Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 12, 1888, p. 1

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ltta pi tl voltmk x1ilno file rtoit vtt s iviilimikp l vtk v t 11 v h siu y morn ing at tin p33 power p3intinq housf acton ontario free tbosttobt r no odq 1 xt ctf beer- s i cu gii y ciuci ujurt sovsct irttyfeveb tors s at jbr 4gs5j skviltonfc restored i i drcstlttx- at t7 iscoied 6y 1 m i siiriraw k 3 tiifrtji-jradrs- f nie nccfer- ilj f rhirh etirr jli idt ie riv tsa rdi- yy iajisb i- jicisicfererj ri ft 16 thy bo pcjtsge lc lfyi nit ii m r 1 n i j ok vc ne uctm vcoscr iures jvspepsia i5unss heads che ej ttouwm atijjnjjiiuei lere cause aiisxg- cal debility- snccmiiatl ifof found cure- lans js e lactlrers jine go- ioll sj3scspti0n rates otsvrmi six months met til months s5ctii l3varil n v ot paid in adroit co t ohivgel no paper disced iiiam ii pailoxoipt at tpe oiijiiiuulvkr j iiai 5 itiie 1 iyl ciass aovit131ngkats v io 3 110 vyw it 01 flrtl 1500 130 3v siouo 1ioo 700 400 iwo yoo ajso m blr knows 1gg r prrrirmfititf- 3t receipt book iswoztiimi le of vv i a a ts tii n rrit t 1 a 2 i- ijc c f r in t oo al ijvl tr- v- v kji cents erltuo tor tbe kvais ivrliiutor cch svb- ish i10 number of hue ireincl uiosarcd by a 1 vitspooinc dircctiois iji nuj curgl aceotvl- rusoutcutsmust be paid ti ivntiseuientstunst bo 1 on tueslays oulojvrlso util the follosiug week mookk kilitor navproprietor ijuutttiuu oirrrtorji it 11 iuvkv 15 mcp f i gr memboro a ivh-a- l imrejil vl o- ai niborof i ci fiovlerick vvin uia1uate of ivico toronto virl t otvjvfin kenny ralvicnrp iu theteir aiul ccrtiflttes iirtiy ait to l isnrr ii dkntist etows ontimo a unlay l j ds surcjeos 0 unt ivnri oui cjes tho v- r cu gas pcoirfinouly iv iiiriiteithwithqut il h- i titjraavl t iyv vu of dcqty surxins t 7u ocl uiva receiving r ri ierfenuej will k vr r i fourth wcnesdsay oi izi xpxvs hotel 1 autllvjrr surgeon defc- 7 v117 on uvr graauito of tec i 1m tuivimj ofontaiio 1 iriy ar vreci berflu- 7 liicf iu anews hotel 1 teeth aspecialty mil evlluloid or rtfb r tict vitajizoj air r i i- ukihetics nsod tor man cuveyarjeors et n j ij t 1 r vv actcn j vu a mcleix niiat tciucj acto mvsttjirs ji ncrr ac i f be chaiuiiiqa icricy to lon at c ijiiltux allan t ca1ri 8 ler sdlicitors tc iriieroto frtictiwn auit 66 1 ji raikii b1 p- acton baukiiis company story christie co -1unkers- acton ontario a qbnkral baxkixo business fjlaxsactsp 1 j 1 hoott toajtbd 6 appr07bd notbs notes discounted and interest allowed on depositb kind the puzzle hhk undersigned is ireimrmi to furnish on the x shortest noticiv iu anv quantity and at bot tom prices flrstdabs lumber lath staves head ing shingles wash tubs churns butter tubs pork barrels wood flour and feed and anything in tlio hue of farmers housekeep ers or contractors necessities the puixle is toflnd a better place thnu thomasc moores tobuyanythiiigin thcabovelims also to find out if you aro indebted to hiiu for mivthlni pur chased from him his books savsomo aro and he would like tho inouev w h rutledge the butcher deals in everything iu the moat line no cits cstablisumoxit can lo found better stpk- ctl tit nil seasons no questionable goods off fered to customers at any price lowest pricis and square dtialin is uiy motto onetril couviuees ou tlkse jioiuts cash always paid for cattle the highest price paid for hides and slkpsvins w1irutledge wellington marble works qttebeo st quelph hamilton clark proprietors wholesale and retail dealers iu marble granite aid evurvthiug pertaining to cemetery work direct importers cf all kinds ofgniuitcand mirbc having lately visited tiie ikiy of fiiuk granite quarries and iivii jurehvliie ntire stock oi gray and red iraiite moimients thalsioirt s crosses nnjs etc of alexnkr taylor at less than cos yire will until further uoticje sell at priccsnevcr before kiiovu uuontrrio kcr in stance granite monuments tt hi 00 7 ft 15 6 ft- f 50d ft invi 10 ft sim all work and material warrantcd firstclass parties wanting anything in this line will do well to call and see us before purchasing elsewhere as we guarantee oar prices aro from 03 to 30 per cent below all other dealers pi arson taimt ud r on inviixtioss torohto k cajnjv- iatept xo n arno loy 1 r and halton eiirc acton or be preinptlyj at- icr- favorrble s of i interest ia j j gwliu pnt r ucl uiock iiartet ifare jjua va i chapniau gaciphjqntario iaie to order harlan daruer shop etit r iood eeafbami ivs giien kiors condition ladies tonsfriai artists ien vv anted vt li v er x j ii wjuden haying assiuucd proprietorship of theliver business lately carrieii en by sir v l days books rore xmascaieids novelties anoy lamps fancy oliisb pieces fine books tot chlldreu3 booksour stock verv full fine and new best assortment of goods day sells cheap jnstipojf tailor o- -t- si and 10 newest ia now showing a mauiflciiit raufio of new and clwicu lines iu fall suitings trouserings amhhteijeoatings extraordinary value in aper underwear ties collars iloves c dbllar mni rkii cuffs pants one j n stinson- i irccb wood nefi1 ikt to test ofiicc sasta claus ihmutv ami wkil at ti1k ten cent store gcreijje63 ami ii 10 ujiaih lackin- sonic fulxma ys and gtiris two jlipiisand prckents f- the kdner ten cent store snfith would solicit the pjtrtnwe of tlie public and will do their uttuos tj p aso all customers ir- cistclae6 men of ehiecvarwtice liie who lean make a j e cn pay copl salaries irmegt fuiployrpent leloie opcicialtics both -wt- lines ithicb cjiher a oii-t- with refcreoeess iav ijkothjhis iuciieteb if y guiili l5u tx ull iuessgollege it ontaiupt weu equipped jd jstylish rigs- gan always besecured first class outfit for commercial travel lens at special pates when was tht when first tul fither tims svitnt aro you lolng kathor tl wliat aro you dolwj pray ohl am build ng ddnt you soo- i llnlldlng over day what aro you wilding fathertlnjo vhy do you d it say im building u i a wall of yoars that uovor vl 1 docay wlion whs it bsgttn kathor tlmd wall uogun i woilil was mndo my dear and still it is hot done must yoii do it all father tiino all oils wondt rful wall yos cliiid no ithor hand thau uilud may lay ono si quo ftj all when will yon flulsh father tlmo whou will yoi finish pray nvhon tho wor d has an oud my doar tho enpstono i will lay and what is tl p namo th father thno what do you all your wall tlio years and deeds of men mydoar icount aiidktep tliem all e tlttt 3amtlg ikaiitn0 allan i nons tempaiion nt ciuncu iirnbuavf ruuen w p 1 amber bros papes maeeis georgetown maii a zcllt of aionifsrtable bus meets ail dny night also if ordered jive us a call trains and h worden macliine finished boc k papers high gkvdf wkekly fronr t ym barber bros the paper iised in this jou rnal the above mills hello i i scholastic year ir the faculty has he oiepreiiiss enlarged sjiii liaeh uf thie six is an eiperieuced and jiitiioroash ud practical i tht college is proven iri iuates both in canada i jiies are almittiedto fred by tlic institution ii iuccokiiicii irincipal urn w ans shingtes lathi rp haef oaal ires oiaforui the public toiihain fnl wiinsepjd pine an- heieluk as jrcll as rr also iintt and second la- wood i iii coal busihers otprc ii to supply all kiildsof ja stock of wood iar and mill wood at rbftjon- nlcoal delivered i jajmsiows pause and consider that it will be to your own interest to patronizo bometrade we would respectfully inform the inhabitants of acton and surrounding country that we arc again in lull running order and iu a better position than before the lire to ell all orders entrusted to us to parties building lumber wilf be dresser while you wait and mouldings c made with neatness and despatch j- ij we are also prepared to fill all orders for 1 pumps on short notice and from long cxperienao in the business jvc teel confident that wo can uivo sat isfaction every time so come on wikh your orders and help to roll the ball along money makes the moro go whether she has legs or no tdos ebback manager new stock new goods best- prices best work merchakt tatijor mill street kcton has niet vvith very gratifying bucecss binco- cfieningout aeouple ol months ago fiatlslac- tioh has bceu given and euston ers always go awav pleased and ready to retun whon needing clothing i have just received a new stock and am pre pared to oiler bargains both to clothing and ihoso who buy clotl- free when cloth is purchasel spceialty and made cheap and gc the pall i will 1 chere before you know it imt a 7 mutual fire insurance pommhy of the jisiibiisityj isiol head office cueljph usire ii diugemerdiaudlnjmanaj nulu4l rrwr leriptiuuii ol property iij sjryistci 1 it p w s f ulirtt oriag david joiik tavjjubj on 13001 etarf ent- dominion boot shoe store main street actpn have anticipated its early arrival and laid in a splendid stock of boots shoes c for fall wear a i ourreputation for good goods and saperior value is well estftblished we oaii suit you all our custom jepartment is tnrniosoutfirat olass work usual 1 with flood stock and rep mm ts always promptly and neatly done i kenney bros -right- to the fliont of ajl competition we lace ouu elegant and substantial goods doctor allan vernon sat in his office thinking of boat tiful claire ainslio- how ho loved her 1 fet he could scaroo believe sho oared any n ore for him than for others who wero const ntly around her trying to win her love what presumption her father would onsider it if bo a poor physician just commencing to practice should ask pern ission to win his child- she the heiress vf countless thousands then he let tembered how kindly she always greeted 1 dm aud was it imagina tion that made him think her voice wsb lower and soltei when she spoke lo him oh yes truly he might bo of good heart and hope on ii few moments more and a cloud gathero over his brow was there itot another ot whom claire btniled as sweetly yes and ho had seen her stand resting on his a m when she spoke to him and callod him willie strange it was too that air a nblies manner tot william linton was sn cordial a poor artist without sufficient moans to improve tho talent ho posses red how dare bo aspire to win her 1 allan vernon jumped up lighted the gas and taking from his desk a manuscript opened andra from a copy of the will of mark rcyburn theso lines at the expi ation of ten years all efforts to find tnjh lost son proving unsuccessful i bequeatliiall of which i am possessed to the sontif nv best friend george ver non a few moi o weeks of suspense and then this strugj lo with poverty will be over yes andlbcauti ul claire shall hear from my lips what she must already know how truly i love her he said folding again the paper and retn mirig it to his desk yes the allot tcdtimo had nearly expired and surely aft r all the efforts to find tho lost one for ho past ton years having proved fruitless there could bo no chance of success iifth a coming our weeks when only tiree years old mark rfey- bnrus boni hud disappeared was stolen from his fa the s door or had wandered off where pot ace had ever been found but mr iteybi rn had always suspected hib relatives of bei rig instrumental in having thei child abdnt ted ho died firm in his belief that v as tho reason they had not been mentioned in his will they were opposed to bji marriage and had never recognized his fifc mr ainslied new 61 dr vernons great expectations did was well pleased to see his growing aft action for his child ont xkws allan vernon was thoso ordering cnttlngdone overalls od h hydr oo splendid iu quality 1 complete in assortmeiltl overflowing in generoiis bargains m kkv womens and jj uldkens boots and 2hoes fttrsbbss ovebsh es see at prices that alwayslead t speedy salet lowest prices consistent wna cuutom work and promptly attend ed to w williams coodcuality repairing mill street v aston the time ha 1 passed rich liriends gatl ered around him with con gratnlationa foremost among them wm linton l bright thought entered allan vernons brain he wot id aid the poor artist secure to him his cheished hope of visiting and studying in r me aud thus got rid of the rival he foared 1 with heart overflowing with gratitude william lint dh wrung doctor vefrions hand and aca pted his kindness ho wps eager to start how soon can you be ready asked auan j tomorro ive but little prepara tion answered the young man his fine face all aglow with delight that night 3r vernon gained mr ain- slies permissi n to woo his daughter you have ny best wishes for your suc cess mr aii slie said 1 shall be prbud and happy to mil you son the hand tlat wab placed in allans to welcome his c miing was retained and tho happy man di ew claire within the recess of the bay win low to tell his love i may i tej you sweet claire all that my heart is y iarning to say the beautif al clear eyes were raised to his he conl i not mistake their language her hand reb ed still in his i lpve yor darlihg claire l 31aire whero are yon called a merr voice and an inbtant after a bevy of youu gtolb entered the roonu j to mbrrp iv dearest he said yes tomorrow she whispered and hastened to j in her friends jagain doctor vernon sat in his office thinking of thej lovely girl bright and happy thougl ts wero his then how soon she would hi his what could separate them now op the morrow he would go to her and be ar her sweet lips answer his pleadings for love in low tremulous happy tones blessir g him with her pure young igve he was started from his reverse by a knock and directly after william linton entered and said i wanty m to vticcinate me doctor i shall be muc 1 exposed and im not posi tively oertaii thati have ever beon vaooin ated but i s tppose i must have boon whon fchild his coatw as thrown off the shirt sleevo foiled up ttn 1 doctor vernon drew near took hold of the arm and pushed further np the sleeve then with a tighter hold a wihiv intcn se gaze he uttered a cry and staggered b k grasping a ohair for sup port i j what is it are you ill anxiously inquired wi likm linton yes 1 got up too finily i shall be better soon doctor vernoh answered his jale face ye if ying his wor6s fifteen m inutes afterwards he was alone 3carce had he door closed tjn william lin ton when il was looked and allan vernon jropped like ono striokei by a deathblow the eon of mark treybnip wail found on tho arm of i william linton wasplainly vniblo the park bo particularly desoribed b whioh the lost ono should be known at length tho bowed heart wab raised the trembling hand passed aoross his brow a id thon tho tempter whispered you alone posbesstbis knowledge keep it the allotted time has passed the wealth is justly yours yos i will koop this i alone possess tlie secret why should i resign what i h ive so lately gained i will share with h m but i cannot no no i oannbt re- aijgn all and remove tho only obbtaole which sianda botweoii my rival and cbaire per- hips he moved uneasily in his ohair shook h s head and raised his hand as if waving olf some unwelcomo intruder a voice was whispering low but closer to his oar than tl e louder tono of the tompter allan ver non was flghiing a great fight he got no wont out in the opon air to cool- his fevered brain j and then homo home to tt row himself on his ooueh and wrestle on 0 a 1 how could ho listen to that voice bid dmg him go fotjtli proclaim to william linton tho truth and staud before tho world an honqrablo man khe raised his eyes over- tho mantel hung the pioturo of his mttler tlie soft blue eyes wero looking into his with an eager pleading gaze tho lips wero parted as if to speak again a voice was whisper ing low but from his mothers lips tho words seomoujto come my noble boy i sho was wont to call him and now biio was pleading with him to be npblo still pleading from the spirit world perch anob tho fight vas over j the victory won and exhausted with tlio contending emotions allan vernon bank in a fiuiet refreshing sibop l the next morning ho went forth and poved himsele worthy to bo called a noblo nun the proofs wore ear enough and ynji rcyburn as be must nowucall him wag acknowledged without a doubt as the long lost hoir only a tew necessary forms hpd to bo gone through to place in his possession the immense wealth of his father i dont caro for the gold sornuch said william reyburn but oh ray ffieud you who have known a mothers and fathers 16ve can hardly imagine my joy to know there was a time when i was claimed by i some who loved mc my earliest remem brance is an orphan asylum in a distant state where i was not even possessed 6f a name afterwards i was claimed by a wofnan who bore the name of linton arid gave it to me telling mo i washer brothers child i never believed it when i was fourteen i ran i away worked my way horc and hired for tny board to a gigiwpaintcr after a while i pleased my bmployer and ho gave me some pay audincreased it from timo to time so i managed to go to night- sahool and there obtained instruction in drawing and painting ilsomo other timo i will tell jou how i becanio known to mr ainslie and his family wo have friends coming now thus the young man opened his heartto allan vernonj with a bjsart full of doubt allan vernon entered mr ainslios mansion with clairo ho believed his reversed fortune would make no difference but hor father he knew would noser willingly give his child to any but one with an equal amount of this worlds goodsl but claire woaldbe true she would wait until he should win a name worthy of her acceptance and make for her a home of comfort and beauty again his heart grew stronger and hope ful he stood in the hallj about to enter the drawingroom his hand wa on- the doorknob ah instant more and hib grasp was loosened he staggered back leant againbt the wall a moment then with slow heavy sorrowladen steps went fortlfi what had the future for him then nothing crushed what eared he now for fame or life through the glass door he hud been mr ainslie grasp william reyburns hand and approach with him to claire who was just entering from an in ner rbpm and she her hand was clasped in his her lipsprebsod to his what need ed ho more to prove her love was not for him indeed he seems to avoid me iwt him yestercbiy andwas about to but he pushed by simply bowingi lido noli know what to make of him ho must know my heart is full of gratitude to him and how truly i honor yes and love him i will prove it to him yet a friend of iris told me ho was making preparations to leave w j willianu wo must not jletf hita go come- take me to him clairesaid ajbeaa- tifhl blush spreading over her f air faoo with bowed bead and so deeply absorbed in his sorrowful reverie was allan vernon that ho hoard not the door open nor tho light step approaching quietly a hand rested en bisshouldor he turnetl quickly and claire ainslie smiling and blushing stood besido him 1 claire missainshe i claire please allan the gentle girl uaid in a low lovetuned voice with a look of mingled roproaoh and in quiry allan vernons eyes wet fixed upon the beautifnl girl i came she bogan then deeper grew tho crimson fair checks she hbsitated but you are not gladto seo me sisj aiuslio chiirp i feel deeply honored by this cull but gladuess is not for me there was such a wail of sorrow in the last few words that claires little hand was again on his arm in his hand and with tears and smiles both in her eyes she said how could you think ot roe thus you ought to have known i would lovo you more oh dear how uumaidonly 1 i think i hear mrs grnndy saying how wo- maulylaud truo i kuowall good men and pttreheartcd girls willsay and allan vernon scarce feelieving his own bars cried love 1 clairo 1 i thought your lovo waa for mark reyburns heir bu son foh 1 hctwcould you allan william brought me here ho ih waiting outside he told me you were going awiy and i camo with such a beautiful loving amile she baid to ask you if you must go to take me with you what more needed he toknow how true and noble was the heart he hid won heavcu bless yon my own claire 1 my whole life shall prove hotmruly 1 appreci ate the prize i have wou my nbble true love how could i have doubted you but i thought you loved william i saw your hand in his your lips i yes you cume that night you saw me kiss himw oh do you ubt know how dear he is to all of us i do love him but pot as her eyes pished thb sentence yes claire darling ivas about lo enter whou i saw that aud fled away hopeless crushed fatlfer had just told ua the news jt was rejoiced allan wiljiam saved my only brothers life six years ago out fttia lawronce lias been ti kind benevo- lentllboy fromha jyhood up to manhood now having feen graduated from a medi- cal olassho ii k jnung physician awaiting pruotice inva c bmortable office iu one of our largocitie while waiting for fortune to knock at his door yet nevi r idy waiting he does i not forget tlio nee of the less fortnnato i than himself and takes pains to get where he cauglve tbodv untage a half- worn suit ofclothen or ni tyhap influenceothers bolter off than hnself in worljiyl goods itblackiu business or y into a fitting position tostarta young bx get some worthy c for work i j well a few dajp 4tfo a lad of perhaps seventeen years clme to him by recommen dation of the youlg mens christian asso- ciation for a pafrjjof boots fred hiinted through tlio tru jk in which ho innally stored things tp t i away and soon came down stairs bringing a pair of boots that answered v ry- well tlie poor boys need afterwar is lie haiided him his office card and to 1 him to call again when there might be a iair of trawsers for him it was not long t iforo the trnwsors were called for and h re corner the point of the story at the door thoj young follow could not remember the napie- of the donor of the given ask- of was m littlb miss midget is all of a fidget hor earob as a in jther aro really trying si- enough to make her despair oh havo you soen poby my bestlittlli dolly i am so careful of her bntii feel llko crying i loft her i dont know where what did she wear her own ringlety hair ono iitllo rod shse her yes her gold lockot and oh her boutiiul smiel dontcry littlo midget iis foolislj to fidgot for there in plain view sticking out of your pocket j wore pollys poor legs all tho- whfle man cjteltin wide awake i i 1 1 boots even thoueh ho had been freds office erd ho could only tho waiter if the oung gentleman who gave him a tirof boots this lack 11 virtue went out of them of observation ani tbonghtfulness to freds incisive mind ma trmanifest at once why this wellgrown lsn was reduced to beggary hero was u reason visible as the stars in a clear moonless sby why me fred conld not recommend m heedless a person for employment by lsfrieidb lie could ohly make it the occasion to sljow tho unfortu nate youth wh he mustnot expect to sneceed in this w llcawako wbfld if he does not keep his eyes open to the small thingb as well as to thb treat about him one who kecnl i observes passing events atid remetnbers iwhat he sees conquers much in the way pf success chrwan at work her ad there father have you seen doctor vernon lately claire asked threo or four tlayk after the one he had promised to come to her in vain bho hadwaited and watched for his coming yes i met hini tho day after william reyburn was found mr ainslie answered not raising his eyes from tho paper and you spoke to him father no i did not care to of course he understands the past must bo forever prfst his position as suitor lor your hand must never bo rosumed mr ainslie sairl btill with eyes bent on tho paper ho cared no to ineet the reproachful look hb know was in claires eyeb then you passed him coldly by oh lather how i could you there ib not a noblier heart beating than his and i love him yon gave him permission to win me and he has done it and i shall be true to him i will never giver my hand to any other father i will not marry without your blessing i will live and die an old maid and then all ive got shall go to en dow a homo for forlorn women she spoke thb last sentence in a light tone but mr ainslie knew well the strength of hisfchilds character and he knew too that slio would continue firm to hor rcbolve j i why cciuld you not have loved william gladly would i have given yjou to him mr ainslie abked would youhave received his proposals a month or awpeh ago as you did drvver- nons father im speaking of the prosont not the past claire yes father but in the present both men stand the samo to me nothing has been added to tho true worth of tho ono or taken from other i will not beliove my father ould barter his ohilds affec tions for gold again the father turned from his daugh ters gaze i sho would bo seen and heard think you father will the world ap prove your potion she was itouohing the right oord mr ainslie had a due regard for public opinion his own isonscience vvas not approving how oonld he expect else than censure 1 a little 1 mger of pleading with her armb about her fathers neok and claire had conquered william where is dootof vernon claire aske d of williatrl rcyburn that even ing i presx nib at this hour in his office i have seen but little of him for some days house was burnfed harry was in the thid stsry it was not discovered that he woo still in the house until i it seemed tbo- late to attempt his rescue william and harry had only a slight acquaintance in sabbath school the rioblo youth when he heard thp cry harry ainslie is in tljio house rushed forward caught the rope that was offered him and entered the flamewrapped building he baved our boy god bless hib efforts and ever biucs we have- all loved him scarcglj less thau harry allan seated claire and opening the door stepped out and drew william into the office after returning allans warm grasp- william asked smiling anl i to actus second best on an oc casion not very distant doctor- indeed yes if yott will help niewin claires consent that itshall not be distant allan auswered with happy similes playing over kibliandsoine face i i wiiliariv rgyburu delayed his proposed departure for europe a few- weeks aud then doctor and mrs vernon accompanied him on their bridal tour alhia yeruon told his wife of his groat temptatioh she ajoue with hinibelf aud god knows of the great struggle aud truly she is thankful for the blessed victory where her husband regarded honor truth aud a clear conscience more thaujii thing that earthcould give what i havesn since i have been in america couvinc ss me that this ooun try if approaching a gr fat crisis the subject of- drink i find ie creeping in everywhere through this lui d the danger of high license is that yo r will enthrone liquor ir a position which t has not had before t7aion wilbcrforc sam jones sa s h you give me the money that km hts of labor spbnd for whiskey i will f ad theirf amilies tho year around when was in baltimore a few weeks ago the laboring men marched through the stre ts 18000 stronfi seme of them were ii a pitiable condition i really felt sorry arthem their feet were almost bare the r coats were out at the elbows andsom of them had neither hat nor cap they vere marshaled by well- dressed men on horseback every one of whom i learned ra inquiry jfas a whole sale liquor dealt or barkeepek could a more suggestiy picture be drawn asks an exchange if all the laboring men would boycott tt swhole liquor business it would go further toward relieviug tho dis tress of which t ley complain than any thing else they c mid do this is doubt- les8 true for w have long been of the opinion that the laloou is at the bottom of all bur labor troi ble lastyear out it the pocket of the labor- ing class alone 500000000 has beeii ex pebded for intq icating liquors within thaujsvery- tiiephixteh- tbfenpast four yairs turn this amount loosp tomorrow on your on- sold goexls and tiey would meltr like mists before the moraing sun many a now barefooted boy vould soon put hia new trousers iu his r idtopped boots and sing with pride a kin might covet this old world is growiife better whilo bright- eyed boyhood ulaughiug girlhood aud happy womanhoeid would praise god for this land dndrigiteouslytuledgoverpment geo w bain the police of porlland maine recently spilled upwa i of three thousand gal ions of confisc ted liquors in portland stiu l rohibition dont prohibit harbor bosh i ft editors back 8taie8 the interesting views ol the late drj 0 holland the columns of the newspapers appear tp be flooded with proprietary medicine advertisement as wo cist out eyes over them it hringito niiudan article that wa published by the lato dr holland in bcribncra montitjg ho suy s l jerlheleas it is fact tlrat mauy of the best- proprie tary medicines of the day werb more sue- cessful thin many physicians ml most of thenr it should be remembered were at first discovered or used in actdal medical practice when however aty bhrewov persoii knowing their virtue and foreseeing their porjhlarity secures and advertises them then in tho opinion of the bigoted ll m is not thie absurd this great man appreciated the reatv merits of popular remedies ajid theabsnrd- ity of ihoe who derided them because public attention was called to the article and the evideuce oftheir- cures if toe most noted physician should aonouneethtt- he had maje a study of any certain orgau or disease of the body or make his sign larger than the cotle size though he may have practised rrradicme and been a leader in all medical counsels notwithstanding all w ti fti thisit iiq should ipresume to advertise and to give hdiscovery to tho public deel jkei ace of ailni v a printer is the most curious being kving he may have a bank and quoins and not be worth a penny have small capsati neither wife nor children others may run fast but he gets along bwifte3t by setting fast he may be makinglmpreoi without eloquence may use the lye with out offending and be telling tlie truth while others cannot stand wheu they set he can net standing and even do both at the same time use furniture and yet havo no dwelliug may makejuid put away pi and never see a pie much less eat it during his life be a haman being and a rnfat the same time may press a good deal and not ask a favour may handle a sltooting iron and know nothing about a cannon run or pistol he may move the liver that moves the world and yet bo as far from moving the globe as a hog with his hose under a mole hill j spread sheets without being a housewife he may lay hieorrnon a bed and yet be obliged to sleep on the floor he may use tho t without shefjding blood and from the earth may handie the he may bo of a rolling disposition and yet never desire to travel he may never be without a cose and knovnothiag oflaw or physio be always correcting his eirprg and growing worse every day havooual s without ever having the arms of a lass around sim have his form locked up and at the same time be free from gaol watch- house or any other confinement last winter alparty of schoolboys were skating on the lluskingum river the ice- iwas supposed tolbe perfectly safe until its treachery was rlvealed by the sudden dis appearance of one bf the lads fortunate ly hegrasped the edge of tlie solid ice and managed to keel himself from being drawn uuderneath by flie current which at that place was jnubikilly swift his comrades became pahio sjficken and ran hither and thither unableljo render him the lekst as bistauce luckily a farmers lad idssing by witnessed the accident and huiried to the rescue by dragging a couple sf hop j poles in reach el e thfi drowning boy 1- grasp each of them firmly anbl crawl out icyou can he said coolly as h crawl ed along oautiotsly in the direction of the b would be pronounced a quack and a humbug although he maynave spent his entire life and all his available funis in perfecting his investigations m again we say absurd v if an ulcer is found npon ones arm and is cured by aome dear soul of a grand- mother outside of the code it will be proi inounced by thi medical profejssion an nloer of little importance but if treated tinder r- the code causiiig sleepless nights t a month with the scientific treatinent viz plasters washed dosing with morphine arsenic and other vile substances given to prevent bloovl pjisoning or deaden pain and yet the ulcer becomes uwliguant anjl amputation ia made necessary at last to save life yet all done according tothe j isms of the medical code this is mtlch more gratifying to the medical profession and adda moredignity to that distiuguished order thii to be cured by the dear old grandmothers remedy this appcarslike a severe arraignment yet we believe that it exphases the true standing of the medical prorestiou in regard to romedies discovered outside of their- special isms ono bf the most perplex- ing tiigsc l thiy is the popularity of certain reisedies especially- warners safe cure whitli wo find for sale everywhere f the physician of the highest standing is ready to concede its merits and sustain the theories thefproptietors have niade that is that it bcuefitsiu mostotlthe ail- meuts of- the human system because it assists iu putting tho kidneys in proper conditio thereby aiding in thretying off the impurities of the blood while others i with less honesty and experience deride and aro willing to see their patient die scientifically and according to tlie rather thau have him cured bjf this grea remedy yetwe notice thit the popularity of thfl medicino continues to grow year by year the discoverer comes boldly before the people with its merits and proclaip iyi door to ilooriu our bpikl niore honorably thau the physohuijwbjd perchance may secure a patient frplbss catastrophe and i3 permitted to siplev of au armiov a finger which he dois kith great diguity yet very soon after takes the liberty to climb the editors back stairs at 2 oclock iu the morning to have it an- nbuueed in the morning paper that dr so was in atteudance thus secur ing for his benefit abeautsful and free ad vertisement- we suili leave it to jour readers to say avhicli i3 tho wisee prid more houorable r i av iii i fr- thin ice i the freezing help of thejue shore how did yt hoppoles fra y ibeyed and w ith the corner soon reacied the iff the rovee op the camera the phbiographers lens is more discern ing than the naked eye a recent photo graph of a fignre pointing iyan american artist shows that a womans gown was first painted a hue and texture very differ ent from that finally chosen the under lying brushwork appearing plaiuly in the photograph though not seen by the most attentive observer of the original pictnre jn like manner photography reveals stars that to the human eye are not distinguish- arile- from nebulous matier the chroniofaultfinder may be it rood sort of man but his trajok through liferaay be traced by a blaok line of tliaconrage- ment of others and failure in his own work- i the if apansse who v hen asked what he was born for- replied grumble gao an slight variation might xibc are not japanese to eat rice and answer which with be adopted by many happen to think of the ik asked one if the frigbienetlboyiwhen tho danger w ts over i csn nevergthink of anything in the right time you ohghtlto learn to think nd act too said f ink impatiently what good would- t io poles have- done after charlie had be u drawn beneath the ibe a few weeks igo this same frank saved the life of al an who chanced in some way to- severt i artery tying his hand kerchief tight i between th wound and the hearthe rocured a stout stick and placing it uni er the bandage twisted it firmly until th arterial flow was ohecked his oapabilit jonbists not in knowing morethaii otli v boys of hib age but in keeping bis its about him and acting promptly asmudden danger demands christian at ipini mrs a flej son brantford writes i was a suffered from chronio dyspepsia for eleven yearej always after eating an in tense burning lensation in the stomach at times very di tressing cansed a drooping and languid deling which would last for several hours titer eating iwas recom mended by 1 r popplewell chemist of opr oity to jirf northrop and lymans vegetable dijfco very and dyspeptic cure and i am thalkful hi say lhat i have not heen better fol yeartf v that burning senba- tlonandlaoi id feeling has all gone and food does qo lfe heavy on my etomacfi nothing so suddenly obstructs the per spirationas suddeu transitions from heqtto cold jj heat rarifics the blood quickens the circulation apd increases the perspira tion but wheifthesc aro suddenly checked the consequences must be bad the most common cause of disease is obstructed per spiration or what commonly goes by he name of catching cold coughs colds sore throat etc if attended to in time are easily subdued but if allowed to tan their own course generally prove the for runner of more dangerous diseases nine tenths of the consumptive date their affliction from aneglectedcold and the diseases that are causedhy wet feet damp clothes or exposure are more numerous than are generally supposed one of the most efficocibus medicines for all diseases of the throat and lu6gs is dickies anti con sumptive syrup it promotes a free and easy expectoration which frees the lnngi from viscidphlegm by changing the secre tions from a diseased to a healthy state a- si f ws iti i y i c3 i 2s l f i 1 ill i 5a bi i sa 1 3 372 v m abvice to mothebs are you disturbed at night and broken otyoar lest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain ef cat ting teeth if so send at once and get a botthuf mrs winslows soothing byrnp for children teething its value is incal culable it will relieve the poor htflesoi- orer immediately depend upon it moth ers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrhoea regulates the stomach and bowelb wind colio bofteu the gums reducet inflammation snd gives tope and energy to the whole system flffrs windows soothing 8y rip for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is thopresoriptaon ol one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united state9ian3 is for sale by all drnggista throuebomt the worm pricb twentyfive cents a bottle be u and asbfor mas wrasiows sooibthoj sxhup imitake no other kind j 5 jame3hjilmoaroit wholesale grocers brobkvihe7 ajlsf3 coif have used tamaacelutit for 4 severe s others of mj familje havous it with the i and cough wlucfi it immediately relfeteolp best results and cured tg

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