Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 1, 1887, p. 4

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ijrll fcjv- j artoit jm jjwss thursday dkcpmbfek lmj tiff bcsngl uts in simiv r visuvkl all ll and vp for wcct hopcep think ht n uit hjiwcowt her the vnjvrn of those ojlililiwp notfiftv nhiivo lom her i she misiit have od uirul one by one at soitle hih valuation at who5leuew it imiil le done without likiriniiimttwi hiit why lof eourwi will explain if your hill wis still jicl it to roe it swn so vrrylaiii tht lie who mils juj reiulil like hnuipiy ihimpty come u ill what elfort could nvnil them no human will no mortal skill could over haw retailed ihcin itrir a youmj itxmt jingles and jokklets half an rear i with up wle hen th wit an the parwaphi of tlw dy barber- thlu put your hair a bitsir customer no never mtud my wife attends to that but yon oil it well two wolf hhj tat a single thwart as john henry remarked whn bakus mother ttid the mjuldnt hoar of iocli a thing worms often destroy children but free- ma powders destroy worms and cipel them from tlio system meteoo anderson 0 thx mammoth sous georgetown uzz1ks kkkkllloxtthr first thk last k if c and 1 mi- anniv iiiron bleep is said to bo tranquilizer but just the same when a man wraps the drapery of his downy couch about him ho tictaon his ear national pills are the favorite puixativo and anti- bilious niedioino tlioy ars mild and thorough this was uuifiret of it fouryearold dewey in his long tvliitonight powu was kneeling by mammas knee saying his pray ers aid when to jesu8 teudfr shepherd leadme he added ojxl bless papa and mamma and little sister lizzie who was sitting upon mammas lap like any other twoyearold baby piped up to every ones surprise not little sister littlo sister take care hers self this lime repeated every evening and she rrevr so naughty and rebellious over it that grandma said it is only a babys freak and it will be soon forgotten if we dont take any notice of it so every night for some time dewey waited ontil his little sisters bine eyes were fast asleep before his prayer was pat says that if men could only hear their own funeral sermons aud road their own headstones there would be uo living iri the world with thorn a cryiujj evil childreu are often fretful and ill whon worms are the cause dr have much plonsuro in announ cing to their patrons mid friends oft immense arrivals of now and fashionable fall land winter goods in fancy aud staplo dry goods wo aro the leaders in the latest styles and tho guiding star for fall bargains visitors sur prised buyers delighted fino goods and low prices dotho work our dress gcods and dress materials costurao clouis dress silks dross trimmings mantlo oocds mantlo ratjking wid dress- ruakiiig tiro marvels of popularity in seasonable styles jaiid fair figuros our millinery i jsuporb choice trcvyanzerlamp candle power r2ijwnr oo manufflctnrors j hamilton oat lows worm syrup sfolx expcu worms i all extensive varied any lady can bo ottered one momidj alter several weeks had mil pliwru never dtspair is a good motto for all if afflicted with any lingering disease remember while there is iifo there is hope never despair of relief until you have tried burdock blood bitters itcures diseases of the stomach liver and blood wheu all other remedies fail wheezing gasping sufferers from asthma receive quick and permanent relief by using southern asthma cure sold by all drug gists or by mail on receipt of price slipped by in this way the two children werevat play in the grainroom at the bamf dont leave little sister dewey and dont chmb iaby said mamma as she left them aud ran across the garden to a neighbors lizzie who was as fond of climbing as it she had been made with claws like a kitten instead of with plump dimpled fingers aud toes paid no heed to her mammas words but scrambling upon a rickety cbair she soon gained the top of a high bench and from there climbed uppna hogshead over the open top of which was thrown a large piece of sacking perhaps to keep the chickens out of it instead of the firm foundation she ex pected to hud there was uotbiug to hold her and down she went nearly to the bottom upon a lew bushels of green oats but she was not hurt and not very badly frightened oh oh lizzie j shrieked dewey are you dead lari yoa dead no came the smothered answer im awful sensed pretty soon she called again are yon crying dewey what ajfe yqn crying for oh yes sobbed the litue boy i dont know what to do i cant get yon ont and i mustnt leave yon- to go for mamma qh dear why dont you pray j said lizzie en- conragingly tell god lizzies tnmbled into a hole where ihc cant take care hers self last tlreu tlie butcher appeared ip his white frock and seeing deweys grief lie inquired what the lnattev was then as be reached down his long arms aud lifted liziieby her upreached hands she sobbed lot the first time ob thank yon god for coming down for me ill let dewey ask yon to takecaie of me eviery time now and she did so that was the last of it harper t yomiq popk we thlak ii high tine that people came to their senses and stop ped using the cheap trashy injurious health destroying baking powders im perial cream tartar baking powder is pnic reliable aude best article hollowayb com cure it the medicine to remove all kinds of corns and worts and only costs the small sum of twentyfive cents james h gilrabar of t gilmour 4 co wholesale grocers brockville says i have used tamarac elixir for a severe cold and cough which it imsfediately relieved and cured 4 nnrkrcmt mrs robert williamson of gleuila parry sound ont says i could not keep house without iagyardb yellow oil at hand i have used it in my family for croup sore throat and a cut foot aud can highly recommend it to everybody arommmlrintplblei i havegreat pleasure in certifying to the usefulness of hagyardsyellowoil writes d kavanagh postniaslerof imfraville hnt having used it for soreiiess of the a la brief jtad ike plal dyspepsia is dreadful disordered liver is misery indigestion is a foe to good nature the human digestive apparatus is one of the most complicated and wonderful things in existence his easily pnt out of order greasy food toogli food sloppy food bad cookery mental worry late hours irregu lar habits and many other things which onglit not to bebave made the american people a notion of dyspeptics but greens august flower has done a wonderful work in reforming this sad busi- ness and making the american people so healthy that they can enjoy tbeir meals and be happy remember no happiness without health but greens august flower brings health and happiness to the dyspeptic ask your druggist for a bottle seventy- five cents f y j aiince io itprnzns are you d at night sind- broken of your rest by a sick child bufferifls and crying with pain of cut ting teeth if so sndat pnee and get a iiotue of mrs winslows soothing syrup for children teething itvalne is iucal- culable it will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately- depend upon it moth ers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentejg- and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gams reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system mrs winslows soothing sy rup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and it the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states andis for sale by all draggists throughout the world price twentjfift cents a bottle be sure and ask for 31ns wrxsijws soottiko svecp aud take no other kind lunsrr otvtlaf- if we wereal lowed to look into the future and see the fatsl consequence that follow a neglected cold how differently would our coarsehe could ve realize our danger how speedily we would seeka cure but with many it is only when the monster disease has fastenedrits fangs upon our lungs that we awaken to our folly what follows a neglected cold is it not diseases 61 tie throat and lungs bronchitis asthma con sumption aud many other diseases of like nature it is worse than madness to ue- gleet a cold and it is folly not to have some good remedy available for this fre quent complaint one of the most efficac ious tcediciues for all diseases of the throat and lungs is bickles auticonsnmptive syrup this mediciue is composed of several medicinal herbs- which exert a most wonderful influence in caring con sumption and other diseases of the lungs and chest it promotes a free and easy ex pectoration soothes irritation and drives tlie disease from the system d sullivan malcolm ontario writes i have been selling dr thomas eclectric ou for some years and have lib hesitation in- saying that it has given better satisfac- tio8 than any other medicine i have ever sold i oousider it the only- patent medi cine that cures more than it is recommend- ed to wire throat bums colds equal to it delightful medicated x auer etc i find nothing suited the tofc is wonderful in quality quantity mid stylo our staple goods is beyond oni pansoii the largest and cheap- ost oyer offered poitoiis at won derful- low prices i a magnificent canton flannel fir 8c per yard superb grey flajmcl 26 inches wide allwool 20c per yard in gontleruon8 wearf our cloths suiting materials ojver- coatings uudeiclothiig and gouts furni8hiugsof all kinds and not forgetting our cutting and make up in our tailoring department for style aiid finish has unsurpassedthc bestof every thing rut no hih price proifita lndies and g juts footwear immense stock great variety constantly ofleriig bargains in this department we have a huge stock large premises every fat ility to do busi ness comfortably we have j un- equal facilities to buy the goods cheap send a delegate from every home and iqtus prove that we arc reaching lout for more trade with lrresiktablc induce ments licyond tlie whisper of competition or comparison our new features exclusive styles uiiequaled bargains will demon strate bevond thd shadow of doubt that it will pay to tiinde with i j mcleod anderson go geobqetowrj to remove daudnffcleafisc the scalp with prof lows mtgic sulphur soap a soap for the toilet as matter of ecquoby b b 1 is the cheapest medicine iri use for it takes less to euro chronic diseascf of the stomach liver kidneys and blood than of any other known remedy b b b is only one dollar a bottle ixne extraordinary popularity of ayers chert- pectoral is foe natural result of its use by intelligent pepleforoverforty years it has proven itself the very best specific for culds coughs ind pulmonary com plaints d chases mandrake dandelion liver i cure a claim b b b claims to eases of the stomach and blood that is it claims is proven vrrlflrd cure all curable dis- bowels liver kidneys tctoaliy performs au y testimonials from parties which none ct n dispute send for testimonials of remat liable cores be o r curd dont allow a cold n the head to aud surely ran into a be cured for 25c b catarrh cure a fen sipicnt catarrh 1 to catarrh 2 to 5 boxes chronic catarrh tr sure cure lowly tarrh when you can using dr chases applications cuieiu- boxescures ordinary juarauteed to cure t tjuly 2c and 500000 i50ud da cuitr is too well a iq favorablr known by bli receipt books to rou ro any recommouda- lion dr chaks liver cure has a receipt book wrmppe 1 arnaad every bottlo which is worth its weight in eold da ciusxs liter core 1 1 guarantood to oare all diseasos oriiius from i torpid or inacura liver such as iivrr im ilaiol drptm inmsrnilonblllunnet jauntier item- acfcejirermpouball iosplcxlbetc da ckuss liver cure is no cure all it is simply a kidneyliver hep ilstor try it me- didno and receipt book 1 bold by all drug cist t edhajvi iof tc co sole agent bradford oat -riotr- totheirot of all cojtretitiox ive place ouit mr george tolendpggistgraveuhurst ont writes my customers whohave used northrop lyr covery and dyspeptic done tbem more good have ever nsed ful influence in purif curing diseases of the liver kidneys and system ans vegetable dis ure say that it has han anything they it lih indeed a wonder ing the blood and igestive organs the i 11 disorders of the in a drradrahcebrtlllen hattie e manthorh of mill village ont says my couh wasdreadtnl i could not sleep at nights on accoput of it but when i used stagy a rds pectoral balsam i had rest audi was quickly cured all druggists sell this invaluable cough remedy i amabuiilbdmherrx it is the duty of every person who has used bukhtte german tlrvp to let its won derful qualities be known to their friends in curing conniimption severe coughs croup aithma pneumonia and in fket all thro t and lung dilcakes no person can use t without immediate relief three doses url relieve any case and we consider duty of all drugriists to recommend elegant and substantial goods splendid in quality complete in assortment overflowing in genfcrous bargains mens womens amjcuildeevsi boots and shoes sv72sses 075x1 isoss c i at priceb that always leae to speedy sales lowest price consistent with cood custom oo- wbrk anti quality repairing promptly attet ded to w williams mill street acton i it the it to tin poor dying consumptive at least to try one bottle as 80000 dozen bottles were suld last year anduio one cose where fairly was reported such a medicine as thegedmansirup cannot be too widely known akkyourruggist about it sample bottles to try sold at ten cents itegular size 7 cents sold by tall draggists and dealers in the united states and canada istat faad csurn la mge tufttrlnni browns household jpanacea 1ms no qual for relictjne pain both inloinnlniml xternal it clires pain in thesidc back or bowels sore thriiul rbeamstein toothache lumbago add any kind of u pain or ache it will post surely quick en the blood and ileal ab its acting power is wonderful browns household pau aces being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of doable the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should he in every family bandy for use when wanted as itlreallyts the best remedy in the world foi cramps in the stomacb snd pains and achedlfalj kinds and is for sale by all druggists ai 25 cents a bottle read kelly bros advertisement some thing to interest everyone burdock blood will cure or relieve biuqysness dizziness dyspepsia indigestion jaundice erysipelas salt rheum heartburn headache dropsy fluttering of the heart acidity of the stomach dryness of the skin and every species of disease arising irom disordered liver kwjrxys stomach bowels 6k blood t iiilddeh co wsstm weayig mb t mitchell desires to inform the people of acton and surroundings that lie is prepared to take orders for weaving all kinds faf fancy bag carpets fjanriel-sheetin- shirting and dress goods striped or plaid twillor plain alsobed blankets aud horse blankets two yards wide and over and i will guarantee that i wiilgivegood satisfaction to all farmers ana others who scotch lngli6u audi anadian suiting will favor me with tbeir patronage ingretyriety at jifyea acton i mtchej tchell 1- overcoats -ands- readymades ubli we wisi to intimate to the public that wo have a very largo stock of overcoats and r6ady made coats pants and vests which must bo conplotely cleaned 6utduring the remaining part of novombcrana december to insure their reajly sale we liave marked them down to tlio very lowest notch making our stock by far tho choapost assortment in the county look at this wo me broken ai piretolass overcoat for 460 in business so conic early before tlio assortment is n iosttlvjiynonexplohlvb never gets-boat- 3 liurnsany grade of coal oil kyorynmp guaranteed without intcrfeniig with tllialght can put on kursery attachincut host wttsr boll egfju uiako tea and coffee oyster stow ot j j igl p- matthews hop agent roilacton and vicinity i railway tim crand trunk rallwj ooinojeask oontiy mixed 75ani i express express 7 00 nm bxneu pass maluwm ain thrvensi through exp00y nm mail w accoln yjh pm mixed andurainpfon tiuk ortlosjno jiaai going west 15 anjbtid 5 20 p m going east 10 ioam and saopm keep your on this frame o- nbw arrivals in mantle cloths tjlsterings aqcy wool goods plushes and silk velvets millinery etc etc and a host ot other articles which can only b known by a personal inspection our stock of furs is new laige and complete also nice lines in fur triminings great values in underclothing top shirts hatstand caps kid cloves mits hosiery cashmere cloves a very fine range of single and double jshawls and fancy wool squares in all shades also clouds toques tamashaiitcrs aitl facinators in good variety very cheap j waters brovl hnve ijecidwl toltcmaia lf j 25 ttyndham street guelph vol1 fivbbxjl fbee p3is actc 1 sl 0xkyka fuvariablyil 3ii5ikryal tinuoi till ai u ol plicll space 4 oo- boots fe shoes our trade in this lino has grown tosucli an fxlent that we nave found it iiocessarv t add largely to the variety of our ttiuk making it the most oiiplctc ol any in the county a full range of felt boots ladies and mens ovorshocfl iiluubbei low prices i geooeeies always nbwand fresh five pounds of good japan tea for ijloo forty bars at be celebrated bay tiivs ap tor 100 ten for 25c or iwo for oc ask to t and becouviuced that we arc doing it rigit remembei the farnous fifty cent tea henderson mcrae go cures liver complaint dyspepsia biliousness sick headache kidney troubles rheumatism skin diseases ind all impurities of the blood from whatever cause arising female vfaakness and general debility furely vegetable highly concentrated pleasant effectual safe ask for dr jpddejrs compound take ilo other sold everywhere price 75 cents iei4ottle rr boeders cough and lung cure sold evjmvhorc jrice 25 cents and 50 cents per bottlej proprietors and manufacturers the union m-kdlclneco- gropiletois toronto ont optio jbdinibcs j0 inches 5inchqj oasual advcj q insertion jaeut iuscr jfeikoned by t idaleot solid 1 advortiseuid yill beinsertel ng transil o advance f changes for in tho office i they will be le w h a gradl college of pm office and ri tr atpn j ow ontario eriuoiri sorgej bros boot ouj borses eiimir iven all calis m 1rbieasy acton 99 percent purest stroncbst best beady for us i n an yquantityi for making soap softening water dlsin- fectlngand a hundred other uses a can equals 30 pauods sal soda sold by all grocers and druggists ewgixletrl toeonto gou pencils gold and jubber 1kn holdeks ijjea7 stock pride of the valley yes piljc ottlie valleythct ik the name of the mcdiciiije itcuredtiie of dyspepsia first i bought a pamjilo package for iixi then five packages forl and before 1 had taken thi contents of kiiii packages i was entirely well havo navemelttlil byiujituins since that was four years njo i also boughfa bottlo of pride- of the vijlloyljninient last spring for my hired man whp stirnined hisntikleso badly he could not bearhi height firit alter using pride of tho valley hiuimcu ioriil honr6 he was uble to goto work as well iisever and what is the name of that other medicine why pride of the valley catajrli and hhcuniatic cure that is the greatest kuwn remedy in the world for tle cure of catarrh not iin inhaler hut the medicine is to io tirfcen iutctrnally once a day it strikes atthe rooti6ftlio jdiscasc aiidjcmoves the cause at once as thousands wiil testify that haveluscd th6ttatarrhremedy the three above remedies- go hand in hand and where can i get them atju g matthews actoii out also at all firstclass medicine dealers in canada manu factured by rnor a 11 suiueves london ont puresti stronce8t if i contains no alum ammonia lime phosp or any injurious rail erak ewgiuett tb ifrreftiteu32arr3257airliasaikc r makhooi vic- or- how lost how restorfxil just published a newedition ofdricbjk- wells celebrated essay on the bubal j of spermatorrliffia or uncapacity hnimrf w excess or early indiscretion jkt the celebrated author in this admlnui essay clearly demonstrates from a thirty tf successful practice that the- alarming esw quences of early error may be radicshy nrisfif pointing out a mode of cure at once shmgv certain and effectual by mcausof jiieh el sufferer uo matter what his condition iiy may cure himself cheaplv privately andtss i colly cj rthis lecture should bein tbelumdsofeiisr4 youth and every man in the land sent under seal in a plain envelope tosij address on receipt of four cents or to poiu- btanips address the oulvcxwell irecical ce- u axsst new voue x t p 0 jidtist n washington imdlrcp emiuect throat and lang surgeon will next visit acton eck3kick hotel monday 23th november one day only island home stock farm perchcron horset french coacbtfonet savage faruura impof- ten anrkbrecdcrs of per cheroa and fmcb coach horses i slind h ome stock kann crosse isle wajmo county mich we offer ft rcry lare stud ofhorses to elect iron we guarantee our stock make prices rea sonable and sell on easy tenns visitors always wel come large catalogue tree address stftge fi farnim detboitmicu 1 i 1 ihom t11k temple op musics on life great clearing sale of new and second uuml oiganpiaiios melodians on ensj- terms oflavnient fln mf be fithomoa orus new from s75 hp 6 karo 0n from 7o 10 g 1um 1illnos from p 5 new dominiou orfians j i most of those instrunicnts are at present runted through thiicouulrv and 1 will wannnt uvny iustruuieiit which 1 sell to givo uerfoct satisfaction a large consignment of- small musical merchandise including band and other instruments expected every day direct from german manufacturers which will be e old cheap for cagh call and make rrabul os to what price of instrument you want or write for ijst and i will send selectlou according to price you wihii to pay to your nearest station or deliver the- same for approval aud if the instrument is not worth the uiouoyask forit return it at mv espcuso lam still dealing in the ticnuiuu lleliileumn piano also tho celebrated dominion piano and organ sbot musl ordered dally j g 3yc importer of loreign musical lercliandisc quebccst guelpli telephone connection to farmers and thteshers use on your machinery only the wellknown peerless oil 9 gold medals liftvebeeiawaeditauringbelast t t tt our pflorl8b axli sroaso waggons and horse powers these oils are used aud highly recommended j farm gnelpb farmers ask for them uwno other m uanoimtaredatojmwloityoilwerlc8by by cunningham geikie dd author of the life and words of chribt hoars with the bifele etc ideal edition long primer type fine cloth price reduced from 106 to 40c postage 6c contents youth chaiacter conofcanious success cliiis- tianityfielps reading dreams fareweljl a book for ypiihg men lu every respect admirable standard chicago 1 i a healthful arid elevating hoo jokiml indianapolis j full of beauties aud excellencies oh cynosure chicago one of those ijeisoual assistants to chjiracitei that every one is the better for owning rnapeier boston it ia full of just siich trufjisi as shouldjbe implanted in every ypupp rnans miud methodm recorder pittsburgh 4 we eainestlv recommend yfjungmen to read what has lieen to oarselves a truly delightful work da atfoup the euiive book ieveals to young men that it is a noble and a blessed thing to if vecentml baptist st louis mo it is strong with arguinent and appeal beautiful with fancy and figure tender with pathos and aety english review j it will give a higher vleal of life ancl inspire to aiobler tvork notliin ennbe healthier in tone jtfemeiijerrphiiadelpliia r a most valuable lielpfor all young men who- to attain a high character as well as success and influence in lifginfi oseitojphiia every young man would be deeply beiietted by a perusal of this entertaining sensible iond scholarly work homestead springbeld mass after the manner of matthews getting on in the world andsmiles self help but more positively christian in tone ffuairsiaji pbila the literary luiotiitlon ctrtaloff lie 04 pages sent free orjapplicntioo auitss publications are aot sold by sooksehersno discounts allowed except as advertised bookssehtforenmfrtfoiorepoymehfsatlsfactoryreferenesbeiirggiveri jbhn b alden publisher cata1u1h thiioatjcuked a few of the hundredswho livo beeil sgcecsii fully treated by dr washingtons new nietliod mrs juo mclvv kingston ont cafcutt and consumption t john mckeivy kingston ont catarrh mrs a hojiping kiugsten ont srohcho consumption mr e sdptt kingston ont catarrh iieu and thrirt mrs juobctraiuiiarrowsmithont catarrh throat james matthews p master avcou out ca- tarrah head ani throat f francis berlin out catarrh head and throat miss nellie ely berlin ont enlargcdtonid f wing pmj coriinua out catarrh bwh henry scott lcrliu out asthma mrs hv wagner near berlin ont catarrh head and throat levi kercher st jacobs out catarrh head aud throat j colin campbell pt edward ont astbas james stacev mutton ont catarrh wm shoemakoj koduev ont catarrh joseph smiley ffort gratiot u s catarra bad form w h storey esq of storev eon glpvf manufaeturefs acton ont dr washington 11 the only throat ana lung surgeon in canads miss mary a bomboutg cenrsvile ltnt catarrh head and throat j mrs godfrey jlchness s jacobs oewcos sumption titussnider loomfleld out catarrh hs and thrqui just akr1ved at the bazaar a tiitijt slrocs or- wools double ami single berlin zcphcr nda lesian faiiy zepher and all kinds of fin goring wools for the fall and winter trade 1 lovely assorjuuent of embroideries in cauibric and muslin handsome baby liobesaud cashmere cloaks lovely shades in plushes felts satins arrasines embroidery silks filloselles poa- pons cfienille cords bangles and all tho latest trimmings for tidies- banncm draperies etc amuel rogers co toronto new york 3s3 pearl st chicago lakeside building i o box 13xr clark aiiaadaiussu tuderwear made to order stampmg a specialty t forget tliis is where you cangt to light rtjhninff new raymond sewijig macriine i tho machine everybody wants eod fl rqcomuiondatioii it reeoiuuieuds itself i call and seojthis popular machine and iwl our stock of fancy goods frank r webber acton auubt 18tli 1887 i rr salesmen waintep edward o graham the popular aud we known nurseryman of rochester ky denl to make arrangements with one or two hv ergctic men to take orders for his kurserj sj he has a choice stock including fine specials his inducements to beginners aro paxticolshf advantageous hafullills all he i r irffj jhiarantots to furnish strict he can givo active square positions aud desires to ccanniui few such men with a view- of sutnring services writo to hfm as soon as viti have this for terms and full particulars lemi only bquare dealing men need ai yv a dw o gmuah hursurviuan liochester 1 lie ii r- ffj j v fns iti fis upiig nrt btm mmuiuraie tps l ac jici 6e3jj new system d called vitalud pain havi teacher m jtj toronto patif satisfaction id visit acton or of each month h calj tist- koyalcillege willvislt actoi ning the first r preservation f artificial teetl ber bases gu nitrous onae painless eit barristers c private f 9 jo bvbeistei ofi1ce 1 orvice ma soli i oecc fir bffiifc main s percent hlltoh s toij 1 oflices cro w t altjk b kotka bi oficoonto gwbidoe pitbnl hesli twenty veal it hi w lor tho coj orderslefi ai at uiyrcside tondeuo uso monel terms and sums of jooi rohnuj oi-flcb- f rancj sil st george s 1 account 31 periodicals ruliug neatjl t he hj xn easy shaj aii exhiliariif honed and pi and chiidreif sal1 w e areil tocai of nursery success of ta or commissij we have m n the fruit 1 do not hand guelrt rise f i began beenstreng ancl new a members od successful tl itature of thf by the sacci and tha unj all thisjady for tertas 10ly lumj fpho uudca 1 that hi stock a fulls other kindsf class pine i havingpl s smith i i stovocoall hardwood f able prices fire oottl head asnresll and all otll prenrluinf pw jol

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