Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 9, 1888, p. 4

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apse ssft i i jrfe fttt ffrs thursday february 1888 fre sfoung jrortksr and lot of trna con radesby hit sido why three or four i hundreds when stauliur together in a yon know what im arumathmas spectacles i one j a ultlo girl named iaiiuy had the very kindest granny hijy ws she all dy long ktitttlivp st cmnpi mnn and rtrons souwtimcs making tiny rocks or fie pretti at twby socks p all the day ike patient hoc kit her grandchildren worked she she coujj tll hum stories nice wheii theyd sit cs still as mice ard with ell their might attenre i wondering how the story ended kamiy tboichti wih 177nv thinpi like grandma rnnll do she can revl write knit anil sew how to do tlut 1 dont know i lndieve what lniko her wise is her second prir of oyes those round things across her nose make lurvlcvcr i supposo soeaclailntngjittle van f r herraimie passes run thinking that wit ihein yon knew she would wise euu cevr toay but she culdnot roid oo letter and her work coiildtto no intter onmnie eominp in sjiid dear youll mv glasses lreak i fear fanny sati 1 twjjlawith them i could read vrie sow and hem irnmeanswiiv fis with paint knowledge of all thatmip gains yonr yojtng eyes are ear and bright tlasms cannot help their sight i have worketani read so loiu thai my eyes no wore are strong yon should try to learn nt once cwo more rliitlo dunce if you now begin to sry soon youll know as mnch as i sbe to loam at once- ik gin and a clever girlgivw ktr chihr oich magazine is auothef reason lovo ow proceeded bo- strong position dont driving at little bert hem spokk rmthor timidly mamma eys then for obr joining tho cimch if we christ yes bert said jcje ik u the little fel cause he told us to do sa and hn repeated reverently whosoev er therefore shall confess mo before men him will i confess also before my father which is in heaven 8oon after tho kttlo tssembly bpoko up but at the uext comi liimou art united with the church ho iad taken his place again in his class and had shown that he was not ashamed to seen engaged in christianwork bntvfhen ho was asked what decided him alt last right atop he said big brother one summer evening la brie and dyspepsias dreadful is misery nature the human digostiv he most complicated t nd wonderful things iu existence it is easily put out of order greasy food tough fjood sloppy food had cookery mental worry lar habits and many ought notto behave wade the american people a notion of dyspeptics but greens august the kicbrothkk rv irrs ma kasiistek itwas a treat touie little bansoms to be allowed to enter their big brothers room indeec it was a wonderful place and i ilnaysn5ed to fcclhtghly houored when i had tfpeep into it myself to begin wit joe bansom was a tall sophomore at college when will and bert were boys of nine and twelve what joe thought and did and said was therefore of vast importance in the eyes of the juniors that he was jijreke in the college boat crew andhadrried off all the honors of bis class iu study helped to magnify htm in their opinion and really the other fel lows sometimes felt as though the bansoms were ronch loo bbastfrof their big brother ha4 nobody an town such a possession except those two 7 after the ipy how- wouderful work in reforming this sad busi ness and making the healthy that they eaq onjay their meals and be happy liappiucss without vugust flower brings remember no health bat grcous oldiera have faced to take the ljytlk with berts the point disordered live indigestion is foe to good 3 apparatus is oneof late hours irrcgu- other things which flower hasfdoiic a american people so health and happiuesjs to the dyspeptic ask your droggtbt for a bottle seventy five cents jingles and jokklets half an hour with tin wise men the wit anil the paragraphs the ihy wheezing gasping sufferers from tsihnia receive quick and permanent relief by using southern asthma cure sold by all drug gists or by mail ou receipt of price jarrjes ii gilmour wholesale grocers havensed tamarac kilixir for a severe cold and cough which it immediately relieved and cured a timely r rernntlon to prevent serious of t gilmour to brockvillc savs i iiollowayb com cure destroys nil kinds of corns and watts root andbtanoh avhli then would enduro thorn wihi such u uheap mid citfiotml remedy wtthiu ijbol hangeron oatrtfrlli counterfeits are alwayiluangeyouy more so that thoy always closely imitalo tho erigiiirl in nppcaranon and naiiio l remarkable buccoss achioved by niisul balm as u positive euro for catarrhatiti cold in tho head has induced unprincipled parties to imitate iti the public aro cautioned not to ho docoivod by nostrums imitating nasal bat ni in najo and nppuaranco bearing such names us ku6tucretunlsnbrl balaam etc ask for nasal balm and do not tnku imitations dealers iayurgcupoiiyou for sale by alt druggists or sent postpaid oh receipt of price 0o and 81 by addressing fultord a co brookvilio out i real iiiki iinrorllo i lie sultrrlnit browns llousuholtl tanncea has no imal for rclievinc ptiin itoth inlemnl nnd tarnal it riueitnin in the sido back or bowels- sorb thnwil thenmat8m tootliaclie luinhgo and any kind of a pain or ache lfwill m6staurclyquick- uu lhe blond ami ifitil as its acting poivcr is vvondeifiil droniit honsehoulpali- ncea being acknowleilgtil as thu great tain uoliever nndof double the strength it any other elixir or liniment in tlio flnorkl should lie in every fninil hnd for use wlieh wanted as it really is the bckt remedy in the world fur cramp inlhc stoiuach aud pains and ctuts of all kinds nnd ifn alo by till druggists at 25 cents a bottle aiivickto mofiiriisao you disturbed at nightaud broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cut- trug teeth if so bond at onco and get a bottld of hn winslows sooyliing syrup for children teething its value is incal culable it will relieve the poor little suf- ererimmediatcly deiejid upon it moth ers there is no mistake about it it cures dysentery and diarrheal regulates hie stomach and bowels- cures winov colic bofteib the uunisi reduccp iiitlammation and gives tone and energy to the whole system mrs winsloivu soothing sy rup for children teething is pleasant to the tnte and is tho prescription of one of the oldest arid best fcnmlo physicians and nurse in the united states and is for bale bv all druggisu throughout the world price twentyfive cents a bottle bo sure ami ask for siiis wixhlows sootiiino svilr and tako nq otherlliind rsir m h- f- extraoi dlnary e r r k j -ttat- jgwois hitike rctliiued dont torgot that wo gi disease regulate the etef when little eugene peters f ell into the millstream and joe ransom loitering by in tennisshirt and knickerbockers dash ed into the current and saved the boy just ashe vassinkicg the fateful third time he became the village hero and every boy who belonged to townsend corners felt a thrill when life gallant rescue found its wayj nobody could imagine how into a great city newjspaperj just one line in small type in in obscure comer out that was enough to star joe ransoms name with glory which was not soon to fade returning to the room however i want to tell you of a talk fhtft went on there one evening at dusk whirrtjert will sammy gleasoa art fist od three or four more boys had been looking at joes collection of moths and butterflies inspecting his birds egss anil stamp and hearing him tell the story of his latest mountain climb the clock 5 track eight and sir ransom fjom the foot of ihe stairs called timt for prayers joe gome boys said joe putting down the fishing tackle lie itad been adjusting and promptlyjeading the way art hang back bat bert drew him on and presently they were all joining almost before they knew it in the evening hymn son of icy foul thou saviour dear it is not night if thou be near mrs bansom sat at the piano and play- ed her husband sang bass gertrude and lucy supplied the soprano and alto joes voice was a tine bliitone and the boys each added- somethingiasweetness and freshness td4be ffigj3y thatfwas cuarrnicg said mrs ran som as the last note died away papa shall we sing anqther hymn two on three if yon like he replied and one favorite after another was asked for and sang then gertrude read a chapter aud mr ransom said very simply ii joe i am tired thp evenfhglii i wfab yon would pray without the least hesitation and as simply as if be were speaking to some one wbo stood at his side the big fellow made a brief prayer after which they all went npstairsagain to his den art fish had been staying away from sunday seliool lately lie thought himself loo large jo go now that he was fifteen and though uotedy at home knew it he had grown rather careless about reading the bible and praying he felt ashamed and uneasy now as the words of joes prayer lingered iu his mind forgive us for everything wrong we have done this day make us kinder truer more gentle with each other keep us safely when we sleep and may we waken tomorrow to be tliy brave boldiers and servants j finally art spoke j joe said he do you think a fellow can be a christian without joining the church let me get at your meaningart said s jos what do you supppfee jnakes any body a christian beuevidg in christ 1 spppose certainly well i whats theneit step to believing in any one is it not owning the belief suppose art that you like and believe in rat and some stranger comes along who knows nothing about me whatever wonld yon be ashamed to say i think yon may depend on joe ransom lie is my friend wuatdoyop take me for inquired art hotlyv im not such a sneak well oppose you are in somebodys company and suddenly you hear my name mentioned slightingly and the person who speaks of me givey those who listen an nn- fairimpresf ion what then of course id speak up for yon im not a coward if we were using bible words art we would say that yon would confess me yoo would let everybody know that us for yon you were ready to stand or fall by joe ransom that joe rausdra was a man yond tie to tliatyoud stake your life on his honor art drew himself ap proudly i rather think that states the caae old fellow hef said there then is precisely what a christ- ian does wien lie joins the church he eonfesfes qbrki before all the world jnsi ax soldiereulrw snd isjnot astiamed of hie uniform or sailor is ready to die for his flag cehristian owoff his master when he stand np anfi coofeases him fth it vent oii be keta himself ftipbmtfeir fmtio tib aloiic bii a man fighte stomach liver bowels kidneys and blood with burdock blood betters remember that prevention is belter than cure r- the extraordinary bopularity of ayer s cherry pectoral is th natural result of its use by intelligent people for over forty years it has proven itself t le veny best bpecifio for colds coughs isd pulmonary com plaints butter kd eggs waited rfe learinc sale for overcoats wjiiqli we unpretcjedented amd unapproached previous to stocktaking wh ichve commence on february i oth we will hold a grand woopmi this week mid ndd to our already wrge stock of overcoats one wise of mens fine ihngonnl and be bought ot tho ridiculous low figure of3lg oil tlio dollnr just think wo offer mens fine dlaijoial overcoats for 9805 worth wgb l t i not half price mens beaver jwrooats well nuide for ftgdfi well worth jli00j itlioso aro iiotrgiioutndd specially for a cheap trade but fashionable and substantial overcoats and good cnouj h- for thc best iiriie land j it- 1a bajiuain foit the ladteb i wo ofter fiuo black or colored kidglorcs worth 00 for 50c ladies antolopo glovcsstorcy sons nltike worth 130 tol- 05c 1 wo cannot repeat these goods for less than doable tho price- so dont expect this offer to hold good aj bio duotions in the pollowinti lines j drciss goodp muntlinjr ulsters maiitlos underwcai fine scotch goods ifosiijy woolgloves wool hoods a tioiv childs hooos from 15c tip womens hoods from 25c up vayv btrt buy now id1iips of every flcsciip- t r fancm allwoo fuks jmust g04t any pblceauwool flannel 10c por yard belter onesfor 20 22125 28 8 cents flannels and shirtiiigs fromf0c to 40c reryard winceys irpm 5c up prints beautiful dark color good wishers yory chciip mllllnery4f ripimfid jats aiid bonnets for half the mmkeil price and markcdfeascmilable et jjodts hanover nds good japitu tea tor s100 and 14 pound a dh cents fancy allwool od wishers affd no designs o 7 pom is medium tea for notk customerswill pleaso uoto that we carry several linos of goods that aro not mentioned above such us white and greycottons s hirtiiig sbll very low but not at cost and oonseqaently do not oqmoaiidor tlio hend of rejuccdgoodr ddhtilli f- be your guard ow a cold n the head to slowlv and safely ran into citarrh when yon can be cared for 25c br using drchases applications curein- l boxescuresordinary is guaranteed to cure catarrh care a fev sipient catarrh 1 to catarrh 2 to 5 boxes chronic catarrh sure cure tiy it only 25c and dr lows wdtm worms and cause quicker than any other medicine laipertabl la fvorklng hen artisans mechanics and laboring men are liable to sudden accidents and injuries as well as painful cords stiff joints and lameness to all thus troubled we would recommend hagyan s yellow oil the handy and reliable pincure for outward or internal use for nettle rash y worm ernption and prof lows sulphur itching piles ring- all skip disease use 3oap h to do so as it really found and makes bi delicious the successive effects deservedly popular minion northrop i discovery and dyspeptic cure which re- j forms an irregular co idition of the bowels and liverinvigorates blood from a sluggish rapid and fertilizing dangerous condition neglected burdock be taken at once it of the kidneys liver the world destroy tho worms syrup will remove panc goods stationery v at- if there are any o r onr subscribers that have not tried imjerial cream tartar baking powder we b all means urge them is the best we ever scuit that are really first rejief altimat sly a cure thcsearc of one of the most emedies in the do- lymans yegetable the stomach renews digestion and chang the current of the aud turbidjintoapure stream la a daajten h 4 oudlllon any person troublid with irregular act ing kidneys or any f rm of kidney com plaint however sligh it may seem is iu a if the trouble is blood bitters should b the best regulator and blood known to or they may destroy the children use freeman is worm pow ders they expel all kinds of worms national pills purify the blood stomach liver and howels a treat knflterrr that person wi107 afflicted with rheu matism is a great suf erer and greatly to be pitied if they cannot- procure hagyards yellow oil this ret ledy is a certain cure not only for rheumat sm but for all exter nal aches and iniernt 1 pain a gulate the horse noblest of the brnte creatioi when suffering froi 3 a cut abrasion or sore derives as much benefit as his master in a like predicament from tho healing soothing action of dr thomas eclcctric oil lameness swel ing of the neck stiff- ness of the joints tproat and lungs are relieved by it ahead or all i have used hagya ds pectoral balsam in my family for years and have found it ahead of any prepar ition of the kind in curing colds etc i an especially recom mendit for children alex moffat mill brookout fagged out none hut those who huvd become fagged out ki ow what a depressed miserable feeling it is all strength is gone aud despondency lmi taken hold of the sufferer they feel as though there is nothing to live for rhero however is a care one box of i armelees vegetable pills will do wbnderi in restoring health and strength mauc rake and dandelion are two of the articl entering into the composition of parini lees pllk j tfemhfls kufferlug thousands o peopl 1 are suffering mtold miseries from com tipation hea laclie bilionsiieas and neaki ess that inighi bb at once rejiavrvtand soot cured by the w of bordock bloojl bitt rs this inra nablc siiicfliyfy l- dealers a ojje liftii dicing jtwlibwtjie greatsale siaviutik ok jdttlt gooi3s it tllkr ma m moth iil se georgetown in order to reduce our stock and to meet the tig it times for money we have determined to hold a greatale this sale shall cohiinue until the 31st daj of january 1888 and we will make extraordinary effort to clear the stock out unheard off bargains jvlll bo given the following wiitgivcyou some idea a beautiful colored silk 25c per yard silks and satins 37ic icr yard dress gdodsjfcr 5c worth 13c for 8c worth 15c for 15c wort25c and so on up ijii millinery and mantles we wiil giveyorj great drives ladies hats for 5cand 10c up ladies mantles wonderful goods ror 1 worth 5 and so on up kititted woollen gaods immense bargains our celebrated grey flannel for 20c worfh 30c blankets for 175 worth 300 greatest drive on earth a tweed for 25c worth 50c blue serge for 30c worth oocfcra large lot of ladies and childrens furs fo be cleared out regardless of cost ladies cloak ing dnd ulstcrings 50c per yard worth double the mohey and so on up we arc going ipaelj carpets oilcloths rugs and mats to as tonish the people uemp carpet 8c per yard good union carpet 25c per yard allwool carpet 50c per yard tapestry carpet 2ocper yard vruskls carpet 50c per yard great clearing oui sale in readymade clothing boys uits mens suits boys overcoats and mefljfe- overcoats mens coats for 100 and 200 worth four times the money j allwool meii undershirts and drawers lib in weight for 50c worth 75c loot wear and felt overs special bar gains we have also struck a banauza in prints looopieces lo choose from all fast color worth from 10c to 17c they arc to be scrld for 5c cjc 7ic 8c and 10c it will pay to buy them and kejep them ifor spring check shirt ings and qottons great drives the best shiiting iu the market for 10c and 12c per yard the above is sinjply giving a faint idea of t we are doing com nnd inspect the bargains for your selves we arc still carrying op successfully our dressmaking millinery attil tailoring depart- ineritd goodti sold for cash cir produce mcleod anderson co james stirton lds tovella block opposite pott office quelph yitafilzedalb lyiccarvjns n newest styles very cheap consisting of r- toilet cases pressing cases jewel and odor cases ln plush writing desks work boxes scrap and auto al bums in plush and leather j i photo albums latest designs handi mirrors 1 whisks and whisk holders toilet bottles for covering shaving cases and mugs magiclanterns dolls in china kid and rubber trumpets mouth organs i 1 ooo- bibles both oxford bagster hair brushes and perfumes boys ajid girls own annual band of hope british workman picture x books 4c ac everything worth having will be found at 9100 linens c which we rv b jekm yn railway timbi ftwm grand trunk lfaii ooino rfkkt mlxod 7n m i kjpimm kxiiroim 7 10 nui kxaressl mbhtefmall 10 50 am thrtf thrsigh kxpo j nm i mail accoui osi pin mlxk chicbgoexprcbsdoffiiotstopbitis andbranijitoii 3 time or oko hwim going wtbt j lram and 5 fflpiia cfblug eaflt 10 am rnd 6 ptrti 1888 the 1 ictqlt i gkat st ocktaking sale during the next two weeks w willloffer great ii iigains iii all lines of pure8t stroncestli contains rio alum- ammonia lime ph or anj injurious nunrislsi e w gillett usstr tf tic cels2jate3 e07ah the wanzer y 50 candle pot ft hwanzore go2ca4 givmuton oat l vo ciiijuney ito gloho no smelii io tit ivc y nonexplosive never fed burns any grade of kvcolainpfrnarartced withobti with the light can pat on jiarsery j heat water hollcggs ulaketeaando fitewetc l g matthews sole aoextfonxctoxakdi kot a snoh powder or irritating i 50 cts and tf9 ji not obtahiaolap gists sent prepaid ob receipt of prloa fulford a co br mi mcgarvins driig aiid statioiiei store actonjont invention sss the last half century not least among the worn dcrs ofiuvcutivo progress is a method sud sys tem of work that can bo performed all ovor tho country without separating the workers from ijbeiihomeh flylfleral auy one can do the work oither sex young of ifi no special ability required capitalnot lioeuod you are started free cut this out and tetuim to us aiid wo will sond you free something of great value and iin- portanco to you that will start you in business which will bring you in more money right temy than anything else in tho world grand fiufflt free address tiiuk co augusta malnqr titrttt v rewarded aro those who xvjv xxl i road thlsandthonact they will find honorable omployuiont that will not take them from tbeir homes and families profits arc largo and sure- for overy industrious person luauyliavo made and aro now making soveral hundred dollars a month it is easy for italftil artillclftl tertir guaraitoed perfect ta appeal anctfuaudnseifisegold work a speiialtj aumhtrwjmhjasi f j afaunonttmade by letter any ono to make 5 and upwards per day who is willing to work either sex young or old capital not needed wo start you every thing now no special ability required you reader can do it as well as any one writo to us at onco for full particulars which womallfreo address btiuboii co portland maluo i- stapm and fangy dry goods i boots and shoes grroobrie etc -oo- as we intendtakingstock aboit the middle of et t it will be to the advantage of customers to give us a r- goods will be sold regardless of cost v rt- y j t hendersonf mcrae how lost how rest joet published c neir editioa otimvc wells celebrated essay on the j of spcrnratorrhtea oi incapaajri exeessorcarly f the colehrated author in this 1 eseirytcssarly efconstratcs from i successful practice that the da quences of early error may be tail pouitiug out a mode of cure at t certain and qffeotaal by mean6otta sucftrer uo matterwliat his condlfipa may cure himself cheaply privately m call ifisthis lecture shouldbeiiitheh youth and every maq in the land sent under seal in a plain enve address on receipt of tofix cents or t btamps address v the oaiveimrelllfeflleei 41 ann st newiodiv k t pcol isliho home stock bruary all as vf co remember our famous 50c tes wlsss u better than eier afld hoou wkwor honttcgood prfct af opt adodlaf acertbcaie good fbrieeem lubttlu hands mm jajue8 vick tenibc lowest jo cents orsfeds childrefttcry for pitcerboftbtorift henbaby wi fen she n she jii siilk wo bo her bastorla illdsbocrimforcastorfa j iliss sho icastoru feist prtosoii foottsrs teri cmksr tliece ifupound gil iliyer 3kn landa loftflel iwnau femee weakness and purely vegetable highly- pleasant effectual saie abkfor dr hodders coi tako co other sold isrerywhew cents per bottle de i hodfiri cough uno long sold cypry whoro price 25 cents per bottle proprietors and nianuff the union medkpi propiletors toronto 0i i rogers a v sectioital plate spoons anid iflorks lsq i ebraednickejiteicws an fpjis warfaitetow thajiiethroughui mh iirfes i x jj- fvii l3frzxx tfcvr5lv7 mv 500000 sotfl or cnasb is too woll and tetf by hia receipt bocks to resuire tioc 3jt cmrar liror cnrofia wrappo 1 arnnud every bottles weight i gold dp fcnxtsatlvcr cards all disoafes arising fitviitd liver snen na sltrr toae lndi3eoctropsiltoiancjn achu jtrcr 3poj snuojib dn chises hver cnrb iaaojj simply a kldneviiter regnla dlcino and keeoipt book h iats t edmawsoftj sole agents 0m drl

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