulphur soap heal- i ing soothing and cleansing for all eruptive diseases of the skin use delightful for toilet 04 111 report adopted a bylaw to appoint a collector of the taxes unpaid was then intro duced read the required number of times i and passed mr j henry smith was appointed collector the sum of ten dollars to be paid for the work mr smith was also appointed collector of statute labor tax for which he will receive fifteen per cent of collections the council then adjourned ikatii of mhi1kxxis moolie kelly bros have west of toronto the finest cutter the metropolitan studio is running day and night to turn out the ordersfor those beautiful cabinets and imperials dont ijlltslant to the juilgmeiiiof the chancery division of tbe high court of justice made in the mutter of lte laino lamb vs lamb v dated the twelitli day of september iss7 and with the approbation of a iu ickimon est j local master of thesupreme court of judicature at gllelph there will lie ollered ior sale bv j wm hemstiteet auctioneek 11v 1vlllk afltklx at till iiooi or j agnews hotejl in the village of acton on saturday the 26th day of november a d1887 at thc hour of twelve oclock noon the follow ing lauds and premises 1altcei 1 the west hulf of lot number twentyseven iu the sixth concession of the j township of ksqttesiny containing one hundred acres more or lefes fakcel iithc west half of lot number i tneutyeight iu the sixth concession of the township of esijueshrc containing ninetynine i and three quarter acres more or less i on parcel i is erected a tirstklass irick house nearly new two storeys high twelve rooms with wo d shed summer kitchen xc j good cellar ganleil ac thfre is also erected on this parcel a hum 51x7 nearly new and with all modern improvements stone stable j underneath tlicrlr is a driving shed root house- and all necessary outbuildings there is also a well in the barnyard there is also an orchard of about three acres in full bearing i on lakcel 11 is u barn doxil also a shed there is also an orchard on the premises fail to call and see us when in town as the metropolitan is the principle bight to see this valuable property was owned bv the late thomas lamb i iu the death of dennis moore senior member of the firm of d moore it co hamilton which occurred at his residence on hannah street last sunday that city- loses one of her mompublicspirited gener ous and pliilanthropicciticns mr moore was born t grimsby iu 117 and went to hamilton in 1831 when he entered the eniploym sit of the late kdward jackson and ad need by his sterling business ability md headwork until he succeeded 1883 ilaupelis magazine illustrated and is one of tho finest furuis in tho county of halton everything is in lirstcluss cuuuition i and the furm is in a higii scute ol eintivution a spring creek rims tliruugn u portion of the j runv pjloto i farm ami there is a constant supple of water i there are lj acres of woods on parcel i and lu 1 on parcel il tnis farm is situated g miles i from acton anil i from georgetown at immi i of which places lire good markets lor the sale j of farm produce haltiilltsmacxzink is an organ of progressive thought and movement in every department- of life hesides other attractions it will contain during thc coming year importunt arjicles superbly illustrated on the great west articles on american and foreign industry beautifully illustrated palters on scotland norway switzer land algiers and thc west indies new liovcls by william hlacuaud wdhowells novelettes ouch complete in a single number by henry short lalnes lafcudio hcafn and amelie hives that gentleman in the ownership of the stories by miss woolson and other popular writers and illustrated papers of special artistic and literary interest the lsditoriul depart ments are conducted by george william curtis william dean howclls and charles dudley warm r that temperance advocates can do or say rings like the rjoit ef duiainite through out the length ajd breadth of the land no matter what ih- motive ihe dvun- miter is a cowanilv oi g and ihesouner he is put out of tin v the luur fer tlic avorld at large k o- the on alio iov enoi at has atithoiizcd crown afory maemillun to efior mflfj reward fortle- aiprthtiisioii and conviction of the guiltv iailcs sii comcetion with the outrage six hotel in pels an- row confined in louden jail five- fer brittth cf the scott act and one for infract ion of the crooks- act mrs lngel widow of one of the chicago executed anarchists itfund an elier of- sluyjogvfor the lody of her husband forone year to be exhibited by a museum manager this proves that sic- has some sense if her husband hadnt business he was lavish in thc expendi ture of his means in aidiugeducational and benevoh nt institutions and in supporting the schemes of the methodist church his bcnevtrledcc was however not confined to tlic- church of his choice for all worthy harpers periodidals objects were recipients at hishands sir per year moore was prominently identified with j hahpehs magazine many of the best commercial enterprises in i haltpelss weekly the city including the canada life as sociation hank of hamilton traders bank landed bankingandloun company iron forging company hamilton bridge audtool comlpany and the burnrobin son manufacturing company he was a trustee and class leader in the centenary church and a member of the board of regents of victoria university i of order hound volumes of hamkiib maoazini for iiw f mtt i i i t hree years backinneat cloth bfndingiwiil be i the wife of an ottawa c erk named j l vwm u sent by mail postpan onrecept of ilo0 per teltms of saii i the purebasei shall upon the dav of ale pay i to the vendors solicitors teii per cent it jus purchase money and shall within one month thereafter pay into court to tile credit ol this matter u furtuer sum sutlieieiit to make up with i said ten per cent one half ol hispurchasemoney i the balance thereof to be secured bv mortgage i payable in six years with interest at six percent yearly or at the option of the purchaser he may i puy tile whole of his purchusj money mtu the i court within said month the vendor shul only be required to lurnish a kegistrursjub- struct and such title deeds as she uihv have in her possession in other rcpocts the termsnud i conditions will lie the standing conditions of i this court the titles perfect the properties will be sold subject to a reserved bid to lie fixed by the said muster for further particulars applv ie messrs guth rie it watt gllelph john hoskin q toronto and johnson a mclcali vendors- solicitors guelph isgilijsammckinnon local muster at gujvlph dated the hid iiae of nov a d 1ks7 valuablejvillage property for sale uu i1 00 hahpeks hazalt a 10 hahieifs yofng people 12 00 postage free to all subscribers in the cuited i states canada or mexico j f y e smith hereby informs ihe ptiblie that his sinrev of village lots adjoining the exhibition park is the volumes oi the magazink begin vyith the jniipibersfor juno and december of eacli year mhen uotimeh speciiiod subscriptions will be gin with the number current nt time of receipt now completed and the lots are open for j some ot the most distraliie building lots ever i ollered in acton lire iiiciuded iu tins survei ad mobiittractive location is not to be louiid n theorjioration terms eusv and madi upon tipplieutioil j v e suit li huv itwilstklt i duprat gave birth to three girl babies last j volume cloth cases forbiiulingmceiitseiicli 1 riday by mail postpaid i index to ilaltifits mvuazixk alphabetical sir fred middletown litis received a pri- analytical iiml classified for youm- 1 to 70 vate letter from the duke of cambride inclusive from june 1h30 tujuue im one complimenting him for his able direction vo tloth s100 r i r i -v- j ltetnittaii cs should be made bv postofiico i of the canadian militia aud expressing l 1 money order or drafr to avoid chance of loss regret that owingno the compulsory re- j newspapers arenot to copy thisadvertiscucnt tirement system the imperial army should i ithouj the express order of haiukitihaotiikiib lose so valuable uu ofiicer vldrcss hahpult a uuothkbb new york x sahimiav xtivisinrlfjtith- auction sale of le farms of tho lute thomas lamb lots 2 aid 2x con ti esqiicsing at agnews hotel act n sub- at lelouk yv in helnstreet auctionei r satfiiiiav novidtiikii 2tithauction sale of tho farm north west half of the south west half of lot 7 con ij erin at agnevvs hotel acton sale at oclock win helnstreet auctioneer satiiiday diclmiiin llrd auction sale of household furiliturc tlie luoiiertv of thc late wm steel at file residence wjllow cottngo sale at c oclock win heuistreetauctioucer tlltltsday dikijmiuiiimh auctienisnle of hie renl and personal propertc of the ttite jiimes mellcun north half ol the west ball of lot 21 con 2 tkqucsilig on the prtinises sale at 12 oclock win heuiblrect aucticnter v r b taken at par -at- 1 the noted dry goods and millinery store siichbeautlfulpa sueh low prices must clear thetaa look a gent and saucer for 2c biggest ever offetfd theimoiie seeoi 30c 35c 40c 53c 75c 80c 90c linejs plates ouj saucers to ratch ed 1 gilt and plain i style wenave n gotten the littler a oup and sai 5cia- plate0 and i 10c and the larges for 5c china tvi for the little om 5c to 100 tei come in and see remember our gu sailers- l headquartqrstormasc the methodist 0 acton rev r phillips tal parsonage bower aveui fclasgoisr x stn nui no urn fur vercoats readymades wisli to intiiiittlu to the public tliat we have a very large k of overcoats tnirt heady made coats ptwits and vests which t be completely cleaned out during- the remaining part of embei and decoinheiv t iisiire their ready sale wo have ked lliem down to tiie veiy lowest notch making our stock by the clie 41eit assortineiit in the cuiihty look at this ai a firstclass overcoat for 450 we mean lusines so conie early before thc assortment is cen an good driving horse for sale ihe unilurkiicil lias forsale a good drivuj j liorse bound nnd gentle nml very saitlj for a family driver can be dtiven niticui trouble by a latlv for particulars apply to akchikald tbfwsell young stateri new stock new goodsj bet prices best work rublio services 1030 oli and f- il bcliool 20 llible class coudviel paston- all cordially invi jstritukors and visitors alnxys r teutivc ushers at the door if blttiiigs arc clclircd aiiilj to pcft htevvarj tuursdayxovembeej many 3ltn0ii lt q j31 zitsrixelziy merchant tailor mill street acton ery eiatif lie ot inoii ha met with very tiiitifyiuc succcbs since oncniuy out a couple o months ago satisfac tion has been cjhon and customer always go aav iilpased and ready to return when needing clothing i bavd just received a liev stocl andam jirfr j pared to olfcr bailiiins both to those onlerins clothing und those who buy cloth ctittingdone free vdieii cloth 5 nurchnsej overalls specialt3 and made tbeap aud good 0 hitydkk i wonderful r i r new arrivals in j mantle cloths ulstenngs ncy woogoods plushes and silk velvets millinery etc etc 4- 1 a host ot other inspection articles which cm only bo known by a personal our stock ot triiiiniintrs furs is new huge and complete also nice lines in vjieat values in underclothing kid cloves mits top shirts hosiery hats and caps cashmere cloves a verytine range of single and double shawls and fancywool squares in till shades also oluiids toques tamashanters and faiinators iu oo id varietv vciv cheap lou it bo j boots shoes our trade iu this iine has grown tti such an extent that wc nave nd it necessary to add largely to the variety of our stock making tjhe most oinplete id sny iu the county a full range of felt ladies ami mens overshoes and rubbers at low prices what a stock bfdrcsss goods llo l- you ever expect to fcell nil tliese piles this was u juestion fretjuently asled by j people asgoods kept fcooun in this season they could not behevc that any one house u yielph could dispose of such a quantity of dress material but see how tliepik are ineltiiry down iiow i lie attractive i 1 novelties are bein piclcd up xitechoice fjoudiat a fair j iite iiivvtivs bell its tiiili that keuerally utitrln uud we dont dealiu j that tjiave ymi visited the department i this seipon yes well then you will bet testiraoiy to theexcgllence o the lints we are selling at 10 l2k and 15 cents per yard and the really splendid allwool french goods at 20 22 jand 25 cents the beauty and value of- the iiiiejjerinan plaid flannel atsrtupd 10 cents the lich jextures aid uew shadings of our line dress goqdv5 ranginf from 10 cents to s223 per yard and the almost unlimited supply of plushes velvet gimps iasmniciitiref feather trimmiugs etc to match the shades of- dress goods i ulstlirmantle clloths doinga big trude iu these goods ts rubbers at eel fo geoobeies always new and fresh i v five pounds of good japan tea fimslijo forty bars of the bratecvbay city soap for 8100 ten for 25c ortwo for 5c ask t and be convinced that we are doing it right remember the famous fifty cent tea henderson mcrae co actow anything like 6uch an assortment we sell a double width curl at di ceuts egqal to anything we ever sold a s1b5 and we have them high enough too as lagh as sl250 per yard for al blick curl which everytxily says is prettit r than ihc real fur very pretty stripe jersey flannelf for childs cloaks and vey cheap underclothingpnow weve got you dont say times ar hard and yon havegot to economize oi this line wf eoouomize for you i cut the prices down we save you money in mens and boys underclothiug f everysize in cotton merino coarse wool fine lambs wool aud scotch tjudecli it easy for you to buy c never shared othingwe ma ome and try pens ladies underwear our patent seamless goods in merino lambs wool and natural cashmere wools are findins more favor than ever the garments are well shaped no seams nicely finished and cheap th area comfort to the wearer they are low in price no wonder the sell so well r gloves and miltri gents de partment full stock of storeysxapatan bucks chamois lined kfds cloth lined gloves and mitts theyjare warranted tfl and give satisfaction overcoatingswc must not fof the grand line of melton and beaver over- coatings just to hand they are choice goods aud we bjake you up a nice fitting overcoat at a verv moderate price come- 1 noted for choice goods au credit e r bpllert 27 lower vy dkam st g gold 3ld and 1rubbeu ien- holdeks istew stock b ilv ouelpii tklkihunk ix nil hi james stirton lds- dentist toveils block opposite tost office guelpl vitalized air painless extraction cf te aiificial tooth uurantc anco tt nml uso vina ol alloieratioiim strictly first apjt intuieitsj uiajo by letter oxt 1 uifct in nll 1 voil r ti-ccialtj- llhs collated by the ever thougkf j free prets reporter j iinu tosty moonlight niglj the furs have again appefj central hault bills will ti par again the weather of the rastw somewhat wintry mr j ii deuny has the i supplying the school with woo the tiniiouncemeut of ryder iirchtint tailor ajirj other column i irubt bennett of georjcto imeited for periurv in onl -t- i scttiact cases the london fire pn bright tidy and attractive aj itsline new urcss mr 1 ronald of an an us to supply acton withl and electric light new steam whistle hjis on beardmores taimery it not ko shrill as the old one the village of acton jttdd liri inrss must be u proj place street jvilic crai the- new- conservative miivi is expected to irakeits i tiftjuto about the luth of ov the improvements at co j tannery are beingapidll ward by mr p mmccajmt messrs kelly bros navel liil linsiiicishey lui liiatclass cutter ans hope trade vyitaiy the parlor sits when the busy day is done nne big rocking chair two hc as one v an eifpit will lie made uj have mil street thoroughlv l sui table broken stone can be vardeli fur the hauling dr wimi of brookvillel has pureiiased propetty in j whcie he intends building move thereto as soon as comi v j ocailaghau of arl vertises his store as the greul act store and says htfcas marked at antiscott act i notwithstanding the loul carpenters bricklayers audi chaiiics getierallyhave been frosty weather with uuliuislj the fine two year old hoi took the first prize at tlicri belonging to mr- jas grail leg the other day and had to mr geo hynds has kill iiiiliis ofiiceinterestinl caiwjir if wrti tlic ch cl ii beautifully illuminaul 4the new advertisement hjuse 11 another column l attractive ijintrs or- oldjird reliable liouseis do last saturday mis lil widow of the late thoil nassagavvcya vvlio- died a august departed this life i years tlic gt railway lias i meirs vvorden bros pil railway bus lino to carry ti from thvsiaiion the con on the ist- december rtiic truuips udvvvaru ludgings by breaking stoiy lias alrcrdv acctiniilhtc i i azy ones rciusi tuutii necessary and are utat they came henry torrance the i who- was accideiitly -jjot- y his hired nuui diel fi bisivvtijk salldcrs- ii id atiaiij has btii nt res miyuraiglittr larpcrs ijazar pub l oitaiiirtjn illtisl viig story j whether t lioe terry cooke and lv iratioia froiu the chibi fi the associated artists a train loalifhillasl ui the road ieadiigfrou to mill street tlijs will lrovcnent mcfiolim- iwiit will liavetcte null more attractive vhape been shortly if he cctihl authorities to build a ncvvl would be universally app k iiisftsfe3ij

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