Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 15, 1887, p. 4

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w0mf0wblww ppl ff twaa wttban bobottl aataaa hoeest ntannrr aadjwtthan honest tqi tbariasai through an honest oe of hommipoumc honestly join in an ifcnitcrutaae horawtlv auliuidttr lie itnai tomsr aja- itoomble achievement of an hootftivarpo to ccnreh5scouuyv h0j0k jarbcbttlx lathe- inaatorty fair and bright he prepared tor me so my longing eyes with transport for i know upon i here are hearts ate eyes groom but no ca perplex beyond the bleated there alike the rich aid poor find a laven aafpibisr t and for every home ess wandrer leans f v a my mother says its a dangerous ex periment x i lly softer says she dont see bow any one can do so hy mother says she thinks its all v in a pleasant room which was fitited np with desks maps blackboards and other helps to study were grouped together five little rirk they with one other florence bremer were the members of miss thorn tons select school hiihertbtbey had been the only members bat now on opening day the twelfth of september a new scholar was to be added it was about her coming that they were talking so ear nestly my mother says she thinks its all right repeated sophie aylroer a sweet- faced bat not handsome child she went to call on mrs bremer yesterday and so she knows all abont it j well what does she know do tell ns as fast as yon can this from dannie small one of the two boarding pupils she knows tbe whole story and its this two or three weeks ago there came a young english woman to board next door to mrs bremers tbey take summer b there it seems the lady was ill when she came mrs bremer noticed her as she sat on thepiazza and went olrer to see her she found oat that hernamewas harwell that her husband had lately died of c and that sbe was dying of it too her little girls name is alice mrs tbirweh has gone too the home of a biker wbo will take care of her but who has so large a family of her own that she doss not know how to make room foralice mrs bremer yoa know is very beneiolent bo she has taken alice into htx ownljonae and has engaged miss thornton to teach her with ns wee i dont think its fair anyway said amy clarkeswell a blackeyed girl wbo had not before spoken were got to stndy with her and recite with her and play with her and i think they might have consulted as abont what 7 asked florence bremer entering suddenly she had brought the new scholar with her bt had left her with mia thornton in soother room about bringing a stranger irjtoour school why amy jjcfat yonrememner i was a stranger and ye took me in j the minister preached on that last sunday se be did hat i thought he meant it for grown folks x i think he meant it far as too j any- bbw xd like to have the king say it jto mfc when i get to heaven what a queer girl you are remarked fannie small let she went upstairs to her own room artdretarned with a framed motto welcome which he hungj in a eoospscoons place over a desk standing by itself on one aide of the room probably fannie remembered how pleased sie had b tonnd the motto in her room on the day when sbe came beck from borne sbe looked at it a moment then moved ittoan- other position over her ywn desk and began putting her books into the one which had evidently been intended for the new scholar you wont mind will you girls if i change my seat it would be lonely for alice over here all by herself by this time a different spirit had taken possession of the group instead of talking gainst the pewcomer they were all plan ning how to receive her pleasantly so rnsrtagftms is a goodexample so power ful are a few words filly spoken when miss thornton entered with her charge the girls were all as friendly as possible each one shaking bauds heartily with alice and fannie even going so far as to jusaher before lessons began fannie whispered to tbe teacher miss thornton may we not all have our lanclt together in here as we did on theist day of school then alice will have a good chance to get ac quainted with ns tyes my dear you may and yoa may run to the kitchen and ask bridget to have a hot molinsfi cake ready fortheoccaaion so when noon arrived a table was drawn oat to the centre of tbe room and covered with a pretty cloth the- girls were all ready enough to fall into the arrangement and accordingly they opened their luncb- boxes and dispiayedthe contents as tempt ingly a th knew how sophie who had some pocket money with ber ran by permission to tbe nearest candy store and returned with a package of choco caramels which wets eaten in limited quantities miss thoruton con- tiibnfed various dainties and altogether there was quite a feast besides that there was plenty of talk and innocent fan and altogether the reception was a decided success what a delightful school t alice ex- claimed as 6ht and florence left tbe door that afternoon i never was with such friendly girls it seems to me that i love them already lteally florence i dont feel like a stranger at all cowun lua in chfuhah lnltiiigrjulvr oh how johacrlu 4s 1 be thought to my tejttbirisiiig haght while mine eyes are iiver turning t ward its gates r that for rae and all bekide all for whom the saviour died vl just within the shiiinj portal jeans waits jingles anij jokelkts half an boar with tntwh men thr wlr aadttaftretrafduaftaepay worms often destroychildren bat free mans worm powders destroy worms and expel them from the system national pills ara the favorite purgative and anubilmmiaadiiiaefiwy are iftfld and thorough j j keel isstsf thib injunction applied not only to the mental hot the physical welfare salt rheum erysipelas and ill obstinate humors of the blood are perfectly curable by bar- dock blood bitters to remove dandrnff cleanse the scalp with prof lows magic sulphur soap a delightful medicated soap for the toilst a tyrejaeat aaaayaaffe wbo is there that j is not frequently annoyed by distressing headaches suffer ers from sick or nervous headache will and a perfect cure in burdock blood bitters sold by all dealers in medicine cbdbca oftsaetaiemf 0 wond was king jsiearbara4be lo ds annbuated onthevdrkappolitftd laaveaahe hsavattlywi ddawha god and man to nebnoqe girm what is the bleaai i angejl bring gladly bring tr dy mat what tttfae bless ing ang b bring on a christmas mornin boxs good will to men tbe ang git bring gladly bring tr dy brin r good will to i ion tl is augels bring on a christmas nornini all then let ns tflrogeih sr aiug sweetly aina glad y sli then let ns all toga iaer on this christmas n ord glory to him w how lore oil bring sweetly bring gladl bring glory to hint whom lore aty bring on a christmas moi aiug t- bral bbni ctaaflsh is ii e bftr ring browns household t anaoea has no qaal for relumac pain ix th inte ma and rterl it cores paiu in the bidt back or bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago am i any i ind of a pain or ache it will n oitsurt ly qulok- en the blood anil ileal as its nctii g power is wonderful browni house old pan- aces being acknowledged as lie great pain reliever and of doul ile the itrength of any other euxir or lnlmen in the world should be in every umily h indy for use when wanted as it i eally is he best remedy in the world for cratnpi in the stomach and pains and ai hei of a 1 kinds and is for sale by all orugt ists at 5 oenls a bottle his per you expect to make your u x- u mammom neua8a preseut frop in aud bo convinced pat ire ire i shotvinc 1 ho nicest godds and selling them jhoaper thiiuaiiy roliawo lioosoin tbeyicinii in miijbirx we always have 4ohe viz wo will do some cutiing an l slashing theres a pile of trimmed hats and bonnets whicl must p tlieyre new and stylish aud as the seaso is far aqvanced we have determined to get rid ot themsocqme ilong and take yonr chojee at aboathfllt price mrwtlaathalfrico chudrerlstoboarfln llaviug sold piles of the sinic i persian uarnb teal bever trim 2 any place juhis country james h gilmoar of t gilmour a co wholesale groceii brockville says i have used tamarac elixir for a severe cold and coui which it immediately relieved and cured a- arlrr ara realarj for more than twentyfive years has hagard teliow oil been sold by drug gists and it has never iyet failed to give satigf action as a hoasebold remedy for pain lameness and sarenefes of the flesh for external and internal use in all painful complaints h wheezing gasping sufferers from asthma receive quick and permanent relief by nsins southern asthma cure sold by all drug gists or by mail on receipt of price the rtatrarsa pnblic speakers and singers are- often troubled with sore throat and hoarseness and are liable to severe bronchial attacks which might be prevented and cured by the use of bagyards pectoral bal the best throat and lung remedy in nse i go at coati this rnayoem sttranare i soasr y true nevertheless v grand trunk ha ootxoiuft j f mixed 15atti exuiess bxjixsss 3 cofajn exstf paaskau jo 56 w i thro tmxmh sip 0 09 tuta i man aeebm fl si pm iffecd chicago expremfloo not itope and brampton i t going west91san wdsbbpjz- ooingsastlp mantssd 5ps t ii 71 j goods early intltefliou at a reasonable prolit experience tenches us that it is tetter to sell tbe bal ance at cost tbntife keej5them over to another season s f fceg furs furs fur furs oltter coney and astrachan lfine lersianls mb caps from 3x up handsome as- 00 up mens and boys overcoats and carolj an jackets reduced in prices dont forget our alltvoolplanml a 19c per yard boole shoes bubbersjand vverslflus from the best- niakefs and sold as cbeap as i 1 i iiliiu v remcmtct we 801 7 11 of good japan tea not dust for f 100 srooories choice and fresh butter eggs ap poultry wanted 3p0 suits to be biven away at your own prices 5 200 overcoats at pricet3 that will mtmibhyi we are going to ma3 altera tions in pur store i and the stookmtuitbe cleareq out sr- mm jemy having engaged a first- class cutter we are in a position to turn out ordred clothing equal to any in the domiiiion bring on your cloth and have it fut or made up prices low kelly broth eb8 james stirton ldb dxntiet tovslls block opposite postofficeguelph yrsahzed air autotf kelly brothers pai the extraordinary popularity of avers cherry pectoral is the natural result of its use by intelligent people for over forty years it has proven itself the very best specific for colds coughs and pulmonary com plaints i bdml is hm that pure blood is the life nourishment of tbe body and means perfect health no one can deny cleanse the blood from all impurities with b b the best blood purifier known thoe sabin of egliiiton says i bve removed ten corns frinn my feet widi houoways corn care reader go thou and do likewise ladys book for 1881 k iltfclfla riless extraction cf teeth artificial teeth thrantcod iierfcct ju apixar- sdce fit ud use fine jolil work n specialty all ojicratioai strictly flratdsss appointment niado t- letter a buh talsuutea if there was only one bottle of hag- yards teliow oil in kanitoba i would give one hundred dollirs for it writes philip h erant of mpnteith manitohs after having nsed it for a severe wound and for frozen fingers with as he ssys tonishing good results la brier ana fa ike fatal iyspepsia is dreadful disordered liver is misery indigestion is a foe to good nature the human digestive apparatus i one of the most complicated and wonderful things in existence it is easily put out of order greasy food tough food sloppy food bad cookery mental worry late boors irregu lar habits and many other things which oagbt not to behsve made the american people a notion of dyspeptics bat greens august flower has done a wonderful work in reforming this sad busi ness aad making the american people so healtby that they can enjoy their meals aadhehapp bemesnber no happin without health but greens august ploaw brings health and happiness to the 4yspeptfc aakvoor druggist tpr a bottle seventy sir c riggins xeamsvilkt writes a customer wbo tried s bottle of northrop a lymans vegetable discovery says it is tbe best thirg be ever ued to qnrjte his own words it just sen i to touch tlpe spot affected about a year ago be bad an attack of bilious fever ind was atrisid be was in for another whf n i recomtiiended this valuable medicine with soch nappy results awtocatrl a uis a fierce hon the tenor of tlie sahara desert was recently ca ptnred by tlie fol lowing simple method the sands of tbe desert were passed through a sieve tbe lion of coarse remained in tbe sieve his mi jesty hod in his vet i packet a can of imperial cream tarta baking powder which he was taking hoi oe to his qpeen sample copy titt m ceati 200 a year m a bndsoiue enrariug to e exy bnl tiber terms to clubs i on nusu commim iosk i cojiics 3 m s iso 4 with free copy to clu llsiser 6 00 godeyf at ujc irrcbeut tiiai preaa aud jwople to be imperii r to an ladii inagszme m america haviug tbl- greakj j variety of dertueqts ably edited club ltaiftcrs preuiiuuin for silverware to cash conunisidod code vs hai arranged to plated ware of luperior uul tbe value of widen in sonie over ior one premium be 6am wblcli hill contain illns with full larticulam and tenui address oodets p sod in admitted try ow ahipiilefir eep your v ye on this frame 1 i i3t7sf overcoats v -akd- r u- -i- waters bros have decided tolc uaiu i xt 25 wyndham street qtjeuh readymades cwisli to inliiiuiti to tlie pnblic that we have a ery large stock olovercoats and laly mdc coats punts and vests phicli must be e nipjetely cleaned out during tlie remaining prt of november and deccniben to insure tlnir ready gale wehiave marked them dowu to tliejvcry louejt nnteli making qnr gjtoek by far tlie cheapest assortineiit in the clinity look at this a firstclas overcoat for 450 we broken mean business so come -o- aailv before the asso rtnten t s i new aerivals in d- hoddeps burdock pinulumt bee fmrcsira dont allow a cold in be head to slowly and sorely ran into cata th when yon can be cured for 25c by using dr chases catarrh core a fewa pplications cure in sipient catarrh 1 to 2 b xescores ordinary catarrh 2 to 5 boxes i oaranteed to core chronic catarrh xry it only 25c and sure cure baawers m i eiar if we were allowed to look into tbe future and see tbe fatal consequence that follow a neglected cold bow differently would bar course he could we reali our danger bow speedily we would seek i cure bat with many it is only when tb monster disease has fjsteofd its fangs ap in oar longs that we awaken to oar fody what follows a defected cold is it n t diseasfs of tbe throat and lungs branch ts asthma con sumption and many otbi r diseases of like nature it is worse thai madness to ne glect a cold and it is f illy not to have some good remedy avail ble for this fre quent complaint one of tie most efficac ious jthedicinea for all diw ases of the throat and lungs is sickles j lstircnostmiptive syrup this medicine is composal of several medicinal herbs which exert a most wonderful infloeno in earing con sumption and other duet sea of tbe lungs and cheat itpromotes a free and easy ex pectoration soothes irritition and drives the disehe iron tbeaysu ni a crying evilcbildrei are often fretful and ill srlsen worms are the oaase vr lows wont byrnp si fely expels all wonns bcotcbjingliso and lanadian suiting in great variety at 3 fy is acton rbaduybaiaadve tiaaaaent some ihmjtfeiiitemevetu sfe m aj kmmsa clcfiaiit silver at n lniutna ces roaches fo tiainple talio no other bold everywhere iprlcc 75 j cents ir bottle 600000 sojlor- da csisa is too well and itvarahy known by his receipt boki to reqairesnyreooa meuda- 1 da cssscs liver care bai a vmet i book wrapped around every bottle s oleb is w vtfc its weistitingold i da cbmts irfrer cure u go iraotned to etrre janrtiicuna arislug from a u rpid or ioaetiro livar such as uver fimapu bi dyq i iaxstll bluawnaeaa ti astcr bbeaav cfce isasexi iswese da coascs liver cure is i o ears s ii it is sfanptyakmneyllver betralai rr try t me dicine and beoeipt book l ioldbysudrug- aista t edhanso t tc co boieagsnu rradfoont cures liver complaint dyspepsia eiiommess bick headache kidney troubles bhenmatism skin diseases allimpnritles of the blood from whatever cause arising tt male weakness and general dpbihiy purey vegetable highly concentrated gleai ant lifwmtnal bats ftsk for ds hoddees compound pouno mautlq cloths ulstenng8 and a host ot other inspection de hodders cough and lung cure- sold everywhere price s cents and 50 cents perbottla proprietori and nlannlactnrara the union medicine co propiietors toronto ont weaving mb t mitceiil desires to inform the people of acfa n and surroundings that he is pi bparedio take orders for weaving all kinds fane v bag carpets flannel sheeting shirting and dress goods striped orplaid twill or lain also bed blankets and horsi blanke a two yards wide and over and i will guarantee that i willgit egood satisfaction to all farmers ai d othenv who will favor me with their pat onage t vltchellil burdock l00d g 7 fancy wooj goods plushes and silk velvets millinery etc etc oiiy be known by it personal rlicles which can a c fivebtjfl ii free pres8 actqkj ose invariawyh aip6rwil tinned option of the jmbl purest stromce8t 1 eohtai ns no us alum ammonia lme araiijfaiafleojmtteriais ew gillett xssf r f tk ettjbbkistos the wanzef 50 candle p6 s l ft co item satniltoii oat v a 1 3c o thimney jio ilobe ho smoke- pos itively sonexplosive sever eebtt ed bums any grade of coal ouvio every lamp iraaracteed wisiocti with the light can put on kurse heat water boil eggs moke tea nndeofleeyo stew etc l g matthbwsv sole agent fob actox axii vtcietlt got a snmt powder or irrb sodiandstfio it notabtsmable attotria gists sent pieraid on receipt of p ax fulford cv cosroctinriilc w our stock ol furs is i ew laigc aiidcomplee also nico lines in fur trimmings reat values in underclothing kid cloves eymits i a top8hirts hits and caps hosiery cashmere cloves i- a very fine range ol 8 ngle and double shajvlsjatid fancy wool squares in all shades kilso clouds toques taniashanters and faeinatois ui good variety very cheap how lost how res just published a new edition of dr wells celebrated essay on the badkalc of spcrmaforthcea or incapacitjr induced g excess or earl via jiscretion it ffis the coletinteed author in this adnaausj essay clearly deirjonstrateb from a thutjyirig successfnl practice that the aiarmiig qaences of early error njay be railieay pointing out a mode of ence at once 1 certain and effectual by means at hiia i sufferer do matter what his coudition ma may cure himself cheaply priva elv and i colly su- rathis lecture mionld be in the hands of e youth arid every mail in the and tifeis sent under ieal in a plain cuvehjie address on receipt of four cents or two j stamps address i the onlverweu kedical cnjs a aks bt sew tobk jr t p a -00- boots ctslibes ill guru or relieve bluousnessj dyspepsia indigestion jaundice erysipelas salt rheum heartburn headache dizziness ob fluttering of the heart acidity of the stomach dryness of the ski and orery species of dln from disordered xj vkr kw stouacofsqies ob blood i proprietors 1 tobojtzq tmbimco our trade in this line lias jjrown t such an extent that we nave found it necessary to add largely to the variety of our stock making most complete of my in the couiity a fall range of fet ladies and mens c vorshoes liiidliubbers at low pribes k i it the boots geoobpies always new ajd fsesh five pounds f flood apan tea fur 8100 forty barsof the celebrated bay city soap for f 100 ten for 25c or two fbroci ask loiit and becpnvincgd tint we arc doijig it right j i temern1qr the w mi a 5 z s a hi xi hi sli n washihg10n mdlrc eminent throat and lung will next visit surgeoaj acoiyf famous fifty gent tea e acton tli great sale of b ets iiantes ulsters mantle clotlis etc at the right ih0u8e wttb the above articles watkinc u sell ing off immense quantities of dress goods underolothii ig for ltdies kisses gentlemen and boys in great variety flannels in al useful makes and colors hosiery and gloves ribbons and laces qnilts and comforters floiws and feathers millinery velveteens silk plushes suk velvets tandstry brmsels union and ah v iol darpets with lots of other goods many of theamt alrawfc half price i and others at exceedingly prices just see the nine wincey at only do another lot of yiioey a 1 6c which is good value for 8c see tbe beawfal blauketaiu su different qoatities from union up to the very beat extra superfine allwool all selling off at a big n duction also tobogganing and horse blankeurefoped j mantle and ufaiterctoths in beautiful stvlea artsellinff at tm 1 mewe bednottons jnst see theni the velveteens arejdarked down ooefoorth bewfc prfcw sfeeadbmsroods handsome aniwoorsteirrtiw nz colors down fro 18 to ific einellbotniovsoftdreasfioodtinuielitmtsbadmdo sfl wooraerges in tbe new other lot of nioej striped dressgood- down from iff to tjo flannels marked down see the i iciveap just see it andon will feel t youi interest to bay it a very handsome aud varied sib from the little boy to the largest man oonsi iting ot collars ties handkerchiefs scarfs bow table and piano covers in charming stylei and all useful sises 1 baldwin and our t shirtirigs the cauton flaunels tlie flsnna ettes for waim dnrableilinuigs thetiiklo only 10c tho twilled aud pluin cotton sheetings in bleached and unbleaobed also jrtif dominiohhoteij wonday 28th novemberg onedatonlyj catarrh theo at culedi a few of tuehunjreds who liau been fully treated h- fjj wnshingtous iiew i mrajno mckeivy kingttoii ont i and consumption i john mckelvy klngstou ont catarrh s mrs a hopping kinsston pint r cotfsuraption mre scott kingston out catarrh sw and throat j jj mrs jno betram harroisuiithontc throat i james matthews p master acton qntiffl tarrah head and throat m p fraocif berm jout catarrh headabja throat t miss nellie ebvbcrliu out eulargodtoae f wine p mcortnna out catarrh t henry scott berlin out asthma mrs wagner near berlin ont j head and throat levi kercher st jacobs onu catarrh and throat colin campbell lt edward out moattm james staceytpittou ont catarrh wm shoemaker iioduey 0nt catsirlki joseph 8milev fort grutiot us r bad form wh stacey feq if stcrcy son manufacturers acton ont dr wash tbe only throat and lung surgeon in c miss mary a bombourg centervflej catarrh head and thrpat mrs godfrey lehncsss jacobs ontt sumption fntuasnider btoonificld ont catarrh i afd throat 1 greatly redooed prices black drapes blacst cashmeres and other mwirning goodsin nifleent goods very nice black cashroeri at only 40o seethe best five frame bi to via the allwool carpeto down from 4 lloio fset seethe niom uptdf jfjarj carpet sweepers plain and decorated win bir slhids 8oeni pcfasi braat jttiiiqg beautiful goods only one door west of hf ghsan street on king btrett bjurt the ijsn peownber tf ithrs iain rajdroarpets 4nly 4c zinclbiudinbobly 1 raves on the rindows 1 ms ktt b atlwoolfreholi serges down from 35 to 15c an- ij y good valne tlie uiideretothing is very i fmntthe little girl to the largest lady and jl first value about a doien makes ol window curtains and he sare to examine the white striped and cheeked ff5st1 hesiian thefsitnch plaiheasian8 at ftlifsfflsaeettnsr the pillow couoosbaia aid wadding at aadbsfflaitvrne see the quadrapl black crape it is mag- oown ifofli ilj85 to llalso handsome tapesw carpets down from 75c 10b lhe mats boldjiiiyjo per yard sflks at sawpexetai bednetton they sight hoose and t- rrr rmeumatis ojt- yk i worm powi3i2 arepleaaanttofcio contcla ihclro wjutite la a tit o euro aid etl icbijdrcnarj m ijj space so inches 10incnis 5 inches u- linsh r casnal arertii v insertion an joincntinserttenl e sdf o3 advertisflebtsi ill be inaertef tfj nglvinsitfery a advahce t changes fprjpo in the office by i they trim he lef oi ma w h graddau coi6eofiymc ofcean4eae treet acton- j irdhir lawl j ontario vfete brohootandjujo gorses eramined a iven a all calls mgir ol tennseasy l u lbesk a- cmckmsl j esttfetl new system oli ealled vitalized- pain haying w teachorin eoyw toronto patrons satisfaction in an visit actonevery s of each month c jh cablg a tist mtll boyajt college of aili visit acsonael ring tbe first oijn preservation of artificial ber bases gj sitrons oxiae aginl nainless extraction barriiteri soiiciq c private luds dffisijt- e f b jihsirof ji mc sh bicelsten so orricid orafee mail m einte soiflcnoe office first jdoo office hain i per cent pehes hejcijd i twiatyteirs 1 ijiasps rat tho conntiet 0rderilef i at theifl tt my readancehfa m tended to ternbrf also money tql lq terms and ii this t tns of tindjcp johs diaxi o mce qaeeii 1 f fbascas isoccefio i o j stjeorgesisna iril r i aeconnt porialicalsof e enling neatly rrhe hasaaj banks an eisv elicxe a i an exlhliaratiq4 sa1s of xurseixj enceess of tie or commission we have minyjc n the fruit and oral do not handle ap 4 guet lfrly lumberl im phe nnderkigned l 1 that hetrjasnol stock a full line of t other tmdsfiiul class pineablnglesl igprirch jrim naltil haymgprirchasej h8ru 8tpvpqaltiha hardwooaash able prices wobu ml fire m head

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