ttmi 3 ir idiflopjo ttrkiwia lfci ri no ft e phosphtttfr 1 vqlote xihf5fo 23 fife cton jfmjjws5 is nmwnkr i every xii ilft dvv morning at tuk free psis3 power pmlnti id house acton ontario acton banking company store y christie qo bankers actou oxk vk wj subscription rat68 109 s monribus0ctv iilubkk months ssuts ivjtaw i a tvnnce if not paid iii advance i i r vcvr will bo charged no paper discou- tiiiaul iu arrows aro paid excepvnt tho ooii ol iyjytuuivli adverti rates i vu i iiioj 1 a mo l uio i swoo i sawn i aoi tv soou is00 i ioml isa i t00 1 coo s 400 stoo rao a 58 100 sod i7miliwgb8jm mlflt iolttt thi ktinlaliri ftns ibiaytss i iuarmij iii twfeg i at rati iajs- cans of wbidictsff- s tradition caiu lcl j fi envuope udj ets ertwb pdrjqb i ocical co to vxai 1 y zm dlbcp uig surgeon sit acton opel 4 verrilerr ilt t cleki ii loer sscceat- pc-as- crif mctbod- fu oatj cata n ccu broncho i catarrh bt lonlciurrli c ont cr iii heid end caunt he4 oou eitarrh 1 m tl catanrii bead one asthni utmtb tuttrrh c s csbutb i eon gtop washington if centerrile lontf j it- catrrbbei i ilx- laik- zcihui icdn- t wiafci tride a iji sotini iiiobtae fob- ftlld ftll tidies bansc0 oj caa jget th icibiifctlf h ebberfc ited 1 i irtws jat ittcbo cisatj altcts fihoat s cnu per line tor tbo jrrtinwrsionanjscenuperhnater ech sulv- gojaeat inwrtion cnrii the nuratxr ot unci rltpnpdbvtliisictoccurteducared by a tetl ww onrcil urcrtisointtit without spociuo lurcctioos till bomwrtl tiu torbul a cuursod ccord- ngly triasikirs hlvcrhsfmout must bo paid n dta chinge for contact alvcrtictuout must be itr th oficebv im ou tucsdy othrt tbft ih b left owr uutil thofollowltig nock 31 r moore ktktoriuilpnrietor jbitsiniss sirtrtorit xt h iowry m mcrps- yf irailiutpof ttinltycvmli cuct liivtinii iul surgron omcoiil rfijpncct uuibmitof vrcdrhck p actou roys liawson uhaduatk of i ontario vtorinmy iollogii toronto- vet- rrinnv sursion actbu oat orn in krmiy bro bmt nnj torv rtmetrtihlliiraar boffm i xammil as ta koumlncss nd ctirtiflntv all eili isijlit or iuy iromitl j nurmuol to teraira 1 i5ennk1x ld8 penrist hvoiuskwws irxntiv l 7x 1 hiardetown ott uiwhi the iviii of nitiuui iilc tiint couuuonly 1avia1u1 vir fftr crctiuj tmlh ultliout iwn luvin diiiioiiilrtot and lrortical lvjclfr in hol cllre ot dejiul kurwaoni toririi iliii lutmhid iiiwn rtociitliik illl4cluu iii ml ultilloll lioiioiiuml will vsii luiiuiiti findiitlmirtli woliunuy o li uivwilti iltl luajlill r ii- mtiiitjii huuokcis imn ttfi mai illthis lliuiir ifi1iil of tliu iliihl fmliw i tmttn attjittt of lllllo uniii vmi1ftu ph wv ifsjii hihtftlntat lult oftlm itl hw miklpl rrrtiiof hi lllit1 1ll i hlllt attis fili inwilil n pjimtllitlftd or riib ut i ciitdiiffm frriwt- vluilm alt stiwlhiir nj otlii r riucsiikiip ttl for pi- rlf ri tiolrnt elb milnstos kt mcleas a vmkbal bakklxa business j transacted monet loaltsd oftapphotsd t0tb notea discountedi and interest allowed on d jposits find the fizzle ontario rilhe nndcnlfincd ts pwpi xxl td furnish on tbo x shortest uotlco iu shy innutity ud at bot- v- torn prices flii tcluss lumber lath 8t aves head lng8h1nglesvra8htub3 churns buttar tubs orkbarrelswood flour and feed it nd snythlur in the lino ot i inner housekecp- r or contractors necotsitt s tho pnulo is to and t b ittor plnco than thomas c oore8 to buyany thing in the abov linos also to find out it you arc ludcbtou tolil n7or anytbiiir pur chased from him his boo it say soiuo are and ho would liko thi uiomy w h rut ledce the butt her i doalkju everything in tin meat lmm nqci csfalinshinviit can bo fm ml better loci od at kuhohi iiin no questionable fered to customers at any pr ixmim iiviri niiil biisro olii trial loliulinn on lhri lh iiaii pnoo paid fur hjiliai for ll bui v ii goods of- ce tlilini u my motto klllllii a kin thii lomll lilltllxi iiiitirikii wellington marjile works qviuko ii ivius sirifcr solicitor tt m sotaripiconvpyaucors lrtvo f auu to loan 03c torn halt acton ef b joitnston wu a mclrak t a mow at birarier saucitosnotakt tcnuc money to loan or ice dits tuesday add saturday omci mitthw block acton upstairs tr e mitchell soucriocostetasctbitc rst doc3 tvest of tbe champion to loan- at hamilton d clark loiltleti rsj wholesale and retail dialers in marble grnito and everything pertaining to cetqetcry worl direct importers of allkiudb of granite iud marble hand sleds -at- i days b00kt0re gulieph a well raiuted throo bench i leigh inches longbywwideeilnchosbiijbivorthlm days low price 50 cents acton oktabio thubsday decembeb 8 1887 day sells cheap j n stinsois tailor and c osro m in street ifiltea percent money ihllton allan abajrd barristers solicitors ic tonoxto axu geongerotrs osicrf croelcinu3 biock georgetown king snet cist toronto u 80 having lately visited tbe ifay of kundygranito quarries and bavinr pnrcha ed the entire stock of gray and red granite monuments headstones crosses urns etc of aleiaqdcr taylor at less nan cost we will until further notice sell at prices never before known in ontario fcr in stance granite monuments tt high 007 ft 675 8 ft 90 0 ft 100 10 ft lio all work and material warranted firstlass rarties wanting anything in this line will do well to call arid sec ns before purchasing elsewhere as wo guarantee cor prices are from 30 to 50 per cent below all mother dealers w t llils jshtttos bl j baied bi b ajerow 4 carson llarjilsteitsatjlaw 4c oisceiontiro hall socmirch street toronto tiwsariseilowlipr johsciesoxexx coic30ws atrobxet atests secured fon ixvestioss hexky gp1st orriwa caxada twnij years practice- no rajent no pay vp hemstreet llcesr acctioseeb iiud to- ta- coaaties of wellington and haltou orerf at the fsee pbess office acton or a my reidence in acton will be promptly at- tcnjcilc tenas reosouauje- uso monev to loaul on the wot favorable terms and at the lowest rates of interest in nnis oi j0 acd npwards xi utohs day on architect l ovt aiaxket square f rancis nt7nan successor to t f cbapmani bookbindeb st gwrgcs square gnelph ontario aronnt books of au kinds made to order perolimls o every description carefully bonnd iliija neatly and promptly done t he hanlax barber shop milisteeet actos sc ev rhaverasttlishnaircutftgood seafoam aneiliaratiiisshampooalwajsgiven bafots taonfei aad pet m firstlass condition aaues and chirens hair tastily cut i 4 i i h wobdex t artistal salesmexwaxted we are in wan t of a few more ftls bam to eauvass for the sale oi fcbolceteriettea of sursery stock to men wo can make success of the lusinem ire en jay 60oa salaries or commkion and givepermanont emuloyinbbj we have many new and choice fpecialtjes botn n the fruit and ornamental lines wwcb otttar do not handle apply at j max bbotheb8 nttbsebtmejf bochzsteb y- guelph business college glielph ontario mu fourth scholastic teas x blan seitember 1st 10e faculty has been strengthened tbe couegc promises enlarged and new appliances added jjacbiof tbe six inemliers ofthe faculty is an iapcrienced and practical nroyen liyery j h warden i havtxg assumed proprietorship of thefivery business lately earned on by mr w e smith would solicit the liatronagc of the public and will do their utmost to please all customers well equipped and stylish rigs can always be secured first glass outfit fprcommercial travel lers at special bates a comfortable bus meets all day trains and night also if ordered ciivo us a call is now nhowliik ft mariiintoih raifio of now and choice- linos in fall suiting tiraiserings alid overcoatings extraordinary value in underwear ties ooilurs 0fr moves ao mcllpwdlklllh ilihli lilin il is stjnwn rockvvood neyt door to post omce raper the tpn cent toue is as busy asai3eehive opening out new goods arriving from germany new york and marked off a lowest cash puces iftoitrg tbeinqbtbxpbes england and the jas f kiidner ten cent store music store guelpi headquarters or jphe bell orcan and lansdowrve piano tho leading pianos aj id organs of the present diy i j h worden hello i having been appointed sole agent for these two leading instrnmei ts i am pre pared to offer extra indnci ments to par- chasers this fall lustrum nts soldin tbe monthly or rjnarterly instalment plan or gooadisoonntfor cash wrije for catalogues and prices or call at the iva reroom tqciesafiil teacher thf thoroagb and pi nitqreof the work done bytbeeolls0 up by the suceis of its- gradfiatea both in cj and the u kited states isdicsore admitted to ali the advantages offered by the insurutlon forurmaeteaddf m macc0bmick kyc principal lumber shingles and lath pause and consider that it will bo to your own interest to patronize home trade wo would respectfully inform tho inhabitants of acton nud surrounding country that we arc again in full running order and in a better position than before tbe fire to fill all orders entrusted to us to parties building lumber wiij be dressed whilo you wait and mouldings c mado witb neatness and despatch n b we are also prepared to fill all orders pumps on short notice and from long experience in the business wo teel confident that wo can give sat isfaction evory timn bo come on with your orders and help to roll the boll along money makes tbo moro go whothor she has logs or no thos ebbage manager i jirlete stoc or sheet music new music tnd the latest songs anwing i ally catalogues furnished frco o 1 application a ruli lixe or ll musical instruments violii cellas violins guitars anjos flut b mouth organseta lite instruction books for ovcty ii strumcut call and examine my htock o w eily opposite post offlcc jiui blako yptuf wlfo is dying vont over the wires tonight the llows was brought to tho station by a lad uiih doad with fright ho burst in tho ofllco crylu an his t aoo was awful white soud it to dad on his onglno i mothor is dyin tonight jim blako is our oldest driver hos ruiiniu tho night oxprcss ah hos pullpd a throttlolevor tho most of his life i guess an whon i hoard that message was for old comrade jim you bet 1 sent iu a hurry that ere dispatch to him an in loss than half an hour jims answer camo up from kerr tell wife ill bo thete at midnight tell her im prayin for liqr then i left my son in tho ofllco while i took the news to his wife an i found a dyin woman willi scarcely a breath of lite an when i entered her chamber hho took mo at llrst tor jim an she sank back uigh exhausted when nho found it wasnt him then sho turned nor eyes to heavon while her lips grew deathly whlto an said inujlyiif whisper lodnpeed tho express tonight i oer lilll and bridge and valley thunders midnight train old lightning sobbing and throbbing under tho fearful strain hut jltn holds on to tho lever arguldln her ernsy lllght while a voice coiiick out ot the dnikiiihs ilod spenl thn oxprhfr toiiilitt in nomulliliig icm than mi hour the express will ho along- llallol ilores annther fncmmgo my ihi tluiroshiiiiiellilng ivfong yes i for hero 11 says dlsuster iihi expdm train is in tliu ditch tim engineer is dying i lernlled by nil opun hwltlh an here is nuotlinr incnhngn iloin tliiuiigliiner i jiifi dtiir uifu ill liiiuil ynu in lieiivnli hull i hlllllll ll mill lllgllt u10h f fufl ynmiln jlrnlnjj iat little wwr 1 ht iikgtm 1 hover wild no bent in nil my lictmlil misa holliblor to llilnk o thnt little highflyers belli propounded i anybody else nbkcd mrs braokott no not a single soul but cliessera hopkins i giicsb tlieto nint no special interest i haint heard that there was and the idea of that uhildb unitin with the church all alono i should ha thought mr milbknkvwonld have had her wait till there was somebody else at least she aint nioroii fourteen years old any way and no inqre fit to be a church member than a frisky kitten there she comes prnncinf into sundayschool all dressed out iu laiinand plasli her eyes adanciu and hi r hair uflym nnd settin every boy agogt 7 sho is pretty said mrs brnckett voujcairliardly blame thejboys for likiuc to look at her my tom raves over her and thinks sho is tho sweetest girl in town oh thats the way they all go on aboutjher said misb hollister scornfully boyb are always bewitched by these hitytity girls but what i bay is that they haint no right to let her into the church it wont never prosper and be a shinin light if they let bucu giddy pates in i dare bay mr milbank meaiib all right bu he lacks jadgment he aint old enough we never ought to ha- settled such a young man i told em theyd rue it before hedbeen hero three months and i8uesbtheywill if this ib a sample of what he is goin to do why it makes me foel jike gettin right np and mnnagiu thingb myself i suppose the standing committee had something to say about it ventured mrs brackett of course they had a chance to but every one of em would accept mr mil- banks opinion as law and gospel they to think hes a perfect saint they expected when he camo thered be a re- guelph vival signs right away but of it yet well haint seen no must be goin mis brackett but it does not make roe feel real sad to see what our church is wt u iuii nue ui iwc o other kinds of lumber also first and second class pine shingles ic lath coal jwood the fall will be hererbefore you know it but kenneybftos of ihk 6 stove coal i cave also a i hardwood jtsbcodar and lutw4t reason able prices wood and coal df liwred juhrs shown w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont make a srecialtv mutual fire insurance company estajsushbd 1b10 i head office j quelph ire3lliuli and all other dt1ption otwxopapf on tne premium note systoun j fw stone onad davidoo president i secretary john talvsfeagcil domihion boot shoe store main stiteet acton have anticipated its early arrival and laid in a splendid stock of boojks shoes ic for fall wear our reputation for good goods and superior value is well established i we can suit yon all i our custom dedartment is if tuminbutflrtfclass work as usual withfiood stock and repairing is always proniptly and neatly done i kbnby bros machine finished book papers hidh obade aveekiy sew8 the paper used in this mrual ib from the above mills wm barber bros- butcher shop j graham graham iutgbbrsj mainfltrbet acton have inst opened a new but iher ebon in the new buildtnb erected by tbi m nexfjdoor to kenney broi7boot shoo 8 tore and solicit bare of the patronage of the t omrnunity harlrid na4 experience in hi bnjlncas and lxgdeursined offer notl rag bntflntdoss meat of all unas to onr oustoibcrs we hope to do a good trade cafl nd aeeus 0biham cpmin to the idea of that little high flyers cominto the communion table giveb me ashock every time i think of it why she haint no moire idea of tho sacred vows she is takin uponherself than a two-dayb- old baby well i hope them who are re sponsible for itmay boforgiveh on the first sunday in may- ghebsera hopkins stood in her own room drawing on her gloves she was attired for church and aho wore the identical plush and satin of which mibs hollister had spoken several weeks before but evidently drees had no place in the young girls thoughts her face was graver than usual and it had a certain sweet expression that beemcd in keeping with the day her bible lay open upon tbe bureau and after fastening the last glove button she jeaned upon her elbow nhilejshe reed a verse or two then she bowed her head in prayer asking her fathers blessing npon the day and begging his strength and guidancdifor the imports ant step she was about to tsake she walk ed lightly along the corridor and listened at the door other mothers room she may be asleep she said to her self i will riot disturb her then as she went downstairs i believe i will ask him though i do not suppose he will go it was early the belu had not yet begun to ring when chessera left the house she paused a moment at the corner of tho next stree as if iti doubt which way to go then sho turned from the direction of the church saying if mr la monte would go it would be such a happy beginning and she made her way swiftly to the tontine hotel mr la monte was a brother lawyer of chebseras father and an intimate friend of his ho was a bachelor of fortyfive and perhaps tlio most brilliant society man in the city both old and young sought his ompany for he could bo most enter- tainhg when he ohose aiid there was soldo man hour when he did hot phoose he v as a man of the highest honor but if he hid any religious creed nobody knew what it wak during his residence in ron- dee le hoc never been known to enter a chur h exc pt on the occasion of wedding or frjneral still everybody liked hini and chef era h ipkins iote4liiminoit is weil assle lovid her own father ijhis was riot i emarbableiab he was always at the houf s more or iobb and sheoould scarcely remi mber a happy day that was not in one way or oiiothat conneottd ftrjxh mr la monte since she was a mere body when iho paid her visits iu company with her iurbo sho had always been welcome at hib ooms at tho tontino hotel and she was looustorried to run iti and out without cere- nony this morning bijo stopped only long 3iioughto askohorley tho hall boy if mr la monte was n nnd theii tapped up the itairs tossing back to charley with a imile aspray from the bunoli of lilies of he valloy whidtisne wore at her belt she knocked at the door of tho lawyerb library well cheroera gfil4 lier friena gaily 1 idid not expeot yonatthis nour or t phould have put on my best drcbsinggown but come in come in nothing wrong at lorae i hopo oh no chessera answered hastily 1 mamma is ill with one of her headaches hat is all and papa is in new york so heroisinoonoogo to church with me ioday and i thought perhaps you would 1 ike to go it was quietly almost carelessly said quite ob if such an invitation were an ordin- i ry occurrence the lawyer looked at her sharply an in- i tant but sho gave him full insight into her dear beautiful eyeb nothing could bo moro frank and you must go 1 bupposo with a oniical living of his eyebrows yes said chessera oiucbtly mft a monto i am going to unite with tho hurch today a suddou duikiicbh ovorspicnd tliu law- ors fnco tho girl hud uovcr soen him jtiok like that hefoio for u moment ho fprgot himself yon f ho cjuoulatod lor what bocauso 1 lmvo began to sorvo christ ajnd i want to acknowledge hint publicly as ny mnstrr clicsiorn said uokuowlctlgo 1 im publicly its my master chessera slid simply and it would ho pleusant t have yoivwlth mo sho added mr i41 mnnto wna himself again l all light ho ould briskly i will go i unnpohii i uiint wiiu my slippers and i must put on u cunt mftku yomself cnin- fiilulilii wljiltijl lunsli my imlr itiidlio lunpiiuni iielilnil u uiiinliiul ilmii way lilunsftlu flmiiill llmihilf lllllli winy llllll v itli his litsht llludtrmfil iiuwnwicr hut n hi illil not liiok ul llii iiiiliirei iter licm t vitstoo hill ofntlioi lliinin mliodplil up n bit of ibiiiilisglvlng to ijiij hhvijmi who imd inndo her suoewsful in her llrsf real clfoijt to scivo him t oh my snkes i whispered miss lol- i iter to tho funerealfaced spiiibter bcbido lor is tho world oomin to an end as mr la monto waited on chessera hopkins i ito her fathers pew tho lawyers fine athletio form and 1 andsomo faco wero familiar to almost everybody iu rondee certainly to the wor shipers in the church of tho good bhep- lord nnd miss hollisters words might livo been eohoed by many lips that morn ing eveu mr milbank adjusted hi lasses to make sure that his shortsighted yes did not deceive him but mr la monte occupied the eiid of his friends pew with no apparent thought regarding the worlds opinion if lie chose to absent himeelf from church for twenty years ho counted it bis own business ami not an others if ho wished io attend divine ser vice on the sunday succeeding that score of years he looked upon it entirely as his own affair arid hot as a subject of comment for his neighbors so if people looked for signs of awkwardness or disquietude on account of hib unaccustomed surroundings they ooked in vain whenj at ihe close of the sermon ths ninister came down from his desk and he choir softly chanted christs invitation come unto mo it must be acknowledged that more eyes wero directed towards the jorner of mr hopkinss pew than were beut on iho little figure standing aloiie at the tread of the broad aislej but when mr la monte made no move tb join those who left the church before the celebration of the lords supper the astonishment of the congregation wab at its height somebody who sat iu the seat just behind reported afterwards that chessera whispered to her companion you need dot etay on my account unless you choose but the law yer only smiled and remained throughout the service those whb watchod his face from time to time during the next half- iiour were not repaid for their trouble if mr la monte felt any unusual emotion st was known only to himself and his god a few months later miss hollister was again seatrd in mrs jbracketts j little parlor i never was so beat in all my life she was saying it does seem as if i couldnt et over iti to think of that little ohjessera opkiob bein tho lords instrument for oin so much good and bringin this church n to their knees and everything why ihes brought more o them rough street- boys info sundayschool than they actually know what to do with she has such a kvinnin way that nobody can resist her ithey all come if bhe asks em i tell ye fis brackett when i sat there lasi sab bath and see them twentythree comin but on profession of faith and lawyer la monto among em and your tom and my ephew jack jacks been a hard boy ut hes come tsut btrong on tho lords side and all them girls in chessera hop- kinsb class and thought how under god it wab most all that childs doings though i dontsay but what mr milbanks worked nobly i deolare it made me feel mean 1 j tellye mis brackett there ainjt nothin that will make ye feel so humble ns to see how jiear youve come to upsettin the lords work there if id had the chance 1 shouldnt ha let that blessed girl into the church as if i was worthy o judgin who the lord should call arid i said bhe was nothin but a little highflyer 1 well if the churches were full o such highflyers as chessera hopkins the millenium would be here beforcjwe knew it manitobas statistics trom ol hies 8omo fncth worth iftg- away for fiitnrc kptcreiicta the following interesting statistiesh-elat- ing to tho province are gleaned from the dominion blue bookb recently issued manitoba has fllii mcnnonitep some 20288 pieopln live in winnipeg manitoba entered confederation bn july 151870 f there ire 10j648 rijiorc men thuh women in manitoba there are 24000 occupied buildin manitobv thongh tle mennonilos came enflgia they nearly all rctufihherri6eios its germans i ovr fourfifths of tbe popnlntiob winnipeg ciamo from the british originally the first through train for the t coast passed over the prairies on jmi 188g within the six yearb wihuiped w doubled itbj assessment and trtbltilifft population there are 780 protectant schcols ir the province not including hose opened unco july 1880 i the mean summer lemperuture of mkiij- tobn sb banedjon tho observations of toil ycarsg 008 degrees j manitoba has onjy otu littlo over one persbu to every two sritfliro miles ontuiio has 10 persons to the srjuaie mile during the last flvo years wlniilpi has hud tho lowost dentli rate of auycily of its sliio in tho dominion j the poptflutiou of muultobu according to uiocensus of 18k0 was 1080 it this being an increase of nearly flfi per cent since 1881 i manitoba souds three senators ami flvo comuioiierilto ottiiwu this is tho dirndl est representation of any of tho hevpn provincos i tweiitytwb ir cent of tho population of tho province is hetwpin tho nges of 20 and 110 years thero are about twenty perumiis over iiiuuly yciiis old tholjed hiver iuhunn onnurred dttfing uio full of 1h7i and hie sprllih of h7 hll nlmt t linn hpott itt vmi ihriy on wiifidi 11 1m70 j theie bio shiull vmbtthm km tiuum linteh stud lhiiimclliudislfi tile bnluliee of uio tiopulatloli rcpretieilts fifteen different religions t the people of manitoba seut ovtr four milliom of leiters and post curds through the mails last year thcio was an aver age of 21 j to each person tholtrett of manitoba is- 182200 square miles this is over two thousand squaro miles greater than the united area of eng land ireland and scouand when the province entered confederation the population was 18lfl5 of which 0707 were indians according to the census of j881 the population was 05051 tho manitoba legislative ascembly has 35 members ontario 90 quebec go kew brunswick 41 nova scotia 83 prince edward island 30 and british coluinba 25 n since the provinco became a part of the dominion it has had five lieutenantgov ernors who assumed office us follows hon a g archibald may 20 1870 hon francis goodscbull johnston april c 1871 hon alex morris december 2 ib82 hon j f cauciion novemfjbr 10 1877 hon jas c aikins september 2 1882 the first three of these bad at the same time jurisdiction over the territories price tree cents i i- 1 1 -i- why thi8 waste the traffro i dtiiik wastes men why this wasto 7 if onr colts or our calves feu short of that lijfe and growth whereby they meet the purpises ot their betng in as great degree as do jr children the newspapers and agricultural societies would sound an alarm inqriihps into causes would be in stituted investigations of methods of breed ing feeding sod hoqbing would be under taken are human beings not mtich better thanthej- 1 if we fail iii rearing men wo fail in the ultimate outcome of all out- enterprises for the production of godlikejmen istheend of all being and doing in this world for men we raise horses and cattle and graijj for men wo engage in commence and estob- lish governments all ihe expensive rijachinery of material enterprises social systems intellectual movements religions schemes and political institutions ar rendered valueless if they fail in making men if tho machinery intercepts arid prevents the result it is designed to accom plish it is worse than useless it is mis chievous doefr not some of our social machinery doeb not somo of onr political machinery tend to defeat manmaking takcfor instance the political custom of licensing saloons and authorizing one class ofrcitizcne to indulge a cruel covetous ness in tempiliig ull other classes to yield to a destructive appetite has not this method of denling will a grolt ovil unused tho loss of thousands and tenii of thousands of out most promising men is not this u voy great leak through which jnuch im mortal lifo and character wastob7 docs not thg crime it engondera destroy riinch lifo does not tho poverty it prodnco render so sterile llio soil in wjijch the livos of thnuhhiidri ufo rooted that they cull wing no fruit to perfection 1 docs net thoiijiior- anco dlseiiho ind depravity lit begets cut shoit tho postlliilitles of succeiisfiil living iu the cases ofun innumerable conjijuiy f our people t m to lnuiinhftj pleaofmxiitjorhisujiftsoii why wo should not reform iiiiroovfifnifieiit ht this ktliit bvbii if iijfioiild jve fitiown unit hiioii r reform will jiiorewe tixes is slmrtfe lhlitfl tlejjhiliilii tlit people ff nwt bofti for the tiseti of gdjefmiient biit cjoyernineitfc is fimfle fof tie people jf any operation of jdvfehittiehf blights the manhood of the people it ttvutt be teforrmsd at any cost we puy all tin taxes wo do py that the crop of men niay be of tlj best quality and if to save the fees ofeuloon men we permit tho continuaiieeofa system whfch blights tho manhood if the people weloseonr whole ihvestmtnt iu a vain effort to make a profit odt ot sin and yet some rhin making pretem es to broad- mindedness and political ir sight are pro claiming this folly of the license system as the perfection of wisdom wo have paid our taxes to secure that political copditioti most favb able to bring ing up men let as see to it that we get what we pay for if we mi st be cxtrava gant let us waste our money but not our men let us vote for prohibition bclecftd baby elephants a place f0k eukythixfllaxb etei1y- th1xg iv its places i this is a very old saying my dears and perhaps a trifle oldfashioned but it is nevertheless a wise one oh the trouble and confusion it saves tnd the vexations it prevents i was an eyewitness to some such 6cene as this not long ago a littlo girl came running into the room in which i was sit ting in great haste exclaiming breathless ly has any one been my hat i cant findmy gloves oh dear wont somebody please help me look for them i shall miss my ride i know i shall mary to the girl just then passing through ttie hall sec if my umbrella ib down stairs i cant- find it anywhere some one must have taken my things i wish theyd let them alone by this time mamma and all the rest of the household were hunting the miskid articles and finally the hat was brongkt in from the flower bed where it had been carelessly thrown the gloves were found in the parlor on the piano and the umbrella- was discovered in the summer house nr the garden twcpity minutes of haste and waste and a disappointment in the bar gain for papa who had abked his little daughter to ride was in a hurry and so wab obliged to go without her too bad i- yeb but whose fault wasit my dears if my little friend had only had a place for everything and everything in its plnco how easy it would have been for her to have spent a pleasant morning with her father do any of my children ever have any such experience if so take grandmas advice turn over a new leaf- make a place for everything and keep everything in its place christian at work a jtovel sewage system how the young elephants in the larjie herdb escape frorin being crushed is some thing of a mystery as they are almostt continually in motion bat when a herd is farmed the young almost immediately disappear a closo observer would see that each baby was trotting along directly beneath its mother sometimes between her forelegs o on the march when a little elephant is born iu a herd they stop a day or two to allow it tim to exercise its piule limbs and gain strengfh and then they presb bn the mothers and babies in front tho- 3ld tuskers in the rear but ready to ruslmor- wardiat the first alarm whin rbcy or hilly places are reathefl the little oires are who them ways but rapid and often are after helped np by tbeb from behind juicf iff various when a river has 16 be ford d or swum a comical sight ensues the stream may be v ry roughas the ludiau ricrs a rain and ut such oi place th babies would hardly be able 0 keep np with the rest so the fathers arid mothers help them at firstall plungecofdly iuboth young and old and ypreu the old elephants reach deep water where lbeyhave toswini the young scramble upon their backs and sit astride bomelimis two being seen in this position but tile very young eleph ants often reqnire u little jmore care and attention so they are held either upon the tusks of the father or grasped in the trunk of the mother and held over or juht at the siirfuce of the water such a suit is a curious one to suy the leastthe great elephauts almost hidden beneath the water here and there a yonngj one seemingly walking on the water resting npon a sab- merged back or held aloft while the dark waters roar below st nicholas fur no vember when tm a man when im a man a inan ill be a farmer ii i can and i au ill plow the ground and the seed ill sow ill reap the grain and the grass ni njow ill hind tho sheaves and ill make the lily and pitch it up in thoihow away si when im a man whenim a man amai ill be a carpenter if i can and i ciu i ill plane like thjs and ill hammer 6o and this is the way the saw shall go ill mako bird honsosand sleds and boats and athip that shall race ovory craft that floats- when im a mah when im a mam a man ill bo a blacksmith ill can and 1 can clang clang clang shall my anvil ring and this is the way the blows ill swing ill shoe yourborsc sir neat and tight then ill trot round tho sqnarc to see if its right- vheu im a man when im a man a man a mason ill be if 1 can and i can ril lay a brick this way and lay one that i and take my tiwel and smooththem flat great chimnies til make i think ill be able to build one as high as the tcwer of habcl when im a man when im a man a man ill he a shoemaker if i cun and i caii i ilf bit on a bench with my labt held so and iu and out shall the needles go ill sew so strong that my work shall woar till untiling is leftbut the stitches there when im a man when fni a man a man ill be a printer if i can- and i can gjl uika nice hooks ami perhaps youll hij koiiuiofhiy work lirtlhi nursery v ill lmvo tlio first nulling oh wont it bolfuii to rend all tliu stotus before tlioy ale cfono- wlienrm a liiiiu when im a man n man a doctor ill lie if lean and 1 can sly powdoru and pills shall bo nice and sweet and you shall have just what you like to eat ill proscrlbo for you riding and lalhng and such and above all things you navr must study too much when im a man l when im a man i inn it i 1 lie a inliilstni if i iiu oiirt 1 call anilnncii in a wlillu a rurinoii iii inaln tlifttinn idhip tin boyi and girls awube ior nil hmi iiim i if tliu iniiilnfere knew howgldd wfliilb wliili tlieyilnijel tlirniiiii wlieii km ft niaihj whan till a millm ii illsh aleiimrilliiiifliibiiiniiw tst ii ill iliiimiiiiy bilntkis itfiiifiiitiifl ill kill ill sliowflipni pitimehiii1 plrtli ll flier shall liavpiebsuiinl sjiost tlieotiijht llul obi 1 plinli make thein so very short wlioti im a man- when im a in in a man ill beonthobclidoleonimittce if i canjad i can i about onco a week lllgoiutq schooh and say missteailvr ive madetfnilo that boys aniirtirls ueld a great deal of p lay xoa may give uie6o children a hollday- whon im a man when tm a man a man ill be president if i can and i can j my uncles aud aunts aro a jolly set j and ill have them all in my cio i bhojll live in tho whitohouse i hope you all when you bear via elected will give me 4 call- when im a man i j when we are men are men we hope we shall do great things whatever wo do this thing we say well do our jrork in tho very best w5y and yon shall see if you know us then well be good and honest and usofiil rjcu when wo aro jnen i ax exghshmax is8glted j the difficulty of booting np prejudices learn ed at the xotlierstinee fe i the essence of nobility in ovory sphere is tho perfetion of obedience to tbe will of god truth lies in character christ did not simply sr oik truth- ho was truth truth through and through for truth is a thing not of words but of life and being a mad should never be ashamedto own that he hub been in the wrong which ib bnt saying in other words that he is wiser today than he was yesterday whajt sprendthrifts of time we are what waste and prodigality of golderr op- portunities aimless aspirations barren re solves the one paramount absorbing thonglitrself christian let tbe fact that tlio birds oje the air hayo food and the grass and flowers beneath you eet are clothed with rtjveli- ness be an argument and token to you of the love of god- who will bupply ytiu with iraimeut tho sanitary ncwx describes a somewhat novel plan for disposing of sewage in the system which colonel warring has engaged to construot for san diego california at a cost of about 400000 dollars the main sower runs a quarter of a mile into the har bor tb an ontlet reservoir constructed alon thedeep shipchannel tho reservoir wilp haveanafea of one acre and cost some 50000 dollars the collected sewage will fill this reservoir not more than 1 feet deep high tide will add 3 j feet of sea water to the mass the contents thus diluted will be discharged into the out- gowing tide by automatio gates opening an hour after high tide and closing an hour before low tide at stockton and sacram ento whero the conditions are nearly iden tical colonel warring will make wellb in various flat parts of the cities conunectuig with a deep outlet well by large syphons it is stated that colonel warring has em- ployed this plan for two years successfully at norfolk virginia no man ever achieved an thing for christ who did notwben necessaay ch1ldbevs saytgs little maud while lcokingout at a front window saw a lady coming iu tne front gate she ran to her mother and said 0 mamma mammal there is soinebqdj coming here with grandmas face on 17v wab her grandmas sister she had never seen mammal it was little bay brush mamma couldnt answer calling but his right away for she was very buby she was trying to sew and the baby trample both self anct selfish enjoyment underfoot it ib a mercy to enjoy the gospel of peaee but a r titer tbenjoy tlio peace of the gospel i our sacrifices are not those for sin but only those offered up by loving hearts to show- their love love insiat opoii hub sacrifice 1 up a seam on the machin was helping her besides the baby mamna had a batket bn her lap d basket full pf but louise didnt care very j much for these treasures sho thought the bright scarlet bacque mamma w trying to run np was much more to her taste jalso the shining needle that went up and down so fastj and the black wheel that went whirring round and round arid so bhe wriggled and grunted and stretched abd clutched after this and that until poor mamma wasqmte diatracted presently si e said f well what is it kay 0 mutniua 1 saw tvo cowb iu minnie haydens yard indeedl arid what c id they do obue oftbera knd of smiled at me 1 louish- aged five years was dining ou and the waiter hariled him damsou pickles looking at the lostess he called out mrs jones must i tako em by ihe handle c- freds father had been away for a ler of week- aud the littlo boy was very aiixious to see him v told at last that his father had con e freds cheeks grew very red and lieiribd o auntie it makes niybeait wriggle i am to isd 1 yoyth coyipaniaii i ii l onebriglit june morning someryears ago a party of jtraveling men were gazing out uponiwe of the most charming land scapes in the susquehanna valley iu the party was an english gentleman whose prejudices were stirred by thelaudai tory toueof the conversation he grew- restless and exclaimed this may seem to you rawther apretty scene but if you want tq see really beauti ful scenery you mnst ga to england wh4re the air is softer the grass greener arid the flowers more fragrant than here as he finished one of the party whose ancestors were of good old revolutionary yankee stock turned to him and with more candor than politeness said my friend in childhood at my mothers kuee i was taught three things first to revee the great creator second to jove the stars and stripes arid third to hate a britisher this is out of the mny occa sions when i fully realize the beneficial influences- of early training ainoifg the obstacles that obstruct a mans upward prpgressjn this world are the prejudices which planted iu the clrar- acformiii of early- youth he findb have become firmly fiied in his ma- turer nature it is difficult tb root them out men riiay battle asthey will they can seldom en- tircly overcome their early impressions the progressive man discovers that he must leave his prejudices behind if he would kiep step iu the ranks the barriers hi the way of the truth- seoker have beenbroken j do you donbt it wend your way tojj the sanctuary some babbath morning and behold 1 universalis and methodistcrergy- meu occupying tho same pulpit i do youdoubt it see as may now fre quently he seen physicians of different schools joining in consultation over their patients see eminent members of the riedical profession like dr robson of liondont and dr gunu of the medical col- 1 lejeof new york publicly recomniend a proprietary medicine like warners safe care the only sure specific for kidney dis orders and the many diseases caused by such disjorders and their viewb attested by hundreds of regular practitioners of various schools inote the fact too that the leading elergy- menvlike kev dr bankin exchanrplaiu of tlie us senate and bev dr ken- drick of the rochester utiversity one of the international revisers of the new testament and thousands lesswehkupwn priblicly recommend this remedy because it not only cures kidney diseases but the many commonnamed diseases caused directly by them i when medical nen and ministers unite in such a course who can doubt that intol erance mas ceased to rule in the leatned i- i professions at least the atheist- no god ibwji theist a qoi the christian my godi j we say a gnn goes off the gun stays tiiere does a lantern weigh as much when jighted as before i codld not the wind be classed ondei tjp head of roar iiutcrial i tlie chestbuts fall from ihe trees and almanac makers are very busy fifst citjixeii whv dont vou get nuir- ricd ami solllctdown seiondi citiotii because i am a oistcnlions 11311 aud prefir 10 stttu up r ii m