Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 8, 1887, p. 3

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jj y wptet staple l in th idin star sitors slrp theork jj ucl dross us dress mantle vmas stock ofgold aud silver watches wilnui and nickel ckwta broaches kar r locket charms neeweta cbil bracelets bafty k cnff buttons scarf pins we cannot enumerate or do justice the vandv malily and style uf firt vmas display in tliis tine rcinetnberour rtoek of watches clocks a jewelry xnias qbo hynps acton ont r- home glmmos for our duty jcor to kil grown thri sip 1 hdvcatibc fwoaderfal ii style llf lyoudeorii- i 3f lml cheap ta at vrou- wgiuficieot per yard tiucbes yard war our lalis over- fg and all kinds fcr cuttiag tailoring iud finish it of every- ie profits lootwear variety rgainsm vwi to wiy a wrd iiel lill olwervaiico ol thrit- iv not lot it w without some act 1 j com roitv mill klnillv remeiiibraneo i vonr pri the mil- folks need no nnt to 111 ulc ill ot the ocoanioli is the lriiililt pot iu the suushlnv nlioc ot liit childhood but ldor wnicrcl o i- imliltioot anrt ivm hearted iil it they do hi ditob at 11 tkrtt christmas it is acecivttiahed kith lunch ari vtort lci of true liitotwt and enjovwent tiit ilevehill ami dispirit every olio jh omc in contact with throw off luocsliarkvcf age is christina ami 1 chimrri apin h of yon take part in a tiw festival or vntoruinuioit of sort nil enter itoinuaratlonii for siojirfxir cordially and hcrtialy make ib mrrtpivseuts to hour children 0 j people a von eoupossiblv afford ml our trtriw i l tl better brtvi brighter and hazier thau you hw mouths therv is no tonic for vnurittikemorry christinas luid x can enjoy it if you will your doty not to iwrc xh s wu1 j on haw made vs a visij gkeo sirnig2ds hendquartefsjorxmts goods n evening in london on in a cad a half anioun the great and heall- lilul sibw of the avouderfnl city ck iarsre io do bttsi- haj uiir ae xsooda rate from rove that lor more ificce- liiisper on son our ve styles tildeilibn- j dov o y to trade co iv r kms riii ctissacai 3bes t b jtv 3 aii jtc- l- orderlos ittikiiiloce ovcrtlis lonsness ache ly troubles limauam 1 diseases bapurjite bicodlron- ier cause risajg- ai debility- bcentrated br jound f iriee 3 is d 5fl cents ctiircre i ie co- ce ciepa ip i skss teeth lopjiar- sihrialty farm fsbw luoacsta j 4vvqh s vcocbf lielkusieata canssia j gnqfal h t wffimaaat nraocmi fj y v i5nrlell who was a sueecssfiil o-il- u the ait ieirtincut of mcliill col- iii 5oaael hilt was ohlicod to abandon study pj- iccxmt oj loss of health and has since travrieiaroini the world will give au eater- taiaaiest oa loudeu iu tlw presbyterin church acton weiliiesilayeveiiiiigdthsuth fnibracia jtcrrien of the 5reat sights tailcsa ieanrisf the city and places near itall lilaswatd by 10ct 3sautitvl views laliv ovtaiactfroiulondon a brief sketch ofsieoi the iiruhipa ixiints will b piven liki tte vew vir b exhibited and carefnlh- decrlvd while u is before lhe audience rrrss notices the iafertaiimeut proved an intelleetiial tnif kvrtlc lissohmg views brought the losaiai fejtures o the great city lmioro the alieae paiiv lilobo toronto aiattreirsevtaing was spent among the ji bsiihai and places of historical note snch a julaets churches monuments parks bniias ac daily mail toronto aavscudac school or other institution that iriats ro haic i pleasing and profitable evening ihoilk secure mr caaipbelis services he- jvjter gaaaiioqiie j poors ores at half tast skvkx j commence- at eight ksicisicc 15 cents children 10 cents it be iioxt jxtt jrrss thursday december 8 18s7 3iaxy iltxofi locals collated by tie erer thotujfctful and alert free press reporters fice weather this week snow was all gone again on monday wbloh are cout of 4 looitl ohanoter widtailiitemtiiig another rami tihutfd hands air wm hemstreot auqtioueer has old iiis farm oomprittog biktyfive ltf- the troit of xvjiloh uaitatted on main btreit u bis nephew mr alfred hem- btreetot trfajgar tor 5000 mr hem- itrcct will tako pottewiou ol the property in lxmt a mouth by this salts aotou in another family mr wm homstreet will still reside hero services in th baptist church siiecial bervioos are bciii hold in the baptist church each everting thi week rev j s cunnings the pastor is superin tending the services bermojibwero preach- ilon monday mid taesdajj eyaniugs by 1 m tapscolt o bmmptbn tvnd rev itory atef- john r ciarke the boot black oritor u comics- mr arch campbell is adding 6r nest verindairto bis cottage on young btteet the social glass will be played in the town hil oa tuesday evening 20th icjt ifc thoje wood and family of ra ejsi have one to washinston territory o locate the disciples christmas s s en tiirmect wili be held on friday evening there was a good deal of complaint lica ue absence of light on the streets on sday njht a fail aiteaaance of the members of acton lodge ioof is requested ior 1 trdjy eyesing ilissjiarj- mackenzie of new york city has entered for a coarse at the gnelph basieess college the oakvilie iiar continues to odd improvements to its effice a new paper cstter has just been dat iu at the mnnicipaleltitions iugalt if is jropcsei to submit a bylaw to the people ioraiie hoqfio for waterworks a nevr aiv coutaiuing christmas at tractions will ftjiear in next issue for mtisri jol tti bund a co gnelph i cons dra4 the steady rain of sunday li jfy1 kltttidiuce at the churches must ci icc1 enjoaragingto the several pas- oieratios on- the waterworks have tera itoiii to b- resumed in the spring tl recrior is about completed milton ltov charles cook ol toronto will preach this and friday evenings 8erviocs coinmeuoo eachvtoingatpjii8een kaittrescj7 at a good jrifure r mrjkioh campbell ol ttiis place has sold his homostsad knowebcd of 360 acres part ot wiich lies iu esaueaiug and part in nassajikweya to mr fife somer- ville for jlotioo for fiftyfonr years mr campbell resided ou thib taro he arrived uiere frorn his boyhoods jhomo in bread- albane scotland in 1833 ajd only left it a few weeks ago vhen he came to acton it is one of the best farms in haltou and has excellent buildings roe methodist s anniversary the anniversary sermons iinrcquncctieu with the methodist church fitil preached on sunday 18th ihst bymr amel mc lean one of torontos einiuejit sabbath sehoolworkerr the date ior the enter tainment has been changed from kho lltb to the evehiug of christmas diry monday 26th a tea au excelleut entertainment and two christmas trees will form the pro gramme the committee are working with a- view to giving one of the best christmas entertainments ever giveu here smasa tip in tie gtr yjtrd here ou tuesday morning about three oclock a doubleheaded freight train from the east ran into the rear of another freight stand ing on the main line at the east switch the pillots and lamps ofbot 1 engines were smashed while the van uud rear box car of the forward train were thrown off tho track aud very badly wrecked tho auxitliary from toronto arrived about seven oclock aud by ten the wreckage was removed the accident was the fault of the engineer of the rear traiu who ran through when signalled to remain at tho semaphore killed an the tracji on tuesday afternoon a woman named short who resided ou the sixth line below ximehouse had been to georgetown aud was returning hame ou the track when she was struck by it freight train and killed it seems that uie poor woman bad just passed the junction when she heard a train whistle and turning saw ft n n w train passing over the bridge above and failing to notice the train orttlie g t r proceeded on her way she was slightly deaf and did not hear the approachidj tram until it was upon her i scott acttrials at- a court held by lol ce magistrate young at burlington last of w ui mnr lotos utntry socittyaconolrt the entertainment glvori la it friday evening by tho abovo sooiety foil f sustsii ed the reputetion previously eamet by them the town hall vfas filled more complotjly thanubual shortly after tight ihoourtmn rose ftrul rev mr rao thoohaii mau opin ed the programme with a few i pprppriatti remarks the first number wan a beicot on by tho orchestra composed of 1 tiss bwln and moaarshilli stark browi lawion aud master bud williams i wis woll rendered tliis was followed bj the choir m the minute gun at boa 8ewl ih parts wore well token but th rt was evident lack of praotioe i ipleh patterson of stratford gave foi a recita- won attiffeoting incident of the civil war in the united states it wai rendered with the sympathetic feeling t no pathos natural to suoli a socno as that describxi and illustrated very clearly hew true to nature thebwoll tplned oloeutioi ist can re- produoe tire events enacted ii real 1 fie the audience was thrilled aud ga re evidence of their appreciation in prolongf d applai so her subsequent numbers were a 1 excellent mies patterson has a bright ful urd before her miss hattie hayden of quelph is not a stranger to an aeton audi nee her singing was previously much vci ijoyed and her vocal selections on thisocotbiott wioro encpred at every appearance mr ja gallaher tho comic siiiger of g aelph was very funny too funny for mc bt jenbible people but iub renditions scemol to pleabo immensely a large portion of tin audience as a comic bingei- ho bus real merit but it is to be regretted that the majority of his selections may be classed as drinking songs he was encored every i ime mr john strachau the immitslle scotch dialect reciter of rockwoodl w ts presdnt- his excellence in recitations is fell known for nearly every entertainment of a char actor similar to that on this occision lield iu this vicinity has mr stracuans name on the programme ho gives tho scotch dialect of either highland or lovrlaud true as the native born sons of tho hjctithcr jtud haggis every time messrs giblona maam lawson and mooro sang a couple of nialc quartetts very creditably the piano solo by miss doran guclpli was ye y fine and tho organ and violin duet by miss mclean and mr hill was much enjoyed the pro- gramme throughout haras- veryi creditable and for tho success of the en crtainmomv miss s b smith the- teacher of lome school deserves a good bharc of credit the receipts were satisfactory am will go a good distance towards the purchase of a bell for the school they woul 1 however have been considerably enhanced had not the pupils of the school been admitted free the piano usod for the concert ins supplied by mr j c mclean of lhe guelph temple of music and the organ by mr c w kelly of kellys m isic store gnelph week peter zimmerman was foudd guilty of a third offence of scott act violation sentence in this case was deferred awaiting the orrest of peter who is already vyanted orj five separate warrants albert 1 alton a hotelkeeper of burlington was found guilty on three separate charges and fines were imposed of 150 and costs or six months imprisonment alton has jdecamped j 0 campbell of burlington was also charged but as there was urn incriminating evidence he was acquitted presentation to our local member on wednesday night r at bro kerns mpp for this county jvas presented with a set of pddglls tjegalia by the masonic fraternity at burlington the presentation took place in tile lodgeroom the attendance was large many leuding brethren of hamilton being present after the annual election of officers an address was read by w bro r bull and the pre- sentation made when thefrecipieut was invested with the new regalia he made a suitable response subsequently mr kerns entertained the brethhm when an honr or two was spent in a ery enjoyable way entertainment by acton cornet band the bnd has arrangedffor mi eiiter- laihment vo be given in liicfloun lutll oil the eveniiig of tuesday fjijih inst the ml principal feature will be tlffc froacclion of the social glass the nekv tcniperance drama which unclaimed by many lo te superior to ten nights in a barrcom and is endorsed uy ministers and the press generally the drama wil beput upon the boards by the glenwillkms dramatic i i club in addition to this the cornet i baud will be present and fthe orchestra which rendered their selections bo excellent ly at the coucertlast friday evening a the skattag is excellent on both ponds at reert ail the vo and girls are enjoy- i themseives immensely during the eveiiil- v ij at kae preaches the induction eermon it the setuement of kev mr gardctr over drjjarrys church eramosarrgood t j anticipation next tuesday the annual entertainment of the aaaents of the ontario agricultural col lege wis held in the city hall guelph on monday evening t at a meeting of the session of knox church ra tuesday eveningit was decided to allow the introduction of an organ into the sabbath school ths township couucil has paid alex tiaidie 17b0 for repairing the road west of checker match on monday night an interesting checker match was played between pfayers iesiding on tbe north and south sides of mill street au easy victory waicorei by the north side the following 5s the score south side ew rev r phillips will givfe a praise sermon iu the methodist cjliurch next sunday evening it wiljbe interesting and the music by the choir will of conrso add to the interest one of tho fit est assortments of christmas cards ever brought to acton is now cxhibiled by mr geore hynds bookseller and jeweller- for real works of arts inspect his counters countv councilmet on tm sdav tho business consisted of the winding vq of the affairs of the vear warden xiudsay en tertained the councillors at 4n informal dinner at wallaces hotel the entertainment in knjix church next weduesday eveuing by dr j w campbell late of mcgill college montreal will be one of interest it is untitled an evening iu london and will bf illustrated by 100 dissolving views teesunal3ies n wb t very person purchasing jez poods at our to brampton ontario of western ontario bdrjc from 800 worth and upwards of stores will receive their return saxe from acton come alohg r- i i wlliil alfl to his mammoth stock xn j 2st olstt the cheapest store in western and get a fjree trip from actph to brampiton jt e bjlipbb 0mf amy w brampton ontario gtb3st oa for the christmas tra1xe ix ic tkayed from acton old the 4th decemberr fj n small roan milch cow with turned in bonis any liiformalioiii trill 10 suitaby re- wnrdotl 1 tiios statham cattle astray ctjtayeu to thopremispii of the suljscriber fj lot 15 con 7ffsbsakarteyftabbntthelt1iof novembcrabiiottwlyeailin calf the owner win please prove property pay ilbtoer aud ared heifer fitponaes and taio them away i matthew joi naneagawoyaj dcccui 1 dissolution ofpartnership otice is heiikby fiivks tliaftht part is nomliip heretofore milihistiiig between us tho uideriimedruhh hrirvcv henajab mc- clnre as millers vrae ou tile nrat day of novem ber inst dissolved bv iiiiitnal consent all debts duo to the said ijartiuiraliip are to be jinid to the said john harvey at his oflice in actoii aud all debts due by said ftrm will be paid by said john harvey who nil icoutiuue- said busi ness ou his own account dated at acton this 22nd nov 1887 witnkss i john jiakvey w 1 iiltown henajah- mccltllk bakeby a7i1ieie to ileintt phk luulerkigned disins to lease the spleiidid jl t brick bakery and sho known as the kx- eelsior bakery with residence iu connection for a term of years excellent stand couveui- eut premises nud has done a kowi business terms reasonable particulars made kubwu upon application to j mills b v nicklin salesmen ranted kdward 0 rabamthc popular and well known nurserinan of ltoebestcr ny desires to make arrangements ivitli one or two live en ergetic meibto take order for his xursery stock he has a choice stock including hue specialties his inducements to beniraiers arc partieularlv ndvantageous hefulliilsnll he promises anil guarantees to furnish strictly first class stock tie can give active square upright men good positions aud desires to communicate with a few snch men with a view of securing their services write to him n soou as you hove read this for tonus and full particulars ifeinenibcr only square dealing men need applyv address enw o graham nnrservman kochcsler ny notice to creditors angius fletcher y deceased- i f f you j expect to i slippers cloves handkerchiefs wool goods etc etc make your friends a present drop in and be convinced that we are still doing wlmt ave alwiivs have done showing the nicest goods and sellingtheni ijhcaper than iinvrcliable house in the vicinity in miiilinbry respecting visitors toand fro i free press readers are acq thwhom tjiinted mr and mrssarrwielilclair ndfaniiiy visited acton friends this- week mr m speight of markhanjtias beeii spending the past week wiili frieids here mr john laidlaw of cartwr ght man is here visiting bis mother jirs arch campbell mr p c fltury of stoufljville npenc two or three days during the week with acton friends a another estimable aniiiy ijhat of mr james moore of erumusa haije taken np their residence in acton mr roht v leturued after spending six weeks visitiiij kincardine godeiich rud klori mr roht hay who has spei mer in the north west wo will do sonic cutting and slashing- theres a pile of trimniid hats and bon ife ts which must go they arcjiica and stylish iijnd as the season is far advanced we have determined to get rid ot them so come along and take your choice atiaboui- lvilf price l mantles at half price childrens toboggan coats will gb at cost this may seem strange but tis true nevertheless the rffi iwni sold piles of the 8nme goods early in the sehpn at a reasonable profit explerieiice teaches us that it is butler to sell thc bal ance at cost than to keep the n over to anotherj season furb furs fltrs ejm furs v r persian lamb seat beaver otter coney and astrachan fine persian lamb caps from 300 up handsome as- trachan from 200 up mens and boys overcoats and cardigan jackets reduced in price dont ipmet ou allwool flannel at i9c per yard boole shoes rubbers and overshoes from the best makers and sold as cheap as nny place in this country groceries choice and fresh jfemember we sell 7 hi of good japan tea not dust for 1 00 butter eggs and poultry wanted r b jermyn the 1 w in all u tapestr f wincey superfi menie h the above nrticles watkins i selhna ot immense yuauiiues ot uress uotas unaerciotniug ior junuw mixiej uciuieuidii am m ijefiil makesiin1 colors hosiery an 1 gloves ftibbous and lices qnilts and 3omforterb flowersaud feathers millinery yelveteje t druisels union and allwoolxiarpem with lots of other good many f them at alirmt hiiujfrice undotlnrs at etieshugly at only 3o another lot of wincey at kjj wliich is good value for re see tljo baautiful blankets in bixliiffirent qualities from uuio l w pricei jut see the nice onlv 3c another lot of wincey at 5o wjiich is good value tor pc oeo ttio uaauiiim uiaukots mbixiuujreui quaime irom union up to he very best extra le all wool all sellin od at a bi reduction al60 tobogganing anil horse blankets reduced mantle and ulster clotln iu beautiful styles ifre selling off at im- ednctions just see them the velyeteeps arc marked down ohofonrth aelow late prices see tha dress goods handsome ah wool serges in the new colort iown vrorni to lis exoejlent nice soft dre3s goodi iu the latest shadesjdown from 18 to 15s auohor lot of allwojlfrenuh s jrgei flotyii frpm 25 to 15c an other let of nice striped dress goods down froin10 to 7c flannels marked down see the flarinels tliey aio exceedingly good valoe the underclothing is very chean jnstsee it and vou will feel it yonr interest to buy it a verv haudsome iud varied stock of neckwear for all sizes from the little girl to tfie largest lady and from the little bov to thelargestmauconsistiirg of collars ties handkerchiefs so lr bows etc all first bate value abouta dozen makes of window curtains and table jnd piano covers in chariuin style and all useful sizes baldwins and ether yarns at reduced prices bo sare to examine the white striped and checked s the cautou flannels the flannelettes for warm durabie linings the tioklngs plain and faiiey stripes the striped hessian the 5iipuh plain hessians at sliirtin puly 10 greatly nificenl to 50c csret beauti llnjii he is much last week friends in t the sum- rctitriied a week ilenscjl with the nobth side jno haoey 4 cthill 3 l lauilitrt 1 d henderson 3 w mulliu jj 1 leslie moore 0 a e slaufrf i a b wright 1 edw dynf 1 setosu niiaw a e slater 0 acton and root mchhcrson 500 for ditching en second linc- mrs wm cargib of nassagawejra wbo was removed to the guelph general hospital 6ome time ago suffering from throat trouble died last week ths jlilton champion of last week de- fi voted a page to a general and interesting review of the town its business manufflc- turiug andmercantife interests persons who- address the editor of a paper anonymously can lay no claim to his stteation and treed take no umbrage if fueirjahor m writing is wastecl- there- was no quorum at tbe meeting of school trustees on monday evening a al attendance of themembers is asked for next tuesday evening 13th instl j the continuous downpour of rain for twenty hours on saturday night and son- 4y filled the ponds creeks and cisterns eodjfaier is now much more plentiful the art of paper making has reached point where a growing tree may be cot 4wn made into paper and turned out as s newspaper all within ihirtysu hours messrsv haivey mcclore millers tavedissolvedprtncrship mr harvey will continue tbe business here and mr 1 mcclure haracefcpted a situation as miller the usual bfll for mutton was passed at lhe latt jlccting of the jisquesing coou- eilt amounted to s20cc for three sheep and three lambs which had been killed by dog jmrjuke the unfortunate jran5 rban burned to death on satutdayv jila in the band at nathan tovells funeral jiast tuesday week today the band in jfall steength do honor to their comrads in serfin it was a sodden 1l ccelpb j mercury jno harvev c t hill i d henderson 1 1esiie moore 1 a b wright 20 return w jitillin i jasmatthesi l lauibetti 1 kdw lam belt iw djn the di1aw6 fl 0 u 1 1 played on match will thursday night of next wee t when a dif ferent result may be looked ptor opening ot the new sa barracks the opening and dedication of the barrack on mill street tnty week has been quite an event with the salvation army the building which is in bourse of con- sruction by mr hugh rydr has rather a barnlike appearauce externally but the interior of the main hall presents quite a neat and cheerful appearanbe tbe walls and ceiling are linished in dressed ash it is well lighted with ten witldows is com fortably beated and st the jrear end there is a commodious platform for the officers and soldiers the second sory when com pleted will be utilized for a mil for private meetings and a residence for the officers of the corps the barracks wps opened with appropriateerernonies oil hatnrday even ing by p q bongh and adjt marshall general officers of the divisic n onsanday meetings were held at 7 an 1 11 am and 3 and 730 pm on mond ly an officers council was held at 11 an a holiness convention at 3 pm and a jubilee in ttie evening officers and soldi iriwerepresent from toronto guelph 4rgas elora berlin and georgetown a id they topar- enuy came to have orgood time gfaelpb sabrass band was present and at eight oclock a parade very crec itable ty ske was inaile the barracks v as packed and tbe saivaiiouuts express themselves as having had a bairelujah time abont 400 persaifwere preseut the exterior of the buifiing vill not be complbted antil next snmmer when it will be gi en a coating of brick country from a farmers standpoint rev geo r turk of atlanta georgia has accepted the iuviution of lhe dublin street methodist church board gnelph to become their pustor next yearj subject to the church authorities ilimiry mr isaac w webster trunlmaier who went home ii frornmoore i bscgarvjns a few weeks ago died last thursday he was an efficient member of acton cornet baud his death is much regretted we have jubt learned that mr john lawson sri of esquesing hiisiremovcd to acton alid taken tip his residence in his fine brick dwelling at the corner of mill and wilbur streets wc welcome the family to acton j j the marriage of mr jno a tracey btepsbn of col murray esjiesing and tetter in the bank of hamilton wingham to miss annie e only daughter of the late thoa hamlyn tcok place last week the bridesmaid was misb brooks pf london the groomsman mr c g jmnrray of esquesing herald lialjltefilstkll tiuwsimy dkckubkii fitb- auctloi real and jicrbonnl liroperty of the late james mebcaii north half of the west half of lot 21 con 2 emiueaint on tho ireininik salo at 12 oclock win hemstreet auctioheer fiiiday 16th dkckmbeii unresejod sal stohk and implements tho property of mr e bcsseytot 20 eoneek9loll g ksiiiiekiiir sale at 12 oclock win burger auctioneer great sale of blankets mantles ulsters at the right house mantle cloths etc the ibovc nrticles watkins is selling off immense quantities ol dress gods underclothing for luli misiej gcnllenisn an 1 boyk in gran variety flannels j k millinery velvetsens silk plushep silk velvets the twilled and plain cotton 8heetings in bleachedand unbleached also the72 inch union arid ajlwool sheetings the pillow cottons bats aud wadding at reduced prices black crapes black pashnieres and other mourniuggoodijjn immense variety aud excellent value ses the quadruple black crape it is mag- see the best five frame brussels carpets down from 9135 to si also handsome tapestry 0rpets down from 75c ij c linolen reduction they are thcailwooi carpets down from 8110 to 75c see the nice 40c uuion cirpets also the hemp carpets at 10c the mais rugs mattings pilcloths linoleums i i njl 1 j zinc bindinsfonly 3c per yard illon- 1887 big we kelly brothers absolutely pure this powder never varies a mi rvol of parity ihandwholoaonienifi moie ocouomlcal jordlnary wnds anil pann flon with tberaultitudeof treni than eompietltion wehmt alum or pbospbatu powdei incass bowl bamko powdspjt f- mnn t be sold in ow test abort s sold onlv co 106 wall at atpst the cheditobs of aiicia fletcher late of thttviuage of actuiiihhcouuty of hal- ton who died on or about the twenty second day 4 of september jri87 arc hcroljvreqttired to snd l to david cook esq hallitipfad ko one ot the executors of the last will aul codfcil thereto of angus fletcher on or before the tweqty seventh day of december 18s7 their christian and sur names addresses aud descriiitionswith full par ticularn and jiroof of their claims ami statements of thejr accounts ami the security if any held by them claims to be proved by statutorv dectaration and notice is hereby givtii tliat after the said 27th day of december ls7 the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets of said de- ceased among the parties entitled theretohaving regard only to the claims of which he shall have had uotlcc and the executor will nox be liable for the assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim pr claims he shall not have notice at the tiuic of tincli destribtttion this notice is given pursuant to k sk chap 7 and 46 vict chap out johnston mclean solicitors for executory david cook au george yemen datid tliis ith dav of novfcmffcra d 15s7 f- notice to creditors ol james mgbaix peceased the jpffiditoes liucludiug those baviug- anv siieciiicor geueraj iioii 01 incumbrance lljion the imitate or any uufliviaed share tmeieofi of james ifebaiii late of the tjrwnship of es- iiuesiug in tbe county of halton who died ou or about the fourteenth dojy of oetober 1b87 are hereby required to seud to d henderson esq acton p o administratior cfthe estate of james mcbain on or about the se cuitentta day of december 1ss7 their christian and surnames addresses aud descriptions tritli full particulars and proolot their claims and statements of tlieir accounts and tho securitj if any held by thein claims to be proved by statutory declaration and notice ishereby given that after the said 17tb dav of december 1837 tho said adminis- trator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among tho parties entitled thereto having regard only to tho claims of which he shall havejaad notice and tbe admin istrator will not be liable for the as sets or any part thereof to anv person or persons of whoso claim o claims he ehallppt have notice at the timeofsueb distribution i i this notice is given pursuant to e s orchapi 107 audwyict chap 9 ont f johnston 4 molean i solicitors for administrator dated this lthiai of xotembcr 1687 ti i goods very nice black cashmere atonlyjlo the allwool carpets down from 8110 to 75c nee uo y ii- w o t on sweepers plain and decorated window blind- hollers poles brass binding only 4c zinc bindinsffinly 3c per yard silks at ioc per cent ful goods only one door west of lliiglieon street on king street east tije names on the windows are the bight honse and december 8 if n 300 suits to be gweh away at your own prices 200 overcoats at prices that will astonish you v we are gging to make altera- tions in our store and tko stock must be cleared out 7 price having engaged a firstclss cutter in the mattel 6f the estate of james mcbaiji late of the township of esquesiiig in the count v of halton deceased are in a position to turn out the dominion bring on your cloth and have it cut or made up actobt hollii hilje ordered glothing equal to any in prices low kelly brothers offer i 11 n o o 14 0 xi rn o cc m b 0 x p a d b a p o o i i d 03 wv c2i take yoitr scissors l r cut this square oujt brin it to hollin- rake sons and buy 99 cents worth or more of ahyttfing in dry ooods millinery clothing hats caps boots or shoes and you ivill receive a present of a fancy chinai cup isaucer a- e i-s- h o m xog 2 so cd 3 w a m fl 3 cd co sco o cd 3 ci- co x s o a m co m z h co ai7ith the approval of ho oilicial tiuaidian v v of the high court of justice for ontario there will be sold by public auction on thursday the8thdecernbep 1887 at the hour of 12 oclock iioon ou the premises by william hemsti1ekt esq acctioneeu tliosovaluablc freehold properties iijjlic town ship of estjiiesiuj couiprisiut theoijth half of tho test half of ixt umiiber twentyoue in tho becoud concession of the township of ebques- iug in the couuty of hnlton containing fifty acres more or less on tho premises is n good frame house also a frame bank baru s6xm ainl an orchard the farm is wall fenced fortysix acres under cul tivation balance timbered- hoil sandy loam the property is m miles from acton and is a very desirable property the property will be sold subject to a reserved bid to be lixed by the official guardian terms of sale j ten icr cent of the purchase money tobe paid to tbe vendor or his solicitors at the time of sale ttnd tbe balance of tbepurehaso moircy- tith interest in one month thereafter to bo paid into the- canadian bank of commerco to the joint credit of john hoskin the- said official inardian aud david henderson tho adminis- tratorof tbe estate the property is sold sub ject to a mortgage for sou further particulars will be made kuovu at the time of sale or may be had on amplication f o john hoskiu esq official guardian toronto to the undersigned and to the said auctioneer johnston amclean j solicitors for administrator dated this 21st day m november 187 the do washer sc ion w ringer we have a supbrb stock op- the latest styfles the latest shades the latest- trimmings i we must clearer stock out before ohristmas so lodk out for bargains at tm patkntul 1w the most perfect and complots and wringer iu tbo dominion it takes tholcad wherever iiitrmhiccd it washes ensity it vashei qutokly- it washes clean with it a doeen articles of averngu sire eaij bo washed aud wrung out within livo minutes this machine is so easily operated aud docs its work so jierfectly and so quickly that wherever introduced it b soon recognized as an article of necessity it washes upon the same principle as iaud-rub- biug yet so gently that it does not in jtiro even the finest fabrics it is selfadjusting and washes even the finest linen or tfie largest blanket with equal ease- it docs not partially wash tho clothes leaving theni to be finished- by hand but does its workf lerfectly and complete ly doing away with the washboard and hand rubbing altogether it washes a dozen or ihore articles atouce thereby accomplishing in au hour or so as much work as wouldotuerwiso occupy the whole lay a h btirkclof hamilton out tho patentee of this machine offers j300 or a challenge competi tion by ami other wasliingrnachiue ever invent ed that will accomplish its work equally oh well as quickly as easily aiid with as little injury to the clothes every machiikc guaranteed to give satisfaction sold separate or combined trice of maehino complete with wringer l without wringer f6 orders attended ti as soon as possible correspondence solicited david schcltis lockwood po general agent for thetowusliips of esqucsiug kassogaweya eramosa 4ullpii aud city of jtuelpn and all towns and villages therein isaiah w loyce e vebton f o general agent for the townships of erin caledou and c4arafraa ivi f i 1 hm t r- keep youk eye on this frame i i waterb bros have decided iu iteukiui 25 wjdiam street gtjijlph ll c v 1 k s t

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