Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 8, 1887, p. 4

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it j x ibc jvtoit frtt ftoss t thuksiuy dkckmnku 8 1887 i ffljr lloung jfolks ntr place ror a nor ro be 1 irml liim st the morning when the ni ikiow in the kram and lie ilv- iixjt mind our tvtii ivks not mind in the least koi in the school iwm i toll him ii the place or hov to be so we hiy god bye itli inauy smile ami he throws lwev is to me hut oh at last in the evening r when the min is 1ov in the wen 1 see him eouung home to nn f donrvst ami nn km forget nhat t sin- iii the- morning ami i think m isth ngiiv tint n mothers lll the inside 1 the plarf for n ho to be i n i i if jingles an jokklets hnlf anllonr with tlin wise mm the witt mlthoiiirtrhaftliri wornis often detrx ychildron but free- mans worm powder i destroy wof iu and expel them fron tho i vbtcm a 1uy tlift johnny xkykk foktjot r r mks m 11v1m1vn rud it but k wag a bright winter liiornini was saturday it was early yet- only half past six- johnny blynnwas up and dressed he went down stairs as fast as he could ro 1 in the dining ivom was sister nellie standing by the rate warming hcr hands johnny eired hold of one of herlons braids and rave il such a twist thatthe blue rib- boa tha fict it cemo near falling iuto the then johnny unshod and nellie said impatiently as she twitched at the knot in the ribbon its too bad when 1 had my hair all raay for breakfast hair for breakfast ik lief shouted jovuny danciuf teasiujjly aibout her wwoever heard- tell of such a tiring tlien did nellies patience vanish entire ly and she sprang up to give johnny a good rhake but he darted away ancu ran oat of doors appearing soon in the kitchen much to the dismay of bridjjelttho was homing about trying to dish upbeakfast ifthert was anybody in the world that bndset didnt want to see in the kitchen it was johnny so as soon as he bouueed in she said now get out of this moluiuy blyun thisfrery minute but johnny seized the spcicsf that waslu the battercakes shout ing ill bake cakes for yon leeu lie tried to pat a cake on the griddle he plunged uie spoon deep into the batter and carried il dripping across the table and floor and stove and splashed it od to the grddle then bridge seizedboth the spoon and the boy put the spoon in the dish and the boy through tile open door then shut and locked it saying wrathfulljv as she put him out youre the very worst boy in this world this was a specimen of that whole day he could not go out to skate because his mother said he was too hoarse to play out of doors such cold day and such a day asjhejr had of it if johnnys business hf been- to torment everybody make them- lose their tempers and upset nerves generally hs would have- been a master hand at his business for he went f rom one think to another as fasf as possible never r once stopping to resthimslf from the window he saw two ladies coming to cali upon his mother and im mediately he ran into the parlor and hid behind the folding doors where as they stood oped were nice little corners behind them it will be such fun he said to himself to hear what they say when they think they are all alone so while they waited for his mother to come down they talked they were friends of her schoolgirl days and one of them had not seen her for several years they talked in low tones bat johnny could bear very word they said one lady said to the other cornelia has a pleasant home yes the other answered and mr blynn is a verv nice nfen she has two children you said are they nice childpeu why yes they are very smart and handsome- neliie is a sweet child but johnny is a perfect little torment his mother spentthe dav with me when i lived out at riverdalc and she brought him along he kept my nerves on the stretch all day there wasnt a thing on the mantle or table bat he must have hold pf i expected everything woald go toshiveis that he touched he was so rongh what a pity that she should hive such a burden to carry fou said her- health was frail v- yes very i should not be surprised if she did not live very jodsj- just then the door opined and mrs blynn came into the room johnny peered through the crack at her bis sweet beau tiful mother how pretty she looked dress ed in white with pink cheeks and bright eyes what a dreadful thing was this he had just heard his rnarhma die how i could it be he had never thought of such a thing in his life just then what did mrs blynn say but is rt this di aught too strong for you mrs graham and rising closed the foldingdoors when behold curled in a heap in the corner was johnny why said mamma but johnny waited lohear no ivore a dart and bound tooji liim through the door ond on he went up to his own room where he cried himself almost sick nobody shall ever call me a torment again he sail with a longdrawn sob dont suppose that johnny grew to be a wonderful boy all at once after that big re solve he tried to keep it but he kept forgetting and doing the same naughty fulhgs day after day he told it all to mamma one night how it was of uq use for him to try and be good he just couldnt and then mamma said johnny dear dont you know you must pray just afyou play witlj ail yourheart and you must run to jesus when you feel that you are tempted to be naughty just as you call after me when you are in anv danger t that made the way plainer and every body began to say jolmiiy is certainly to be a better bov thi in national pills arc he favorite purnativo and atitibillous mecjiciuc they arc mild and thorough ml diijrndw ncvir despairi a good moto for all if afflicted with aijy linrcring disoatc remember while there is life thero is hope novcr despair of relief until you havo tried burdockbood bittern itourcs diseases of the stojliuch liver and blood when all other remediestail whccainr gasping iuffcrersfrom asthma reivo quick and permanent relief byitiw southern sthma cure sold by alldrhg gists or by mail ou receipt of price a miiiuh ov ivnll lnaknri to uro imperial c cam tartar baking powder it is perfection and far supcriorf to all other jfc i dnrcce h gjlircb cf t cilmour co wholesale grocers brockville aaye i have used tarparac llixir for a severe cold and cough which it immediately relieved aud cured 4 t x lllal to hobkrkrrprrk mrs kobert jvilanibou of glenila parry souud out- i bays t could not keep house withoavpagyartts yellow oil at haiid i havetpcd it in my family for croup sore throat j arid a cut foot and can highly recommend iuo everybody darnrcm or i tiny it wo were allowod to 1 ook into the future and see tho fatal cousoqi onoo that follow a noglcotod cold how diffi rontly would our oourtc bo could wo roalfeo our danger how speedily wo would seek many it is only iwheti tl a euro j but with 0 monster disease 1 rlnintr opinion i have great pleasure in certifying to the usefulness of hagyuru yellow oil writes u kavauagh postriaster of umfraville out liaviugused it forsoreiiess of the throat burns colds etc 1 find nothing ejual to it r to mdovc daudrurl cleanse the scalp with prof lows marfic iulphur soap a delightful medicated oap for the toilet s ifntler tl eronomj as a matter of economy b b b is the cheapest medicine in use fur it takes less to cure chronic diseases df the stomach liver kidneys aud blood than of any other known remedy r b b b is only one dollar a bottle j mother graves worm kxtermmaforhas no eijnal for destroying worms in children has fastened its fangs tif ou our lungs that we awaken to our folly what follows a neglected cold is it n t ditcnbcs of tho throat aiid lungs brouol itis asthma con sumption and many other diseases of liko nature it is worso thaii madncbs to ne glect a cold and it is ifolly not to litivo sonio good remedy aviu ablo for this fre quent complaint one cf tho most efllouc- ious medicines for all dii eases of the throat and luiigo jh bicklep anticonbiimptivo syrup this nicdieiue- is composed of several liicdrciiial linrb wlnflli oxorl u most wonderful iutlticti o in curing con sumption mid other diecnech of tho lungs and chest it promotes a frco iiml easy ex pectoration soothes irritation and driveb tho diseaho from tho bvb om a crying evil- nro often fretful and ill when wonnb arj the cause lr lows worm syrup tafoly- oxpola all worms g lwom ttlk-r- temple of mttsio- out clearing siilo of now iiui seeond ilmi olgiius pianos melodians oir eily lernih of layintiit now and hcjoiid hand bull orginn from jo up fi karo orgiini now from 67 tip m now doininion orgatih miiht n thime iiihiiiiuiiiiih nro ill inekeiit icnlcil tliicnleh llie nnnlrj unci 1 will wmiiilit lllhtliiiiikiltwllllll i klll tnglvlipiilluit hlllkfllltlllll 1 tlimnaii froin 87c up kigonrl kicunil nuiidjliunonfropi 875 up li8i l i- nvciy bight to the kont okallcomekt1tion elegant and subs -riojp- splendid in quality complete in assortmei overtlowing in gei wk place ouit antial goods tl 4 cjtdub birrgaiiib and adults see that when purchasing iii streugth about dr you get the genuine mens womens ajni childrens boots and shoes v73ssrs oveshoesrc at prices that always lea j to speedy bales lowest pripe 5 consistent tlltii good quality uubtom work aud ropairinp promptly attended to w williams i mill street itcton ia large consionfttbnt of sliaali musical merchandise including band and ohor instruments texpeoted every day direct frpm german manufacturer which will bo coldcheap for caeh- cull nuil nnike iitiiiieeinii iib to what injiu o inntiuineiit yu wnnl or wrlto fnr lint ami i will kullil iwleetlou nevurilhik to prlee ion wmtito jiiiv to your nciirrrt tiitloii or ilellvcr tlio nntiio forapprnval anil it tlm iiuuunieiit in not wnihli tlm inmmy i imk foill return it at my fxpuiihe i am illll ilonllni in the ienulnollcliityiimji iliino iilm the celelirnteil dotninlon iiniio anil orraii kliuet tnuih oriltiru i dally cr o nqlbisr railway tkfle tabt -o- the lion of guelph i m k ivv i rm i a v vi tolophono connection importer of i reign musicid merchandise juehecst guolph 5 and 7 wyndham8t cuelph 84joswcld8t qlasgow -f- 1 oo- r i wc sire now lispliiyiiig one of tlie mtt attractive stocks of mil- incry ever seen in giioiik tlicsliipesiare large and very stylish and the trimrniiigaro the richest ana most varied that we have ever seufi in any former millinery season grand trunk ftailwavj ooinokast owowajl mlxcil 7ui iii i ixprrib 1 1- kir 1 w nin j kxpresr tz pass main liji auij ihro exurt- through kxpm w nin mail wjllj- accoiil 9 01 pm j miicd sw j chlcaokxrtsrioe andllrampton cuu timirofriomnc juiis going west 115 ii in mid s 2011 v going icntit jl niii nu jsoum there is no kvapori tion or deterioration thomas kclectric oil the ingredients bf this incomparable auti rhenmatic and throat and lung remedy are not volatile but fixed pure and im perishable pain lameness and stiltuesb arctrelievedttyitand it may be used with ejual benefit vjermtlly and internally the extraordinary popularity of ayers cherry pectoral is the natural result of iu use by intelligent people for over forty years it has proven itself the verv best specific for colds coughs and pulmonary com plaints a4lalm trrlflrd b b b claims to cure all curable dis eases of the stonjach bowels liver kidneys and blood that is actually performs all it claims is proven by testimonials from parties which none can dispute seud for testimonials of remarkable cures persons of sedentary habits the greater part of whose time is passed at the desk or in some waybent over daily tasks cramp the stomach weaken its muscles and incur dyspepsiaearly their most reliable and safest medieinal resource ia northrop st lymans vegetable discovery the great blood purifier and which is especially- adapted to indigestion biliousness con stipation and poverty or impurity of the blood d- chases mandrake dandelion liver cure onaw by cunningham felkie dd nutliorof the life and words of christ hours with the bible etc ideal edition long primer type fine cloth price reduced from 100 to 40c postage oc contents youth chaijacter compauious success chris tianity helps readings dreams farewell l a book for young men in every respect admirable standard chicago a healthful and elevating o6k journal indianapolis full of beauties and excellencies jh cynosure chicago omof those personal assifitauts to character that every one is the better for owning traveller butoii it is full of just such truths as should- be implanted in every young mans mind jiefiodif ifcorcrpittsburgli we earnestly recommend young men to read jvhathas been to ourselves a truly delightful work dean alford l the entire book reveals to young men that it in a uoble and a blessed thing to live caitml riiptis st louis mo -oi- mantles mantles our stock of vfautlfs isjsimiily a marvel ofolemcc cshow every variety anil effect in clbth and design jdolmans with close sleeves having all ilie eleaiicew the dolmans with tlicwaiimhyhnd convenience of the jackets short jaqkets ve sliov nn linnicnsu range our iiissoi tmciit of childrens jackets is very t nj jletju nil prices arc very moderate dress imaking jll tss todd is very biisvin this klepardiicntaiid is tilimiiug out sornc very liaidsiiiii ami hew styles tjns department owing to miss todis wohtlanicd reputation is assuming vast proportions i o- 1 it is strong with argument and appeal beautiful iyith fancy 600000 sold db chase is too well anj favorably known by his rocci wt books to require any rooommoud uon j db chists liver cure hai 4 receipt book wrappcl around every bottld which u worth it weight in gold i da chases liver cnro is tarantced tweflre all discaft ariiug from alcorpid or inactive liver euch as iitrr tompbiiiit dfmprfla indlgrilon billon drjauudlrr ilrad- achflitet8potollohlotuplrlonrlc db chaseatirer cnro h no enrej all it l rimplva kilneviiver kcimlator try it mo- dicino and jieceipt book slj bold by all drug gists i t edjiansw co ejolo agents j prtldford ont and figurr tcmlor with pathos and iietj english review of life and inspire to a nobler work nothing can be healthier in tone messenger philadelphia a most valuable help for all young men who desire to attain a high character as well as success and influence in life lhii observer phila every young man would be deeply benefitted by a perusal of this entertaining sensible and scholarly work homestead springfield mass after the mariner of matthews getting on in the world and smiles self help1jut more ijositively christian in toiie phila the litefaru bcvolntlow cittalouitc 04 pages sent free on application aujiss publicationsarc xot sold by 6ooclfrr discounts nlloivwl except as advertised books sent for exam nation hrforr itaymcjif satisfactory reference being given john 13 alden publisher new york 393 pearr8t i chicago lakeside building p o uoz 1337 i clark uud aduuists to fa rmers and threshers use on your machinery only the wellknown purest stsgkcest blgt i corjtairs no i alum ammonia liiae phosphates or any injurious malerialj e w hiatrcfhccelj gillett tob uultil cmaoofw the wanzer lamp 50 r m wanzw ft- co maaufeettiti hamilton oat to the gejsftlemek wewould siiy tliat ir stock ofglotlishptli for suits aiit ovcl conts is till tlio liiliist myjes j wiile stripe pud worsted eoiitings arc imicli worn ilnil tin ilry latest tilings- i our stock t loiilyimiklcsis very complete and we can naran- bvtler lit froni lunoii them than tho average cutter tee you a lnueli can make i our stock of furnishings is very complete j d williamson co guelp u guelfh cloth hall growing 7 ml iu itrlrf aud lollir holnl dyfejiepfiia is dreadful disordered liver is misery indigestion is a foe t good nature the human diefetive apparatus is one of the most complicated and wonderful things in existence it is easily iit out of order greasy food touh food sloppy food bad cookery mental worry late hours irregu lar habits and many other things which ought not to behave ioade the american people a notion of dyspeptics but greens august flower has done a wonderful work in reforming this sad busi- nesauj making the american people so healthy that tlicy can enjoy their meals and be happy kemember no- happiness without health but greens august flower brings health and happiness to the dyspeptic ask your druggist for a bottle seventy- five centb i be an vcur tfiuird dont allow a cold in the head to slowly and surely run into catarrh when you can be cured for 25c by using dr chase6 catarrh cure a few applications cuic in- sipieut catarrh 1 to 2 woxescures ordinary catarrh 2 to u boiesis guaranteed to cure chronic catarrh try it only 2c and sure cure feeitless oil 9 gold medals imvo been awarded it luring tlio last three years try also our poorloss axlo groaso foryour waggonsfiiid horse powers- these oils are used and highly recommended at themodel farm gnefph farmers nsk for them tifcmin other lafanufacturcdnt quccxl cityoil 7orfesby samuel rocers co toronto iu n dreadful omllllon hattie e mauthorn of mill village ont says 5iy cough was dreadful i could not sleep at nights on account of it but when i used hagyards pectoral balsam i had rest and was quickly cured ajl druggists sell this invaluable cough remedy advice to moiiieus are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and cryini with pain of cut ting teeth 7 if so smd at once and get a bottle of mrs winblows soothing syrup for children teething its value is incal culable it will relieve the poor little suf ferer immediately depend upon it moth- ers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softens the gums reduces inflammation aud gives tone and energy to the whole system mrs winslows soothing sy rup for chifdren teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be sure and ask for jtiis winklows sootiiixo svncr aud take no other kind ufmilhlns urec it is llie duty of eiury person wh as used bf iter germtui sjliit to let it on- derful ijiiilities be known to their nds in curing coftahfiption severe 0 ghs croup asthma pneumonia and in fact all thro a and lung diseases no person can use t without immediate relief three doses will relieve any case audwejionsider it the duty of all druggists to recommend it to the inor dying consumptive at least to try one bottle as 80000 dozen bottles were sold last year and no one case where fairly was reported such a medicine as the german fiyruji cannot be too widely known askyoiirdruggist about it sample bottles to try sold at ten cents hegular ix 75 cents sold by all druggists and dealers in tlietjnited states aud canada brut nntl ctmfort lo ike rtuftrrlns browns household panacea 1ms no jual for relievinejjnm both internal mid xternal it cures puiu in the side back or bowels sore thrmit rheumnlsin toothache lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will mostsurelyqulck- en the blond and heal as its noting power is wonderful browns household pan- acea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of double tho strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should lie in every family handy for use when wanted as it really is the best remedy iri the world for gramps m the stomach and pains and aches of all kinds and is for tale by all druggiitb at 25 ceoli a uoule n washington mdlrcp8 eminent throat and lung surgeon will next visit acton dominion hotel monday 28th riovember one day 01 ly c vtiltllh tultoa clitkd sew arrivals in fall goods wt air daily opiiiiiii up lare iuanhties3f fine imported woollens for this seasons trade i jlipw grundy merchant tailors cuelph n o cliimney no ilobe xo smote xowoi vqs itjvvy nonlxiilotne y gets beat- edi ljurns an gcatlc of ioal oil everylniipl ciarinlccl vi36ut intrfcnug with tile lirlit can pu on xufetrv aiticbsum beat water lidil ege uiak tci hbj coffee opfcr 6tew gmatthews sold agkxi ioll actov am vicimtv u will cure or relieve biliousness dyspepsia millinery and manlte departments iu full running orcjer t asvv mve bccll bllcceps- ouk new uictliod outj catarrh on a few of thi- liiimlrcls nlio fully ticntml bjlllr wasliing mis jiki ilckelvy kings am cnliiinptibll john jickulvy fihightoii oil cntarrli mrs a hoiijiing lungstijii out llroncbo coiisuinntioii mr k scott kiiigttoii oilt catnrrb- head and tbroiit mrsjtiio jictram harrowbioiibont catarrh throat jaiucn miltlliewr p matter acton out ca- tarrnli hciilund throat j f iiancif llcrlin grit cladirrli head and throat f miss nellie kby dcrliii out kiiluigkiltoinil f wing 1 m oniniia oi 0 catarrh bead henry mrott herliti out asthma mrh 1 wagner near her n out icatarrb bead and throat levi kercher st jacobs out catarrh bead and throat colin campbell pt kdward out asthma jatnch staeey dutton out catarrh win shoemaker itoduey oiitcutiirh joseph smiley fort gratiot u s catarrh bad form w ii stojcy fsij of storey a- son cilovo mauiifactitrvra acton out lir washington is the only llnout and lung kiiifccon in nnadu minn mary a itombourg centervile lont catarrh head and throat i sirs godfrey lehncsr s arohs out con sumption titns snider iilooiuflcld ont catarrh hoad and throat i gillett s l 99 percent purest 8troncebt bc8t beady for use in any quantity for making 8oap softening water jmsln- feotlnirand a hundred o her uses a can equals 80 pounds sal oda i sold bf all grocers and druggists ew gillett roronto wjeavijrgj mr t mil cell desires to inform the peophi of action and surroundings that ho is prepared to take orders for weaving all kinds of fancy rag carpets flannel sheeting shirting and dress goods striped or plaii i twillor plain also bed blankets aud hqnoblanketstwo yards wide and over j j and i will guarantee that willgivegood satisfaction to all farmers aind others who will favor me with their patronage t tvtttrtiell castoria for infants and children oaaterlm la bo wen adapted to ehodren that oattotia cures colic constlnatl recommend f inwwbtome h a aacsia m d ham38 splendi i lig ome show rooms it everything new low prices r a manufacturersestjock f mantles at less than whole- saleprices m childrens ulsters 2 oil ireeommcndltaasuperiortoantdrcscridtjon i 8our btomach diarrhoea erucution 1 r i i klui worms gives sleep and promote di- wbo ntloui injurious medlcat tne ccxtain compaxv 77 murray street n y ft liidif ulsters si won vs4 lmliei lmliei jersey larkels i knitted shirts c east end cijotliing store you do not need to buy ready- made clothing when- yo j can get a good suit made to order in the latest fashion for j 1000 at j fyfes overcoatings in all 1 the newest hades persian lamb astrachaln and wool caps of all descriptions alo a quantity of underclothing at greatly reduced pricss j fyfe acton worth sh50 knitted woolshawls from 51 upwards newest designs in carpets just received vi rt i750 tapestry chrpetijc lirusselscurpetstoc icnniin make wool carpets 73c inoigestiofl ia4wid1ce hspelas snij rheujii heartburn headache i dizziness dropsy fluher1m of jke heart acidity of- the stomach dryness of the skin and ctcry ineciss cf disease zrisisg ircm drctdercd litter kidneys srcacl bowels orbloob prcrrrietcrs cob05s0 tilbi manhood how lost kovv restored cf dr galvei kmljcci cc jufjt iiuiscj u v- irx weliscelohrcitcd i y of jxtiiliytu or exerts or criv iuiiri n the tfltilirarc uiiir fcfsny crurlyiuiacnm- r successful irncticf ihi on quencts of culy t nor uv l pointing out a nuvio vi ivi certain und clicctu y sutferer no matter v iuquccd bj7 ilif rxuiirsbt j i 1 irlyyeaa aiiufcurids v tif file li which e7 it en may be may cure hiinsclf cheaplv privattlv aiiil noii call rtliis lecture ihoiu tijiundsofercry yonill and every ni liprc hud sent under seal in altiin velopc to an address on receipt cf four cents or two pestsge stamps addrces tto oulteiweirieticaico 41 xvx st nhtt youk t y 0 bfcxtf mdkat brothers 46 and 48 king street east hamilton furn it u re vn dert aking ovr furniture depart oue- ment undertaking i department comllktk with a ueautifll iiiti1 stock ok parlor- bedroom suitert spring head kelly bros advertisement thing to interest everyone scotch englisn and canadian suiting in jjreat variety at j fyfe i acton some- best c a jmcii display in iainps aiid lamp- goods john m bond co direct hardarare impdfrters v- fanay brass lamps fine hall lamps decorated library lamps bras i library lamps eboi y gold library lamps lamps from 15c to 2000 plete assortment ever lower than ever brands of canadian and american coal oil electroplated ware a profusion of choice goods headquarters for farm scales cheap at dirk verd library lamps colored glaus library lamps jumbo hand library lampb small night library lamps the finest and most corn- in cuelph and prices building hardware lance saws axes barbed wire buckthorn wire annealed wire cow chains haltors flower btaiids and all seasonable goods i john m bond cos ouelph beds mattresses tables chairs e c etc a full line cf ijnot best niiikciv alwnv iluces kkaboxwllk jspeig etc 1111 111 the htson a spjijight millv coffins casketvhburial robes of all sizes jn stock ltdiiits rnomrtly- filled j speight son tcs fridc of the- vallcv- -lli-vl- i th cum ol the mediciuc it cured nivs dyieisia firs i bought a fiinile iicjiu for ik tlicn rjt liackagcs for 1 mid before i had tisen uk contents of four jnciirkcs 1 rs entirely have lliver felt the pviuiloir since tbtvst four years ago 1 alto honulit i botile of priw sjj of the valley liniment last fpriigfor my wn sgj man who sinained his ankle so badly he coum not bear his weight on it after using w jj tho valley liniment for 21 hours he tvaslble w s go to work as well as ever a fid what ij jj namo of that other mcdiein whv pridoof jm- valley catarrh and luieuinntic cure tbsluw greatoit known remedy in the wrld for umcw of catarrh not an inhaler hut the medicine w sm bo taken internally once r diiv it strikes fe root of tho disease and reinbvcs the cooseb- s orice thousands will testify that bavelwj the catarrh remedy the three above remedies go hand in imnd and where can i get m atlg matthews acton out also ww g- flrstclass medicine dealers iu canada mwr factured by iliof a m siuauvks agee ontario mutual life assurance company heap now assurances assurances in force premium luconio interest income doatb claim paid profits pajir assets snnlqs on hand off te ce waterllop ont its peogress 1876 alni312 i ffil161 0114 f 2g3s 112619 ki wm hendry munager h p eijioorei agent fjr actouv iaso 10hk81 822c 6874 13ial ia563 247425 29775 irti lmoa 1304470 1m370 143m 27431 12001 427130 32116 1bh4 al44soo 7k1901 223770 2698 381454 19939 632663 47223 i88c f255750 9774534 27208 43494 54250 31010 939490 61533 pride of the valley nasalbalm cojjqjn the head catarrh a positive gitbs job cold in i hay fev j set a snufl powder or irritating llqam jftc wlu wiw08 ilnotobtainahcatyoalj gljts eent prepalc onreccipt of price a fulford a co brockvlllo ol w h riddell secretary rscouchstcol rl 0 a r s e n 5 s iii r 1- ivolu eveky t free pre88 ctonj sub oxb via- thbt inviiribly inr rl21ryevij tinned till all o option of thcsul simi ijlllvllcl 10 inches 5 inches 1 inch casual advertil fiidt insertion a efjueut insertioa roakoiicd by thel iilo of olido advcrtisemenj till bo inserted f ugly- trausitoij aadvance changes for cl iu the office byl they will be laft t w h- loi c gradual conegoofpbjeif ofliceaildresi treetacfo- qhs lal outariovc oriuary surgeonj iiios boot and si horses eiswiucij ivcu l all calls liiglit terms easy 7 l benh c mckil 0 destli uew system of callcdvitahaed i pain having hi teacher ib koya toronto patron satisfaction in a visit xcton cvery of each month j g cartj v tist jlf ltoya college ol will visit actont njngthc first of i preservation ol j artificial teeth ill ber bases guorff nitrous oxide ari nainless extractil johnstod barristers sol c private fo officoj et- joffsd t a mq babeisise ofvice p ofiicf matthj m e mil souciil ofiiee first i office maiii stre per cent hilton s ttffitd offices creelrj king t allan 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