Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 8, 1887, p. 2

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si wtaubemoramft oti no wfc ibe tfo of mr aaww bwi otkoo majutoto r fatter bttjuwfi v kj w ts alj wuusw a uatiertonly4mbjht nbsaektac filiill of the iber by the bttwtrt k iter of ur ml walter si jutott jm press thursday december 8 1887 r xotks and comments it it something gained when all caudi- dates for the mayoralty find it necessary to disavow connection with the liquor party toronto globt helton the banuer scott act county exhibits in a staking manner the rood effects of that law for eleton successive assises there have been uo criminal ease of any importance parkdale iw the tea business of the canadian paciflo railway promises to bery large nearly a hundred million pounds of tea are used on this continent and the ro du a is chance of handling a large share of it last year the british postoffice circulat ed 1169900600 letters 180loi000 postal cards 368900000 book packets and 151 800000 newspapess this is equal to an average of siity letters and packages per bead of the population it is reported in xev york that tbe panama canal company arc in financial difficulties that no work of importanoty is now being tlooe and that the jjywtof 40- 0m native labourers have ilreesy been loet in prosecuting the enterprise the rewards offered for the detection and capture of the orangeville dynamiters new aggregate 300o this coupled with a lofty sense of doty should gve the scott actdetectives the scent of blood bounds the eyes of hawks and the patience and endurance oficsuvassingcaudidate erin atlrocttte i at the end of october there was deposited in the government savings banks theium of over woooooo an increase of over 2000000 in two years if the country is going to ruin at the rate it is said to be by certain of its residents it is likely to arrive at its destination with a foil purse heltons foot repeal petition contained 2160 names and the total vote lor the petition was 1767 while the vote against it was much larger than for the aot tbe second petition just completed has only 1770 names and the indications are for a more disastrous defeat for tbe antis lon- jikm jdrertrr h l for eleven assizes in succession the sheriff of halton has presepted the judge fwith a pair of kid glovesrprobably a run ofmaiden assizes nnpreeedented in anglo- saxon history the absence of crime in halton hardly supports the contention that the county has grown worse under the scott act chicago canadian jsterietw tbeelection petitions yet tobej decided are against conservatives in i kingston j dundaskorth lanark east bruce west middlesex peel south yjctoriay muskoka andalgoma against beformersin halton bossell east simcoe kortlr victoria centre wellington east elgin east hastings prince edward and glengarry the quarterly return made by- police magistrate young of this county ending xor30tb may be summarized as follows 10 fines for violation c t act amounting to 650 and costs 5 for third offences sentenced to two months each in jail 2 for assault fines 120 and costs i sent to the reformatory for 5 years 1 committed for perjury qxki4fki gtku awvzsm riyaiclty v wu never visited by a fire which endangered o many itwt utlni ot this monttnj which was the fatalugofthk comments hotel at 8 a m it was one of tbe largest hotels ta the lty the flames hud made greet headway when the inmates wakened and as the bre originated near the hall in the first flat escape by the stairway was impossible all the guests eboardere had to jump from the win- dws the flames had made such rapid progress that it would have been death by suffocation to haw waited for the hook and ladder company some jumped from the fourth storey on to an adjoining roof most of them however leaped from the second and third storeys all the inmate escaped in their night clothes the domestics and women boarders were taken to other hotels and properly provided tor i rsjrbxn rx bsarrxti mr haogh the proprietor with his family of thirteen slept on the second fist mr haogh was severely injured in rescu ing his children and is now in the hospital some of the boarders and domestics who jumped from the upper storeys were also injured and taken to the hospital the third and fourth storeys and the attio are completely gutted and the lower flats are so badly damaged that the hotel will have to be all rebuilt i oss un nvrxko to heath to the list of the injured has to be added the loss of one life the body of charles bake a moulder aged 37 being found among the rferw on the third storey this afternoon search was made for his body among the ruins by about twenty of his companion moulders and at 380 his char red remains were found he was lying on his back with one hand over his heart and the other at his aide broken deceased was a member of the city band and has been iu gnelph about six weeks his re latives live near berlin his trunk was found in an alleyway where he had pro bably thrown it from his bedroom window but knowing the rough nature of the ground in the alleyway he did not follow it and evidently in trying i to make his way to a front window lie was suffocated i as his body was found in a room across the ball j suraltwes kscitks there were between seventyfive and eighty persons in the hotel and although many jumped from the second and third storey windows and some from the fourth all escaped without broken hones the screaming of tbe girls ahdwdmen at the windows crying for mvi na having to jump no help being aljend were heart rending mr charles haugh jumped from tbe fourth storey and escaped with snch slight injuries that on hearing two of his little brothers were still in the building be rushed through the flames upstairs tossed the little chaps to those below holding blankets and then in jumping from tbe second storey himself received severe in juries and was taken to the hocpital david pimtte was thrown by the breaking of a ladder from the third storey on to the telegraph wires which broke his fall he got off with a few bruises many others had very narrow escapes ust 01 the ncjcred tbe following is a libt of the most severe ly injured john haogh tbe proprietor badly burned on face and hands and body braised miss hanna haogh painfully injured on leftside charles haugb right arm and left leg powerless bad gash over left eye james clancy hands and face badly burned miss maggie doherty back injured very severely miss vina checkley back and shoulder painfully injured miss mary beidy injured internally and byjiy bruised sarah johnston body very much braised wm mieno of peterboro hip dislocated and back injured jamesbogue peterboro shoulder injured most of the above are in tbe hospital losses axd tsstbjlnckf the fire is supposed to have originated ia the furnace tbe loss on the building will amount to about 10000 insured for 9000 in tbe waterloo and mercantile the lossnra the contents is estimated at ufiw insured for 93000 in the royal of liverpool every inmate of the tote lost clotbingihd valuables bauds comedy company estimate their loss at 300 meet aresinibiineedtrom nig it to night since their oommenoement the reather or roads have been nearly every night dls- ag yet the meeting ai t well at tended and results are very ei oouraging nearly every house in the neigh rhood i represented by one or more who profes deaireand purpose of a changed life ugtafewidledloontitd fault finders jou may expect to find anarchy well under way whether it be in chicago or acton there is so way to hire spelalj evils inuniolpal evils or polities evils but with the gospel of christ th prlnolple of this groat teacher faithfully idhered to by all olesse and in all posit on would make the state of society a difftrent thing from what it is at poesent all thing whatsoever ye wonld thatman ahooid do to you do ye even so to them to this is the law and the prophets a portico at tho entrance to the only church at the corners would be i great coo- venienoo to pereonb attending e teoially in the winter weather when heated air escapes so rapidly with the frequent ope sing of the door t church goers who like to be looked at going up the aisle can have t heir fanoy amply gratified at the corners while the annoyance to those who do not must be equally great by the almost universal custom of turning arouud vrhei the door opens i lovers of the beauiitul were delighted who wore able to see the snowoi pped trees and bushes glittering in the brill ant moon light in the early part of last w sek the lovely vision has gone however but the heavy rain of sunday was verj weloome for it was ranch needed some change of residence are being made in the neighborhood tab fall and winter quite a number of infantile additions have been made to the popolatipn during the yeajv the taljfst man has now we b ilteve the tallest faeuse the year with the three eight will soon be here who bf in will see the next year the figures of which will contain three stock is mccarvins ipw complete with all the novel- tii of the season suitable for oll iioth om ami yotnii -000- nowett styles very cheap i consisting op- toilet cases drslng cases fswetand odor cases in plush writing desks work boxes scrap and auto ai bums in flush and leather photti albums lapaf oeslgns hand mirrors whisks and whisk holders ts alike g0ix0 ioixo tiose ii- england as promised cheap quick tele- grapiungsriui aie continent the present monopoly of submarine cahlea expires sbortly and the british post office has resolved to refuse all future concessions tbe government- will either buy out exist ing lines or lay new ones tbe present rates to parijubve cents a word will be reduced to two they say j overcoats and v readymade wo wisuto iulimate to tlio public that wo hovp a verjr stock of ovotaontu nidrtiidy miidccoutsvpabtg and vests which must be epflrplotolyj donned out duniik the remainiiig pat of novemboraid deceinbor to insure- their ready- sale we ave marked them down to the very lowest notch making bur stpd by far tho choapjst nksoltrjiont iii the coiuity look at this m iv- we broken j ai firetolass overcoat for 460 mean business so conic eaily before the nssortnie toiler 8hav teeswatui dec 5 at an ai ction sale of household furniture here sate rday after- inoon in the large store owned 1 y messrs weir it tandy and occupied as l furniture store as the auctioneer was in the midst of how much for it the flooi snddei jy gave way precipitating about sxty ok seventyrfive persons into the cell ir adef th of about nine feet when they touched bottom the furniture which hac been ar ranged around the room oh tap of old counters caine tumbling on tof of them three stoves which went down seemed to have caused most pf the injuries that were received the injured numberejl eighteen bottles for covering ng cases and mugs magii lanterrjs dolls in china kid and rubber trumfietset mouth organs or twenty the injuries being mo and cntsl but five or six rajnir attention although no limbs we r beaitifui xauaji jy bruises mediial broken i our little ones and tbe nurse y fordi c- ember gives its usual quota of gt od tnini and something more in bappy g impses of holidays to which the little oplo are looking forward with great exj ectations these stories and pictures will t a straight to the juvenile heart and set y mng ears bjteniugfor the first tinkle of b lis denot ing the approach of beloved sai ta claus this beautiful monthly has iti crops of special writers and artists and dl it con tains is freshly gotten up with cae to please and cultivate the class for rbon it is de- signed bossell publishing co 36 brom field st boston mass bibld hai everythii t is new arrivals in mantle ootbs lilsteridgs r 1 faney wool goods i huailies and silk tovet millinery etc and a host oil other unifies which can only bo known by n peri inspection qur stock ol fiys is new large and complete also nice lines id fur trimmings i v imith oxfoitl baxter a very fi squares in fncinntors in qrent values in t undei clothing kldclovesmits top shirts hosiery hats and caps cashmere clot ic range of single and double shawls and ancy vool ill shades also clouds toques taiaashanters and good variety very cheap -oo- brnshes and perftuno boys atid hof girls own annual band of brish workman picture books c c g worth having will be found at tebrible expixsi0x of a k omotive b0ileb mccarvins drug acton ont boots cfe shoes f found it neea our tradi in this iiiic hiisrow wutosuch an extent that wc hhve o the variety of our stock making it the most complete of any in the c nty a full range of jfelt iarv to- add largely 1 boots ladies f while petitions against members of the hoose of commons are being dinnissed by the courts of sew brunswick and quebec on the ground that tbe six months within whieh such petitions must be brought to trial haveelapsed the ontario judges are fixing dates for the trial of petitions this is scarcely a compliance- with the great principle of one law for all ottawa trttpnh the friends of e f clarke m p p and those of aid kogers ate busily engaged in sdvancing the interests of their candi date for the coming contest which will no doubt be keen whether there will be three candidates is not certain but at present public interest centres in these two men- aid sogers is tbe favorite with the prohi bition party although mr clarke also claims to be a temperance pan i here is something for our politicians to ponder over it is from mrjoepli cham ibedain wbo having peeu interviewed in new york tbeiother day said during the eleven years i have represented bir mingham iu parliament i liare not been asked for a situation by one of my con stituents civil service examinations work like a charm in the old conntry while herejt too of ten happens that any man wbo can command a score of votes bar more influence than others who have their beads full of brains tbe chain of auturepeal scott act vic tories remains unbroken as shown in our despatches yesterday which recorded an- otber triorojii for tbe temperance cause charlottetowpei having sustained the measure after a fierce contest by a majority of fifteen this makes a total of ninetythree scott act battles throughout the dominion of which seventytwo have been won by the temperance workers it j most encouraging to remember hat not an inphpf ground once gained has been recapcnred by he liquor sellers the net bcott act rnajonty including thursdays voting aggregates a grand total ft fifty thousand- wi7 i i it is tatedtbat the pope desire to act u peacemaker and eventually as medjator between england and ireland scotchkuglisond canadian suiting j iereat vtaiiy at 3 f fcs actoi htltov fadmens ixstltltk the xext mfliit to be held in artan soiue- tiinr in january on wdduesday the annual meeting of the halton farmers institute was held in milton for tbe purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year col campbell of nelson president of the institute occupied tbe chair mr w clements secretary read a number of communications and also tbe financial report shewing that 14643 had been received and the sum of 122cj expended leaving abalanceonhand of 42394 moved by w e fisher seconded by a w peart that she treasurers report be adopted carried moved by a w peart seconded by w e fisher that tbe treasurer be instructed to pay the delegates that attended the provincial institute in toronto last winter onehalf their expenses carried moved by a c momillan seconded by dr robertson that a walflie befnaient for the ensuing year carried j moved by cppretodsecondedby james bradley that w e fisher be vicepresi dent carried the following directors were appointed w hemstreet owen robertson james bradley jas a watson al c mcmillan walter klliott jos lisby col d camp bell a w peart geo e fisher john mcdoupill it a ramsay and john alton mr vm clements was reelected secre tary and treasurer c p preston and e dixon were ap pointed auditors moved by dr robertson seconded by d w that the next meeting of the farmers institute be held iat acton carried the meeting then adjourned champion huiiot n s dec fit a-ttenibleexplo- sion occurred at stellarton statii m on the intercolonial railway this morning killing three men and injuring several ol hers an engine had just left the round- louse and gone to the station two minot later a terrific explosion took place shat tering the engine- and throwing the fire box weighing ten tobs twenty yards on to the platform a magnificent pliotoengrav ng the fathers of confederation tneas iriug lix 36 inches and showing clear an 1 beauti- sent as a premium to subscribe to the weekly news for 1888 balance oi this year free this is a most handsome i graving and is worth a dollar without the paper i of extermination lommenoi ug in our dress goods depart ment frorr this time until sold out we shall offer to til public the choice of an immenmi assortment of seasonable heavy allwool french diess goods rauging in price at 13 50 62 auil 75 cetiu per yard for the aston ishing low price of jier yard here they are iu selfcbecks and stripes fancy clitikit ind stripes and plain colors 25 c folly the ihirtyfour fonders of confeder- various styles of twills cords cash- ationis to hand it is gotten ur by the i meroa and cloths at tho low price of 26 news printing co toronto uxx i will be j cents per jsrd a gennine war cif exter and mens overshoes and rubbers at low prices ol- v- omogiemiies j always new and fresh five pounds nf good japan ta for 8100 forty bars of celebrated bat oitylsmp for plm teii for 25c or two for 5c i to t ami be convinced that we aijjo unng it right k rime mbeiv the famous fifty cent tea henderson mcrae co acton mcleod anderson othb mammoth j e0getof have much pleasnre in anil cing to their patrops and if of imtnenso arrivals of ne fashionable fall arid goods in fancy and btapll goods we are the leaders it latest styles and the guidintjif for fall bargains visitors jiff priseel buyers delighted goods and lowprices do the i our dress gobdsand djf materials costume tsrotbs if silks dress trimmings gocds mantle making and making are marvels of popn in seasonable styles and figures our millinery i superb cl m extensive varied anylady cjitij suited the stock iswondjer in quality quantity and stj our staple goods is beyondjeof panson the largest and che eat ever offered cottons atiwo derfullow prices a magnjfc canton flannel for 8e per yai superb grey flauuel 26 inct wide allwop 20e per yard iu gentlemens wear cloths suiting materials 0i coatings underclothing gent furnishings bf all ijtaifi and not forgetting our and make up in our v department fortyle and has unsurpassed the best bfevi thing but no high price profii ladies and gluts footw immense stock great varii constantly oflering bargainsj thisdepartment we have a large stock ht premisesevevy facility to do bna j comfortably we hare ni equal facilities to buy the goi cheap x a delegate fro every home and let us prove we are reaching out for more trade with lriesistable indi ments beond the whisper ofe competition or comparison o new features exclusive styles uuequaled bargains will demoni strate beyond the shadow of td doubt that it will pay totrade with co vwsi pjnwl riock of- vvewwif sal isswspq ivsirf klack of true- a jhftbey chilli jtbeycoffl in ea ihe lethargy of kchiwraagu sntreetw some j5sna tneanaiteoniu jnst aa manjj and our i3kt v yon can onjor l ottopnrf j etb1 i mr d- w cftuipm lego monweal but teuedmoondttel imneitonlondoui f t embracing dascri j ft leading featureil jtau illustrated by too sea i rccenfly obtained frd ofsomeof thejgrumi then tbe views wmi if f nuef thontertainmea treat- exeellqnt disl leading teatures oil a3 ujterestingevrf great bniwnsin5i snclrasjpalaeearchi btreets bridgea tc- aay saqday scshoc wants to have a rte shotud secure- tr jwrtier gauanoque j booesopbkai i comni admission isrcei cleod anderson foegetown r w santa jt nu anniveo hkaiitv am wixl ten gent store a and is now unpacking some two thousand dollars of wonderful xmas presents j for the boys and girls jas f kidmer ten cent stork sexat0b smith besigx8 he uoia not wili to serve any longer in the dominion ulnutp- on thursday last hon frank bmith dominion senator sent in hiw resignation ia sir john macdonald as a member with out portfolio of the latters government tbe first public intimation was made yes terday when some onetopped tbeacenator on tbe street and asked bis support for an office i have nothing to do with that now was the answer the news spread and on a reporter calling on the old gentle man be admitted that such was the case mr smith would not give his reasons he had be thought been a good friend of sir johns and had stood behind him in his trials but things had gone too far no ibing further would he say wvttd rn mm itaj ljv bead bplly bros advertis flome- thing to interest everyone t 1 1888 harpers baiarj ixjitjstbated haiipeligluzablxa home journal it con bines choice literature ud flue art il utratloas with the latest intelligence regarding t is fuhioas racb unuiber has clever aerial and si art stoiiav liraetlci and timely essays bright pc ems hum orous kkctchcs etc iu pattern- hoet and frubionulate aupjilementa wiil alone lelp ladles to wve many times tho cost oi the ti wcrii tlou and paiiersou social etiquette deco stive art liounekoeirfug in all its branches coc leery etc make it useful in every hotuebold und a title promoter of economy iu editorials i re marked by good senso and not a line is admi tted to ila columns that could offend the most fastidiou taate minatioti i extermination of tbeimmense piles of dijrss goods that liueonrcounters they woiift hold out long probably not longer thjjffi a few das and we would advise tiei pnmic to come early these goods are of u genuine intrinsic value everybody knows onr dress goods are all of the better clam we do not run on low class tratl low prices simply are not always a f uarantee of good value good goods are i iwsys tbe cheapest and cow tbe public have this grand opportunity of making tb ir selections of really superior goods at a ich a low price we again say comb eilbly harfiks pkriodidam per tear habpebb bazab 7t haklebb weekly hableh8 xuoazine habpeb8 young peopie postage free to all subscribers in tbe uni states canada or mexico t 40 40 m o 80 7 the bazab cheflstmas 1kesenk i b a large variety botli iki and ornaiuenbm too nunierons 1 3 uieutioii suitable for xuiafff- m presents at iiricci tlict defy couijwtition and- whet conid 1 liiecr for a cmislmas present for yoiur wife than a lovely lllillt licxsko b hew raymond sewing ifylcbble at tho bazar is wheiu you will find them special reductions iu prices for the chvistmas trade leave yonr orders early v i pr webbbapj htf i xm at the s irae time vc tliall offer a range of plnsbei in leading shades bilk em broidered tlveunud foucy trimmings gt so centf i cr yard hpniember 50c per yard i a i o fancy velvets and velveteens at very lov prices f we have bid a big reason in the dress goods and silk depnrrriit and having recently n ido purchases at a tremendous sacrifice we purpose inaugurating the lioliday se leon with a great benefit sale to our customers in these goods kid gl oveswe have just received s frill rente of colors and sizes in our- cele brated bra ids of ladies kid gloves at onr wellknow j satisfactory prices also gents ress kidfiin very nice gcods ioprtant to watch weryils on on new stock y a newgoodsj best prices best woii j merchant tahoe j mill street acton has met with very gratifying suteess sinos opening out a couple of months ago satisfwi tion has been given and customers alvrays flos away pleased and ready to return wlua needing i have just received a new stock and am ure pared to offer bargains both to those cotaaaen3r clothing and thoso who buy cloth cuttingdone free when cloth ia purchased oreralla tj specialty and made cheap and gocd i bhtbeb e about december 16th wajltham wtatcli will ftft 01 ft the market the lljusjt and 0ly nonmagnetic altham watches i fhese watches will lave soumgne 5c dhjince hnirspring anl escipeuieut will be accurately adjusted and will possess all of h e fine timekeeping jaalhles characte istio of waltliam watlies svedeein it proper to state here for t le information of those who have not nude the test that most offtbe watches heretofor man ifactured in geneva and represented is non magnetic have not been snob but could be btopped by atrbng magnetic influence waltbam nonmagnetic watches wit resist the most powerful magnetism they willnot stop or he ik any way affected evei when brought intp actual contact with dy lamos or other maguetiu forces v ve can sojfelv gaarautee walthamn n magnetic watch to possess all the qualities that areclaimedlor tnem i b savage gueeph orhodders burdock t the volumes of the bazab lwgln with tbio first number tor january of eeelf yea when no time is mentioned sbecrimious wl begin with the number currentattiraiofrecelut of order f j bound volumes of lunmis huab for three years back in neat cloth blndin wlu b 9 sent by mall pottage paid or by expr ts free e f expense fvovued the freight does i ot exceel one dollar per volume lor 700 per vi lumo cloth mkjsjoreoehvoluinpniill m forblnit fiig will bo sent by mail ivstpaid b rocelp t oflxt0ceh v bemluanee should be made by 1 ototfle i uonay order or draft to avoid dtiance of lost newapspen are ot to copy this advi tiaeaen wltbouttbelnifsmorderof haafkba wmm addniwlibbitothbblvork y i fur goods wo have just to band our secon i consignment of ladies fur mantles jadies caps ladies muffs gents fn- cups etc all of wbicii we guarantee in quality and sell at the ery lowest pric jemembiri there is no coercion prac ticed at no 27 come in and look tliroub a id if yon lo not buy nobody will worry you to i- choice goods no credit bleirt a children crsrforpitcher8castore wfaei baby wai sick wo gave her castorlo when sho waa i child she cried fprcastoria when she boean emiaa shoelung to castorla when aho hod 0 illdren she gave them castorii g j canabas com1q papkb w beng ough artist and bdsbx i mum wantiv j a yy j i for 6 moothi iis sttseertebewl iltrily wf ffimsiiifl c toh9kto oxt impoiltjl direct from oellmany to charles ify keily music store opposite post office guelph compound complaint dyspepsia biliousness glck headaojiej kldn9y troubles ifheumatimi g ejandibeases- andauimpurlttbs oftheb whatever arising pemaje weajmess am general debibty purely vegetable highly gonoentrate4 pleasant effectual safe ask for dr hodders compound take no other sold everywhere rrice conti per bottle dr hodders f cough aho luhg cube- r j sold everywhere price ssccnts and so cedts per bottle proprjetorsand iuanufacturera v the union mepicine co propiietors torijifo ont r sm i thelurgest and inost complete consignment of musical merchandise that has ever been received in gnelph- tho slock cutisiets of diiuble babsesviounoellofc violas full three quarter and halfufeyi61jns gnitajw3aajceciuek aocordeops plcbofas flutes lar4orietes harmortossf banjo 8trinb tambenwnesi cymbalsbones bassdrumssnare dramb silver and brass trimmingp j liese goods are bought for cash and imported direct so tjtie music loving peoph ofactbniind yiciiihyjiiay look for bargains this fall and winier my storeis stocked with a foil line of the 4 f v i i bell mganb m iaotwjp0 forwjhajarn sole asient fejr guelph sind vioiiiity be ee to call and get the pneesof new oran- 11 e you buy 8udttand ones i the lansdowiro piaiio is tuking ill pianos and buy iug this piaim call and examine ray stock the sheet mtwlo trade remember the place to veils immm m leading rausici to show goods pposite post office j are selllpg their old paid to ambs 6tibton l dbmjtist touells block opposite poet office guelpfl vitau2ed air pafrvlef8 extpaoticf teetiji artificial teeth guaraiitoed perfect iu oppeart si ance fltaiid ubo fine gold work a spccialtjvgf all operations strictly firstclass appointments msdo by latter j 8t0ck farm pjterea fmeactecka strsfcftfsnsn i cbena aadtnacb hones bludlloexs cnsslfewji weoawa ic ml of konai wc iruta vo i aaaatte sadsdroa stsbadtbcsl cstslttfs lilt i thtjbsdax- mam collated by the ev sreet fine weather j snow wasaul oba b clj orator is cobii mr arch ca verandah tpmsccj the towiilsall on inst mir thos wo niosa have gone 1 to locate 4thediscipl tainnient will be i 23rd inst there was a i about the absence i sunday night afnuattejuas actpn lodge i friday evening miss mary city has entered i business college j tbe oakville improvements to 1 cutter bis just i atthemumcj proposed to submil to raise 100000 f i a new adv tractions wiji all messrs john m considering tl tho go6d itttendanl have beeijsuconr tors operations been stopped to k tho reservoir ia a rifotmcr tho skating i at present and th ing themselves evenings rev m sermon at tbe gardner over dr neit tuesday i trie anasial students f the lege was neld m monday vonin at a meeting church on to allow the into the sabbath sch the townslii waldie s1700 fi acton and bo ditching on seco mrs wm who was rmo hospitsi some throat trouble tile muton voted a page to review of the to turingand me persons whoj paper anonymoi attention and their labor injsi iherewas of school truste full atfendauce for next im the continn twnty7hibars day fiuethe po and water is now the art of a point where a j down made irit i asnsar messrs have dissolved willibontihue th mcclrirehasi thejttswbl ut the last ueetl il it amounte aud three lambsl dogs mr ratal bnrned to dcathl the band at katf tnesayevt i

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