Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 15, 1887, p. 2

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jiiw born kvtrir 1- wam the 4th rosttho wife of andrew mutrio ol n on hohks at tliotrixnki sigrn k11 soith thowifcof roriioubs of noil dved ii tlir tit h xdvciutwr cfttk in mrkulo in thrtltli navel f mr i w llltledk- kr m yc thuhsday december lv 1ss7 notes and comments it ie said that the cbmiiir session of lar- liameut will bd a short one and that so far only thirty applications for private legisla tion have boon made i j the rcrcoval of mr fyfe will reccssitate the selection of a new kccve for next years couucrl vr lowry will probably be the uuanimons choice there is no better man in town for the position anions other changes contemplated on the reorsatiizatnil of the lostoilice depart- mcntit is reported that the freeiartiajjo of newspapers sent iirect from the oftice of publication is to le abolished rnd a moder ate rate imposed j t a meeting of orainiovihe hotclkcepers last week a resolution wasadopted con demning oio recent attempt to blow tip in spector andersons house with dynamite and uvjuestiuj the ontariogovernment to hold an investigation if says the toronto iivm the do- miuion government is prepared to vindicate its proposed ambition to keep abreast of public opinion it wiil take hold of thisbank bill question during the next session it is monstrous that our currency should be dis credited not only abroad but vrjtiiu our own borders the supreme court of the united states has recently given a decision of great im portance it has sustained the constitu- tiouahty ot the very stringent prohibition laws of kansas anfl has in this way de clared in the- fullest least mistakeable manlier that any state of the cmon has theright in the exercise of- its police power to deal with the traffic in intoxicating liquors in any way ita legislature may deem expedient the london vr says the gov- eminent would do wisely io call in all the 20c pieces yet in circulation they are a nuisauce and very frequently a source of fraud any one in getting two or three dollars iu change will be almosuure to fiud amoug the quarters one or more 20c pieces which have to be examined closely to tellthe difference as in general appear ance they resemble the other coin it will be seen that in bearly every case the 20 is obliterated tie better to pass them as quarters a strong movmieut isrisiug inmoutreal in favor ofareuuatioh of the number of liquor licenses the llitmxlias published a long series of interviews on the subject which show a fairly healthy public senti ment whiskey may become the dividing lino between the municipal parties in mon treal as it is the dividing line iu municipal contests in toronto there are over 1200 licenses granted in that city or 1 to every 135 persons and there are estimated to be 300anliceused saloons bringing up the total number of drinking places toi 1300 or 1 to every 121 of the population nearly ten times the proportion that now rules in toronto for a representative prohibitionist organ we are inclined to think that some depart- menrs of the uvla cmzh are rather carelessly edited for instance in one colmuu of the editorial page of last issue in illustrating the dreadful effects of the rise of intoxicating liquors an article says the gathering comprised a faltered shouting staggering swearing howiilg regiroentof both sexes a sight to make hell laugh and heaven weep in another colurrtn on the same page a recipe for mince pies unblushingly advises its readers after all other inertclients have been arranged to add a glass of brandy verily rlie totalprohibition of the liquor traffic and the use of brandy by the pro hibitionist will be rather a conflictingand paradoxical accomplishment iiutox klkc110x pktitiox- notiop has been ftiv m by th ouoltors at mr wnldie m i lit this county that the crowpetition afa nit mr ifcwlorion is about to bo withdn wm upon mm rrotuid of lack of sufficient owdonooto support tho same the reformers oi this vicinity were filled with consternation on tuesday by ihe rumor that mr waldio had further backed down by ajjrcfciin to acknowledge bribery by agents in thexcoent elootion in wholesle soflbilries three montreal dttfctltei jrresteil for kjiu tematlr thlt i lnj jiohe arbjbtb f i t0luv consideration of the this however lacks petition against his election being withdrawn from tlieoourts official confirmation and u is possible that our conservative friends may yet be called upon to produce the evidence which jthey have so froolv boated as being in thbir possession tiik ckxtbai hank the liquidator of the central bank finds not only that the shareholders will loio everything but that it will be necessary to call upon them under as his examination their double liability if the recounts and securities is not yet finished it is difficult to say how the deposi ors will stand tho banks hills will pror ably bo redeemed in full mvyoli 1i0wlani1 ai1h0a11 a pleasing comnliincut has beeii paid hayor ilowlnd of toronto that gentle man is au ardent temperance man aud in his capacity as chief magistrate of tho quecu city effected awumbcr of important reforms in the public service his work as citizen and mayor of toronto has brought his name before those americans who arc interested in question affecting the morals of people aud some of these propose to have him take part in the campaign re cently inaugurated in new york state by temperauc men and advocates of sunday observance the inyitatiou extended to mayor howland read thus we have heard of the beheficicnt revolution which has taken place in yoi r own city by reason of the good people com ngforward iu politics and should be greatly interested to know moro of this reform from yourself s3 one of the distinguished leaders in its successful development inasmuch as the signatures to the letter are those of such men us ex- judge noah davis wuitolaw keidef the ijtew york tritium dr howard crosby dr lyman abbott and w e ddge it is unnecessary to say that the compliment conveyed in the inv tation comes froiu americans ot the very highest character toronto may well felicitate herself upon the reputation she ids acquired abroad through the labors of her mayorchicago canadian a met inni i i news kroni our own correspondent scene in elegantly firnished new gtk coach the other night two farmers from way back near acton came in out of the rain sat down facing each otherdeposit ing their boots on the opposite scat it j develiu conductor nersuasivelv you men ought to know bexter than put jonr dirty feet on those seats firmer were not hurting the seatsapy coxiritr oh thats all right then it mukes no moniiikat deo 12 mont real was startled today by one of the nioii astound ing revelations that has perirapsjever been mttdo in criminal annuls uetcotivo john fahey ono of tho bost known private de tectives in the dominic n if not on tho continent wl0 or yean has enjoyed tho oonqdcuoo ot some of th i largest concerns in montreal and been onijarod iu somo of the biggest criminal case i dctoctivo louis ntegcle uutil recently one tho most activo membors of tho montreal deteotivo force and constable bureau a uiember of the police force arc now undur i rrest and havo been bent to thu coiriuiongal charged with one ot tho boldest and most barcfaoed attempts at wholesalo rotberyiover record ed in police history 1 hoy art charged with haviiiga little over a month ago robbed tho grand truu companys safo at bouavonturo station of about 91300 tho discovery was made by frank wilson a now york detective who had been shadowing fahey tho amerionu ofllcer not ouly succeeded in ma dug the acquaint- unco of his montreal conlrorc bu impress ed him with tho idea thai he was a pretty big scouudrel himself ai d quite ready to carry on tho wholesalo plan ol robbory which detective fahey aud oilers were about to uuderuko luis niele and coustablo bureau also appearol on tho sceno aud as tho latter wasagrandtruuk officer it was decided to make a grand haul from that corpiration 8ix mattk1w to lffi aotbl ox 0u monday jan the toronto vot will jiava liujiauds fuil allots tl miidleinal ejilor will liu u r tosit 01 bkuot for nyo one or ulucn n olio t a to whether tlio tavern lioousos slisll bu re duced one as to whether shop liitmebshu be reduced and if hfi bo a publioj bohbu supporter ho will havo u vote for irusteo and if ho be a proporty ovfner ho fliny vol on tho trunk sowoi bylaw ahhrstku vrll manshvljiitli tiik a11t ok dlxxfxd chief constable lbindull o guolpli vi s in town yontorday afternoon in senrch if j w hoots who was implicated by acor ouers jury iu tho recent burning of the con i mercial hotel at uuolph by which it yout man iiamod churles itukc lost his lif hoots was the superintendent of thu fu naoe that was put in tho hotel and ho charged with oulnable negligence ho avi h arrested at his house iu larltdalolusiiiigl by chief randall unddelooliye liavuun will bo taken to uuolph to answer tl charge of manslaiightertoronto lluh talikn illeatxkss portago ls prairie man hus hctn fahey paymaster and could bo that aged thu mowlam jji baya curl6fl oauo showing to wlmt extent a debtor may and may not lurduimed hair boon decided hy tho lteoordei of mtmtroal a oollootor who luiduovojal times uallcd on one goo baillic was at last told hy tho debtor not to return not hoedingtho iiijiinction lio did ietiuii iiml wiih cjoctod ditillio was arrested prcsiimnhly for assault mid tho dismissed tho caso with costs ugaiiiht tio toivindtistrions collector and tho ltucorder laid down tho law iu those words no collector has the right to come io n house for tho purpose oi collect ing if thu one from whom ho wants thcol- loot hus onco told him not to oall again he may beck rodross in tho courts hut not otherwise great reduction in pricosof photographs at the mctropolitiun btudio acton from now t the first of juimary 8h lletriem- her wo uto nut 1 1 in hut the instantaneous process no dont wjy for lino woather but comous soon ntftwssililo us tho ordors for xuiiis uro coming iu thick and fustandyou may he to late is is fully proparod to supply tho needs fruitsjac and overylhitig ol io iu thatlirio if list d- f main street acton ull who reqaire pure and freslf grocories as you afe used good difference to me ijs lorj doing that kind of thin j at home night at the last regular semimonthly mectin of the presbyterian church other interesting items was a debate the otherwise of the dranii orme and mckeuzie srrachan and ramsaj a vigorous discussion it wanted to begin with th alleged that tho sum of 160000 bagged atono fell swooi from official wheu the next pa day would como round as there was a q nestion of kuock ing down tho employo viuon to hotter sequro tho ends of justice advised that the safe bo undertaken first this was carried ouj succcsifully by bureau fahey nagelc wilsou and an other party who was quite innooent of what was going on other robberies were pjauued ly fahey aud his accomplics so succcsifully did wilson play with his uususpcotin victims that they seem to have told him of a great mttuy of tho robberies j which the nctv yorker believes them to h ivc beencarrying on for ten years or more fahey admitted that he took money amounting jo 51800 from the license department at the city hall a few years ago which caused so much excitement in the city apt has been looked upon as a mystery over smce he has in dicated the place where tl c boxc contain ing the money had been destroyed fahey further stated that he hid sot it certain womans house insured iu st catharine street for sgooo aud thdn aw that the place was burned arid the jnburanco turned to his account nogele tiot to be behind his brotherinlaw iu relating his clever ex ploits told how he had stolen aivaluahlo riuj from a gentleman in in hotel aqd then had everybody searched n the house in cluding himself withoutlfindiug tho lost article 1 gh monday morning thjey were brought before judge desnoyers and dugas unci remained while the several startling dif- ambitious place it covers nearly us mile ground sb winnipeg but they overroucheil themselves got into debt 8200000 uil- collapse camo they tried to repudiate but tho creditors of course objected thb result is the place as a town in ut prexeul nowhere no major no council ho con- stable and even thu public school is closeijl up a commission hus been appointed t settle tho difficulty it ia expected the in terest on thb debt will ho lowered when they will uguiu organize ttud go on h is u pity for this is one of the best cultivate sections in the province kolly bros weht of toronto hrnv tho artist have the finest cutter goto j fyfos actonfor your cloth ing ho ciin suit you for price quality and style ovory time t saik hkmstkh children cry for pitchers castoria when llnliy was sick wu guvu lie casturiii when she wn n clilm she cried tor castorln when slie liccniih misf sliii clung to iastorln when sliolmil cliimion she krvoilicm onstnii fiiiiav li- ill iiiimiiiii itirchci-i- ialn p1 htoll aiiil iniplciiniifi tin property of mr k jickhcy lot isi ciiiicckhion g lsrjurhinf kale nt ii oclock win hurgcr aiictioneir tiuiisdw liml dieiriiit tlie furm fnrm stock anil iiiipleiiuiith of tlioinus ickiic lot j7on 11 oijiicsiiii inlitocnniiiiuiicuat 1 oclock win hciiihtroet auctioneer a special stock at from 2so to 2000 8ets 50c worth 65c o- for ths holiday time v to iibfrtisfminte for sale a thrwmiuflrlcr- jctim itiartsr jersey heifer tso ij in calf awlyjitlut ac gglg house for sale rphat new frai a htrect baloni hat new frame dwelling h trcot moukiugtoa f c rouglict house lately occanled lv il li army tfcrniq easy por fjl hon army lam apply to of crockerjy and dii tea 8eti lamps vegetable dishes fruit dishes all ojhor goods ropprtioiiatcly cheap 1 r kvory custoin knows tjiut my prices aro low now ones will bo convinced hy calling como early ies are shown in 8ets i 5 wdrth 61 class l 50 worth 200 cake stands c fob ghflistma8 our stock is very full of pari important notice gonb sleigh bel trays brass toddy kettles brasi easel bra68 fire iroos donians fire kiudlers ash sifterii bread knives bread plattcis meat jschoppers iarers mihcinc knives and a rich profusion of goods suitable for the holiday season calt and see what we have we aro sending out accounts to those indobted to tho free press for adver tising job work rind subscriptions and we- trust our call will meet with a ready re sponse if those indebted will call at the oftlco and settle or remit within tho next few days it will oblige us very rriuch come friends and settle your little bills as we desire to gut our books into shape before tho ond of the year nd children uesekvi itejjs ypa among on the programme norol tendency or messrs fahey ijjnrmiug sinclair negativing after was decided by the chairman mr john barns in favor of the negative we have io opera house in hockwood the evening after t re auction sale on friday jth inst on th bvmr d mccaig p i just previous to his and to collingwood his eldest soittjames was waited on by a number of youthful friends and presented with an ddress expressive of the high esteenrin which he is held in the neighborhood as a slight token of re- memberance a beantifu silver headed cane on which was the follouing inscription presented lo james jl ccaig by his rock wood friends dec th 1hh ed him arm lately owned sv algoma and ilvs removal a hosiery company will probably get a bonusiot 54000 to start in beeton oshawa is granting 10000 to have the joseph hall works put in operation t at bowmanville on taesday ten persons were lined wo each and costs for violation i of the cott act rockwood dec 13th ivlnction iv the first presbyterian pastor settled overtlimn ontnemlsv tbs8cott wos prescut- x y z 1s7 eltamosa wsitions were being taken nothing that 1ms taken place ip police c rclesor a great number of years lias caasctl half tho inter est auu cicitemtnt which montreal over this afiair been issued forthe arrest ojf others tiik suttt act ml st xotj iik hkpiuled vas manifest in warrants have to the imitor of tbc kiiki in dkm sih many than j 4 ll e fnkt castoria ia bo well adapted to ehlmren thai i recommend it as superior to any proscription home hiachiamd ul so oztod 6t brookryn k y i omteri cures colic ootutlpation bout 8tomacb diarrhcea enicutlon kills worms ivcs sleep and promote di i without injurious medlcattoo tuc crxtxrn compay 77 mtirrny street n y ivoryand bone cutlery of rogers butlesaud othe common and phitcdrbluoand whiti enamel wa the largest assortment in this soctiyn of country -o- brass nick niicks carvers and scis ors in sets iluskgoods skates ebony and ud always satisfactory nd secure goods cheap t h i-lalluing- otkayku to tl s yot u amovv cattte astra loice goods in celebrated makes agateware e lamps and lamp goods john m ijond direct hardisrare i co importers gtji3l1p headquarters for axes crosscut saws ssalescow cjaius halters and all hardware grand rphb whole kthdt well-assort- x ed sfcockjof cloths gents frnismnlgs to be rushed of t greatly reduc ed prices liuiuuug but a genuine- learin mlkaiiuu lo tuu iircnimco of tlln oyciiilitraiiottvearii calf 1 he owner xdu iilease wove lffns exiwlisei and take tliein away toi x fiti m dissolution qf paetubbs not ice ibhkjskbv civen thst ts i 1 ncrshiii heretofore suhsiktiiik uf- uio tiuksiiiel jolm ilamy hiel 5 cluro an inillcrs wos on the first day of jl ber hist dissolved by mutual wbij- dobts due to the sniil iiartiilnhin rii l to the unid john flarvev nt his offl and ah debts duo by said firm ilj be jk said john harvey who will continue uuij iiftss on his own account j dated at acton this aind nbvjfcf7 witnkrh joilv hahvev w v hkown jiknajah mcrjju to kent phk undersifciied desires to lease the inw x brick bakery and shop known as tat t celslor bakery with residence in conb for a term of yenrs excellent stand cooksl cut premises end has done a oo3 bsss terms reasonable tosscssioii kivenlstji 1articulars made known tiion oimilictloato mkh j ftmcas tliis is no signed liiiiig iilioiit run oil liv to leave acton thci whole hall o linrch have u new ehe scott act is ling vigorously en- j nine oclock train tin forqed n carleton county there are i everyone was have you eight or ten couictionsveeklv thing of our minister early on saturday moruing burglars considerable anxiety was manifested by the people because 31 r gardiner the minister about to be inducted had failed to reach guelph the evening before on the first question of seen or heard any- dr torranco ar- ad heard nothing rived from guelph but 1 of mr g the presbytery was cojisti tuted and the work of i proceeded just as if mr sjeut and at a quarter past the hour a pointed bev j v itae iduction regularly g were pre- began the service preaching from 1 cliroii ie 20lv his subject being the three essential ele ments of success in the chtgrcli of christ which he stated tobe ik an efficiet leader minister 2nd a willing people 3rd i the presence of god during the singing of the first psalm the revs dr wardrope j a b dickson b d ind mr gardiner enterep the church j dr wardrope presided at the induction and stated by way of explanation ol mr gs absence tliat his train had run off the track somewhere between meaford his home and toronto thus delaying his ar- rival in guelph till the nioiniing train thei formula v as read and the rjuestions proper redent here is taxed three 1 blew open the safe iu the norwood post- office altd secured nearly eleven thousand dollars iu caslind stamps and all the regutored letters the bylaw to takei0000 worth of stock in the berlin and waterloo branch of the c p r was carried lastfriday hy a majority of ml there being oufy eight votes polled against it carttkk uk illult ilviolt on saturday morning mr j b powell collector of inland itevenue who had got on the scent of an illicit still in nasaga- weya left the city with inland revenue officer broadfoot chief constable ran dall and county constable ingram and drove to the house of one haiilon near tiie new shanty of the guelph junction con struction gadg at corwhin a thorough search was made of the premises and in the garret which was occupied by a man named robertson fronj glengarry a large quantity of- liquor vjfe found put up in packages of dirtertiit sized bottles and a quart bottle of i ueci oiif very iinonous iu his trunk was found a- worm which along with the prepared liqubr and a live gallon keg of whiskey was taken in charge by the collector a starch through this locality failed to bring to light any further traces of a still feo the searching party with robertson as prisoner came hackto g uelpb whence roftertson was taken hy county constable gram to georgetown where he will be tried today it appears to have been llobettsous practice to dose the whis key with fusel oil to make it taste 6tr6ng as all the stuff seized had bccii dctored in this way with his bottles iu his basket be made the tour of the railroad and the navvies parted with their hardearned money for hisfvile stuff it is probable that the man kelly who died in the jail some weeks ago came to his death from drinking such doctored stuff asthe doctors testimony proved that he had died frlom the effects of alcoholic poisoning guelph iltrrurij i 7 fpo not forget in a court held at jliltou on mpii4ay j when you intend purchasing a first clas messrs powell and broadfoot of thejnji organ or piano to go to j c mclean of land revenue department supplied the7 criminating evidence and itobertsou tfa convicted fined i 100 and sent to jail foir one month r f ilfss for the noble stand it has taken and the manly words it has srx ken iu favor of the progressive measures v hich have been enacted and rendered effec ive in so niauy counties we hear it said that this is a free country iw ib a very free country meu cim thiik what tliey please aud say almost ill theyi please but they cannot do a they plea60 unless they please to believe according to law a vast majority voed against the liquor traffic tley saw i was a fruitful source of evil continually the best law pointing in the direction ojf prohibition is the scoit act our enemtjs said it will be a failnrc etc but everything they said could be said hy them if the issue had been mai prohibition in spite of money false hood and all else the people skid we have had enough of licensed laws enough of liquors taxes i but no sooner is the law enforced than they or their agents begin bariiburimy houseexploding aud lifejtaking experi ments in some cases this was even wink ed at by officials in high position the courietakcn by the traffic i hould teach ub that our attitude towards such a business must be uncompromising xlere must be no rrlnat their cry every vhero is pro hibition does not prohibit which is equiv alent in snying they will defy the laws wlihh iliy do not appro when they coine io thisaa they havethf reis no tjlterna- tiie but that the dominion haltilrrni lie liiimr ti nfflc or be ilemtrvyrtl i it if in any county the traffic shoul sue eedm securing a ieieal vole scenes will tl ere bcenacted at ihe sight of winch cveu the repealers will turn heartsick no license j is tho word sound it all along tho liile xu hcniif xu licewte cltizkn scotch suitings serviceable shades shaify ly answtcd by mr g l when rev j a r dick on b d of gait in a few well- choseii cid leautiful words addressed the- minister and rev dr torrance at some length the people dwelling chiefly on their need to sustain by their prayers their new ly appointed pastor iu his work the presbytery were invited to mr woods for dinner wliere a sumptuous re past was provided j a tea meeting was held in the evening to welcome the new mir istfer at which speeches were made by tho members of the presbytery present viz dr wardrope j a it dickson w b jlullin dr smel- lie of fergus and others the day was fine and everything passed off in the best possible way and we trust that the settlement so auspiciously formed may long continue couj stiu witholt a iastoii chkapkit iostai k i there is a general feeling abroad among merchants and the people generally that in this canada of ours a twbcont postage system would be more acceptable than the present threeceut rate iirthe united- states a letter mailed to any mrt of canada will only cost the writer two cents yhile a cents for the say the least same privilege this is to of it unfair toronto ntwn our people are taxed tbret ounce letter while our ameri an friends are enabled to send a letter wcigl iiug an ounce from one ed of the continen to the other for but two cents simi ar privileges would be greatly appreciate 1 in canada and there would not likely b iu revenue by the change cents a half any deer nkw youk dec ii the congregation at plymouth church broiklyri this morn ing was unpleasantly s irprisod by tho announcement that rev charles a berry of wolverhampton eng liad declined tho call extended to him by plymouth church the guelph temple of m isic he is no agent but buys bis goods in large quantities at rock bottom figures and only the liigli est grades ire bandied a note from kockvooi i i i mr d l bchultz of rocxwood sends the monetary timet some particulars jabout the place he says that the trade of that lyillago has been increased pwing to the erection of three new draw kilns for burn ing white lime of tho material for which we hare an unlimited supply there is also shipped from here quantities oil stone j for building purposes to toriauto berlin stratford brantford etc ftom this point too have gone largo quantities of tt mips to new york jersey city pittsbiir st louis and other american cities tt mips are grown very successfully it this sestiou hut the dry weather has had j the effect of reducing tho crop fully onej third he adds it is difficult doipg business this year especially- with the jnuing luss for the dry weather interfered very much with crops generally and those who are not in a good financial position find it difficult to moot demands witji the present scant crop rfaces merchanttailors guelph e abti sale tho under stock 1st january y gains in overcoats suits under shiite dticks feottins fjaiineh etc nw is the time to secure bui eldthing hats caps all purchases cash all persons indebted t on or before january lft the 1888 r iindei8igiptl must call and settle j fyjfe acton y from tiik- rphe ckkditoks or augns kletcuor ulcol a the village of acton iimiie tountv of bsl- lllust tr6- ton who ilicil on or about the tweuts- seconddty of septeinber 1ht7 are hereby reiioircd to seed to david cook ksq linlliiiaiiul i o one of tht exectitors of the last will aiul codicil thcretoiif angus kletcher on or before the rnrentv seventh day of december lw7 their cliristiau and gif names addresses and descriptions witlifull uif ticulars and proof 61 their claims andstatemeatt of their accounts and the security if any hell by tlicui daunt to be proved by statutory declaration and notice is hereby yiveiirthat after the ttid 27th day of december lfhh the eaid executor will iiroceed to distribute tile assets of eaidls ceasedauion the parties entitled thereto bating regard only to the claims of which he ehalj hare had notice and the executor will uot be uri1s for the assets or any parttiieseof to anv gersos or liersous of ivhose claim or claims he sbb not have notice at the time otsiich destribntiod 1 this notice is given imrsuant to 11 s oai lifi nlid 46 viet chap 0it johijston lcleiw iton fpr executors yid cook aud george yeiaea- suveiuuer ad 18st temple qpmu8ig- i great ctustriiiir sale of melodians new ana on easy hind hull jrnans ive 15 nw niid fiecond flomi s2i 113 fi karo orgiusnew from 573 u 2i new dominion organs uosv of those itistiiiiiients niet i ie6ent reutcll through the ecuutrv mul i will warrant every instrument which i sell ogivu perfect satisfifctiou a large consignment op small musical merchandise indluling bank and other insduments expected every day direct froa call and nuikc irruiiwiiiw ns to what price will send helection according to price you wish to for approval and if the inttriitneiit is not worth 1 am still dealing in the ienrtitie heititznmu 1 organ sliest miisi orlorel dailv jt o teleihone connection 3vc luipoiler of forei second jllund organs terms of vavment lanos 5 thomas tfryans new from s7o up 10 good secbiid hand pianos from s75 np to sui j german manufacturers which will be cold c heap for cash instrument you want or write for libtand i pay to your nearest station or deliver tho same he uiouey i ask forit return it at lay expense ano also the celebrated dominion piano land n musical merchandise qebecst guelph magnificent range of fur goods fur cc its fur capes fur muffs fur roasat wonderfully low prices we have laid out of iur cape which we will sell at 8100 ali call early they wont last first come first sorved for muffs 7oc and up splen did vange of the better furs seal otter persian lamb ac 0000 astracha mantles sr our reputation for fur mantles is so favi rahlc and wide spread that our sales have been enormous this season we sell i yood i lue skin astrakhan jacket glossy black pelt warranted for 2500 we gie von kradfeshiher at sj70 3000 3250 3500 dres goods 2o0 pieces of those celebrated dress goo is at 12jc 50 pieces of tweed suitinys at loo worth 30cf best all wool german fhnncls at 25c clothing in all departmients salesmen waixtedt 1 kilwnrd o graham the iwpular end j known xurserjuian of itochester ky fej to make arrangements with cueor tvcolir ergetic men to take orders for his nnrseryss ho has a choice stock including fine speckltw his inducements to beginners aro partse advantageous he fulfills all he promlss guarantees to furnish strictly first elasiitai he cati give active sejuare upright men is positions and desires to coininunicato ffi few such men with a view of seturine tto 5crvices write to him as soon as yon aavenu this for terms and full particulars keinniis only sqjiare dealing men need apply adaw edw0 gbaham norservman iiocbcstbby business premises for sale by tender thunders will be received bvthfcundtrsfciid x up to the wtli january lies for thttns able brick store aud dwelling the propert 5 the late john nelson situated in the tiririir illage of actoii tenders will also bsveeclvcd for the stotkiil trade consisting of general drv joods ttts groceries c the stock is in firstclttt ditiou aud well bought a firstclass paying cash biismcssisbeiagjloik at the present time i to anyone desirous of securhig a antehsi i bbsines and premises thisis a rare chance or fun particulars as regards tenderi i form of tender address tenderi mj k e nelson ijcutoii gueliih pa notice to creditors or- anous fletchek deceaskd oeohd alsfj bibles for scholars l ments fbftbj about bujind spect our stcj valuein bibll books i british hppv family fij at iiome toy 13ooi siiitiibb buy oh- a word a ciibinetyll you can ii atjgea hi stock of b headqi 4ft eevj pari i public scrvwci s tchool iivjl lasto s sa yx danitl u blnj kev liyrou i l i0n1 s k eluertaij getliet with vj strangers aul tentiyeushers f if sittings ail pw steward itlirisiuiaj whll the prcslijj held upon thursday towj suitable add local ministers the children an a christinas presents will h4 sabbath schooa jhisic bytncl admission ll thtjbsdi dated thi notice to creditors 1 james mcj5a1x deceased rphe ckeditohs lineluufng those lavicg x any spcciiieor general lien or incumbrance upon the estate or any undividedshare thereoi ol janies ilcbain late of the township of es- quesjug iu the county of hallon vrhodiea en or about the fourteenth day of october 1s7 are hereby retjuired to send tod heudereon esql acton p- o administrator of the estate ej james mekaiu on or about the seventeenth daj of december 1887 their christian andsuniumes addresses and deeripjous jth full iiartienlars and proof of their claims aud statements of their accounts and thesccuritj if anv held by them claims to be proved by statutovv declaration and notice is hereby given that after the said 17th day of december atisl the- said adminis trator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims vt which he shall have hadnoticc aud the admin istrator will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of yjhw- claim or claims he shall net have notice bt the timeof such distribution this notice is given pursuant to if s 0 chsp 107 and 16 viet chap 9 out johnston mclein solicitors for adaiinistraeri dated this 18th dayof november 1837 the dominion washer wringer 0 mantie -salic- irice 11 miinte fo iliiceil one half abvi mantle jacjidtordoltiian over 10 half ru 13 mautle foi qo0 16 mantle for 750 shvw1 sam- 2i per cent uiscbunt t ff shawls ii shawl for- s3 8 shawl for 37 so0 shiwl for gas hosiery sale iil 20c mens cashmere iloue igc goods salemelton cloth es wool jigje ijlicl colors loc ladies cashmere hose ditess tweeds 25c mlllinkhy sale print sale choice andljc ull for 7c a spleudnl uhuuceito cabpet sale jo per cent off hrussels curtain saletwqutylivo per cent curtains 10 per tent oil theahuvc u unlij imitial tixt of th culed reimctiuiik 7ac 1 tweed suitings 15c costume twentyfive per cont off millinery nf any eancy prjnt at 7c peryard joods worth 10 12 uy goods cheap for liext season tapestry wool uuiquand hemp carpets 1 t j ijoodi a specialty mckilt b 46and4kinc pats jae off madras curtains 15 pecent off lave thrcoinan and jute cnrtains 1 l ice mf selling in every department at de- patenttn iss the most perfoct nsd complete washer and wringer in the dominion lttauesthelesd wherever introduced it washes easily it ivtsnes ruickly it washes clean with it a dojen articles of average size can be washed and wtuef out vvitliiu fivojuiuus- tins uiachiue is bo easily operated and floes its work so perfectly aud so quickly that wherever iutroduvadrlt soou recogiuzedas an article of necessity iw wasbes upon the same principle as hand-rgb- biug yet so gently that it does not iujare even the finest labrios it is selfadjusting tm washes even the finest linen or tqef- largest blanket with equal ease it does uotpartiilly wash the clothes leaving them to be finished b hand but does iu work perfectlvand complete- ly doing away with the washboard and lisnd rubbing altogether it washes a dozen or mob articles at once therebv accomplishing in a hour or so as much work as would otiienriie occupy the whole day alburke of hamilton out the patentee of this machine offers 500 of a challenge competi- tiou by any other washingmachine ever invent ed that will accomplish its work equallrasirell as quickly as easily and with as little injury to the clothes evefcy machine gualauteed to give satisfaction sold separate or combined mice uf machine qouipleto with wringer 111 without wtjnger w orders attended to as soon ss possible correspondence solicited t v david schultis kqckyvoop 0 general agent for the townships of esquesing nassagaweya eramosa guelph and city of guelph atid all towns aud villages therein isaiah w lioyce evektonjo general agent for the townships of erin caledou and garafraxa 1 others street east hamilton ftjrmtfbb xrjsfdertiuking -gfll- furniture departnnt orders for clothiiii 1 to nave them on time for the lloliihn rrnis f he placed at once or wecuiiuotguarautee our 1 4r0 suit inthib suit we down the ivliole rantce to fjivo you as good a suit at siwo slfow splendid range of latterils and mr m jkenie cuts them ull himself wenineri specialty of this line and as you will get any whoro else at 820 we rcadymade suits and overcoats from 8ea5 up where now is your 0 por centoff j d williamson co cuelph jndertakirig oltt j department complete with a hrawtikil a ilnk skikctk1 stock or i parlor bedroom suitesj spring beds mattresses tables chairs etc fitc etc iioni hand tlio a iiill lino oriaii bct mnkoi8 ulwavstui i j i prices heasonauw i j speight son oolfins cnslccls mid huritil ktibes of all sizes in stock oinyjits promptly fieleh j speight son ma3sta3er dolly roller mills 1 i fkeurr brus having just completed their iityear in tha milling business here take pleasure hi thsatias their many customers fortlieirlibcralpatroaafe which has rendered their business very su cessful j the admitted satisfaction tmif our wurl b given to all hasueouraged usto mako atbl further iniprovenieuts and we have just putius neicy chopper of the very latest improved style by which are able to all every order with tho greotest4u patch and with pleasure alike to our customers and ourselves cents per bji- our price or vhowiq is aud we weigh it in ami out tho demand for our well known bnnidsfl- tlour places it biyonda doubt in otir minds oai it is giving entire satisfaction alnlwe eoart queutly feel justitled owing to this and tho ub- orabyicldwe give in every grist in bolfclting acjutiuuancooif the patronage of is iui ai well tho custom of many new fi irluf xhi will ivo us pleasure to meet wishing you thoconiplinientsof tin- approschi ing festive season j 7 wtffifoecsrectfifiiy collated by t frj christina the road bntter if again now for j dominion the pub wednesday sext vd day of the f the inub onmonday acton cbf ojitsidcrs to 1 the so of the band i another j said to be on j tiie presi army tarewe the mt tree in the toi thebrai iurepairj aiiq guelph 1 today arij the annl church balli uesdat weve in cession fojlosi the week mr 3 aj up for anothl up and enclol asain tlj more houses j zeu3 are kepi mrp s sjanniv cltukhiuc a liambs vation ariryl town oi xtoii hiiteii brightest weekly papej messrs roller mills i latest improl the old j nninerouiiil rapidly as si v mr ha hiifrist mill roller procea v the nel cos tannerj 1 comprise iej nesth montrej no it shall hi here the doj a winter ihvitatil assembly on held in tli evening tbepis at th trubt day a uc to replace itf mr and tiie methodl tahly one o time was r r the lad dancing the exercise hen to the time i so js you nskel for two moil thing a meet sabbainsci n oakvillepiij the com ins thenei hills will 1 18 by prof toronto at wg fundft

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