Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 16, 1888, p. 1

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jill- 1 r v wmi volume xni- xo aa gest ctucjlop fei flic jf tan 3frttfta5s is ritiislfl every till usday morning fse priss power printing house alton ontario subscription rate8 ix voxthsrr50cr hs her- iviiiwv fcislaaco if not paid iiriutrtuioe jneryiarwihloiimrol no papvrdiscon- rvivi til il srixvirs arc paid except at tho jcbvertirinc rates- 1 vi u ili o 15 rice 5 5 inches 1 iarfc vuvj vvoolisioco j2mi xv iio tw jm liuo sft00 a50 2s0 100 assp s3fi i safb si no smote xfctliifffi stitj gets fenf wiihost lbtediaji rt a fhews i x am ncism sjj -35- yjtffimf at jocr tojrjl i of idea ibrockvilto restorec j rsjob of dr cnlv rjpadty indsted 1 its this admi frcrn uurrrj be rtdieaey i vie once i in of which i rendition mayj irintely end 1 1 uit hsncfewiya1 eland rw in envelope tajbjlais cccts ortvo j js lltcdicalco roboxt cj aircniwuuists s cents per liu tor the sr7aitijs an j vuss porhiiefor each sub- xjasffltiawrtion cash rloy number of lines rftawd bv she space occupied measured bv a il rfsclsjsoyprvil vrrertiiuits withoi specific directions i v be icscrtokltjh soroul mid charged accord- jpj-ly- rrasit5tyaiveruwtacutoilit bo paid amjriecj i ts for ccatrnct rcrtisucdtcnut bo ista offiby j a-i- a tuoly otcrwiso timt il orvr ant tbo following xrcek k r mookh kditorml prodrietor easiness jdirrrtorn f w h lowkv m- brm c p s gruisiaso of triiiityvlls meaibcrof cajcic of rhysstiisj ii sistcons oilctri rciideaoc at tuo bead of flodcrtck xv actoa johx 1 lawso graduate of vori-arv- collcco toront-vet- ires aj h irsiy rroptly attended to timstiit oa venice iukennv fcrahoaof ist the rear iiuvs and certificates l i jirnxitt ijiis- iniitt kivwt oxtxrao a i mokicay l1xs surgeon pextist ieiiyetotia oal uses uie rrytu of niros oxiio gas icommonlv ciilcyvrsilal airi for oxtracsicc toetb iritbout r msr eu deiturator and prsctical tacbi isoyai ciiesctf dental sargooax tortnto is ruy depoad sspon rcctiviug sitiisacaoa ia aivy cperatioa rprformed will rs acioirrwr vosl ar i fombvclacsdat tlalisttil tsiucca agaowshidel jh ca1wque jlrgeon den- tist jiimon hosier graduate of the t oolite m icitu sarscoas of ontario ttuitk atoa ibarday of eich wtvk begia- h b irat o say 01 ce in acncws hotel rvirvro l inrl tecls a specials arsiicial tcsc infertei ca pld celluloid or nib- lr lv uiri 1 jxriect- vitalize- air msraas ie isti filler iuestheic used for ri 1 txrco cfsijj i johnston iiflkan i- rve u ctii tl c ceeveyajiccrs hr actoa wa a illluxx j a m0vat iiiriiti sluitor noiaisy priiljc uiy eolcsa 0rici dis tuekay ani siturduy rml ijlo cos upsusr tf hiltun allatv i5aikd iirrrif crs ijlicilori ic xsi giouustown cas r- ticorjiotowa and so isrcct cus tcroato j 2irov ex jeaxcd ba b agerjvv o carson bairia7eli- ati v ac ojsinj kill vcaarcb 6tfce torcn co croxrs attorn john cicsoxbcl x- p entssecu itv i5exly ed k03 inventions oltl casadjl i no p4eatxo pay ifm hemstre l nc- tw hr oiis i hz asrfniseee of xyviiiagton sad kaltou ki ppks olsce acton or ilsju iil be promptly jat- laa ib 5 on tae d5t favorable e ictrest rits of interest in i npwards tohnuay architect grekpn ost ikotfl liock market square djrancis ncnan ctpecrsjr to t f cljapmnjif bookbixder stgtorie squire gnelpbontario iiroaat boa ii lints made to order psrioiials of evty it rjnion carofally boand iisii ieitlr a i proiaptlj uoae rphe hanlan barber shop jlllrkfintactox si ejthive i5i laircu a goou freafoira fsseiiiiiriaiiiiippo always givfe kiiors c rtclaii condition ladies ctaida5 hair tastily cat 1 k h wokdes toasorial artists salesjte waxtel raa mat of a few uiore flrstclass ined 1 ciaras f jr sie alc of cboieeyarieties j vricrr stvtk to laen who can make a f3ce tue luiiau ve cun pay good salaries omaatt6ioaaidvcproaneot employment sysos and clioice specialties botb i crcacjenttl lines which other aj aicicait apply at ntice tritb referencess may isliothklss nliiiklyirkikocbebteii ny avtjnbaiikin onnpauy co storey christie -bankers- acton ihiknrlo o en eli a l liaskixa transacted vu sis ess uonbtiotuibb os approved iroxes notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits for sale chap amlkutidosisiied is pnipxred to f si niih on tho shortest notice lu any ipinutft f and at bot tom prices tirstclata cedar rails and fenci posts staves headingshlngles washtubs churns but ter tubs pork barrels wood flour f aed and anythins in tbeso lit cs4 the pacle is to fludohetter plact thaii tf thomas c mooltes to buyaaytbinjs in tlioulwve hisos also to find out ilvou sum indebted to him for i uythitir pur chased from him his books say fomo tiro and he would like tho money machinery a stave jointer flatly new najil a shibslo itoltcrantl at in good condition li citllogbininko for sale lonr for cash oldio a mc- thos cmoore dton ont picture frames -at- t ytiiters brotfieik waters brothers- cornice poles lliiiner rods conu ntrs glass bevelled almsrs vi 77771 wiiscr a newtons at- ilouldii mirrors ls waters brothers 25 wyn street iguelph wellington marble works j17b3sc st 0t7bljps- hamilton clark prorkletors wlsolessile and iotiil dealers kn matble granite and tvlrytliing pertaiuinf to cesnclciy work direct importers c all kirh of grnite ami marble luvim latvly vidited the llay of i qnarrie aul 3iavirc prrclkied the ot gray and rel israuite monuments crosses urs etc of alexander t than cost vovril until further m prices never before kaovra ia oatatv stance graiise riioaarreat u i75 s ft sc1 0 ft st m ttilx material warranted irtclii5 iarj anyuiicj in this lirc will do well to as before pirhasii our prices are fro otherdealcrs i dy granite leutire stock headstones ylor jit less tiee sell at per ia- hlh ho t ft 11 work and cs wanting call and sec elsevlere as t e guarantee uo wperje it below all liyert j ii worden h aving assiiiitj toirctorijii of thclivpry lusiiu-s- hiifly carritrl ca h mr v k 5niib nrouh soiitit tho iatrouai4 x f the public and wiii dotlicii uiros to please ajlcnstcners well equipped and styltsh rigs can always be secujed daiss bookstore xmas cards novelties fancy earnpb fahoy glass pieces fine books tq1ts childrens books- our stock verv fine and new full best assortment of newest goods day sells cheap j if stinson tailor and draper is uoy bltowiug amaruiflceut range of new and choice lines in fall suitings tronskuigs and overcoat iiurs extraordimiry value in underwear ties collars cuffs gloves c mcus working pautvone dollar j n stinsoni rockwood next door to post office i a new facie in an old place o jel rtxdfiiir merchant tailor as re- mr j served wishes to inform the public that he 1 moved his business to tho shop where pyfe has formally years so satisfactorily his custojnersv here i will open out a larger and more stock of goods than ever firstclass goods and good fit every time leave your order o h ryder w barber brj3s pafer makers georgetown ont frst clas3 outfit iorcommercial travel lers at social rites a comfortable bt- ititels all da trains and uight also if ordered give us a call j h worden cruelph b lisincss college gcelph ontario f scholastic yelr w tr is- tbefactllty has ttliu i tho college preuiisisoulargel i ijari aldiid koch of the sii 1 r l faisy is ua experieuccd and al tcij r tc thorougji andractical ae by tle college is proven riiuttes bctb in canada lwies arc- admitted to red by the institution mivtccoktftck rrincipal a- v- iltti s rirai umberr shingles andlath fuj irt to inform the public ttoeviiv iwiirnwl will kj tu wt 1 fcid ibnlocv a well af cbt u- pimtttlld ketobd v icoalrveod phased the coal business oi urc stosp td8 e kinds of u i i8 a soi stock of wodr v ashceiaraad mill wood at reason- mool aad coameljtered j jfmks bbowk rjces pause and consider- that it will be to your own interest ito patronize- home trade we would rcepectfull inform the inhabitants of acton and surrouiiciug country that wcare again in full ruuuing br cr and in a better position than beffife the fi o to fill all orders en trusted to tsa to parties 1 uilding lumbepuwillvbe difessed while you wait and mouldings ic made with neatness and despatch k u we are also prepared to fil all orders for pumps on short notice and from ion expedience in the business we icel confident that we can- give sat isfaction every tlnio so come on with your orders and help to roll the ball along money makes the more go whether shohaalegb or uo tiios eltkage ijlnnaccr a mutual- w- insurmiije cflmw ov tilb covtr of valzgios 3t4bitihed 1810 hsad office quelph- yfeipfeslde hecretftry sm m- 1 cim weavisfir me t 3iitchell desires to inform the people of actou and surroondiugs tliftt he is preps red to take ortiers for weaving all kinds of aocy bai carpets flannel slieeting 61 irting nd urebb goods striped or plaid tu ill or plain also bed blankets and horsebl tnketstwo yards wide and ovc and i will guarantee trt i wiugivcgood satisfsption toallfarniera and itbers who will favor me with their patron ige t- mit salesmen wantted fdfcrd 0 graham the vopnhr aud well known jlurscrypjan of eochester hy desires to msjie arrangements with one o wo live of l- j ergetic nien to take ordem for his iirncry stock re baa choice stock including flu 3 specialties his inducements to lictttnners are particularly ttdvautofieoiu lie f ulnlls all be promises and i toaratitots tofuniieh strictly firs cass stock pjeatj givo aetlve sqaare uprlg itmen good potioons aadjdeslrcs to oormnu icato with few sucri iai n lwith a view of wpriug their aitrrltic write to him a soon m onhareread ferermjantiilartlcujiitil jaa f 3iake a srecialty oy hine finished book papers and iltdll gitade wekkly xewsi the paper used ita this journal is the above mills wm barber bros right- pheel to the frot of all competition we place uk elegant and substantial goods splendid iri quality i complete in assortnreet 1 overflowing in generous barpkins i mens womens and cuilbri ns boots and shoes extsbees overshoes s c at prices that always lead to speed sales lowest prices oosbistent wit1j good quality outitom work au4 repairing promptly attended to t w wiliiiams mill street acton from oup mother hubbard nlsyjhisu vk1ihion poor mother hubbard wont to tho cupboard to get her palp children ironic bread and wlion slio got them tho cupboard ias linie hodlfow could tho ehildiea bo fed oh why wan the cupboard offear mother hubbiird of food for hbr clilldreu no puro it willnotbo troasoii 8o hoijo i the reason no food the poor mother found tboro- tbu inonuy tho futlier wfthablu to ather was not very inuclmt tho moht hut much of it ranis in the beer that he drank or olso in the ginshop was lot i t poor father htilibnrdi do look at tho cupboard and took at your children and wifotf v is it riglt that tboy should lio liereft of tiieir food is ii wgutthat you lead rileh a llfo ho wise slrond ponder ere furthdr you wander and lower and lower you sink tho caufco miktejrliuubard so bare isyonr cupboard is found in youriovc for the drink you cannot but soo itvj doterinino to flco it i and givo us your heart nud your haiid tho giiishop forsaking tho plbtho bolujtaklng andjoiniftr inir snnperauce bimtk tmirpoor mother hubbard i will find in the cuplioiird for all lief dear children kerne brcatk alid you and your wifo sv willhave happierlife i alldkllbwwliiit it is to be fed jf ijnt rest not in tolseu of one fetter broken thy lifo to thy saviour be given and then shall be thine lly tho blessing divine i a place in the kingdom of hceveii her julius bryij in clihilrcnn iftujuziiir t nd there was blittlo angiry tone in the fresh voiooau she spoke jttok- looked act oas to ralph andj with ratlicra quisszioa expression said i was it not si o i 8rwoiijihe balooivytft wo oauio up tho li ko ritlph ftnbwoijoil thjoott with one corn posed of tho same clornoutsj yes it wmsl e but i warn you jack i know fanny praibub ilbnor lm been and wlomanlike going youll meet of jotirso toluorrow oud juok seriously d your besli tobe agree- abjo for bhciba royal nature worthy the prickly winning though thorns us the p6 thoy did meet full of 1 little ibt would say sisruext day and honor clad all in gray li ke ja quaker maiden look- my than in the amber- ed even more lov tinted robe she hud gotjoa herself up rcgardlcssly tho evening before meaning lunch as alio debpibed flirting to exermse the oharrns bho wtild not jhelp knowing bims possessed b it sho had becfime dis- gftsted with licrse f aud her rnotfve at the last moment and hence the fatigue anil irjdisposition the time flow by rapidly and pleasantly the inoio honor saw- and gfety to know jftck kiting the l tore she began to find in him qualities she ideul but she dill iad always given to her not acknowledge this to herself tho recollection of thto laugh ing jesta which past- still remaind lad wounded so in tho id and honor determined that if she coofclrjunish him she wonld so the golden a jack eltings wafm heart began to own jjslfrt yhmilnilfaiiing a lucky accident r liv fmii imnkbrr well halph you chdse the wiser part after all hero yon huvelieeu enjoyiug thf best years of your life in sv happy home with a lovely wife for your companion while i hltvc been knocking around in australia in a mad nice after the filthy lucre the kpeaker was- a tall whly looking man with a bronzed and bearded face as ho stood leaning against the mantelpiece his friend halph reed looked up sit him for n moment niultheii uid- well jack jpoiv this filthy lucre is won why not rehiedy your lot right a way mary and settle down thats my advice jack elting laughed a jovial lauglti here ualph let up what girl could love such a rough brown specimen as i am oh ralph honor is coining at last heres the letter exclaimed a little woman who flitted into the room and with a little spring perched herself upon the arm of only one imago gloriouslark oytsi and the water lay with a sleepy rippl ing isloud and aai rtgrirding her that tlowjj again aimt wlnii he wiia dolinj book avat nd nd that imago had tho and crcarijytintod skin of liistfriondc guest onedelicious id e summer hour thay were st they two alone on the little sanded beach a silvery mist over the lake hid the warm beams of the sub blue and still just stirred e honor had been read- ho paused and looked up she jnctftii expression in the frank eyes made her quickly look thciik before she knew jack had drawn the ivith all tho fervor of a btrong mans passionate love was asking tho girl before hin and eternity nov- was honor more triumphant tone the rejected tho days hi which her husbands easychair looking her d rent the inijchievous pra of aboy a flirt as to the with contenrptuo t ati lr revolutionised ijm v jdin jlujin the world during the last half century not least among tbo won ders of inventive progress is a method and sys tem of work that can bo performed all over the country without separating tho workers from their homes pay liberal any one can do the work either sex young orold nospeclal ability required capital not needod yon are started free cut thts otlt afcd return to us and we will sond you lieo something of groat value and im- portancoto you that will start you in business which will bring you in more money right away than anything else in the world grand outfit free address tboe co augusta maine sjsl ttr v rewarded re those who jlvlxjxlx 1 readthisaudthenactthey will find honorable employment that will not take thorn from tbour homes and families the profits are large and surp for every iudustrioits person many have made rand are now making soveral hundred dollars a mouth it is eisy for auypne tomake ssaadniwards per day who is willinff tojwo rtbrex yonns or ou settal not neodedrwe start- you bvorythjng new no special abihtyrequlrod yon voider can do it a well as any ono write to usatoijoe c addre airy pink muslin like a roseleaf thsit had drifted in from the summer garden so now you will be perfectly happy fanny said her husband jack elting looked down upon the setae of conjugal happiness very thoughtfully mrs reeds friend arrived and such a chatting as there was in the spare chamber it was not long before fanny had tqld her guest all about her husbands friend and growiirg enthusiastic at the conclusion of her story she exclaimed you will be sure to fall in love with him honor you cannot help it of all men ieyer met except of course ralph jack elting is the most splendid at the name a little flush of color rose to the cheek and a smile curved the lips of her listener jack eltihg was ito stranger to honor hart when on the death of her parents an undeveloped girl of fourteen she had been received iato an aunts home as chief bottlewashorj and babytender this same jack then a jaunty saucy youth had been a visitor at the house she well re membered fleeing with her charge in dis may wlien the rollicking tones of her cdus ins and tlieiif iriend met her ear a long way off and veil had she cause to lee for never did tho thoughtless fellows let a chance go jby of teasing and tormenting tilly slowboy as they dubbed her but things hud changed suddenly f ot her an old uncle of immense wealth had seiin the neglected girl atjd to the surprise and disgust of the aunt who found her very useful md swept her away from tho tou- tino of dishwashing and cradlerocking to a region of massive plate walnutcarving and quaint bricabrac in other words to his great gloomy mansion which in4a few years was gloomy no longer for under the magic of wesdth aud education the plain girl developed into rich faro flower of womanhood then thejold uncle died and honor f ouiid herself an heiress she was how twentyiour years of age and had never yet met the ideal lord to whom her heart should bow and by whoso side shewould be content to quietly take the second place it was not fannys fault that this was so however and that trans parent little liody had set her heart now upon- bringing thesd two her husbands dearest frie d and her own together and had gone to work to spoil it all the very first thing i when he nor was left alone to dresfs for dinner her houghts ran thus so this splendid friend offanuys is that same i nkind youth who used to show his manlint ss by tormenting the poor or- phan girl vory well he certainly will not recogni 5e me and i will avenge tilly slowboyi i can thexriodne that trrmdiest of yachts nailed alonf tho shore and from lier deck a gentleman iwept the cottage balcony with his glass honor standing thero her white arms folcid carelessly on the parapet formed a n 4iant and unexpected tableau for his ben fit the lustrious dusk of ldri hair and ey es contrasted vividly with the creamy br inotte skin the palo amber folds ht her dress sweeping voluminously aronntlhet queenly figure and a damask rosejitrooptng near the tiny eai added just the needed tondh of color jack eh ings heart owned to a quicker vibration t sari usual as lie prosontod htm self in the lihiiigroom tlnvt ovemfig hut theiotjatbily ralph and fanny- justf as usual j and no guest i am glaxl my eyes with further spi then honor amiss but for one her wtjier husband itas within a honors visit audi tho tapis jack ladies saw very- honor knew the ri avoid a lettatele just where the di see a large object ii wmm v rht v to thwart singing yonr our queen us all but teach youe childhen the phopek use of mosey iternoons sped on and to be ilia own for life s triumph though she even then wondercjd why she did not feel and in low but fijm him reminding him of he had jeered and teased the orphan girl i nil then sat outwardly composed to hear vhat hoafrould say as she spoke thu stroug bronzed iefx be fore her paled but before she finishei the usual ruddy hea thy color flashed back as he sprang to hin feet and looked down upon her with inc ignation in every line i anient of his open honor hart i j thought i was gij womitihbt to tliajt most despicable thing pounteuanco have been mistaken i ing my love to a true tilly slowboy affair is fiery emphasis a mind must be weajk that would remember aro opened ech habtrodo away jiroud honor saw how foolish she had be en his rude but true words showed her how weak and puerile had been her actiens andinoneohsurging wave not gentle ai tho rippling lake before her- but strong an 1 mighty as the ocean on that she loved this her own self raised a era for she knew that killed love nevstrayed came the convict man and she had bprrier between tl when respect wab ralph and faijiuy saw botvietfiing was e fanny counselled by forcbore from question few days of the close of a yachting party was on fvas still there but the little of him aud well ason atter on bpard a largo it is un easy iri yatjht among a gtjy and lively company to and houor and jack saw as little of each other as if one had beeu at either pole the next day honor was to leave fannys hospitable home and in an other week she would be treading a larger deck than the a i iadiiee for she had ac cepted on iuvitati on to travel abroad with some friends who had formed a party the weather wis all that could be wish ed and everything was going on smoothly aud agreeably w ten suddenly a piercing shriek startled oyoryone one of the little guests of whom iannyfrom her love for children always had two or three had fallen overboard the flaxen curl when a durk figu many parents permit their children to spend for candy or toys every cejjt hat is given to them others are cbntiudally in structing their children to save a their pennies in either caso the parents evince a deplorable ignorance of the truo uses ofjmonoy j namely spending with dis cretion soxing and giving even very young children can bo taught to a certain oxteijt tho realvalne and best use of money wfae parents will ever strive to impress upon their children the necessity of form- iug prudent habits of spending money to advantage 6p that some article of utility or value isilwoys obtained for it the duty of exercising systematic and judicious charity and that the purest happiness that an be experienced upouarth bpriugs from the praoticnof benevolence wo have in mind a little one who like most children lost ubiime in visiting the candy or toy atore after he had received a j penny if his parents had allowed him to continue in this habit he might have grown up a spendthrift by judicious training howdver this tendency was checked and he wag early metdeto understand tho most judicious ways of using his money the possession of a bankbook aroused his busi ness instincts and made him ambitious to add to bis little capital from time to lime at the same timo he was encouraged to occasionally buy a toy of the kind best cuf- culated to furnish occupation or amuse- ment for a considerable length of time he always remembered thepoorchildreu in his prayers so strongly were hia sympa thies otcited in their behalf and unlike too many adults his sympathy did not begin aud end in prayers pahaoftarirsof ixtekest peice three en ts f0h sobj 1 momenty an enthusiastic jsj ember gelid recently our pastor lias tjj ae- a splendid worfe j our churchhas utiirj ierropted growth and we aro rejoioirig in irge ftocoisionl we happen to kubw thai the salary is behind several months d id our pastor is sorely pressed for tj e necessaries 6j life what magnificent v rk that pastor could do if it is congregation came up to the full measure of their raponsibility in all re spects and especiuly if his mind were free from worldly gares and avocations your preacher seshis too anxious about his pay did youtsay well we tfont blame him if jdi were a little mane anxious aboiit it it ouldnt be neeessary for him to be m r the secular iiress does somvstrange things upon sports indeins it often looks with u magnifying jass while it peeps at religious interests tlttough thelitlleend of the telescope on sfov 3 the prince of wales opened with tie most imposing cere- monies the trurn cftjhedral built in eng land by theestablisied church since the reformation the rallies which fell under tin about six lines s exploits with the livans meeting with received columns of old that the secular lumns the wants of is true but to say so is sometimes a greailreflection on the peo ple of the golden rule of the onesidedehemeings frank and eeuthe representa- tagonirisg interests r with the ethicfe of nt then this broad under the smile of the they have an nnnual dinner in london given by a society to tho tliieves of that great city at thorecent festival they had prayers speeches aud a good dinner some havoreformedunder thesoinfluehces but a reporter who was ptjeseut found on reach ing the oflieo that his handkerchief was gpno chicago times i the same printingpress that turns out the police gazette of new york turns out tho christian at work tho press 1ms neither politics nor religion all isgrist that comes to it tho recent account of the great floods iu china were uot exaggerated london dis patches say that a populous district of 10- 000 square miles was in a single night converted into a raging sea drowning near ly 1000000 people and rendering home less 3000000 more what a suspicious monster tho man must have been who first inventcda lock but what a- trusting creature the woman who first allowed a latch key every noble acquisition is attended with its risks he who fears to encounter tlie one must not expect to obtain the other life is a reckoning wo paunot make twice over you canuot mend a wrong subtrac tion by dotng youraddition right because a wife doe3 not speak out against some of your habits is no proof that they do not make her unhappy if all men were to pay as they go there would bedess going anymore paying wbfatwe call oar despair is often only the painful eagerness of unfed hope where there is elevation of character there will be fastidiousness he is a good orator who convinces him self sawhrs wit our eye statedthe ik while buffalo bill prince aud john st his royjil highness attention wo are j press reflects in its tho people maybe ill v lenses is abkod eye ure pain ting by ws that r more dis- a recentwl lit ua haie lei open conference bel tives of apparently and start the new y the fair land will blbon tlod who loves us dl the photographer cerriing than the photograph of -a- american artist s gown was first pattilsd a hue and texture very different from fliiat finally chosen the underlying brush woot appearing plainly in the photograph though not seen by the most attentive observer of the original pic ture iu like mann photography reveals star a that to a humdb eye are not distin guishable from nebtj 3us matterj ho is young enon i who has health and heis rich enough ifli has no deap3 it is the sfjrnglev an womans ment that measuresjjeharacter nail these hemisi 3 p had scarcely vainished re without a moments pause sprang into the treachcroubelcment er disappeared all touted qpating on the water it was a tiijuo ot confusion the mothers scream fang loudly through- the air and the horfcrstricken ladies gathered closely together while the men sprang to lower the boat a moment set mindly jin eternity and the dark figure rose to thesurface it was jack elting and in his- arms lay the little boy he swam fir an instant with a few feeble uncertain strokes and then with a gurglingrcry sant with his burden again beneath tho wave bat by this tin o tho boat had been low ered aud in afev moments the child and his rescuer were igain on board tho yacht tho littleboy as restored toliis mothers arms more riglfteued and wet than hurl but the stalwart form wbjoh had a while the- tribune givestho following as some of tho witty sayings of moritz gottlieb saphir an aubtrianjournsitist requested to definelhejjprd dentist saphir said ho is a man who pulls out other peoples teeth to get something for his own to bite i wont make way for a fool i cried an envious scribbler oumeeting saphir in a narrow passage where at first neither seemed disposed to give place oh 1 i will with pleasure replied saphir step ping aside and bowing courteously an author sent saphir a tragedy aud a comedy with the request that he would give his opinion of them he returned them with tho following message i have rejid both your works with much pleasure and only regret that you did not iuform mo which wasthe comedy and which the tragedy ay austrian prince who was also an archbishop swore horribly at a banquet aud perceiving that saphir looked at bioi in surprise angrily asked the cause of his astonishment i thought an archbishop would notallow himself to swear answer ed the wjit i was not swearing as an archbishop bat as a prince explained the prelate ah said saphir thoughtfully hut suppose the devil fetches the prince what will become of the archbishop hgav to make macadam hoads macdants plan was to thoroughly i draij the roadbed properly shape it sloping it each way from the center so as to dis charge water and not crowning it by a greater thickness of stone in the middle aud not tbeattain- deus to the bahn ion i- if the iron wedge will not draw bum a lire of chips and heai it heap up and tramp down polidly the snow around the yoijipg fruit trees watch she outletspf the tiledrains that they do not becomo closed with ice there is one par tf the farm that is not benefited by drainage the manure heap ppiitesiesa pays in the cowstable a gentle liiaugets morif milk than a harsh- man take the bridles vjith you when yon go to brtiakfaat and puj tlieranear the stove while you eat t profit iu farming jmes from the maxi mum crops the proi ucts of winterthought and summer work f if the chain pumpjis clogged up with ice do not give the crau a jerk both wheel and chain break mire easily when very cold every farmer ma i be the architect of his own fortunes an it is poor policy to let the job out to luck harness hung in tie stable is damaged as much by the gases aud dampness there as it is woruy usej drive your horses a little to one side when you stop with- a load on the- sled this makes it easietj to start the load a fire burns better in a hot than in a cold furnace it is equally true that an animal well wintered is half summered if open outdoor fe d troughs are turned over at night thoy to u not be filled with snow and ice in the lorning if you place an a i near the stove for fifteen minutes it wi i cut- betbejr and not be so apt to break al ng the edgei the flavor of the j iel used for smoking meat is somewhat i npartetj to the meat hence the fuel shouh be selected carefully youhave uo righlj to feed a dog so long as you have not thei uoney to provide your family with good papers and books a merieana griciitinjif kv asfil life morning cditpiflments i a light little zephyr came flitting just breaking the morning repose the rose rnado a bow to the lily tho lily she b iwod tit the rose aud then in aoft little whisper i attaint as a perfupio that blows you are brighter tlfan i said the lily you are fairer than i said the rose arc -1- j pavy j a boy signed the temperance pledge his mother said bring the brandy i want some for thede pies divy obeyed bat as be wenulfe thought oametoihim i a temperance toy carry a braudyjjug5hurringbackto the kitchen he said mamma i cant carry that brandy jug ive signed the pledge bat ill stir the batter while you go without a word the raolhergavejnto his little hands the spoon and went herself to bring the jag she felt a strange choking sensation in her throat but she walked up those steps with a firm tread anop- seized the jug when she came down the dear little fellow was beating away at the dough his eyes followed her as she went to the sink and began to empty out the contents of the jog what are you doing mamma im emptying out the brandy well not have any more in our mince pies oh mamma im so glad then lean eat them too cant i mamma yes ray dear and mamma will never make anything again that her dear boy cannot eat oh im so glad were going to have temperanee pies i j davy fairly danced up and down tha kitchen as the brandy gargled in the sink dont you think davy is a rgal good temperance boy thenifollowhisexamnle touch not taste not handle not the nn- clean thing tv i 0e5is of thought l 1- it is no help to a sailor to see a flash of light across a darkness if he does not in stantly steer accordingly in studyingebaracter do not be blind to the shortcomings of a warm fnend or -the- virtues of a bitter enemy words are spiritual forces angels- of blessing or of cursing tjuutteredwe con trol them utered they control u the seeds of lov can never grow bat under the warm aud genial influence of- kin4 feelings and affectionate manners keep your conduct abreast of your con science l very soon your conscience will be illumined by tberadiancof god it is always good ta knowi if ouly in passing a charmirnhrumari being it re- freshes one like lowers and woods and clear brooks be pleasant and kind to those around yon the man who stirs his cup with an iciole spoils the tea and chills his own fingers it is good for us to think no grace or bltssing is truly ours until weare aware that god has blessed some one else with it through us old ageis the night of life as night 4s the old age of day still night is full of magnificence and for many it is more bril liant than day stories heard at mothers knee are never wholly forgotten they form a little spring that never quite dries up in our journey througu scorching years oh l0ts jdst like him 1 woman woman 1 shrieked absestminded a microbe has hem discovered in italy which feeds upon iron engine irs employ ed oia railway were recently muoh dis turbed by the accimlnra- alayi occurring at the same place and which appeared to indicate that some serious defect must exist in the material or tfie construction of the rails tho governnjavt appointed a com mission of surveillance to maintain a con stant watch at the spot where the accident on this bed is placed on a dry day a coat- i ally i out fr ing of three inbhes of clean broken stone a roller is then used or traffic allowed up- on it until well packod if traffic fs ad mitted- men must be on hand to rake iu all ruts as sooji as formed the second coating of tinea incheb is added at a wet time as moisture helps the consolidation this coating is treated as before and a third coating is then added and finally a fourth jf necessary the stone js to be beforo been bo full of health and strength dean nothing being laid on for socalled i my iri and ddob not feel well onough and if too iired to join ua to bigot ox- riimidifnjbyv fannyt lay inanimato upon the deck tho large ebject which hadbeeh noticed n the water was a drifting loft and id his spring mr elting had struck his head upon it poor houor 1 without stopping to think of womanly ahame she sprang to the un conscious moans sideband tenderly lifting tlie dripping neaotvpillowed i it on her her bosom and held it there while all was donethat was neeessary to restore him to pisoiousnebs v it was not till his eyo3 opehed and fai sened thernselves upon her face inquiringl tnat bhe realized her position with burning flush bhe met his look steadily though her lips trembled a long long gaze and jacks eyty closed but not be fore he had sceu deep down into the proud heart wbioti beat sfildly beneath his head i think all was told that was needful in thatpne glance houqr did not go to europe after all and tro punio fat onto tho most privileged and petted guest at the little cottage which was greeted before long very near lake- rnore is little flaxen hurry to whom jk4eclares ho owes all his groat happi tv- i- r h binding clean broken stone will com bine by its own angles into a solid surface a heavy roller will help the consolidation one made of a hollow oylinder with sover al oliambelb whichcau be filled with sand and so increase its weight as the road be- oomes packed is most excellent a road just completed requires careful attention for some time and all ruts and ridges must be removed as soon as formed until the materials become thoroughly consolidated all the stone used must be small enough to pass tjhrough a ring two iucliosiiu diam eter whose business is it had occurred- boo that the surfttca of corroded as if by up and broken and two contitneters in it carries two littl corrosive secretion few minutes upbnjthe iron renders the ironsoi then greedily devoui practical mechanic after it was noticed e rails appeared to be d- a rail was taken as found to be liter- a tfiin grey worm hgth upon its head glands filled with a hioh is ejected every the uguid a german professor was remarkably absentminded whenever he was very busily engaged in his studio solving some abstruce problem his wife was in the habit of bringing bm his dinner his favorite dish was pancake and molasses one day his wife brought him a large pan cake and a jug of molasses and went down into the kitchen pretty soon she heard the professor ring the bell j why is it qretchen that youg bring me nothing to eat except molasses why have you brought ms no pancake asked the absentmiuded professor aeh exclaimed the wife you have tucked the pancake around your ueek thinking it was a napkin texan siftimjs a 1ieechaxt pbixces advise to b0y8 and spongy and it is by the iinseot tlie bythebyo how ban a man jknow that anotlrer drinks behnjd the door unless he is tbore himself oris peeping through the ltoy-hole- ithe is with the man then there are two bheaks ther and tf peeping through the keyhola he is ttie vtorst jsuoak of the two j blessed are the missionaries of cheerful- ness fthe lord gets hi jbest soldjierb out of tlo highlands of affliction ouo may live a ctjpqneror a king a mag- histrate but he mdsljdiettsa man prosperity is no j i this pathetio littleincideut is dedicutcd to the us fouranduomore kind a wellknown clergymans little daughter has just been pat to bed and upon the still uess comes a tiny oice in the nightly prayer then silence soon broken by these words and dear lord this after noon i saw oat upon the cold sidewalk a poor little girl and she has no shoes or stockings on and and another bflence m though staggered by the immensity of the problem- its nopo of ont business is tticwrtw theuly balance to atheism is a disc becomes an error b s j m p m markellj v rites i tvisjj wofiderfdl qualitiej trie oil i has a could soarocly waj kfado taidtwo orj pletelycljtetvhiin ist scale adversity is veigh frieni jtanding land hon the undei some one has sail of afi ablo age that it wasthe childhood of iin- mmtality let no man presjme to givb advice to others that has nojjfirst given good ceuu sal to himself west jedcore n s to inform you i of the t dr the mas eolec- orse so lane that he the teouh e was in the ireo ftpphtations cbm- at a recent gathering of commercial col lege students hon john macdonald said your own right arm your own health yonr business training your own deter mination is capital to you vastly more valuable than any chanoe bequest use these diligently in achieving success be patient you canuot all go into bus ness yon cahnot all bssnerohauts but you can all rise to positions of trust and responsibility the man who occupies a- confidential position in any house occupies a proud position one preferred by many because it is in many redpectstreed from responsibilities which attach to large busi ness obligations absentminded drsandblast they has asked tbr sandblast the eminent surgeon to cairve the festal fowl and he stood over it with the carvingknife delicately held in first position the in- cision ytfu fiirobserve gentlemen he began dreamily commences alittle to the left of the medium line andoh excuse me mrs parmalee i thought t was in the themay i help ypu to a little of the femur puch js rtorp npwwti the other night thqu art the light the life the salvation of the world 1 i shudder when i think of what this world would be without thy gentle refining ennobling influence bow at thy shrine acknowledging thy purity and truths there is nothing no nothing so true sd perfect as a woman 1 i reverence- and bbw before them and swhen he went home he said to the woman who was sq unfortunate as to- be his wife what did you let the fire get bo low for yoa knew id como home half frozen yottrejost like the rest of the women you havent a thought beyond your nose stir around and get me a cup of hot tea cant you seeuf you can do that much for a fellow iorjust like to know what yon women think youre goodfor anyhow v 1 fever and ague and bilious derange ments are positively oured try- the use of parmelees pills they sot only cleanse the stomach aid bowels from all bdious matter but they open theexoretory vessels oausmgthem to pour copious effusions from the blood into the bowels alter which the corrupted mass is thrown out by the natural jjassage of the body they am used as a general tarmljt medioine with the best jxali

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