Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 16, 1888, p. 4

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k t v i 7-m- rrr press thillilvw itbimm id lsstv j i j thr inuhii yolks i ts rki vfiiyjtad iv-jj- 11 1- hed sl it lie lilll yonrrcfireiuuvnlusaiuuiiih lunnfcc wnriilim oh certain said hieinc ani ab clod venal s anf cold i frciuetitlv t mlili vlk fi villi i ti ililihliluli 11 because said buulim- 1 think i i aiiii there labitter safer painted that sl llnstc the same turn- u for coughs ers the same wotto the letters of the same broiiclnti- sou- thieat colds and all centnrv i feel bewilder ihiaiat nil lung troubles limn hagyardu oh 1 cried the cousin il is one f lcrtm al balsam those singular coincidences that is all ami lilies are all alike and the motto one we all know all twin pent leok so in i iwm1 he v vat 1 aiti v l 1 kaoy vr- rrd si she lv up itimiml comliiit hi the snlteimik hiiojns iliiuelinlil panacea lias do oilll im lelil in pafil liulll lull 1111 1111 puwded those lilies grow in india no i v t tiii1 it inns ram in the snle hieli iioiiht perhaps fovllie ganges i o uouel- nolo lliliial fihclllnat i 111 1 suppose thev must ul rauliic loothaelie lumbago ami anv kind of a but hiev soom to iv mv ewu iiin oi ailn il will mustsiuclviihck- aihi the mvsterv was mvstciv all hei en the viiooii ami ileal an its uitili power ritom the- temflt of music- t7 j j life for there was no one who cuill tell l- wmlci fill ilriwus household pan tier at last ie hill ml 1 1 her how her rsvsftr eanl had travvliel i i arm 1 eing at lmwcdg d as i he great about the world a veivr to come back to tain ijvli vr ami ot ilouhli till slciigth i of any oilier ilixir or lluinieiit in lie in itrlrr aim lo hie rinc woild hould lie invveiy familv liandy for hvspepsm is dreadftil disordered live i n win n winiei as il veallj- is the hest is misery indigestion is a foe to iool i n i lv in in- woild fur iiini m ihe nature i li el id rmls mul i lie of ill kinds i the human digestive apparatus i one et am is iv i- hy all iruiisl a jo ceuta i he most eomplipated and wonderful llri f j a lion- 1 iu existence if is easily put out of order j greasy food touh food sloppio uhmwtltis sirrr cookery mental worry late hours nieu j eyny livron who has lar habits and matjy other things wlneliij i s to let its won- ought not to heiiaii made the aiuei lean j 1111 undwn to thtnr friends people a notiemorjhvspepties cnjijv- oiisumpliihi severe coughs but greens august flower lias ikme a j l astlima ilieoimonia aiut in fuel wouderful work iiireformin this sad ui 1 j t a no person nessanj making tlie ameriean ivople so j ev tt tlrti e wie ulies with their healthy that they can enjoy their meau i i v relieve anylese and we eoilsider larkfa y plieedlu neath tliem au be happy it lr tuty of all druists to recomnuud a co m fatv letters- and be- itemeinber no happiness without u l poor living eonsuniptive ot lehst theih ir at v be a nice giilfor liealth but greens august liower brings j t trv olu b m v 1000 doreu bottles health and happiness tolhe dyspeptic j v nohl as y laid no one ease where ask yoflr druatist for a bottle seventy y was reported siicjt n medieine as live cents real clearing stjy of new and second 1 land iin pianos metodiiins on easy terms of payment- f k up hl j 0 no i karo organs new from s7 uj fcw sihis vesyiull of i i i i i iiiii itmlsciiisoih ifuet lrr- uj i 11 ii tnlis isuflerh mid niili i eiiiiidii iiiipiid hhieaiid white lonaimd ivr ihe laiul iisiortineiit ij iliii sen ict a j ei3 uiif- i ill ill d41 riilrvi toddy k tiles 1n ii r lie kile ih rs alrhiflcre lirenl lifivii pi i hi minoiii kiiivch and a ri lalh and hkikwhat i- 41 new dominion organs john m bowp gttieilip am- orniistiut haws scales fii iiui vi kind of painting rri is her friends said lfixe k aster came iiy uildjii cud and drew 10 good second hand liniids fnmi to up toslho must e these histnnneiils are at piertent rented tllliillkh thr eoluilly uiel 1 vill vu l 111 ri iiistiiiinent sliieli 1 sull to uivu lerfect mitisfaelioii 7- jjirsct hardtarare a large consignment of i small musical merpkandise including band and olher instruments expected everyday direct from german manufacturers which f will be sold cheap for cash- all niiiliiiike nriiiiiini afl lo what price of iniilruineiit yoinviiut ir niil- fi ill il i will smul helivtion are nl iiii to prhe you wmh to pay to your nearest vuntioii m- lilj v rth ioir tiuaiiiruviili ninl if the instrument in not worth the inoney i ask for it ml urn it ntnr u 11 ijini hill ileiliu in the lenuiiie hehiniaii piano also tlie celelmitel diuuiuiiai i to iiii orean shet uiusio erlerel ilallv i or o iclinsr importer of ejresu musical merchandise juebeest ltlp telephene ciuineetioii raiiiwayltimfitablj k j ric trunk railvvayt 9i 6a mjftegj iitiporters dd ha v7i3c j olkfl her frier i fwy rin uarrkl a few yearsrttt re ai livin in 3 utile out-of- tojvt irwasiitijlis away tp the tiud sou hivvictii 10x a j acted j a little ri ta5 inlohi maib jixg lks a i jokklkts thit aftertuv- l c xoxl day fanny reeiivid rer se vi how pretty and siie sovti e ciri to her husbaus in fac she a e a icss abort it bini rswfe the i suucder but a i few hour a v a sh sat in her own rev she sii to ursel faiievs v ee to paint that 5 cara for rc lu i spjve sotcner er later babv w e ft iii leuhle it yp that is the file of all try l thi- sooner or later now v nvh sacb trifles aidw hi i caiihl to i s 1 v her the h 1 the ijiiri ntii cannot be too widely known asyotirdniiist about it sample bplths to try sold at ten cents liogular sie r1 cents soluby all llruqistsrind i iirs in the inited stales uud canada half an hour with the wise mm the il aud tlteparairrunlis el the puj dr lows worm syrup will remove i a u s monikiisaie you disturbed worms and cause ijtiieker- than any ol- r j i and broken of your lest by a sick medicine ciih iifi rnj ud eryino wilh pain of itit- tin tich if so sud at once and o a for nettle hash itchim fibs lliiu worm ijijiliob aiid all skin diseisis eo j prof loyd sulphur soap knoa- i t r ehihiri u tetiiii ltsvulue is iueal- uhihh it will relieve tin poor little slit- destroy the worms on they may drv 1 r ii iiiitly lvpcid upon it moth- er tlev i no ilde almh it it cures l nt and imarriuea regulates life iuii ari lies ilirt s wind colic of- hiis reduces inllallimatlon elii vis t lie aiol cihtlv to the whole t r-n- w anores i the e ise freemans weuin low tndl 11 i forevgr and tters tl cx kjtlds of won win ner tiil pius purify the flood rej stomach liver and bowels enveere ana wbeerini gasping sutferersfrem aliua e natl the receive quick and permanent it- f by ttsivj j southern astkpia cure sold by all dri j oi mrs mernr rained e card with s or by mail on receipt of price aco a auoihtrli ee v- would fiauv 1 ease she wrte her- went cut iet card with ir the frame d home and hivi trices epe- l e cardhorrcr c h able eilsvkie h with sd2-h- blank bcok martin tartej 11 a te int 1 bnrruuibihalliu there is rrootler remedy or com 1 here rs nootlier remedy or ceiu tofaua- a of meizicijies that meets potman y re i in- by 1 i pa carrvin- th i meutsras does liurdcck filen httli- wide ralrge of power over such chrome 1 cosen sherelumed eaies as dyspepsia liver and kidm y com xarhcj the lit r it plaint scrofula aud ail humors of reel otake out ke blood ny sre m-htphc- charged parcels homes little is dsovery mrs e store but the si oe else had tley bad sold r do not delay in eeti re i little- folks mother grave- vrni micator is a pleasant and riiio you love yoar child wh do y i when a remedy is so near at hand 1 i h d cah tley would aidrtss if she would lnrl of thr lldollull i havensjlhaeyards veil w eh range mu satisfitcticn for cods and throat fwoald not be wifho 1 cost as i took njsn it as the le- r c- stor card had sold for faiiily tise ms- li fraud herbrooke f j ale of cre of the rrinary who had mr t c berchard public- ecu fi teal exe school record er norland writesidnrino tie fiil v n the ii 1 was much troubled with itilioure cierfcs kcw spoken of ay several ldh ladies 1 ay eive mrs- mirt leave i but roc 0 gone home r eirls of the i bousht 2 i- i and it wus n next mcrh a dr came lo summon an dyspepsia and part of the tame ws th miss ltzztt to hr csi her grand- unable to attend to the duties of my profc i ej psjrtnis iiai arrived ro karope and sion xorthropi lymans xegeube dls j ant witu jer lie isr euro tjk another covery anddyspeptieue waarccomu ch journey by rah i came to light the ed tome and i have much jieasure i j n- moming ife l 1r bureau sutinthafliiwas entirely cured by uiig i drawers i one bottle iijaye not had auittackof my t mis ive chjed parcels with j 0 complaint since aud have uid someone she savi d i cant be help- fifteenpounds in weight- j e3 nov is a ptev ihiii and tomorrow 1 1 is easter i i il to irandma toronlo talie tb- oikr aci sj cr laelersmiavgraiidnta found who would have thought it was left for j the little parcel a har coir toronto to produce tbc- greatest the world 1 j do to the table in knew but such is tlie case im ri 0 cream tavtar baking powder is the m o l ao ha- got on with wonderful ever invented it makes the z mr win-low- soothing sy jiimru t thi i- pleasant to a 1 the p- 1 ipioii id- one of t and bvt fetnale piiysician- and the v lilted state and is for sale rits throiiin tjie world tii a 1 1 lie sure mi- wh soono -h- olrahti and lajng i thre no pivi ru at ie i ciivar i i 1 kits yrp ulievr fisls id 1 riianeu teh- f it or and heals thedisaiel t ii iiattly sthes tin uiost ui a i pr moling 1 r ei tie mtii-u- vh io- tl 11 hi- h cine aid- imported direct f1jom i elim a to charles w kellys music store opposite pobt offiw guelph the largest and most complete consignment of musicu mercliruidisei f been received in guelplr the stock consists of double basses violincellos violas iiiill tlrct jiii i halfsie iilins tiuitars banjos cases accordeons piccolos fiuti clai 1 harinoiiicas banjo strings tambourines cymbals ilwcs bass drums isnaia dr1111 silver and brass trimmiugslf l these goods are bought for cash and imported direct kothe music loving 1 of acton and vicinity may look for bargains this fall and winter my s with 11 full line of the bell organs lansdowne manws v 1 ivi- purest strongest bttt cctitains no alumammomia litae phosphates m truninprioiaimslcrials jf i j lllil ciilca0om tlii cellii73 tltzirrkr- thswnzer lamf j ooijcanple pdwee t iav7aazcr comaattf8ctwixti hamilton oat for which 1 am soleagent for guelph and vicinity be sure to c prices of new organs before you buy second hand ones i the lansdowne fiaiii is taking the leftd leading musicians are eiiin l pianos iinij buying this piano call iuid examine my stock no tfoubleao show goods sjt i the sheet music trade r-er- kemeinber the place tovelli block optositepost ollce o w iibixt these ark hard times s but o main street acton thi n li f 1 i i fiilly ti upply the needs of all who require pure and 1 hli e i i ih 1 1 li j fy fruits ac and everything else in that line for th time- eh -jeakr- and inais j ij ti c iiptiw swnp j o- as it j eedily and ayd li tub- a special stock of crockery and dishes are shown in sets at from 5250 to s20q0 ta sets 5 worth s6 class sets 50c worth 65c samps 1 50 worth s200 vegetable dishes fruit dishes cake stands c all other goods proportionately heap nai os i if jiartts li- iie5 of their children and frim much iniey troubleimd let thein procura bottli of biekles aaiipisrp and whuaver a i t li 1 -i-c- fverv customer knows that my prices are low and always satisfactory u th sv im according to diretoi tv ies will be convinced by callinr come early md secure lords cheap t ii ii a 1h i x oselhu tnrif luvaif sjiitr iaai jytioll c oliiali iulaan i1 4v 111 ctol plvertl tioi cl5u iail j aaa3 reoae valcoiol alvertfse- till beiisertl aiv trhiio a ndriac cliangils ivji m thudjire v4 they ri he let suisil w collage cjf otrieea trout a i aval alresi ton joii out urinary- tros roe hurve iven all call terjub idsv ugidoul and aiiiinr l l fenj c a fcisv caile-rvi- rrlu h leieuer tor-hiro- atislv visit aetc of eaah no merll 5iihnmf in of j hi a t lloyal c will visit ning the yrjl rvalj artificial herhasr nitrous g naielej john uaitisl ie itriv ff b a mg t i lio trjy n in a u l olitu cafi st dee x acton jrst orl not f teetii ii gilaij side ail etractf stoh rs sol te fun 03iad joiixd height son 7 a movi1 i bumisjti i 1 jlf1 fjiruriliattt s cold in he hayfetot easytotsffl c j u y y fi e brought triumph hew v her patltilj and i shall irc her own vak lizzie had lilies as he deny having pd blashed aud sa tbe crasoked d iti this is loveiv most elegant biscuit ever eaten t so hare for being srocers fed to cim the the extraordinary popularity of ayi tu she did not cherrv pectoral is the notura resuilof it- atoijnwashihgibii c a onlv u5e ky intelligent people foroverforiyvliir d tioai o it has proven itself the very lest sptij i r riiri colds coughs kwl puimoiiirv com- oversiicb tleptnj teacher shook her p head so fleuhy -j- fet guilty and ashamed afterward i it was as she uout allow a cold in tl thout iajli to cafe and a little an burfc ru catarrh when you can afty grapdni renied to england taking be cured for tiic by using dr chae- witlherthe gif cf fr gfanddaughter catarrh cure a few applications cute iu- acd as she jpod the proof of her skill sipieut catarrh 1 to bosccures ordinary in the art o p er j catarrh 2 to 5 boxes is guaranteed to cure england rs a long way cf from ns but chronic catarrh try it only glc and to thefghh america saems much bnre cqre f farther a land t nyotertcns possibilities i f and to some- a land of krniiavages james h gihyiour of t gilmour a co amorg old mr fths friends there wholesale grocers brockville bijsi was much iuttrtt taken in the little have used tarwac elixir for a severe cold american gr j a ting ma a certain and cough which it immediately relieved lady amelia pha peitoi in calling miss andeurtd lutzie loth 5 talented little indian was so tharmei v ill the card that in tlie knuonalilc hope end grandma prcstntei ter vitli it i one l is based on previous knowledge iit was well vj getiito the goj1 graces of or experience therefore those who use b ladviarneiia vho va able to give mr b b may reasonably hope for a cure be- iioth a iaraae cause tbe previous experience of thousands mr both gt the iiig but randma w u8e hows it to have succeed- dtdfcot say unythitg having given ed evtn in tlie worst cases the card avav iijnttrt i- ivtli c- a bucceesful combination the sujeess- ih 1 i i ful combination of the fiix oils comjvosing bdti and a -ei- loiitl around and ltr o i 1 l thomas lclectric gil is a geiiuiie rasier ii n ajed i triumph of chcmistrv whether applied in 1 ranee visiting at a l 1 0 ixternally for the relief of nain or to allay ir j an- she was alynit 1 lunammation or taken mteriiijlv ton inei t ii lie ojened her a cough it is speedily and entirely effective 1 a 1 to one of the young toe mademoiselle v mrs sltobert williausou of glemh am aoiugito give you an pj sound out ays i could iot aapretty thin- painted keep liouke without hupyiird vellov- oil laihau and into her at hand i have used it in my family for failine lilies croup sort throat and a cut foot and can 1 jaaiav giltelged highly recommeiid it to everybody u-ic- jr your machinery only thfc 9 gold mel7als vcisje try also oar jj v- loijdi iers these oils are met and li- iui i rr- tik furitliem usenoolhcr i iniifocin qucl city oil woriiby samulroq i- s fc iii a io rfs asa jr it years j i li vour gttlh33l lbcps lliiincm throat and lung surgeon w j 1 1 next visit acton- eok1kich hotel rvjonday 30th january one day only catuhtil tilkoatclliu f i ion in- is 1- i a o li i i y in wioloignua mi- i loi ky kinetiu jul fiitarrli a lady aei little dial fi take hee dei dresjngtat french laii- posme liozle lo easter crinl by a tatcntel 1 1 fricjjs 1 1 fresh a card iiosine over the gift a j in a iy- goo oonsidertd ge bavinj being ha 1 illadly lo- when it rcceiw brun hri fat- crossed the ovi eastef suniav i- trhi i h- i-il-hi- oafllit caturrl ii- a hsiipiua ihiis- out ilionhr a a ioei m irott hililtii int coital rb beiiil ivii 1 j mr- lo ielrui liiirdvsiitliuiittitarrh tinit laniiii mot t tir acton on ca- tarroh hii tlro f ioc liiii out catirr1iliul iimli tlroii mi n-ijii- mlivirihuojit ihllargiilliiliil v v ii- mlriiiiiiint cutaiil- luid ii i v n olmrliiiintalhiiii s mr- i wnnrr iiiiiri serine out ciitarrli i ia liinn i lvi liiliir stiaoijs out cauiliii head aii d tlniil cllil ciih- pi loid ontisltnia liio maiv ijettoli oitcaliiii wu mom in- i i imv oiiiiiturri io smiii lort jritiit i s citiirrh li i ii sim iij fd jtily sun hove mi- tilnll ont ir iliinloii is ii oiiiy i lioit mm ban hunann in caaaiiu mi mry a loiiiilidiir fiitrv lie lont c iinii lol llli tillii s mij ioikriy iiliui s laiohs on an siioi m j ifssiiiir jiioomfhlil out catariiiljeiiil ninl slirt for infants and children cutorla is so well adapted to children tint i otitori cures colic constlpm fns rccommcndltasbuperiortoaiiydrescridtion i boar stomach diarrhcca erueuuns know to me a as fx sct e ejet v 111 so oxford l brooklrn if y without injurioua aedicuoo tnr cektacb compasv 77 murray sireel x y i a a ri kbe3bibsiss serviceable show ny shaw foe saijie fvierchakt 0mmkmdm ilm hmi j into ecstasies hill in- iully jii uialh went away indications of ihspepsia uch as i- our he liked to ix stomach heartburn hick headache a mall expense fining and souring ef food wind on the a weak point stomach or a choking or gnawing sensa- ei i ft the chateau hon at tho pit of the slomach are fullv met guest pauline by burdock blood bitters which has cuied a frenchman had the worst cases on record a- jier cousins on opcid her eyes in dangeroin oiinii 1 1 us her unfa itoam to see hanging on counterfeitsaru iilwayu dang rosis imri- jier bedfot hinidh ohjecii- the faster so that lhey always closely imitije the card she had pomii a year before original in uipearaiice and name the there were -taa- hilts the leayes the remarkable stmcesh achieved by niituj balm motto ami v ho tiiat paints does not know i a8 a positive cure for catarrh mid old in the touch of her own brush the head has induced unprincipled pariie- she sat wiii i in her iiui when kosiue j lo imitate it the public are cautioned not glidediiuto the am i to be dectived by nostrums imtatiiig it s a ual j or gift my cousin a- balm in name and appearance beating very man e d fosine but i such names as nasalcream nasal ba1in i children cly forpitcherscabtom wiiitcl togle- mu iojietuiiig and it wag etc atk for nasal balm and do tint take j jinted by l lliniyi girl whom the imitatidn dealers may urjgeiijjoii you lor ji ool d coiitiad- a j feale by all druggists or sent post paid en such was tiosincs interpretation of lady receipt of priccjoloe and fjl by addnsi anieliav utile indian 20 pieces dress coods at 7c worth 1 2c nbbtocktaking sale notf going on 200 pairs corsets sizes 21 to no amoc per pair worth 00 nh b clearing sale of corsets this week 500 pairs ladies wool hose at 1 5c worth 30c n b great hale of giovcb and hosiery 25 ladies ulsters at 250 worth 4 50 n ui this month mantles at your own prices 20 pieces tapestry carpet at 432c worth 60c 3 n b jlverv carpet reduced dressmaking at moderate price mckat brothers 46 and 48 king street east katylltq 11 laukanck iiolesale ot buraces- 17ot a i fowdcr or iitititiillqaa ftfal 53ctsrard j 100 if rot obtablatyodnf jr- ecat prepaii oa receipt of price jnl fulford coj brockvfhc orhv kow lost how restored- a i lilca a nt- codtion ot drculvct wells oelcbrrttcd eeety cu the edicol ecu of syriirirrhti or ieipty indnced by s or ev iiisorecii iie eelolratel ruljr n this ademabto e say clearly oicistrates treia a tirtjyeinf eao- i ct uat the alanning costfr qi ikcs ot ieor my lie radically cures joiutiugoar aoe e cere at once iple terjin rsj j titeiii ii- nean of bicn ererj siaasur o iii r v hat ids cohlliticn may he- uiav cure ihnelf elsapiy iriyatcly and h3- 1 his h tiv should ee ir lleandsofet7 yeiitli ni ev i im u the land t at aaderso in a elair envelope to tnj satrs en rciv t of four cents or two pcsue stp addcs tiie ctyei 761 ediealco t ann ta xiw tcrk n vl r p0bm1 la ijevlly lsuaritj koij stock farm percherob h french cote bwfe siv rc fta ig ten an breedis of re chsrra and frcscfcoaa hones island hoa-s-kk- vzxt3 grcssc isfc wayi county mich weofea tfirv urge stud oftoso t se tra e cowwtt- pm oirswite gig sbie and su oa tay trsis visitsss lwj fcee address satireafuih- dptbortinc mfim f vo 246 st james street 1 0 v j ia x al ml i yj uj s w q r vli ehiiietcl lehhle and other hpectachs and i rvliii 11 the dominion d hev are lecinnn i- fiom th- liiint viceiresiiitiil ja in oil a io al a- 1 allien of canada llic lie1 x- oo of jliii e the dean of the medic fecitc o v aluja iis1 nta of the medical council of no aid if tries- ecelleiit oocls will hey found at ihe th re 1 je pej -cb- i rrrlslg hfmr limn cvcrtnlud tj in the hands plants 8ulbs 3si sii r5 lhuaniijol iuilrntiiii3aiiliiairl3 lwjtipeatfllliic vliat to tiy aal wlierci to a umil namlnft loivcsi tirieei- tx ijottrr hoik trice orilidk only jocents hrtloduii a-niiieiic- pmul fur 19 cents worth ofsceds 7 jamiib vickskensman jtochciticri n v ntulford co jirockviue out win njlaliy waj idiu we fia ve her gaetoi when she r a ciilm she ericil fflr oibtorln mlicn the in a hie mlrsnheeliui lo ciistorln hen nlioiixi oliimrcij she grvu tlieui caitorlft great clearing sateof white- goods at the rig the winler icoalsiniibt he sold nntl to effect large bales they are olverin ut cot irie s lies f tlicm at far loss than cost 1ib for bad leu iuid gulp of nil sizes tllcee mantltb are made iiial jhaininfilin ilm viry laum lv 1 d jk k charining magnificint man or t stylcr coitw at cost biicep hobiery biid gloves at 1111 knorinius i dec ilm hn the liic in aii 1 y are ihe latqst styles inbeuittifu and very handsome linon laces in various widths yoiny at from f1 tole d r yaid lhey have a la rale the limbraidpries have a i good value a beautiful new slock if ladies and misscii kinhroidcrcd 11 mt- rvear iml kialiy a- r- civid lately which is offering exeetdingu odelrnted jouvin french kid gloves direct from grenoble just to hand ijmiifing the veiv it in ility jf jamir buttoned heal kulclovc arthitie manner iiorroctpes far famed white sheetings in plain iid twiijed in 7- andlf inein i caedinly cheap vhite cottons drilln selling off at cost nbw tickings linings irish linens tols mu tilogiiiiiiiii iljitna- jn- i arrived iteiimtints of liress gopds and price dress eeodri yoiuu at 1111 enormous reduction bliinlu ts- alund helling i mi dineno thiliiclion ulilliiiery fealhars huts sacrifice wincies down from 5 to 3c from 8 tooe knitted woolen scarfs and hhavle -i-lin- n ut ili sec them by uli means lieev celling off fir under price a lot of very stylish bonnet ribbons iniirlteitikiu n from hi lo v- in il r led down from jo to t2ae fine the halfprice the underclothing of all sizes is going very chenp khiiiiiu fnli linos an- aiiic i ii vrv cheap- imoi window hollers ir a carpels oil cloths mats rugs mattings linolciirus window khtfcfei winrlov- iidis c ryt t 1 je r- window curtains cfirlain midi tl al arpets very largely this seusoit the iticteuk of one of my llnee cci pel siihinsnti miles tlii- yar vvs ttdoio andlo run oil iht ilai put down tle price to cost and very many below cost see the very brut live lmuit unit- 1 u cari its in rkeil down fr6n 01113 to sw iroti down from 110 lo 7ic very superior allwool carpets down from sihili 7 see ihe charming table and piano cloths t4e right iieue door west of hnghson street mind tlio names on the windownuru the rilit home and lhto itnniilloii jnnnnr- 19 188 a yujxjm r yi fjtii i h li vi toj c v- 1 eeothe bcaiitiful m ntls chillis in the ry ee li-cah- siiiiiig at cast new h s- they are solcll cheap a liuiiieirt of the ut and made in the most grey cottons twills and iriua seiiing oty at half ihbins etc going at a gleat dinter shawls and wmaa 1 v- 10 1 cashmere hosiery at id this week tise al- f ii lle 1ated i-lils- in hvli it- tiiely carjt on king kueet baet one cures lnvercoplal4t dyspisil buiousness sick headfiqfis g j kidney ttobles ehemusji skin disessea aaimpii m lofthebloodfrob 0 d fwhatever capse fe i alisieg- m female- vteakuejs ndgeneralee-w- purely vccetabie highly concitit- picaacit eftctua safe ask ifpr dt hoddersjcompounb- iv alar soluoarsavlere ltia eon r lo-th- dr hdbders 0008h awnulig-cbf- rhv ri e tints and m i i- hioioi an 1 nintifactiirers the union medicine prop lc tors toronto put it v hiltox toroxl oliiecs creel m w king ialliy tjagerowi iiaklll 02ieea- outanol o meioni6a ci enow datent5 i s liu entyycar li l-u- il r counh oriers lei at tb a my re5deiee loadorl io denl also nijney cj ten and t tt sums cd ra aaf john day oriicjtirtjiieea tjrilancts isojee sil ioo oj axiani liookl ierlaiiils ot evf kihng iitoitiv in mile iian mij ar easy cliavoil an eshdiaritingl hoaol 4 it ljut ij ailchiilr hi isj salesi vf ii are in ve v to canvas of vnrsery srjj success oftiiatij uieiniiiklijia we hic niv 1 c nthe fruuind on- urn handle ooacoo sold trovividk-oi-blr- let 1 iiiciviei bn cfa 71- tt 1 a rcmiptboj g wijin 1 oy oohiiiiiw naahtiaoold dioit y cc irjnirodtejej fll dho s r tvpd ori2 liver hiieh3 iil 1 c hi nt ipfljs iiciioililotcernludirw j rciviistssiot oi-p- dscn5r live- cere is no euro rfilfl fhmilviimiieviher lgalite- trylt iluiite and llxii uctj cl sotf byafl c1 t ed3llsosi- c socasout- eriaforaeh or rpniiiruuil enstri hi livi iinoinl in -liiher- the ildsul iaelil nature of th- vi by tlieileri aadthttfihiiiedi all thctalviuiil 1 qrtriuee iuly v lumbt f f thathelnis ockafulliiu other liimh 4 c coal rimjimrer maiith i iiintvii a i auio iirieeswj m f 0resc0tlchs fire he 00t7hxs i hadol h 1 ijmb4ini ji1 vi other 1 rjliijuixotei john

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