Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 24, 1887, p. 4

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tjfiftifiuffii ml- y x tbr aiuii vn rrss tiirnsnw novimhkuji imst tljr liming 3folks h tw bucket for me jingles and lolvtlets llnlf an hour wlhi tile wise moi the wit 1 anil the iliiiiciiililih of the liny i it is a reproach to bo in tlic buila of tin j but to be in thn bonds of prison tor thosako of christ is uront jjlory keep yolr eye on thi8 frame i freemans worm powders an safoin al cases thcv destroy and rcinopn- worms iiiv llmik it ill neve- j j c or lulult tin- t ill bulo i thi bucket for ilic aw a v bmlv luliiy hive tvi i r li i thi bucket or nie i iiu hce theres wcnlth in m and et miincnt 111 sunt liirii asthma 1iiro 8 11 i vi toe rccm t lean meny can see i ih iti i iiii there- a 1rnli i gists or by mail on receipt of pri wmictvinjiidmspili snlvtrors fn in asthma ef by n s i 1 1 tr y all drug c tll 1 ul tti lilt national iills are unsurrjasse icn 1 winkey siii w ife ue in ggit n al iil she mi i the t ii i in lirrei it noo ua i think whan wirier ldiitik lbght lhth- ih tin bucket 4ii buck s a caciy mi mortal cairmeaeuro its liappit ny wee hits o bairnies an me icdo where sorrows did reici lllillgic m llalu c- o glee ier tliit keeps a man 1 in i iniklcr to iiu e anger li splutter eai wha feels ho is free isv in altt v vonr choice a kt t hi prosper like mo wie calur water ler w itliout a baubee rt sun mild yet thorough inirnative niting iipoi the bilyml organs promptly and el allv i as asafe upon ffecllt- waters bros j hnvo dotitlid to ltemuiti at- 25 wynflham street guelfh dr lowb worm syrup will keniove all kinds of worms from children dr adults eight james h gilraour tpf t gilmour co wholesale grocers brockville says i liave used tatnarac elixir for a6evere cold and coufjh which it immediately relieved am cured f lvtllv xi in sml vpi a syrian phun a boy was plough ing srlii shining in the upturned furrow attraetti hs eye and he stooped to pick it up 1 procd to be a silver coin lie a eoiinroi possession lor a syrian boy iuiej was what yon liys here would all v a vait liiid the ywi boys heart was full of joy at hie goo fortune why because- he had now iiijiity to spend at- tliebaiir si thenext town not at all but wlen ins task was done lie set out for the nissoy station he had already heard omethiig of the christian religion and he kv that in a book called the bibie il would inl it all written out and a bible ie determined toliave for his own the coin which lie had picked up was not of value sunicieii to pay for a bibte but the missionary sciirg the eagerness of the txv furnish 1 hii with a hne reference bible and took the cain f shall i iiil you how it was that he could do this scire time before a boy in the v tilted states had set a sum of money to the nrssioliaiy to payfor bibles to be dis tributed anions the people of that land where- our saviour once lived i suppose the money represented a sacrifice many of them perhaps i- m have called for hours of hard wrk or the giving up oi some cherished ichemtr of pleasure and i am slad to be able to tell you how the lord blessed the- ku- time passed the boy called imaiu upon the missionary this time he could tell how preciotis the xibe had become he had learned to love it but it was not all sunshine with the boy his family hated the christian religion and had tried to take away his beloved bible if they found it they would destroy it and with an air of triumph he told the missionary tha lie had made v box or chest with a lock jin which hekept his volume safely and he held up the- key which liecarried with him think of that boys what if you had j lock up your bibles mouths vcars rolled bv the sacred i nltrtil tvprobntlui the medical profession the clergy the press and the public alike acknowledge the virtues of burdock blood bitters us an un equalled remedy for chronic diseases of the stomach liver bowels kidneys and blood its popularity increases with its years of trial y ton years r torluri mrs thomas acres of huntley out was for ten years a sufferer from liver com plaint which doctors medicinedid not re lieve after usinm four bottles xif burdock blood bitters she was entirelyfcured and states that she is like a new woman ajjain the extraordinary popularity of ayers cherry rectontl is the nnuirnl tcsult of its ujse by intelligent people for over forty years it has proven itself the very i est speciric for colds coughs and pnlm imiry coni jilamts a slguitlrmit fnrt the worn out waste and matter m the system should esc ipe through the secretions of the bowels 1 skin or serious disease results opens these natural outlets disease ircvalllns slcknc the most prevailing compla nts at this season are rheumatism netralgia sore throat hiuamrnidions and jongestion ior all these and other pain ul troubles harvards yellow oil is the bjist internal and external remedy public speakers actor ard vocalists find and state that dr thorn s eclectric i oil relieves hoarseness aud irri ation in the throat better than remedies s leeially ad vertised to relieve that diftn nlty this oil has a wide scope since it ures exter nal hurts corns sores frost bite piles and a variety of other unhet itliy condi tions itr on your isunrd dont allow a cold in the heal to slowly and surely run into catarrh wl en you be cured for jic by using i r chases catarrh cure a few applicat ous cuiein- sopieitt catarrh l to hoxescu c6 ordinary catarrh toi boxes is guaranteed to cure sure cure poisonous idtieys and b b b to remove to the front ov all competition we tlace ouk elegant and substantial goods i oo splendid in quality complete in assortment overflowing in generous bargains 1 iexs women s axd childrens i boots and shoes rubbers overshoes c at prices that always lead to rpeedy salea lowest prices l consistent with good ouality i v oo cjuiitom work and repairing promptly attended to w williams mill street acton silver wafe w v j newgroqdjustjen i i l tea sets ice pitters cake baskets spoons fcjrks i knives j3sayage gtuelph 7 he the wanzr lamp 50 candle power r mwanzor co manufacturers hamilton out chronic catarrh trv it oilv joe and loitivelynonkxplosive never p n o tliiuineyr no cilole no smoke no oilol s lllut- tor various j 1 ascended fjr the- blessing of god upon the study of his vid by that lonely youth in far off syria the silver coin having been vtiit to the t v wholad giveji the money to pay fcrtie bbl a link whs thus estab lished bet vn the two boys and while the ce rei i and ttilie i the other was pray- n aii g i hearing tent his spirit to open the heart and enlighten tfie mind so thai tile truth- of the gospel might be rpde clear to the student aud now another sou has been born into the kingdom the syrian boy io a young man has pre sented himself before the officers of the zahleh ehnrii and has 1 ecu received into membership and tins hi the face of oppo sition- mori ih in this his studies were shared by 1 v ho had also found out the truth jlu c i i-e- our nilts not always dot- he knowlidg- cine back to us of- just liv he has ue i our iloiiey but ofjthis wcmav bi siej that bis blessing will there are cheap panaceas human ailments continually cropping up were read aud studied prayers northrop a lymuus vegetabl discovery and dyspeptic cure has no alhnity with any of these unlike them the article is derived from the purest sources isprepared with the utmost chemical skill and is a genuine remedy and not a palliative for biliousness constipation kidney troubles impurity of the blood and female com plaints j valuable to kuou consumption may bo more i easily pre vented than cured- the irritating and harassing cough will be greatly relieved by the ase of hugyards pectoral buisam that curis coughs colds bronchitis and all pul monary troubles ed lturns anvyrncle of conl ciil kverylauip tniaranteed vvitbout interfering with tile lifilit eiin put oil nurerv at aiclmient beat witter boil eitsniuke tea and cohecoyst stewitb l g matthews sum alilkyi 1011 ac1un ani v1cin manhood how lost how restored jubt publislictl ii now eihtion of dr culver wells celebrated eesny on tin- kmlknl run of hiiirmutorrlwfi or seminal tlikmss luvol- iiutary siininul luksrs linjmtinvy mriitul and physical incapacity hnpclliurntri to mnvriiicc etc ulso coiisnmption kpilcpsy nml kits- in- dyced by bclfiiululgencu or stxunl extrava gance c tho coleblatctl antlior in tliis alinirablc esyny elenrly demons ti us fit in i iliirt y veins biucesrful praetiee unit the- ai mii unikr- quences of selfabuse may bi iudnnly cinoil pointing out a moiu- of iiue at n c simili certain and eilvctual by nums of ulit 1 wr sutferer no matter ini bis i n i i i i n miy i i lllliy emoliililsell tlieniily pilvalely mil ili cully tthis lecture sliould be in iheliiiinuoivvujy youth and every man in tlio luni sent under seal in a plain enveope to any address on receipt of four tents or two postage btamps address tho oulvwwcll kccucal co 41 ann st new youk n v 1 o ilx ico furniture undertaking oiit on- furniture department undertaking department a i ink sliultkli siihk ov parlor bedroom suitesj spring beds mattresses tables chairs etctbtc etc is comlletm with ttpihwb c c railway time table vents grand trunk railway jiointl kast iolnoweht mixed 711a 111 i kxhbh 1 olnlii kxprcsh 7 00 iliii i kxprcps tmlam lncii miiill illvi uni itlno llxincbh 2 21 pui through mxilo nni fmail 71 42 11111 laccoin j 11 pm i mixeil billjim ililcakokxprfkbiloi s nottoplictween juelpb and llniinploii tlmi oitiosino maiik ioili vtsti l- iim and p in- goinit laisl- u 10 nni ami j joplil mcleod andersoh t oftiie mammoth i leoitlktow imvo much pleasure in aim cs to tlcir patrons and- f oi nrimense arrivals ot new faaliionable fall nild goods i fancy andbtnpl gwnu wo are tlieleailera ii vol lle xu1i atcst styles tho g lft t jlctott fttt wall bargain visit0 j p jpriseil miyers leliglu g fe goods a lid low prices do t roiii dress goods amj j materials c6stume clotlin s iuulisuki j at tin fhee prsiss power print actos 0ntf silks drcssl trim ltling8 iljjii coodamantierriakingindij making are inarvel8ofpop in seasonable styles andp fiaruros powder purest strongest best contains no alum ammonia lime phosphates or any injurious materials ellf rilirtt toronto ont w gillett chicago iu- hwfrcfthccilebja7e3e07al7eastcah3 zmgfimr f raaksifcx 2rr heabse a tn 11 line of goods from uie coffins ciisketstiin icst makers always on hand of all sizes ii lltllics uhasonalllk ohdklih pjtomlti l burial itilbes stock n y killed j speight son j speigrft sgjs j aspeight iylnsrgree guelph cloth hall new arrivals in fall gqodft c arc daily oiioninu up laruc quiiatities of iiiie iiiqioijtecl oollcns for this reasons trade 500000 sod db chabp is tno 7oll rtrd tarornbh iciown byliibreceiutbooletoiciuilciivicumiiitijda- tiou dn chaits jivor cirr lart ivrehit book wrappe 1 orniiiiu uvjry bouij vhich is vorth its weight in gold dn cnasks j cig is piiriitreci o euro all disfiises crio n iioi n oil cc limct ivo liver fticb os eiinr 4 unpin ni e9mpcpiii indirmlion viioiisiiilif lof-nl- ache itvcifspcilmilki aprion lr pn cnaskn iivii- ciro is- no cure oil it is ilniply a kiifnciy livcr liiftiilaio try it mc- diciiui and kticuipt buoii irl- olil by all drug gists- l t edjiws a co solo ageuts unuifoic ont shaiflr grundy l merchant tailoh 3 cuelph john m bond a co weavim direct hardware inipprters blriock blood will cure or relieve biliousness dizziness dyspepsia dropsy fluttering v t v of the heart used nortliroj lyman s esetiible uis- erysipelas acidity of covery and dyspeptic cure say that it lias j salt rheulft the stomach mr george tolen druggist gtuvoiiliiirstt i i- jut writes my customers wliu luv laindirf done them more good tlinn anytliin they have ever used it has iudeed a wouder- ful influence in purifying the- blood and send raiiied hh diseases of the dijctive ilivitiiprayur jw livcr kidneys and all disorders of- the hvsteti i ut ip a tliitiiliilii mcrcs in f eery ismii heartdurn headache dryness of 1 skin aud every qccit5 of disease om doidcrcd liver ku s70jtaci1 bowels or bl60d mtlrimm a ho pro ij tii u ij- toronto in llilr ami lilhr iuliil j 1ispdpsia is dreadful disordered liver is misery indigestion is a foe to good nilture bilii who lias 1 i in ill its won 111 fnends i 1 1 hiiiiiaiidigestive nppiinitiis is one of iliii svirt- coughs j u i110 lin wjnderfhl things niiiia and 1 in cmsteuee 1 tjs easily 1 ji 1 1 out nf ordi r n 1hisiii jryf fx h fond had i in- i it iiij jnui c niiiital worry i he hours nriigii- idwirousiilii lal i 1 1 1 1 ihings which iioiiiincnd nltii i iriliri liliilr tlni ao irlcim iiiliyi t leit i- i notion of dy-pi-plic- holllrs j allgllt idouui has d hit a i u woiiiliiful work in nldiuniig i 1 1 i sad hui- liiiiii- as nivs mi 1 making the american people so healthy that they can enjoy their meals and be happy wowlers ii no widely ii al ii sample im i soldi i lill llllllllllil in i mi pi lull alal all rliii i ll i illooal od i a ipmloitoli j icgular lliinenilii r no inippincs without j iuhgii and j i 1llt 1 aiifjiisl kliiwer hrings i sal and caimdh u i l h dyspeptic i ak oiir driiggiil for a boltlo kcveiilj ii ooplli smilp i- jl u i imi in mill liibs i j amui lo moiuinv arc j nil dinlui bed al nighl and broken of yoiirvcil by a nidi child iull i in and i i villi with pain of ill- ling ticli f ii iid ml iuui mid ijct a i ii 1 1 in holifc nl mi wiipdouiihooiliinghyiup 1 n i i foi cliildmii iri ihing 1 1 ii value in 1 jiiii 1 i u1 cuhilitr 11 will icliivi i he poofdlllh mif w fcrcr inn icilialily hepend niiii it niolh i1i lln i n in no mini aid iibolil ll ii ill en nililri y and 1 mai i linn rejiiiliilcn lln liloiiiiirli and howclii eiiicii wind colic iiollciii i lit iillun- rcdll i i lillaliiniallon inid glui lone nnil cncigy ii iliil wholi l s nil i a irouipt and rclialilc cure fcr oholora korbuc oholora infantum oollc dlarrbn dyoontcry and all qununoz dona- plaints of ohiiajon or aijulto i mlllllltn v iltoiltllllitlth ioiiomo om in ii in i ill iiiidily in il along up 11 iiiiilinnli rough nig and in alllig li ai iillcllcil liilr ill iin webstb dn varluin sty lot or uliiilliiii nyllli wllliout iulmit liulili joiotiotta itself mm hinilow rt6lhlni hvl nwiii tl e hmoft wim kill iiikiiivliiui imkiiiiiii wiiili i inp f i chililiin feclhillg ill iciiiiint in y luii liiiriiiliiiiii lliiiiiluiiiiillii a a hirh display in laiyps mid lamp mr t mitcjiiill desires to inform the pimple of acton and jiurroiindings thai he is prepared lo take irdets for weaving ail minis if lainy ling carpets flannel sheilini shiitou and dress goods striped u laid t mil r plain v ucy 11 ram lamps also lied iilanl ts and ilorsi id uikets two fine hall lamps yads wide and over decorated libriirv lamps and i will guarantee lliat i u ill givcicod lr islibrary lamps gatisfactioii to all dinners iu tin r- lbony ioli library lamps will favor me with their paii i ai i t miriii ii lamps rem 15c to 2000 the finest and i u dud- vrl lihrnv foloied cis ldfn iimi ii nd ll small n ght lillian plete assortment ever in cuelph and f lower than ever islahd home stock farm j rnrrlioron ilniwii 1 of cuadiaii and ann lleaii 1renrli taarli iiorsoh in i sh 1 hi- iii lilljt u icis j nr in 1 iw- llcelro plattd ware ikrli im1 iei ii ii h llotiisliiiiicih iiirkto i a riifnsiili of iiei- in lnrni rc m wjno it i r l si cojinv m ch iitiiiiitj iiiiiner tor i aim tjialc- vcrv l-f-e- lli- cav cu cheap at zmsiicy john m bond c icrms vimii -tlv1yscf- conic iit catilciuc i free aililrcsi i savbtf a- liirnniu dernuiimicu ullijdiln ilardwaie axes darheil wire 11 hlilllolliwlle a cow chni- ii itcr- ilowl slaod anil a freemans worm powders aro plcarrnt to trlio cnatnln thrr ovrr purnlivo li r io dura cd ctrcll ieatroycr ot mroa in cliilt u or adults salksmkx vm1- wk ire in i in niliva- lip stjeib 2stow i i i tiii ontarioi mutuai life assurance dompny head office waterloo oni i note its progress llll 11 i iii s ii ii a f inn i l f i ii i i i of niniiiv siimi i j hllltim iii llll lilimui vi i ii h oiiiiiiiiniiiiii nail i i i- i n t i vn llavi i ill li new and 1 i a a i- j 11 tilt- liaill ma 1 an niiuiiiliil lie 1 i t do nut liiiiille pih ai i i may blurt iii lis i nllllllll ml lill s sen sll tlnul111 ill oli ililllllllh llliiiine intcrcbl nieiiiil la llll i i lili lnl 1rillls paid mll hiiipliis iiii liailil llnl iilll i jiil i lljlll ji1 vi lill i jii llli i ill bill biiiii jjilll ii wm uendry mannitni inlii imio i a i uilu i j 1 1 ijvlii imili i w ii kjd h p moore agent for actio ovmhcoath overcoats suits and underwear i tnit 1 i i at ii h a 1 1 a i flolll l li mil i- git mhnlc tin- iunl ali for mini wivimimh siiuiiiimi sulci and take no other liiiid ilcl mid iiiiifnrl in ilic unffi ring litiiwnn lloitrielinhl iaiiucea litis no iliialfor relieving pain lintli iiweiinil nnil lor i inriiiii tin i i no hellit linn dytoi trod inlc i iirrrdam and imilai ijiiildi ihsn llig- i tinil it iuiim ialn hi the hide hacltl lj tin liaidln collnuo iremdcnls of lb aid- l i liow lln- ii aloi urei rliciiina- i hialia ami iiiaulii or llnwels hore i lilnat ltheuiimlhln tilii ilnba i i- ibloil dei-hies- and iliinlnit iiir likiai i 1 i illliii ilic teiuilili iii d ilnd li nl il dvery iinrtofll webster is tub btandaitu liiliiilliiuili lln us supremo coin i and lb da i 1ihillnti olllcn mid n r in ad lvtlisiiisiipls i srlionlslii 30 st i ootliaelie lumhago and any kind of a latin in and liain gi in rallv lcllow ii 1 i iihtilir ache ll will mustnuroly iiuiuk- i ui d i niallv and i vteiiialh en ilic blond and ileal as its acting power hie lire 1iipiitil in trim i is wonderful iioviih 1 tollhcliold pjiii that inpial crcaii- jarlar liakink j tmea being aeknowledged ah the great iijcdr com o iliiiiiraminonia jihos- pain koliever and of double the strength pirate or an impuiityor adulterant but r any oilier klixir or liniment in the is mink- ut lyslidcreain tartar world should he in every family handy tor j th now york tribuue itls reemnlzeil and jci ii 1 ij i use wjien wanted as it really is tliu hjist ibei ictliiiigtijinl b mother graves ri ni the world for oaifif in the did iiilni ti iiv nihil a ill- ft ell illlllcl i h thioii vlni i ideiieriplioii of one if fiili iii i ll riviiiniiv vivltir illvvf j lln iiuribj hie oldcul and bent female phynleianiraiiil j futml l ii iiin linio iii in the iniinl hliitci nnil ikfor tnilc j just added 1866 i p 1 ibbj di uggbitii tbraiighoiit the world a n v illiiniiliniiitii ti iiuiet iw it n hotne iiciurci 0a2etteei tn fid ilio 1 1 and iilti tilo lf t rm illl tin ilct die i i i tlniiiuyiil llieniiuiigi pplijjll review london siiys u 1m tin- list prikiliul ljiflltnintvtxl tjil tli calcutta enqllghmau mi iui- th niist pel icrt imrk el tlicldnd the toronto globojipanada toys n- pin is in ilia viij iiigbesl i 1- having bougfttta bankrupt stock of the above we will have them placed in stock on j l 8 aturbay october 1887 hielirnatyr i r hundred of suits and overcoats tc killv msvmimiin burdock compound cures liver complaint s dyspepsia biliousness sick headache kidney troubles rheumatism sltin diseases and ail impurities of the blood from whatever cause arising female weakness and general debility purely i vegetable highly concentrated pleasant effectual safe ask for dr hoddfirs compound tnkc no dttilv stilil everywhere price 75 cents hv bottle- dr hodders cough and lung cure- sold everywhere prie 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle proinietors and niirnnfficturcrs the union medicine co piopileturs toronto ont ourmilliici is c cxtenmve varitd- any lady eau suited the stock is wondefftj in quality quantity and etjle our staple goods is beyond com pansoii the largest ami cheap est even offered coitoiis at derful low prices a niagmfi canton flannel for 8c per yatd superb gi fjannel 26 iuc wide allwool 206 per yard in gentlemens wear 0 cloths suiting materials over- costings underclothing a0 subscription rates rt i100 six montiij 0h f iinte months 25 c invariably in nlvance if not jmil i- per veiir will he charged oil titiue1 till al arrears are ihiidef option of the iiulbsliei advertisinq ratesl 1 vll 0 mo i ofioo i wm lioo iool cool si 20 incites mineins 5 inelies liudi casual advertisements 8 cents pel first iunertiou unl3 cents per hue 11 noiinent insertion cash the nuct reckoned bv the space occupied md scale of solid nonpareil vdvertiseliieiits without tpccifij irill be inserted til torbid and cln jjilv transitory advcrtiseuieiitst nvdvarice chaiiestor contract nuvertiseui in the offlao bv 9 am on josla they wi h lefl overuntilthe folic h moobf editor ail gents furnishings of jail y and not forgetting oiir viiidijl cuttibg and make up in our j tailoriu department for style and finish has unsumflsbed tne best of ewryj thing bufnfo high price profits ladies aiid gents i footwear immense stock great varietjf constantly offering bargains n this department is oircrt hilowryji j3j a gradaateof tssity coll collego of physicians auchrurseon office and residence atheheai treetactoii ohn lawsoxv gkadj outario veterinary collere a evinary surgeon actdii out offu bros boot and shoe store residenl horses examined as to soundness au ill callb niglit or day promptly teruib easy l l l bennett ds j gkoitgktcf acmkintray ldsii a dentist georretowu 0 new system of nitrous oxide oa called vitalized air for extractint pain hilving been demonstrator veachcrin hoyarcollege of don we have a hllge stock ar toronto patrons may depend m o satisfaction in any operation perfj visit cton overv second and fourtj of each molilli offleeiu aguevr h carrtqtxe surgi 4 tjst milton honor gr 99 pehcent purest strongest best itcady for use in niiy quantity tor malting soap softening water ijisln- fcctineand a hundred other uses a cim equals uo pounds sal soda sold by nil grdccrb and iruggist 2 w gillett toronto premises eyerjdiujillty to dobnsi- ness comfortauly tb have p equal facilities to buy the gogdj cheap send a delegate from every home and let us prove that we are reaching out for more- trade with irresistable induce inents beyond the whisperi competition or comparison ort iijav- features exclusive styles unequaled bargains will demon strafe beyond the shttttow of a i t doiilk- that it will pay to tradty- livmnsiwi soucnou nafi with mcleod anderson c0t georftetovn koval college ot dental siirgeodl will visit acton tljursilay of eachl niii thcvflrst ot july office in ai lrcservatioii of the natural neethi vrtitleial teeth inserted on gold cell ber bases guaranteed perfect t nitrons oxide aud other anaesthe iiainless extraction oi teeth johnston evmclean llanisteib solioifors xotaric i ic private funds to loan f offlee towuhall ac e fte joiisstos vfu money to loan n in dave tuesday aud on block aj e mitchell 0ms lllipi i 1lllipi i iv nips lumps most ccm- rices nee hiiws ki led wilo scitiiiiiiblc oods s- guelph 7 soliaroii cosyeyasceii olvivixirst door west of thel ollie main stvoctxiiliou money percent cj hilton xllan ball tlarristcrl toilon til amig eoilgkia olces aleelunius lllocl gdurd dving street east toro w i vinvxtnj slliitilx ua- b ahehow 4 cahson llalthlstiksatla office- ontario hull 10 cnimh s iwiiuiiiliiiw nlr rolls j cilcuownaltollnuv patents secured foi pride of the vauuey yes 1ii ic cl tti valley tlijit is the panic of the lllcdiiurr it i cud icevf 1 spepsin first i buiieht a siinpir picliiigi loi tbeti ivo piieliagcs fijt -r- mid lieline i bud tnlicn the contents of di ni p i l 1 vus eutirilyi well have never tell ilie nniiics since that was four yeiirs nr 1 n iliiimui a buttle of llido of the valley liniiiicut hist ipring for liivdiired lnaii him srainei lie ankle so iiiuhy hii eould not in in- bis wiighi en it alter psing 1ride of the nlley lininiiiit for jl honrssio was able to go to wnrli us well as ever and what is the niinic of unit other medicine why iiide of tlw valley catarrh und liiicuinn tie cine thn ids the greatest knov n liiiieiiy in die world lor the cure ot catarrh not an inhaler but the m dicme is lb be taken internally om e a dayi it strikes attfie root el the diseaie and iciiiuves tlic cause at once as thousands will testify that have used the catimh ieiuedy 1 lie tint e above remedies goliiuiil in hiiinl and where run i get tbciii at 1j i mattiifwx acloti ont also ut all lhstelass meiiieine dealers in canada manu factured by lltul a m slllukvks j lpnp0k0nt d 7vlil 11 jtj l im eii jlilij iil idtil ilci iiiiii imijtiu idiili d13ll snciolfiiy positive cure pon catarrh owes immadrate relief cold in head hay fever eahy to tiki kotftsiiuir vowder ur lrrlliitiiiiilipilil lrlua docto tmd 100 it not obtuluiililu at your ilrufj ldiiln iktil jiiupalil on receipt of price addruijv fulford cq ont ovkiiooath n washington mo imps etiiiuortihrout tind ltinc surgeon will next visit acton eom1k1c k hotel monday 23th november one day only liknky jjnisrollawa tweiitylearsaln no ll al hemstrlet ii issiii afinini lnr the cuatitie of welliiigtn orduis left at the fttii vm i ill in v lekideneu ill acton will sf liided 1 1 tclilkltasiiuahjc alsniiitiiiev hi loan n 1 terms ani at the lowest rates slliilsof tklalld upwards j a murray catalillh t1ihoat clufd a few of ttlie hundreils who hiivu bcoasiiccfu- fully treated by dr- wasliingtouii new inctliod mrs tnomckelvy kingston out caturb and onhuhijtioii lohn mclielvy kingstmi out cutalrli mrs a hopping kingston out liroucbo coiisuinption mr fb scott kingstpn out catarrh llm initl tliroat jlrslno hctiain llunnvbuiitliqiii oatanli throat jitiitos matthews p master acton out f tarruh head aipl throat f liimeli lierlln out catarrh litad nod throat i miss nellie lobyjlerliu out fnlargciltowll 1 wing 1 mcoiunna tint cataitli liaul henry scott llerlin out asthma mrs 1 wagner incur llciiin unt catarrh head and throat levi kcreher sbjaeilbs out ciitarrli m and throat colin campbell lt liduanl uut aslliuu- liuiies htaeey linttoii oiitcataiili win shocniiikni ltodnev ontwitiirrlii loseph smiley fort ivatiot 1 k cnutlli bad torm y w ii storey i suniy f kim ollift miiiiufaetiircrs actmi oii ur wimlilluwn i tho only thnit up i iiu sure ill dull miss mary a llonibiinrg ceiitcrvllo jont alarili head and throat mrn iodfrev leines s laiolm out cot suinptlon tiitn snider llloyinllebl tun ciiinvili tej fid throat lkiinstiii areiionj for the counties nt haltoii ul orders lelt ai bis lldilcemall i ite church stieet acton or adtlij lo- v4u leeive strict altei re isirilili not dkeuun jountday arclimkl ollick tleits hotel llllklt c iuancisknan 1s11 icessorto t f cb llloklllnorl st tieiiige sipiare aciiiinrdloils ofairkinis ieliielieali of every desilllitiolj lliilin neatly and promptly del rpile hanlanrarull mlllvhllilllt a t an e cv liave atylishhiilrcil an isliiluiriitini shiiurpoo lilwif in in- i ami pnl in lira class n iinieiilliuen bail ustily mil i t v ii wonnrsl licllili biisinos i ll ml ill ont w rhls hazaab r acjton select from t kmiiia iirutiiojs worm exieiiiiiatir fcr destroying worms j inaon aim ains aim relies almiiiuls noarudrd us liiid has civej meh satis- and is fur bale by nil urutcibtsap 5 ceittn taction stumaeb ami iains anil aeln and is fur a hottie a- tlic mint useful existing woiillo el the english language all ur the wii ii i an juvaliiabu companion in eveiv selmol inl ntvrv iirili specimen pages ami le-tiinniiliil- sent prepaid iii itiitifu g c mkkkiui co iubllslurs syrlubflrljl mats v s a the mantles mantle clothstrseys underclothing carpets etc alt idllini nil ul mi iiiniiiii nili ii the 1tlli ilniiiu it tltltiii two tlfllveiv wliitni lo tlchv with i wiiljiiiiijfni inniiv mii kimu hut tin y iliiinot dn right limine an buy sill m jiiti ui i at a tunc mi they very idiitl iwiilticil ami wnviii sim l tweeihi tithli lineipi table nuphiic 1 etnllesii vitiicly nnil luiviii liicn imiuu htiadu wiilliiiin feels oei cmfliih in the llantlsolne 1ivc ivaino liiiisil u htyllh inilicpitil tliiiiii iunl ll til ilhle una hues i m mi ohc in iiiiniinu inieu mi ii- kiurkh f iilhih ik11 j manitoba be northwesl errilones and even from nova hcotiii neiy uruiibivick quubuu anil drituh co ul nhi cddn i i he carptdn nrc hayin a bi ih m sure f aw tl uitiftl m t ytl vufyut twt ca ji it uley lr saiiksmmx wwtkd dlumiiukroiiaoiileialioiii th- var i f ont- known nurseninimi i i and mattings very chcup lots of zinc rimling uoiii ut lc her vard and hihkh hiniliin unlnn t t c i vv ll lll hdrh a 1 uv f i i niikc arrangeiiiciit unh em i to ihc hfimilton october i lot uoiiii ami iiiiim pi i aiftu- liilllll illtl y zepb aillhf geilnu vtu foe i tin full m mnti timlii luli lv asiiihiieiii liiniinailiili lil j calldnl id mindlu lllllidlmlle i tl l u i a i illl lively lliin i ll i pullik a 1 1 1 in m hin inii- lln cbcllllle cilnlii llanil mill ill iii lull ii- tilriimliii ii lm l 1 1 lr ilnimt 111 11 pel i 11 illderueiir i 1 ll i 1 1 i i il ii and iloui iliim i ihi i iit milh liu1it uwmniihi- hew raymond sewing magiilne tin machine f d u1 rciijiniiiilidiilliiic it leeiiiouii ml lluil cull lllnl nee i li p marliilieliliil llll jnir idoilt of fiipcy imii franx r webber acton aiujtthj ihtij lss7 riiiii iofhttii ycin hepiunliil- ll lellihleclln mild lllvuppllml- i i in nibl- itn iiii ally in i i llill i ll iii i 1 1 1 tlllll lint 1 lie nih illie ll ll iv lliiili nl ll glolill i ii 1 illhl hull i i iill llin iliiilni ilri-t- i i i ml 11 1111 iii illlll i- m lumber si amd lai im i i i i- i i i ii t i i i ili 1 if i lull in il im lie i i illi i 1 nil t i mil i i i i iliilbilgl ih coal llinini li- i hcl 11 llillllll i 1u iie i i it i iil i hale bi a i u islmiml inl lie i ib pi i wil nlil ce muto fire in piipiiliii und 1 hi i t ny till t cwatkijinjs few such men wlili a v n et securing tl services- write to lihn assin as m ulurvik this for tciiimnud full paiticiilai rielliiinwi only spinre dealing men need tipplv- aiufft i pniv 0 gitibasi urktiuian jicejicetcr wi- oounty of wfi i- riiiiuni i head office i cm mm 1 iiu 11 i iindall othu leiipli ileininni noicsy 1 pwseuao ou lcobidcnt johntavm

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