Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 16, 1888, p. 3

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tm yra il mantli aivketa igreatcst ltbt lor 50c c i of ladies 4o cleared ladies pic i 50 per l0 worth fimnft allwool nwistilfc irawers lib rth toe fciffi its special iruck a ba leefes to lor worth fiwi ly are to be at a and ioavjes i hem and ke1i laredoijfe fgaiub foryonr4 kill carrying s dressmakin liloriqg de ild or cash srson oq holrc id lnng smgmbyffi isit actoinj j 3utju march onvr oat ccbed khobbee j nt ner agtiiro ont 1 jonlcstin egston ont geo hykds stock of small wares and fancy cipods sssoxirps1css berlin and zephyr wools only ioc per oz jtwo papers xoj assorted sizes sewing necdtcs for 5c pins per paper d crotchet needles woool ne idles- darning nd knitting needles raymond and singer seng machine needles sew- in machine oil always sei id or caju at geo hy nds for your envelopes writing paper account books peiis 1nlc school books school rags hair brushes dressing cainbs fine combs roger scissors knives and razors toilet soaps we keep an immense assortment of this class of goods green wih- doiv blind paper 36 inches wide tor 5c per yard re member our stock of spectacles from ike per pair upwards geo hvnds acton on flie31eth0pkstchliv0h acton revrl ph pastorrf i prsoasttorratnnc publif services 1030am and 3o pni sunday s hcol av bible class conducted bv tlc pastor auccrdially iutited sttangers and visitors always welcome at- tcntiveashcrsat the door if sittings aw desired apply to h p- moore tcb steward i opt ehujsojs a out gataaki lajthma berlin out onu ttihui aio important notice ybe are sending out accounts to those indibted to the free press for adver tise ig job work and subscriptions and we tint our call will meet with a ready re sponse- if those indebted will call at the osise and settle pr jemit within the next few days it will oblige qs very muoh come trie ads and settle jpar little bxls as we des xe to get our books into shape before thejendoftheyearjir p ibt jrton jm xsss ihursdayfebrtarilg 1s8s many illnofi locals collated liy the kvcr thonghtful mul free press keportcrs home jfeeanlngs alert which w kontly qtt lcl cunrter nil all interctttug ttewpeninee wtatav atte ttion a meeting df alt hiterejto3 iu the dotoat of tlie peutioo for uo repeal of tho3cott act wilh held m the covuoll chmbct tlnsthursdayovcniilr letevetjf j8jjtt act supporter in tho commu fity bojnreiont sharp t eifiht oclock the victsituiesotnkditasljte tho editor of the erin at jwntf jiu hig lt issue addressed his pi irons thus urgent business called tho editor of this ltcr away lust week tina in the raeantimo mr john houston was loft i charro but uo rrossly betrayed the trt u reposed in him hy becoming alcliolical t- cmbarassed and as a consequence of isuch conduct busiuess was not properly atjcudsd to ho is not now in our employ wl ch may pro- bably diapleaso tho sncsks jio carried tho whiskey to tho mufortmiato ibuston motv honors lor acton at the aunual moetiiir 6f tho manufac turers association of cantri i hold in tor- onto last week mr w hb orey proprie- torof thoioauada glove works was eleotcd presidenyof the association and mr j k mcgarvip of j e mcgarvju vco trunk and travelling bag manufacturers a mem- ber of the execiitivo committee this association comprises promi lent manufac turers belonging to all pa ts of the do minion wc congratulate dur townsmen upon the prominence thus recorded them a faithful daily sepresen tative mr p e w moyer ort 10 rerun anw has a prosperous business and a by lleart lie celebrated the tenth anu ivcrsary of the institution of the daily y last tiday eveniug by hiving all his i mployeos and othr friendsup at his residence to speud the evehiug and enjoy an oyster supper the van has faithfully endeavored to re present berlin and the e8oits of its well- known publisher are evidently appreciated by ioyal and liberal patrouaje oti the part of citizens the sars may vethave tho pleasure of celebrating its totwns iuaugura tion as a city a ijajrafa blizzard experie ace miss aimfe hose at one t nie a resident of georgetown aud for some tiiueatcache in some of the ontario publ n schools had a rather serious experien j in dakota where she is now teaching during the re cent blizzard thegtjcjrm cime on so sud denly that it would cer the school children 10 start remained in the school ho and managed to get in enou to keep the stove redhot an am death for nomc so they se over night h of firewood i the children from freezing late the ue j day a num- tnesjay was st valtntines day gaelph has twentythree licensed milk veidors aeother carnival in the rink next thirsday night building operations will be lively in geirgwwn neit summer morethan eight weeksof uninterrupted ijx d sleighing have already passed five tramps warmed the mattresses of thi municipal cells on tuesday evening the first thaw of the season came to hi id this week but was of short duration halton firmersinstitute meeting at acion on wednesday sind thursday 22nd ber ofthe neighbors were a to the school with some fooc possible desjwrations of tie avoided lltrald aao tb er s wrtndle the swindles are general jje to yenture jand thus the situation were endeavored to be perpetrated upon the faming commun ity- but the following is now npon another class if a p man calls upon any school t achers in this locality to explain thst he is e the teacher or her name lhe interviewed the plausible ant 23rd inst the federal bink hat issued a writ for 520000 against w j h cutteri recently a frivate banker of gfaelph tenders are asked for elsewhere these columns for the erection of a new brie school for sectoa10 erin thirty citizens of toronto have been fin d jl each for neglecting tp clean the saw from the front of their premises a meeting of those in favor of the rejeal 0 the scott act was held at agnevrs bolel on toesday evening x6 report the aaditora report of the fin of the manicipalityjor the past year will be poilished in next issue of the fbee peess pv w a mckiyof woodstock will address a- public meeting in acton next wek his speech will lefer to theattempt to repeal the scott act frtnishejr roons wasteb bedroom an 1 eitting room or large bedroom with on board to be heated with stove apply at fhe feee piiess office haiton sabbath school convention wi14ehud at oakville on thursday and friday 23rd and 2ith inbt an excellent pri igramme has been prepared last week while a child of mr aaron sryder living near floradale woolwich tc wnahip was playing in the barn a heavy dosr fell on top of it killing it instanuy mr fredsecord is talking of building a new and most valuable eye opedia which he woald he pleased to ha look oter and then write hi in his book as a reference teacher had better show gentleman the door becat se that is the latest swinje if the teac jsrs signature goes on the list a big packa e of bcioks will come in a few days to thf teachers ad dress and a few days after that another gentleman not so conrtems but- much more decided in his manni r comes with the teachers signature ian order book to collect a little bill of twei ty dollars rocktxrood circuit s s c01 iventiba the first annual conve ition of rock- wood circuit of the method 3t church will be held in rockwood on fr day 2ith inst an interesting programme embracing ad dresses and discussions upo 1 practical sub jects relating to sabbath sc 100i work will be presented by sabbath school workers belonging to the circuit 1 nd others a mass meeting of the childr n will be held in the afternoon to be addressed by rev mock efithree substantial brick btoresobj the third m a th corner of milland main streets which vacant by the fire of last d strachan and j r hams esq ap propriate music will be r jndered during each session the execi tive committee ffys while any lookiig for brilliant learning or fine speaking i 1 either of the itwofirst sessions at least may be disap- inted great good may result from an earnest and prayerful ende ivor to hold consultation on matters alfecting sunday school work we wish t le effort every success the scott act in guelph the officials are bringing lators to time pretty freely now saturdays ilercuri police court this morning scott act vio- in guelph just bays at the m saunders fined mr johnson foi a sec dnd offence 100 and costs the inspector duty to press for a second wils rendered spring qaite a number of new houses are to bi erected in town this summer building o eratiohs will be inaugurated with new biick houses on the new surveys of messrs- s nitli and cook 1 i j bro moore of tile acton free prett his purchaseda new cylinder press on wiiich to print his paper and the free f rev conies to hand this week looking hiighterthan ever guelph suiu mr jno daviaeon for many years c erk of the township of eramosa died on s indav reoruiug at his home near burling ton he was a line old man and many there are who will hear with pain of bis demise j evangelistic services will be com menced in the disciples meeting bouse i cton next sunday 19th inst dr w a lelding of treyvn y wiuconduct the iiieetings services will be held on sunday 3t 11 am and 6 pm and also during the week a couple of meu who were here taking t rders for wrights dexter hitching post left acton and an unpaid board bill tfc at the royal exchange hotel last mrs campbell hopes this notice vill pnt others on their guard- respecting these dead beats tb site upon which clarks hotel 1 tood in georgetown before the fire will te built up ihu summer if tho scott repeal petition is defeated a block of i tores adifce built but if successful a new i btel yllloccnpy the site the block of tore will undoubtedly materialize the actou frtcprtm bag pnt in a fine iew prouty press to meet the demands of t incveiiaiig patronage we are pleased o see these evidences of the appreciation a which the free preea is held for no per in the country deserves it more soelph dauy ttrrcury j farraeh from haltou a wentworth unty frequently pass through fergns rout arthur mftfiother places north jvith oadsbf grain feed aud seed considerable icarcity u expeneueed in thase counties erguetinxr we llavpflt heard of ae scarcity m tbis section of haiton mr ohnson the latter has appeal from the p ms lease to sleeman was mai e to l evade the law he may do this but will go out of the business gotiatingpvith a party for restaurant air conghl paid over his fine hut mr duggan his bartender ihas gone to joi 1 fosberry and welsh in the county jail mr john heff- ernan of the junction he tel came down today to put4aa two mpi county jail in default bcott act fine mr heffe man makes no 4 mr john mcateer ha i paid over his own fine and that of jos hawkins his bartender s50 each and james hogan paid his costs this money had paid over to their solicitor mr cutten for transmission to the propei authorities but it failed toreach them aijd it had to bo paid over agairih farmers institute next y the poserb tu the far ners convention have been issued tho programme an- nouncsd includes much w lich will interest both the farmer an td the will be read and addresses delivered as advocate follows prof panton agricultural college science to cattle feeding formation of soil thomas shaw esq a stock journal hamilton heritage of the farmers son summer fallowin tutes and pay wm f fisher zatioul col campbell teresting paper on wednesday evening nucxcelleut entertainme it will be given it will include solos by 1 tss annie lang- staff toronto mr john stewart mr v chishojm quartelu aid choruses members of actou clural society etc acton pfffor orchestra mder tho leader ship of mr j c hill wi 1 render selections with their usual excellen e the sessions ate all free to tbe public everybody will be welcome but children must be accom panied by tbeir parents the officers and committees are engage i in perfecting arrangements and will luitedly do tlicir utmost to render the vat ions sessions pro fitable interesting and e iioyable to those who attend tc h fs- build mom bouses tlie inquiry 0 people coming iuteaotoit for houses to rout is met with the answer that there aiououoio bo obtained at now price every house that u built fot is now oooupiod andjpooplo are compm to other seok quarters in unlnhabitabrb buildiugg or leave town it is buggeatea that capitalists who would otherwise pul their money out t alow rate of iuterast build habitable dwellluga and make pre paration for tho people who are coming into acton it thoy desire prosperity the investment would bo a payingouo working totho bouefit of both thelndividualaud tho ontirooommuuity j missouri has au enterprising post master iu front of the pestofiico of vor saillcs mo thbro is a placard on which is the following announcement 8 2 cents mainps licked 3 couts stamps hokod ami stuck i cents v boll co guelph havo jubt finished their first piano it is pronounced by critics a lino instrument tiub now department of tho firms bubinesa is under tho chnrgo of mr thomas of hamilton a vetorau piano builder and the firm will now push the trade aproblem for the school boyb if a trait has to travel 1000 miles and ruue tho first day 500 miles the bcooud day 250 miles tho third day 125 and so on doing each subsequent day half the number of miles it rati tho previous how long will it take to reach tho cud of its journey via 1000 miles j a new york editor thoother day ro- ceived 14300 letters other editors receive letters in proportion yet thero aro poo- plo in the world bo unreasonable aa to feel offeuded if when theyicall personally with a lettor tho editor dees not drop every thing ho has on banj and listen to the reading of the communication hauded iu the special services in tho methodist church aro still in progress arid will con tinue thi9 week tlie earnest and faithful efforts of tho pastor and mr cockburh the blind evangelist havo met with success tho services have beeir interesting and impressive throughout and a number of tho unconverted have come out boldly on tho lords side the public accounts of ontario for 18s7 iho that there was nu ospendituro on consolidated rovomie occoujit during the yllakof 825950800 open uooounts of iysoooo to quebtktoaftecouut of com- tinon bchool lantlj jjlqooqp and on cupi- tj account 9320000 whioh inchidos somo drainage debentures- tho gross outlay was tbersfpro84gl000 tho rovenuo f roai all stiroos was 3817000 of this um woods and foroats- yielded sdooooo andhho dominion subsidy and grunt 81- 200000 vtheitqtal oxpendituro iu 1880 waa 3188o0l tho clcotion of ducembor v880 cost 000560 v in tho ostimales for 1688 which wore submitted on monday tho total amount askod for ib s2b88000 of wiiioh 82574080 is foc currenti oxpendituro 8380100 on capitiil account und the robt for refunds thoro is an increabo tbis year of 810000 in tho estimato for tho raaintjnauce of publio inktitutioiib for immigration only 87700 iftjisked as compared with an expeuditme on that service last year of 811800 itockwoop news being worked ausiblc gentle introducing a the 1uovisoial kixaxoks from our own correspondent a well attended and tfuancially snccesb- tat basket social under thoauspioeb of jllio rockwood presbytorinn church was hold on tuesday opening at tho roaidonco of mr john dickieson eramosa tho rockwood aouw eutcrtniiicd the erin lodge with a few of tho guelph brethren at an oyster supper in tho town hall ou fiiday ovenitig hit after a plea sant social tinio wax speiit iu speeclus songs ac the visitors dopaitcd expressing thouisolvos pleased with tho hospitality receivcd tho rockwood correspondent ol tho guelph mercury in last issue airs ouo of tho grievances to whiuh tho rockwood yttntlis are bubjict ho saya it is irti- passibie to successfully toto ou- young lufi home from entertaiuinoiitj church ac iiuless arrayed iu fur coat and felt peesonal mention pnragrnilisresiicitlng visitors to ami from acton with whom free press 1 renders are more or ls aniuainted mr alt easton of iiuckuow is home on a visit t dr c e staceyis very ill with in- flammatios of thejluugs mrs wheeler and miss brown of mouut forest are visiting friends here drdryden of rockwood was a caller at thefree pncss sanctum yesterday mr d mcmackon of highgate spent a few hours with friends here on monday mr john smith banker guelph made the flux puess a pletisant call on tuesday rev k phillips preachedissionary sermons on georgetown circpit last sun day mr and mrs john laing of puslinch were the gue3ts of mr a laing during tho week mr jesse ketcbum of orangevillejwas a guest at the residence of mr j e mc- garvin one day last week mrs mccaig mother of mrs itev j w rae returned home lastifriday after making a visit at the manse mr ketch of chcsley father of capt keetch of the salvation army spent a couple of dajb in acton this wefek mr w j watson of the dupdas stan- ilatd has been appointed high school trustee by the weiitworth county council mr d henderson mp will leave on tuesday next for ottawa to take his seat inthe house of commons for the opening of jho session on thursday liev mr caldwell of georgetown as sisted mr cockburn in the services in tbe methodist cburchon sunday morning 9 is a young man of much promise we have much pleasure in extending congratulations to our old friend mr r n thurtell of teeswater upon his now re lation of father to a bouncing baby boy james the son of mr thomas cook who was an inmate of the institution for the feeble minded at orillia died suddenly last week he was buried hero last friday mr wm t smyth representative of the canada glove works lefton thursday and mr r graine of j e mcgaryin a co on saturday for their- usual spridg trip to manitoba arid the north west jioots we hope that his hint tlio desired effect and that open tlie houso doors as we and thaw out our congeal belialf of the girls we mig think it is a hopelosstask a fewof excouncillor james moqueons friends met at dufiields hotel on monday evening and presented him with a watch- chain and locket as a tdken of the esteem will have girls will iir hearts uths on that they an i to wish him me in which ho was held success in gait his now robert hutcheoih oustic had tho mis fortune while feeding a threshing machine at his place ou tuesday to bturable and his right arm getting into the cylinder was so terribly lacerated as to require amputa tion near tlio elbow he is eviuex1 altlteliated w everyone come aid receive the benefit as we are 5l5sl evirythjjyd cioeis the mercliatltailctring ivery thing in stock in general dry 0oods and oloth tngfill almost 1 9 giveh aw5y thousands of yards of dress goods for almqgi t going to a etke alterations in oiir stoie suitable for jsray and colored flannels for half white and gray cottons for less than overcoats suits and odd pants at your own price underwe ladies and gentlemen you will make a great mistake if yu dontatl you great bargains- ij kellt brothees acton iukiiih jiauket8 fob flour lltollei flour 8tono whlto wheat kedwhuat spring olabgow barley oats hyo loas a hay straw rtttt wood iior cord ergsportloeou butter dairy imckoi uilttorrollb i ctlcobo lotatous por bag apples tork r lambskins 1eltb hidos wool timothy eocd psr bush clovor serd alsiko i 15thi88 3 10 to 2 sb 1 do to 2 19 0 82 to 0 85 0 ft to 0 82 0 80 to 0 80 0 m to 0 80 0 40 to 0 ii 0 m to 0 62 0 68 to 0 08 9 00 to 10 50 3 00 to 4 00 4 00 to iw 0 18 to 0 20 0 17 to 0 15 0 20 to 0 23 0 12 to 0 is 0 80 to 1 00 0 so to 0 75 0 50 to i 80 0 05 to 0 00 0 50 to 0 52 5 00 to 5 50 0 23 to 0 20 204 to 800 5 5ff to 5 75 0 50 to 7 03 do nor forgot when you inteud purchasing a first clas organ or piano tb go to j c mclean of tho guelph temple of music he is no agent biit buys his goods in large quantities at rock bottom figures and only the high- est grades are handled guelph and gtl rsssns u j tw ifoteing mill price blankets arid comforters for a song raway down as low as 25 cents ndlthis great sale as we will positively give selly brother tiiiutstiay 8th mawh auction salo of form stock and impicuhiits by john meredith lot iu con 5 lsqncsiiig ijtilo to commcood at 12 oclock win llcmstieot auctioneer fiuiiav fiiiiltaiiy2ttli auction salo of farm fitock and finplcincnta tlio property of jacob masalns lot 2 con erin 8nioatl2oclock wm hemstreet auctioneer deemed it his dffence fine as mr twenty days to fnding that the he says that he being now ne- tlie sale of his qaeene bas ths term at the payment of a nassau aweya xks costs and mr ffce of 9100 and been previously citizen papers of the ontario application of origin and 1 rust sodsnurtr iitor of the live the unclaimed jolin i hob- aud itslsubsti- ilow to ma te fltook buiaing farmers organ- will give an in- from our own corlrespondout the concert in campbellville on wed nesday evening 8th inst was a failure the few persona who came and paid for their admittance had their money refunded inireply to the statements of the rock wood correspondent to the guelph mercury wltfwish to state that if he regularly at- tends themeetmgs of their y p a he will have learned bythis time how matters stand in regard to the challenge tbe result of the election ifi this town ship was a majority for the reform candi date in each ward as follows ino 117 no 2 5 no 352 making a total ma jority of 71 for mr mcleod in nasbaga- weya it didnt do na any fiood however the disappointment aud surprise of j the grits on tuesday evening was- immaterial compared with that of tho young men in the vicinity of brookville on wednesday morning when they found out that mr j lamb had outstripped them and led to the alter one of brookvilles fairest maid ens miss iizzietaylor the marriage ceremony was perforihed by thetvev dr torrehce guelph at his own residence may happiness and prosperityiattendthem there was another wedding in nasssga- weya on the same day the contracting parties were mr josiah kean orillia and miss eastesbrook flassagaweya eev mr birksofficiated the conceruin pine grove schoel on friday evening was a decided buccbbb long before the time for commencing the program the spacious sejioolroom was crowded to overflowin the chief attroo- tions wero the brookville brass band and the waterloo dramatic ojub but no loss prominent and interesting were the excel lent selections of vobav and instrumental music readings and recitationt rendered by other efficient perforrnersi to attempt to give a detailed description- of the pro gramme and to ooniment upon each selec tion according to itb merits would be a difficult tastas well is u matter 6f much time and space btfffl ns to say each performer rendered hit or her part in a most creditable inojnner tho audience wis delighted and last but not leabt tbe re- ceipts at the door amonnted to 22- nhgest nassagaweya feby 14th 1888 wheezing gasping suflerera from asthma the woodstock sentinel jlericir says tho officials of i tho methodist churchy princeton met iu their reqular quarterly bessiou last monday the reports wero all very satisfactory during the present year the debt on jprinceton church has been wipedout she repairs at etonia havo all been paid tie pastors claim fully met and the conaexionai collections have all been well susfaiued at the close of a very harmonious sieeting the following resolu tion was earned unanimously every mem ber both vorrng for and sustaining it hy their remarks moved by thomas eluies seconded by joseph strong that princeton circait do earnestly request tho niagara conference statiiiuiug committee to con tinue the very pleasant and beneficial re- lationbhipj which for the past two years has exiifed between ourbcloved pastor ourselveb and our people we would also express our thankfulness to the great head of the church for the- abundant blessings that have accompanied our pastors labors among ub not only spiritually but also for our very satisfactory financial position at this time of very greatiiuancial depression the success in both these respects being in a great measure lie result of the earnest christian eiiergyiand zeal of our pastor during whose ministry there has restgd upon ns as a people an unbroken ray of sunshine we would bibo assnreourpastor that while he has jenjpassing through the shadows of affliction and financial loss he he has our heartiest sypipafhy and earnest prayers have also been offered to our heavenly father hiatjthe bright lining in the cloud might be revealed and thai while onhis troubled journey here below ho might daily feel that our god doth mark each auguished day and uumbcrs every socret tear and heavens long age of bliss shall pay for all his children suffer hero ina few appropriate remarks rev t a moore tho pastor thanked thje board for their expresions of sympathy and confi dence and also accepted the iuvitationaub- ject to tho approval of the stationing corn- mittee f powder absolutely pure this powder never varios a marvel of purity strength aud wholesouioucss more oconomical than tho ordinary kinds and cannot bo sold in compof ition with tho multitude oflowtcbt6hort weigntolum or phospbato powders sold onlv in cans rotai baeiko powdeb co 100 wafl stny halton farmers institute hojlie knowlefklk association a public meeting of the hal- ton farmers institute wllljlli ueld is the town hall acton os wednesday and thursday february 22nd 23rd commtiiciilg at 130 woonjesday fitlv libtttmmmts s500 1091500 saved iniesi only i cents free 700 fine catalogue book 440 pages has full woilil miilio forlirmitis or by mail 48c co 170 kiist toronto vhol ilfg fijf7orth i1000 sent with every order n ii- nmii js canaiiian harness building lots r utor sale iiimtiiiiicd has still a largo nuniber of jllil buildiuy lots for sale iu hie now tiiiviv ii location is very attractive and tin ij cvu o mora dcfiirablolots on ibo market iciiiis tan- ajijilyto w e smith actos anteti has announced his grand winter slauglitf -of- goods 4 o o- tlie sreat dry ocds 1 jdwilliamson co c mace of uelph has been closed for one day for the purpose of marking down all the goods in the house see hand 13ill eolt pabjsectjiiaks axlj toaveiilxg salesmen i inn- choico varieties of uurscry stcek itpcj i salary or commissiou permanent cin- ploymint to tiio rifilit meu no rocui for laxy itiurisut riadlioncst arejtjo ones ve axp lor address frith references may brothers nursorjmen rochester nit- teiidcis for building school o ijaiii jexueiis wijl bo received uji to kp loiiiay jtli march at 2 t m for tho erec- ticn o ii hiiik school house for school section iolo towiishin of erin tenders must bo for llt wlioic vork aud all tho material excejit brick aud stone sillo as shown by specifications plans aiii siiccifications will be open for inapec- tion at the fiiee 1iiess omco acton after tho 17th lcbvuiir vhere all the tcuders ere to ho left tna lowest or anv tender not necessarily accjitel duucansrefctyre i josoph h jtbompson trustees andreecree erin iebrnary th 1ss8 i i pptineeship notice xoticn is hereby iven that the partnership 1 heretofore subsisting between itho nuder- signca r trunk and traveling bag manufac- tilreri the village of acton under the style or fini of xjftore afcgarvuii is this day dis solved by mutual consent witness v a stoitey sgd james aioore a j e sicgabvin duud tiiiy illst day of jannary 1ss8 in rclrenccjto the above the business will iu iutue be carried on hy the undersigned under the firm name of j e mcgarvin co who i will receive and pay all the debts of the lato cciartnershit jemcgabvtk i s gd b0bebt cba1he dated this 1st day of february 188 auction sale of valuable far property in the townsfijtp of erin 1 v- r bargains to right bargaius to teft bargains before bargains behind the callxivalcnow ix full fling j d williamson co tremendous glearimc sale h rceivs quick and permanent relieibyfwrog sontuetn aathma jure sold by v tlrqg gists or by maub receipt of price this isau orfjauiziiliourtwitli lioauiiuar- ters in toronto whose object is to foster a taste for the better class of literature and thus promote the cause of popular educa- tionby furnishing booka direct to the peo ple at prices only a trifle above the cost of manufacture evcr- member of- this association becomes at yce by virtu of his membership entitlechvto wholesale priccb trade discounts and avl the other privileges of wholesale dealers whether lie buys one book or fifty it ib all the bame le deals directly with the manufactureror publisher aud avoids all tho onerous ex penses and profits of middlemen rom a perusal of the prospectus we judge that thfe plan will afford members an opportunity of- dbtaiuiug btandat and other literature on most favorable terms and will naturally result in euhancing a wider circulation for the best class of literature j in additiottto the literary privileges of membership the association presents each member with a copy of the home kuow- 3edg6 auas of the worlds bich has been published with special reference to the dominion and consequently is one of the most iimportant worsts of its kind ever offered to our people it contains about two hundrdd pages of maps beautifully printed in transparent tints in addition there will be 13 astronomical maps with 35 pages of letterpress beautifully illns- trated giving a full history of astronomy six maps of the ancient world drawn ac cording to the notions of such old histo rians as hefodotus strabo hercatqns etc etc fottyfiye historical and clas sical maps twentyfour bible map which will be found invaluable to bible students forty maps of the cities of tho new and old world the home knowledge aesociation is en dorsed by many leading citizens through out canada including tho olergy press and people of tho higher order of inteligence generally the object of the association is to sup ply books music periodicals etc direct to thepublioat manufacturers prices having a paid up capital of 8250050 there- can be no qeeption about the reliability o the institution and its success is assured i ri kalioual pflja purifythiliiatat9 stomacit livrtiwdbtf v c v y m wednesdays pvogi 1st session commence at 130 ladies cordially invited at all tho sessions papors will bo read and addresses delivered by tho following gentlemen prof pan ion application of sciouco t cuttlo feeding jno i hobson esq sumuicr fallowing and its substitutes col campbell iu interesting papor iollimfiake sons of milton tafcestock 1st february and jefore theiltliousands of dollars worth of cloods must e disposed of and eon- verted into ready cash pieces will he no object gcxds oooof- ddsmj8t im go bagraiu hunters and thobe desihug to make a little money g a long away should care fully peruso this- although it oulygives you a fukt idea f tbe quantity of stuff to be bold and the prices at which it will ba offerem j road consider 2o 2 j and make straight or hollinjake fcgns mllt0n enf detainment on wednesday evening coinihoncina ax 730 oclock an intertjstiiig en- tortaiiiinent nill be given tho programme will include solos by misslangstaff soprano of toronto mr john stewart esquesinfji quartotts choruses c by membora of acton chffial society and others prof pant livor au address of special in ject origin and formatip acton pa chestra under the leader ship of mr j c mil will rondor selections in their ubual excellent style dnriug tho evening everybody welcome fhee to all- no children allowod uuicsb aeeompauied by their parouts or guardians brown navy card aud blk vehcteen for life a yard wortl almost double the nvouey 10 12j and 15c prints and cretonnes for 8c a yard shirts tad drawerp49c a suit berlin wools 7jc an ounce maccrauie cord jjc a ball ty prices cant touchthese cottons from 36 a yard up mens wool sox 9c ji pair girls wool hoods 12jo horse blankets 50c 10 and 12j c striped flannel 15c a yard 75o and s100 mens wool sh belect fromall to be sold at 50c each too big a stock goods must go n will dfi- vost on the sub- or- finesatin merveineaux worth 100 for ggc a yard a big lot of 25 30 and 40c dress goods new colorsto be os uujlcrrudby virtue of the power of sale con tained iu a mortgage which mli bo produced at thetiuic ol sale there will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid by public auction at agnsvrsiiotel in the village of acton in the county op halton by william hemstreet auctioneer on llth february 1888 aft oclock pm the eastfcrrjfialf of lot 3 in the 4th con cession of vjie township of erin 100 acre3 more or less tiicre are so acres cleared balance uncleared with nniple firovc valuable orchard excellent- hoiiie and other convenient faria buildings school house upon lot situate aliout 5 miles from acton title good ttebmsofsalei j outciith of tho purchase money to fe paid in cash on drt of sale par of the purchase iunncv can rempin on mortgage and conditions will bo made known at time of sale tho abovo proportv will he offered en bloc or iu parcels further particulars csn bo obtained from the uhdcrilijod wm hemstreet jamowat t auciioneer vendors solicitor gpelphbr actou dated this kth day of january 1b88 the domhsflon washer jrvrlnger a lot of 75aud 50c xadies cash merfesgioves for 2ucj n pair fine allwool cashmere blk grey and bronze cheap ati le t be ran off at 39c a yd good cambric shirt lining go heavy waist lining 10c a ard boys inderclothiug 15c ed at 20c a yard it will pay you to drive 25 miles to attend this sale lnuc the country free i h mantle clothfrom 25c a yard np liuen handkerchiefs v mens 9100 regatta and navy spot shirts for 50c- boys suits from 200 up mens pants f gont 70c up mens heavy overcoats worth 700 for 8450 4ion thtbrsday i morning session 9 oclock wmf fisher esq farmers organisations prof panton liuitund smut afttjruoon session 130 oclock thos shaw esq editor llvo stock journal tho unclaimed heritage- ol tho fanners jno i hobson how tb iuake stock liaising pay wm- clements secretary alex- wald1e president- sale commences saturday january lasts only 2 weeka these prices cant ha gi patented 1s83 rjhjjk mist perfect aud complete yasher and jl wiii in the dominion ittsiesthelead introduced it washes easily it washes juiciilv it washes clean with it a dozen rirtiyics ci avernjto size can bewashedand wrung out within flvii minutes this machiuo is so casilv ouerated ind does its work so perfectly andsoqiikklv jbat wherever introduced it is soon rceosuizedtas an article of necessity it washes upon the same principle as hand-rub- hiiib yet so gently that it does not iujuro even tho lmcst ldirics it is selfadjusting and wights nvcn tlie finest uuen or the larcest llpiltwitheiiualase it does not part3lly wash tio clotlii s leaving them to be finished by hand hut dots its work perfectly and complete- lvdoiiirnrav with tho washboard and hand rubbing altogether it washes a dozen or more crtjclcsat ciice thereby accompbshinc in an hour cr so as much work as would otherwise occuiv uie wholeday i a i lurkeof hajniltou ont the patentee of mbric embroideries for oc this maehlue ouers sooo ot n-cbanoneecompoti- mum iui iu ucies t tbuby auv other washing maehine ever invent ed lljit will accomplish its work equallyas well aa quickly as easily and with as little injury to tho clothes every machine guaranteed to give satisfaction 1 l sow separate or combined trice of machine complete with wringer 3 without wringer oiflots attended to as soon as possible coiispondenco solicited 1amd schlltis eockwood po ticuoril aent for the townships of esquebing nassisvsjn eramosa guelph aud city of cjuehtyt cli all towns and villages therein isaiah w koyce evestos p o general cpent for tho townships of erin calcdon and larafraxa ts and drawers 0 kinds to 25 bundles batting 8100 provided for parties from t yvt71t sea wonders exist in thous- uhtlux onds of fonuis but a i hy the mirrels of invention le j nows tbur cleance i gallons best canadian oilfor odo 25 pounds rice 10 7 pounds japan tcasloo 5 pounds good starcuoc boxes matches 25c 1 pounds best new valencia paisins25c 20 bars electricjsoap 100 new choice orange and lemon peel 19c a pound 5 pounds of tbe best 50c black japan ohysou tea for 8 we are determined- to lead thetradein hdlton co if yo begin now we want to make friends of every person who patronises us do our utmost to please you so as to have you for ar gular customer t wi ti tt ai n m fto nk ttrttt v rewarded are those who xl1lx1ji road this and then act they will and honorable employment that will not takfl thom from their homes and families tho ptofita aro large and sure for every industrious person many bavo made and axe now making several hundrod dollars a month it is easy for any onojtb make 5andupvrardb per dy viio is trillinff to work either sex yonng or old oatiltal not needed we btartyon everythinr sub 46 it iffwell wy one tviite ubmottoij for ton narhouldnoh wenuutree aodnw baqifc i fesftsamipfem ladies french bad button boots for 5105 worth 275 ladies 200 spanish kid boots forsl60 ladies india kid buttonboots 6125 men pfowbooti wepant enumerate everything but suffice it tp say that imammothclioap store gooods will be sold at slaughi sale lasts for two weeks only gohemieh jbnr neighbors ajidbring your friends you journey to the county town bemember we can only the sale sales for ca8b onlta full staff of salesmen to holhnrake th 1888 en auy longer are surpassed those who are in need of prolltablework that can bb dono iwbilo living at home should at once send theiraddress to hallctt ic co portland- maine andreceive free lull information how either sex of all ages can earn from 5to 25 per day and upwards wherever thov live you are started free cap ital not required some have made over s50 in a single day at this work all succeed 175 have never dealt jyith ub and will iv 8100 every department of our ing priees ill be well repaid for your narantee above prices during m ttendio qustomers j ions milton woaa powders aropioaecnttotaio contam their otra pnrrativo is a safoi miro end etlectool destrc r ot wonns in children or adolta li im owdereo purest strongest best beady for saaklhe soap softening wealn- tebtlnciunl a nnndred 05 uses a asuals so pounus afflpuv soubyftllorehttadrnjtw i ijksssss shssffisss

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