bsk m 1 rochester jfcj if ijsssj men w wcarim adto hem is ic pill r inattrakgf r u ouftbf g mojs tetf is ltiilj doai3 1 lvms aajj lscsfhpo x ingefts wsher ii is ihahii4 ivwpiftetf ivkcbcd it efssky jg icjure etwii iajanicg 4i ruje large ccjbbietei ird and butt vjwiirg ia u j ouiervim ac jteaie ot9 to lutco- i tt wy to 3j v l siacjuno tzecut wnser ts pcssle kvtxibo esqaefing lpa city of vhtrcia vkfctcxpo jijs ol erin the weeelt hllfttcstood 5 cuon lair rgg liry sfioks to its growth p- s tf circala- -i- cipeasetev ritu by quera e5s3enaiee ancz7bfjojf9 with startling tifhrtssol ioei anaoa in bstisxaerred iurtrtbmr lhrllad ad w pns itzxtt stiffer ixujcdjdlt aiir iajatf j eeatnroew to 3 sbjbstit iirs5t th njremesta tr erizcs of rrforll rdrlctidiu uy jnblfcatiod ilfri in every icy ewsicntnl feal 80per1 ebih rjiulion at o4ctco iclioaeer lnild w be paid c rcuiitioib tc it ia jwjr li frcin tne owat ri jibfor acton- kms 3 ibs ai is- jf irrors f 1 hers ffotn geo hynabton y fsbboohpriow goo i25 o 276 30fy er pair- havc roke ywp slibrimgthcm to goo iivnd8 tfecanfix them up lor bu as nod new tio oulyv place svacton where you can get yuur spectacles repaired ourpebblo pex the finest best and seapest we are sole ngonta for the celebrated boss pebble spectacles a call will convince yon that we carry the largest stock uracton remember our stook of spectacles geo if vxds dttier in jowelrr fancy goods school boojb bauoneiy- all indvof wtohs oocto ftd jewelry repaired the hph0di8t church acton john rclarke the popular orator wfifluolay ami thuftiday s 25th and 26tt insts jffhloh r mur of loo1 ohumotor ndkltttnmung feta2ekq5aef3rrw nsrwkctsto nd fro in loudon tnd adjassies j- 35 cents tickets for wth ifctnrcs 40 cents f 10 jrtnn jfr vtss vi thurspay jan f ae y 10 1888 v3lxy mixor locals r collated by the everthoughuul and alert free press reporters pibsimi mentfolf moonlisltuishls umu divisjou cirt sits tody cuuty council uext tuesday gooi slfeisvicknj jolly tirucs for the toang folks tie ice men are bnsily engaged in getting in their stocks the ice is of good qtality and thickness the special serviots in knox fcbarch ire bein continned this weekwith interest tbe attendance is good capu ilsbou and cidetin command of the 3 a corp here were announced to farewell last evening messrs thos t 5loore and a e 1 year- sicklin have lea appointed mnnicipa auditors for the current year the first cirnival of the season will be held in the rink thiscveninj the skaters will glide to the music of acton cornel band mr james conley postmaster at spey- side died at his residence on the 6th inst his remains were interred at freeiton near bis former home tmr w e smith hasalda number of baudins lots ia his new surrey several houses are alxcidy arranged to be erected there next season dr x washington throat and lung specialist has so far recoveredtrom bibttyivding itself free of restraint recent illness as to be able to renew bis frofessionil duties he will psit acton on sarardsy 2sth inst j 1 mr viliiaer wordcn butcher hadj the misfortaue to fall down stwrs one day list week by which several ribs were fncturcdt he is able to be isbout again messrs w h storey t son acton maniifsctarers o gloves report that theib trade during the past ear was about 25 000 greater thin the previous gucajjo crimiina american a mr stewart of clatham a theoj lngirni student occupied tne pulpit of the methodist church on sunday morning he preached an excellent sermon abounding in gospel truths and sound practical exhorj utjon j a young ladys lesolve my lovet if a bashful yonth and though lie loves roe well hope long delayed makes me afraid his love hell never tell now ive resolv that once for allthis tort of thing musj stop the glid leap year at last is he and i am going to pop the fool wno puli3 chairs from under people for a joke has been at his favorit amusement in randall ny where h sacceeded u giving a man concussion of the brain from which he died the fool etilt lives he has no brain to be cob eassed tbe streetsville utrkic has enteral upon its second year of publication the serin is essentially a local paper and we know of no jourial which makes greater efforts to represent its constituency the fcrinr is a success and is of much value tostreetsvilie the firms of w h storey son glove manufacturers and moore it mcga vin trunk and valise manufacturer having completed stocktaking jiave con i- renced the years business with fresh eoi- tfiusiasm both firms are we understand favored with lar advance orders thecp rs northwest products the canadian pacific railway exhibits n- car irhich was here all day yesterday w is the centre of attraction for the day tie car was full of interested spectators from nwnung till night it contains in systei i- atically arrangefand attractive ordersp i mens of thei products of manitoba tie xorthwest aiidbritjsh columbia there wa to be seen grains vegetables frui srwas ac of every variety and irtm all sections of the country of couise n of an inferior quality was exhib t ed there was wheat which weighed 5 pounds to the bushel barley 55pouws oats 40 pounds and yielding 80 bushels jo the acre hulless barley 57 pounds and so on much of the grain was shown on 1 he straw a beautiful assortment of nat ve 6ses was on exhibition boots- w ire there in profusion potatoes in ajmjjst endless variety turnips carrots mangolds the wendt ftttiwodnttwitiiuonoaohuroh 3hth hffl ar utiuring for ft umcel ingtobt held ojtuetd7 ewntajt 84th i utt to oommbmorato the flttieth ani wwary the opening ot the church a mmbet of speaker will be present and he ohoir hi the meodiit dhuroh act6n ill render muiio tor the oocaslon co ttxet ooarfcfjons magiatmrfe lowesheld a scott aoteesaion tt the court houso today and reaped ijuito hwvwv frtnthftmiltouimd lot bin rwlr aberfoyk and charles anderson fn hiram swackhammer ospringe plead- bd guilty to first ogonco and wore fined 50 and coets each the charges against edw johnson and ivife of eden mills were adjourned guolph ifcmhh an ibter5tijoqf strrict the eong bervfew in the methodist church laat sunday evening was of a very intecebt- ingeharactera large congregation wab present the pastor took for his text part of the 9th verse ol the fifth chapter of revelation and they sang a newsong appropriate hymus were snug at intervals during tho service in whioh the cntiro congregation heartily joined tho anthem by the choir was rendered with marked excellence aud was received with genuine appreciation by the congregation tho accompariimeut of the cornet has much improved tho eingiug iof both choir and congregation a contemporarys improvements the georgetown htrouis evidently ono jot tho prosperous institutions of the country and improvements are the order of tho day it has just put in a fine prouty press jaud an improved paper cutter wo con- gratmateit upou introducing the prouty press into its office we have had five years experience with ono of these presses jand haw found it equal to every demand of a country printing office it runs easier thanany other power press and thatit does first class work our readers and pat rons willingly testify wc have no doubt tho iltmltr efforts to keep up to the times in the matter of improvements will be generally appreciated they deserve totie ww be in acton on 25th and 86th jim the orillia paettt says mr john r clarke the popular lecturer recently s livered his brilliant lecture on to ndi fro in london in the methodist church hero the great metropolis its historical places its great men living aud dead with their distinguishing peculiarities were most graphically described mr clarke is a thorough mimicftud possesses rare flra- tnatic powers his lecture contained a vast amount ot information corapressetiin- to small compass and delivered in the most attractive and entertaining manner and should mr clarke again visit orislia ke will meet with a most hearty greeting mr clarke will deliver to and fro in london and hits and misses in the methodist church acton next wednesday and thursday evenings a determined snniway last friday afternoon while dr stacey was leisurely driving out of mr alex sprawls lane on the second line below acton bis horse rounded the corner sharp ly upset the cutter and turned the dr out the animal made for acton wjth all possible speed reaching town it ran down mill street up park avenue and then took a turn around the race course leaving its masters pre scription case in a snow bank on the course it afterwards came up street and made for ospringe a cowple of the doctors friends 1 seeing the runaway animal hurriedly secur ed a livery and followed it in half an hour j or so they found the horse lyingon its back in a snow drift near john- manns farm in erin it was stiff for a few days hut is getting aronndall right again the carter was somewhat damaged col alln to retire lieutcol wm allan of this town the officer commanding the 20th battalion lome rifles of this county is about to retire from the force the militia uazttle says s col allan ha3seeni over 53 years service having on the 4th of october 1831 joined h m 93rd highlanders aud con tinued his connection with the empires defensive force from that day to the pre- seht he followed the fortunes of the j3rd for ten years coming to canada with it the time of the rebellion of 37 upon leaving the 93rd in 1844 col allan joined a militia regiment as adjutant bygradoal promotion he rose to the rank of lienfcol in 187c and five years later was given the command of the 20th battalion during more than half a century lie has never roiseed a single days duty he numbers the feiiian raid among hie occasions wher he has been on active service col allah has been in active service lenger than any other officer in connection with the militia service he retires with great credit to himself as a military man major kern has been appointed col allans successor in command of the lome rifles and his elevation to the office of colonel has been gazetted death of civwn attorney dewrar mr john dewar crown attorney and cierk of the peace for the county of hal- tou died at milton last wednesday he had been in poor health for some time but itas only confined to his bed for one week and his death has caused a severe shock to tbe community deceased was a native of aberfeldy perthshire scotland and was born august 22nd 1829 his father and family came to canada in tbe follow ing year and settled on a farm in the township of esquesing mr dewar re ceived a good common school education having attended tbe school of the late alex robertson tbe father of dr robertson ex- mpp the present mayor of milton for six years and after teaching school four months before he was lsjeare of age ov tendefrthe grammar school at paleriw during the winter and studied classics and pragraphbrimimscuiuj visitors to ai acton with whom free press l are mjprebr ficst acqnalnted mr a aj ruby of guelpb tjiwn o batirday mr j k mogarvln left on mond ly on business trip to montreal mrs btjhurabentonotnewtonjjrook jipitod friends here last week miss follyj ramsay ot eden milli iwai tjlio guest of acton friouda tbis week kov t a moore ot princeton st ent a oouplq ot dayb last week with friends here mr alfred g e as ton ot luoknow visit ed his parents and other friends her last week mr joseph p downey of the uelph fttrahl has beon elected probidont i if the tiuelph catholio union rov g hock of tho baptist c lurch wingham formerly of aoton has te idered his resignation he ib goiug to dis harge tho duties of hn eyangellst among- the canadian churches of his dohominat on it is a singular coiuoidence that joseph barber of georgetown and jas young malinger ot tho cornwall paper wills ot which barbel bros are shareholdoi s who were in busiuesa together for ubout tialf a caiitury should both ili tho sanio di tji mr chester thill is now ocoupfiig a position iu the photo studio of mr j f ryder of cleveland one of the best an the continent mr hill baa charge of the printing department a very tespmsiblo situation his many frieude here rill be pleased to learn of his prosperity mr c w lawton editor of the beeton world has taken unto himsolf a lifo b part ner tho frtkt pness wishes him and his hippy bride every happiness and prosper ity through lifo the world will whirl now jis never before but what seneca g ketctmm will do without his bosom friend clawed beggars us to determine at the annual meeting of the manufac turers life insuranco company eq tues day mr w h storey on behalf mfi0w wmfmzm terrif6c slaughtering of dry goo8 dlotlung v v v cftrpets boots fe shoes w ptellliis olipph markets of the company had tho honor of prcsenljing sir john a macdonald tho president of the company with a lifesize oil- porlrait of himself mr storey did the honors in a j flattering address presented in hib usually interesting manner the christian guardian publiihed in toronto by rev win briggs d d book steward for tho methodibt chnrijh and edited by e h dewart d d has just completed its iittycighth year of pub lication the guardian is marked with excellence in every department it is edited with ability has a weekly budget of cor respondence of interest to the i church throughout the dominion gives an epito me of general news in every issue and never fails to present a alarge and varied selection of choice literature of such char acter asis calculated to be best suited to the home circle the guardian is acknow ledged in all quarters to bo one of the very best and cheapest church papers i on the continent an aniherstburg doctor has been fined 2 arid s3 50 costs for not reporting a dipb- theria case to the local board of health flour roller flour stoue v white whoa rod wheat spring glasgow barley oats rye i i peas hay straw wood per cord egga per doion butter dairy packed butter rolls cuoese potatoes per bag apples pork lambskins poiu hides wool timothy seod per bush clover soed alike jan floflotytoiipat when you intend purchasing a first cliis organ or piano to go to j c mclean 61 the guelph temple of music he is no agent but buys his goods in large urintitiijs at rock bottom figures and only the high est grades are handled scotch kuglisn and canadian initiu in great variety at j fyfes acton go to jfyfebactonforyobr plotb tng he can suit yon for prieff oality and style every time sssaaweya news read kelly bros advertisement thing to interest everyone was on deck as usual the uorfht west mcells in onions and many of the sarofleb sho would make the excellent impor d 6panishpnions now soeaimon h re biush asregards size and beauty specimsns of or coal free stone and heads ol me m tlie native animals are exbibiled an attractive point in tbcrcentre of the oar is section of a douglas jftr tree eijht feet in tjiameter and calculated to be 561 years of age sample boards of lumber cot from the tree accompany hy he- frqita froii british columbia ore very f ne tbe eihibilion is one of great interest md gives 4he pubiic a good idea of what nay be- accoiuplished in our north we ert frovinces under favorable cireurostanees the car is in charge of courteous officials who good uaturedly answer oil sort of sensible foolish and impudent quest iocs respecting ihe isllbjt the country and other tbpgs and cireulato lteratnre cal- eulatcvi eettlers fortlie railway iands whfcli are avaiioblsidihe north ret i mathematics at the quactre bras school esquesing he then taught a common school for upwards of three years part of which time was spent as teacher in the old school near the presbyterian church in and the mammoth washtub squish j a 18450 when be finished his eclu- cation at the ohiosiate college mr dewarstudied law in toronto and began practice in milton in november 1858 he was a pronounced liberal in politics and was secretarytreasurer of tbe haltoo re form association for some years previous to 1868 when he was appointed clerk tbe peace and crown attorney which position be held to the time of his death he was cbainrian of the public school board and president of jtbo milton he cbanicb institute deceased was bigily respected by all classes ntlio coinman iy he leaves a wile and six children he funeral services on friday afternoon 5 ere attended by a very large number of friends and fellowcitiiens of the county the remains wgro borne to the tomb by jddc miller hon senator mckindsey sheriff clemenu aftd meecrs d mcgibbpu j w elliott ba and henry watsonjjr- splendidttweed suitscheap for cash at j pyfoe 1 from our owa correspondent messrs jas and d f milue the inven tors patentees and builders of milnes im proved band saw have completed another of- their mills it has been tested stud proven to be satisfactory in evety respect and in the course of a week or two will be shipped to woodstock and set up in the furniture factory ofhays ii co jthe ad vantages of this sawolaimed by tjie build ers are durability simplicity and economy being mide principally of wood it will stand jarring better tsian metal arid if any part fhojild give out it can be replaced more easily and cheaply like the water- bjcy watch it is almost devoid ofimac-iiiri- ery having but one belt and ono set of cog wheels tho fact dt its being a band saw proclaims is economy in outting logs into inch lumber this saw on account of the thinness of the made will make six boards where a circular saw could make only five thti3 saving onefifth the annual meeting of the nassrgaweya agricultural society was held iu the town tiall brookvillo on thursday 12th linst this society which holds no mean rank among its sister rural societies is in a pro gressing condition as the following con densed report of 1837 will show rtpil itecciyits sfiso 29 if total expenditure 423 87 balance on lmud 136 42 the advisability of openjng to adjoining townships was discussed but on being put to a niotibft was overruled the following officers were appointed tor the current year pres g kitching vice ties- j held secy treds a c mcmillan directors j mahonj black- lock a bell j moffat m mcmillan t storey thcij ikiidcreon j canute and r a ramseyi auditors c cameronand a picket 4 the prrclice so prevalent in nassagaweya of piling wood alpng the road within a few feet of tho sleigh track is one which should be discontinued a gentleman in this neighborhood while out driving lately met with an accident from this source which though not serious might easily have been so the young horse which bej drove in shying at a pile of wood upset the cutter and becoming frightened at the noise made by the cnttej and its occupants breaking through the crust ran away demolishing the cutter and demoralizing his own heels this of course is a minor accident but it is not the first time that horses have been scared by these piles of wood and have tried to run away j whjlo prirsniug iny esoteric jcogitttiens on the empyrean atmosphere jl was ap proached by one of those omnipresent characters who as if in pnrbuanoecb some prqvioua arrangement are certajn to be en countered when an incident transpires ventnred the suggestion that w devote our time and influence to repealing the scott act it is humiliating he james gtorton lll dentist toueil8 mock opposite post 0ffice vitalized atr 1 16th kb8t 5 10 o 2 2i 1 00 o 2 1 o is to o ej 0 81 to 0 bit o so so o epil 0 65 too li 0 81 to 0 4ji 0 50 ito 0 uj 05h to 0 cp 8outoloco 3 00 4 00 0 18 0 17 020 0 12 0 80 0 60 6 60 0 05 0 50 5 00 083 200 i 650 0 50 to 7 1 f 1 att rssy ontario brampton etc goods stationery v -at- i wishes its many friends and patrons spmo- 8 guelph during 1888 painjefcs extraction cf teeth artificial tooth guaranteedlperfqct ill appear ance fit and usfc fine gold work a specially all operations strictly firstclass appointments mado by letter inventions tho limt ball century sotleast rs rovoltioniiied the vrcrlfl during tho last bait contnry kotricastamoiig tho win ders of inventive yrogrtts is a method and ins teiii ot work that can be norforiuod all over vie country without separating tho workcrft thcirhbnics payluierallrftny ono ca- work lthcr sex young orold uospccl required capital not nooded you ai started free gut this out and rotbm to us ani wt will tend you free somcthins of rreat vnluo and im- ortauco to you that will start you iu lurincs- which will bring you in more money ri ihtanny thon anything else in tbo world grand outfit free address tnue c6 augusta ujiino pftnwt v rewarded aro tjiobo who xix v io li read this and tlioutct they will find honorable employment that will hot take them from their homes and families tho profits are large and sure for overy industrious person many have made and aro now making several hundred dollars a month it it casylfor any one to make 45 and upwards per iklay who is willing to work either sex young or did capital not needed we start you everything new no special ability required you reader can do it as well as any one writo tolas at onco for full particulars which wcmailfrccl address btinson co portland maine er tin iron do tho 1 ability riiimlife b l oiq m and at the tiame time auiiomices a great clearing sale o dress goods mantle gtoods i ulsterings carpets hosiery tweeds flannels readymajlesj ovqrcoats underclothing i l blankets hats caps j i furs and millinery 4 -exo- our stqok must be reduced by at least oo will cure or dizziness dropsy flutterlh 0fth biliousness dyspepsia indigestion jaundice erysrpelas saltrheum heartburni headache acidity of thesf dryness of the skin and overy species of dis arii irom disordered liver sudnsyi stouacabowelsokbpood tmilbtlnico barg extraordinary he ap the 1stoiid b extraordinary at- au thinks when treated by a friend to be obliged to take cigars instead of receiving what one may call for but when ones friend signifies bis disapproval of smoking an i endeavors to arrest the secretion of tie irritated few figs it noionly we pity his humiliation and indignation but be mu6t remember that figurative y speaking wlien in ttoroo we must do as the romans salivary glands with a is humiliating but aggravatini 1 1 ond ihdieual 4 do in a 8cott act county w njpst be scott act men f and further he must bear in mind tbnt it takes all sorts of people to make a world scott act lh haiwtoi imiwom jan it before magistrttte young at the courthouse tod y a warrant was issued for the arrest of d ivid dewar diotelkecpcr who was oonv oted some time ago for violation of thii scott act mrsvattio was fined 50 ant coajbj for a first violation of the fckott ai t little was convicted of violitlon scott aut and judgment was r iserved i i 1 ibuest cutter kelly bros have the westnf toronto e heart dnach tors oaoiraa unprecedented and unappro ached previous to stjekakinrwm ii i i t t t hu w we wji open this week and field to already lr bought at the rid dress goocuy mftntjjnw thomas of the 1- mens fine diagonal l plsteis mantles un d flannels and shirlings fciu isoc to 40c porj very chenp mlllinmiy jffrnmnpd ljatsi make reduced don forgopthftt wc give 7 note cumomers will please- note that wo carry si tell vexy low baoiiot at cost and consequently do not come undef the hea4 of reduced bpttbb an4s wanej life ifja wm during the next four weeks and to do this will offer every inducement to cufi toinaf s in tho way of prices everything has been marked down very lowj iu son cases below cost i -0l- new arrivals wo are showing some nico goods for the xmas trade including novelties of all kin and a fine assortment of wool goods and furs of nil kinds very cheap a choice stock of eresh grocories always on hand remember our special line japan tea at 5 pounds for 8100 also our bay city soap two bars fpr 5c 10 for 2541 or 40 for one dollar remember our pamoub 50c tea wo agnin wish you many happy returns ofjtho season henderson mcrae co acton vl r- n mccarvins newest styles very cheao consisting op- toilet cases dressing cases jewel and odor casejs in plush writing desks work boxes scrap and autoai- bums in plush and leather photo albums latest designs hand mirrors whisks and vhik holders toilet bottles for covering shaving cases ami mugsj magic lanterns dolls in china kid and rubber trdmpets mouth organs bibles both motd fiagster hairbrushesand perfumes boys and girls own annual band of hope british wotkman picture v books ac ac everything worth having will be found sit mcgarvins r driig and stationery fore acton ont k is if you want a new suit tew yocbsokjjek with i zed ev y j jbjjrii i merchant tailok n street i- acton o mil a now stojk of tho latest stylos in j tweeds and worsteds f juscroeciyod good fits aro always given and castomeis go away pleased both withjtbeir clothes and my prico- we caii givo you agood suit mado to order tor 1000 cutting done to orde o hbtdbb r u godeys a ladys book 1- ajrge stock of overcoats onib ca8eiof fine diagonal and beaver in the aouor- just think we offer liculous low figure of 31c overcoats for 395 worth s860 l mens beaver overcpats well made for 595 well worth 1200 not half price- sarnpje copy fiiteen cents 200ayeaei a handsome engraving to every subscriber teems to cltjbs tor cash commissioks 2 copies i s3 40 3 ii i5p i vith free copy to club baiser 6 00 5 i 7m 6 1 9 00 godoys at the present time 1b ajdmitted by pressaud people to be superior to any ladies magazine ui america having the greatest variety of departments ably edited j club raisers premiums for thosewhp prefer silverwaro to cosh commissiou j godets has arranged to give elebant silver plated ware ot superior makers as premiums the valuo ot which in somo instances reaches over 23 for one premium bend 15o for sample copy which will contain illustrated premiums with full particulars and terms r address godeys ladtsboiok philadelphia pa these are ubtj goods malic specially for a chfpnp trade but lashionable and substantiated vercoat3 and good enough iba tlie best in tho 7 l y barjalir ioljt the ladies j orthi30 for 55c wc oftetfine black or pojorcd ed gloves j voith jtoofor 50c liadies autelopegloves storey sons makcy we cannot repeijt these s goods for less thnn jlouble the price so doiiit expeptthis offer to hold good ahvaysjbut btjy how bis rjductions in the pj3lowiniiinbs lenvear irlnq jcotch goodb hosiery wool gloves wool hoods aid aps of overymwrip- aht tion cliiljda hoocis from 15c up womens uoodsfrorri 25c up furs must go jt any prigej all wool flannel 19c per yard betto onesfor 20 22j 25 28 180 cil whiccysfrom 5c up prints beautiful dark colors good whelatindnevdesionsj an raarkad reaboiittble felje boots hnliover mteaforaiol ajiid bonnets ior half the marked price and marked reat p mtujs good japan tea torfloo aud 14 pounds niediu veral liyes of goods that are not mentioned above a white and grey cottons bhirtirtii lineus 4o goods fv f- sis tsr fancy auwpol wtiich vo a promi auti eekable for oliolera mortsns oboiera lafautum i v dysentery and all plaints ooitoirwiori t t milb cure itloltt- ttm ipii86i