Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 15, 1887, p. 1

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mm i cra 96 pm volume 111 kalai m f ije ctfjtt fxu jjrisi j ib pcbubbkrt i 4jveky lhub 5day morning i attbk j free press power prlntitq house acton ontatuo acton banking company storbt ohwst1e ft go -bankerbi- jst subscription rate8 ykjkh fioo but konths nocit thuke months sct litiamv in advuc itnotratdinadtanlse a voir will bo charged no paper dlscdn- limta till all arrears are paid escept at the op publisher advertising rate6- mi k r lamp xnr i power im smnchcs wlnohts inches i inch vr0jio3mohnjo sio0 jjo 7i 1000 lioo hbo 14u0 w susf i com s sjqo li casaal advcrtisttaouts cents perline tor tho 6rt insertion and aeouuporliuctvmr each sub- sequent insertion cash the number of lints rtlonod bv the space occupied measured by isalcof solid nonpareil advartiseaicatsttrlthout specific directions xiil be inserted till ldrbid and aiued accord- ajly transitory adtlstuc4ti mart be paid a advance j i changes for contract advertijwmenta must be in the office by 3 aon ontitsslavn otherwise they will cft 0t bnttl following week hpmoobk j editor and propriotdr tsusiiuss birtttorp j w it lowry m b mcps a g nulaiio of trinity collgo member of couecc of physicians and surgeons j office and residence at tho beaid ol frederick treetacton i jobs lawson graduate op ontario veterinary college toronto vet erinary surgeon acton ont office in kenny bros boot and s1kc store residence in the resr hones exauijucj at to soundness and certificates irwu all calls uyb or day promptly attcuded to terms easy m srcoie no odea i oi coal is tt intataodlm irv itttctmasbtj ind co optotj 5ews l 3 iij relieve inks iqpsy- lttering j of tke heart djty of the stomach as3 of the sjc5n disezst srisxngt s qs3l06d hi a l bennett ldstent1st gkobcietown ontamo acton ontario abnkral bamim business waxsagtip vo vxt appnovao ioawto ok k0ia8j notes discounted and interest allowtd on depobjta find the puzzle re mtacnlndi9 ureuand to furulnliontlio uiortmt notibc ifimny qoantlty and at hot- torn price nrviia lumber lath stay es head infir8hihgleswaahtub8 churns butter tube pork barrels wopd v wbtir ariitlf eed and anything in tho lino of f ariuera nouackcep- era ot contractor neceamioea the ptualo i to find a better place than thomas c moores to buy anything in the above lined also to find out it you are indebted to him for auything pur chased from win hit bookajay some axe and he would like tho money w h rutledce thfi btttoher deal in everything in the meat line no cits establislinient cau le found better stock ed at ah beasous days bookstokle o i actokt ontlbio thibsdjiy tpimbb j 8t noveltie8 fancy lwnpe fanoy ouis pieoaa j fine books ohildxens books our stdoti fine and ew est assormcent of ewbst goods c mckinlay ljs surgeon i dentist tioorcetown ont uses the m jrstcl of nitrons oxide gas commonly eaued vitalised air for extracting teeth without i niin hiving been domonstrator and practical teaeberin roval college of dental surgeons i xoibnto patrons may depend upon receiving satisfaction in any operation prrformed will visit acton every second and fourth wednesday of cacntnontii- office in ancwa hotel j h cakrique surgeon des- a tibt milton honor graduate of the boral cole of dental surgeons of ontario rilj visit acton thursday of each week begin ning tbc first ol july office in agncwa hotel preservation of the natural teeth a specialty rtinciil teeth inserted on soldi celluloid orjub- ier bases iruimnteed perfect vitaliicd air nitrons oxide and other anaesthetics used for j iainless extraction of teeth j j no questionable goods of fered to customers i at any price day sells cheap jiystinon tailor and draper verv full tub kptbxrbfla w ih ssal lite vho willi whol who and whol and is now showing a rnagninoejtt ratiro new and choice lines in johnston t mcleix eirrislert solicitors notaries onveyauceis ic private funds to loan j 02ce town hall acion f b johnston wu a mcleaj t a mojt bietuitet sullirtloe notiev pcnuc i r money to loan onicxdivs tuesday and saturday j ottscf mattbews block acton upstairs e mitchell f sciicnon cosvtwsciic acj j offix rirst iloor west of the champion office main street milton percent lowest prices and square dealing is my motto one trial convinces on these points casb always iaid for cattle the highest price paid for hides and sheepskins w h rutledge welling marble worts qh31bs5 st crtslps hamilton clark proprietors wholesale and retail dealers in marble granite and everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importers of all kinds of granite and marble fall siiitinos trouserings anil overcjuatings extraordinary value in underwear ties collars cuffs gloves c mens working pants one dollar f j n stinson rockwood next door to post office 0itn was it whouil wed my wife od mo al longanil happy ufo kroii troublo free uuyoxed by strifov my motherinlaw who was it taught my wife to boko a lot of broad or fancy cakov and ipiwusing dishes make my motherinlaw gavo us counsel when wo wont houi okoopbig monoy froely spent ou t ittigs for use and oruauiont 1 my motherlulaw taught my wife to take delight lb mjaklug all arbuud her bright fiioot uto with a smile at ulgbt my mothorlnlaw won it when my wife was ill hoatwod uioii her care and skill paved to uic n uursos bill 1 my uiotliortulaw who then my llttlo ones prepared kacli tiiorn for school who for them tared and ill tholr llttlo sorrows shared my mother inlaw who was it whou tholr prayors woro said so si ugly tucked them into hod and till they slept beside them stayed my motherinlaw t vihn of my clothing then took care who overlooked my underwear and itept each garment lu rcjialr my motherinlaw who conies tho first to soothe my woes who jlovcs my friends and hates my foes whojbuys my children lots of clothes my motherinlaw who loft tomohor nldhaslont to buy tho coal and pay tho vent j wliod filadly sto mo president my mothorlnlaw a loving grandmother is she a gel oruus friend sbos been to inc i foruverlronorodlotucrbo i mymotherlnlaw sltct ifamilii luauinjgf madge flmiains slor i1t mhv kyle ub cashier jaraei connor ray betrothed and i were coing librae for christmas i had been money to loan atj c s hilton allan i ba1rd barristers solicitors ix toeoxto isll gtergetowx osces udjsg treelmans block georgetown kiig street casttcrantol w t illvv jjhntos ha j nated ba loqd r restored m dr cvdvztft l litckil ctmpi ujncodijj3 f eisnl v i inyyearst- 7tuigi come- itficarci iix sibtple iz ttici cvt m itne3ay be7 rij aad rab- v l j r5 of every j vticjcl to any irti or two postage i f m teiicalco- s valleyg ir rz then 4 l ia taken i i ls entirely ww snee tjiat it s bottle of i prisgfor icy- rj isdly he lter using ga and what wgm 1 cure tbatjafljgg karmtotbeaigf ttte medicine towg v it suites attgl jlv that have tjg ijieaurte remeasj cacad w lts lasdosotf 7 cares ro hayfew aiogiiiroia h of price w3 b agerow 4 carson j bulklstelloatlvw tc osjc oiitaro hall 50 cunrch street toronto co caowx ittonxer i atents secured fok inventions ikis kenily uhfst ottawa caxada y yturs practice no patent no py w m heilstreet licenskl arcnoveeu for tb- coanties of wellington and haltou orders lefjrt the yixs piass office acton at my rcsmpuce in acton will be promptly kt- lendl lo terms reasonable j usg luouey to loan on the most favorable trm and at the lowest rates of interest sums o irjooiiud upwards olti ohnday architect j gcrnh orr jueons hotel lilock market square jf rancis susan i sucocssirtotfchapinau kookbindek i st gejrsvs siaa gnclpb ontario amhnt hooks of all kinds made to order perwdlciis of every description carefully bound eaiins neatlv and promptly done having lately visited the bay of kuudygrante quarries and having purchased tho entire stock ol gray and red granite monuments headstones crosses urns etc of alexander tsylor at less than cost we will until further notice sell at prices never before known in ontario for in stance granite monuments tthigh sou 7 ft t5 8 ft 90 9 ft 100 10 ft jtio all work and material warranted firstclass parties wanting anything in this line will dowcll to call and see us before purchasing elsewhere as we guarantee our prices are from 30 to 20 per cent below all other dealers liyery j h worden having assumed proprietorfchip of theliyery business lately carried jou by mr w l smith would solicit the patronage of the public and will do their utmost to please all customers welt equipped and styliaji rigs ban always be secured j i i first class outfit for commercial travel lers at special rates a comfortable bus meets all day trains and night also if ordered give ul a call j hiworden santa cluljs has abkived heanty am wki at ti1c ten ceiyt htqke j i i and is now uniiackin some t wo thousand dollars of wonderful xmas for the boys and girls presents jas f kidner 1 ten cent stqre i w barber bros paper makeks georgetown make a specialty i t he easlas barber shop iltlx sleeet actos machine finished book papers 111uu ukadk wekkly aa eisv ekave a stvlish haircut a good seafoam an tihiliarating shampoo always grren honei and pot ur firstclass condition jjaxuer an childrens hair tastily cut j h wqbden tonsp artista f salesmen wasted wewe in want of a few more firstclass men to canvass for the sale of ehoicevarieties of nursery stock to men who can make a success of the business we en pay good salaries orcommiwionandgivepennanent employment we have many new and choice specialties both s n the fruit and ornamental lines which other x do not handle apply at once with relereneess may bbothebs ncbsebtmes itochestxb t gnelph business college guelph ontario j fttrle fourth schblastic year x began september 1st- the faculty baa beenstrecgtbeneitbecollegeprenrfaeaenlarbea sal new appliances added each orthetslx members of the faculty is an experienced and saceestful teacher the thorough and jiractcal natoxe of the work done by the college is proven by the success of its graduates both in fanada and the united slates ladies are iadmitted to all the advantages offered by the institution for terms etc add4ss m macvobmickj rfpal 10ly prindt sieijiejo i the paper used in this joutnaj is the above mills wm barber bros- ffause and consider that it will bo to your own it tercst to patrpnfep home trade we would respi ctfuily inform the inhabitants of acton and surrounding country i that we are again in full rune ing order and in a better position than before the fire to fill all orders entrusted to us to p irties building lumbep will be dressed whileygu wait and mouldings c made with neatness and despatch j n b we are alio prepared to fill all orders j pumps i oh short notice and from long experience in the business we ieel confident that we can give sat isfaction every time bo come on with your orders end help to roll the ball along money makes the more go whether she lias legs or no tugs ebba4je manager new stock y new grjoods best trices best work urf lumber shingles and lath fltne undersigned desires tffimorn the public 1 ir be baa now on hand and will keep in mockalpll line of pine jmd hemlock a well aa other kinds of lumber alio ptrrt and becpnd class pine shingles lath coall fitwood i having purchased the coal business of mfc s smith i am nrepared to supply u tust stove coal i have also a good stock of wood hardwood ash cedar and mill wood at reason able prices wood and coal delivered jamks bbown mutual i fire insurance company of the i i estapluiheb 1810 i head office cuelfh j urcs lluil ibgs jjereliflbdjm luuulacbwes and all other dcriptlons of property on the premium note system j pw swfle onas davidebft president sehretjsry 1the flall will be bere before yon know it but o in a large establishment for ladies underwear and fancy coods add fairies was very busy but we had oar holiday and were roing to speud it with tho old folks they would be so filad to see as and tbiey would r take a f ass over us as engaged people j i had told my mother and the girls and he liis mother she had besides rhy james only one little boy and we were all to diue together and there was to be a little dance in the evening oh they would make a fnss over us and we should have a jolly time i i aud i had saved so much for my mother j and he had made up the mortgago ou his i motbi rs cottage and one day we intended j to start a linen shop in our old town and be rjcli niter a while und a blessing to our parents and the rot for we believed then us 1 do to this day that tho best son is the best husband and the best dunghter thn best wife and that those who forget their kin will not be true to their sweethearts we were humble folk but we were jas j much in love hs any youtij lord and lady at least i tliought so tho evening when i tried on my new travelling dress and little hat add thought how well i looked in them j it wisnt vanity butif any one askjed james r who was that with you in tlie railway carriage aud he had to answer the girl im eugaged to why i wonldht like him toknow or the other to think i n vcr suit each other t better to end it in w than repent later well jim stared at me scarlet in the fae but not a word did he say exoept ah this is my ohristmasbox eh i t tank you miss molain and goodbye then he caught up his hat und went out at the door and all was over 4n hour before 1 had boeu thinking what a loppy girl i was and planning out my i wi iddlng dress and asking myseujastwhat m j mother and bisters would say o me n iw it was all over just us if a thuuder- be it had smitten mo while i looked up at a bi ight sky and praised the floe weather could it bo true oh 1 could it be true i lo iked at my linger to be sure the engage- m sut ringwas really gone and burst out orbing oh surely lioll come back and m tko up i said to myself but he did not 03 roe buck in the night us i thought it over 1 said to myself that i could not go home to b3ifd christmab i would send my bit of m mey and presents and i woujd write to to 1 whut had happened when 1 mast bat to go home und be pitied arid talked to wismoro than 1 could bear i should spiil their christmas poor things bystay- iuiaway i should spoil it more by going to them with an aching heart and a long fa ieaud that story it is always one rela- tic ns lmto to hear of a broken engagement tlieu if jim were going to take up with li oy lutwyche before my eyes i know i slnnld show how badly i felt and already i said i was a fool to do what i had done rho next day however passed and jim mi ids no signs of wishing me to forgive hi i i scut my money with a letter say- in i would write at length and wished i tli im a happy christmas and just as i w uld have been looking for the lights of our town weat to bed alone iu- my little belroom all alono forever perhaps i sa d and i listened as a storrftwose and tli i wind blew and the windows rattled an d at last i slept- in the morniugn great ta king aroused me everyone in the house sc earning together i thought i pat on a wiapper and opened my door what has happened i called down flu stairs i tfy cot sin answered with a sdream oh madge i to think of it to think o it and when i scolded you for your freak in hot going to your mother foir christmosj little i knew ohi madge madge i saw she held a newspaper i snatched it jfrom her but i coald not see a word it wis her husband who read the article a- loud the christmas eve train was on its wly full of folks going home for the holi days the train i wouldjhave taken had i the pujbijc xn 3 plilde tbltee cers ont xkws from merchant tah or mill street actbi has met with very gratifying opening out a couple of months tion has been given and customers always go away pleased and ready to return when needing clothing j i i have just received a new stock and am pre- i those ordering i cuttingdone pared to offer bargains both to clothing and those who buy clotli free when cloth is purchase overalls specialty and tuodo cheap aud good j q h uyliekj -right- to the fot of all competition we or tue dominion boot shoe store main street acton have anticipated its early arrival and laid in a splendid stock of boots 4c for fall hoes looked like a dowdy i call that only pro per pride quite a little party were going home with usj people who lived out there v i i i i t j 5 iand went uloqi andearued their bread in loudon we 1 i believe 1 tainted for afterward i found were ut to be alone but all the same myself iifbej aud a doctor hod been called i who gave me some opiate i slept a sort ol nightmare sleep waking now and then and going out again at last late iu the vore every eveumg james came mand j i u afternoon some one came to the door and re bat down together and he gave me a t i- i j called jane out there was whispering and kiss and said i i r well home tomorrow jariesiwould be attentive to me of course and they wonldisee it and just as taken my dress off and put on the one i yes aud it will be good for sore eyes to see them all woht it said i but i could see jim had something ou his miiid to tell me and ho hemmed utid hawed and finally out with it i say madge you remember lucy eutwych dont you said be well she was a girl ihad been jealous of i thought for a while jim loved bor and i knew bhe was angling for him moreover im not one to talk scandal but i knew- she was not all bhe seemed and so i answered a little sharply well i know there is a girl of that name there my acquaintance ends jim oh i jioaght you knew her well she shes been at ago salsfac- gdne home it crossed a long bridge the m in at the station heard the signal and saw tlie light and went out into tho wild strm that was raging to do his duty but tie train did not come on bewildered he wmt pack to his place he listened and waited hut the train never came at all the storm hud swept tin bridge away tie train had gono with ic of all those hippy people lovug people going home to keep their cliriitinis from many parts of england hot one was ever seen alive or dtad again the water swallowed them the quick- sands buried them all the world knows the story of that night of tho accident at tlfe frith of tay who can hear it without horror the most terrible of all such tales ever told o ily one who heard it as i did knowing a diar one was ou the train can understand how i felt i had quarrelled with my sweetheart but iu that moment 1 knew that i lud never ceased to lore him audiyoumight have beeiwith them mjadgessobbedjanc oh i wish i were i screamed for my jamie went last night leftmeiu auger 1 wish i were with him tdsaytliat canadas debt isso morjy millions gives littie idea of an thing witi out sttitlng also what capital i lie jh thevay of pumib works eojistraoted bv the debt if a mail bays a corner lot f r llahd pay 8200 dbwii he is a dobttr to the extent ottbtti wliat doies th s prove that he is bankrupt jtotfat al it shows he is a man who possesses boitj o wealth at least we would like to- be debt ors to the extent of millions under tha same conditions the niore debt yon pile on ub ttiejtibher you allow us to ho a better test of a nations financial position would be to ascertain hi what estimation she stands with her oreditors the money lender is a keen man and he does not ad vance his shekels ina quarter whdnce hi will not be recouped his actions con stftuto a most delicate barometer th london money market is buoii barometer sir johii gorstl under secretary of stat ftr india in a budget speeeh some tim time ago is reported speaking as follows incidentally he had worked ut the value of the securities of difiernt countries of the world in the london money market england in the london money markei could sell her consoh at a price which yielded 2 ibs per oent next came thi united states 8 drl and in order the f ol lowing india whose securities yieldotl 8 os canada 8 id new sout wales 8 18s fid vidtoria s 13s od jfrance 8 14s 9d cape of good hope o 10s new zealand 1 2s austria i 10s gd italy 4 10s fld and bnssaa 5 8s 9d the barometer shows that england with four times the per fapita debt of tli united states is considered bitter pay b the london capitalists than is the latter country it shows that amount of debt has little to do with determininga nations financial standing what capitalists look at is the productiveness of the country and the honesty and energy of its j people in those respects the london capitalists look upon canada as eminently respectable in act the patriotic canadian will take plea sure in noticing that his country stands so high np in the list toronto worlil deijsquxtslbstnilibs archbishop lynch has written the fol lowing letter it is to be hopedhis wordsj will hive effect st michaels palace toronto sept 3rd 1887 to the editor of catholic weekly jleview sni i have been often pained and as tonished at the frequent appeals of editors and proprietors of newspapers to their sub scribers urging them to pay their just debts catholics at least cannot be una ware of their obligations in this matter and that absolution to a penitent heartily sorry for his sins does not free him from the obligations of paying his debts the atonement for oblivion of justice in this world will certainly be exacted in the next the editors and proprietors of newspapers on their part give their time the product of a high education and experience to gether with their money for stationery printing and wages to employees arid they expect and should have in common justice a return often iy no aleans adequate for their outlay a man who will not pay for a paper he subscribed for read and whose contents he enjoyed is a retainer of an other mans goods and si on a level with a thief yours faithfully joex josehi lynch archbishop of toronto hhfi he has liis fan who mahhy i always reaji the wedding notices in the papers sai a louisville man and i am surprised t observe what a large pro portion of the br leg are working- girls i do not use thet rm workinggirls in the com m only aciiep d sense namely that of the girls who wojjk in a factory but i in clude sjl those wlio estn their own living working- tytwriterot-the- other nurh- erons occupation which are now open to j the feminine sexg according to my obser vation these gi is marjy clerks young doctors and lu yers railroad men and j others many of hom subsequently reach tlie greatest heig its in business or the pro fessions sluny veil todoyonngmenhave either inherited or already accumulated bometiiihg of a c iiipetecy raorryuig gjrls who are accustoijed to what conclujiou then do youdednce from your obser utiont my conclnsic b is thattheatcragcyoung man of the perio i is a much more sensible creature uiauavojjijivobim credit for being tws candidates pbinciplbs into thogkysttloouhestroljed with froc and easy air and quickly for tbo drinks he culled for everybody there the gloss he grasped his hand he raised and said como up boys come thjn on tho crowd ho smiling gozed and llrank snecess to rum he drained his glass paid for the treat and then tho candidate vyent out aud met upon the street a temperance advocate ha ha he cried give die your fist im iiroud to meet aloe of rum a prohibitionist thd ruin shops sir must go i the troublesome twins ith the society girls and enjoys himself i lit when the time comes to select a wife he chooses lier like mrs primrose did lie j wedding gown not lor gloss and liieucs j and finish but for quali ties that last pus the society girl gets left all our old jmaids were once leaders in society the houng ineu thought they were not equal tje the tusk of supportui these maidens pr the latter themselves wre too highto led to accept any ibnt a millionaire and jhencethey still prefix miss to their lgimes loiiuciue cumber journal there once were twins two toddling things who looked like one another and just to tell which one was which was sometimes quite a bother for when you felt most sure of one ho likely was the other whether ted wan tod or tod was ted souicthncs caused reprehension and led to blnuucrsliiid mistakes too numerous to mention vet none were smart enough to find i a positive prevention i i a new heart 1ie hated tjtake an y chances mjr franks hui broughfhis children np to believe faitbf ally iij u veritable santa claus hut there vas one small seeder who thought for hiiibelf and rejected tlie nursery belief hen christmas eve came ltibt year he coi ided to his mother his doubts aid feurs j i just bleevc that i dont bleeve in itny santa claus 111- said gravely through sometimes mam ia i dont bleeve i know what i o bleev later in the eniug when the whole family were ass nbled in the parlor the door opened an a genuine sauta clans dress pack w ite whiskers and all the regulation featu es entered little phil looked round wit i an incredulous grin and counted the met bers of his tribe they were all present aud each one bad a request to give santa ijbil kept np his oubelief and santa turue l to go as he passed i to the hall fear and doubt struggled in ihat small boys mind he didnt believe injany such personage but be bated to tak any chances his feet wriggled and at ast he slid from his chair and ran after thi disappearing figure as- the patron of ci istmas reached the front door he heard a ery beseeching voice gasp at his heels ha n a sbej if tod while playing in the barn mot with a slight disaster theyd be sure iu their clarm to clap ou tod tlieplnster theyd give ted oil when tod was sick and tod jot well no faster one of them died they neer knew wbich- aud then came consternation how could they put upon the stomr a bald prevarication they simply carved ou it t 1 and cicsjd tho alteic tion frank f staiifir in fitindiinc paixtixg a palx a- sctv 1arninii artists cnmits story of n klieiiiimtic bill nye expects to make a great deal of money out of hispast book because it is larger and thicker than any he ever pub lished before what the public wants he adds is a bfc tookone that can be used to prop up lie loungfe when its leg is broken it is time to be reminded of the old joke about the scot ihman who was caught crawling toward lis neighbors henroost where are ye pinging mon was the thechallenge ackagain was sawneys reply place bun ouneputationfbr goou wohtt tavlv a- r i and saperiorvalue is well established we can suit yon all -o- t our mom department is tnruingbutfirstclasi work as usual with good stock and repairing is always promptly anf neatly done penney bros ou- elegant and substantial goods splendid in quality complete in assortment 1 overflowing in genero is bargains i mens vywiensandcjuldheivs boots and shoes otbsbxs ovaasapss o at prices that always lead te speedy sales lowest prices coxsistbitt wrrii good quality uiftitom work and repairing promptly attended to w willi a mhi street aj5ton said you did said jim oar place six months now and again wi have a talk shes prettier than ever why did he say that 1 men havehotact anll she well shes going home for ghjibtinas too home 1 cried i why ww home jis there her father married a second time aud went to the states and her mar ried sister wouldnt speak to her if it was ever so well the folks bhe knew the place said jim tying his handkerchief into knots -j- and she asked mo if id look after her a bit she she got her luggage and that and 1 said i wonld you dont mind but you were to do that for me said i you could tell her that oh i could take care of a dozen im big enough for that said jim i got np from the sofa and went over to the grate and stood with my book towards jim im ian obstinate woman when i like to be lfelt myself getting hard and stub born j for my ow part said i i can take care of myself eo you must choose which youll take under your wing if you go with lucy lutwyche i go vyith mrs gib- borne and in another carriage thats what i mean too the two things go to gether with me we are engaged what is jjuoy lutwyche to you youd like me to be rude to a womtfn because we are to be married said he a queer chap youd fancy i ought to say no my sweetheart ib jealous i suppose i cant do it for any woman aud then i fell into a fury i felt tare lacy had been angling for him again and would cut me lout and to be beforehand with jier i turned toward him and took off v jim mr conuor said i will yon take trrfrbaok and give it to luoy lut wychj whedovtr you like br to any one i else thatpleases you for im sure well a ishriek then i heard jane say dont telrjme 1 joy never kills jane janei i streamed aud she came ruuuiug iu her long black hair had fallen down her back she hj id lost her comb someone had pulled tl e gathers out of her skirt trying to keep hr back bat she was radiant he didntgo madge i- she cried he djdntgol jamie 1 i gasped no he didnt go she repeated but h thought you did kill me why those words saved my lite i jumped to my feet i dressed my- lf somehow i hurried down to the li tle parlor and a wan spebtre rose from the sofa and rushed into my arms jamie had felt as i did that he couldnt face the folks at home with that tale of our breaking off and so our quarrel had saved our lives i thought of the dead girl lucy lutwyche lyiug under the water qpd only knows where of poor old mrs isborne of all the yonng people we iew whose pareuts loved them or who sweethearts and i felt strangely hom ed i with my temper and jealousy stood there safe and alive this christmas day tbey were dead i it was a very solernn reconciliation that took place between ijstwo thateveningiwe never forgot it but when he went away i wore his ring and 1 thanked god for all his mercies us i had never done before and i have tried to be as good a woman as li could sitjee then and as good a wife to his x he and title 1 an anecdote was published many years ago concerning the indian chief teedyub- ctrug king of the delewares one evening he was sitting at tlie fireside of a friend both of them were silently looking at the fire indulging their own reflections at length the silence was broken by the friend who said i will tell thee what i have been thinking of i have beeu thinking of a rule delivered by i the author of the christian religion which from its excel lence we call the golden rule stop said teedyuscung donh praise it to me bnt rather tell me what it is and let me think for myself i do not wish you to tell me of its excellence tell me what it ie it is for one man tj doto another as he wouldhave the other one to him thats impossible it cant be done teedyuscungimmediately replied silence again ensued tcodyuscuug lighted his pipe and walked about the room in about a quarter of an hour he came to hi3 friend with o smiling conntenauco and taking the pipe from htb mouth said brother i have been thoughtful of what you have told me if the great spirit that marie man would give him a new heart he could do as you say but not else thus thella indian found the only means b which man can fulfil hissocial duties spalliton 1was told trft richest thing about a minneapolis girlr a certain swedish boron of cue family aub education came to this country and thp old story found him self obliged to obeiin any situation to keep himself from absllute want so he entered tho clothing stare of mr as clerk well thsyounglady hearing that he was a noble must hale his autograph so she came into the store one day and requested it leaving her iultrarn it puzzled him greatly why should she want his auto graph a complete stranger suddenly the truth struck hiin and lie wrote his name and beneath clerk iu m s store oh saidjie to meyou should have seen her face leifctheu and she said j didnt want thai i wanted your name and your title 1 there it ib i answered theres thenami and clerk at m s ia the only title i wear in this jbuntry st paul pioneer pre- tell me mr wigjit uskedour report er of the wellknown art connoisseur of tha everett new york is american art im proving in character and excellence very much so do americaus much patronize foreign art yes and as they pay the best prices their private galleries contain gems of all the modern masters which are preferred works of the mod- ernor ancient masters the modem historical scenes real and ideal t landscapes and decided char acters iu figure are the mostpopular p the last time i was in paris 1 pipked up a very strong bit of drawing which de picted a middleaged man bolstered up in a much becushioned chair his face and sur roundings indicating intense agony his table is crowded with many a physicians phials abandoned bandages and used up blisters before him a tib of steaming water derisively sends its ijpeense into his face and- the grate lire cbierily blazes in mockery of his unhappiness rjurse is a type of dismay i really enjoy looking at this picture i know how the old fellow feels 1 i my- 1 self wosfor twelve years a victim of in- flammatory rheumatism every spring and wjnter perfect torture twistedme for two oftlvrec months during which i was often nnable to sleep for a week at a time wag tormented by continaous agony and at one time was totally blind for a fortnight the disease having settled in my eyes i had the best medical skill used all the most approved scientific specifics visited the famed mineral springs of america of carlsbad and paris but every year the same mad tire literally burned me alive 1 i often laugh to myself as ithink whilkii old bear i too niusj have been when suffering as that old fellow seems to be arent you tempting fate by making spott of your old enemy oh no i fear him no longer my last tussle withhim was over two years ago and all the agony of the yearts of remission settled on me then my physicians gave me no hope of recovery i had faith in myself however well how did it work the rheumatism was in my caseasin nearly all others caused by ajdiseaieqf uspect- had twenty mixiffthese jamie astho only way i know of to show rny gratitude -s- there lived near alexandriatbrvixginia ain old colored man and woman whom their acquaintances oalled daddy and mammy williams he hod had educational ad vantages and could read in a fashion peculiarly his own bnt his wife although lacking as regards erudition- possessed great force of character which she often display ed in a manner that was very irritating to her husband when she became particu larly fractions daddy would take the bible and open to that chapter in revela tion beginning and there appeared a great wonder in heaven a woman olothed with the sun and the moon under her feet etc with impressive solemnity he would read as follows an dere peared j great wonder in heben a woman lowly closing the book he would gaze lsternly at his now subdued wife fdr the passage never failed to produce the desired effect a frontier agent of the government has married a cree indian maiden these indian agents are a graceless iqt and raftre jrftherrjotjld bfcreps j boxt tuiixbowx the lamp f winter is at hand and withavintercomjes the kerosene lamp and withlhe lamp my come diptheria at leak that is what the new york board of health said sotile time ago kerosene lamps half turned down in a close imrentilated bedroom will pro- dace an atmosphere that is simply deadly whether it causes diptheria or not we leave for the doctors to decide but the opinion of the new york board of health cannot fail to open the eyes of the people to the danger of allowing kerosene lamps to burn longer than is absolutely necessary and when they are1urning it is better to hoye a full flame rather than the dangerous- disease- breeding deadly half turned on- light that poisons the air and that would shatter the strongest constitution in the world in time a teacher told her scholars thrjt it was wrong to chew tobacco asmall boy re plied that he had seen a fellow chew because hib teeth ached and asserted that it was not wrong to chew tpbapco if his teeth ached the teacher jwas at first puzzled to know how to answer thissbun- nkng argument at last she said to tlte boy horace if d girl should have the toothache and want to chew tobacco what then horace scratched his head and then said resolutely j she ought to have the tooth pulled j ssiv new haven connecticut furnishes the following under date of november 2 john hodel living ai hebron sliot his wife and then fet firotb his houseiv two ohildren were burned to death hodel had been ori asprie tor about a avek himself he ivas a quiet l fellow hflt drjnk rnado him crazy it is tjie oft- roldule how long o lord f iiisi a scotch oxchnjftttys stop bhirkiu your duties spp neglecting to return borrowed books stop indulging iu more khan 100 pound of sehxonceit to the square inch s ip supposing that the world could not i it along pretty well with- tyon 8 top j iking at the dark side of life stop givii way to fault finding stop furnishing your friends with the minute particubj a of your bodily ailments stop taking pes9i iistio views of men things md the theory of the universe stop vorking too hart stop working inot brd iinough stop a iting to famous people for their autograph l stop procrastinating stop sending tojl newspapers something ve just dashed ijff and havent stopped to prrect stop telling a busy man i now youre busft so ill onlyiieepiyott a minute as s pselude to an hour and a alls attempt tdjtalk his arm off the blood probably produced byluaaus ed inactivity of the kidncysi f0 i never had auy pain in them ttv bottles of warners safe cure however completely purified my blood oud i never have enjoyed such rpbust health as now hundreds of friends in europe bud i america have on my recommendation used it for general debility malarial rhen- matism etc and i have never beard an jhhbatisactory report from them mr wight has a personal acquaintance with the best art lovers of europe n america and his experience gives weighty testimony the remarkable power of the celebrated preparation named you think then mr wight that there is substantial art development in america i certainly do and i have confidence that when the true amenean idea is settled upon our development will bo both rapid and excellent a public reade bt c to memory rnoib than 300000 pieces of poetry we wftuld regret his deaths of course but it seems a pity to lostthe chance i gettini so much rhyme out of the worldt one felfawoop it is curious doctor that iivery tirne 1 dmoko after dinj er i have something dazz- ng in my eyej what can you do for i hat eh i said the doctor with a smile dont smoke the patient iwas i onplussed hf hadnt thonght of that machinery cai do almost any thing and ibat machiherg c4nt do a woman lean ith a hair pin come on tip a little girl 1 larking furiously come on hes quiet i ow ah bftv said the little girl ythp bjarks are in him still astouishlng success it is the duty of every person who has used bosehees oermansnrup to let its won derful qualities be known to their friends in- curing consumption severe coughs croup asthma pneumonia and in fact all throat and lung diseases no person cau use it without irtimediate relief three doses will relieve any case and we consider it the dutyof all druggists to recommend it to the poor dying consumptive at least to try one bottle as 80000 dozen bottles were sold last year ind no one ease where fairly was reported snch a medicine as the german syrup cannot be too widely known aikyourdruggist about it sample bottles to try sold at ten cents ltegnlar size 75 cents sold by all druggists and dealers in the united states and canada me pn said a gentman t whran a dog had jos bpaudinsm p hull p o wihes 4dr tliomabftjclectriq qilcornmanijfs a i trge aud incresing bale vvhichi it richly i terits i haveiplwayb found it eiiceeaing- i i helpful iu4 it in all cases of rtheurau- tisni as well aslfracturea and dislocations made use of i myself to cklro the pains fa broken leg frith dislocation of tbeifobt i nd in two das- 1 wus entirely relieved from baiq advice to motueiis are yon disturbed at mghtiind broken olyour rest by a sipk child suffering and crying with pain of gut ting teeth if bo sftid at opce and get a bottle of mrswinslows soothing syrup for children teething its value is incal- culajble it will relieve the poor little suf- ferer immediately depend upon it motbrr ers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowelb cures wind ccjuc softens the gums reduces inllamiriation and gives tone and energy to thowhole aystem mrs winslows soothing sy- rup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states and is for sale by all druggists lliroirjihout the world price twenty im cculh a bottle jje snro and ask for mks winslow cioviuuk svitcp and take no other kind 1 s

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