Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 16, 1888, p. 2

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rifip i p b3rm okwroxlttsrino tticvijiinve wife of mr roltt jptinmoo of ton mc-tessax-jln- acton on the wtli test the wife of mr jameis mel rattan of a cro kkkkm at miwriunn c wile of nrvn sickoh uirebmit ot on ou tlio h3tta tuist tiro m on sunday 13th ention sottjactc0ny a larg gmhrrinnof ttoiittwjihrtlv temper- mvforketmuh brewnc xrif c cf m tip thurtcll drug- pivroxat rutte mrmtaii territory oil uj jannaryfuio wlfy ofs i ronton fornulr milton of daughter itxumsd kkaxkastttbwtookrn residence of the brhlcv fatlwr vj te sth inst y tit rev viuuhii ot ty siuiooe cotomjffciidoifchtr of mr tloo fcmtcr- brook nawyi dalev-hmxkv- in cliicafie by his owe archbishop feclum on tlie sth inst mr j jv tlrv tinell h to miss may a italic of oak rrk chicago no sttktk fobttmx ijt-v- i mtt frltlny ofkbpkala i the executive of wmdbk am 8uic1hk at oalt a tttrllilc trogeilj i wfilcl 1 oho mali shoot another ami thou shouts himself died coosat orillii on iho uh 7 u of t hoiuts cook acton 1 shrnarv jamo god years mconakxt s ykhuwui ktfwt tiueiph ou tlio lltli iust maritime wtwot dr k w me- guiro ji yorotasstii arosukvillo ou pie 18th inntmrt phoebe yonuiaus of aotouged l yean mcnatnlu ksoacsini on ulo mtli lust the wife of mr i it mcnair pv a3 thursday february 10 1888 notes and comments sonic of the prominent prohijfctionists on both sides of the house have pcen iu- vited to hwltati to toko pari iu tlio cam- pajjm ajfainstfllic repeal of i the scott act 1l judgment was delivered on mouday at osgoode hall an the avest middlesex lo- minion ejection case dr rooine the con servative member being unseated for cor rupt practice by au agent f x it is nndefstood that lr montague al p for haldiciatid and air cimou mj or charlevoix will be asked rrspectively to more and second the address in reply to the speech from the throne in the house of commons in rern to the call of halton boott aot atwoiatlin lne uuih ber ot the iirominont worke r in th6 oauio of prohibition met in miltn last friday to consider the situation ati i take steps to perfect the orgaatiation to ilefoat the moveniont for the repoal of the scott act which ia to bo voted on twt wceka from to- day tho attendance was argc wid reproj seated the stronr tenierai ioe goutimoiit of the county the ohair as iooupied by the rev ai e buss m a brcsident who after dttvotional escioibcs in a few xvordsotttiinedthoaituatiqi and cpoko in most hooeful term of the jortain triumph of th teniperarioe party iu the oomiiih oontest j kev c r morrow ocunty orftaiiiwsr reported what had bean do tion of organising gkinft notwithstanding the tlcla t the patlimnwitary oontes well advanced and fiavo b tiotory keports were re various polling subdivisions many of these reports indicated jyii us of a decided charaoter while in a fow pects were not so good the following letters prohibitionists were read froi kcv w a mcka s2c5 wlllglvoy uowtlueletuondayifueoacl wa mrkm from caoou moekridfjo hamilton i regret that it will bo hn engine in camnaijm work ii have work iu niy otu par wih you howver and the succom sincerely yours m wm0- 10 in tlio dtreo ossuranco that occasioned by his work was iuht promise of civel from tlio cases tlio pros- from prominent i woodstock nevvrffiilgbtfroui wssiblo for mo to flalton as 1 will sh every night i pood cause every jr is rumored that lir dcwdncy on the jezpintibuof his term as lwutgoyernor tf the northwest territories will in ad dition to receiving oueof the xorthwest senatorshiis become a member of the cabinet on its reconstruction h mociniwie m r r help wo rocelviil our irfiniox anil xl tile news of your- wlille fully do that little will very truly v s mcacuah- the attention of ivhen tho iwvita- thbtominion alliance for the total pro hibition of the liquor traffic will meet in annual council at ottawa on thursday and friday march 1 and 2 important poli tical action is expected to be taken by the council delegates are expected from every prouace in the dominion in spite of the strenuous opposition of prof gregs the presbytery of toronto last week approved by a large majority of the proposal- to amend the westminster confession of faith so as to obviate the necessity of excommunicating men who marry a deceased wifes sister i- j berlin town cotintil has unanimously resolved that i petition signed by the mayor and the clerk be sent to the ontrid legis lature now in session praying that those sections of- the municipal act enabling municipalities to grant bonuses to manu facturing establishments be repelled the british pcstmastergeneral says that before telephones will be taken upby the government nd controlled in the same way as the telegraphs the british government telegraphs do not pay their way but the public set good service at onehalf the price we get itvin canada government telephones will doubtless be cheaper still j the detroit ecftiij jscrvil continues to make pungent commwats uportbe demoral izing effects of the caiiqn especially upon city politics take tkisfor instance the path from burglaries highway robberies garrotiegs sneakthieving to the saloons is worn smoothwith travel a policeman shoots a burglar and then tracks him by his blojd drops4o a saloon of coarse jtwn the w h store- esq warden of the county in view of the reported absorption of the hamilton northwestern railway by the grand trunk is examining the bonfl giveriby the directors pf the former to this county when it was bonnsed the 1nd agrees to a forfeiture of the bonus in event of the jine teasing to be an in dependent one and the warden- intends to look after the interests of tliei county in the matter champion petitions will be presented to the legis lative assembly iu favor of imposing a hawkers or peddlers license upon ahcan- vassera for job printing who donot reside in the municipality in- which the work is solicited it is claimed that the business of country offices is seriously affected by canvassers for city job establishments the feee press has no ground for com plaint in fnjs direction however the desire is sjmpjy that the ageiits for the job printing ofilcei shall be placed on the same footing asjtgflaiers of tea dry goods and jjther comrooditiesand so they shpuld be friou dr machan 1 icannorforget tlio great wheni worving to enthuse addingtoa frisnds wo rocciv siilenwvictorig4thiroyes ato conscious of bowwtle i can bo freely gicn paul youn routine work occupied the convention till 1230 tion of the w c t u td enjoy their hos pitality in the lectureroo n of the metho dist church was receivid and accepted thus early in the carapai n have the ladies shown their deep interest in thej work and they may- be fully rehed t pon to do their whole duty in securing qother triumph for prohibition in halton during tho dis cussion of the lunch gen yeu conversation was indulged in by the p irticipators upon matters pertaining to the campaign upon the convention roassembling at 130 p m further repoits were received from various parts of the county at two oclock according to ann uncement a pub lic meeting was held to 1 sten to addresses by mr joaeph gibson ex mayor of iuger- soll and revs d l bre iour brantford and b b keefer toront 5 j of the church was well filled and the deepest interest was manifested in the speeches ilr gibsons speech v as characteristic and made a- very deep i npression as he laid bare the insincerity of the antis and answered various objects ns urged by them against the act rev mr brethour carried the convention ai he shoi red that the moral tone of theconnty is higl er than it was in 1884 and that the condu 1 of unscrupulous opponents of the act was traitorous in the extreme rev mr kefer briefly urged thorough organization pointed out the vital importance of victo y in this contest to help the cause of probi si tion and argued that the scott act was tc be judged chiefly by its educative influenct upon the rising generation the appeal 1 of the speakers met with a hearty respor se from the large audience who on the cal of the chair by a standing vote pledged 1 hemselves to sup port the act and work fo victory i the report of the comi rittee on fibaucs was received and ado- ted tlieroport showthat while the frie ids in the county are helping themselves assistance from sympathisers in other pa ts 9f the province would be most acceptabh rev mir russ informed the conventioi ihat be had al ready received a remittal ce from a friend north of torontoto help the cause upon resolution the chairman vas instructed to make grateful acknowled eraent of the con tribution and to advi e sympathisers throughout the country that like assistance would be gratefully recei ed and would be of most value in- helping to perfect tbo or ganization of the county short speeches were made by wm ile crauey exmp and john white ex1 p the former urged that prominent temperance men should bbow their colors and exert them selves to secure victory hard work would win the day mr john tfhite entertained no doubt of viotory i e admitted that liquor wj imported into the county from adjacent towns and tl at much of the drunkenness was occasion id thereby some- liquor was sold in his u wn but men of selfrespect were ashame to be seen going for il the act has ilone much good though violated and its r peal he was con vinced was impossible the convention closed at five oclock and the workers went to their various sections resolved to leave no btono unturned to win another victory tho most trugio ocoorrt ice thatliai over taken plaoe iu gait wm enacted last ww- nesday morniug 8th in it from nbt caii bo rbcertainod at pr tent it appears that john curry fane afied about 45 living in tho township fat pusllnch had boon iu town for a week or more drinking to some extent and it it said threatened in conversation with others to shoot harry main banker audi brokejr little notice was taken 06 these threati that morniug about toil ttclock jcurry entered muint ofllce and firod t6 kthinoueakng offoct innediately pwr tjho right eyo and tho other about tho middle of the forehead death must have been iusununeoui curry thcu went acroeefthe etreot to the stuble attached to tho ukt hotel and shot himself dead no shooing was heard by any 0110 until curry ilrod at hlraielf money lending trantaijtiona by whieh curry b property becamofnvelved ore said to have led to tlieso doplqrablo acts mr slain was well known in acton some year ago when hbjdrovo z pattlbons hamilton biscuit wadon on retiring from that ho bought out a livery liable in unit from johu bcott aud afterward went into private banking at which he ap pears to havo been very i successful being rated rt 15000 he wajs well thought of hero as a traveller john curry is tho owner of about 100 acres in the gore of pjishnch adjoinjng the lake he has becu involved for eotne time hack and it is probable that main had tho mortgage on the property and was pushing him for payment curry for years alsocrried on the bmincss of a framer living at arkell he waiwhatis called a moderate drinker 1 11 mt t u v- bargains extraordinary cki jli tjtlf wrx ggjg m i a extrordinary a ba jlgtqm unprecedented and un approached previous to 8iocktaklnr which we oortmence on february i oth wewlliholdja grand c wo ppou this week and add to our nl ready largestpek of ovorcouls onecugo of moiis fine diagonal and beav r bought fttlho ridiciiloiif low figure of 8lc on tho dollar just thiiik wo btfoi mens fine diagonal overcoats for 805 worth 8s50 f meni btor overeoate well made for ibofi well worth fh20gj xhcao arc not goods mndo spocially for a choup tnuh but fasliioimblo and substitntinl ovorcoata and gooljciiouglfor the not half price rg gain for the labies wo oiler iitio black or colored kid gloves rorli100 fr50c ladies antelopo gloves storey sons hiafle wortl woltannot repeat these goods for less than double tho price so dont expect this offer to hold good nl wjta but 1 uy now bio rmduotionsin the following lines drcis gopdf mantling ulsters mantles itiidorwoar fine scotch goods ilpsfcry wool glovesool hpocfc aii im earinc 8ale r qvcrc ats which we cst in the laud 180 for 05c tion childs hoous from 15c up womens hoods from 25c caps of every dcsciip- j rents acv4 anc fancy now furs must go at any price- allwool flannel 19c per yard better ones for 20 2bl 25 28 30 flannels and shirtings from 20c to 40c per yard winccyf irdm 5c up priiits beautiful dark colors good wa vbrychonp mllllneryrtrimtned llftts and bonnets for half the marked price and markedijeabonablc felt boots mnko reduced dont forget that wo gtvo 7 pounds good japan tea tor 100 and 14 pounds medium tea for 00 note customers wiil please note that we oarry several lines ot goods that aro not mentioned above slioh as white and grey cottons sh sell vory low but not ucvt and consequently do not oomouuder the head of roduced goods i butter and eggs wanted allwt5ol l hanover tllkmlniciraijc0lll a ltimrt of their rrociriigh at the semi- monthly meeting wit mjoiulay kvenlug council met on mjndiy evening at 745 oclock tno reovbins tho el air members all present the minutes of last nesting were read and confirmed mr hiram a ryder ported that hei given shelter aud nursinn t a woman i was suddenly taken ill in fpwn and made application to the council fbir remuneration for such service i the finance committeelpresentod their first report as follows i your coinmitteo on finncfc whom have been referred the nntlcnncntfoffed accoiiutabcg to roiort bavliig examined the same and recom mend nayment thereof henry ackert ladders 0 hiram uydcr keeping sick woman 00 i 160 all of which is resjkctfulfy submitted w p bnowb chainiian the report was adopted the auditors abstract and detailed state ment for the year 1837 was presented aud read moved by wi p brown seconded by win ismond that the auditors report just read be- received and pablished in the fkee ppkss- carried moved by w e smith seconded by w p brown that they be instructed toobtain from the county treasurer a statement of arrears of taxes of tho village of acton accrued to date carried upon motion the council adjourned to meet on wednesday evening 23th iust fjsl r y goods stationery c -at- i the board of education the first session of the new fyiardmr i frnucisiiected chfllnuan the board of trn6tees of ivcton public school met on tuesday bvening members present messrs dr iiwryi ji e mcgarvin i francis and members elect geo hynds and a e nicklin j messrs hynds and nicklin ubscribed to jhe decuratiou of office and took their seats vls moore tlie secretary of the board took the chair and requested- the board to elect their chairjnan for the current year upon motion mr i francis was elected chairman which ho gracefully accepted messrs hynds and nicklin cast lots as to who should retire at the eipirtion of tho present year mr nickliii was elected to retire i cpon motion of messrs george hynds and dr lowry the mover seconder and chairman were appointed a committee to strike tho standing- committees for tfie year the committee met and struck the ccjm- n mccarvins j 000 newest styles very cheao consisting op- toilei cases dressing cases jewel and odor cases in plush writing desks work boxes a scrap and auto al bums in plush and leather 1888 the actoisj photo albums latest designs hand mirrors o whisks arid whisk holders toilet bottles for covering shaving cases and mugs magic lanterns t dolls in china kid and rubber trumpets mouth organs fin stocktaklnq a- lord lnsdowue is to succeed lord duf- frinasviisoyot indiarand lord stanley is to be our coining governorgeneral the most responsible ipositiion under the crown with the exceptlorpf that of prime minister is the governorship of india the viceroy of india is the head of an al most irresponsible governing body ruling over two hundred millions of people lord stanley of preston isvne of the political fusappointments of the tory party he was the favorite for the tory leadership until the appearaoceof lord randolph chnrcbih it is likelythat lord dofferin willtake a position inlflie government last week an election was held in milton to fill the vacancy in the south ward caused by the death ofihe late sitting member mr john dewarthe caudiatesfor the position were- messrs johnson harrison andd w campbell mr harriston was elected by f5 majority the vote standing go to 15 mr campbell doesnt seem to have won much ior with his fellow- townsmen by bis coilree in irialignidg the town through the colmxus cf his paper the cltampwn ami ciiccuragii the violation the local option law which has twicebeen confirmed by the poorjie of the conctjt and will be again cu tlsp lit pros chamimxgyexulaxlj wallace hotfwostlic title drf atlng kubear r twijjjigtlis loio ztiiaj vj the race be- tween wallace rii and gfbrgii liubear english champion for the championship of england andfl ogbtt sie was rowed j today roes wjnciug by two lengths there was a great meeting at night in the methodist church 1 lev a e ftcfta acting as chairman ai er a hymn olid prayer by bev d m mckenzie mr gib son ingereoll gave an ab e lecture review ing the workings of the s tt act and their results the address ras received with marked attention and d ring its delivery was repeatedly applauded rev b b keefer gave an interests g history of the act since its origin ref i ted many argu ments of the liquor part y in a masterly style and wished be ould put- iu two weeks work in the count he is confident of the act being snstaine 1 in spite of the repeal efforts after a collection was taken up the meeting cloi ed with religious exercises mittees 03 follows finance w h lowry 3 e mcgarvin george jlynps isaao francis prorelty geo hynds a e nicklin thomas ebbage isaac francis appointmentsooriftrnied the finance committee presented their- first report recommending payment of acconnts a follows i-i- oeorleharillrepilrs 3 50 isonold mann cuttg wood dbs i i 813 75 report adopted f j the annual financial statement was pre sented showing a balance on hand at the 31st dec 1887 of 879274 moved by geo hybds seconded by j e mcgarvin that the annual statement be published in the free f y nsual carried upon motion the board adjourned bibles both oxford bag4ter 4- hair brushes and ferftuneu boys and girls own annual band of hope british workman picture books ac ac everything worth having will be found at mccarvins drug aud stationery store acto ont f v furiug the next tayo weeks we will offer great- ba gains in all lines of i staple and fnoy dry odds i boots and shoes groceries etc -oo- as we intend takingstock about the middle of fel ruary it will be to the advantage of customers to give us a goods will be sold regardless of cost 1 th as henderson licrae ypo dismissed with costs a bbaktfobd p b bjusntmt 18 john hstratford one of fiie wealtbttrt eitfeens of braptford di coddeuly fafct nisht frpqj lieinorrbage lftthejoimh lxxuandlmftto the cajifailk geoboetowx feb 14- the town hall here was crowded to the loors this evening on the occasion of a scot act meeting one of the best of the prcsenl jcampaign tho chair was occupied by j sev mr davey methodist minister thi first speaker wub rv mr pedley coupre ational miuibter he made a strong argunentativo speech closing with u powerful i ppsal to the in telligeuce of his audienct to maintain the advanced position in relu ion to prohibition which halton has achie ed rev v a mckay of woodstock ccupied an hour contrasting the failure of ihe license system with the comparative success of local pro hibition wherever fairly tried ho pointed out that sven high license was not tlio remedy quoting the op niors of leading brewers in the united states that high license did not rednce tli e sale of liquor bev cbmorrow the organizer of the campaign in the scott act interest brought thomeetiog to a closo wi h a brief speech in which be spoke tn the most hopeful tdue of the prpspectotthe pre ent campaign the omjiin is now ally inangnrated and uhl meetings will be held etfery in now and the 1st of march following the advice of bis solicitor mr robert agnew of this place appealed last fall against a decision of the police magis trate in which he was convicted- and fined for violation f the scott act the case first came before justice falconbridge and afterwards before a full court it was dis missed with costs as the following will show hog v aguow argued in sovember last be fore mn justice falcoubridgo and by hlin re ferred to the full court shilton allan and baird for defendantmovedforanorderabmlute toqtfuh a conviction under tbp canada temper aucc act t d delamero for magistrate fouita motion dlimlsudlwitb costs i the costs of the coso are very heavy which added to the 100 fine brings the whole np to a considerable turn if is to bo regretted that mr aguew took the action for appealing the case this decision coming ab it did before a flili court iu tbo queens bench division ijivery complnientary to the judgment of imico magistrate young jambs stieton lds dsntibt touells block opposite pottbffioesublph vitalized atr i kim a a pain less extvaotion of teeth artificial teeth guaranteed perfect in appear nee fit and use flue gold work a pectalty all operation strict txtttimm appcdntmont made by letter siiatete 4hy bros iht0 u ptmfflei xo mmijtati0v fob nejll ottawa feb ja the minister of jnetico it appears will not recommend the cbmhiuutioti of the sentence of robert rfelll alias thompson sentenoed to death for the mnrder of guard rutledge in th central prison toronto and he therefore be exeontcd on the 28th init n thp fatalglba at 3b ofewaati iraot out feb sustinaojis in blle ewart whinh iimje byo e bilious dysr 1ndii mundii tu m iikjm great i 1 axb sbacokrb of x31t vorro at tdk mammoth r oeoboiiitbtlriri sin order to reduce and toifteet tlie tight if nidncy we iive detei hold agreat sale tris continue until he jsistf jaii1iary1888jand we extraoklinaryeftbrts t4 sfock out mihard off will bo given tkevj will give you sdrn iidea a beautiiflj colors per yafd sifcw au iinjl per iard drear goeds tvorth 13c for 8c wo fbrloc worth 25c andi ill ijlillineri and manl will give you grevfc drtre hats for5e and uoc apl mantles w6iideial goods ef th 5 and so oil up woollen goods immense bi our celebrated grey flaiil 20c worth 30c blan 175 worth 8300 great on earth a tweed for 50c blue serlge for 30 50c a largelot of ladijs childrens furslto be cleati regardless of cost ladieif itig aud ukterings 50c pe worth double the money j ou up we are going to sell oilcloths rugs and i tonish the peo ale hemp c 8c per yard good union 25c per yard i llwbol per yard tapei try carpet yard brpsjels carpet i yard great clearingoiiti readymade clothing bojb mens suits boys overcoitif mens overcoats menssf for 100 and 200 wort tiraea the money allwool undershirts and drawers weight for 50c worth 75j wear and felt overs sptftiisjl gains wehaveal80 struck in prints 100 pieces to from all fest tjolor wpr 10c to17 vtey ireto for 5c 6c 7c 8ej anfl will pay to buy them ani them for spring checkji irigs and cbttpns great j the best shirting in thei for 10c and 12c per yard above is simply giving vb idea of what wearedoinjg and iuspecfc the bargains ffkjf selves we are still car successfully our dr millinery aud tailoriflj dep ments goods sold for cash produce mcleod anderson ft vi- u 1 a u z k a u x h n washington mo li eminent throat and lung jbfl will next visit dominion hotel friday 2nd marc one bitiomst a catarrh thboat cd a few of tbo hundreds who harel fully treated by ttr wash n mrs jao mckelvy kingston oat and consumption john mckelvy kingston out i mrs a hopping kingston ont consumption mr e scott kingston oat i and throat mrs jno betram harrowsmub throat t james matthewt p master aetosvl tarrab head and throat z f francis berlin ont l throat miss neuie eby berlin onuen v wing p m corunni ont c hoarybcott berlin out asthiuaj mrs p wagner near berlin r hoad and throat ijevi kercher st jacobs ont cal and throat itj colin campbeu ft edward onffl james stacey dutton ont catr wm shoemaker rodney ontt joseph smiley fart gratiot v- bad form w bl storey eso of storey j uanufaetarers acton out dr the only throat and lung sun hiss mary a bombourg catarrh head and hroat mn godfrey i sj eamption titus snider bloolnfield out- and throat dfdwl thecelebrai rogers a i sedtional plate spoons and fi v- v also ickelite spools an pfior throughout mm 0ijrtnt 4 ohly3- jo assol 7 needisi5 needles r serving mcf j maehi sendprcallj for vow e link school bagsihairmj combs fid scissors kil toilet soa fl immense m classf gool dow blind yide ifof 5j membjerw from ioe j geo thelffi i fdb pastor steujgersandv tontjve nsners att if sitting are pow steward- i we are indebted to tne tising job work ll trust our call gponae iftnoi office and settle j few dajlt wlll friends and deatre to get our the end of the 3 thtjrfpayj couated by the j ifreej itiesdaywa 6nelphhasf vendorsv another csl thursday night building op georgetown i more th goodalejgiuj eito rim the tntmicipal i i firat i his wees laltonfa n op wedn and23rdinst- these for 520000a a private lb tehaers these columns brickscboolior birtfc finedxll eachtfo snow from the f a meeting repeal of the sc hotel on tn the audit the i rrmnicipalit published innel hbfsysf al address a publ week hisp to repeal the sd fjoifsniiudi j trad sitt outbo4rd fol attteftospb haltion waibehudam fiidiyiairdb programme ha last week j 8nyae ptpng j towuflhij waa door f ell joh top mijpadl i ablookofth tteeortar of j waa rendered i springy i be erected in tu operaaomwijlj brickjhouses oj smithand has ptuxhi which to nrinj prut comes j brighter thajiii icfek ojfjthe t sunday iniom ton hewasfj there are tsho i demibc- vfal- otitthe weebpi wul pt of s iepa pij h wqiizii

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