Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 5, 1888, p. 1

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stain rem i4i mauk trni volume xiiixo m lh f ijc artoit jtm i3wss is i tblismni uverv tuulinvy jiohn1nq jlt tbi reeps power printiiq hou3ej 7 acton i ontario subscription rate8 stiiy- six jioxtus 4ame nonius s5trs socii invariablv in advanced it not paid in advauqo i p0i voir will liejchargod no paper disot iinvi till 1 treat- are paid except at tbjo jption of tlio publitlt advertising rates- nterils j- torosto power oat joirijacs iiiilii jihicues liriii 31 1 vi g io 1 3 io 1 iu ikooo i jsuxvi fjovt i jtrto cvtl jluxll 1200 3a suo ujkii tvv aw oal sjoi don i lijo caual advcrirtnimjuts 8 cents pcrliuo tor tlijo llr insertion and i kuts per liuo for each sua simuoni insertionccash the uumlxir of hues rtvlmncd v lhc occupied measured tv i rile of- solid jjoajwriril aarertisoaienl without specific directions rill be inserted tii torbid and charged accord- njlv transitorraivertisciucnts must bo paid jadvance cnauffs torcontract advertisements must lie ia the e2ficrly 9 aou on tuesday otherwise thev will be left over until the following week h p moore editor and proprietor uu5iius5 fiirtrtarp iit ii lovjjri m b m a p s w graduate of trinity collge member of coae of rhysiiaus and sarscous 1 oiiceasi residence aluieheadof fiederick tree acton- john ontario vc l 3 mi se m j- yooaciii cvir 3 text- tfc 3 tci oil jgf ui-itirenigib- ua ia cseeoj fhews catabm to cold la e hayfe easy to flits llastl dti j seale it toct nghsf i t cf prjoci is5lmjaf 3rvf lie oat 4 m hv restored f lit htdical peity iadstfed fields tiiirtyj ie- iifjaijeg jibutaflj- cjrrjajff j 1 conjitice ear bfcsj lltrauiy aod tajii iobox itock fjimm pctekasa bmss ruck cndks t3 iai sssecss ffcraalitttahob fftmcrgne we vwi tram t gimjr kaaije ndaftari une smcaa prison efhooedemt g sicthf440 ikidceytroolisi adauinrpibi i if ibe bicudftrfs thaieter rr fi jeneial dem j asifof jompounb un6 cubef 3 cure liid aoraml ciy s r reeilj itijvliiehi atjrpmj sotatcr wv 1 told by rsmmt 5- br lawson ci r aduate of tcrinsry coilege toronto yet criain suttvu acton ont oilice in kcunj pros rootaal shoo store residence in the r0tr florss h5joi s to scan jnesh and irtincatis ivea ml iauski or day promptly atteukd to tjii ty i l bennett lds dkntisti ckokcetowx ovtaiu0 cmcklnlay ld surgeon ai unrist geotvetown out uses the ac stou of citrous oxide gfts icommonly caei yuahred ain for extfaetiug teeth without paiu hjvilhea demonstrator and practical icj-im- ia korai college of uutal sufveouk toronto pitross maydepead luon receiviul- sjfuou in auy oiwratiou ierforniel will vsictoa everv seoon 1 an 1 fourth weduesdui of each mouth office iu agnews hotel i acton banking company storey christie 00 batfkiirs- acton ontario qesejtal baxkixg business transacted jh causique slrgeon de a rfst milton honor graduate of the hovl collie of dental surgeons of ontario tili vst artoa thursday of each week besiii- simtuenrit ot july odice in aguew s hotel preservation of the uatril tth a 5iecialtj arncl iytl ivj tvi on sold celluloid or rul- ijjr iaau cuarauteol perfect vitalized air nitrous oxije ana otiier anaesthetics used far iydauss jxtracclxi of teelli j xoltstlqmnsd oit approved soms notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits find the puzzle hihk uuilvnigtiod is prepared to furnish on thb jl shortest notice in my quautlty and at hot- tout price flrstclass lumber lath staves head ing shingles washtubs chums butter tubs pork barrels wojd flour and peed and anything in the line ot fanners housekeep ers or contractors necessities the purilo is to find a better placo than thomas c moores to buy anything in tho above hucb also to find out it you are indebted to him for liny thing pur- chasod froiu him his hooks bay some are aud ho would like the money w h rutledce the butcher v deals in everything iri the meat line xo cits establishment can 1 found better stock ed at all seasons no questionable goods of fered to customers at any price days b00ks110re xmas caelds novelties fanoy lamps fanoy glass fine books tot uhllctrens booksour stock fine and new best assortment op njewest goods pieces verv full day sells cheap tohnston d mclean tiarjrs ciwt notaries conveyancer ic prto tuiiixo oan- 05 e town ifall acton efbj3ntos wu a mclea -t-r- j a mowat i hiztiilzr soujitoi xoiarv lcnuc r moavvtoloac orriie davstucsayaad saturday on rki imittlics lilok acton ttpstauw r lowet priees and piare ilealiuj is iny motto one trial convinces on these ikiiiits cash always paid for cattle the highest price paid for hides mid sheepskins f w h rtltledge wellington marble j works qtj33beo st suelps j n stinsbn tailor and draper is now showing arnfrruiucenf ranfio of nevj ami ohoico lines iif eall suitings trouserings j and ovemiatins extraordinary value in i 1 hamilton clark proprietors wholesale and retail dealers m marble granite and- everything pertairiinr j to cemetery work direct importers of alliiuds of granite aud marble m e uitcuele sounor convlvanctu e t 03e fir dcrwet of the champion c ilia stret miloa vjouey to loan atjg r sh icton allas baird i 1 barristers solicitors torcnto ami gtargkiown ore ataris block georgetown and w ei street lis teroiito- j ilivn 53hwx ua jbaied uk i b agluovv d carson bairplstehsvtlit ic oauro sail 30 caurch street toronto swiipp ohx canox ecl co ctiqwx iltpbxet pateni seccred jl or ucventioris lieslv olilst ottava casada t aty years practice no patent xo pay vv 7 il uemsteeet li ntnll rlr c- caaie uf vwtaiiion aud haltdu orksif attaefiu puess ortice acton or it ay resile ace in actoawill be promptly at- itiea o terras reasonable 1 -ir- j to loan on llie mos ritjs of if ah x favorable lowesr ictcs ci interest iu pward- having lately visited the hay of fuudy granite quarries and having purchastnl the entire stock of gray and retl granite monuments hqadstones crosses urns etc of alexander taylor at less than cost we will until further uotieei sell at prices never before knqwn in ontario fcr in stance granite monuments it high igo 7 ft 75 6 ft s90 9 ft sj100 10 ft s150 all work imd tniarial warranted firstclass parties wanting anything in this line will do well to call and see usbefore purchasing elsewhere as we guarantee ourprices are frorn 30to w per cent helow all other dealers liyebt worden tiav1ng assiiinol proprietorship of the it very il business lately carried- on by mr wh smith would solicit the patronage of the public and will do their utmost to please all customers an sho pas toil alonjj lior quick uyo spied soiuo won s on a little box inscribed twai a box that hung in the vestibule outside the door ot the chailty school homouilor tho jiobrl woro thu words she spcllod then look id at tlio dimo her hinull hands held ftjr chooouto croauih wero fresh that day in the stotju jiibt only across tlio way dut gloamk of victory shono orhor face ah tho failed her e on to the money place but hoi av that a ploaao si u was sjiort aud the box so high goijtluinan fieardwlio was passing by ir will jjou lift mo inbt ho much for the tl ly huge s could almost touch tho strain or stopped and hu ijulckly stood by tlio hwc otfaccd child in the palo blue hood an ho lifted hjr she guutly said would you mine it sir if you turned jour liond for you it low i dji not want to be llko a pro id stuckup old pharisee uu hmuoriidthelliitle maid but a suiilu played oei his faco as hu stood there the- while kxeusu u o child but what did you say the gentle nan asked in a courteous way in iiih wpoj white hand i didnt unite understand dout yjni kuow jlavo you never whatour saviour said as he took 11 i bolievo l oh sir read j said the child amazed we shouldnt give liko those hypocrito mea who ktoodliu tho liiarket places then and gayo their alnis just for folks to tell hecausji they loved to be praised so well but give for christs sake front our little stori what only ho sees and nobody more goodbye kind sir tikis is my way home im sorry yrnll have to walk alone thegetitle uan passed along and thought of largo sn 11s given for fame it brought aud he said i never again will be lu tho marketplaces a pharisee 1 she preached 1110 a hcrnion true and good that dear little maid in the pale bluebood a sensible girl t underwear ties couars cuffs gkjves c jmeus working pauts one dollar jn stinson j rockwood next door to post office santa clus has auiiiveu healrrv axu wliu lore cents and is now unpacking some two thousand dollars of wonderful xmas presents for tho boys and girlp tohi dat opriit qaeeas aechitect gceliu ost ectrl iliock market square f stvnr rascts xcsan sor to t f chapmrai 1 j i100kbixdee j guelph ontario orcjer sr ifis of arkincmade to hiitsj oycvcry jv mx caiaduly houild iim rualt sail promptly aoue t rie uaslax barker shop iinx aiaeet actox teiv have a stylish haircut a good scafoain atiexuiiiaratiiig sbauiimo always given buiora mstiuupotiii crtclass condition ladiiesi aa 1 chlareas uair tastily cut i i i- uvoppex tonsorialarthjts weu equipped an4 stylish rigs can always le secured first class outfit for commercial travel lers at speoial rates a comfortable bus meets all dny trains and night al60 if ordered give us a call c- jas f kidner ten cent stoljie w barber taos paper makerp georgetown makk a slecialtv 01 machine finished book papers and hkill ikakk wtekiy fws j h worden thp paper used in this jounial is from the above mills wm barber j sjvles3iewcvted rzx7irii want 0 aki inre firstclass iqen v iv aarw for tbe sale of choiccvaneties a suritry slock to men wbo can make a tacc- of this business we am pay good salaries crcjiamiiiniudgivepfcrmaneut employment we imv many new and choice specialties uotu a the fruit and oruameatal lines which other drthsue aitdv at once with refereucess ii a v bbothlins i scebeiitlles ituches xtf uuelyk business college t ireaotaiuo i fixiiz foubthschqlastic year d hiziu sepwmber 1st the faculty oas eatirea3ihenejiuecollegeroemisescnlarge tai nee appluiflres added each of the bix member of the faculty is an experienced and hcsfcmiuj tcaehcr the thorough and practical nature of the tork done hv the college is proten by tbe sac ess of its graduates both in canada uil the united states lalies are admitted to ail the advantages offered by tho institution for tvrins etc address jim4cc0fmich i lolv principal hetiloi pause and consider that it will be to your own interrst to patronteo home trade we would rcpectfiilly iufonn tlie inhabitants of acton and surrounding country that we arc again in full running order and in a ijetter position than before the fire to fill all orders entrusted to us to parties building lumber will be dressed while you wait andmouldiugs ic made with neatness and despatch x b we are also prepared to fill all orders for pumps on short notice and from ona experience in the business we tcel confident that tie can givo sat isfaction every time so coum on with your orders aud help to roll the ball along mousy makes tbe more go whether she has legs or no thos ebiuge manager new stock new goods best prices jest work o ec- lrzltsil merchant tailor mill street acton has met with very gratifying success since j opening out a couple of months go satisfac tion has been given and cnstoiui rs always go pliep uoeding and ani pro- away pleased and ready to jtyturii clothitijj i have just recpjyed a new stock pared to offer bargains holli to j ioso ordering clothing and those who buy cloth cuttingdone free when cloth is purchased overalls specialty andrmade cheap and gocd i ohryder lumber bftin anb lath s pheuutertigued desires to lutorm the puwic i that he has now on hand and will keep in itock a full line of pine and hemlock as eli other kinds of lumber also first and becpnu class pine shingles a latb i coal jivood having purchased the coal business ot mjc s smith i am prepared to supply all khd 01 stoy coal i have also a good stock otvfotol hardwood ash cedar and mill wood at reason- ie prices wood and coal delivered 3fbt3vvpx -right- f he will he here before you know it but kenneybros 01 the vn mytyal fire insurance company or thb ootjwjt 07 v8lun9w established 18jq il head office cuelpm i p- j 2 ii or uu lii htoiiuuxli wes mn ill olhar turltioriiof projiprty ohjtpe tetniumxotesyttym i pwtyoe cnas davidsoi president dominion boot shoe store main street ai of all colipef itios we i elegant and substantal goods 01s- splendid in quality i complete in assortment overflowinj in generoti is- johnfaylw lsecretry have anticipated its early arrival and laid j bot8 shoes 4e tor falljvear our reputation for good goods and superior value is mil established we can suit von all f v our gntom department is turuidffoutfirstciass work as usual witjbgobd stock ana repairing is alwaysfrompily and neatly done keney bros ont bros- s bargaiiib 1 meijp woitejjf and ojlllppens qet irna ifhoes rubbers ovbesh 5es c at prides that alwayslead t speedy sales always iprompt 41 vi lowe8t prices consistekt wit coos amvy 9t ouutom worlc and repairipfr rqmplil attned to w wlll ams mill street afcton engaiel to be niarriod slowly tittered theresa jliddleton and to think that little ljlauclic lollett should have been the first of wf graduating class to wear au engagement ring it was rather strange thu three girls sat side b side on the broad veranda of tbe acapeleo lotel at long branch theresa middlctoiii tall handsome and stylish with jetty liairj large dark eyes aud yellow roses in her hair sophie dean slight and grace ful a tyno of the most exquisite blonde loveliness and rhiuchefojiett tho fiancee of the group annsiguiticant chestnut- haired lassie pretty enough when one came to examine her features but nothing beyond the average how soon are voir to be married blanche- asked sophie 1 dont kuowi as soon as gnys father returns from kurope i suppose and are you to liavcyourtrosseaufrom paris oh dpar i wish it was i said- theresa enviously you scheming little thing who would have suspected you of captivating a rich husband i dont care whether he is rich or not said blanche firing up i only know that 1 love him that is enough it wouldnt be enough for nio said theresa i must have cash as well as carasses but come girls its time to dress for tea those haudsonio yotrig cabins will sit opposite us again and even a handkerchief flirtation is better than nothing blaiiche wont join us of course but we dont dare for that what a f jinny old man all in snuff color that wis who sat next to us thib afternoon at dinner laughed sophie andhow hestaved at us i shouldnt wonder if he were not somo rich widower 1 horrid old fogy said theresa do you know girk he has taken the room next to ourb i saw them carrying an an- tedihivain trunk in there a little while ago depend upon it hes first cousin to me thuselah phi suro i dont know what such wretched old creatures want at a place liko long branch why dont they stay at home and nurse their rheumatism in their own garrets hush theresa whispered miss follett glancing around he is sitting on the bench just beyond he will hear you 3yho cares if he does said miss middeton insolent in the pride and flush of 3er beauty the grairhaired old man who had been sitting with both hands olasped over his goldlieaded oanc and his eyes intently fixed on the changing glories of the sunset sea looked up here i suppose young lady ho said you think that the old have no business to exist perhaps when half a century or more has rolled over your head you may think dif ferently on the subject theresa colored and tossed her head sophie dean tittered is she rose and shook oui her foinoe4mvisln robes preparatory to going up stairs btit blanche follett lingered behind after the other two had swepjt away aud glanced pleadingly up in the oldmans face i hope they have not hurt your feel ings sir ishe said wistfully they mean no harm only they are young and foolish no my dear np sd e old man kindly vqu at ftl events llrvo a gentler nature and more womanly tempera ment the august moon wab at the full that night and long after midnight sophie and theresa were practicing on the guitar and singing sentimental songs when a waiter tapped softly at the door with a message please miss number fortynines com pliments and o has a bad eadacho and cant sleep and- wouldnt thp yqmjg ladies oblige him by leaving hofy asingng what nqnsorise oolfiimed theresa sharply lery one is free to do as he or she jikes in 5 hotel i believe theresa jjleadad klndlieartod little blanoho if the old gentleman has a head ache j pshaw a tegular fubsy old bachelor said sophie petulantly to spoil our prac- tice in this way for blanche was resolute in insisting ithat the guitaiyshould be put awayand so the two girts went grumbling t bd what dfl xv tinx- exclaimed sophie coming u the next rrorriing drb ping and radjant jfrpffl te bat oad tottyina um ffa wjtofkjfest half an ltwraq- and i just saw the waitew carrying loe fop his head stme fever icried theresa turning pale j i mean to ohange to some other hotel ajt onoe banobowhere ji blanche tyi he gone provoking when wtro in a hurry to le upon the matter ir- 3 was nioro thanan hofir bsfoteblancho itt returned and whtm at length she ired the rpom theresa ap4tophie half thrijugb the taifc of packing their ks r j fs l lanclie crie4thofohiierptiiintly ore have yoi-been- kl n the next rooni with a siokold gentle doiugjoiy best to nurse him lanohiel shrldked iiarefaj tvell was the oajm respobse vroyou mad cried both girls in ohojjus j mo only human if itwas niy fath er added blahohoj courageously do you thit k 1 should want him to lie alone and unal tended ina hotel like this lot them send for his friends said the eba sullenly ivho can tell who or what they are iearoh bis trunk thats the way you act liko so many fools said sophie shaiplyj suppose they will do so if he docs not get letter soon l in tho nieuiitimoho needs a di lighters care aud the memory of rhy own dear dead father prompts me to tlie mis ion blanche you arecriizy cried outmibs deai what do you suppose mr arch- field would 6ay to you risking your life thus t do not thibk there is any risk said blai che calmly moreover i believe guy would bid me do my duty at any and all 1 azards m glad my sense of duty isnt nito so iiipcrfine said theresa scornfully ytu can do as you please but sophie and i intend removing at once to tho mermaid homo and if you are sensible you will do the same added miss dean but blanche shook her head ko sbesaid quietly i have made up my mind wellthoii said sophie i wish that old snuf color would die and be done with it for it will not lie half so pleasant with out you blanche old snuff color however as sophie irreverently termed him did not die on the contrary after that day of peril the bcales of chance seemed to turn in his favor and permanent recovery was assured tfy dear said he to blanche follett ii uve mach to j thank you for before yestiiday i neverjknew thotioft touch of a dauf liters handapon niy brow the music of a daughters footsteps around my bed side nor bhall i consent to part with them now i mean to keep ajou always niy child v b ahche colorod and stared at these in- com irchcnsible wordi joes he moan to adopt me she asked herslf or no surely that cannot be possible ho is going to propose to me but tbp old gentlemans next snieuce complet4ly solved tho riddle forjdo not think you havesuspected h addetc with i quiet smile that ajl jumor a group of young people sat on the porch of a farmhouse in ohio one sultry evoning this summer two pf them were girls m j tce a ubiiib 1 1 afireat many iusaue giggle i was and- 1 just came over field of nettleb down ever seen more your secret charitable offices have been umderetjjp guy archfields lather blanche was more frightened than ever surely thejold man was insane mr aijchfield sr is in europe she said hesitatingly he was my dear the old man an swered dryly but he returned on the arinde amit lie is here by your ide i telegraphed to guy this morning he will be here in half an hour to confirm my words little ijlanche will you give me a daughters kiss now t ij ic my own blanche you have won his heart said guy arohfield the only doubt i ever entertained about our marriage his consent is solved atlast he honors you as you deserve j and the prettiest kit all blanche follett s weddinggifts was the diamonds given by her wealthy and eccentric old father-in- law theresa middletbn and sophie dean cried out in chbrns as they had cried before many a time blanolie is the luckiest irl so yon nittdothoovorskirt with points jjaid one yes 1 liko it better than rputid i like points too- vy round irons better yea but i- think points are prettier so do i silence for twenty minutes clara has points yes i think theyre prettier the more i think of them tho better i like them but round corneia iron better their brother in tho njeantime libtened- to tho womens j chatter in silence another young manj came up to the step3 howdy john howdy i was asleep on onr porch and i thonjjht id come over a bit jubtso howsjyonr folks well hows jourtf all right long silence jolm with an asleep on our porch j a bit all right bi your way john job clarks yes yesi i diinno an1 nettleb to an acre before another silence has jane simms points on her over skirt i no its round i wonder at jane points are my taste mine too but they dont iron like rounu cornere i s if another brother cornea but r howdy john howdy say john job clarks got a huge field of nettleb yes jem and twas just speakin of it i r we if you dont plant nolhin iu a field yoijill hev nettlea just so another long- pause i duuno adys john as i over see such a crppofjiettles i believe your overskiits longer than mine the points are sharper lets go in aud look at it and on they tramp upon this weary round of nothiogb hour after hour day after day the year through perhaps in the next house live men and womeu whose minds are bo full of facts and ideas broad and varied and far-reach- ing that ffthey apeak of any trifle eten overskirts oruettlesii is but a key to a storehouse of wisdom or fancy or fun yet their brains arc of the same color and weight as those ql their neighbors the same world of men ihd books jire open to them all the soleldiffereride is thut one mind is tilled the other left to lie fitllofy if you plant nothing io a field youll have nettles but it never occurred to jem that his axiom upplied to his own brain as well as to job clarks lund youth companion i m n ik n itf vj r price three cents fell a kidiiapper taregoric j outward boundla book ort vive lo fbivalvo ople hold theories who cant hold their tcsgaes it is blow fur blw iu joint debatebtanir speaking there may be nothing new in this world but tlieres a hedpjthats fresh a hotel bead waiter ont of a job is as bumble as a peacock minus his tail a refractory cat window and a pretty girl will mako a bi mao feel very small i often cut niy oldest acquaintance said the buzz saw as it took oil a mill hands linger j there is talk at making a new cable podl whats thematter with the atlantic ocean i curiously eloagl the man who is always in a pickle doseift preserve hib temper worth a cent j it was a seafortfi boy who started the fashion of calling iis father by his given t name and the fabmon lasted about thirty seconds ti a shorthand writer at washington can report a speech with so much rapidity that the speaker finds k utterly impossible to keep up with liim farmers wife v i must go honie i have if good deal to do ii we are going to kill an ox iolay city temselwhati you kill an entire or at on- i a teacher toldolo of her boys thai the next time he wrote a composition there must be some poinl to it the subject of his ncxtdisqiijisitkm was needles a walklngtsticlj may be described as the old mans bpengfcli and the young man6 weakness id an umbrella as a fair and foul vyeatler friend who has had many ups and dowjis now all closed are the palaces of summer njlabe bonifaces and where wiltlthe jolly proprietors go oh theyll fljt down to florida where the neatheris torrider and rake jn auciher rich harvest yon- know il do you know jvhy mr s allows his hair to grovr libg while mrs s keeps hers cut sofehort yes theyre both literary jj a chemist says wood can be mode palat able and nourishing it will not startle many to annouucelhat good board can bo s6t out ofsawlogsl like does not always cure like au ele vator dropped fourlptories in a western city last week because uie attendant jiad taken a drop too much r t 1 ja little girl whoilwanted to describe tbe abseutmindeduessj of ber uncle said his remember isjso tired thit he has to use his forget all tie time the last goodnight goodnight goodnight a silvery voice bang through niy midnight dream and a fair young face with flowing curls flashed iu tho fancied stream of thu moonlight on my curtained cuucli with a wildcriug tender beam gootnigbt broke from niy auswcring tongue and the beauteous shape was golic i woke as thodistant clock tolled out the hour of another dawn and the holy inooii was fiuiiliugdoivu on tho cottage porch and lawn she is dead a voice sohhod faintly forth i know she had gone before j to her sweet goodnight my poking ear would nover listdn nlore i tho beautiful angel death had come and oeued tho imarly door and down in her bedrooms mellowed light lay florouce wliite and fair with the pitying yioonbeauis on her brow and tho curls of golden hair t but ithougbilotthejsiiirit above the stars and only rjie casket there a some pie me some robert and hn modern iubtjfnce robert mam pie a pdet sent to ai entitled why answered becai button by mail iusl gimme reprovingly gim- list else do yon say y up about it edjtor a contribution i live thcteditor e you sent your contri- ad of bringing it sue too iouiid suixe a mexican ihpe yoikbfifgoe the dude of yautepec a wealthy young sugar planter whose ances tral acres stretch away beyrond tbe limits of vision ho bestrides a prancing steed the pace of whibh is known here fts dingle step and thp iorgeous saddle aud trap pings that cove the animal almost out of sight niustibave cost a moderate fortune observehiiv jginly he holds his gold- hedded whipi ind how the big diamond sparkles in thtfbnd of it see his pearl- inluitl revolvers protruding from the sah of crimson silk whibh his short black jacket imperfectly conceals his panta loons light as two candle inoldb are decor ated with two rows of jenntiie halfdollars up the outside beims set on so closely as to overlay aodj braided together with gold cord the pointed toes of his tiny shoes are thrust intosilver etirmps of en- orrndiis size uutatirom his heels dangle silver spurs that ten to oneoutweight bis feet his great sombrero of white felt has agold cable large as your thumb wound- round and round it and its broad thick brim beilrs a heavy arabesque of gold his horse is so perfectly trained that the rider never n6es tbe reiu but benda slightly to the right or loft to indicate his wish are stonesamve we generally think of minerals as dead lumps of in active matter but they may be said to be alive creatures of vital pulsa tions and separated into individuals as distinct as the pines in a forest or the tiger8in ajnngle tlie deposition q or stalsareas diverse as those of animals they throb with unsceu currents of energy they grow jn bijin as long as they have opportunity they can be killed too though not as easily as an oak or a dog a strong electric shock discharged through a crystal will decompose it very rapidly if it is of soft structure causing the particles to gradually disintegrate in the reverse order from its gtoqrtbf until the poor thing lies a dead shapeless ruin it is true the crystals life is unlike that of higher creatures btt the dvfferenoe between vegefabe and animal life is no greater than that between mineral and vegetable life liunams the great swe dish naturalist defined the three kingdoms by saying stofles grbw plants grow and feel apimalb grow and joel and move fflwtfitnchrtemaii with atcakt must have put ont the ore the oollec- tions hung fire until the preacher took fire nd the church began to blaze the re vival floated the whole jusiuess out into iu favor of prol a few days ago a lady from san fran cisco who had a very solid bank accouut jveut to lako taboc on a pleasuretrip with her daughter she concluded that she would have a good time aud accordingly took along some plain serviceable clothes and no jewelry when sho struck one of the fashionable resorts she found herself in the midst of a lot of people making a vulgar display of clothes and diamonds and every time she turned around she was tlie subject of the mostf unmerciful snubbing she was put off ili an obscure cornea to eat and not oue of t lie fashionable guests conde scended to e low her tho slightest civility the lady bit her lips for a ftftv days took j state rooms in the situa ion and with true feminine instinct dec ded pn revenge she dropped a line below and presently there were de posited attl e hotel twelve saratoga trunks waybilled o her address she and her daughter re ired to their rooms and that evening can e down to the diuiugroom iu a blaze of ace and diamonds that took everybodys breath away no such gorge ous or tasty toilety had ever bewildered the guests at tb i hotel before it blinded the eye to look it the pair as they quietly en tered the loom the steward after re covering b s poise rushed forwurd and pulled out two chuirs from the most fashionable table iu the hotel she shook her head at d replied the old table will do and went to the obscure cor ier where b1o had eaten ull the time tbe utmc st consternation spread through the dining room and the low hum of voices rase o a fashionable bifez as they warmly dii cujsed the situation wasnt it awful they bad been snubbing a woman and ber daughter all tlie week who could outdi 2ss them all iu the evening they attem ted to hedge but couldnt to any consid rable extent the dudes tried th shin uv to the girl bnt she wouldnt have it aiit thoso who tried to scrape r acquaintance with the mother found it like trying to run a funnel into an iceberg for a wl ile she flashed like a comet through th it hotel into a constant chango of ravibhin 5 toilets each more costly and bewildenn than the others until likethe kings who pedestrianized in macbeth they threatened to stretch out till the crack of doom lat the e id of the week it was learned from the c banrbermaid that she had only gone throt gh half of her imniense sara togas the am ly of snobs was routed then the qniet little lady resumed her plain clothes pi it on an old straw hat with her daughter ind absolutely had the coolness to be dowi 1 at the wharf fishing in u old calico dre b cotton gloves and straw hat he and whajjdo yon think of ivolil- tion miss brewster do you believe- that man is descend from therridukey miss brewster 0 yes i think that man ib but what puzzles met is where woman canie frorn jl a youngster wasjjasked to give his idea of tbe ineanidgof jj responsibility bo he said weji suppose i had only two but tous op my trensep and oue came off ail the responsibdity would rest on the other button a 1 old gentlemann my what a nice little boy yon are areaft you small bdy no i aint no flice little boy neither im dutcher sieklfe der terror and i can lick anybody myslze round here v perilsof the dew wife in- the cabin anxiously whits the trouble on deck charlie yaclit fcwner the jibsheet is lost overboard wife well why dont they eome ud take one from the ttyipe jsife wext astray sickingnfflr what may in komidiit ones oivn fireside the invalid proprietress of a wealthy estate in scotlnnd once wsitcd the conti nent of europe to get rid nf lier maladies she went to tjadenbaden aud tried those celebrated waters then to carlsbad and tried its mineral springs sie got worse instead of better and in despair she said to 11 physician wbat eliull i do h is reply was medicine can do no thing for yotl you have oue cjiauce in the waters of pit kealtlily scotland is it possible she replied why those waters are on my own estate invalids go trimpiifg over the world unsuccessfully seeking the relief that often lies right attheir own doors change o climate an3 travel is ho doubt beneficial iu some classes of disease butit is impossible to secure while travelling the proper care and nursing the cheerful- comforts of honie which are often iieces- sary adjuncts to medicine in promoting re covery in many ailments arising as so many do from derangements of those primary organs the kidneys aud liver with the proper remedy to use recovery is mucli more rapid at ones ownfireside major s b abbottof springfield mo was attacked wilb serious troubles and after a loug course of medical treatment tried to find relief at hardin sulphur springs iu california and visited a unm- berof other noted health rifedrts but all to no purpose at last he went homo he was induced to try warners safe cure for his kidney troubles and soon became a well man dr gustay weber a- leading physician of dessau germany writes warners safe cure gos branch at frankio sept 12 1887 for many years i have buffered from inflammation of the kidneys and eacbear was obligedto vkit carlsbad for ternporary relief i have finished my fif teenth bottle of warners jsafo cureand have completejy recovered 9 the main thing is to find tlc right rem edy then recovery frornall the raary ail- meutsthat are the result oi kidney de- raugement is mo9t easily secured atpiome surrounded by home comforts there are fewdiseuses for which travel is op the shae beneficial bat there aie manyjyhic may be cured by putting the kidneys in healthy state thus driving the cause of the disease from the system faxce news wjiat was needed gov ooiden offceorgia says prohibition has been tried through local option ill 100 out of 137 oouu tie in that state aud not omof the 100 has ono back on its aclioni it is statistical t uth that no single cause leads to- more- dii 5ters than the use of i litiaore not neoes arily through drunken- j ness but the enfee ding of tho jhdgment fiftysix cpuntr s in dakota have vatod ibitiou tho northern part of the territxlry is against division while the southerr part has riven a large majority for it dr humphrey lays it in plain lo me as the sun in a cle ir summer sky that the license laws of ou country constitute one of the main pillarlon which the stupendous fabrio of intemperance now rests frank jones thl brewer says prohibition in rhode island bias cut off tho bale of eighty thousand barrels of beer during the last year and fet there are some who declare that therejis more beer and whiskey sold and that drunkenness has increased aie testiroouy of brewer psputable police records i notwithstanding jones aud tho iu of the larger tow in the trial at soux city of the alleged murderers of hogdock the prohibitionist benjamin johnson and louisa his wife testified that they were delivering milk the bight of tho murder and watched the crowd of men galjiering ou the street cor nea both kuevg arensdarff and would hat it was he who ad- dr haddock their ates that of lovett and rmers every newspaper receives odd comniuni- catiou at limes for instance it is stated that u country editor of a weekly was made to writhe in keenest liurpihatipn of spirit on receipt of the fpllowing scathing 1 criticism on tlie conduct of his paper by a subscriber dkak siu itiercby offer my resigns shun as a subscriber to yonn paper it be ing a phampretrof such small kousekence as not to benefit my family by takin of it what you need in your shete is branes and sonieone to rnssell up news rite eddi- toryals oitiive topicks no menshiori hasv been made in your shcle of me bntcherin a poland chiuy pig weighin 31is pounds- or of the gaps in the chickens orft this way you stujusly ignored tbe fact that fthp j tater bugs is eatin things up out here an- say nothiu bout hi simpsons durham ball calf breakin its leg falliu down a well or of grandma spies bavin the sore leges two important wcddinv here has been utterlytigkriored by yonr- columns an a two kolamns obitchuary rrit by me on the detlj of grandpa henry vas lefc of your shete to say nothing of a alfabetical poam beginnings with a is for andy and also for ark writ by ray darter this isiwhy your shete is unpopular here if you dont want eddytoryals from this placo and aint goin to put in no news in your shete we dont want said shete yours in disgust hiram doaks- ps if you print that obilchary in your next isso i may sigo again for yobr bhete swear positively vanced to murdl testimony corroba bismarck theiuu death fro the saloon the saloon is doomed jed in the courtof the of its best citizens yer- ofhighcrimeb ii which remainb to be sistless force of publig aciiea but effective gymnasium the sul jectof this item is the cheapest and simp eat gymnasium in the world one that will jxercibe every bone and muscle intheboiy as hi 1 authority as the new york medical imes recorpmouds this oornpara- tively lit e used health machine it is a flat piece of steel notched ou one side and fitted tigl tly into a wooden frame before oxercisin grease it well on both sides with a bacon ind then rub it into a stick of woochai lengthwise of a saw buck re sult g d digestion waits on appetite cigar healer i have something new io cigar ittea i wpt tb show you mr ptiqdey durtleywhat is it tobacco it has been t country by a jar diet found guili sentence de executed by the opinion the saloon is i leing attacked from-flor- ida to kansas from the paciffo to the atlantic the luiericans say emphati cally and irresist bly it must go tem perance advocal m of alropinions stand united on this pi kform realizing irr it a matter of life or eathtomany the saloon is 1 terly useless thoroughly demoralizing i irriblyi destructive it menaices our civi ization throngh its young men it seeks u control the politician it works to gain or io rule it is the bounc n duty of every chris tian of eveiy lc er of our countrys wel- j fare ot every foe of rum to become a high sheriff in aidingno carry j out the sentence of the court i found guilty death to the salopu nothing so suddenly obstructs the per spiration as suddeu transitions from heat to cold heat rarities the blood rjnickens the circulation and increases the perspira tion but when these are suddenly checked the cousequencesmusf be bad the riiosc common cause of disease is obstructed per spiration or what commonly goes by the nanie of catching cold coughs colds sore throat ietd if atfcnded to in time aro easily snbdnejbut if allowed to run their own course generally prov the forrpuner of more dangerous diseases ninetepths of the consumptive date their affliction from a neglected cold and the diseases thafe are caused by wet feet daiup clothes or exposure are ferere numerous than are generally supposed one of the most efficacious medicines for all diseases of the throat and lungs is bickles anticon sumptive syrup it promotes a free and easy expectoratibu which frees the lungs from viscid phlegm by changing the secre tions front a diseased to a healthy state i- i t those intolerably paiuful aud constantly harassing things called pile which trouble so many people are soon healed by dr thpmaseclectric oil the great external remedy for physical suffering and means of relieving pains a very small quantity achieves results of the most gratifying kind f j t- vr v l the oxtruortliiiary popularity of ayers cherry pectoral is tho natural result of its aso by intelligent people forbver fortyi years it has proveii luelf tlie very best speciflo for oowbv coughs aiid pulmonary com- j plaints v i i

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