Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 12, 1888, p. 2

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jmmm mmis pitt- oso- bofij m 1 catkuisla brin ou uieiabtnrtr the w fo t r mfjiicolchoathutflwr mrjdbimiilfvfsaii watisiitum kobch stwct toronto n the smt janttwv the y ifc of mr fmnk walton of f j 1 uarrxsd 8rnrhwiksth4hwon thursday i worn 1hsji tjmt at tw rcoidouco of tho r ride fftuiecj bvttiio 1sv jos johnson w himu urowiiridftj to i ouisa j oungiwt dannh er of mr abrmiav neilsoii iioth of ttoiuemuij iisd lurhtat u ucvivelown on tlio tul january 1 joopa haiwr etaj t mk m fcltfltt f f r csi 3f i i mi till rsinay unuaka 12 188 xtes am mmsiksts k x j thestaumcnt ot lbnmiioli revouuplor the current sioil half year shows a total ot5usl4i2 leaving a surplus ovr the expenditure of 2sim a bartender aipl an ostler at orangevillo hive been lined for assaulting a constable who was eadeavoriug to serve a simmons on thiireirpioyor for as alleged violation of thf scott act j thooa scotia sugar rfiincry operat- inr on a capita of si oi000 this year real- ir3 r prcfi r cf between s300000 and 400 ftoo that is aoins very well for a strug gling infant industry the report feasor cf junaniati live stoci which has just dosed wis the greaut hnowk the total number i being over u7xv insheep the number was wily i50 being the smallest on record m i 5lihc ishsirilution from the catholics of 3 ontario to the jubiice presentation to the pope isjithe neighborhood of- 5300o bishop vvash of london and bishop cieary of kjto wjo areat present in honicj have proscrted the gift j the cpnnitteo of thcjrrivy s orereil the t r to allow concii has the cpr to crosw ib track at berke ey st with las hmiju if torouto city tliis will euible the crk to haye access to the ksfcvradc and fae front as far west as tore street in udditioato the frpntage of the crtut valicv k b iiioj that no action of j the rcju ccrf unrinj their term of osce vjli n with more heartiy and aiid teiiir approval than that of repealing the by1w puyiding for- the remnnqration cr thi- streit coinmisoner acton fannot artopj to put on airs sasicient to stipport such aii cilice aj v hen every chairman cf tie street and sidewalk committee with oie exception fine incorporation has considered io hoio cf officii stiscicit ih8 k co the second meeting for thu nomination of mididao tor the mnmclpsl cottnoil was held last thursday t noon thero was evidently prerriugncnt for tho election ot ltcove uid two oouncillor to 111 ttio vnncy withbut au oleetioii and- thib was incocmtully oarricd out mr w h storey wa the only nomsico for tho ueoveship and of course was declared elected mcaart william litnond and w p brown are tlw nowcouitciilovg j theso oaudidates havo accepted ofttcc atidtho couucil or 1w ia now mado up aa follow w h srorikv reove mr btoroy has ailed this offioo setrcqucnuy in tho past fifteen yeas with credit to tho municipality and with general aatjsfaction to tho rate payers that his services have ajaiu been courted and ho is again returned to tho higljeso seat of honor within tho nitt of the people in tho past ho has exerted himsou tortho progress of tho place al ways keeping in view the worthy purpose of making acton as attractive to out sidois juid prospective settlers as ptbsible wo have no doubt this policy will bo continued during tfce present year mr storey will in all probability bo warden of the county this year w p bitowx there isno attempt on the part of tho members of the cottnoil elect to withhold the fact that mr brown was introduced into tho council of this year to superintend the finances of iho municipality ho will bo elected chair man of the committee on finance when the council meets fororgftiiiiution this is his first term of office but hu is ut un acquainted with public affairs ihc pust two years he has occupied thejpesition of assessor tho duties of which office were- carefully and equttabry performed mr brown has also served a term oathe board of public school trustees and was chairman of that body for a ternt his present situation in connection with actor banking company will tend to qualify him for his proposed fiuaucial position iuthe council j william ismond is again in tho comic after a twyears rest his pojition will be that of chairman of the committee on streets and sidewalks whea he previous ly held thiijofficc mr ismoud superintend ed a good deal of mnnicipalwor rmch of which he is still complimented ivi hij opponents claim however that his vrk always cost the corporation itoo much money and the twenty cents pcfr hour he theielabtseislin tuo cwmtll of 188 ciulcinde tlulf ijitniinj tltclrtot act of lejclmntlmi i i tii lhpeal tin isvfutywiitsanlioni llylnw their ivyiiiic members nil i g wcro read co pxceouted oompumbsts to iu5kk vm council mot on tuesday ovbnlnjjto wind ifp the imsiiicsh pertaining to tho liecvo in tho chair present tho minutes of last meet and coiitlrnicd 1 the comiuitteo on initial their twelfth report rccomnoudihg payj incut of uccouuta tva follows liiithor lyiiuin it uioh suly linn v a mclon iuterenl on uotv y r u tuiiinnoii iiratt j k mitiarvlu ttlouev pom j it hiuitlialnrjcollitii hp mourn irlntlui ailnni lvi work 1t lit email lilt onoveiiluocle win smith wcri iuccnuio wwa lfvpspi- ran i i m ou mo w i m u 4 tititio l ri ioi r j y eydryqn come aiid receilve tlie ladles and gentlemen you you great ba h kelly brothers ihebuino time years ho liuil commissioner -remsneruttji- thre is no necessity fo a byifv to ctinue iu force such the iliucj t has been resucltated mr vf 7 watson of tledacdas5fi itfarrf is the pttblibhcr ti3 before mr jamsilaw of milter wlli occupy the position of resident cianajsr and local editor the first dtjcljer cf the new series was issued last week it is alieat andsprightlysheet carcfnlly edited and well printed its politics is of cenrso liberalconservative and sotte icofe are nnciaritablo enough to concinte tnat ia view of an approaching eectisu tbe iuh is intended as a canipsign shest thj i says it has reappeared to a new poiut in scott actjlaw came up for arguircaf at ouckhj jff u en tnesdav when 3idz ecif rfrased to quah the conviction icthecasif qseen vs cam eron the- defedant was- convicted of a first cucrcunisr the canada temptrance act rcd was tni w the act prorides thator a frtt offence- lbs- penalty sliill be not less han j0 his lordship held that the t7orc3 cot less than 5tj did nst ljtt the ptnalty to that sura butthat ltwasiiithe jheretien of the magistrate to increase thrt amennt which discretion so iccgtit all events as it was reasonable would rct be iturfpi with by the court 5t tlic- conviction was tlv lj lteiviri4ilipttd councillor jumeron presiiacdhc follow ing resolution exphiiuing at that during the psi two acted in the eapaoity ofstreot spent a gooddoal of time aiid troublo in looking j after municipal ifclerests when public work was being performed uild he hud no dcdre to burden tho ratepayers by receiving nux reamnutiitioiijmv hisservieoa he thought the bylaw movidingfar rcniihi- erauon to thut ofiioer hhvrfiulioe iepcikl moved by john iameroii seconded by bshert wallace nnl resolved tlir t by law no klj entitled a bylaw to pihivide for the itppoinlnumit of a slivet coiumiksijiitr and or regulating the ilutiejs uud reiuuii eratioiiof sueh oivieer be ind is htiohy repealed and that the u bt corporation be attached to this rekulinu camel the annual report of tho caretaker of the town hall and ponudkecper ivjv present it sliowed that during the iyear lsh70 horses cattle uud ib hjigs have teeli iinpoiiiied and that i trijiiip were ell- tertaiucj iu the civic cells 5 jiie collector of tanc rep cent cf available ttcs had leeucolkctvd dr lrvry addressed the ic6iiiciwfc ring to the pleasure he id lliul in sitting in the council with lieeveiyfc ilecongintil- latedthe council upon the harmonious and limh feeling tyliich hul characterised all their delibcratioiibj he xi tcjitlated removal of pv q pawa nn s ifi q i ii benefit aetwe we nglio inafee alterations in onjrstpfe suitable for jeveitteting iu stock in greueralkdy qocjd ariii01othint wrill almost be gi taicds of jdrqbs ms for almost i v i forj leste than mill price gmyarxd colored planholb forhavf j white and gray obttong overcoats suits and odd panto at your own price unjdewear sway down as low as 25 cilnts vill make a great mistake if youi rgalhs blankets and comforters for a song dorilattond this croat sale as we fl i l i aoton itliiffi fully peruse thi rled thiitfvcry retted thel-ou- lvfe fiuiu the oiwco v lich he filled si aaeptably anil fm the tva he euejn highly ud wiilicd him pr counciiicr imeiou wi with tre seitinionls jit exree 1 1 the micn thcrcfore sirulxd ttt costs vi v halton vatt ith ihtre u corcc hitch irgrcs if ihv vtiioi for the sub- missiii iho con o the repeal bf the scstt act n- hilton the petition was presented some time ago it is understood received for lookiug after a rcefe handful of employees still rankles in the hearts of the ratepavre judging from expressions which were let droplast thursday at tn nomination the commissioner is likely to br paid again a proceeding by tlie way which has never been taken ic corucctiou with any other coaucillor aay time than mr ismond w e surra is the only merrier cf last years council who will assist to transit public basicess in 18ss fie has always been an agreeabu and fiood nature mem ber he vrih have kind and wiuning words for everybody and willtreat all visitors to the counpil chamber with courtesy mr smith will acquiesce in all motions and resolutions presented and his fellowmem bers will not find in him an oppositionist johs eexket is rot c new face at the council board he was a member when the town hall was being completed and then save sound and eqlid advice es to the coarse to psrsoe in famishing the new building tbe couucil will have no more- economical member than mr kenney lie will withhold his sanction from anv ex- penditnre of public moneys which ire to absolutely necessary if the rate- is re duced to fifteen mills on the dollar this year the credit will be due jii no siri measure to councillor kenney insome respects the conncii might have been of better composition this year lut j anv there is no docbt the member vriil all en deavor to the best of their ability to per form their daties- in such manner i in their opinion is calculated to bo for actons best iutcriits and prcrcs bjeu a u duty to do with r ivfe in the chair that all tile buirc3 of the satiifactcrily transacted ilcvo iye replied ii iji- appreciated the- kiudl to him lie was well aware receive1 th approbation o ft tiie courcil during the yc td their for their harmonic in tilt illreit of his duties councjl thii adjournri 1 him viv i ity 1 full accord i i i it tiblic busincu lltrcoiisidced ir had beeii 4itabe teriiih feroree made that he had the inriiibere r and than aid 10 tk skcom- mmin a li ii iltid which iu ilrliut illl noiiijiiiimii the trectiig of clectcrsa- of fiejeve fy fe for the elee aud tvo councillors to lil caused by the refusal of prcvousiynoiinated to ac iu tho council chamber u noon r iettiruing oilier mccarvir i vilon siiif- tle iu- idhy a aicalit ion o lleeve the vacancies a- cauulaatcl p was hhi tliursdiv iamuiat foit iialtl there is to i no dearth- of candida nliiiiutk is vere receive v it lit piopostd stive all lecinded by vv i councillor y rf propped 1 and scciidl by win hen v i propped aidvcodid by v h slo at iho i ratioi ci tjie 1 no ohr ncruinations rut dtciartdr storey elected misr llrovvii and ismond by avcniiton a few of the oft rtpated red stock questions re cip afiairs were asked by anvxieu satisfactorily a heriitr- whose stewird ground i referred to mr r fev remarks cnrorily ma line- cf policy iutdc1 to l tlir- cai eect duiiu intetiug then aojourned that it was reported to the privy council or e a jtuwa m u i as all straight it is- alleged hoivever that bev mr mcrron the well known j y ealton tnrijada vbrker claims that the publicvtotice required by the act was cot obstrvd by the promoters c the petition the petition has reached the privy council but it haf gjt no further although an orderinciudcil was gazetted for tho sub- ntsion of repc- ai i westmoreland on saturday 7i i tiai hank i over the signature dt tb03 hcjlgius masteriuordiudiy a notification- tio the r- creditors of the ctnfral bank has been isvned aucreditorsof the bank are to send tothe huuidators by tho 20th of february full particulars of their claims i the natjroi tueir securitits it any held and hidtihcaiii the sptcitied ofthe same or iii default they wiilbepreemport- arily exdeded from tne bnefil of the windiirg up act aird of winding pp orders every creditor holding any security i is to produse the same before the liquidators creditors receiving uoticea of contestation of their claim from the liquidators or from other parties desirous of coatstingl inch claims are to coma bjforetl master-in- crdiiarat ifis chambers in qngood hall and prove their clasf33 atstjehtime as shall be specified or iu default they will e ex- cuded the benefit of any distribution fz-r- niade before tiicir ciaznp are proved t bv the i halton kikiilon house foh salgp that new framo dvelhiz hcnseis street bcloiikiug to a v fis roklicflt jioiiko liunly otmincti bjrla tfouaruiy terms nasy j fnrass i am apply to v wanteml i locaij and titavkhliino to soli ourcliolcc vnrictien of aqf iither on hilary tit coirniiisib lonn jiloytnenrio tho riglrt ihh no rooul ones ujirlnbt ami liomctcniho dis for addrcui with nle may hhomsvs iuicrjiiii looldsr ror with rfrei n kelly 1 endous olea tate stofk 1st keliniaryajiul bfitoritifeiiifeusaimlsof dollais whrtliof goods 111 wtleliosmlofaiiiioiiv r- verted info read casji jirjces wjli be no object ooo 1 goopis must go bargain huntersiiiid those deling to ijialie a llltlumoniy go a long away should care- although it only gives you i faint idea of tho quantity of stuff- to bo sold mid the prices ut wlliehit v ill be bffe red readeoasider- and mike straight for holliwrake sons philvon mil blk velveteen for lje u yard iforth alinost double the money and ufawers ioe a suit sales3en wanfl edward 0 oraliaii tht intti known numeryujan or kcchculcr ns- to ualo orranfiiinonts mlu iau er two crgetlc men to take oaicri o- jie sotsffl he hgs a choke stoek ilciudint lino his inducemeritr to ijekiriaik arc ns advanta4eciu9 ho fulsua 11 ha proa kparantdes to funeiiih ulrietlvlirbt eh mocariajvo active sqniire uiright 1 pobttions audylcsirck to eoiuiuunh fowsucfc men with a vlv of seenrl sovieos wrfto to him m irxn as youi this for crm and full urliunrn p only sniiaro dcaliiikuien m ej cpjiiy edw t3giiaham kutafnkrii sjchi business vpretifijj foil ha llc uy- rxms riexdevil jvouvid by tin- on j ui to the 10th jfftiuii lim- tux ts hwc bck store blid hnaij iln jta the luto john nelvoii ituatia iu tue- villaiu at acton teiidern will also h reoehiji ior jhe trade coiiststuik of general lrylicoin cjrotcrich c the stock is i iintcii dition oiki well biuit t a tifktclakh paying eafejnisiriffbl at the present tiue to any one hsirous f sccurha a s lysines and jirenjises tii- i ac lanc ior full parcivulur an nrniis axsr fonn of tender adclreus k e vkjsox lviicltoii e the dominion washer wrin vvukavy card 10 f lm and lrc iriijta and cretonnes for 8e a yard si in wools 7 ye air ounce maccramo cord lljc a balijf city pric3 cant tpuch these ins from lc a yard tip mens wool sox oc a pair i wool llopjs ijjc hoiko blanhetii 50c iu and li cambric kmbroideries foroc klriiedllanncklscla vard 7oe and uoicnfiwoossiiirt and ilriwers okindsto biga rtoeptroopdu must go a jot of 73 anil 50c ladic- kcltlct from all to bo sold at 30c cashmere loves for 25c a j all-wojltyishijiicre- blk orey and liivnze cheap cowl cambrii siiii t lining go heavy wuibl ijiiiiig loj aatinmerve-ii- igiot of j o ai he country eux worth 100 for 1ft n yard 1 d -ioc- dress goodsiew colors to he it will pay you tadrive if miles to attend thin ko ii free air 23 bundles batting 5100 it 502 to be run off at 39c a yd a yuii s uhiecjlothiiij 15e ffercd at 2fjj a yard oh provided for parties from k b labjrajv liolesale no 246 st james- splfceefc montreal prciidd and 1 3 follows i 1 win ii itltlcage htt ywhstoiiy i reel col allan whoie cci br-te- i iebbi aiidothec iiuav pe jco icians iii j f 4 w- fvci v tivvll 11 tlv rcr ite there ant su tdturniigosieer as 1eeve tnd its couucdt iei from r ji n rlv ir yl itior f uaihij hc il goo jl tha lel of- ti- m dent and kavrfs -ieut- cf the medical cmic iiieutof thesa ecile iswili uj fyunl 1 is oei and r pectmg lnun- 11 col alii ijsual by mr ip eovcrcljijhe urcy uaif ling out the followed by the iuar w had a p mr i laaac- 1 is niukinj a iaai ligeliei tlirouyh nectaclej vc is rvii acpa the 1 t v ee montr- iiiico llviue are- rcii hie ear y tuk cirvtv cotnxil v the membership of the county council for the preterit yearwill be a follows attov if storey keeye bctiik dr kichardsbn beere sjeoboercv wnn sicleod beeve milioxj h mccollom we j v oiitviu- m jelan kecve x ksjuiii ijich graham beeve trr vicbiter and d cook iocputy beeves iviievivcyi jauic3 menidcs ijeeve 1 wheclihau deputy keevei niisoeay g pettit btevc p d scott deputy beeve v tiiuaiai itobiinvon leeve bqck arid john husband debntybe vcs the council is jretly evinly di dded both 011 fooott aiit nd political quest ons agitatlsti fob iscoit act a mexdm exts qijawi au 0 tlie nnual meeting of thesdomiaij teiivpcrance alliance will behind here on february 28h whim re- preiejitirticns wij jrobably be made to pkriiamciit to livo the sttotfactamended xa n p tan the ir against the eh giill aac up at ogoolu ir justice hose prtsi fmil election court mr waidie tue lfji ii member just unseated is willing to iuu again againslrhim david header- th- late couservntive candidate john turner and james beaty are already mentioned as possible men t6ronto world the iforcz is a trifle previous in bri iug onteandidates as far john turner is concerned he occupies no vvartnl place iu the hearts pf haltou conservatives if for no other reason his antiscott prodivitic would debar him from conbidtrutian by tl party in haltou james beitty the boy hasno hopes in the county either at leasyhis indifference during the heit contest would lead the public to socoiurle mr henderson is as strong a candidate as v luls id m it th the party can introduce aiid we hope to jv of see him the unanimous nominee of the convention of his party 11 appeare ti i r and mr hnc erihertpond- 1j1al hal- tohu il of t ton 1 ijiuined frau hall e hatvr- liug mi me- rr the iett- vill who amongst the iiami or haveiavxmkili plinictary iiiiil s a kiaimificliivc- of pile and iiij in ijiiici wil w f 1 4 the anafa icaoaiue j in j a divi iture and mr yillem il 1 ctajph folio a lialil n inanuiactui 1 liuoii the first wit- j worn tctifiedij en vjj ii in bsilivaniv iij- cail d and after tch- 1 teiie in georgetown 1 had a vote the hsl eactiou for tho county of haitoii i i did nut vote the iaoij i didnt vote wanbcaue i was paid fi by jarnc bell to go into tlie city d not vote for mr luideivoii iu il mr ba 1 did go into urp city and ih siid he was afraid at jamls fejl was an ndeuuhia iiordship the wakpkxsiiij acton has every probability 41 being honored ith the wardenship this year by the counjty council taken in the order of muniripalrotatioq it waslong ago actons in justice and no member of the present county couucil has stronger claims upon t the office forthis year than mr storey j xokthkkk itaiiavay tliaxskek oe mfow3 jfyiei actonf6- ybnr 1 slolh 4ng cgecan ait you for price quality iadsffcerery time dr it is reported that negotiations have been completed for the transfer of the northern and northwestern railway to the grand trunk it is a wellknown fact that im portant arrangements were entered into between general manager hickson pf tho grand trunk and mr barker ofl the northern and northwestern during thu latters recent visit here and although the nature ot these arrangements has been kept strictly secretpt is generally believed in railway circles that an agreement for the transfer has been come to i uxfttlttlnatk kvlic the exliquor merrliaiit shoivs kymptiiiihoj iushiiliy kinosios jan 8 w liyic formerly a- liquor merchant in toronto convicted of forgery and now confined iu the peniten tiary appears tobe somewhat deranged in view of n revival of somefeatures of his case in the courts next week ho is worried about what he calls his brief for the pre paration of which he desiredn typfcwriter and a typewriting machine tp be tent to him bingufir tci say ho docs not want ny lawyer to see the brief ontll it is pre- seoted in ctfiji kyieisevjilohuy suffering b his incarceration he ia ocebjiiet in jrtoneirwtljidg void and the costs must fouow the cvcnl ninilioishifttp subsequently ordered buiii- monses tov issued towillam bullivant andjamcsbell for the trial of the corrupt practices and ifiied mhton courthoue on february 3rd uext at ten time dnd place for the trial oclosk as the the made scorr act xoi ara es ipocio assisted by two constables aid on dewars hotl ou wcdncs- daafternoo and succeeded ill- capturing large ijiiautity of eoiitrahi 11vi tiso pre iniiies of mrs waltie o jt he f aimers tiotel wao also searched aik p largo quan tity of illicit liquor also fou id au carried oli the inspector arrested t 16s little sr j on wednesday and lodged him in jail for refusing to pay a- scott act iibe jpscph qninn wastaken nom milton orangevillo on 3ionday by a constable ill connection with- the dyuainiitiiig milton llffiriim xoabie ciiiniklli dr davan who is do hand man on the panama oinal and who invented adredgo capabloo moing tho work if bjx hundred men is a canadian from the vh inityof orillia di leslie wliom i 5tanvey tried to get toaecompany him ou the emin bay expedition ljt who wasun- ftvdidably detained at muni ti i t toron- tonian the first nowtpupar in tho kim berly diamond minipg dh trict in south africn was started by a owuadiaii from hamilton mnny oilier initarces ofjlho faraway wuimetiiigs of ci vidians could be instanced bead kelly brosudvertliameiit some thing to interest everyone u ocsfc t vu in- lali ri- tar j iebi 01 van afoil i in ieioialiy we hu testimony to thvtea euool during the p- 1 iabr tre inibeariii oiiifort- uxpiii- ioir ears thrfo iu the use of the laiirarca quetaclcn 1rcvionly eoninderabk difliculiy ard often pain was experienced in reading for any jicxtejuled period at nighthut now wov have no trouble either night or day mr j is pearson merchant hi these goods and hai in stock a go nient r ent for fi la children cry for pitchers castoria when liiibo miiici wo nave boa- cateiia when khc was axtliilil ihe erica for civsorhi when o bewino i-i- ilhe clmig to ciiduriii whtirlie hatciiiliieii ihe gave their citoiiu i jessepp right- and fyigh are to be found hi euiniiieioji 1 by dnd lidiiiiiminlii iae been hiitfiprt diimt and j 0 x yice ilctddent of ahiil of the college of fkvviciaiis and iiauiy if i aval univeioitv i ho prc-si- i cf xova ctia vc a eonifkte abort- tlie tore of psarsok agefljl acton mantle cloth from ipe a- yard up linen haudkerchu moiid 5100 ivgttta anfl navy spot sjiirts for co boyai jjuitj from c20 up ileas paiita from 70c up mens heavy overcoftts worth 700 forsl50j salb commence i laits 0 ly 2 weeks j thc3e prices cant ho kiven any longer nows youe cklnce i galionsbeiucanaujiaujoil for oo 25 pounds bice 5180 7 jouuds japali tea 100 5 pounds good starch 23c j 1 boxes matches 25c itounds pcituew talents baisius 23o 2d bars lktjc soapf i00 kc-v- cliio onuigo and lifmon peel 10c t pound of the bst 0j blatik japan ordlywii te for load the trade in halton co- if yuu have uver dealt with us vant to make fbnchi of every pesli who palrouiios us and will d eqas 1 0 li joiifor ognav easterner uttoa boots fir s1u3 worth f273 5 pou i we are determined to begin- how jyo do our uttnost to ladieo freiich kid i luli ies fjo sivini ladiea indiakid butou hooti 515 yie cant icrale u kid boots foil d 30 i09 evory irmg price frqt- sale ohesp lillli eteriml 1 rcpiei ij funniion the ehott nuiei 10 riy igaiutily alt at bot- toiii priei fir lei darraiis and fence posts 5tciveshc3dingshngles washtubs churns but- i ter tubs pork barrels wood flour feed nil 1 anything intlice lint- e ginade is to lhul 11 better jliu e tliull thghas c moores lay auytliat iu the abovcjlines fieo to iilid i ii you archil icbld lo iiiih lu- an iiiil nr- 1 fiai liiio ift booiv clonic areaud vo lidiibeil- nion y idachinfny stve juiilur l- 11 iv new nil i a sldliglo it r 011 civ i 1 go il con liiioiiiioliio v me- c lili ijiiiio f-i- tic thos c mooie acton oal j j tyo rju frfu faj chiistmas cards christmas cards christmas cards ry thing but sutlice it to say that inxmmolif clei btore goools will bo sold at claugr ide histwdrltvvo wtfjvj ordy cu jlli tell your neihiri oral bring your friends you jocirjky to the county town bomtruber weeau oul tlic rfile sallis fur cvsjl jjnly a fullstaitof aksmontritcnd to customers jpaitmeut of our lnintiiii l tlle mobt perfect aid e ui cti avesbos 3 wriukir in tlie uomiiiion lualtistbilj wherever introdueod if v a tsipv itwi quickly it washes clean with it a articles of average size crn b rtheduij out vithiu live luimitcs t s latehine easily operated and loesib voik 50 p mid so quickly that vin-rtve- introducea 50071 lecogaied its an article 01 in vwuihes upon the eiiijio iniieiik hg bing yet so gently tfcajtilcea not injure the uuc6t iftbrien xi is j-ii- washes even tile ilia at iiiiea or iho blanket with cqusl efe- it clooa wash the clothes- leaving tic si 10 bctsnifsi hand hut does its vt6rivrietylb ly doing away with the rfc braird tads rubbing altogether it vcsiits a doaea articles at once thcreb reeiaihlii hourorsoes much vok a- y rid cm occupy the whole iay g- a l burte of hamilton ti l the rteii thismnchine offers 7ai ot e i iita cob tlou by siiy other viisalas nilelurctver ed that wilbacconiiihsi its aork ojuailvts- as quicklyyas eatily eii with 10 little iajct tho clothes every machine gatinltetdw satisfaction fiail etfparafc ciccnibinri ilfco cf eonjlilet jvitii vrringer j vvilhouf 3 orders attended i as boon as correspondence solieitct p j david schjirts iockv700dae genera agent for ila tiv aii s t esj nassagaweya eiaiiio7witiciii and cto guelph and rd iovnf rid viiinges tihressj general agent for the xoansliasotw cakalon and garafraa- sgj 42 years steadfastly for fortytwo tfrrtioays wirxcsb has held to grille eswbiehi5v8 the tests of time ridicule eik of oppositioif and nhfair and the witrrr togay spa sixtywhereiusgt rce to ens its j lias been both raoui cd eeaoy 1sps desirous of still fiirjlier ineiestiug its 1 tion have this year gono to large 30urt reproduction el the latestjiasterpicce of daviujn knowles iwho was sficatcd bvqta victoria to paint tbescone attprinsfcsb wedding cntitle1 svjfertttittlec72iicl2oa iocoinextiitt it depicts the mcriaraole scene with starthi realism reiirojueief iu oils all th richness ofjsg oriental coloring the pictureexecuted kvfhe grwrtcsr artfenjis england would bring ici if cci j- bat is rew re 1 lie wiiaij itniaisaudpfcti fli bo well repaid for your iiarantoc above prices during lobcti pound hollntaeisons of dried apples wanted kicliisively for sihcil the price of the wrhnty is ilc25 the rancr alone il in i860 tho daiit vitps ac- lraiideill uac the vtajtklt to tavcace tho kaico f ciplcs regardless of coet itie laoture lattlo children tocouie tjntoli aniltheb ynsess iusjs a jear the vaper gloae the nourakiix liktisexotn still ecrktin be the favorite in the house circle ana heb school and comiecneiuj vfiih jannarr htjj new type cnrpaper end oihvr iaifrovwles will be nicre uttraetio tbliu crer frfwii books are gwea io frienes vfco eanv hs fldrntl annual eubieripuor 30cj wieh rdactioostftls clubs li sample copies o tho olttercnt ruldip inaileu on rijplieatiou voats t invh ats jorin doiirlp ec sox labhhire5fg town and tiilag presents petsents presents 1 i waters brothers thf pictfbk gallhby 2ovynpham stoeet guelph m7tltsea v7onclcrs exist iu thous- ov jx amis of forms but aru surpassed by the unyrveh- of invention tho who are in nee 1 of pyolitalilevvovk that enn be 1i01111 wliiiv living nt liortie slnaild irt oiiceiseml theiracldroes to ilollett ttco portland maine mid reecive fret- fulrhiforuir tlou hnw either sex of nil nges can eain from 00 to ti day and upwards lvhoievethi y live you arc started free cap- itfil nol required koine iico mioie over i0 ill b siiiglo day ut thiii work all succeed exhibition jehesi ofttii pkolrupts the i vssst tsssms andbritzsi cos u2fi7ia 7jm ecaiiailjiaajiwi licit exhibtiqin car- ofst io will be rt the iaaaaosa4 stauffih hamburg jaiiuahyiath fwa rt0fa x berlin jairej aby 17til i iio vtuamr g acton jakuaby1s 809 a m co wo r 33sp geobgetow1t january 19t clt slueirii 1 mi a t to 7ti f b itklingtoi janttary 20th 6aov rowr hamilton jaituary 21st m king sftsj ion ffg 01 a v m all axe coiially ilivitoci uoiitlay- seetiiepioducfe oils37 has announced uq mk t mitchell debircs to inform the people of acton and surroundings that li3isi prepared to take orders for weaving all kinds of fancy rag citrpetb fiaiinelsheetiiig shirting and jress goods striped orplaid twillor plain also bed blankets and llorseblauucts two yards wido aiid over i and i will guarantee that i willgivegood j satisfaction to alljcarmers and others who will favor mo witlv their patronage to mitchell grande llncrhiev 33 a great- iiict fanc y rgoi at cost lit the bazar before removi toronto look single and double beting hereiiiry zephcr and aiulelusiiin all 10c an ounce all trffe best beehive fiiigcrihgmtd ji wools 10c a skein i nj v 0 hoods worth v 2roesj she fliat dry- soedb palao of riilsnoilot noorviirlob vintrvcofpi ii btrontl aiijrhuh utiinicss vtrbcv xnr 1 1 uiantlip ordinal linlfl an i e niot hi col 111 competition with tn m f tudootloiitjciiviit scotbhiiitalisn sadcftftdinrifitiiting 1 j povjujjn qd milv 10 great vwety ht jfyfefs acton 8tk 1 t pyretpstrokcest best ready jtor xsna in nnjqnnnf lty for tanking gimp softrulns avutoibis n- footinsrnnd nlmndrcd other uses a cnaqiutlao ijouiviu bat soda gold 1j1 jugiipoevs aaijt jdrtigklsf sw felsi ctt i toromio jd williamson go v has beencloodfor one dayfor 4he nirposo of marking down all the goeds intjie house sli bill fiw pa guelph f 1 bapgjiilis to right 3arjius tc left bargain before ttkjltlaks caps worth waxdolls worth china dolls worth dnderwesr suits 1 03 v-i- m w ii jh u io it ip tin 11 r- 10 7 co r 00 0 00 uv everything must he sold by 21st ja pvcmember the place the akar a f b wqlikivadt bargains bbhiiid the carnival now in jitull fling j d w8lliasv8s0n sc co tip km wobmpowssi flnt it i m foqft r- ara plcafennt toiato coitraftjtb pur u 0 ia a fefo brvaad e gemtrojer ai worms in caiidieuor a ssi-ie- ifef hog m weonfy spex biq oper pair ha spcx bring thl wcl can fix thl good as tiew ii bwii w spcdjajcles tret sppx arc tb cheapest a for the ceicj spectacies you that wej stock inat tookof spec j eq dealer in jewell gboks stationer cfooks and jewel themetj bev ft 3 parsoua public scrrue10 sibool 230 bibl pastor i i m strangwb and tcntivousheraatt6 if sittings are df pew steward thubsday couatedbyiheel preer genuine jani j stayiier wanl ithe solbooljrl the new cj next monday the dew mj sworn in uextmol the next sifj court will be held a meeting james moore will z- capf and hrj lead the s a sunday thelastjiieel r cition of 1ss7 wi evening the annual duralseicietj will lcfeinst vjthe speciai kdhurch vyere coal still in progress i thsstreetsvi the defalcation ofl ing strealisvillfbij c00to560iiob thecpk acton station alj every one shonh tftba audlsorth the annual 1 brtn associatio hall slslton on at2prii aulil mrspent paid the threey which sho was and has been rehj william ititt otjarateosa day and died- thi i r teen years of age man tbe skating is pretty generf sutton brosth ing to make eve ikate a song servl hcthodist criurfl the success atti vyeeks ago will present a series of ij com menced in everiina and ivlll leey d strjtch2 in the services v r- tfa thprotl tipputliethfrd jl a ta is a well ci audfriend v by the resj vicinity v an effort yl night to securejj her for hisviu haltou aidiiid the constable penahy yet eclj on ivipndajj heaven oftji with one ofgherj one of her arm was bsokcn sbrj lately that mis agricultnral scl ociocli p noi towijitor the pi for the ensuiugj nesas may meeftng aphis is leal has taken to pit gible bachelors cord and prospl of enterprise a j lor3 and tnarrl with interest t the same direq fuze peess a j the editorincl eq from our cjjc l 1 w dutsbarj been confined iilnes3are abld r t i n very mter whichallieno b6ihg held irj i the ahspioes ol borhqdd at the last i t- the presb ramboy of nf sideutin placj signed t baaiei btr hcjhlayb fron v wlievhis fti surmonsin t fimidfybaoxnl geprge burf years pf age the natives ofl bycnttinfij -hajjjn- 0aopcl rfatl contract as 1

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