Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 1, 1887, p. 3

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ooofc offer a raajj e sdk ea py xnidlbimjb f fmber 56c p and velveteens in the jttti is and baling a tranenma fujturating tfa benefit sale if- jnsjk received t tu oor tide gloves at our is- also gent as- vsl jnstto sand oi litisies fox ladies muffs t oi which wb ii at the very i ercwn prac- d look through 3v will worry 1 ii 3 vx i no credit lert st st s- lnd oxiainjestai pukc for xmsa christmas ma arm vll find than the christinas webbkb eds tore m tigh 33 inches north hvx price efp ldff wfiee guelpb tafteeth pectin ppearr hj l a apeaattto- doll t4lk rll thh cosimi xm i geo hyndsafcfn oir great xmas stoik wdmis oh the tfoljls low dolls tvv dolls v dolis jlmtr dou doii trrf bin iaivi dull ifcfra iolus milfe oh the bolls dulls if im dtfcls llolls dolls dolls dolls tj9l1s vi dolls wuolls 7i dolls a ft dolls rv dolls av such a lot of dolls i from3 cents upwards remember vuo uysds stock ot xm8 ivfl wheu yoa arc look- iiik tor xinai alls oh the dolls dolls dolls be ajuarfers rbr jcmas goods thmethodist chubth acton j bev b phttjtps pastor parsonage bower arcane homfc gleanings a which ra lokuy ot ft mtdrtt ohvaobir paulcscniclttaiunada 6i pin sunday school imc class conducted by the pastor ah cordially luvitcd strangers and visitors always welcome at- tratjvetuscrs at the door if sitting arc desired apply to jf t itoorcr ps steward w thcbsdavpechmber 1 1887 mxy m l collated by the ever thoughtm d alert free press reporters important notice we are- sending oat accounts to those icdebiedio the t ree press for adver using joo v oft and suhscripuons and we tusi our call will meet with a ready re- spmse if ihose indebted wul call at the oice and seue or remit withinthe next few days wiilobligfrusvery muce come friends- and iseuje your utile bu as we desiie to geiour books into shape before the end ol the year three weeks till christmas this is the first of december council meetim next tuesday evening another snow stortu would make sleigh ing- iboani of- education will meet next monday evening the fttk puts to january 139 for 100 iii advance thacim is putting in a newsoo foot switch at milton the small bov is now polishing the ruabers of his sled for winter the store windows are beginning to assume a holiday appearance woodstock spent 315000 for new buildings and improvements this year the annual meeting of the farmers institute was held in milton yesterday bev father kiely of gnelph officiated at st- josephs church servicias on sonday mr john hayesbailiff of georgetown fcu been obliged to resign his office owing toillkealth another interesting lettet from our ottawa correspondent appears in this issue balmy spring autumn and old fashioil- ed winter weather were all experienced on sunday y i knox clinrch sabbath school enter tainment will be held in the town haill on thursday evening 22nd december mr expressman matthews toow sports a new express lorry- it is from shops of messrs speight mcl im p b jermyu tells our read rs that he is putting in a stock of novelti s for the xmas trade his new adv has ttracjtions the christmas anniversary and en tertainmfent will be held iii the church on sunday and monday 4 ptn lyji and 19th a christmas announceme at appears m this issue from hollinrasi sons mston bead their offer of christmab presents for everyon only three weeks more of shortening days and still it scarcely seen s like the first of december- this year is a strange one in the matter of weather hello milton what abooi thai new telephone line you were talk ing about put it in and place yourself on i pay with r other places for public convenience the municipal nomiustioi and elec tion day3 will be the 2cth d ember and 2nd january the days that will be observed as christmas and new years 1 lolidays this is the season of the year when shrewd advertisers mala known to the people what they want tq sell glance over theeoiumns of the ifbekpkkss before youpurehasc j our citizens bhould remember that a- municipai bylaw requires that fueside- walis be cleared of snow by ten oclock am after eucb storm theres a fine for noncompliance j i the work- methodist december committed t cpmtftpt joseph long was summoned toattend the last division court at pakvillc but failed to put in u sppearauoe when ah brder was made to commit liiui fortwity days he was broukht to jsiuon batuiday but was released on monday bu paynicut of constables tees and tgreefaft to pay 3 per mouth to his dreditorsaa0m th lorn coacart i the couoortto bo given in the town hall totttorrow cening by the lome literary 8ociety promises lo be ono of raro merit tbo talent tvppeariug on tho programmo is only such as have won for themselves a name thjo names of mr john straoiiau llockwood and miss helen mar pattorson of stratford late of philadelphia school of oratory and elocution aro worthy of special numtiou hedidfxny ab a middleagod lady was passing along a slipperyrtionof sidewalk on mill street the other day she slipped and fell a nice old gentleman who was passing at tliotirno hurriod to her assistance and as he assisted her to hor feet politely remarked did you tall madam fall of courso i fell toa dont suppose id sit down netbrest you sho snapped ho didnt say what he supposed iplxindutr if yoadprove of the fbeb piums course if yon find it a good clean weekly paper with all the local news of interest now is the time to subscribe tor 1688 and get the balance of this year free if you are al ready a subscriber and think tho fiiki press is doing good work induce some neighbor to become a reader of the paper that is the true way to spread tho light iltew otji fimetidje on monday 28th the winter time table of the gtr will come into operation the changes re not very important of trains going east the fast- train will leave goelph at 645 am the others leave acton as follows the 745 am at 7to0 tho 1055 am at 1050 the 607 pm atg00 and the 952 pm at 1000 qoing west the 103 am train will leave at 108 the 042 am at 952 the 222 pm at 227 the 547 at 600 and the 830 pm at 839 a model tbwa aylmer witli a population of 2000 is bdieyljto be the handsomest town of its size in canada the streets are paved blocks the inhabitants havo telephone connection electric light is used on the streets and in the stores a first class system of waterworks is erected in the town and at present workmen are busy laying down stone flags for sidewalks on the main street the towns debt is said to febot 817000 tit for tat and a broken leg on saturday while wm doesworth who works for mr powell in the upper end of gnelph township near armstrongs mills was in the stable he made n kick at a cow to move her when the cow returned the compliment with interest and struck out with such force as to break dads- worths right teg below the knee ho was remctved to the house where his injuries were attended to but he will have consider able time on his hands to meditate on the uncertainties of life mrmtrir educational sermons at georgetown the regular annual educational sermons in connection with the methodist chorth georgetown circuit were preached last sunday by rev dr griffin of gnelph and kev r phillips of acton these gentlemen who are regarded as two of tho leading men in the guelph conference dealt ably with the snbject of ministerial education setting forth plainly facts that would convince the people of its impor tance in connection with church work georgetown herald g t r smashup at bockwoodl on saturday afternoon it five oclock owing to the fog which prevailed a freight train standing on the main line at rock- wood was run into by another from tho east two cars were thrown over the iron bridge four others were derailed and tho engine was badly smashed- no injury was bustainedby trainmen the road was not cleared for traffic until about 230 on sun- jay morning the 545 train for the west remained here until that hour some of our citizens who went to guelph to make saturday purchases were just a trifle delayed in getting home afunny almanac lor 8tqeii8t8 j grips comic almanac for 1888 has been j received thesix calendar pages are from j designs by j bengougb and tho jyhole series are about- the best specimens of caricature drawing that we have yet seen from the pen of this clever artist a h howard w bengough and other artists contribute sketches a series of pictures illustrating the house that hash built be ing particularly good- while the reading matter throughout is even better than has appeared in previous years the price is only 10 cents a copy and yon can get it at the bookstores or send direct to grip i office toronto another ingenious swindle two or three men have bien travelling through brant county carrying with them hens eggs t their scheme is this they inform the farmer that they have a new variety of fowls the stock of wiiibb they desire to increase they will sell hiro the eggs for 250 a dozen and make a jwntract guaranteeing o purchase every j chick hatched and7lviog for six weeks at each the eggs have been dipped into boiling water before their deliverk end can be warranted not to batch ftby 5 chickens but the f250 issuro to be prompt j i tla ntiiiu art lpff ophniag ot fie ntwsa sarticms ttbo balvation army fftrawalli d iu their old barracks on main stmt las saturday 1 night the new barracbon hill itr4 and park avo it not yat iftompl t4 boti it is to bo opened and dadieatednw sattitday oyening there will bo moetlng i on satur day evening and all day 8auda and mon day offloera and soldiers will be present fromfergub elora guolph lerlin aud georgetown do bough and vdjt stove marshall will lead the meetings on satur day and sunday and tho cbie of staff toronto will lead on monday e oning words rrom one otsxperionoe an old journalist says a o untry edi tor is one who reads newspaper writes ou auy subjoct stioks typefolds pa rs makes upmai runs errauds w d work in the garden is blameff for i tliousand things he never thought of works hard all day is subjected to spriug fever helps peo ple into offko who forget all about it after- wkrds and very frequently getb i heated but ot his earnings ho puffs up anc does more to build up tho town than auyoi e elst and the miser aud foggy are bemuitod yet they will not take tho paper bn will bor row it aud read it and cuss tho i ditor i ontario b jletposr oasrgc elvbry person purchasing from s800j worth and uwetrds of goods at our stores wilf receive tileir jieturn ir to brampton oritario gonie along the cheapest store irl western i about toba m lome literary and musical societys j couecud before the eggs are left concert t es place in the town hall to- yf speaks lis worth morrow evening an- excellent programm the job printing executed ia the fhkk has been arranged and an interesting even- p office excels- and its excellence is ing is anticipated the star hoisery has received large orders daring tho psst two weeks the new machinery recently introdncedis likely to be ahihly profitable investment gtortttoaa it raid the mount forest llttirvntalitt pub- lished an exefllent report of the opening of the kew highschooly the minister of educationsst week the jnew school building cost 5120ik archibald bxibertion waslfined by tho judgeuou tuesday 810 and costs for as saulting henry davenport it october in- katbauaweya the fight was caused by a borse uiatjtrformer the new mail carriers cfe nmence their duties this morning mry s- laird bag gageman has been the faithfal carrier for years he was always bbfigipg and our citizens owe him many thaass tor fvors extended i the auniversary aeryieeajof thjb metbo- dist church milton were tela laatjsunday wheu the presidict of the niafiaraj confer ence rev d l brethoor reaeed very interesting sermons morningjand aviening im a lily saida traropwbjcccupd oiie of the downy couches in other night i toil not spini and 111 bet my boot mat tsotanon in all his glory vac not an 4 w and no one wasted to dispt tikmerv elb the so i well known within tho past ten days we have filled orders for work from business men andothers in the following places as well as the work executed for local custom- ers eden mills guelph ingersoll lpn- desboro mouhtsburg nassagaweya oak- ville owen sound and toronto and not a single order among them was solicited our job department is riuibed with work but we- have alway time to execute work of the finest and most attractive quality and at rates consistent with the excellence of the printing favorable sale xt real estate a the farm belonging to the estate of the ute thomas lahib the west half of lotb 27 and 28in th sixth concession of the township of esqueaing about two miles oin acton wlijcli was advertised for several weeks in tfiejfiiek puess was sold list saturday by auctioneer hemstrect to ttr moffat late of minnesota for 9s00 this is considered a very satisfactory price- mr moffatt is a native of- nassagaweya he went to the westlsome years ago pnr- chased property between the cities of st paul and minneapolis which rapidly grew in value as the citlesi limits approached each other and last year he sojd a portion of bia eatafofor a vfjry j large amount mn moffat never however fek at borne bn a farm in thaj countrji ti has conseqnfently returned to tetfle in bj alton again we welcome him back to m county x anniversary teameeting at 0pringe the tjnion sunday school oi ospringe holds its annual tea and cntert inment in the school house there last frid ly evening there was a large attendance about a dozen members of the choir of tbo norfolk street methodist church guelpli furnished excellent music consisting of s ilos duet quartettes and choruses but the part taken by the children was also much a ppreciated their dialogues and recitations i eing given in an excellent maimer mi edward toltou occupied the chair anl speeches were given by revb muuro bunby aud fowlre and by mr horii bhck the affair throughout was a great si ccess and the f onds of tlie sunday school are some 831 better off in cousequencp incipient fire atmutbn about three oolock on tlitirsilay lagt the town bell rang out the alarm of fire it was soon found to be john de vars resi dence up martin street on rea shing there smokewas pouring out in den volumes from tho kitchen roof which wi is of slate roofing and at first bight tho w mlo strno turc appeared to be doomed but it hap pened in this instance at least that there was more smoko than fire a id after a hard struggle by a plentiful application of water which was obtained from a well and the cjreek closo by tho fire was got under control all the things in the front part of the house were removed the ugh some what damaged by careless handling the loss tlirough fire and water will reach quite a sum it was a very narrov cscapo- ililton rrfornu r l appreciation kindly word respecting a cotpm when honestly spoken arc invariably ppreciated and tend very largely to brighten life and to repay the individual referred to for his efforts to excel our brethren c t tho craft have been particularly liberal award the fiiex piiess in this respect and it always affords us pleasure to reciprocal 8 in re ferfiug to an item which appeared iu the fiiee fiiess some weeks ago calling attend tion to the excellence of the mjirii eteonti of clinton that journal says rt preceding is from the acton fbee jfness we aim to produce i neat and cleanpaper in all respects a ud wo are pleased to have the eudorsation of so excel lent a judgo as brer moore tiiat we suc ceed typographically at least cur pleasure is intensified by tho knowledge that he is a competent judge being one of tho best practical printers in canada 1 ia samples of job work having been award d a medal at the colonial exhibition- n london eu- and he dispjays the saw e care and taste iu the makeup of his papr st georges church gntlj li has been awarded 81075 as a result of arbitration with the guelph junction railway who have taken a right of way on he rear of the church plot for which they were off ered but 8050 and claimed 810 000 rev dr butler the noted divine from india lectures in the main st ect metho dist church brampton ouffrilay evening 9th and monday evening 12tt december subjects friday personal ri iuiniscences of the sepoy rebellion mo iday the recent revolution in the land of montezu ma there is a rich literfry treat in store for those who attend pees0nal mention respecting vlsitois lo and fro with whom free press readers are ac luainted mr richard hamilton of eiin town yesterday inspector deacon officially lfisited iorne and dublin schools on tuesday miss jean mclean of walkerton- has been engaged as teacher of l public school for 1888 mr wilson irwin toronto manager of the travellers lffo insurance conipatiy a former resident was in towi outiiesday miss aunie francis of owen sound has been engaged as assistant in mbore mcgarvins office she entered upbn her duties on monday councillor w e smith received tho sad intelligence last week of tho death of his mother at hamilton he attended the funeral on sunday mark sattou the young n an who was so badly injured several wet ks ago wheu teaming bark to the tannery is able to bo i about and is getting qiiite st ong again referrmg to rov mr gi lords invita tiou to acton the brussels pott says tho rev gentleman preached in the methodist church hero last tyill with much acceptance the aoton methodist chu oh lias extend ed id invitatioo to bev s a gifford m ai of ripley to bccomn tlieir pastor during decemb ll buy 80 worth of goods and get a free trip from acton to brampton- vt r philms company wholesale and bltail will add to stick xovlties foit expect to ma his mammoth slippers cloves handkerchiefs wool coods etc ec 8 a present drop in and be convinced tliatwc arc still doing wliat wc alwavs cc your friciu ave will do some cutting and slas aqto the ch1ustma brampton ontario showing the nibest goods and selling thenk cheaper than auy reliable house itt the vicinity in millinery ling theres a pile of trimmed hats and bonnets which must go t hey are lfciv and stylish and as tho season is fur advnnctdwe have dcterinincd to get rid ofthem so come along and take your choice at bonkhulf price mantles at half pce childrens toboggan coats will go at cost this may seem strange but tis trie nevertheless th ilavi riade have done viz r fcia ulitttistrngnts dissolution of pahtebjb5p7 notice ih hphi u gi fn that the mrt tienldn hurntnfnre mihnisting botwoeu im tho nndoniffnicl tobn hanoy a benajali mc cluro an millflrs on mi thn first day jof jfoem bor lnt dhibohnd by mutual connont all debt duo to tho xald lmrtnemlii aro to be ialtl to the nald john harvev at bis ofllco jn acion and all dobfsdneby said firm will be paid by said john harvey who will coutlniio said bubi- ness on bin own account dated at acton this 2fcidovie7 witnkss w1vj1i10wx mohmtabvky i libxajah meciujtb pkekyaniibestdeuge to 11ext i ryhx undersigned desires to hasc the splendid x ricklmkeryftuahhoikiioivu8s tlio ex- eelalpr bakery with residence in connection for a term of year excellent stand convcni- cut remises and hs done a good business terms reasonable particular made known upon application to i miis s w x1ckliv notice to creditors axou fletchek dbckahkd qhe clieplioits of aligns yletehcr late of a the vulaye- of aetouin the county of hal- ton who died ou or about the twenty second dav pf selltuilel ws7arc berelmrequired to send to daviil cook esij llalliuafcdl o ono of the executors of the iast will and codicil thereto of angus ileuher on or before the twenty seveath day of december ifw their christian and sur names addresses and descriptions with f till par ticulars and proof of their claims and statements of their accounts and the security if any held by them claims to be proved bv statutorv declaratiou and notice is hereby given that after the siid 27th day of december 18s7 the said- executor will proceed to distribute the assets of said de ceased among thepartiesintitled thereto having- regard only to tho claims of which he shall have 1 had notice and tlie executor will not bo iiablo for the assets or any part thereof to a1iv person or personsof whose claim or claims he shall not have uoticb at the time or such destribution this notice is given pursuant tb 11 s ochap u7 and 46 vict chapii om f johnston m6lean solicitors tor kxecuturs david cook and george yemen dated this oth day of november a d 18s7 notice to creditors jame mcbaix deceasm ii sold piles of the same goods early in the seaon at a reasonable profit experience teaches us tlyit it is btittc to sell the bal- anee aticost than to keep them over to another season furs furs jetjiis furs furs persian lamb seal beaver otler coney and astrachan fine persian lamb capsirom 300 up handsome as trachan from 200 up lyiens and boys overcoats and cardigan jacfkets reduced in price oret our allwool flawiel at 19c per yard cools shoes rubbers and overshoes from the best makers and sojd as cheap as any place in this country g oceries choice and fresh remember we sell tlbsof good japan tea no dusjtj for 100 dont i butter eggs and hollida for the next conference terml mr gifford is a rising ihaivin the ohjrcli kincardine jlejmrter mrs allan maun aud ms arch mo phersofiwent to toronto on saturday on a call to tho bedside of the ir fathdr mr tushiiigham the old gmtleman was knocked down aud rnn ovr by a street car no bones wero broken but one side was completely paralyzed and lie is not expeotcd to recover goto j fyfesacton for yonr olotb- ing he can- suit you for price jquality and style every time do not forget vv hen you intend purobii binga ilrst chw prgan prpuino to go to jc5 the guelph temple of mnjiic agent but buys his goods in at rock bottom f gnrosj and est grades are handled sltdbpat dbcembkb household furnlrui sale itegistpi ati pel 3rd ire the pr wul steel at ttoreridence notion ortr of atttoreirfdence wiflowj cottage bile at 0 oclook wn hern itroct aotioaer tbodnadecejrfuu6th- wtunsiloile fatpav 16tb dbceotkbu iresonja i sale tobkvnd toplomonto tho l roporty m mr beey lot i concession 6 bsaueslig stwoloefc wn burger vactlonctjr m 1 i v- gs y i try wanted r b jermyn gjjt this tdtjt o u u o u a h a 3 a es 05 p fi h d o o a q o a b q a cq to e d o o cd m b m- p o 11 s w the creditors intlujliug those liaviug any specificor general lien or incumbrance uiion tho estate or an- undivided shore thereof i of james slcbain late of the townsliip of es- quesing in the county of hnlton who died on or about the fourteenth dav of october 18s7 are hereby required to send to d henderson esq acton 1 o administrator of the estate of james mcbain on or about the seventeenth day of december 1887 their christian audsurnames addresses and deriptious with full particulars and proof of tlieir claims and statements of their accounts and the securitj ifuuy held by them claims to be proved by statutory declaratiou and notice is hereby given that after the said lth day of december 1887 the said adminis trator wlllprocetd to distribute the tssets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the clahns of which he shall have had uotiee and the admin istrator will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim or claimb he shall not have notice at the time of such distribution this notice is given pursuant to it s 0 chap 107 and 16 vict chap 9 ont johnston mclean r solicitors for administrator dated ms 16th day of november iii the matter of the estate of james mcbain late of the township of esquesiiig iiitlie toiuitv of haltoii deceased k take r scissors out this square out bring it to hollin- rake sons and buy 99 cents worth or more 6f anything in dry goods millinery clothing hats caps boots or shoes and you will receive a present of a fagffl jibina cup s aubfik 41 the latest styles the latest shades the latest trimmings our stock out before christmas so look out for babg all we must clear we have a superb stock of with the aiiproyal of the offinl rnardinii of the high court of justice uiuliu there will be soldrby public auction on thursday the 8th december 1887 at the hour of 12 oclock noon on uio premises by wthiam hemstbeet esq arctiokeeg those valuable freehold properties in the totru- ship of esqueaing comprising the north half of the west half of lot number twenty one in tho second concession of the township of esques- j ing in the county of halton containing fifty acres more or less on the premises is a goodlramc house also a frame bank barn 36x48 and an orchardv the farm is well fenced fortysix acres under col- i tivation balance timbered soil sandy loam the property is 31 miles from acton and js a very desirable property the property will ho sold subject to a reservedbid to be fised by tho i official uuardian xerms of sale tciho teu per cent jof tho purchase 1u0116v paid to the vendor or his solicitors atthe umc ot sale and the balance of the purchase money with interest in one month thereafter to be paid iito tho canadian bank of commerce to the joint credit of john hoskin the said official guardian and david henderson the adminis tiator of the estate the property is sold tub ject to a mortgage for 701 t further particulars will be made known at hie time of sale or may be had on application to john hoskin esq official guardian toronto- to the undersigned and to the said auctioneer johnston mclean boucators for adimntbtratbr dated this ilst day of november 1687 the dominion washer wringer i- hi uquamaw qm big fi0qmtbie 300 suits to be given away at your own pricesn 200 ca prices that will astonish you we are going to make tions in ofcr store and the stqek must be cleared x 1 ireoats at altera- ut- patxttn lsrij the most pcrtect and complete washer and wringer in tlio dominion it takes thqlead wherever introduced itnahcs easily it washes quickly it washes clean with it a dozen articlesof average sixe can be washed and wrung out within nvo minutes this machine vs so i easily operated and does its work so perfdctlv and so quickly that wherever introduced it ls j soon recognized as an articlo of necessity it washes upon thosame principle as hand-rub- liingyet so gently that it does not injure oven tho finest fabrics it is selfadjusting and washes even the finest linen or tho largest blankot with equal ease it docs not partially wash tho clothes leaving them to be finished by i hand but does its work perfectly and complete ly doing away with tile washboard and iiand rubbing altogether it washes a dozen or woro articlesat once thereby accomplishing in an hour or so as much work as would othemyse occupy the whole day a l biirko of stratfoid out the imteutee of thu machino offers hjqo of a ehailengccompcti- tlou by anv other washing uiachiuo ever invent- ed that will cecomplish itvwork equally as well as quickly as oasily and with as little injury to tho clothes every machine guaranteed to give satisfaction t sold separate or combined frico of uiacliine complate wijh wringer 18 without wrifcrar s orders attended to as soon as lossible correspondence solicited david schultis eockwood p oi general agent for the townships of esquesiiig xassagawoyti eromosa guelph and city of guolph and all towns aud villages therein isaiah w koyce e vebtgji p o general agent for the townships of erin caledon and uarafraxa w 1883 habpers weejcly illustrated having engaged a jt- class cutter we are in a position h turn oufe ftqihihg equ the domihionf ffiinr os yoxbmmmm have ib cqt or makeup pncs low v to any m ii oa mclean of is no largo rjuanlltics only twe high the malltlesiwhtitctoths rsy mkrctothic carpl itfi a mllihl off at anamttziucrateaithelwgbtsousc it sodeitvery wagons to- aeliver the gooss as fast us ilwy are sold lidusauds ofjtmstuiners wlio liave dealt ro beiimf ou uv annum h aobetteilariywlieroblsi in hamilton aiid even sqnhjof tlietoroutpjieople ajbnotfcffijiiie tjian in toronto tliesmilunery mantles t ead sdjilfe7 eancy goods laces grey cottons while cottons ducfts dei mscouonadescanadiat sale of tfaolato of e dale m tkight hoaso and buyo o soawortu at a timui ibegjcijaggmammo endless variety aud bavins been oi nada watklris feels every tli s handsome five frame bn st les snperior designs and st icks of blanmte andtlati li dseimmmtaftlyjrjgo5oret vwa m anltoba the northwest territories andoyenlrjiiowoo1 ad mttncs vervl of n y bpd t1 in o her uotiee kid glut ts gifclothbr mats bags mattiuysvarid tlionsanils of oilier afiicie8 in almost the united states and s arc enormous just see t p- tnefo goods are new j i eysee the qualities tlio jfk is are good value is tliat tho pacino oceuns lrom th yripuiiijiirol piitario isty yelvot and wlltariiithpyirechirmuii tiin cloths- 3ust setothosilpliisnes qughson street mind the namesoh toe yfflcartsli hiikm6otolttr 6i rtwi 3 vv lii haiireiis ijeekly has n wellestablished place as the leading ilhktriitcd newspaper in vmeriea tiefairpess of its editorial comments on current politics has wirnefl lor it the respect and confidence of all impartial re oilerp and the variety aud excellence of its- literary contents which jucludo serial aud short stories by the best and most popular writers lit it for th per usal of people of the widest range of ustesmuid pursuits suppluuhuts aro frequently provided and noexiieusc is spared to bring the highest orderof artistic ability to bear upon tho illus tration of the ehaugolul phases of home and foreign history in utl its features huipeua weekly is admirably adapted to be a welcome gue6t in every household harpers periodidats per year hakpers weekly 00 i haspell8 magazine iio0 habpersbazait i 00 haepektj youkg ieolle il 00 postagofreo toailubscrihors iu thu united states canada or mexico i the volumes of uio- weekly iwgiu with- the first number lor january of eacji yoar when uo time is iueutiou6di suhscriptoivs will begin with the number eurfeutat timeof receipt of order bound volumos of haupkhs vebkit for three years back iunciit cloth bindingj will bo sent by 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