Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 9, 1888, p. 1

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bwiv ir h plraej xmls inm st- a i t m est no phc ateriut ssi ower j snide sol wr rtbe c car oa 3r5 tlews n catabml cold is tar i stsit et joar in jt i im r oot m restoredfp ir n cf jjr cnlrersja fen lb etdfcal nag iity iiktsceil voiium e xiii iso 32 is rrmvshkp fivebv tluujsday mohninq vt tin fsee pss power printing h0u8e actox ontario su3sckiption ratse8 oxkvlan 1 s vlvnrhsv40ct ehrkk months ssct livrilv 11 r ivaiieo if not paid iu advance iiijiorvoirririlllw charged no paper diseon- aav1 till h arrears are paid except at tho yjtiia of ihc publisher advertising rates- sjiawes winhis 1 ai 1 1 fl0cl i vvftl i ww c mo 3 mo i 1 mo 3500 i3w 3 aow lioo 700 aoo too aso aso 100 casual ivcrisrie nts s cents per tine tor the srjt insertion aul 3 cent spermine for each sub- iucut iuertiotveash the uuuibcr ot lines p tosei ot the space occupied measured by a scale of smiaxovyureu advertisements without pociuc directions till be iascrsftl lilt torbid and charged accord- agly transitory i iwrtiseuiculs must bo paid 3 a4vr changes for contract ailvertiscnientshiust bo i3 th office by am oil tuesdays olhcnrtsej tact will oc left over until the foliokitijjretk 1 h 1 moore j editor and proiurietor tsusinrss birrdorjc vtf h lowium b mcps f graduate oftrinity college member of coucjr of physicians ami surgeons osrt and resilience at be head of frederick treet acsot john lawson gkadrste of ontario veterinary college toronto vet- orintsatsoou actea oat office in kennv bros ss at risoe store reatdenee in the rear horses exirtribel as to roitadness and certificates iv at calif aicht or day propjptlv attended to terasoisv l l bennett ltts dentist rfionoetowx oxtidlo a cmkinlay lds surgeon a dexnsr oeoreetown ont uses tho uctsfrsteri of nitrous oxide gas commonly calieivitatiied airl for extracting teeth ttithout niin jhvuh ihvh demourtrator and practical teacher in koyal college vot dental snrgcons tomcto patroas may deijeud mion receitink mtisfioa ia any operjtiou performed will tit acson every second aud fourth wednesday of each 220lh office ta asaera hotej jh carrique rjvrgeon den- ti5t muton honor grwlnate of tba kotil collci of- dentil surveons of ontario rili vi actoa viiarsjay oi cls weckbepin- nir e iirsl ot july oilicota agnevrshotel frf5errtion of thenarurar trth a specialtt artiscul iaserted on gold celluloid or rob ber bise cnaraateel ijerfett vitalixe1 air nitrous oiide au j other anaesthetics used for naialfss cxtraiuon of teeth johnston t mclean barristers solicitors notaries conveyancers ire pritate funj to loan osx town hiii acton e f b joirssron wa a itclevx a mowat j ouciion notakt pceuc money to loan fhl dais tuesday andsaturdar maths block acton upstairs 1 thilton allan a ba1rd barristers solicitors ac toeoxto 4x0 gessoetowx osces iniluiaijs hijci georgetown and hp kic street cast tcronto ltiiinis j bu baiti ba acton batikiiitf qompauy storby christie co j banker8 acton j ouitnrio a giwavmi iaxklgbusinss ttlaxsactud kolrioaitbd on approved notes 1 notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits for sale cheap rrule umlcrsijiitht is prepared to furnisli on tlio j auoitcst notice iu any quautity ud at bot tom prices tirstclass cedar rails and fence posts stavesueadtngshingles washtubs churns but ter tubspork barrels wood flour feed and anything in thes- liiies tho puirlo is to find a better place than thomas c moore8 to buy anything in the above linen also to flud out if you aretudueil to bim for uuvthino pur- cbased from him itis books say soino aro and no would like tho money machinery av uo anil a shinclo bo ter and savni rood condition goldio mc- cullogb make fr sale low for cash thos c koore aotonont davs boistc j10e j xmas caids novelties fancy lamps fanoy qlaai i fine books picture frames -at- waters brpthers pictcrees -at- waters brothers cornice poles banner rods jlouldiuga cords nails glass bevelled mirrors 1 a rs 7s ma teria is wiusor a ncwtons at waters brothers 25 wymdhim street gdelph ir wellington marble works quebec 5t gtrelps b tlft aniirau rices a thirt yeaafeyf re iisminj eojm radically cbraisiiss re at pore fmp1j s of trkieii ebrfj1 cfciicon may wtyss i tiratelt and nur m ttehtcdsoeveijisj ta- m w- enretoije toaqri- ia or tw fcftkw feiicalcc po bo rock fabfcisr iperrkena -bte- itad bmdas d w- u- 1 tad fma cad r lhilllm o slm- is curef i user jcompwi eilreusnegigisj j sick headidwtg iffidiwy trtmmfft i trnttattyr skin diseesst ajidaann3attite iwfcatflter i loeiietalb i ask for n vmpouin bre poee ers ll cure icins into out agekow 4 carson iluailstfksatuaw ac lv- oiitino halt jo cbarch street toronto wtu reow john caiison bcl cj crot7n attorney patents secered foe isvestioxs ken t yec y gh1st ortasta caxadi rs practice napatcnt no pay yi71i hmstrekt lltniek acctioxeleb i fc the cjintiu cf wellington and halton ozicn ief it ie rrfe peess office acton or at tay rciiicute iu acton will be promptly at- teadcl to tcrnji rtasoaable usu iait to loan en tfie most favorable teriiisni at the o est rates of interest iu sums of ui j upwards john day architect gcelph oxt oefice queens hotel block market square f fanci5 ncsas hamilton clark proprietors wholesale ancfretail dealers in marble granite uiid everything pertaining to cemetery work direct importers of all kinds o granite and marble having lately visited the iay of fundygrjuiitc quarries and hrvia purchased the entire stock of gray and reel rnite monuments headstonts crosses urn etc of alexander- taylor at less than cost we will- until further notice sell at pliers never before ucovii iu ontario for in stance granite monuments tt liigh c0 7 it bsft jf 10o toft slid all workand materialwarranted firstclass parties wanting anything in this linowilldo well to call and see us before purchasing elsewhere as we guarantee our prices arc from so to 30 per cent below all otherdcalers lyiery saieessoriot f ctiapman f bookblndeb slgeors0 square gnelph oiltario- acrount ijxjks of all kinds mtie to order perio2ial5 of every descriptiottaref ally bound liaiins neitlv aul proajptfy done mhe hanlan barber- shop mill stkeet acios v aa eisr sbive a stylish haircat a good seafoam an eiuiliaratiiig shampoo always given razors hoael ani pat in firitclass condition ladies and cbimrias hjir tastily cut j v h wobden tonsorial artists sales3jen wanted we rc- iiitrant of a few more firstclass men to canvass for the sale oleboiccvarieties of nnrsery stkk to men who can make a sacctss oi tin business we ciin pay good salaries ortoranjin and give penpanent employment we hive rainy new and choice specialties both nteefrai aniftjarnental lines xrhicb other do not iniaiie apply at once with referencess hay bbqtheks kubsebyilkx kochestejl ny tt quelph business cole guelph ontario mthe fourth scholastic year l biau september 1st- the faculty has been ttrenjthcne i the college premises enlarged aal new appliances added each of the six members oi the faculty is an experienced and saisessful teacher the thorough and practical nature of the work done by tbe college is proven of the success of its graduates both in caniidtt aaauie united states 4ies are admitted to all tbe advantages offered by tbe institution for terms etc address m miccobmicki mmt principal j ii wouden t aaixfi aiuiikd proprietorship of iliolivery jjl husintss rulvearriel on by air w l smith would solicit the patronage of the public slnd will do their utmost to please ell customers well equippedarid styli rigb can always besetnretl first class outfit for commercial travel lers at special rates a comfortable bus meets all day trains and night also if ordered give us a call j h worden toits childrens books our stock fine and new best assortment of kjewebt goods day sells chep jstinson tailor and draper pieces verv full is now showing a magnificcn new and choice lines in tall suiting trouseriiiis range of and ovomlatings extraordinary value in underwear ties collar cuttb gloves c meni working pants one doll r j x stinson rockwood next door to post office i r a interface in an old place o wis ec kdlejir merchakt tailor ishes to inform tho public that be has re- uiovcdjhis hesiuess to the shop where mr j ffe has for many years so satisfactorily scncd his customers perolwillojicnout a larger and more varied stock of goods than over 1 firstclass gootds and good fit ever time leave your order o h ryder santa giaus hak auiuvkii hkaiity anlj tt ku at the ten cent store grxtexik and is now unpacking some two tjionsand dollars of wonderful xmas presents for the boys arid girls tho wi tvor at bih lopin is sluing tlrowi ills slhittlo to and froj up aiio down tlio treadles go- what a tattlliiu what a battling wliatit tliulllliij wluuntimimiiig as tho yeayor linikciihlh shuttlo j hither thlthorj send uiid eicuttlo web in o the woof must how up and down tlio trendies go huu the nixtle weaver kitting high li boa von b loom below up anil down tlio treadles go takes f r web the worlds long ages takeh f r woof jits king mid sagos takes i 16 liobuls and their pages takes r ii stntiohs and nil stages throne are bobbins iu his shuttle armies make lilui ticud anil htiutle web in o the wiof niust lloiv up and down the littt ions go callllly see tho iuyktle weaver throw 11m sliuttlti to mid fro mid tin nolia liiid tho confusion well th voqyef seems to know whate ich litotlon and comiiiotioii what e ch fukion and eonfustbii iu tho rand rekiilt will show glorloui wonderl what u woavllig to the hill boypud believing riiicli 111 fablodageskuow only fa th can see tho mystery how all ug thoiilslo of history when 1 10 foot of sagci lovolle it to the purest eyes i uiystietapol lies long to a tho mcrr girl at my s iiuict air of fashion now towns as it is necessary stills tbe vo this day wi one said the weaver j she bo for shb pbssiblo tho p her fnthor must quidt and comfort if her children and wait upon hours afterwards when we women had- done our dm y by her tnbtherb cdiii boiiy i iojkodforjior and found her tin btuii8 in jiur own plain room where bo much of lion roflotintod future had been planned nudl vjhero bhe 1 ges go culmtl boft an smooth and overspreading as if mi de for angels treading evory i gurehas its plaldingn iiiwrou h ilgurcs fading ever tufted circled touching never kach ill unieil what n riddle uy a cross that gems hc miitdle tis a ei 5ing some reject it tliat i light is all rellecteil that ti i tapelii hues nrc given by a lig it that shines from heaven tis bol eied by all beljeying thatgi cat god hiinsftjis wejvving brtnglu rat the worldsdark inystery iii tho 1 gilt of rjiith auhlstory and as rarp and woot diminish comes tho grand and glorious jjiiish tipn b jyin the gohletigits etold by seers and soges wlt yamiln lilcndtng hiddeh heroine chatter and uuyh of the yuy de was linsliedi as the sotiud of the old church bell irdated out upon the wr tjttjo quaiut hilly tiawn it was the t cath ldicllt not so much the evfnin such new liugland used to be but whenever it for it to be heard it always ccandialmoat hohls the heart front its beating till the report is nil made did riot speak again till we bad slowly counted out for the page sixty- we h id hpeuexiiectiiig it and annie she is really gone that queer old womnnitlow 11 in that old housewhich looks iteppedont of some old-fashion- well alio will not be much ab if it had ed story hoc k missed hushi i interrupted uud so sternly that ttie chi id looked at me surprised should not iave been so severe for bow could she kjiow wbjit i her grandmother i added i that of her i pecial friend- of yours did more- softly it is ui t for is to say dear was shfc an grandma no cbi d sho to no one h ro y ecesiiloi 1 lumber shingles and lath jas f kidner v ten cent store wrbarbefe k bros paper makers georgetown ont x pause and consider 1 that it will be to your own interest to patronize home trade wc would respectfully inform the inhabitants of acton and surrounding country that we arc again in full running order and in a ibetter position than before thefire to fill all orders entrusted to its to parties bonding lumber will be drfessed i iwbilc you wait and mouldings c made with neatness and despatch k b- we are also prepared to ill all orders for pumps on short notice and from long expecicjieo in the business vrc tcel confident that we can give sat isfaction every time bo come on with ypnr ordersandbiptojroll tbo ban along money i makes the more go whether she has logs or no thos ebbage manager x make a specialty of finished book papers high ghade weekly news flic undersigned ilebircs to inform the public l that he has now on hanrt and will keep in isficka full iit of pfue and hemlock as well as otter kinds of lumber also first and second elsmliaejihinslcilatb toal jood isvinarehaseilthecoalbnsincss ot mrc 3stli i am prepared to supply all kinds of 3vo c jai i have al so a ikxd atoek of wood ll vle prices 6v00 1 and cdal dellrercd jamf8 ituowk n ft cot l tiitor ifrfj boj4by mutual insurahge company i i or tub istabubhed i81p offiqe qubwph the paper used in this journal is from the above mills i v7m barber bros- t right imryiti slip ilid not hiar my approach j tlio baby was on the bed and she was walking tho lilt or with i ier hands olasried over her head and with a despair on her suddenly grow ulnd f aco that wafe bhook- intfto look ujicii bofors hho knew i was near her i pn my arnjis about her md said i cry chitil way but nhucoiil eut mo ulo4ipjt juust hooncr tho batter it is hard enough for a girl to bo without a motl or suoh a mother us i hod tub but there tire othor things thin cliango means to 1110 things none of much aba it but which will you will knosv bo hard hard lor me to i 1 would rather even then sho meant be forgiven for that crept into john dalsoji ana was iu hi mits oflicc recjding law martha thafrviry night thingsho said was thatin a to make uhoih cure for her as no john never bo now was obliged to life for me for all his pleading vas then trying to price thbee cents do uuytl ilng but look that 1 not cry sio only said bo fought out the cur so hard that die than livo to bear them 1 did not understand what thought 1 ho must be think ing of what slit 1 must gie up in the way of further educational advantages may i tho uucliaritablo thought my hoad had graduated from college second your in squire clay ho went to ind amongj other t her that night 2 for her sho nccilo she ans see what eavo me ears to come with het own to cbmfoi it ho vhiloho would bo able whore he could 1 to cared fofl cred that can my poor mother there is another and with heart torn and bleeding ajnd hersollt yearning for his love she never swerved from tho trust her mother hud placed in her 9 children again their futhbr johu keeping have she said to she he insisted cried with a to lnyo said it he knew cr was and would be to the ut his love was nor did his re- r to beai than his plead- from hor duty sacrificial weaving mb t mitchell desires to inform the people of acton and surroundings that he is prcpnrod to take orders for wcaviniill kindsof enncy rag carpete ilannel 5beetin shirting and dresb goods striped or plaid twtllor plainy alsobcd blankefs and horse blankets two yards wide and over and i will guarantee unit i willgivegood satisfaction to all farmers and others who will favor ine witntheir patronage t mitohelil sales3ien wantjii t 4mibaiuinmewaiusaaunnfactrlei 9qsfel aasctipttom ot nrpmrty ou thfr s2a bdiard p orahajn the pppttlar and woll irwwnsnrieryvian oyltocbcster ny deniros to makoarranietneuts with one or two live en- sjnws orders for hii inowryjl hisludmsnionts to beginners areparacniany slrantoasto furnish atrtcby fertelaia afoek he can give actlro njnaw p tons and dcaires to wnrmtinlwwa witn ussssv rswenrta8rtr to the eront of all competition we place oub elegant and substantial goods splendid in quality i complete in assortment i overflowing in generous bargains mknb womens ajjdohilbbens boots and shoes stjbbess ovaashobs 85c at prices that alwaya lead to speedy bales r v lowe8t prices i f roosglsmjit with i 4 good quality j oo i work and repairing promptly attended to ouutom r wffimh wasii especial friend ars ago her life went put for a certain feiw for theni uloiie she lived for tliem sh died to all tho rest of the world since they left her home i think her life has been iu tho world that might have been catching a glimpse of the secluded life my words jortrayed the child said then vi hy mus 1 1 not say what every one else wh say j becaus s you are speaking of tho most noble womi n the town ever knew no wdnd r the child looked at me jues- tioningly tliera certainly was nothing strikingly 1 oble in the appearance of the faded- sile nt woman wdio had lived so quietly in 1 er weatherbeaten vinohidden home vhe e thtf yard had grown wild with the unruly roses of olden timea and had scarcely a athbecauso of the pints and sweetwilli imand snnflowerb and holly hocks and jibliasjajl striving for possession of the ground tobcattr the doubts from the childs mind ijtom her the story of the apparently insignifica it life jttst ended ah me how tiine passes it was fully forty yeari ago hi the days when i was happy wi h your grandfather and your mother wc s one 0 the little ones about my knees tha marti a ansons death to this world tool place she was the pn tty girl of our town and she was vomanly and aspiring with an ambition 1 hat surmounted obstacles which would ha e thwarted a- less earnest soul in her ow 1 natur 3 she thirsted for learning especially since phe was to marry john dalson tlie boy who went to college from our town tiicf desire to be a fit wifo for him sptlrted her to theacijuisitioii of a fine odacatfh but only by her own exertions could she hppe for anything beyond tho meagre p iportunttieb afforded by our dis trict schodl for there wasla houseful at her home to 1 eed and clothe some said she looked to high for a young woman in her position nevertheless between the houra of horsev r she was always faithful to her ovei burdened mother and in times stolen fiom sleep sho did much of the village di essniak ing that she might have money ei rough t give herself pne year at least at a boading school when her wearing unceasing toil was at last reward ed and t he need id amount all lay for saf 1 keeping in your grandfathers hands trie end of bur earth y hopes came a sevt nth chi drt3ntered that homo and the tireo mothe r laid the little thing in martba i arms tnd saii it n ust bo outb daiightfir and my darling you wil stay with them all will you not and pb patient even as i have tried to be wit your poor futher i can iot tell on wlrut a shiftless good- fornotl ingher father wits perhapsit is wicked but i aavo always counted it a bright i pot ip 1 artbas life that he did not uye ion ito add to heif troubles rvj the 1 nother 1 ad hardly ceased to speak when a le died i was there itid aaw the seep af ony tha camoover marthals face i did not knew then whtdesifleb the death t f hjer m ithetmusmftat anguish she took tlie baby and murmered poor little th ing i hyc yiboome you dt riot kn w the mitety- your obmingi mi but not long ftlonowi i am allitli him again and they have oh dont shudder ilcbught no what their fatl motherless littlle ones seltish as inofit lovo is proacheshard ings turn her though it was with six h 2lpless litto ones looking to mc what clso an i do john shp asked it will not in the end harm you thatl do us 1 do to me alone the harm wijl come i will not ask vou to wait for me you will go out jute the world strong and free and in time on more fitted to take a place by your side w 11 come to you- you will broaden find progress i shall stay here and narrow an 1 wither i do not choobe it it comes to meyit isjiievitable but he conic not see why it must be thus and when she puttier head upon his shoulder to ol out part 0f her heartbreak ing misery yn pushed her from him bid ding her stay by those she loved better than she did him and went away and wheu she hear 1 tho gate close after him she could uotl ok up to see his retreating figure but ell as one dead she told me sill thisby your grandfathers coflin 1 was voung whqn ho died andt rebelled and tl ought no other womans lot was so hardae mine yes mar ha anson said therd are harder things ban death to bear you bad him all youro vn nothing came between you and the bt e who vfas more than your life to you petler havejiiim go from you this i way then to from you hating youmisundeistandiu you blaming you for doiuga ffodgiven duty then she told mo all j after a little time john dalson did go out into the world ojnr town was too small to hold him had he cared to stay what these last years have been to her i do not know sho went out but little save to churoh on sunday aud i well wo all have grown too old to do much hut quietly wait pur inyitajlioulb tho heavenly mansions i thought mino would coino before marihas but annie dear it is well there is a just god to nieto outa just rccompohbo to such heroic souls as marthaansons represents for the world caunot appreciate them john dalsous fame may ring piitlieire but tbe high arches of heaven will echo with that of martha the next day wheu i went down to take a lost look of the face of the woman i honored i took anuie with me and about the coffin she baw four men and two women weeping as if their hearts would break to me one of the men no hidden liht in his staf said as he laid his band on hep- cold forehead all we are we owo to- this sister you know whatbhe would have been tut for us i shrink from thinking what we might j chewaanyil have been but for her solfsacritiee followers of your wortlileto futhoj finite likely was my mental response aud went back to ray home thinking how little the world knows of earths noblest onee tempebaxce ca11set0 the fltoxt nol t tho editor of tho free pukes sin years ago thors wertj some strange r asons given why slavery should bp con tinued and even the word of god was c nsulted and drawn from forjbat purribsc but the keenest eye cannot wmo discover one such passage romo strang reasons were given some three or four years ago why the temperancp act of 1878 should nt become law in a few years more tlose vaporings of the traffic will appear still more ridiculous let us readaifw li iee from a cirpular issued in oxford co by well there is no name but wellsay tie liquor advocates in 1883 after -writ- it g a great deal in favor d the crooks asl wuiob grants them license and com mending it very highly because of its pro- fa bitory clauses they denounce the scott apt entirely though the prohibitions of j tt at act are mbre exsendedj and should pleasfe them better thonsat the close tt ey appeal tollic good judgment of llic elec tors to stamp mil with an iron hand all such uncalled for agitations and to stand by a law wkicji has proved itoelf q sncccs yet these same men years before bitterly opposed those restrictions which in their present estimation constituted it a suc cess 0 consistency thou art a jewel the bio max and ills ba00age it was a day when everybody waa tired and wanted tirsjt down that a large man carrying a grrplack boarded an eastern railway train aid aftcr walking through several crowdeejjcafs finally found the one vacant seatj seating himself placed the bagman the cusliwn at his side just as thotrain was al lout to start another man entereel and rrhde the same journey in search of a sea j as he stopped inquiring ly before tho laige man tbe latter said this seat is fngaged sir a man just stepped out bul will return in a moment he left hisbaggi o hero as a claim to the sen well said he silcond traveller frafnk- ly ilii prptij tirefl and iffypn dont object ill just b i down here anptiejfd his hag for him till bie retqrns and without further ceremon jl tlfiisire- proceeded to do then tho larginan who was bound for lynn earnestly iioped that his companion inightgot off at pomeirville or everett or how the cares went re but lyunpr a btation heyoi d and tto tired man thanked his starajor even ainioments seat eipecting oyery second to the gtipsack the train mo in vain did the strangers ticket was somervi stranger sat qui largo man grew ped at everett 19 custed bytbo owner of d out from the station rge man try to read- the see what his destination was reached but the ly in his place and the ervous the train stop- d still tho stranger gazed peacefully aheat never budging and the large man began to perspire then came cujelsea but the itranger lield fast to the biijandnoyer ejf ijred to stijr the agony of the iare mafcl was simply frightful but ho saw he coulef o nothing but grin and boar it and get 0 fcof the fix as best he could but the tranger had by thib time fully grasped tl 3- situation and though thankful for his eat determined tpjmnish the unaccommodating pig for his selfish leception so iheu lynn was reached gave awoary once i sought the greenwood shade j my cares came trooping after 4 vainly i ordered back tho grim brigade i they came with mocking laughter- t but when we reached the iriace f rpni ali about j rose whisiieringfanrl chiding the little birds sang jnlck youcareu out j out here is no place for hiding i tho grasses straightening up f throw a windpuff blew them higher tree branches sent them tossing to aud fro brooks dashed some in the iniro they found no peace some running f their heads gainst giant boiildors iwltiiig somo sluothcrcd were in wild flower j 1 beds j inflightfromsuuboains molting there now i cried wbdn of this w crow no vestige could i find 1 seojihat tho wildwood inn in store foi tlio next time stay behind hem k broke dewy yiig you witasdhumolt 1 jjs a 1 t a vacant lot dudes coats of arms twentybutton gloves whiskey lowers the man anil raise the devil why should a blockhead be promoted because ne is equal to any post j reading by lamplight probably accounts for the different shades of opinion the road to snecess is open to all but too in any wfint to get there withqut tho trouble of going i i 8orrietimes tho dude says a clever things bat generally the best things he getsjoff are clothes a joker tells of a capitalist bo timd that i e will not let well enough a loan without good security a great many people who are crazy to et into the social swim are drowned before taey can get out the obscure arab who inventedalipholic stimulants died more than 900 yean ago i twlarge man pdt forthtnp hand for- his j ti bag but the stranger drew back the same with an cxpressii m of burwise saying i beg your pi rdon sinj but this is not showing a ppli what kind of a rjagf aud then tlie andsoon po took one in jplace of martha they said she was beautiful and brilliant and could help himura to his ambitious heights before long tuo papers began to be full of him and his honor and praise rang through he land qnd you know how great a man he is today of martha meantime we heard less and color and beauty er face saw her her golden brown hair and knew that she was itruggl ng with the great less wo onl r saw the vnnd eraile fad out of vivacity go in changed to wlliti working for a id care on her stoutders saw her daily shrivel ing and shrinking wliat time had she for expanding but oht of time wis saw and the girls speak kindly combined to cot hating to confes 1 but what is meant by success if it is meant that tbe crooks act licence a system- uuderijtpocr the which impoverishes families icrcates ani- plictti mositiertetween husbands and wives re- tartls the gospel chariot wheeu peoples madhouses pleases the devil replenishes the grave plants the dying pillow with thorns condemns at theljudgmentday and shuts the drunkard up in hell then it has been one of the hugest successes this age has ever witnessed i thought however most of people stamped with their feet and bot with iron bands however the good people of oxford believed it to be theirduty to stamp out the nefarious traffic withi its din and clatter that the fiery breath of the wliiskeydevil might no lougert accord- tolaw scorch and blast the lives and happiness of their people and they did it with a targe majority the woodstock ifecieio which was opposed to the scott act before its passage baid a little while ago there ia of any kind in hotels while the treating system is to a great extent done away with and ikj talk about shebeens is silly aud uutfue the scott act bhould be mostly judged on it8merlts not lied about intelligent and fairminded men will watch the workings of the act and its results without being mislead by false statements either within or without the courity ofoxford 1 intendgdjib review in tbe light of tlie present some of the remarkablo statements of the antiscott act advocate published in huron july 25th 1881 but will reserve them for another letter as this has filled the limit of my space yourstruly a orrizknj of his wickedne3j a contented smi boston where t this true tale is gem to sleep soun yours stammered the your baggage but it isnt owner blushing to be sure t mt i propose to see it re stored to the proper person here con dnclofttiore al nun who wants to run off with this bagga that doesnt belong to him somebody put it in the seat to se cure a place nd evidently got left in boston fohe h snt claimed it and now this man wants 1 0 run away with it and he gave the cone istor a wink and as that ofiiciarttuewthftj stranger personally he iwiuk and promptly re the only thi ig to do is to return the bog to boston ur i store it among the on claimed baggage but expos nlated thearge man hold on tl re said the conductor 2 badge none of this nan was it who left the tranger and the conductor and one or twb syrnpatbihg passengers use the large man and he to bis piggisbness and knowing not wbjjt to do precipitately fled amid the frownfejand sighsof the observers but the stranger with had tbe bag returned to ie largo mau had to come next day and ic iutiiyr it the moral to have well why is shallj sing for yon tom 2 jlou a song with a refrain yes then please refrain an united states paper asks blaine like a grand piano give it up be cause he is neither square uor upright see herel waiter how is it that i find a trousers button in my salad ditama part of the pressing sah why is a jsorirolplayer like a sign d ser vice storm observer one blows tin i notes and the other notes the blows j dangeroub character your nioney or your life 1 iauthonhereit is bound iii calfloo written by myself are there no statesmen left isks a politician yea sir a good many there are dozens of them left at every elec ion jones who catches his pastor out fi thing good morning doctor are you st idying theology 1 minister yea ichthyology it is sad to see family relics sold it auc tion but the most painful thing unchr tbe hammer is generally your thnmb nail t 1 -fi- sometimes the big bill dodge fails t 1 the other day as one of tbe conductors on a worcester street car was taking his res a man sitting in one- corner bf the fa ibvious- bbstori globe i if tu0ught he life thus buriedj in due irptestttt come grand men when even the boys noblo women the baby wh6se cominf had darkened her way had ge ne f rom under her guiding hand i venti red to speak to martha of her concerns and with thti btrange smile that always seeme d like a lie to me wearjog it day in and day out ab she did she an- swered it is better the it has been as it has been i havu done more for the world than had i been left to follow my own desires ilobked at her wonderiugiifshe had no trioiight of be if no remembrance of what blip would he ve beep as john dalsoits wife only lust summer my queries bad a par tial answer your cousin elsie was here with hio am l henry antons little martha was also her i with her as the two obil- dreilwere ilaying in this room little martha said boftly to elsie auntie lias some old trunks iu tbe galret tiiatihe woutjlet me touch but i saw lierlool them over oueday aud i dont see why sho is so careful of them for they only had borne od things in them some halfmade clothes dreadfully yellow and tho needle was in a stitch in one of them just as jf some one had dropped it intend ing to sew rpmo more on it and there were somo pjd letters that aunty cried over when iho read them nnd somo old uewspancrs 1 with pieces marked in them dud the pipt ure of a man those hilffoado wedding garments tho old lov lettersfrom john the news paperswill hi rtportspfbis biccess arid advanceme it marked one ot those papers tol 1 of tiisi marriage another i ithew- tolil f the death of his irst ohild be haafllowod hjm wliije q nite likely he had nev r given her a thoui ht unless it was wlie llliankful that he bid not been tiodfor life to a woraau wlipcoi ltd bo warp f- vfi4 1- -i- anirlider rjtbt5litohbj her hands weft we agkiiffi wj8if pi anged her njipae pi p h tliougtr sjvf ipo j iqnies an4 sprpe of tl em elegant hprnfw keld their doors widt openforiber j sheii referred tp 5uvo a a poor boy ent to a house asking if the mistress would please buy some matches harry who lived there happened to bee the boy and to hear what he had- sar harry simply said poawiy the poor boy turned away his matches looking very downcast soon after harry thought he should liketo have a run with bis hoop so he went and fetched it but then remembered that he had lost bis stick he must have a good stick for a good hoop he would go and ask his papa f6r somei money ti one he found his father very busy rea he inade hrs request buti his fatherdid not answer him it presently he asked again when his father said go away poor harr now remembered that it was just the answer he had given to the poor boy with thejmatclies and felt how ranch better it would have been to have spoken more kindly i he still wanted a hoopstick a4thougbt he would go to the woods close by and try to break off a braneh that would flo for a stick he wasnot long in finding one but iu trying to break falie found that ii yas too strong for him while he was still trying some one stepped up behind and said i think txan breakit ho seized bold of the bough and broke it off harry was surprised to fiiictit wasthe matchboy and before he could thank mm for his kind ness he harlrun away harry now thought a great deal more of his rough answer go away to the poor boy and he and his father had a talk over the matter and father arid son both owned they had been wrong and hoped to speak more kindly for the future let us all learn tho same lesson- if we do hot want to buy of the poor people wo meet with let us art last speak kindly to them for many of them have sorrowful hearts and we should not add to their or- by harsh words little friend 0 henry clement almonte writes for keep a clear conscience judge chaiitaflly and act kindly to each other truth a roc large enough for all to stand upon- let the foolis ines3 of yesterday make thee wise todaji speak well of your friend of yourenemy say nothing whoever will cultivate his own mind will fiild full employ nent learn to- say- tiud and pleasant things when opportuui y offersi he shall who eigs he who will not dig niustiuc 1 expect to have l never charge i person with a bad motive if a good one is conceivable sever retort sharp or angry word it is the secon4widthat makes the quarrel if you waut t save your strength keep using it if yo want to get tired do no thing j if another ho a been false to thee do not thou increase 1 le evil by bbing false to thyself te to be avoided that are those to be sought and frequented thai uxcel in some quality or other played false with thee io- y true for thyself tajnpr- ow tho first degfte of folly is to think ones self wise tbeiiext to tell others so the third to despii all counsel the stronges men are oftep the most tender hearted the coolest and sweetest waters flow fri 11 under the greatest rocks never de3p 1 ir never be dbicouraged however storm comuanions good for nothiri if fortune ha day do thou p jet ssjibiil it was an old game one that is of tei i tried the nonducltors are usuatjready for- such things but this time change was blurt and the man of the patent register had just rung in a fare on himself when a drummer standing op the rear r platform- said 1 r l guess i canjbreak that 120 foryou the face of the pig bill man fell in a n oment as the drummer handed over a lot 0 small bills to the conductor his meanne ss was useress he had to pay bis fare thats a slim gameibaid the dr immer to another passenger shortly afterwards i never see it trjed but i want to break it jf possible a short time ago i was riding n the cars near bridgeport conn when saw the conductor come up to 1 man jho saf in front of me for his fare the fellejw handed him a 100 bill sis fare was thirtysix cents the conductor was an old friend of mine he came along to me and said i guess i am stuck frank f perhaps i cau help you out i an jwered i happened to have with me 181 sil rerldol- iars and icounted out 100 if yen evei saw a pleased man it was that cordnotori him sixtyffour ents change and then he went back to the sharpei gave gave him i ninetynine cartwheels the fellow swore and threatened argued laud pleaded it was no use the co idnctor had his fare and he hodihis change its a mean trick and nothing pleases me better ithan to beer it foiled boston hera v selfsacrifice in the bodleian library at oxford is a most touching record of heroism 1 nd self- sacrifice on the part of a child a record to touch tjueb heart iwitliits pathes the i tower dopr of st leonards ohurch bridgenorth england was left oneo and two young boys wanderingsn wers tempt ed to mouiit to the upper part anei scram ble from beam to beam all at once a joist gave way the beam on which they were standing bee irne dis placed the elder hod just time to grasp the heavens however dark when f vhire the voud the way ho ever great the difficulties i und repeated tl e failure press on do not say the world has lost all its poetry and bei jty tis nefi so and even if it be hoimaii thytjwn poetry and oeantr by liyingakroi j and above all a religious life a boy who 1 1 is learned tiat it is manly to be tender te the weak is rarely a cow ard for tho b ength and courage of bis nature aredev iloped by teaching him to nrpteat thoseiwho cannot defend them selves slipping over his body canghfuold of his comrades ef 1 legs iu this fearful position tbe hong crying vainly for help- foi was near- at length the boy clinging to tlie beam became exhausted he could support the double weigh to the lad below that t icpr lads no one no longer he eajled out were xth done a long time 1 was troubled with chronic rheumatism at times wholly disabled i tried anything antt every thiugjreconimenel- ed bntailed to get any benefit until a gentieminrwho was curod of rheumatism firj l eoifeotrib 0il toiclmeabbnt jk jt jjfigan rising jtbotli internally and externaby and iwforo two bottles were nsefl t- woauoiira iwabaittiliibnlp tawftjia crtbnisv cata atgonsurli mtyiiicmbm jipm likszv itonaty iauticonsui phildrhwiti ne8b for coughb fcolds bronchitis and aillodg and throat trdl ihles there isrippreparatio of medioino ton compare with bicklei anticousuroi jive syrup it never fails to afford prompt and permanent relief ii removesall ctouesb and heals the diseasee parts it im mediately soothes the mos troublesome c ngb and by promoting ex pectoration smovea the mucus which stops up the a r tubes whioh causes diffi cuity in breathing thereby gives rehef to that depress ig tightness experienced in the chest ablic speakera and bingere will find bicl ps anticembumptive syrup of inestiroal e value as it speedily and effeptually av ys all irritationand bmski ness iu the t toat and bronchial tubes gives power i the vocal cords rende the voice elf taqd sonocoub jf paren yish tosave beeves of yieirphrldrepapd themselves f or y could you save yourself if loose you replied the lad i think i could returned thu older then goodbye and god bli ss yon cried the little fellow losing bis 1 old another second and he was pieces oh a stone floor below panion clambered to a place of youths companion astonishing success ntoirecfii srkrffikrc vv rii were to lashed to his com- i safety i it is the duty of every person whet has used boscheels german syrup tol et its won- derful qualities beknown to their friends in ounng consumption seveie coughsj croup asthma pneumonia ai d in fact all throat and lung diseases so person oau nse it without immediate re ief three doses will relieve any case and we consider it the duty of all druggists to 1 ecommehd it to the poor dying consumptiv e at least to try one bottle as 80000 do en bottles were sold last year and no one rase where fairly was reported j bach a i leucine as theqtrmoy syrup yidnot top wely kpcrwn aiiyour druggist about it sample bottles to try bbld at ton cent 1 regalar v rhmhch anxiety trouble ai d m pur9jbdi3ij s ftflvy tirdgfiistb ara tmtimfewgm fesifeinniteffstttnft ia stimk tr0i k0sm

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