Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 5, 1888, p. 2

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kmttt waxtrha mlnlclkt otxiu mr- at the mearodlstluraiivrtiwrton alh tttlttdmlier ws tfic wlfenf lhe ltev t a monro ot duurbtrr kttxsv ou the start doc the wife o mr 0vm kenny- miltoli of duophter siht- at tvnvcr arun acton on hc 11 jmniiw lsvtho wife ot mr tltmim j speight iiutot niit m t it of hon vumibi- al wictovv on the ih lviemuer n the if- of mr john wrlirtflc- wmth of koii l marrotd kilti ntni in tonwto ou the th ive- iiitier liv hov uovwitak vtwi mr- williatn v kliir ot mbivrovrhle s y emrot stn of mr yx kin formerly ot acton to miss annie carroll toronto ftui such in the tenor ot the ai inducement tmblinheil bv tiwiwjnieiprtl clcrklnt aveek in arnqdhnct wittt a mrw it iwtfed y 0le w p i iuatyfc1 my tudnu 8o of the itopiyer will bo bold to tko tl6 steps itecossnry to boouio co incil for this munieipauy for the current y oar whether or not this meeting will mieceeu in accomplishing the result required by law vet remains to lie been the event iiifhr at the rwoliw of tbjo liriiu- ieii ivviiilir isc tv tlwiujv t t i with mr thim mooron iainlna vvmn ashllkat rnng aft ncco mid the men who net into w rm w iiiiiiiirovin i pupils showed their esteem for amotion the tindrrainvnt wlm h was intend- r v k u111k liitiiiclph hv iu- liov lv j i their regret at ilia rotinni by raiuv oioiui ivwnikr ivivld mm to ji oil to oust a imtttejcnt number of those who i u j hiiikiiotli f k ttoihi ots jv v wllh ttn appropriate address and nvvu bad faithfully sewed the municipality last makinl llml t ro0 ot a ti j tiirnsnay jaxiujv isss r noti amt txoijlknts thojisoal returns ot the lkminion for the last six months arc reported to show a substantial increase over uic two previous half wars year and still retain one or t vo wxk men who would transact the muni ipal business which tbeirtavoritcs hadnt tbo ability to nassauavtm kkw8 krom out pwn rorrmixnideiit miletitlftmadmdiolbtiidentnd memn httfih meade and 4metutc4ioon toronto are borne tor the holidayi mr arch motnmart v 8 dhelburne formerly ot ktmmitaweya was 01 day dee mb married to mix jennie ghent of mt forest tuo happy oouplo are at ptetcnt visiting the rrooms natsa raweya tiiends humor says tin t 1lane wliilvjtave transpired sincd nomination jjim is ttoon to follow arebleeo tainple dayon the 2th ultbavo clear y shown that likbt weoky correspondences womltted the best laid schemes of ncc and men j to important coiineotlon lion hit him and irosontm ilo found bji- last wednesday nisbt that i school mectinn of every septic their schemes had gang stiy nk l aft ajjlee willi writing desk aud shaving stand wednesday dooasthi an ttln liandsome oat every one knqws was the day for the annual u in the jnvviiico the ratepayers 1 nd fond a venoeanco for all the men if abiliu- bad w of 8 no mauifostt the in quietly withdrawn from the opntcst tewi8t the i ftff k y an antiscott act meetins yras held at thiiikrlheast olid of the conuiy last week tiio chairman stated that their causerwas a lost one and the few present did uoti kiww what to do and concluded the case j vi- hopeless oneivirin j rhicado which introduced the nostrum oi huh license some years ago as a curej for drunkenness has bad more and moiej ft jurishini saloons ever since and vnoro ot the irujs of the drink traffic juiechrisj ira- irimiuie crimiiial record appears tci haveteei a saturnalia tbe ri tarns of businessfailuresincauadi anv the vnited states during the pasi 1 yotr show a slight decline the average liability of those toinj iuto bankruptcy iii 1t was j1si2 compared witb 11c31 11 lsio the af rrc in canada this year lvirs shjjlitly hisjier than iii the vnjjtcd sstes it is worthy of remarkthat when a bnsj- no5 house fails in any part of the do lt would liavo been only juit and able to have rcavtcd the old council by acclamatioii cofsidering tho aitisfactory character of their deliberations and ti-an- sactioiis ituriii the past year over their sen ices are not at of the ratepayers it is hoped tlrat at the meeting today the electors will allowno petty now how- the command ousiderations which concern n few jieisqim at most to come iuto contact with the cuewl inter ests and progress of our citizens aud the municipality at large fettle the matter toklay and dont allow the place to bei the laughing stock of the country because two or three individuals arc cuipanitively chifdish over rinuiicipal affairs i1ait0x kikctuix x wiotrst ou tuesday last when the witnesses and others concerned iu the elction protest were preparing for the court it milton yes terday information was reoe ved here that j done or unnoticed bad thert bceu tho mr waldie through his solicitor had ad- usual attendance and program oxpected mitted bribery by agents and that the oasci the subject for debate for next neetitig is was by this action virtually jaded judged inteniperanco vs war hose came ta milton vester lav however irluiou in tiiiese days the whole or the ainuhe couit was formally oieued llrib- areater number of the creditors are canaj- cry as admitted and mr waldie agreed to clians this was not the case some years j pay the costof the legal pioiijdingsincon 3-40- then the chief creditors of bankrupt j llect w t protest tlie case was ad- irms lived m great britain this shows j t0 osgood hall 0 tatunlay next t al in busiuess as well as iu other matters 11 uw f 1 mic witness will be hesrd to prove a canada lias become less depeudcut on other x charge of bribervf and the election will then cjantnes i he voidct viuc iug 30th inst long before tpc time of his uudcrstotxl that at the roiuestarf anew election will no aoubt x held coiiunencing the program the sir charles tupper the proclamation sijni- witlmi a few weeks before the house of crowded to overflowing tin jujuiua tlie dominion pariiamsnt for the commons asseinblesbut who the eamli- feature of the evening was tho jcpatclibf ktsiness ou tbc 31st of january dates will be the party conventions will of will le cancelled aud the session post- i course have to determine polled uutil the hrd of february sir j ciirles it apjiears is still hopeful that 1 niiv succeed iu making sonie arrangement wiihihe cuitej states in regard to tiki t1 election of tlfs township was as fisiieries qncstioa and heuce be wants as i 030ij l lar p htical iiitsb time as possible for negotiation ivrt the election of tiffs towusbi lines as a result a consovativo council this year holds sway mr graham was elected lleev and dr webs er first deputy ing at home only tour persons of all this largo section were presont 001 iscjuently no business could be done truly a piti able condition tor a section that lays near ly fiiou annual salary aud in wl lich there is an average dally attendant 0 of over sixty pupil the meeting was posponed till saturday dec hist on account of the stormy winther tho regular meetjug at tho canipbollvillo literary sooiety hold in the t imieranco hall 011 wednesday evening deo 28th was not a success the atte ulauce ol numbers was so small that tho 1 lection of ofliccra for the enauiug term was xwtponod the prograivj consisted of rei dings by messrs j memsics and d llujtchcou instrumcutal music by mrs m crawford vocal music by misses harris ai d kaiter brook aiid a recitation by 1 iss annio tliapman mr l 3 lleid actc as critic and ably filled the positipu h hough ho cpnsurcd the- society rather si vcrely as several things which he called attention to would have been done and otheis left un- mrv d w campbell delivered an inter estiug address upon londou in the presbyterian church outhursd kyeveninc dec 22nd the lecture wes ilk strated by numerousscioptie views the iroeeeds of the evening are to be devoted t the sab bath school in contieciion with i ho church the brookville mutual iu provement association met as usual ou fridaveven- bsolutely pure thlt iiiisfilcr xitrci varies a marol of purity roiiitiiniilwholoiuiene merc opononiloal ofauuioonhiiaryklbd aud eaayot bo told in coiiiitttloii with 111 multitude 9mowtethojt wolglrt alum or iihomiliattvpowdorii bold only in can llovit lukixn iownkii co 100 wall bt nj y r cleariiig sale 1 i fincy goods at cost at tho bazar before removing to torojito sr- ltiok single and double berlin zen- herfairy zephcr and andcluiiaii wools i all iqo an ounce all tho best beehive fingering aud fancy wooa 10c a ukein hoods wortlr ijwtiji 00 the weutk municipal elections re- ij civium and tlie result of union if adopted would be i a vcat triumph for the temper- lue ou foubwg uuce ikople in bu speech on nommatqu j sx ti 1 rs6 dick i ufrlcampbuville messrs day mayor francis proposed o improve stillg mahnll si mortis of tlie people by repealing the cll clllnpbel 13 kvaus negbrookville messrs ir ou ti fi n- ult act and licensins the liquor traffi j jv- seats were principal debate tweeu campbellrille and brook societies the program renden d in first class style was as follows flute solo mr jas miller beadingmr w j1hiyer lust solo fcss winn bcadingmrfv hartley jvocal solo mr x mcphaif unst solo miss allison debate llesolvcd that commercial ijurious to crawford iug meade people thought a better way to at- vriggleswoxthoj aud moore mr lasby of thi3 place polled a very atyltistsolotmrp stiugle that cud would be to remove major larj vou m jjublin ward but ftfrsomei iwu ficnpuuic life this they did olhet voto lhe 6evcllu tl iauc majority of 110 aud elected m wa reilarkttmy mcaj he would have mode a gool councillor aud would have done his whole duty to this end tf the township as it is all the representa tives arclocated in the eut tern corner u fteaj mr john white ho at the uvuiiiiiliou dcularil his determination if elittcu to upboliho bis utuiot ability ail rstd by tliu people m c vilsou vo jo g with the mayor was the most cui in the last council in defence c th urjr rifiic haalat lictu defeated rl i v liani an outandout teuiper- ulcj uai j u il iis sfcd oi tle whole sliijeaecoicl is cousidercl a great iin- iivtiiieiit on the old j 1 irii rus iivviiii maiknm ynij lieevct 1 yauzaiit councillors joiiiitjiliiittsf c ai dr it iiiliii tilk toiitati mayolialtv ltobinson c briiijnitn beve dri bichardsoii conncillois las mortimer joliiicolling thcs atkiiiscn i1gwc ovkuui mayor john rnjuhart mi cai ke mpp defcate1 aid bogtijs liecve m ltlan councillors -arm- mayoralty coiitcit in turouto by strong- aym whitaker tlios patterson mus the result of the vote is d k h julleuge tlios ilowarths d follows carle7il bog xn 710 mariatt c w cwte 1 warctip sober pfo ilvlil al the bylaws including ifowes i- tlii ltf lhe r iiicliili of kiiouii imj rlcji jjiin ituevv uiirliirl cruhiln were defeateil it may 1 c f aid taccli 1st dipuiybetvcr dr webster fii thio defei signifies that tlie ijioveuieut n depmybeeve cook ouucilors wiicl carrtdmi ho a land into office by campbell ijians enorinus majorities two years in succet- miitos- riwc j h mccolloui 01111- sioii has spent its force but this is cer- cillcrs north ward john johnson george tinly not a correct couclusion for the fact smith bichard jones south ward p rrnaic3 that at least twenty of the thirty- j stuart john hunter g a hemstreet i ajijtrinen are strong temperance men east ward michael conwayj alex spiers ana mr clarke the new mayor also pro- duncan mckav vsc5 to hav temperance interests at 1 grki111 mayor macdonald st pat- heart a ricks wardpepper kennedy coffee tho moli says mr itlarke we are st georges kloepfer hamilton howard sre will do hi3 best iu the mayors chair j st johns walker bead kitgbur st to ie the ratepayers honest and efficient davids smith hewer barber st an- govenimeat he is a man of excellent drews maddock scrogeie cutten st character and good natural ability wid james bussell hartnett lamprey jfeciutiou misi myfephail chorus fletcher family vocal duet misses stingle a chapman becitation miss hubbard address lietiriug president mr strang messrs d f milne and juo mcpliedrau were appointed deciding com nitlee but otting to their inability to obtai 11 a referee thep declined giving their ileeii- on all glt i1toiiiititiu imity not ri oiiinnv t tin- ivlitorof tin- k1111 iii so say tlie liijuur dealers itit lurj nut believe it in these oountief where the scott act is measurably we f litre is a great fulling off in th 3 consump tiuii of liijuor anilas teuipeiaiitleopicire pressing 011 to prohibition wli even more for us than thecana lit temper anee act can inasmuch us that act does not propose to prohibit o wnii is amazing that the haiics nf do not play on some other strii incousisteucy is so glaring i hey oppore and pay large stuns to resist the temper ance inovemcut imd yet declan that after all we have secured they stil sell more than ever they have practic ed that lie i down in maine for over ilo y ars more lhinor sold than ever and yel goes oiu some of them may ai id no doubt 1 do get licjuor but where 1 1 dens nhd disreputable places when we lave driven j it there no respectable person v ill be found i seeking it a traveller in a town bossville had occasion tc cflps worlli waxldolls worth dolls worth liidirwear suits jvorth 1 00 ik 77 ho hi it 1 5 7 00 on h ml 7s 6 w 20 20 20 8 a v no 2 hi kverythiug must be sold by 21st january bemcmber the place thk bazab i f ju welrtief artn -best- ajiiily ntyspajfrt in anaila ktniixliel il yars king f wfckkliks the free press i ixisiws ont the handsomest printed paper ot canada liiuvkrltiilturnl ivuartinent itt a iiterfcntiirr ofltie fret- ivit ikillji nlwavk up to tile iiuei nud comliirtnl hv iiermink pitac- thilly tilled in fann xork iifarliir it the triiflic ns their will take a firm stand against the corrupt aud evil traditionsjbamfilwinger ijipoittaxv tcykvt at ioikiioim in tlie city hall thereio no reason why lie j should cot make a firstrjte mayoir atal to the tilitor of the fukk 1iii i event- he is entitled to a fair trial the j sin oolite an event came off at this 1 place on the joth nit our 61u postmaster uev couucil appears to be alwve the x t i i mr j newton had all hi family a ong to average there are nine new men who tv 7 l help to celebrate his seventyfifth birthday will prcoably serve hie city better than f i their predecessors i hi having been born at long bradford yorkshire on the 12th day of december 1 i inl2 also his golden wedding day the iiahion sorr acnikikab mm ritue iuciie in thc iattcr we are told that tlie petition for a vote sentatiou to his faithful old wife of u pair xow im not ii resident ant prohibition stay over night he says i found eiery saloon closed up money couldnt buy a drink of whiskpy in the town the we k before a lame nuinwho had been hobbl ng around on an artificial leg was convicu d of selling whiskey aild fined 920 l but the fine was reinittedon account of lrisjbeiii a cripple still the roughs all said f there is plenty of whiskey to be havl where i asked dh we had some yesterday they ou tiie repeal of the scott act iu jialton is of goldrirnmcd sjiectacles r so please let me know where yoi got it i defective in form that the dominioh arriving in toronto on the 20th october pleaded government cannot act upon it and that 1a12 mr newton had entered into an en- i well said one man lanit john sold the dominion government arei trying to gagement tu teach school in unold log 4t to us get thc temperance organization to cori- schoolhouse on john scotts farm near i where sent to tlie amendment of the petition j john burns place on the 1st november why we went with him per behind flic temperance people should not op i being as he tbinkf afeout the last of the j the meeting house shed into thjp graveyard any account give such coiflent when tliic i school teachers at so much a month and and there lame john unstrappei that inti- bvi vus on the other leg when lie tem- board abut with the scholars in these ficial log of his and hauled put 1 bottle of perauce eopie wanted to correct somle t parts j whiskey trumpery legal inaccuracj the dominion duiiug the more than jj years in this out of his leg government stood on the letter of the law canntry by a kind providence he is able yes his hollow legv- and refused to permit the slightest change to ay what few others can say who haye and what did you pay forit we failto see any reason why the do- reared a family of seven children he has j thirty cehteafdriuk laiuiou govcrnuient should be occommq- had no death orsickueis in the family the wellj boysi ssd you mty not have daled iu thc- jnatter there have been iii first dollar being yet to pay for doctoring prohibition iu bossville but wl en you go fhepast too many cases in wjiich the gov- one of them off into the darkness with a crip pie follow- i i eminent has nieasurcd for tlie temperance i people with cjastiroutandifor whiskey with india rubber letr tliie whiskey people now have a turn with the cast iron gou thk khist tlialx cjiosskm tjlkiwx sujt sti iluiii dec 31 the first isaiji crossed the international bridge ul io this afternoon great interest wai rnamfested in the event which will open the route via the soo to the great west- the train was given a grand sendoff from the canadian saurtlcnd met sitli an en thusiastic reception on reaching thi american sault bigular thropgh tiaiu will commence running an tuesday to them for their special terms mills minneapolis will be the first ecu sigument of through freight arriving hem j the world turonlt tuesday toe soo and canadian pacifii iiailway lines are oiug to pot immenti yards iu at biab ssbiu v- h 1 santa cuts liroehouse dec 31st 17 i a kojiay laxthkoy at illlmwiy iakk wprk on an immense building atgrims- by park will be begun immediately it will beatj from 8000 xa 10000 people and will resemble the boman pantheon the dome of the new structure will be on a grand scale aud its 119000 feet of plumber will be withouttruss qr brace of any kind it will rival in appearance the dome of the mormon temple at sail lake city tlie clinipit lloruiiij tapir in hiwiln the toronto world is now the leading paper ofthat city it is a bright and arrangemenu are complete for a grain newsy sheet and should have widespread 1 imtronage it gives all the news of the railway jubilee here on jan 18 one bun dred cars of flour from the washbufii ay w concise form free from bias write mm m n ko n t 1 1 i i address 7v where you can get the latest cat j- i mgvhiin over beyond tho tnetliii iwnso shed into the lonely graveyard 1 hkt he has to sit down on some mothers grave and unstrap an artificial lgg to drin t out of why i think yon have got near enough to it for all practical purposes f o says 1 kmfkiiaxck douotflrget when you intend purchasingfa first clus organ or piano to go to j c jclean of tlie guelph temple of music he is no agent but buys his goods in largi quantities at roxrfc bottom figures and only tho high est grades are handled illustrations practical and useful given each week aulthefiewyn full h telvsrapli teleiilioui mail and comii- hiiiileik ii to the buur of publication skconl market denrtiiuul arirultliriil 1- iwrtiueiit capital htur alwavv itiiuuliii iiilieiiioun lijilccoluiiiu hum- j- orum ueadlui ju3t the thing fob the family flverj- iiiemur of the hoiischold icerly ikik for it earb neuk large uh paper in cihim of four nml npwiink v enth 12000 in premiums j given away free to agents mini lilierul iuiluoiuents ever dffin1 in 1iiluuhi kvrvlliiu- uiu vnluiillennilfrumiitiltnl agents waited sverxwberst tlie ui mt kipiiluk tiikr to wutfc for- more ttioaiy an l- niiuu workini fir the free lri than at nnv other einplti ineiit addrees free press london ontano f stirton ld8- pent18t touells block opposite post office ouelph vitalized air painless extraction cf teeth arliiiclnl teeth rnnrautccd perfect in apiiear- niic mt aud one fine- gold work a specialty all oiieratloun strktly firstclass aipolntiucntg mado by letter wont tell inventionsssi tho lout half century notleniitniii mgthu won- durs of inventive iroircm is a ninth d aud rvh- ttfui of work that con bo iwrforruod ill ovor tifo country without separating the iv irkers from their hoiuex iay llboral auy one can do tho country without seuarauug the iv irkers from their hoiuex iay llboral auy one can do tho work either seivourik or ohn no i eelnlahllity rcjuired capital not needed you arc started free cut tbu out and return tons did wo will send you free soineuiiugof groat vo iuc and hu- v iwrtsuce to you that will start jou 11 biisiuesh get your clothing made at kelly bros f which will brfug yon in ioorv nionej right away than anything else in tho world iraud outn free address tlivk co augustd maine b urdock blood will cure or relieve biuousness dizziness dyspepsia oropsy iml i u of the heart erysipelas xgidityof salt rheum the stomach heartburn dryness headachl of the skin ani overy spocieg of dis 1 using from disordored liver kidneys romach dowels or blo 0d tiijlbinin4co noia 7wi8hb8 its ma1iy prh3nd8 anb patron p a merr7 and at tliesamctinn dres goods mantle goods ulstlirings jarpets 0heistmas- -and- a hapy new yeas aiiiioumcs a icicat cliarinji- salcl hosiery tweeds flannels readymad f houg foe jifai now frnino dwelllnff house 1 1 rtveet bilpiighiktoa v oreeii ioiihi nut hoiufi lately occunlwlby the hatvai rum army ternm ensy j or further partijel lulx liv lo r 1l a 5iowat aeto wante1x i of ai am tuavipiximl saibfoleirs ij tj sfll oiiiehoiee vavletics of liumtry ijji either un trftlitry or eiiiiiuiiimjon iieriiistieutcu lihuliieiftetjlhe riubtineilk uo room fotkw lined triht u4il hoiitst flrehjiifnie we i hil in fur address witli feferencis may lllloflliiith itotii- niirsely k men loebtotnirs l overcoats underc othing r blnkes hats caps furs and milliner our stock md t be reduced by at least during the next four week tomers iu the way of jiriceb cases below cost we are showing some nice ti liiid a fine assortment of wool liw arrivals otli for the xmns inidn iirelmlinf novc-tic- of jofhls and furs of all liiniln very clioan a hoice stock of fresh ini japan tea at ii kiuiirls for ltl or 10 for one dollar remember our fam us 50c tea we nsjiiin wish you niuny 1 t i nd to do this ve will offer every inducement- to yl ythin iiub been marked duvii r ry iftv ii iu hakkuv and ftespecg i i rpil iiiideihikiiivl ii sires to leaiie tlie i 1 hrieli hlerv mid liop ktiiwn an the eilkior 1tileiy with rinideiicc in eouilectlai for 11 lei in of veins kxcellcnt maud convn3rsi ut iueiuifs iiijil lins done n kowi itnlmea term- reiisomihle loisessioti kiren lit jadoai ijirliruhis uiiuie uovn upon ajiiflicatlou to xiks1i wnlckujt3 salks3im wanted7 jj kilwniit o cirnlihid the plular aud eu- liiiojvn niirseryiiiaii of llochester ny detine to niiilic uniiiisiiientswith one live eji 3 erfiuie liun to ttiiie onlejs for hi knrftcrysto lie has a choice ctoek iiicludinij fluo specialttuia his iiiiluceiiients to btfjimieib are particniirlyas ndvaiitaijeoiik he fullltls all he iromiei ejtfj uikiiauiees to furnish strictly first clus rtodtii lie can niie active square unricht fnen good positions ami desires to communicate with few mich men with a view of securing tl serviees vrite to liini as spou as you hfcver- l for terms and full nartienlars llemembejiie fjily sjimre dealing men need apply addrenr fliio girairaii nurscrvnian itoehtster kt business premise sale isy tender -00- t- i- lies always on hand iiinciuht onr sjnniii lins ot ilso our hay city soap vo irar- for 10 for py returns of thf hendersa mcrae co acton pknliklis will he received by the undendgaios j lip lotlie ktli lamiarv itva for that wj s villlub thc jrroveriy ittiutcd iu the thim store and dwelling tile loperts- elsoli situa w illae t acton ten- aide in- the lnte joliu will diolje received for the stock far trade iijiiiiij of eoneral dry goods tfeedfc- oioceri ae tijc stock is in firstclass copi litjml iin well hylllit 1m liruihtsspiiyiiu tush hiisiuessisbciiigdaai iit the piescnt time r3 iofii- one lsiioiis of sciirinj a firatltili ijuhiije- imd jireiiiiscs this isa rare chance ior full partiriilaik iia ajaids tdins aodl ii v nlilox ltviifjoii tiuellib lfom the dominion washer l wringer udijuiclly that irhercver introduced 1011 tcroiii as an article of neeessfty it uie princiiile as hand- 11s it important to watch werrebs on or about december 15th istalthjam istatchj wili put on thk maltlit the first and frnly noxmaonlitld watches v coy imtkstkd 1iss3 r mit ierfect aud complew washer and 1 vtiiier iu the dominion ittakestbeleadv u le il er introduced it washes easily it waafaet 4 ijuickr it washes clean with it a dozen jl iivticl- of avenge tiizucau lewaiihedandvnuig out iihin live minutes this machine is tog silv operated and docs its work so lwrfactlr si it im iitl wushe ujmu tlie sanie principle as hi ijing yet so gently this it doca not injure esr the liuest fabrics it is selfadjusting abiv2 washes even the fiiiest linen or tho jargest ulluiiet vitlieqiialeaie it does notpartuoy m uili the elotlies leaving them to be finiabed by hand but does its weak perfectly and complete- fl ly doiiik mvay with tho washboard and hand j iibbaltcxether it washes ft dozen or mon0 articles at 01 co thereby accomplisliing in b hour or so as much work as rould otnerwes oceuy tlie vhole day 7 4 v j jiuikeof hamijtou out the intenfee ot tiiisiiiiichiiie iffers vxiof aehailengecoirjpett- tioiriiyuny other vashiui uiachiuo everinreat- ed rtuii iil accomplish its work equally awef lis ijiiiekly jis cosily and with aslittk- injory ta 4rsj the clothes ivmy machine- kuarauteeto give wg satisfaetiiin sud iioparaie or combined irico bf inachinevr loinvhie with wringer 13 without wringer- orders attended to as soon as possible ri-sp- ailcnce solicited ijwhj schcltis itockwood p6 rul agent or he toivnshiiis of esfjueiog i nissnveya kinniosa inelpb aud city o i ii anil all towns aud villages therein i isaiah w itovce evektosp ceiic nil ajcnt for thc townships 6f erinvt3 cileilou and iarafraxa 3 j m71l sea woncfjers exist in thn- i amis ot forius but are surpesseii l- lhe iarvels of iuvcniioii those whoereto lined of profitable work that can lie done -while- ii- iii- at liuiae should at ouca send their addrrti i j ifaliitt co portland 1 maine and receive fc full information how cither sex of alligr wt einiaiii from s to si per day and npwaws u icver tiuy iive vouari started free cap ita not rieaiiccl some have made over 30 in ie day at this work ah sneceed tr i 4r irpotant notice i i wo re sending ont accounts to thote inttucd to xne pbee press foradverjp i iiis oo vc and subscriptions ami we tust ou call will nieet with a read wrfjs j bpohsa if those indebted will call at the l pfiloe aiid seltle or remits within thejjext fev cjz it wiil oblige us very much cffiae v rienfc rind settle your little bills as fe ii dcr to gel our book3 into shape befbrtrii ti ecl tf tho year cliiisdma cards christmas cards christmas cards 1 presents presents j ii presents i nm 4m waters broth ers thk picture galleity lj 25 vyivdham street gxtelph tliese wutehea will hate nonmagnetio balance iiiwov 1 htvuva ii aiuw 11 vu iuiibviv uuiitumi iiaiiujiui ii of the fine timekeeping ijaalities chnracteribttc of wauhuni watches we deem it proier to htate here for the informat oil of those who have not mule the test that most 0 thn watches heretofore mb e b loo manufactured in geneva aud rcpreaented as konmafj nttic have not been such bill conlil be stojipej by st j walthnm jonmiignetio welches will resist the uost poweiffiil mnjuotisin they will not stop orbe j when broujjlit into actual contact with dyhitmos or ot i- l we citn safely unruntee waltham non magnetic r httirsprin and kscapemeiit will be accurately ad kir miifjuetic forces watches to possess all tip- qualities that are clriiineil ifor tncm w irtteil and will possess all oii magnetic inllueiicps b siva wishes his friends and giistomers a vey aild begs tcj inform them that he has heaps of fancy gbodssuitable for presets and cheaper than any place in the vicinity a bonanza ounds of good japan tea worth 25c per pound for only 100 100 14 pounds reduc ii ill 1iib i ill lljjfin l r n any way affected evtn i jvklimi sample copy fifteen cents 200 a yeaiiwll a ihilsoine fniravinj to every subscriber tini8 toclj m j a plum of japan tea worth double the for only 100 8 remember the place y add f j i iss s liissiife mm iqm now miija58siii5 lor cash cqsijilssioks icws i with fiv pa s coin to lull ltaiser 4j i ism b 9 failcyst tlu present time is admttod-w- ines aiid people to be superior to aik luahaziiieiiiauirricaliaviiiktliokrefttestvwwqe uf ilipaitintiits ably euitetl club liaisiis lieiniuuis for those who p silyovwuri to casb commissions tlodlliakarraiiked to give elepftiit silwf llatl jarioliilkior makers- as prwniu thf vam of which in some instances kf ovc a for mil ijifiiiiiiin send 15cfoisalpgr eoiy rliichvill contain illustrated treounwgg witi lull particulars aud terms lii address godeys ladys book b philadelphia house acton owdereo 99 peftcelwi purest stroncest bb8 beady for nse in any l making soap softening wterim footlnrand a hnndrfd u iv can equals 80 pounds salsoaa sg sold by nil grocer and prng jlwcillett tor

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