Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 1, 1887, p. 1

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m rsj mm r u t8t i lamp er afecfcrtrs tr it bea- itafwilg ry atartuiect c 2tf cyxter alley- tiw ficjof tftsia first is thee ve ii- aiitn the cc fclij- was settle rf pride zfit-in- lured siilj- be cockl iisq price of htrts able fco that is the itieii the re tbtiiue x i orihf rare aivuitint is to strikes attke ice sacs at tt have ued eve remedies i eel tiacxa also at all ib lisg- nd6sost ehi ib i 1 h sf i ti srvi ih va i il fers liaiiesrcwn la eoocual la or adcllt li od stored dkcnlrer- itdjcl core rainess idtoi- v henial and 1 to marriage tni fits tn- luil cxttt- 6iniiahc lirty yearn lwii eonse- ir cored or- o slop nlicn every y ted rwm- audsof every a to any r two pots fcalc f i o lit if i x volume xiii fro 38 ss rvdushkd every tiiuuday morning at thk tree press power printi house acton ontario subscription rates one ykaii six moxtbs 50cr tutor moxttu iicm lavaiiibly n advance it not paid in advance jl oj per voari will be charged no paper discon tinued till rrwua re ild oiclt t the ortuj of tlio iniwishcr advertising rates- sjumvs 5incbos 1 iarii vtiu6 malsmojuao woo i moo i ub i too im 00 11ci0 3s0 ccwj ajol aoo loo cvil alwrt lament 8 eonttvr line tor ttao ftrst lascrtica and 8 ccuts per line for wtcli 8ub- ksjncat irtion csh tho number of lines rxvkonvlly tttofpace occupied aiouurd by a jcile of solid nouianil alvortisohpiits without mwciflc directions lill bo inwrtl till torbid nd charged accord- njlv traaitory advextisulcut8 must bo aid jivuh chiwsv for contract alrertisciucuttluiist bo in the office by 9 ata on tuesdays otherwise uier ill be left over until the following ireek h r moore- kditor and pronrietor uju5tnf55 sirttttrrn it hlowrt m b mcp s graiuateof trinity college member of cojvie of pbysirians and surgeons office and residence at the bead of frederick tieetactoa jhhx lawson graduate of oatario veterinary college roroato-vet- erlaio sarsn arton oat offite in kenny pro- bcot aad sdioe store residence in the roar horses examined a to soundnessnd certincates ivea all caii aiat or day proniptly atteudod to terseasy l bennett lds dentist gkobostows qxtjuuo c mckinlay lds surgeon j dentist georgetown ont uses the new system of nitrous oxide cias commonly caiicd vitalired air for extracting teeth without pain havui been oeuionstrator and iractical teacher ia koyab college of dental surgeons toronto patrons may depend upon receiving satisfaction in any oihration perfonued will vsit acton evcr- second and fourth wednesday of each mouth osce in aguews hotel jh carrique surgeon den- tist milton honor graduate of the koval college of dental surgeons of ontario xriil visit acton thursday of each week begin- tng the nrst o jaly office in agnews hotel prestrvatioa of the natural teeth a specialty artifiiij teeth iasexte1 oa gold celluloid or rub ber bases cuaraateod perfect vitalised air nrroas oxide aul other anaesthetics used for rainlessextraction of teeth acton banking company j btorey christie ft 00 v -banker8- actou ontftrlo a gxtferal bansno business transacted onatloam on amtotss v- mqt18 notes diabouiited and interest allowed on deposits find the puzzle thb undcrsignod is preparod to furnish on the shortest notice in any quantity and at bot tom prices nrstclaib lumber lath staves head ing shingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood flour and feed and anything iu tho line of fanners housckeepl era or contractors necessities tho pusxlo is to- find abetter placathau thomas c moores to buy anything in the above lines also to find out if you are indebted to uitn for anything pur chased from him his books say some are and be would like tho money w h rutledce the butcher deals in everything in the meat line no cits establishment can be found better stock ed at all seasons no questionable coods of fered to customers at any price lowest prices and square dealing is my motto one trial convinces on these points- cash always paid for cattle the highest prico paid for hides and sheepskins w h rutledge wellington marble works i quebec st qtjelph rohnstos mclean liirrisers cvactters xotvries conveyancers 4c prvat funds to- loan town hall acton wji a mcleix e f p- joix ton x a mowat barisil soucitob notatv pcnuc j moaey to loan j or- kt days tuesday and saturday orrui matthews block acton npstairs m e mitchell soucitoe conveiantxb ic hamilton clark proprietors wholesale and retaal dealers in marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importers of all kinds of granite and marble acro ontafto thursday december lj l887 a pplbhdid asedrtment -op- fangy qop0s i -at- days bookstore guiibph day sells cheap j 1st stifson tailor and is now showing a magi new and choice lines in fall suitings trouserings and 0 draper ificont ranee of extraordinary value in underwear ties collars cuffs gloves c hens working pants oni dollar j n stiis son roc kwood next door to post office ercoating ob rhi tnt t lut id luil and iut 4 trap ottrg ky orxjlt artsimoir 1iy the kckly m0to1i man tbe funny man way gllo but its coming by and b derided kcqly motor i am building on tho iy j hltjba belt to this invoutiou audapowor will t bongo forth i nutwill whirl tho equinoxes and tho axis of the earth it vill wroneh tho sklar systbro twist the orbit of tbo sun ilcjiso invest a little money for it isnt hardly done i needs another piston rod ierlmpb another screw tho motor will be rondy in about aweuk or two 111 wield a mighty power which i caunot hero rehearse when it gets into action it will shako tho universe i op mysterious power that will reach forth wide and far rattle through the galaxy and shako tho polar star t hid dlstsut llciades shall renown f the northern haudl e dlpiwr over ujisldu down j i need o llttlo niouoy a few thousand just a few fsni the motor will be ready in about a week or s two i i wttc lort world ve talc uiuuh sutpiibed at what you have of coutse it in nccesbay that i pdbiliuu i am just blutuug a lunong people of society shonld me iii tho pn ictico have a feel this motor of shall turn 0efrst door west of he champion oije main street milton money to loan at c i per eta hilton allan baird barristers solicitors ic toeoxtoaxd geoeoetow 3ss cree5mans block georgetown and 8g king street eist toronto v t alis 3 shiltox bi- j biillb iu having lately visited the bay of fundy granite quarries and having purchased tho entire stock of gray and red granite monuments headstones crosses urns etc of alexander taylor at less than cost we will unil further notice sell at prices never before kupwn in ontario for in stancegranite monuments ft high sco 7 ft 75 8 ft s909ft 100 0 ft 120 all work and materialwarranted ftrsiclass tarties wanting anything in this line will do well to call and see us before purchasing elsewhere as weiguarantee our prices are from 30to50perceptbelow air other dealers it b cr agerow 4 carson rakrflstek64tliv ac 02iro hall 50 church street toronto uaxoeiinf urr jonx cutsox ncl c c cliows attoitxet atents secubed fob isvextioxs hlnby gei5t ottawa canada ev ytirs prictice to patent so pay li1tery the ten cent store is as busy as a beehive jiair face opening out new goods arriving from germany england and new york and marked off at the lowest cash prices jas f kidner ten cent store vv tit he1i5tkeet llcexsuk acctioxeeb fr the coauiics of wellington and haltop orders le at the fbee phess office acton or a ldt residence in actou will be promptly at- iadelio terms reasonable uh inonev io loan on the most favorable asaiid at the lowest rates of interest in jjj and upwards teru j h wokden having assumed proptictorehip of tholivety business lately carried on by mr w e smithwould solicit tho patronage of thepublic and will do their utmost to please oil customers ltoiln day j architect gretrn ost qrice queens hotel block market square rjlrancis xusan isacessortot f chapman bookbixdeb gorges sauare gnelph ontario oaut hooks of all kinds made to order ijrio ifiais of every desoiptioilcarefnlly bound fcuui utitiv and promptly doie t he hanlan barber shop lliu stbeet alrros aa csv shave a stylish hair-cot- good wafoam an exhiliarating shampoo always given baior hoeiinapitiu urwlass condition ladies an i childrens hair tastily cat j hwoeden tonsorial artists salesmen wanted weu equipped and stylish rigs can always be secured first class cnitfit for commercial travel lers at special bates a comfortable bus meets all day trains and night also if ordered give us a call v kellys mu- gtjelph headquarter j for the bell organ and lansdowne piano the leading pianos of te presen day j h worsen hello w arc in want of a few more firstclass men to canvass for tbe sale of ehoitevaneties of xarserr stoct to men who can make a saccess of tbe business we oin pay good salaries or commission and give permanent emplpyment we- have manv new and choice specialties both n the fruit anil ornamental lines which other do not handle applv at once with referencesa may beotheb8 nrnsebtltes bochestee ay gnelph business college guelph ontario mhe fourth scholastic year 1 bau september 1st tbe faculty has been strengthened thi aud new appliance xhvtdtaiiugbnd practical ollegopremises enlarged ded each of tlio six bcrs ofliie tacadtt i lihkiperinced and r teacher nature of thetrork done by f vs uv the success ol iti gra4nte both to p and the united states ladie a j all the aarantagei offered bj the imrtitution for krai etc address mma 1mt principal lumber shingles and lath paeuimered desires t inform the public i that helms now on band and wiu i keep in stock a full line of pine and hemlock s well as other kinds of lumber also first and second class pine shingles fcatb colli wood pause and consider that it will pe to your own interest to patronize home trade we wonldj respectfully inform tho inhabitants of acton and surrounding country that weare again in full running order and in a better position than before tbe fire to fill all orders entrusted to us to parties building lumber will be dressed while you wait and mouldings ic made with neatness and despatch n b we are also prepared to fill all orders for pumps i r on thprt notice ahd from lone experience in the business we feed oonfidept that we can give sat isfaction every time so come on with your orders and help to roll the ball along money makes the more go whether she has logs or no tiios ebbage manager having been appoint d sole agent for these two leading instruments i am pre pared to offer extra ind icements to pur chasers this fall iustnments soldpn the monthly or quarterly in italment plan or goodfliscountfop cash ritefor cataloneb and prices or call at the a comrlete siotk of sheet mumc new muslcand tho latest songs arriving dally catalogues furnished fro i oil application a kvli iixe ciy all mwiiiibtrvunent8 viblinceuas violins guitars banjos flutes mouth organs etc etc c store andorgans cry instruction books for every instrument call and examine my stoat c w klly opposite post office guelph s mae hardwoodatb cedar and mill wood at reason able prices wood and fioal delivered ueve m f 41 lj 11 mmmm or- mm h striaint fh hr jjlow h lh mw f- h ifefe xiih mutu4t fire insurance r j or tub 1 00t7otxk07 tfbllvqtox etabltsheo 1810 j head office cuelph jireilbliusmercbandiscuftnufectories audailotherdesciiptions of property on tne premium soto system ww sivafa ontvs davidson president aobntakfav the fall will be herebefore yon know it but kbnneybrosi of the dominion boot shoe store main street acton laveuticipated iu early arrival j and lad iu a splendid stock of boots sc ghoes drc for fall wear i i o oniiepntatioijfor good goods and goperior aluei well established j we can eprt you all our custom pepartinent is tnnjingoutbwttlass workas nsnal with good stockj and repairipg is alwayg promptly and neatly done l w babbek bros paper makers georgetown ont tt sfamiw jlr abing j the joscelp gresl vil tell you vane if ydu are heart free iow look to it that you kea so after you lee my utile cousin dr barnard vane smiled as ho said jvhy is she so very pretty pretty wait till you see her were ilmost there this is tho house and the lear old mother is in the door tho two young men soon reached their lestination and mrs nelson clasped her i loar boy to her heart barnard vane and edward nelson were riends had gone through college to gether and pursued their different profes sions in the same place barnard wab a toctior and edward was minister of a small church this summer lor tho first time dr vane vvas to see his friends home- ahd his tnoth- r and tlio little cousin he had heard so audi of before long the sittingroom door opened and a tall girl in a gray dress with a rose fji her bosom and masses of fair light toseed back from a pure clearcut came in i she shook hands with her cousin and hnswcied the strangers bow with equally easy and graceful she was more than pretty and so barnard thought as he watched the color come and go in her delicate cheeks and the lustro of the great dark eyes which contrasted so strangely and bewitohinjly with her fair hair the days sped by at the old homestead and dr yane spent many pleasant hours strolling through the woods which formed a part of the nelson place with its fair companion edward at first accompanied them but ho soon saw that bis friend liked to monopolize jessies society and with true curiosity he gradually fell out and left the coast clear to barnard who was well pleased to have itso for he admir ed jessie and the sight of the brond acres around him with the thought that there were only two to inherit all this made her still more fascinating in has eyes three weeks had passed and it was de cided that the nest thing on the program me of amusements should be a party to celebrate jessies eighteenth birthday it was the day before the affair and tbe lofty halls and wide staircases had all to be decorated barnard proposed taking ft drive oyer to some distant woods where it was knpwn beautiful colored vines grew in great luxuriance tie tasked jessie to accompany him after slie hatlgone up to get ready for the drive barnard went into the library where his friend sat writ ing putting his hand on edwards shoulder he said wish me luck old boy your prophecy has come true and i have lost my heart to your sweet cousin i mean to ask the mo mentous question this afternoon edward roso abruptly i with astonish ment barnard saw the white look of pain which contracted his features why ed i didnt suppose youd feel it in this way are you teider iii that direction too j edward replied sadly 1 yea barnard it is true that i love jessie as my life aye far better than my life just then jessie came to tho doorway and oaled out i am all ready doctor and the carri age is at the d6or it was soon over barnard had asked her to be his wife for in her sweet hands lay all his hopes for happiness he had whispered tenderly jesbie did not answer right away and when she did her response was very different from what he had ex pected drawing away from the arm which es sayed to encircle her shcaid dr vaue before i answer you please listen a moment to something i am going to say i here she raised her dark eyes to hisand it was easy for one as skilled as barnard in womens hearts to see the love- light wife to the manor born it will be a grcut sti ugglo to me but jessies face froze and a gray pallor settled over her features she had iot forseen this thuh 10 be wooed and refused in a breath she had told him us she thought it was her duty but in her truut iu his goodness ajud r oble- uebs alio had never once thought it rould make any difference to him it was u cruel lesson the anguisl en tered deep into her soul for biio loved this man iride came to the rebcue with ohe look into his face from her glorious eyes vhich made the heurtlesb man shrink sle said quickly do not say any more dr vani 1 umltrtlaiitli i will now answer the question you usked in the first part of our con versation i decline the aowr of lieing your wife barnard winced as the cold haughty tones fell upon his ear but ho dared- cot say any more and touching the ponies with the whip in silence they flew homevard the next day with excuses to his hostess and friend dr vaue took his depart ire 1 jesjie did not spejjk of what bad pa ised and edward thought with a great j biund of his loving heart that after all she not loved his friend and had refused him the party came offand was a success and jessie as usual was the life of scene but deep down in her heart girl was fighting a hard battle her were opened and though she saw that idol was but conimon clay the pain ix phice tebe cekts nono the less hard to bear strong and after a while but youtjh is jessies 1 eart sack once had the the eyes her grew light again edward had gone t work and tho house was quiet more j i then came an invitation from a sihool friend for jesbie to spend some time with her in her city home mrs nelson c rged hertogoithiuking that the change w be beneficial to her so she went how clad i am to see you again my darling was miss ally morgans enirge two ould tic and affectionate greeting as the girls met for the first time since thei gethcr bade goodbye to their f mater i jessie how found herself in a wbit1 could tako them to mrs nelsons home mrb joscolyn recognisied the blanket from which the piece had hceii cut ns one she had worked herself 8h6 oxphiined how just after her bus hastf- lp theseiatnokism farm animals are hurt more by medi cine than by the laclj of it when au j animal needs medicine it heeds a cbmpc- bands death bhe had discharged lior babes r v- lore water and a variety of wholesome nursea french woman for misconduct jooa regularly given with comfortable shelter and kind treatment are the best preventatives of disease a mortgage on the home makes tbe fire side gloomy for if thuijout the sunshine of prosperity and freehaartedncss some men look at the sky only to fore- cast the wtalher see more beauty in a dollar than iji a bed of flowers and will hear the crow in a cornfield quicker than the lark in the air better is it to baye one pair of trousers with moneyin the pockets than two pair withempty dockets the horse knows all that the colt learned and had wakened one morning to find her self childless after years of hopeless searching she had at last given up all hppe of her childs being alive arid hod left her native land not caring to stay where she had suffered such sorrow edward nelson had been called to a parish near his home so mrs nelson could let jessie go withovt the keenuesb of pain she would have felt had she hot had her sons companionship as the years went byand jessiegrew older the more she saw of edward tfelsoh the more she became convinced bfliis worth tbs dolls motszri 11v kate t sizrn her mother t had a strong liking for j aod tq raentiug tllt cbl are not twa the young man ahd he was a frequent caller at the joscelyn home when the announcement of tho young ministers bethrothal to the beautiful miss jessie joscelyn came to peoples ears many envied him and bernard vane groundhis teeth with chagrin v l lcdner the dete0tive80f wall street thousands of pedestrians move tq and fro past the stock exchange and about the money center of the pity each day solid old financiers whose check would be taken unquestioned for amillion corqo and go dapper cjerks who look like millioimires on sixteen dollars a week messenger boys by the scoro flit hither and thither with hands full of bonds or othefecarities making deliveries according to contracts and sales arranged du the exchange flor bank agents with small fortunes often iu the capacious portmonnaies strapped to their waisfe going tothe clearinghouse to make good the daily balances while every few moments comes hie lumbering wagon pasbed along the sidewalk conveying the cash from uncle sams collecting couuter at the custom house to uiicle sams strong vault below the isubtreasury on every bide is wealth yet attempts at robbery are very rare aud suocessful ventures at tbiov- cfy scarcer still the fact is that every face pas3iug along to- i wall street is scanned it is a great place ing it what it should know system worked teii hours ada and was done hap hazard got up at four in the morning hurried all day and was doing the chores at half- past uiue at night job hud much patience yet it wais j forttniate for him that he did not join j fences with a neighbor who kept breachy stock t the manhvho fills hu icehouse provides himself wiili a conservator of health and a servant of jileusure what is said about keeping animals warm duriiijiitlie winter does not apply to maunre jfemokmg is more injurious to the compost heap thaii to libis hush please my childrenarc in bed stop llghtlv daisy cries ive drawn the curtain round them both and thoy must shnt their eyck for they aro very tired yon know all tho day long with inc theyvo watched tho ivhitewinged ships sail out across the shining sen ivo washed their faces brushed their curls aud now so nice they lie i think lib mother can do more for hor dear dolls than i i so then we gently shut the door and stepped nith lightest tread and daisy with a happy look watched by her childrens bed dear little face of laying care soft eyes and thoughtful brow a precious skill for days to come you learn thus watcliing now for though youll pufyonrdolls away vhep childhoods hourdeparts r iu the grownup worhbthcrcs always need of loving thoughtful hearts children x magazine r some stravje conktssioxs several good stoi s which cmivey very xced- fnl moral ijiroutat ixfosmatiox alma of gayety the morgan mansion each even ing shone with light and echoed with music ally was a lively girl and her parents delighted to see her enjoy herself it seemed like a novel and delightful dream one to jessie fresh from her quiet country home one day as the two young jiidies sauntered slowly through a pictutiaoery looking at the fine paintings which lined the walls jessie found herself intently watching a tall lady in deep mdurning whose face interested her strangely fear ing she would be noticed she looked away but every oiice in a while her eyes m ould wander in the same direction i i jessie suddenly asked her friend at whom arc yon looking o fixedly all 1 i see why mrs joscelyn when return jessie saw ally go up to the lady n hose noble refined face had such a fascination for her she was soon introdu when mrs joscelyn spoke a subtlb sbme itiing in her voice completed the charm her faoe had begun who is she jessie asked herj trend as they went home and mrs joscejlyns handsome ctrrriage passed them mrs joscelyn she is a mammas and she hab been in eujrbpb for a long time and lias only just retu tied isnt she lovely after that jessie and mrs joscelyn often for seeming loafers and loungers curb stone brokers have the semblance of loung ers clerks enjoy a cigarette on the side walk so a lounger more or less is not noted but all wfio apparently loaf about with little to do are not loafers they are sfiarpeyeddetectiyes to whom the face of every crook in the country is known aud who are constantly on the lookout for those fafes new york jlorw nothing has excited more astonishment ut ihe south ulan the wojnderfnl progress made by the colored race iu obtaining ah education for inbtance the other day colonel tie smith sent a little mulatto boy named pea blossom to colonel stafford northcoat with a message what was colonel northcoat doing asked de smith on the return of pea blossom he was preyeiting hintelf wid de re fusal oba book diverting himself with the perusai of a book youmeku idatsthej berry way i suppressed rae- seff sah he was perfectly divulsed wid llafture saht i pa you know what book jie was read- v sartuinly sab i peeped over his shoulder i what book wpit don equiuoaan i he meant- don quixote of course what will not education yet accomplish for the coloured raeegaheioiiiews i ait 1 did you friend i i met one afternoon the two girlb were invited to take tea with her her house was elegant full of rich and beautiful adoru- of very nly what th6 ifol iswokth i do not know what you may think of the womans crusade but let me say as a woman who stood inbide of it that the womanhood of this nation never laid such attribute at the feet of its manhood as they did in the womans crusade if yon want to find out what a boy is wbrth go and ask his mother by the time she goes intd the jaws of death to give him biitl and then puts into him her days of love aud her nights of care and lie stands before her strong and clean mid tall it wcntyotie highly ixremlxeka te j jthe localageirt of a fire company fveut opt to chene street one day reoently to adjust a loss in a dwelling hoasp there had only been a little blaza with about 25 rckl damage bnt when the man was asked to give iu bis figures he said i dodn takp fie hoonered dollar und be so scarf agantl put down five hoon- ered 1 und luywie goes ulinost in fits und she can teh you what he is worth from lire you can put down one tousand crown of hisiiead to the soles of his feet- yes and when the legalized dramshop takes hold of him and tears trim down fibre by ments showing evidence of a most vated taste y the afternoon wore away amidst njiusio and delightful tonvervthen twiy and her young friends seated themselves at the cozy teatable ur- tl j j y as jessie lifted her- glahereyo feiujipcn a crest cntnpoh the friagile surface it wasa dovie with wings extended holding a lily in its beak wili the iatin nidtto be neath signifying peaoe and pnnjtyj she- started violently but controlled her- seliwith an effort no one- uoiiced her agitation and the meal progressed to its close after it was overdrsr josielyn took the two girls ipto a room they had not seen before and led them to the mantel above which bung a picture of a gentleman ally gave a little exclamation of surprise oh who is itx howinnoijiessie looks like him rl have dear fibre aud puts oaths on tub lips that she used to kiss and crushes out ins mothersj- hopes it is no wonder she makes outcry if yon want to know what a home is worth go and ask a loving woman whoias kept herself as pure as gods lilies from her marriage day when with a great shine in her eyes she puts over into tin hands of one man for- better or for worse for richer or for poorer until lifes endf and when tbe dramshop with its fearful curse crosses the threshold of the home they built together aud tukes down her stroii tower of hops stoue by stone und degrades the father of her children it is no wonder woman makes outcry alrs il t lnlhrqp the practical joker und my brudderhtw vims so oojiset dothebhakes all oafer raib a shill put down two hoonered for dot anytlihig more vellviny dog goes wild der womans next door faints away and i haf to bit oop all night maybe you like to throw me in a hoonered dollar extra when he was informed that th policy only covered actual damages he held- up his hands andhouted r onlydott vhy den i vhas some fools tobaf a fire in mine honse detroit frte press a udy delegate make a sieolutv of machine finished book papers and high grade weekly news the paper used iu this journal is from the above mills j we baeber ft bros qstbw butcher shop graham gbaham butohbs main street acton have just opened a now weber shop in tho new building oroctod by thorn nextdoor to kenney broboot shod btoro and jouelt a share of the patrouogo of the community having bad experience in tbo business and beliwdetetolnetftooflorimtblugbutflrstclas if of nil kinds footr customers wo hoio to mea do a rood trade callandeni oraham ic okaham arl gleaming through the translucent depths i waut to tell that 1 am jiot as you think nie mrs nelsons niece she wenb on quietly dr vaue started not mrs nelsons niece miss jessie what do you mean 1 then jessie told him that eighteen years before she had been left a tiny babe at mrs nelsons door and that she then lately left a widow had token the little deserted child to her heart and had reared her as her own so you see i am not honestly a nelson that i have really ho name of my very own jessie paused surely at that moment barnard should have caught the sweet- voiced speaker close to his heart but he was of a cold and calculating nature and thoughts of how his fabhiouablo friends would sneer if they knew that his wife was a nameless found ling flashed through bis mind then too as she was no blood relation and had been adopted after the husbands death his will could have made no provision for her he bad gotten himself into a fix no mis take aud so never at a loss the man of the world took ihe easiest way to extricate hjniscif holding the girls passive hand in his he said as you thought miss jessie i am very yes replied mrs joscelyn so i thought that is a portrait of my husband j as jessie turned her eyes awayfrorn the picture thoy rested upon a large signet ring which encircled one of mrs joscelyns fin gers and whioa bore the same crest she had seen upon the goblet is that the crest of your famijy j she asked softly touching the ring jauy one who knew her well conld have sleen that the girl was cohtrouing some strong excite ment j j yes that is the joscelyn crest my dear- mrs joscelyn replied j mr8joscelyn did you ever lose a child not throikjh dtaoi jessie asked abruptly the lady turned with a sudden movement yes roy little baby but howj dc you know why do you ask opening with trembungfingers a lioket which lit jg suspended from her neck jessie took from it a tiny piece ofj flannel on it was embroidered tho same design the following story lias- its headquarters at clinton v on one of the fine diys of hut week a lady came down town to do tome shopping she brought her yearling iu a baby carriage which she left at a certain day goods store while sbe weut to make her purchases one tf the elerks in the store who knew the mother well thought to plajwi joke bo while she wns busy lie went out aud wheeled life carriageand baby iuto an adjoining 8tore thongh he was not aware ofit the lady had- been watchiug his manoeuvres and when she was ready to go home she did so without carriage or babe shortly after bubby kicked up high jiuks and the joker clerk was sent for to take him away and as tbe mother was one ho was obliged to wheel baby home the youngster howling at the top of bis voice nearly the whbld of the wiiy and advertising the situation much to the anuoyauce of the clerk when he reached the gate the mother caino out and her exclamation was dear me i forgot parcel did i and as she paw the yduugster oh i thought it was a spool of twist i had forgotten it was worse than a epool of twist on thvolerk globe miss frances e willard has been tijeted by the rock river me conference with in whoso boundaries her home is a delegate tolliegeuerul conference that meets in new york next may the world moves in 1880 misswillard was present et the general conference to offer the greetings of thenjwctu a motion was made that shebe granted ten minutes in which to bpeak and fno hours were spent iu debate and calling of votes upon the motion it was finally carried two to- one but uuder- the circumstances miss willard declined to speak next may she will speak n her own right i- no woman has ever lefjre been elected a member of the supreme court of this the largest protestant church in america until this year when at least two others beside mi6s willard were elected woman journal the rochester ny ctiian reports hav ing this dialogue with an eminent physi- cifyy can you cure a cold for me i dare say where is it do you treat yourself for colds that depends on how bad they ary i had one last week aud fixed myself up a dose bnt i didnt dare take it j kept it overnight and gave it to a deadhead patient the next day then yoa dont dare take your own medicine no i dont dare and i hje ho family physician a gentlemau a short time ago consulted his physician about a severe rheumatic attack as he was leaving- the dpctoi said should my prescription afford any re lief let me know it as i am suffering from an affectionsimilar to yours and for the last twenty years have trieu in vain to cure it it the best of physiqhlus now have the raukness to admit that the schools have otyet mastered all there is to know about the causes of disease and the best methods of cure there has been a great advance no doubt in metical science in the last fifty years dotors themselves do not take their own physic even though i tbey- may saturate the systems of their patient with poisonous drugfjuor do they bketft blister and torturi asformerly i byron died it is claimed bedluse of overbleeding by his physicians washing ton met the same ifate i t scientific investigation shows that piost ailments proceed from derangement of primary organs of which the kidneys are the most important every drop bt blood coursing through ihe system rmsbes through thebe organs and if they are deranged the blood speedily becomes impure and carries the seeds of disease to every part of fie body h we kee these organs regulated by tbe use of a simple vegetable coripbtrad like warners saeis cure which- profllatti- more new york state board of health analyst of the be chester tjniversity says i find entirely free- from mercury arid all poisonous ant ieleterious substances- there is little dinger of brights disease apoplexy rheutistismor any of the com mon ailments n larly all of which originate in or are m ile fatal by diseased chough unsuspected mdnjeys this great remedy has the reputation wdiicli seems founded of curing more dh eases than any other one remedy ever kndvn it restored the eoti of the danish vie j consul schmidt of 69 wall street now york from brights dis ease and general ghristiansed of drexel morgau tcoba ukers of new york who knew of the case pronounced ita wonderful remedy as appropriate to the doctors who give to their patients what they will not take themselves we quote tuis story i ohlfr bmithj help me out esdaimed a young lady at abhurch fair ive sld a tidy for 15 that only cost 15c what per- v jexxy lind a dove above themotto peace and s- joscelyn examined it and pur- r then ma low intense tone fixing her eyes pene tratingly on jessies face whosejaallorwas- npw very noticeable she exclaimed child bpeak where did you get this ily had been standing a wondering spec tator but now she oame forward and putting her arm ardnud jessie she said let me tell my friends story mrs nelson the lady whom sho calls her aunt found one day inany yeaisagoj at- hei door a basket and in it lay a little babe- wn pped in an embroidered blanket pinned to vhich wasapapetavith tho one word rkve jged jebsieib that child and vniaisj tlie btvry she told me when we were insihopl io- gether with a loud ory jessie sprang 45tb the arms open to receiveher thostianiie at traction whioh had always to gether was explained i i the next day jessie acco mrs joscolyn travelled as swiftly m am p t baruum tells a touching story of an incident that occurred when jenny lind was singing in- boston a poor working girl hesaid thrust 3 into the hands of the ticket seller foira back seat iu jeuny3 concert on receiving the ticket she- 8aid7- there goes my wages for one week but i must hear that good angel sing jennys secretary her cousin max hjortzbery immediately went to the green room imi laughingly told jenny i shall neverrforget how she juinpfed to her feet aud exclaimed oh thia most not be poor girl she shall riot lose her money it is wicked isjtfax take this money handing him a 82q gold piece search opt that poor creature and put it into her hands with my live god biesa lierl cbusiu max found the girl and witnessed a flood of grateful tears ftoni hie working girls eyes the professor was rigjutr yes sirivent on professor x to a gentleman to whom he had recently been introduced i have given borne attention to the study of human nature aud i rarely fail to read a face correctly now there is a lady he continued pointing across the room the lines of whose countenance are a clear to me as type the chin shows firmuessdf disposition airiouutiug to ob stinacy the sharp pbiuted nose a vicions temperament the large mouth volubility the eyes a dryness 6l soul the wonderful professor wonderful yoa know something of thelady then said the professor complacently yes a little shes my wile centage is the profit percentage madam lawyer with merriment tion ib beyond percentage larceny j- y t the prqfessioilal man who takes ones money when he ciudofbueuo equivalent service will understand the nioral exclaimed the that trausac- it- is simplo s vi ai9meubary 200uvui aaircs avifloits it seems almost incredible to say that a library fairly representing approximately twothousand omhe most famous authors of the world of ail lauds and all times can really be placed within the reach of ordi nary homes yet this is what is aocom- plished by aldejis cyclopedia of universal y litertiture volume viii of which is issued iu november the work completed is- to comprise from fifteen to twenty volumes which are in large type and really beanli ful and excellent in all mechanical qnali- ties and yet sold tit the phenomenally low on entering the asylum for inebriates he said do you treat drunkards here yes sir well im oiie wheres your bar thq difference buweeii lover and the epiourele lives to love aud tbe other loves to live ii those modern days tjiebkeleton in the bylyolosetubualiy qnis oal tlj be uu pld pair hoopskirts keep one or two pf your school books tq gladden your heart in old age when the shadows grow long in the afternoon of life thoy will bea delight to you their oft- conned pages as you turn them over will each have a story of its own says a writer wiottccidently picked up a copy of the enjhisii grammar which he studied as a boy j when i saw that book t felt the marbles bishjibgiu my pockets jthe bole of my shoe flapping as i walked my hands were baitereil and dirty aud there wag a gnawing in my gislixregionb as if i hatl eaten my ditiner at recess mr it c wiulow writes nortlirop lymaha aeetuble discovery is a valuable medicine to all who aro iron wed with in- iudigestioh i- tried a bottle of it after silffering for some ten years and the results are certainly beyond iny expectations it assists digestion wouderfully i digest my food with no apparent effort aud um now entirely free from thut eneatjon which every dyspeptic well knows of unpleasant fulness afcer each meal- ut4phal iii that ye are at biddy jjiddy fiurelits a iwttlejojhaii reshtorej giin puttin 6u mo old rnuff price of 50 gents per volume for cloth or 60 cents for half- morocco bindings oven froni these prices large reductions are made w early pujehasers and toclubs volume viii i includes snch notable names as ferreira the portuguese poet feuillet the fceiich novelist johann gottlieb fichte german philosopher henry hd gield american journalist and author heury yielding english novelist james t fields ameriqau publisher and author louis fjguier french scientist firdusi persian poet geo p fisher and wilbur fish american theological writers john fiske arnerican scientist flamma- rion french aujhor of the wenders of the heavens j flaubert french novelist mary halleck fote amerjcan artist and author john fbrster englibh biographer charles fotrtieh french- socialist and pohticol ecouorjust cliarles james fox english statesman george foxe of the book of martyrs fame drj w fran cis auierjscan tutljor aiid sir philip fraticiij the fa nous junius lienjamiii franklin american statesmuu philosoph er aiid philautbyopist e a freeman historian john froniont general aud niigkiihavebetu president alijof these in the lelter k 1 wids a small hosciu the letter j tho p lblislier will send a speci- men volume to any ouo on receipt of the price allowing the privilege of return if thubet is iintiva sel all lgvcrs of good books liouhl at east nee the work john b alpbn publh her 3i3 lvait st sew york fa 4

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