iii jtayr wjs fthftivpl t a mraibafcwlw siwt9iffppww 1 i- eli 04ear wtatb5wdcjnt frtt awl tor p ddnttrick v ti matr f tw mow v hutiimt f r r utie w4 bmq mt uk nunwr doos in mmc the little men matnrna both we hefv plea tell that story dear tht wry ttorj qxwer said th hawing little wen ho uwy climbed upon the bed ad thy tumbled ovr tuj 1m i till my patience almost bed witffsyiolk little wen but thestor then 1 tm while uiv anus mast doubt imjw th aerbtta of brown aud sm of out jtfecfcw little men t then vetengh and talk till light sands awav the dusky nbrtit aud the rowen mtu shines brhdit on in mefrj lihle lucu then thrpusinhe bus da 1 uittsjom vho foil aud plav am ihv quarrels soothe aw ofa naughty little weji and t often ask lajrplcwd t ith my spirit sadtv veveii sorehr hat can i do nest formv rwtlesk uttlejuen but when falk the twilight gra nd they soltlv knee to pray oh how carncatlv is ood men my little uwu a jfo 1 jingles asp rulttt biu wit win m tt wll mm fay jamct h gilnw f qitoour whomjhmijratbrloakitf siysi hare uart foptina bltxlr tor vet colfl sjdoohwhloh tllrrwliauly relieved and cored good uw year round ntioanl pills are a good blood purifier liver ngolator sard mild purgative tor all eatona wheeling gasping sufferers from asthma receive quick and permanent relief by uiitui southern asthma care bold by all drug gists or by mail on receipt ot prioe tjie signs of worms are wellknown but the remedy it not always so well deter mrued vorm powders will destroy them for the oompiexion for pimples tau blotohos and all itching tomore ot the akin use prof lows magia bulphur soap raltmtteel the old or the youny may at all times aud ill seasons ot the year take burdock blood bitten with benefit when requiring ablood purifying toneo or a regulator ot the stomach bowels liver or kidneys vtut chkis liked k i vtlukine s holmks eeea lemrvuird doui allow a cold in the head to slowly and surely run into catarrh when you cau be cured tor 25c by usiug dr chases catarrh cure a few applications cure in- sipieut catarrh 1 to 3 boxesouresordiiury catarrh 3 to 5 boxes in guaranteed to oare chronic catarrh try it ouly 25c and sure cure chris had bright red hair and brigbi blue eyes when he came into the streetcar the march wind had blown a rosy color into his checks so that he looked like a very i bright bo he went to the front end of the car to put bisfare into the box and when he came bask a young lady was entering the door chris sat down opposite berj and waited until she had drawn from her purse the little black circle which was the ticket used on the line before she had even time to raise her eyes she saw a red mitteu held out before her and dropped the ticket into it with a pleased thank you but before thns could get back again his seat was taken three or four passen gers had come in and the ear was now quite ful the pretty young lady ha for a neighbor an old woman with a brown eil tied around her head and who wore a shiny alpaca dress with coarse biaek lace sewed in the sleeves she had pueeaon the floor a thick brown paper bundle fully two feet long aud of course with such a thing at her feet she could notget up very easily so chris offered o carry her fare for i her and she thanked him with a grateful smile she had a very pleasant face it took her some time to find her pocket and while chris was waiting he collected tickets and fivecent pieces quite like a young ooiiduc- ior the old lady finally handed him a quarter and as be had to get change pom the driver he was away so long that the vctr had stopped again before he returned this time it was to let some of the passen gers out and the young lady looked up at chris and mentioned to him to take the vacant place at her side i i jt am very glad that you iiave a seat at last she said for you lost yours by your kindness tome and you have been kept jbosy evetsinee x oh f said chris i like to put money in the box 1 think y outike to be obliging dont yon v asked the young lady at this the red color in the boys ebeks which bad grown a httlepaler sina he wassheltered froni the wind became blight again he did not know what to say but was sure he ought to make some reply i guess so he ajiswered and then tried to let the young lady see that he was looking very earnestly at the store window in front of which they were stopping but for all that be saw a thinfaced gentle nan came siowly in and was instantly on his feet again siyiu eagerly here is a seat taz the gentleman looked ery tired and pale and chris thought be must be jas an eriug from a sickness of course tl lere was now another fare to be paid and did it with a business like air as of quite accustomed to his work have i taken your seat asked gentleman it nabtry kiud m you to give it up to an old man j xow chris had not thought him though he looked feeble and he was a once afraid that in his haste he might jfbrgptten to be polite for without know ing how to put it into words he knew that we are seldom really kind when we act as if we think ourselves so i i like to stand and hold on to a strap f aid he i then his eye happened to fall on the old womans big bundle be began to wonder whether it were beaty and she bad far to carry it and whether iftlie should get off when she did she would not let him take a little way all at once he became aware that they were crossing the street in which be lived and that it was already sapper tone he gave the bell rope a quick jerk and the car stopped three faces looked up p he passed and gave him three bright smiles one was the gift of the pale gentle- mam one was from the pleasantfaced old woman and one from the pretty young lady although it wasjfex oclock in the evening he had a feeling as if the sun were shining on him and he had always liked to be in the sunshine i 1 ratal attack a fatal attack of croup is a frequeut occurrence among children every house hold should be guarded by keeping hag- yards pectoral balsam at hand it breaks up colds coughs croup asthma aud bron chitis in a remarkable manner the japausse who when asked whatmie was born for replied to eat rice aud grumble gave an answer which with slight ariatiou might be adopted by manj who are not japanese treat exrtlrw people are apt to get greatly excited m case of sudden accident aud injury hi well to be prepared for such emergencies haggards yellow oil is the handiest re medy known for burns scalds bruises lameness pain and all wounds of the flesh it is used internally and externally the chronic faultfiuder may be a good sort of man but his track through life may be traced by a black line of -usoourage- meut of pthers and failure in his own work worms often cause serious illness the cure is dr lows worm sj rup it i estroy s and expels worms effectually rtireal rilhu there is no other medicine of sucli ueu- oral usenlueas m the household as hag- yards fellow oil for the cure of rueuuia tisoi ueurahia tore throat add all inter nal and external pains and injuries furred tongue and impure breath are two coucoinilii of biliousness remedied by northrop j lymans tgetable dis covery and dyspeptic care heartburn which harass the dyspeptic after meals aud all the perplexing and changeful symptoms of established indigestion are dispersed by this salntary corrective ton c and celebrated blood purifier andaucobtm mammoth house 0 iii order to reduce our stou and to moot tho uight times foil money wo have dot rmincd to hold a great sate this sao shall continue until the 81st day dl january 1888 and we will make extraordinary efforts t dear the stock out unheard olf bargain will bo given the following will give yon some idea a beautiful colored silk 25c per yard silks and eatina 87c per jard drors goods for 5a worth 18c for 8c worth 15c for loc worth 25c aujd so on up in millinery and mantles we will give you groat drives ladies hat8for5c and 10c up ladies mantles wonderful goods tor 1 wortlvo and so on up knitted woollen good 8 immense bargains oux celebrated greylflautiel fot 30c worth 80c bljmkets for 9175 worth 9300 greatest drive on earth a tweed for25c worth 50c blue serge for 80c worth 50c a large lot of ladies aud childrens furs to be cleared out regardless of cost ladies cloak- ing and ulsterings 50c per yard worth double the money and so on j 0 i we arti goiag sell carpets oilcloths rugs and mats to as tonish the people hemp carpet 8c per jardj good union carpet 25c per yard atlwool carpet 50c per yard tapestry carpet 25c per yard brushs carpet 50c per yard greutelearing out sale in readymade clothing boys suits mens suits boys overcoats and mens overcoats mens coats tor 100 4nd 200 worth four times the money allwool mens undershirts and drawers lib in weight for 50c wort 75c foot wear aud felt overs special bar gains we have also struck a ban an a in prints 1000 piecei lo choofc from all fast color worth froju 10c to 17e they arc to be so tind 10c it anil keep cjheck sbirlt- rcat driv the markut yard tlie ing n fuii t loing come ins for you carrying on essmakinj fw a bcaubrkahle case frederick wiese of minder ont suffer ed with running sores on both legs which the best of physicians failed to cure two bottles of burdock blood bitten cured him completely scrofula always doe to bad blood is curable when timely treated with b b b he one the jld of la brier and tfae rjl dyspepsia sdreadfal disordered hvi is misery inhgestion is a foe to go nature the human digestive apparatus is one the most eomplkateilajid wonderful things in existence it is easily put out of order greasy foodtough food sloppy food bad cookery f mental worry late hours irregu lar babitsl aud many other things wbib ought not to behae made the auenuu people a notion dl dyspeptics but greeus august flower has done a wonderful work injrforming this sad bun- neasani making the american people so healthy unit they can enjoy their meals and be happy bemember no happiness i without bealtht but greens august flower brings health and happiness to the dyspeptic ask your druggist for a bottle seventy live cenls j i j worms derange the whole sysuni mother graves worm lixtennioatr dt- ranges worms and gives rebt to the suffei er it only costs twentyfive cents to trr mod be eooviimed j c c facobr buffalo an employee of the u s express co says dr thomas eclectac oil cured him of a bad case of piles of 8 years standing bavins tried ah most every known reniedv besides two buffalo physicians without relief but the oil cured bun he thinks it cannot be recommended too highl i mr it a harrisou chemist aud drug gist dnnnville out writes i cau with confidence recommend northrop 4 lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic cure for dyspepsia impure bjood pimples on the face biliousness and constipation- such cases having come under my personal observation i advice to iiothkbs are you disturbed at night and broken of yonr rest by a sick child suffering aad crying with pain of cut ting teeth ii so end at once and get a bottle of mrs winslows soothing syrup for children teething its value is incal culable it will relieve the poor little saf- erer immediately depend upon it moth ers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhcba regulates the stomach and bowels cures wind colic softeub the gums reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system mrs wmslows soothing sy rup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best femal physicians and nurses in the united states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world price twentyfive cents a bottle be sure and ask for has winslows sooihixo svdcr aud take no other kind warns btlmjwrtal 5 it u an article manufactured by arpxpei t chemist after many many years of careful atody and ecieutin experimeni call i imperial cream tartar bakiugjpowdej makes ughtort whitest jbread rolls biawuit etkcjtc boiipfaiisucm aitaalnltlas timettu it is ui duty of everv ersob who lias vtnealiot her german tiirup to let its won derful ii ilities be known to their friends in curuu consumption severe coughs group a tlima pueumoitia and in fact all thro it and lung diseases no person can- use t without immediate relief three doses toil relieve any case and we consider it the duty of all druggists to recommend it to the poor dying consumptive at least to try oue bottle as 80000 dozen bottles were suld last year and no one cose where fairly uas reported such a medicine as thtgefman nirtitf cannot be too widely known akyourdruggist about it sample bottles to try sold at ten cents ltegulur size 75 cents sold by all praggists and dealers in the united state and canada elaad tiasafart ike safrerlag browns household panacea has no qua for relieving pain both internal aud tenul it cures pain in the side back or bowels sore throat iibvuroat sin toothache lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will mogt urel quick eu the blond and heal as its ncting power u wonderful browns household pan aeea being acknowledged as the great pain believer and of double tbe atrongtb of any other elixir or liniment id tbe world should lie in every family bandy for use when wauted as it really is the best remedy in the world for crampt in tde stomach aodpamsand aclfesof all kinds and ufor sale irrftpzim 25 wnu oshsjh ihtowaila4apmtoekadtlai i ttwoami dlimsupsrioftoaiirpreterlptiob i awmions aaaeaiblli i tt lolsidlrsmjrmkt wpmstfim sleep and promotm dl ib csxtava ooarairr t7 jlurrajs street n y b4 etgaijnts i great bargains in clothing at j fyfes i i be sure and seoure some of the bargains which bargains i ol wlll be offepid during the next two weeks at the east end clothing store i trf tsft i s v 3 ifok ohbisrmas i t r i 1 i our stock is very full of ci olee coods fh brass nick nucks carvers and scissors inaeuplt ih goods skates ebony ivoiyaiidboiiecoworyof itogers butlers and other slebrated- makes agateware eommou and plated blue and white enamel ware lamps and lamp goods the largest assortment in this seottonw country i r gon ti sitngli bells truyi brass toddy kettles bras ae1 brass fire irons par- donians firo kiudlersr ash sifters bread knives bread platteis heat clio ipers parers mincilm knives and a rich profuslm of goods suitable for the holiday sjjason call and 6jbe toiat we have john mr bond k co direct hardware importers headciuarters foraxos crosscut saws scales cow chains halters and all hardwart in d- elegant jweed suits from f mm to 1200 wortii from 1200 to 1000 ovenifbts from b00 to 81200 hats 4aps underclothing etc at correspondingly ipw prices t all purchases ash all accounts not settled by january 1st will ue placed hn court il fyfe acton in tor oc 6jc tie 8c will iy to buy theijc tliom for spfing mgo ami cottons the best shirting for 10c anil 12jc pe above is simply giv idea of what we are and inspect the barga selves we are still successfully our d millinery aud tailor ng depar- ments goods sold for cash or produce mcleod anderson fc h washih6t0h m q l r g i ijniuelt throat and lurjg surgeon aoton will next visit dominion sot thursday 29th december onedayonlr l cttabhh thboat uujtd a few of tho hundreds ho hafv been kuccess- full treated by dr washiugtou s new ubthod mr jno jjckdv kingston out catarrh add coutoiupuon john mckciv kingston out catarrh urs a hojiillg kingston out uroucho consumption mr e scott kiagston out catarrh head and throat airs juo betramharrowsniitli0ut catarrh throat james uatthewt p master a ion out ca- tarrab head and throat f frantir berlin ont cab rrh head nnd throat miss nellie eby berlin out k ilarged tonsil f wing p ii corunna but catarrh head henry scott berlin out astbfoa mrs v wagner near uprhn ont catarrh catkitli bead lnsad aud throat levi kercber st jacob s out and throat colin campbell pt edward o it astbum james stacey dutton ont ca arrh win sboemaver rodney out l joseph smiley fort gratiot 1 1 bad form w h storey eaq of storey manufacturers acton out dr the only throat and lung surgocjn in canada miss mary a jtombourg ce itervile lont catarrh bead and throat mrs godfrey lehncss s jacobs ont con sumption titus snider bloomflold ont and throat zatarrb s catarrh son glove hvasbington is jatarrb head h ac yards yellow oil cures rulumtism rierb freeha worm pow are pleasant to toko contain their own purjtturo u a safe suroanl ettectaal atnwetworwulncimnioxatalu weaving a f t mit cell desires to inform the people o acton and surroundings that he is prep ared to take orders for weavidg srll kinds oil fancy bag carpets flanpel sbeetins shirting and dress goods striped orpuil ullor plain also bed blankets and horteb aukflfi two arid i wllutiarantee that i illfiivegood atisfactiod i t all farmers aud others who wb tovor truf with their pstroi age t widhell jip christmas goods- feqm the temlj of ikeusio railway- tims grand trunk ral aotno hast adtmax mixod 75aio exutei j express 7 co a tn j f xi re pass mall 10 so a in throtii through kp mnm i mail icoom 9wpni liljied chicago express docs not stopb andllrauipton r tike oftloslnbkijls jl going west0 15 a tn andtonm tsoing east 10 10 a in apd spni groat clearing sale of new anipscoiid wand organs pianos melodians oineasy terms of b ayment co new and second hand bell organs r j il from j20 up oomaa oikans new from 7o op 0 karo organs new from 7 up 10 goo hand vmn6t rom a 25 new doninibu orfluns to most of those instruments oro at present routed through the t instrument wblob i bell to givo perfect j mntry aud itvill warrant ttorjv vtisfaction a laboe oonsionmbntiof- t- the lion furs alaiinificoit ungeof fur qoods tur coats fur cupe 1ur muffs iur boas at irdnderfully lo w prices we have laid out 50 fqr japes whli io will sell at si 00 each call earl they wout last brat come qrh serml jgr if qff 76c apd up 2 did ltaufie of t le belter furs seal otter persian lamb jta splep- small mualoal merchandise including bund and othej inrtruments expected every day direct from german manufacturers which will be sold cheap fo cfesh- iiii untt as to what price of instrument fcuwant or write for list and i ylll send soloctloii aocordinj to prlcp f ou wish to nay to your uikrest station or dpliver the same i3ki f ho instnimeiit is nbt worth the uionoy i asfforft return it at my expense njsii l ng i u0 ie itfl man piano also tho jlolbbratod dominion piano alio organ sheet music ordered dailj i jr q jycpnubjdsr importer of foreign musical mircbandise quebccst guelpb telephoue connection j in all departments mantle sale lteduoerl one half any maulle jicketorpolman over fuohajr price 811 mantle for o 50 813 mantle for 050 81o sj intle for 750 shawl sle 2 t per cent discount off shawls i i sliawl for 3 5 sbaul ful ss 75 w r0 shawl fur 8j 3 t hosrebv sale lndiea wool hose sglia colop 20c men jailuutie hoss idc dbe88 goods tweed 25 millineby sale i 1 c ladies cashnere how salemtlton cloth 7je jve tcntfive per cent off millid suitings 15c costom ir i yapl qoodx worth 10 12j ip for next season 1 union and hemp carpet urtains 15 pei cent off lace bverjlamp guarantceij ltbotut ml with the lignj can put on kuifcrr attact beat water boil eggs male tea ana cpffeeo stew etc t d g matthews bole voestfoi kc1u am ticdotrr print sle chvfeof v lauoy print at 7c p and 1jc all for 7l a ilfilili i dunce to buy goods chj oahpet sale if per cent off brussels tapestry w curtain sale trtenty five per cent off mudras curtiuii 10 r cent oft turcoman and jute curtains jl almrr mh f f ul ik jwd iran eig im trcii drjailn ent at lie rum reifiictivfi liflfifajilsg a specially mckay boihirs 46 and 48 king street ast hamilton -onoo- astracuan mantles our reput tion fir lj ur mautles la o favorablo aid vv h that our sides luut- leeu euoroioui tliif season wo fell u jjool bl ieskin astraohnii j icket glqssy blark pelt warrant 1 for 3 00 wo ivr vuti radts lujiei it 8j7iu c 10 q0 mi oq fi 00 350 itutee uf tlipspelfhrjtid dribs goods ul ujl io licttb of tweed buttings t lit worth tlk hcit all woul jcrii f ii ut orders iur hsvelbem on timf dke88 goods t clothing c-lothpir- for the holidays must be placed ut once or ccuinotyuarautcc ou t furniture wde staking oth- 1 furniture department hl vhllltli bloth hi parlfir edfepm suites spring sei mattr8seb tables chairs etc etc etc obk- undertaing department comjllli with i uealtihl a flll lint 1phk tf goods from alwatson hand j speights sqn 0 sfeit3ht jycaltgee 450 suit in tun sun we down the whole couutrj we make a spmlty of tins line ajid kiathilefi to gi c you ns ood a suit at 814 00 us ou will jet nnj where else at g0 we iliowapleudtil raiiqeqf patterns uuil mr mtkeiuie cuts tliem all himself 1 heady mm e buito uyl oic rioiitx from 6s llii nji here now is jour 20 per cell toff j d vhlliam3pn co guelph i 1 iins jsmnmarbn to farmers and threshers r us on youxmaohmery only the wellknown bae hp waggons and hjjrse pon ers these 01 farmers ask for tin in use ui other mannfactur 3d at quota oity oil worfea hy samueli rogers co toronto eehlqss oh i awarded it dptiug ibe labt tfuec jeafb etsand burial robe- sizes in stock oftokhsjproslptly filled j 8beiqht son ibmasy to charles w kellys pure8t strohce8t contains alum ammonia limeiphosl oranrliiiuriouimalerialj ew gillett v xut r cf tho celeb2atz3 zctlimm the wanzer lamj 50 candlte powek b mvanzer off 2f aanftetj hamilton oat w no chimney poiiiivel nouexpldsvc oulobc no suioie- koc jexplosjvc ever gets 1 barns any grallc of coal oil easttobssl ffcasnuserorirrujrjjngla4 ltm sfie if not ibimcalyootarbj sent prepaid on receipt of price iddji lford a co brockvfllc on manhood how lost how resjtpral just publssl ed u new cutioil of drc wells cclebiatfd ssrv on thetadlcklv if spcrniotorrhorif or lueanalcity mdiieea excess or carh injiscretiou l the celebrated aihortin thi ado esay clearly demonstratjefrojn a thirty successful jiractice that the aiatmicg qoeuces of carlv error ma be radically 1 pointing outl a mode of 1 ure at oac ertain and effectual by means of vbicfi l sufferer- no matter what his condition majj oiay cure himself chesplj lmvatelf and jn all tthis lecture should 1 cm tliehauofe oath and every man m tl c land sent under seal in a plain envelope to tildress on receipt of fc or ccntt or two 1 ls address tho cuttfiwell t tlisst mvtw 1 v koboitj islahd home stock fah1 perem preaehf smgzfq tes and ba cheraa sitdtu horyi 111 k fansgnssei conly hth rajliituaiuktaas select ironi weg nock puke p suaauc and sell eertns vlahoaal pffla laqj 6teaalia gang osraorrc tanips musicstore opposite pot office been the lare ftpd urfif poiiiplete conbifinment of mrjsica 1 receiyed ii guelph r i the gtock ooiihigts of jouljle passes viohnpellos viol imlf sue vilin ulitihs hanjo gases 4qordpon8 j harmonious b mjo gtrmiis tambourines cymbals boues bassprums snare drains oliver and brubs tfimniirijjr lliese goods aie botwht for cash aud imported direct of acton and vicinity may look for bargains this fall and with a full line of the 1 guelph merchandise that has ever s ffjll three quarter and cojos flutes clsrionetea 0 the musio loving peoplt l my store is stocked try also our pflorhsa ao fyeatc pr jour ills aio u sed and liiulily repomincpdpd qt liejlpdol bell qriais lansdowne pianos 1 soont for guelph aud vioinity ii sure to call and set th prices of jlu jribefofeolu buy fjepond hand ope t m cul ada tu ftlaf wr p 9hn their old tliesstfassf s special uttfention paid to kemombcr the placuvtovells blook opposite lost 0 b c 1a7 ezj53ll1t tbe gifoat sale of blankets maati8s ulsters mantle cokhs etc 1 at the right house 1 tible and pia 30 covers in 01rtfi stylrs kn4 al srjlrtlnbsrthe oanton plaunela the plaiwelfes fpr warrv rlrkbleeinnitt- only ioo tht twilled and plvin cotton bh otinan in bleficheil and utfjichi steatly reduce i nrioes black grapes black cashmeres akd other mourqinj nfficent goods very mice black cashmere it only 40c see the best five frame tos0o the a llwool fjarpete down f com 81 rpet gveepf t n plaiq and decorated window blinds boilers pole brwbtndinonlytet fntbimliusmtivfc x t ib w wtfh noleu utlful flfli pfyorre df west of hudson btreetj0n king street eat tsjms windows x biros and be3uotion with the its all useful n tapestry bn els wincey at onl superlitie all- mense beduct ous just see them colors down fiom is to 15c excellent nice jsoft dress goods in the litest shades down frontis to li other pt of iji bo striped dress goodn down i rotn 10 to 7jc flannels murked dowu see tbe iij m1 my it lhe ve veteens are marked down oue fourth below late prices see tliedrbss goods i aud i boys in j reat variety flannels velveteens fjj bftishes silk velvets i utt 15 auoth r lot ofallwool french 8erg5 fsats k in t p jm fff ft apd jop vyilj feel it your uterest to btiy it a very handsotrmaud varied ko veokws ftfsajf vv ftom the bttt mp lllsfjiw of collars ties handkerchiefs bcarta bsmssl 9 handsome all- ool berwesin the new p serges dfrn from 25 tefrso an- uterest to btiy it a very handsome and varied stookof ne7kwear hmsss htjsst j v very liars ties handkerchiefs bcarta bowa etc all art w aurdmeafcii 5 mjtj hestrwed heaaian ziinoh h hesbiaog a bats and waddinp at i2 msaslzwsiassstr yftmwmwx 10 to 7oc rjoe thefnice 40c union atnilton ecembcr 8 jsf m cmpelewf fronj75o j i are the bight house and srvllfw drhodoers burdock compound cure liver compli dysfepsjajh biiwusnesa sick headscds sidney frou rheumatisif fcklndise naauirjapyjll 3f lheboed winuever causaj aiismg female weakneb and general deb furely vegetable highly concentvs pleabant effectual safe afctor dr ihodders compoi take no other sold everywhere triokf cents per bottli u dr hqdders cough m lung cure- f sold everywhere price 2j cents aud 50 1 per bottle proprietors and manufacturers thi union 2medicine prpiletor8 torfento out mandrak idandelion el vie h lure 500000 schd da cisb is too well and favorably i ny his receipt bools to require any rcoomme da chases liver curo lias a recelptj wrfbmv ground r p hortln vriiicb19 woj werpnihfeolrl t as da chasbs liv or curo is guaranteed to all diseases arising from a torpid orlrr mver such as liij r ouipln ult drr ludltecatlon billouuass janndlce swhe da chases tiwr 3nvais bimpiyakiflnor lifwk ifcah dicine and optook 1 sola hy gists i t ed7i sole agents insoiv co bradlorac f mm