Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 26, 1888, p. 1

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sjasssilsr m- bs l volume xiitiol atf ir lamp h is rrivusmtn evert thursday mousing t at thk free pss power printing house acton i oseti ontario subscription rates tvuxi sx months iofrst tbske months j itnotpaidinudynuco iirtjrwirwiuivoharuca no paper utscoii- i ijjiil at nlv j pxwj nt ho i advertising rates vek lflklfks sulrtlm 1 ina 1 vi vjsaooi 1 vl i v i civm j iio 12 ml tw i jw lino 3700 iso tiro iix cisn lrri teats s iciits pr line tor tho vuts per timfor oieh sub- jjjaf3liwiiu cash tho number of lines moc3bv laesjuoe ivctiptcd mcvtivtl by a of solid soiiif utertisecictits xrithnut sruvisc iiations rill be inserts till forbid nul chargisi- neeord- e trasititfyaivcrtisercmus paid aadvme caas for eontrat ihvrtieiurntulust bo lac office by 0 atur on tuesdays otherwise jsytrill bo iff om until the following wook h r mooiu kdiuiranl vitmritftor aetoiji battkiug cmpaiiy storey christie t co -bankers- acion ontario jsqebllal baxkisq bosinbs8 tiaxs acted ontario tiiuay jauaby 4s 1888 howe loaned on appbovbo notes notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits ami ttirjcons t at hcheavlof ticatrick husinrss tdimtorn w h iovvky m m 0 l s- gaaaliiil rriivcoiexoiubcioi c0rfcysiv ofico an j reiaeti uvot actou jobs lawos gmhai or ontario wcrintuvokcio iorout o vet- nimiy fcrive acot 0 oyivtrhlifatiy itvs boot i- 1 j r ivuiri u iv ar iv uica22sn or jru aticuj lo l ljuissktt ids rohn ontk3uo o- tre cssjs s ood ftesfored v colter i p o far irii2ilann jp ttxcih oc illfr v ii-ii- 1 ldilcj i- a mkislvy u siimyon exnsr hrsetovii out los the ittsycu of nitrous vxu tvis conituotty iviiiod isi atii for otficiti4 uh tyitliont rita hiviv ivr 1h jot lvatica uiftwriu loiv ivu- o lvrj mirstviis towato jnatis miyocvud hjhi tvevivins jitisca ny otvrifra ivrfortnel ww tist acttwiterr s laa i fwli wvliteskiy olevi meat octia aaiws hotel jhcarriqre sritgkox dks- tist milton hoajr iraduato of llto bstii coiiftk ofijtfailsiis of oatirit- iu visit acton trrarsiiy v oi- h vcok5ciib- eiajsa first o jrly os- aaiv hotel ftwerrisj t tittinl tcci v specialty artiajiit leh fero1 oa ioicltlouj or ruk bo- bioj ariue i4erfcjt vitallso air xnu5 pxiio 31 1 other ajv ttes aej for ini2lei5 extrictioa of teeth tohsstos a- mluas burisurs titicitors xotarivi cofteyiaccrs tz printefnajiioioaa 05- tou iiaii actoa e f b johnston wa a alcltin t a mow at bieetteit cjiiaioi xoiiiv pltevii moaey to lorn mzz dw5 taesiay sturlay omt- mituterfs isou artoa t5tai for salecheap f pni uaersiiiecl is iireitrij to funiish on tbo l shortest oteo iu nny quantity ami nt bot tom fticbs ftfstlasa cedar rails and fenceposts staves headingshingles waslvtubschums but ter tubs pork barrels wood flour feed aul auytliin iu these liuob the iiuiilo ia to i better jilsec umu thomxvs g moore3 totuyaayuiiucin the above linos nljso toflu out it you trx- maebied to him for auytbiuc ptir- chasci from him his hooks sav some aro ami he noah like tiro iiouov machinery a stwe icater nearly now ami a shiiiftlo hoiter riul aw in tool comlition gohlio it mc- lullogh snake fflr sule low for cash thg3 c- moore aotcffi ont picture frames at waters brothers otcttjees -at- waters brothers comilv ivis paiuicr rods mtul3ints cvsls xuw ils buveiled mjrrots i mtlsrt materials s witssr a ntwtons waters- br others 2s wyxdhlm street guelph wellington marble works qt3b2c 3s0 5t gtrelip2 hamilton clark 1rolriktors wlibltsale mid rtuil dealers iu marble granite and everything pertainiiti to cemetery work direct importers of all kinds of granite and marbler ohiltox allax a bairl- barristers soliciu 0k3 crewmans lok otorpciown sin street cast tcroiio b agerow ilarsox barrter5atliw oicei ostiri a hsil 50 caarch street toronto bci co- ctdws attojtyrt atests secured foii isve5ti0xs kesev gkistot ttkity years practice i so piiciif no ivy n qun f iii irte vstu the riy cf iumlygranite tii lv- urhier thetutire stock te ioaaiaeutsheiilstout s andcr taylor at less autii firthr notice sjl at known in oaitio kcr in- rineats tt hitth g0 7 ft w 30 ft rijo all work cml firitlass parties wautiur baybqbktok f xma8 gaec novelties fancy tramps fancy glass loccs f flnobooks t0ts chudreus bools- our stock vfci v i fineundacw best assortment of newest goods day sells cjjeap full jnstinsost tailor and orajper is now sliowiu a mtniiicciit new and choice lines in fall suitings trouseviiiics iinseof l and overcoatings extraordinary value in underwear ties collars cuffs glovdsjic mens working pants one dollar j n stinson rockwbcd next door to 1ot otticc w 711 heastteet for tbe coaac5 ordars left a tbe u nrr rer i e ifl to ts a1k leoney to tsrtns and at the rctas of y zja i a ton hl halt 3 onico or b2 promptly at- oa on ies fat rilm johsday architect gcfuh oxt orp2ce qjceaa hor it mario t stjuare cmaxcis scxas isacfftor at r cuajmau lwoiiixllt j 5c gtorgs s larc gaeliili onto ikoact li perlaiirol of salaisntitit of ttmy at1 re i cresiw ttitis et- saati cost v e will fritesacvi r hfore siseccrriite s75 s ft 3 ft miteruil warranto anyhug in this litie will do well to cull and sve us b frc iarcnasiag elsewhere as wo guarantee our jrces are from otj to 00 per tent below all other dealers liyery j ii woliden h and v1g rsuniu roprif toihijoi iheiivcrv tuwnrs lately cririud on by 3fr w- t iil sici tii- pitron vf tlicpabuc o citlv uiuivt tr iuuhc cm customers if you want a new sui ltv vori o tailor actrf merchak mill street 1 nsketl of t a ehancu 1 staked inj tlontnrn twjis wear vllinhliii with no lo wothl btitiitjittlii jiluoii to ho hoiiosttiinl oarn iny broad nil in tho thma4jbllfu havo to lay myliund tlh lpoiinluln hetiiht io to lunii me n lio1iilnr liautl ilrid tiod fiu6wr iltrleil aitl failed my font btkfli into th6iiuiilifukiainl tho playis bono 1 know so mybruliift of the land loyond little- lnv luart lbftvo olink i frintjuid fall- m the outcast my eye n ro dim tiovo in n othiiir more i knovmvlu ro the rivof ijt ilowiiu fast i vaiiilnr if t coiilil crwji liclui brink 1 niolh tells in tales when tho stawnroliiii my brain isieoliiikri eanuot ttink no one vm id niis me no ono vv old cari lor i liav j itatn friend othavih tonillt i tried to li h4ivo fld1 knovs i i now thro the litiotiiuc nkiitlnvit x son tfo lifjiit o ho river is liowniiftuf is ilark and col j aiidilitoi iinii ifalnt ami fsll dim is h do tli of sleep rt faintly hcading robbers were foiled iv ax old coxtltjhvtol a anew stck of the latest styles iu tt tweeds pud worstei 3 just received good ills ere aivays civen and customers eo ayay juasl both vth their clothes aud my price- we call give von a siod suit nude to ilr fir ioxa cutting done to order o ii itjideit santa cla has jutitlvei iirltty axii vkisat ibt to orcr arefullyboui4 t he has las barber shop mu stelet aciox an ezsy shire 2tvlifh liatrct t a sood sea-foam- inoihtliaratiniisaiajikjalwaybgivtii iiajfjrb aoaclacdpnt infirtlas cotiditioo ladies aal caltdreas hairuitily cat i a- i wotdks tonylial artists salesmen wanted we art iu want of a fj more firstclnts men to cauross fyr tbe eauuof cboiccvajietie o 5nrs- stock- to men wtap can mnke a aec c tbt- basine vrt vn pay good ealaf ies orcomiiii3jioa andivperuiauent cmjiloyiueot vehave rusny ziuir aud rjjwce specialties both ntbefrai aud oniariienlaj linos wbich otber- ao cotbaudle appiv a onoe vith refereijcess may iilothkus nueshiiyiles liochesteb ky juelph business college glelph0starip t1he fourth scholastic year x b4ia sejnber 1st tbe faculty bas betaitrenstbeacj thetollegepeuii5esenlarged rf new ajiiiliaa added kach a tbe six tneaberaaf the ftfeultv is an experienced axfd mmfal jeaher tbe thjroah and practical fvk5 th f k the college is proven ralaatfctbotii iu canada vjteli equipped and stylish rigs can always be secured ten cent sp qiteles re 7 f ist class iers at spsci ust forcomrriercial trave- 1 rites a c nilht ilifbta drtil jivi all day us a call and j h worden hello i pause and consider that it will be to your own interest to patronize borne trade we would respectfully inform tho inhabitants of acton and surrounding country that we aro okain in full running order ami in a better position than before tho fire to fill all orders entrusted to us to parties building lumber will be dressed and is now unnacitin sonic tfvo dollars of wonderful xrnas 1rcj r for the bovs and girls jas f ten cent store otts tits w barber blfos paper makers georgetown nt 3iakk a sieflaltv of machine finished book papers bjtbesne withe unitel sufs u toe aaiantase orf fortetaii etc ailrei 10ly lajies are adniitted to red by the institution mi muccoemick principal lumber shingles and lath pho undersigned desircx to inform te tmblic j- it he has now on ham and wilfekfiep in j full line of iiuj and hemlock a weh a tner kinds of timber also first and second lmpinesbjngelatb coaj wppd haringpurebased tho coal business ot ilrci 2 baj i am prepared to supplyall kindu ot wore coal i have also a good stock of wood- hi 52 ah cedar and mill wood at reason- pricei wood and coal delivered i jamks bbowk h- mjjtul fide insurance company comrasr 07 wbilihetpij estiblisbed 1910 head office cueiiphj while you wait and mouldiiigf c mado with neatness and despatch k 15 wo are also prepared to fill all orders for i pumps on short notice and from long experience in the business we teel confident that we can give sat isfaction every time so como on with your orders and help tjloll the ball along money makes the more go whether sbc lias legs or ijio tiios ebbage manaktr anp high gkadk wekkia xev s tbe paper used iu this journal the above mills wm barber right to the frc of all competition ive place ouu awres naildingmerebaijdu mwiitoetorl ntl other deurintion of property on tie emluin note system w siofle nqbs dawson vreitiliint i- 4 weaving jib t 3iitcheltv desires to inform the ieople of actoli and surroundrrigs that lie is prepitrcd to take orders for weaving all kinds of luncy rbb carpfetg fluniiel slieetin shirtinf and drflsh 6oods striped orplaihwillor plain also bed bltiukets aird horse bhtukiets two yards vyidetnd over and i twill guarantee that i willivegood gatisfactiori to all farmers and others wlio will favor me with their patronfie t mitchell sale33ien wantgl edirsra 0 grabam lie popular and w knownifnrksittnttn ol eochoter ny dottrel to mijto arrangement with one ortwo live en crgotic meu to take ordore for bis nursery tock he lias a choice stock including fine specialties his iuducemont to beginnera are particnlarly adtantageous he f ulnllf art bm proinljes and kuaranteee to furnish trictly flrit class ptocil he cai givo active square upright menrbood positions ud desires to cornmrnrlcata wltli jew sneb men with a view of locbriog tbet tervbie write to bltn as soon as you have re this for terms and f till particulars kopiem only sgpara deeiing uien need ppl- laaw elegant and substantial splendid in quality i complete in assortnient i overflowing in generous b irkuinsl 4id mens womens and ouilipens boats and shcres rt7bbbe3 0vbss0e c at prices that always lead to speed- sales oo lowest prices consistent with- cood quality i roo i cutitojm work and r spairinr promptly attended to t5v ipih 8ftt acten wm us ind soiretliftio uiicd nettie wilder her mother v 10 ivvc to tjiiiss otilycliild till her stitoi mu emul love knew iioiiietsiiiif qf tile cause of chtinge and her thinking hours were often ts perplexed mid troubled a3 settics i 1or tlierovys eranu mitchell on tltje oio html jtln sou of tio richest man 11 cojerdale cijojo lucitcd- attirctj smooih of tongue and courteovi in mtiinei and there vfas harry lanii on thclother hand a stuhvart youngiiirnit r of twentylive vvlfo owned a vellcqiidiictcd farm was as honest and true u maii as tl wide world could produce and fully h own master and both were courtiii pretty nettie wilder and poor little settio was growing rao and womanly thinking of the choice si o mpstmake rr if harry had been hr bojdover all heilifc frank possessed tl cliaiim of noxltviind would talte her from the drndgemiof fiffm lifi yet ihle as something about fran mitchell tlifet nettie distrusted hhe cou d not ddjhtib and iipjciof tlj whispers tlnt mitclielrk son ivs a littlu viid hadcvr reached her yet she was conscious of certain shrinking from bis nicst teud jptche she a ia ioildeiii oor all this 01 pleasant october afternoon and as shadow crossed the window she looked t p to see llariy lihe carrying a large coven i basket we are gathering she pippins he sai jining to the window silk and i brougiit over a basket fpr yot nio tilrs wilde ftotuiii iner part cf tto room adivjd to svah some words pf tlniil adilmg i dont you want to take ijjtie to your grandfather ntttiev harry can go to tli crossroads with yon half relucjiritiy nttie put on her h it and sack kul selected some ot the fiur pippins for a tmtdidr basket with a notl and a spiiic nettie left harry at the crossroads where he promised o meet hurat fivo oclock to cross the k that saved nearly half a mile of the distau e to her grandfathers on entering the kit chcir sc lightened katie the old servar t by the shy pallor ol hejr face and the strange tremor of iter voice as she saifl sharply s whefeis graitidfather hes not come in from town yet w the reply whale vers como to you slis nettie atc you going to faint so i am tired i must watch fbr i grandfather or he may drive past then stte raa across the to t ateforir5era was a sotuid of wheels cm 1 is is frora bros- int 3oads the road ucr grandfather checked horse as she oeiiethmi f sa to her jump in im going over to si t- chells grandfather have you money ffcr him yes ail the quarterly rents foks all paid up to day you must not take it over grandfath r there are three men over in higgins qld barn waiting to rob you nonsense it is not nonsense grandfather i caiie across lots with harry hut when- i passed higgins place i saw some pf those gr at yellow pears hanging over tho barn aid wentto get them when i was up injhe trcet saw and heard the men they in tho barn and they know you have bt en collecting the rents they mean to stop yon and take tho money and oh grai father if you dont go on they will cone ver ficre to rob you so you must let ne iido what ihave planned let me take the money on and you stay here if they slop mo i uvill tell them you have sent money to sir mitchell you can say i met mitchells mtn wilson in town if you choose i of eu send it out by him but i met him today before it was paid but nettie i cant you run into danger there will be no danger to me thiey will never think i have the money but they may look to see for answer nettie took down a coil of superb brown hair that had been uettly twisted up under her hat shaking it cut she said give me the notes grandfather he took a large roll from liik wallet ind looked oir in mute admiration while nemio twisted it into her hair pinning and patting the enlarged coil until h was in order ind finally perching tho dainty hat over all dont worry about me she said kfi was bravo in tho t too of the actual stte said withftlittlolaugl i am not mr nov n girl from an old suddenly brought dont you kiiow man this is mr i snows buggyj uno of thorhou well liasn hjo a right to lend it to his i iratiddaughter to go honlo in retorted settio i ainthogoingovbrtomjitoholls asked the growling voice no oh i as if tho idea had suddenly occurred tbhor oh you wicked menl you thought gram father was taking money to mr mitoholls oh i am so glad i he mot wilson in town and he has bent mr mitchelltherents thejiiaruenoss o thb oaths that met this statement made nptties heart sink- but she sat erect arfd watched the hand that held her liorso in tho first surpriso the man turned to his companions and nettie gifthering the rein j firmly in her left hand the whip lash with all the force of her ycung arm across the hand shewas watching involuntarily it loosen- ed its grasp whik the horse startled by tho same blow dve died ahead with a speed that- threatened ne w dangor for the dusk wasgathering nottio saw harry luo nt the cross roads patiently wiiting but was compelled to pans at full- speed with only a nod of re cognition before she read led her destination she had full control of the horse again but it was a vc y pale face that confronted tho fatherly old manmho received her 1 with a lojpaltering voice she told her story uiibouri5 her hair and delivered fhe lhoney but instead of counting it mr mitchell tossed it down andasked i nettie did yo i recognfeo the men only osof them aud that onepwho was ho oh dont ask me oh mr mitchell dont dont ask mje i and then thoroughly unnerved at last nettie broke into a passion of sobs she turned 1o tho door her hair all streaming about her shoulders but mr mitchell put his hand on her arm and gently detained her you lliust teutme is it for my sake you aro silent would he he the man rob me nettie iyou must speak was it my son her face answered him for she could not speak with shaking limbs she loft the house aud drove home what spirit of bravado tempted frank mitchell to be there waiting for her she could not tell but he was in tlio sittingroom chatting with her mother j as she entered weary as she was the sight roused all nettie rpirit and in answer to her mothers juts ion j j why nettie did yon drive home she told her story iu every detail except ing her recognition of the man who listened then saying j i mtial go and put tip my hair she turned toleave llic room- again stopping as she passed her visitor bhesaid in n voice heard only by himself you arc wise to wear your gloves until the inark of my whip lash is gone from your hand folks said thoy reckoned youn mit- scjieil was jilted by nettie wilder fere ho heft covcrdale a id went off to york t live but after all si e d got a good busbar d for everybody knew harry lane had jus loved the ground she v ilked on ever since he was ders wdiy nettit tways has a grav face for a moment vheu she sees th first october pippins cr nny of higgins fellow paars a story goulde old told of wah connor jay partner ill the business wlicfss wollkno whioh illustrates theprool street man connor durjlng a sojourn ijn london pre sented a 25 bank of bnglfind noto which like ur own curret oy iffsimply a promise to j ay to the bauli for redemp tiqii ingold the banks rjuatom on these occasions is to rcquiro the ingllie noti to endorse said cpunot when him tdoi littlo careful note of hanc the astonishment of not easily be i dont l elieve ill indirseitall i dont know you give me the but sir stook brokerage ivn in cluoago vityiof tbo wail o play pranks ri solemn places l poraon present endorse it i tho ri lo was rend to t know nboi t that im a what i etidojrec this is a iife depicted in words besides it could aint nccehjury your paper ink of england ts good 1 gold and take its our rule ldont care anything nbout your rul ibnt the paj er good good 1 gi od is a b note good 1 i ro you mad jnan v well if jts good t vfant ihe qii it who alio american indorse it the pfficia face connoi a muscle ill not iidorse it he money must bo an iing mm and kstlkjian pridoj ill nature ai 1 want of sensobaye swifture tho tlnei great saurcoj of ili manners without j oiiio one of these de- fcotsno man will lihave iiimwlf ill fur want of experience r what in tholajigriugo of fouls is called kndwing uio world who is tliat niajj indignantly asked a young woman onejof many crnployca in a public office inlbja goodly old city oi detroit j not to knowjlialj geutlcmalt is to argue jourself uukubwnf gentleman indoldl was the withering rejoinder of tho no thoroughly aroused young woinan levcrmet a more ik luannered boor dear mo fvliit has he been guilty i was obliged to go into mr d room just now- sh said that person steeiti so highly sat itli his heels on the head and a burning he coolly not to- say at me hut ueilher- i ptflce r cijm you oi jait your fun gasped nearly pnrplo in the s countenance did net change said and as its a genuine note if you dont pay it hi protestit protest ij i protest thej bank of eng- 1aiid4- good i leavens i yes prot ist it and before night the clerk limbed down from his stool and ran into a back room he returned immediately rcith elderly officials all three greatl excited conndr calmly re duced the ne i coiners to a panic by repeat ing his threat and after enjoying the spec tacle feigned a sudden understanding ol tho case and indorsed the note aud got his gold chicago aeics this axd that i wont you have con- hear had words he let a little boy in 1 ho city who hactno nice playyard was sometimes allowed to play in the street hi s mother always told him to have nothing to do with boys who used bad words and jj bnny felt a great respon sibility for good behaviour when trusted alone j one day another boy to whom he had lent his drum got vexed and broke out in rude disagreeable language johnny marched right up to the boy and asked fdr his drum saying i i must go to my mother why what for the children all inquired i mamma neverlets me play with boys who used bad words said johnny well i wori use any more bacf words if i may play with you said the boy sorry to lose the music of the drum ill ask my mother said johnny and if she says i may then i wjill but i shouldnt liko to learn such wordk tell your mother johnny ajnswered the boy im done now she neednt ever be afraid any inore of my using bad words for i just wont thats all if bhe thinkb do jr johnnyls mother watched the children at their play far a time afterward and she never learned that the boy broke his promise not to use bad language any more a writer ot superstition concerning bees sayathat in orkshire them is a custom of inviting bees to a funeral and when a swarm of bee i alight on a teadtreej there will be a f uni ral within a year in this town there are several dsaths within a year even if t swarm of be s doht alight on a dead tre and when bjes are invited to a funeral i is generally i o their own norrustoicil fhrald magistrate to prisoner what impell ed you to con mit suicide prisoner it was a converi atioa i overheard bir on the boat coming lown from troy one of em said who s po ducky ithe other said ise po duck whose ducky is oo sfj i happened to 1 ttve some deadly poison- in my pocket and i stvallowed it boston mot her then eluded to mairy james clara daughter 4 school mo m yes lina james will soon be mastt r and wo think it isan econ omical measi ire for ns to get married mtj where docs the economy come in d well re bath wear tho samo size spectacles bofi courier i commend to all relatives of corpses the following wor is of the dean of york which he addressed ast week to the members of the church of england burial society a costly os chtatious funeral is consider- iedamarkof mlgarity london truth how does it happen that there are so many single women among the school teachers aiks an well it is just possible hat a girl who has taught school is airai d to marry she knows what sort of cubs n en are omaha daily- world the mosqui to of 1887 isnbw laid np with a sore throa and fears are entertained that his vocal chords are permanently in jured for this season button herald wlioiu you seem to reading u paper table iiii bat on hij cigar in his mouth impudently stared changed his attitude nor ceastd to puff qft his cigar if you i you dont go in there this minute and tbrijiy him out ofthe wio dow illiiever work never there l it was -even- so j dip indignant yomig woman had not exaf eratcd the situation yet this quihtessenl e of coarseness this lasl expression of t te vulgar illbreeding and of watitou disi atd of the iirat law- of pohtcneas is an ack owleflged social lead er a practical club aun and one of the most potential fina icial factors in the group which michi presumably he does mid other channels tho vulgarity that in usinetropoli3 boasts lot carry into his club that know him well irked bis conduct to ward tbe indignant oung woman who it bhould be noted earij s her own hvelihoodv nevertheless he is rcpfoscntativc man who sways a pow ful and farreaching influence iu this i munity detroit fqa pre tell what a diligent the shores of lak foundthe greatest world throughout tbetockv ute world the sz tl e creole lady cily of gulameui lfc about it uncovered t and lh us revealed li i tho greatest copper me ever knowfij a result of the pigs now snocoooco ricl wherotnen are ti itrafashionabfe com wllat a eog found the creafgr has j rovided the hog with a snout intended to iig for its living the diligence wilhwhicfj it applies itself esjta cially when it break into a garden proves that ithas accepted is more than can be the situation that said of some beings of greater intelligence than the hog pos sesses a traveller iu thjstatemeiit given below og once discovered on superior where are topper regions in the barren keewee- things never done greater deeds than have over hoorrsocn brighter songs than the poot lias sung aro tho things that aro dreamed and trjod vtocil r hut which hayo uovor boon done tho fairest picture tho artist paints is hung- on tho wall of his brain on his caiivon rests hut tho shadow faint of what ho wishcd to attahi abovil success hovers ever tho thought marring sadly its bllas- lietttr than this was tho thing i sought- btitter far bettor than this for strive astro may wo can not grasp the visions that lure us on thoy nro evir held in our inontal clasp and our hiot is uovefdono llut thisfaiicy docs oft my senses woo that perhajis in the world to como- wo shall mid tho things wo have triod to dp uutjwhicjhhavouoverbeou done care and love when graven on thctiiucltlovod brow lines cross the surfaceman with oneswift thought from then to now ve stgh thoro has hoottcarj but when tho cloar and shining oyes liaugh at tho browabovej awivy frouware the swift thought flies to qry but there was lovel fatty carly in chicago times l the bridge of death an alpine guides sail fate dangers avoided t is j l n tl ts vf f o be voice naw iemnsula gec 1 for nothijifi as farm ingi land tho imij ense copper deposits have caused large tq vns tospring up ajid they giveemiijoym it to tens of thou of nieu about eigl e2ii years ago strayed from thedr jve to which it edand fell into a pit en a spot whe v stands in rooting mass of native topper ne of as rooting liumauity is er iu the use of the copper there discovered and tho stock holders who aided ly the pigiave helped the world to this jlvcalth have receive about s3000d0g for their troubl chiitmtn iltjiir philadelphia mtlhodint i pertinent points you- iug the old man tenderly then after a moments hesitation she said very very gravely grandfather you will keep a secre if i tell you one yes dear then while you aro grateful that are not ixposed to robbery and perl aps murder tbpkhcayentoo for my esc ipe one of tjioso men is frohk mitchell she kissed him and was gone beforn he had sufficiently recovered from his ampze- ment to answer her she drove rapidly hoping to pass iig ginsjbarn tooj ijiiiokly to be stopped duafe was gathering but three men s ood across the road and ljje horeo stop oed the men were all masked but neltjiol new well that it was her lover who grasped horse by the bridle and ordered her fatberjp alight it was a haid task to ljiugli but the ii ik v f e that would enjoy the fruit mubt not gather the flower the older the man gets the more diffi cult itis to pull the wool over his eyes he has a good deal less wool jfou know a baptist cl urch in ocala fla has expelled all its nembers whose names have appeared on petitions for liquor license wo are pleased tqjsee that somo of our sacnlar exchaurjes afe directing attention to tho prevalent cruelty to animals the brutality that a luibs a jwor dumb beast will not stop tb ire j f a niau may lo a good imsband a kind fathor and a regular attendant at his right church and yet not able to carvel a turkey without nrousiuk angry feflingb aud unholy thoughts in every oqo present ati irishman threw a sido light on the whiskcyqueftic n when he said on st patricks day tl le wholesalers rode in their carriages and t to retailers on horse back but wo cousumi rs trudged on foot a littlo boy in one of tbe city german schools while defining demijohn a few the bristol ratic creole lady writes a new orleans correspondent is often a model for the imitation of her sex she is an obedient and respectful daughter a faitlifnl wife ind a devoted mother she is soft of spee h and has a grace of manner which gives a charm to all she does well educated and accomplished with keen wit she makes a i rilliaut figure in society but is neverthelei 3 an excellent manager of her household and gives a most careful supervision to every detail that will en hance tho con fort of her lord she looks diligently afte r tho physical and intellec tual welfare o her children especially are her daughters trained under heir own eye3 in all that goe t to make women lovely in mind and pen on their tabkb for school are conned by her side their music lessons are practiced vithin her hearing that she may detect ho least false jiote she shares in all their amusements she ia their compat ion their confidante their friend they come ts her with all their little hopes a id fears sure of her sym- pathy f when the d tughter is grown the creole matron bloom i again into a rich second youth her ot r girlhood is renewed in that of a child ly are scarcely mother and daughter any longer but a pair of loving conceiixjxg caweij mariie white u13 well known fashioi- abe mihiuer of london died last wee from the effects of ujji operation for cancer for te first day orawo after the operation she was- fairly welljput site suddenly got worse aud died inlview of the discussions that are nowgoiug oil in the medical pro fessiou abont the pel sibiiiiy of cancer be ing infections it iia curious fact that her husband is suf ering from tlje sfirrre malady a boston lady of 0- was told that she must have her can ter cut out she was very delicate and pr iferred death atfriend induced her to picl red clover blossoms make a tea and dink a cupful at least twice daily the a ncer seemed after a time to disuppearj aud the lijei to be umilv iery old thisfrii i ludteome of arl whp all died of ci xr and she told me that nvery snnim- she took dlover tea 1 i t once titily for eyfi d weeks and that it kept br blood pjir from tho taint aud she hdlreaohedja lod age anteuestn paragraphs thefwill of georj 1 e downs a promin ent unitarian of c nton mass distributes about 90000 amo e varioas religious de nominations and b nevolernt causes english statistic ins now figure a popula tion of 28000000 f r england and wales habit has been e loken of asa cable one thread of which wi form each day of onr lives iiriagining th t we can easily break it but we are rujely awakened at some time to the unpleasant fact that we are m which it ib- almost one day in august in the sommir of 18clrtwo austrian noblemen were crcssing the grand plateau in their descent ol of the loftiest mountains of switzerland they had crossed the grand orevasie in tlio morniug by a snowbridge bicfa lhough apparently insecure earned safely over they reached it againon ttoir returji late in the afternoon the le iding guide had advanced to the middle o the jbridge when to the consternation of his fllfellow travelers he suddenly disappeared rora their sigbt tbe bridge had mien beneath his wsigbt he had proceeded too little cautionand had disappearei i for ever in tho abyss below they tied to- gether ropes and let them down into the crevasse but nohand seized them no arose from the darkuess how few of us realize the importan of trifles or that incidents which iu them selves seem wholly insignificant lead often times to mostmomentous results a single grain of sand holds in a viselike grit the delicate mechanism of your most rel able timepiece the business man tied down to his ab sorbing cares goes home at night with a throbbing brow and a lame back this continues a day or two and he remark 1 to his wife that he is so overworked he thinks he had better take something to brace nira la tie ho tries a tonic and for a few feels better- he flatters himsel be ell poor man bow little he realizes the trifling indisposition was a loice warning him that the tired and overwo rked kidney the most important primary organs of the system had ceased to perl orrn their proper functions they no loager eliniiuateproperly the waste matter of the system and uric acid accumulates that means disease the body cainot be healthy unless it be free from this poison if the blood channels become vitiated with it as they must be unlewit is carried out of the system the man is liable to disappear from the wjrifca of life utmost ns suddenly as the guide who eut down with tho insecure hut unsuspected bridge so maniy of iheordiuary disenses so called are tbe direct results of the aclionafthispoieonthatit is difficult to tell how one will be carried off this was precisely tbeexperienci of herman urban of the celebrated firm of safe manufacturers mckeale fe urban of cuuiuuati o he has always been ft irery actijve business man had overcome n any couiihercial difficulties but about five yearsgo lie began to run down wilh a sort of general debility headache want- of spirit and nervousness there seemed ecbe no life in my blood no vigor in my muscles no marrow in my bones he says he tried physicians in vain tour years after this sad experience he reports that he used warners safe- oure at that time and his prostrated condition was completely cured aud he remained sb to date i am he remarks more ihan anxious that other business men rorn down and likely to be overcome by kidney disease whose manifestations are so my sterious that they cannot positively iden tify the disoase should try the magnit cent remedy that did so much to me h i i t s k the lqrds treasury bound by a cable f impossible to free the good breedi enables him to d disciples of christ sisters the oung girl is educated in a convent and leads a secluded existence until she is launched into s6ciei and then in the jc yous life that bursts upon her she is alw lvs surrounded by the same watchful care that guarded her ctiildliood yoang girls ire not allowed to go into society withot t being accompanied by their mc thers or scmo other married 4ady as ch iperon oni of the many creole customs wnich have b eu generally aeopted by the american residents of new orleans jrheso yonn girls are often wonderfully beautiful g od features handsome eyes and graceful f gures combine to make them very sttretctiv their beauty being not in frequently 0 riental in type though the vivacity of ih sir manner marks them as eskentially jf encli in chsrocter many creole women are very accomplished they have a skill- it music aud painting that is often artibtjo in the litieri ry cluba whiss sooiety wo- a mistake he- said a demagogue is a vessel that holt s beer wine gin whiskey or aiy other ki ad of iutoxieating liquor the chriatiup- citizen who takes but a langhidinteces in public affairs and half the time fails t vote is the one who com plainstjondear ring rale and corraption iu politics l t him do better or cease big winnings 1 men have 1 inaugurated of late years m days since mat 0 a mibtake whioh was not 1 1 ifew orleans the american ladies have a washingtc 11 telegrapher has invented a typewriter v inch will transimt messages b dre ttnd ii skid to be far superior tot liprjev tu -i- v rselves g of aii irreligious man what some professed ail to do thoy forbear to talk about theml elves continually what borne peopi 2 call their sensitiveness ib merely a disincli lation to be treated as they would treat 1 thers underthe same circumstancssl imal of education the woman who shows her love- of ad miration has not l een spoiled by flattery only the spoiled g jib take it as a matter- of course philadt hihia call tt is written esussat oyer agiunst tlie treasury and beheld how the ptiople cast money into the treasury mai y of our church members give much mor for tobacco and otheruseless luxuries thai for religious purposes compared with the liquor bill of the nation all tjie miney given to the lords treasury is a mere jrifie a drop in the bucket i ask is not this meanness offensive to the great fiead of the churcb must he hot now be dis- pleased when he beholds how the pple cast money into the treasury a 2v iiuberieon maijin prabyurian mtaeaqer f- tnetuxe the oli 3 cow gow jhflkd of befen astoui ih d to find the creole ladies quite as well wsted as themselves in eng lish literal uri while possessiug a much greater kuc wl 3dge of the literature of other countries monef sav id and pahi relieved by the lcb4liyiitilrmeay ijpleothcvoit a small quantity of which usually sufflc to oure rt conghheal a sore etut hrattp- it sprain reflieve lorobago rheumatwibieuralgiafcxociriatc there is a certu n cow whose death bus insured her a long literary life the event is chrouijed in v which runs some what iu tliii stylo thero was a niau lio bought a cow an he had no f ad to eivo her so ho took up his f ddlo and played hera tune consider my cj w consider jhib is not the tluj 3 for grass to grow consider my coj r consider this is said to have been the famous tuuo of whiflt the old cow died but long experience has ouvinced mo that an obvibns derlvalio is seldom the correct one and i would father put forward an other among t b inspiriting airs often performed on th nielodiousand richly modulated bagp o is one known as natlfanial gpw lameutfor his brother and when listenin to iti have felt ah in ternal qorrviction liai it and no other is the tune the li gow died oltht coruhulitagaahe nothrpgso suddenly obstructs the per- spiratiou as sudden transitions from b sat to cold heat rarities the blood quickens tho circulation and increases the perspira tion but when these are suddenly cuiickedt tho consequences must be bad the jnosl common cause of disease is obstructed per- spiratiou or what commonly goes- mff the namo of catching cold coughs coldgt sore throat etc if attended to in time are easily subdued bntif allowed to ran their own course generally prove the forrunner of more dangerous diseases ninetenths of tho consumptive date their affliction from a neglected cold and the diseases that are caused by wet feetdamp clothes or exposure are more numerous than are generally supposed que of the j most efficacious mecujcines for all diseases of the throat and lungs is bickles auta-con- sumptive syrufji it promotes a trie and easy expectoration which frees the lungs 4 from viscid phlegm by changing the secre tions from a diseased to a healthy st it is thereanyth ig uiore annoying than having your corn stepped upon is there any thing mote d ligiitf uf than getting rid of it hjqlloway gprii cure wiir dp it trvitbudjbecoi zinced those twin foes to bodily comfort byr- pepsia and biliousness yield when war is waged againstithem with northrxp and lymans vegetable discovei and i yspep- tic cure its use also insures the r imoval of kidney and uterine maladies at d pro- motes unobstructed action of the wwela tiie purity of its ingredienu is nother point inits fotor as a wood pni iffer it has no equaitit is also a great- lorite with thetadie t- tiff hilsjjp

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