Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 23, 1888, p. 2

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married bvith- drrhv- on tuesday nth vet t her father lvsuumv 112 wk main stiwt bvibeuov a k miller uaolo o the bride cecil b sntith h a st civijkngnuw of st catlmriui to maw mima second dmigh- tof mr-tfirlviiiiscy- hamilton and niece of jjrv s a svoil died hoc t knelph on iic axli february helen nthcraud wife jjlm hoes es mid sister if rev dr sutherland toronlosod lujuars i jl i- r thrfcsrvy fkmualq lsss xoti ixo comments 1 liberia to america in 15 6 liberia of tiica courts trade with america we wil send tiopulcal fiuils and take in rctun anything but turn halton against rum traiiii vote against the petition liow to mattk yolk ballot st acton mil repeal to i v all she hotel keepers in st ihoiiiah mjji- ing twentytwo have bee srfmimicd for violation ef the scott act all tut one boring twentytw for v wing charged vfilli a sre end oftencr it is very uecesmy that the olfccfers this county maao themselves thopougl acquainted vvilli tho form of tho ballot be used- iu tho election for die repeal of tho scott act on thursday lift march tho eectors must understand that it is not fjt or against tho scott art they are voting but lor or against the petition for iho repeal of tho scott act the ballot prcpaicd for tins occasion is exceedingly plain and simple in nature and uo voter should make any mistake in mark- ini it however to make the niattter clear to nil we tive henwill iho form of the ballot to bo used voting on the petition to lie iovcinor- icnoral tor the revocation of the tceond put of tlie canada temperance net is7s all nil itmmd oaniiuilitn apilnst the ltpprnl or the scott art an impressive scr- molt snme convincing i ueniutk interests of for the petition against tbb petition x who eppexe the scu act menwjo oppose every lalv ttrat tvoula ulraiiitheir trade mt n who ripdly opposed tho crocks act until 4 stronger jaw wss passed now these men praise the license act seolt act inspector brothers of hrtlton has had many brutal assaults committed upon him by the liquor advccales hut we are filadjo know he has come through them all triumphamlyvrthorubuty rtv chancellor poul save judgment at osgoode hall en tuesday removing archi bald campbell from his office of liquidator of the central bank we think the de- cision of the chancellor will meet with universal approval ill the scott act is repealed in llaltcm everyelectur who voles for its repeal will be personally responsible for ail ibe poverty critaei insanity suicie and premature death resulting from the traffic are you readytobear the responsibility 7 kveryvotcr- who desires to vote against therepc and consequently in support of the scotttacl which all goeid men should do must murk his bollot witji a cross in the lower space as we have done in the ballot aivo shown ballot in the lower spaeo and you do your duty in assisting to retain the scott act and at the same ume relievo yourself of the responsibility of the baneful results of a licensed whisk6y tratvsc lklial ash mouai spasiox the critics of the scott jct are cousiautly nlulsixjmkktlxlaoalxsflkphal m111510n 11v ilkv w uah itev j w hue pastor of knost church pivaclied an eloquent powciful and ini- piessive serpiun last sabbath inorniul from irov vv i preferring tho roviscd version of tho text ho quoted wino ib a jucjisk- er stremg diink a brawler and whosoever orreth thereby is not wise mr hue iaid he made no excuse for preaching a sermon upon this subject for tho resolutions en dorsing tho scott act and prohibition wlltcli were carried unanimously lit tho meeting of tho cicnural assembly of tho presbyterian church throughput tho do- liiinion were of tho most unoompromising character liquor as a bovcrago ib con trary totho word of tiod and tho grand body of christian presbyterian ministers from the atlantic to tho paciflo arc against it total prohibition is right in prinoiplo and it is the duly of the atato to pasb a prohibitory law 1 an not a radical but am called upon to uso my intluenco againbt- the power of the saloon thero 1ms beon very much improvement in senument upon this question the text is tuo today wine is if ttiockoiv strong tiring if brawler scientific jresearch proves thai it interferes with the blcxvl the brain tho tongue tho eye the whole bcxh it not otily interferes with the body and mind but ith the soul the diuiikard shall not inherit tho king- domof heaven if it is iwssiblo that this tradie may wreck souls wo slfould remem ber the blood of christ wjiiu we goto tlio not lor it is in lino with tho intoreata of tho bodies juid souk of moiu the oott act will ndt boropewodin halton in tub town haii a very largely attended ani outhuiiaatio mooting was held iu tho towir hull on tuos- day ovcirftig on the platform wore joseph gibson oxmayor of iugorsolli tho inoakor of tlio ovehing ur holding of troy ny kov j w podley ha oeorgotownj itovs uucook ii phillips and jw kao acton mr 1 ucudurgon ml oamo iu after the meeting had oponcd councillor urowii presided and kov mr ltuolod ii prayor boforo mr oiuoj ooujmouood his address a hearty invitation was extend ed to any perbonwho desired to spilt in opposition to fko tho plntforiiif there was no response mr gibson delivorod u charautoristio addi033 it waa interesting throughout his points woro well takon and boro with them convincing weight he roviowed tho inauguration of the scott act thp constitutional manuer iu which it was adopted by tho people ilibtead of uibitrarily by tho ovcramciititb success ful oporation uuder inlsfcinecs educated by tho license systom ho charged tho agita- tord for repeal with ulwa bciug iti favor ot 80iilothitig not beforo tlio people bring on whatthey aro in favor of aud some other issuo will bo assured they worked might aud main against the crooks act and now whou wo havo something nioro stringent they lovo tho crooks act blion 0 1 the total weakness of the liceuso law be cause it was founded upon a position radi cally wrong ho gave proof- that tho statement there is- more liquor sold than uuder liceiibo wis untrue but that there was a marked diminution in the sale of sil everyhinc everyone come and receive rthe benefit as we are going to the merchant t everything in stock iu- general dry goods and clo tow thousands of tarda of k3resfr g oedir for almost wothlftg gray and colored flannels for half white gray cottons for less thill mill price blanlscs and comforters for a snj i overcoats suits and odd ant3 at yourown price undervi ear away down as low s 5 cents ladies and gentlemen you will make a groaimistakeif you dont a tendithis great 8ajc as we wjhpositively giv i you great bargains- i kelly brotheks r acton tiik official copxt olvtw mt ileiidersiui a majurlty ol 117 over jlr mrumliii the recent elcmion repeating the selfevident truth that you balleifctims the traflic is a mocker of during the past two years there has been paid into the treasuryof the county of halton in scott act tines 15c0 and there remains some still in tlie hands of the police magistrate linring the same period sl3o3 has been pahi out for cufercemeul col william kerns mpp for halton county said pnbiicly i wonld advise the electors of every county in ontario to adopt the scott act its adoption in hal ton has to a great eitent prevented the sale and use of liqeor it has not injured busi ness at a special general meeting of the board of directors ef the hamilton aud north western kail wary last week the agreement between the grand trunk kailway the northern railway and the hamilton and xorthwesiern jjaiiway jvas ratified by a unanimous vote cannot make men temperate by statute we riever heard any prohibitionist argue that law could be substituted for the gospel the law against stealiug is not a- sub for moral suasion but the statute ei ies the oftensiyeaess of the offence a valuable aid in the prevention crime it is just so with the proh law it is a valuable cooperator ing men confess it whiskey sellers awn it milleu- ititute iphas- end is if the bitory drink- uivuvsrniugs a mocker of self body mind tfnxsoul a mocker of others friend and flmily v whosoevvi erreth thereby is not wise those who use it err some call it a food it is uotysseitrial ixdwe must have to sustain hfcv but liquao not necessary satan is using it today that he may fill the prisons and scattojds it is a brawler u nievker we see the effects of its work and therefore- sayi they err who- use it god forbid that any inaii should stand -bo- nforce f nie at the judgement day and say that he who thinks the temperance ium will come the moineut you e prohibition is as much in error as lie who voice was not decided in warning my things that moral suasion does not require j tlio following is the result of the official count of tho voto iri tho dominion election on tlio 7th inst j illtnfikukox mlkoli acrnx i jjo lrolling subdivision llli no 2 lio 17 r ill hearers against the evil its use as a bev 1 erage is its abuse thcv err wlio oounten the prohibitbrv lash for those who are de- 1 auco such us iiberately dissuaded to undervalue pro- i hibition is a grave error to undervalue i to j moral suasion is a fatal error but we we sometirnps hear of the illfeeling the scott act has created the only illfeeling it has created is that which ought to exist between right and wrong one thifcs is certain this is the only kind of illfeeling the temperance peopie have towards their opponents may it alwavs exist- they err who discountcn- fact that there is work for us against if some say let it jiquor under tho scott act a government bluo book shows that under license there were 7203 convictions for crime to 100- 000 of population but that uuder the scott act tho number was rcducod to 1910 and all will prefer to believo an uubiased coveninleut jepprtto a statement made iu a leaflet wlioso writer was entirely un known tho iscott act takes away tho re spectability fronvithe whiskey business so it was intendtd to do thq respectability of the business was its danger speaking of perjury ho said it wts the outcome of the whiskey business the scott act trials merely brought the evil to tho sur face kvhich had previously existed per jury is juit as rifo under tho crooks act mr gibson took up the paragraphs of the folder entitled iteasous ior voting for the repeal of the scott act- striatum and auswered tho reasons bbowing them to hi majority for henderson i btilmsotox no 1 polling subdivision 7 no 2 do 0j ttl majority for henderson 111 gfonciktown no 1 polling subdivision 02 no 2 do on 121 50 alone the dominion parliament meets today and thocjgb the session is not expected to to be a ry long one it is likely to be lively and to havc under consideration some vitally important matters among them the fisheries question which it is to ielioped may be disposed of in a satisfactory man ner the youug conservatives of hamilton have come out w favour ofmauhcod sof- frage or the dominion- if the young men could lead the party on this matter for about half an bonr we should have an ex cellent francjuse and in addion fully a quarter ojja jojliieo dollars to the good happen to have observed that the great touched it but it has injured me george champions of moral suasion are almost j brown editorof tlie hijx didnt touch it never those who are the great cha npions j but a man under its influence murdered of license we often hear wined inkers and beerdrinkers and sellers of strong drink declaring for moral suasion lut we do not remember that any of thorn are leaders iu moral persuasion the nun wlio rely on moral suasion wholly rs a rule are not themselves persuaded by moral suasion iii fact so subtle is the connec tion betwoen principle and conduct that the revelations through a glas- v liicha man secures against prohibition arc apt to be distorted beetou vvrtj will the elector pause a mqriei t with the above facts before him when about to mark his ballot for the petition ti i restore license to the men who have uo love for even moral suasion and it wont hurt you i have never bo without fact or logifc soconclusively as anothek xo uepkal mm it cscd the tragedy at gait last week letting it alone dses not warrant your safety itcmembcr your sons and your daughters think of a drunken son or a daughters drunken husband jjont mistake the fact it may hurt you though j 011 personally let it alone i am in line with the unanimous resolutions of ourgeu- eial assembly which not a representative of rhealresbyterian church lay or clerical voted hgainst the history of the temper ance movement is the history of all refor matio intemperance occasionally finds advocates- among the churchesrbut they aiic jdwiyts in the borders of the- church and the church of god is shaking her skirts of such advocates prohibit the sale of liquor altogether such is in accordance with the will word and command of god there is no middle position on the question before us we occupy a terribly respon- mnjority for mcleod mliton no 1 north ward ns 2 south ward no eftbt ward ii ai ill ioh 11 71 7 170 11 it 11 12 majority for mcleod 21 oikville no 1 ward no 2 ward no 3 ward v 0 ill 21 hi ro tiiiiy nta mav-h- snicof farm stoe1 atnl implement the propeity of mih nollis lot 2 eon nnaveyl sale it it clock win luiiistrfii aucliiiut satiutiiaviitti ihv silu of vrluuble inoperty lieliniiu lj 1 w coililull at ailews hitel aetoo sale i- jj i clhck win hem- iitrectyirjtiiiei tnrusiuv pth maiiyiitauctiuu salo of farm htukehl iinitlciihiici by lohli meredith lot jt din i khiih m hale to coinuionce nt 12 oekek wnuiicnirhcct auctioneer pniiiiv irliirnv imtn- auction sale of fiirin slink am ininleuieiili tile nrojierty of jacob mnsiias i iii 1icriu hiiluntlliorloek wm lleinsliri t autiulieer james ii giinurjr of t gilnourii co wholesale flrocji- brochville says i have used timarac illixir for a severo cold ahdeough vliieii it immediately relieved and cured wheezing gasping suficrersfrom asthma receive quirk uid pcimaiicnj relief bylising soutliern asthma cure sold by all drug gists or by tnail ill receipt of price childrencry for pitchers castoria when jjauv vas vi fv hi v castoiia when iih u wr alliill rlit cried for cnrtorin when jiiiu be- mlvrihecliiaj to castoria viiea sho hrl cliililren the s4j thcln cqetoii prisoner died in jail an disrepute hadjisgnsted its friends another imjeet on the remairs was required bv law sis a general safeguard a bill has been brought iu at toronto to alter this law so that po inanest shall be deemed necessary except on the order of the county attorney or the county judge or tvro jnstices of the peace electors of halton the scott act has never yet been repealed in any county or city in thesominion vote against the petition and halton will not be the first to break the recorditt usl join in putting our foot upon this eubtle and sinister evil and effectually crush it forever in halton by voting against the petition to repeal the scott act so the record still rnns the last effort of the antis has resulted even more disastrous ly than any of their former attempts tiie countv of westmoreiind new brunswick 1 was one of the first to carry the scott act ip the year 1x79 after four years ex perience of it the liquormen made perate attempt to have it repeale after a hot campaign a vote was taken re suiting in a majority of 73 votes in of ike act over three more vear the scott act has never been repealed bible position before christ with the ballot we cast itcmcraber the apostle paul if meat make my brother to offend i will eat no meat eve iitie use of intoxicating liquor causes my brother to offend i will drink none while the world standcth liquor does cause my brother and thousands to offend llemember this when you have the ballot in your hand and consider that j ulcl the principlcsof prohibition area- light as noonday pray for gods guidance and re member that ve are our brothers keeper and must bear the iiifirmities of the weak lirjiiuks nv kv if riiiiiiia last sunday morning at the close of a powerful sermon in being filled with the spirit bev it phillips the pastor of the methodist church here made te following favcj have rolled by and hoping that their vigorous endeavors to defv the law aud brim it into repeal campaign was inaugurated it wai fought outiiist thursdayand the cl coring intelligence has been received that x some of the electors of haitcu will vote at this election for the last time death spares no age or rank as the present voters list conclusively proves the rich goas well as the poor every elector should aek himself the question if this should be the last vote i ever smfll give how shall i vote will i give it for rum or forcbrist there is no middle ground he that iis not with me said jesus is against me the working of high license in chicago should be carefolly studied by the advocates of that policy hs boasted power is there made clearly manifest under its benign dominance the saiiday law has been swept away the sale of liquor to minors has been declared legal last year arcordingijcroffi- cial figures vhe consumption of be- in- ereased fo 1074100 barreh while the arrests for drunkenness exceeded any pre vious year aggregating 45100 wherever anyreal htcefits have accrued under the operation of a high license lav- they are due to clauses of prohibitory character incor porated with it n r the governorgeneral is practising the fvirtue of eanomy in public expenditures which he commended to the good opinions of the board of trade when he visited to ronto a year agr there is a grant made annually of 513000 for tlie contingencies of all that was ex- pended last year was 11 w2 aud the gov- ernors secretary explains to the auditor- general that tiie saving of 3448 was occasioned by the strict feconomy which under his excellencys direction has been practised during the past fiscal year iu his ofjjceapd by reducing as fir an possible all itemstfl exikiiditut within his excellencys control here is an example for the other departments and they require bucb an example for of cigiitetn services eleven last year exceeded their contingency ap propriatious had haitox iiomv attolixky milton xteb 10t cmathieson simcoe who was appointed county crown attorney to fill tho vacancy caused by the death of johndewur esrji came here yesterday and uovuoccupies sio dftices in the courthouse v hie were iifed by 8eb- atbr mckindvay who lias hut to hud offices elsewhere by majority of over 7o0 votes the elcciors of westmoreland have again declared them selves in favor of the legal outlawry of strong drink the glad news will b hailed with satisfaction and thanksgiving 4 over tbe land r the toronto citrai in referring to the result eays ftliib mapnficent victory iviil streinjiltu tlie bands of omjfriciids iu haltou county ad aid theniin their fiilit we believe the halton e-on- test will result much as did that in wtiatiiioiu- land and that everywhere in thefciiiuoaehiiik cainjiaitifr will be evidenced tbe kroviiig senti ment of tbe community in favor of that t7hicb is good and true the scott act never 1ms been repealed we thank god and teke conrnge all against repeal westmoreland xb koilmvs uji tlielierord and ileclareh decisively for no biqienl of flic seolt act it has xevek heex repealed moncttov feb 10 th e fall returns of for ftaitist 21 w vii 261 ill 2j2 178 17h a 100 17 171 ol 201 the election for the repeal of the scott act i i held in westmoreland county today were not in up to 10 oclckkvo far as heard from the act has been sustained by ti majority and the places yet to hear from will not materially change the result following are the returns already received for and against the petition monetou town moneton parish dorchester hackvillc shedhc salisbury westmoreland parish llotsford the places yet to hear from are one booth in dorchester one in westmoreland three in botsford two iu shediac two j in the pirish of moneton and two in thej parish of salisbury there are 52 polling dis tricts iuthe county out of the 42 heard ora the scott act ib carried is 30 districts those supporting repeal being principally french the scott act supporters are jubilant over the result thpvote in mone ton is au agreeable surprise to thefeniper ance people it is he dfiterminaiticin of the temperance committee to rigidly en force the act iu future the best of feeling prevailed in this place throughout tbe day and very little personating was doni the filelph cksthaii hank shfaitaiie gikliii feb 18 a sensation was cre ated here today when the report of a shortage- of 1000 in the books of the guelph branch of tlie central bank was made known mr thomas p webster wlio is accused of appropriating the funds to his own nsewas very popular wjith all classes in the city much sympathy is ex- pressed for his motlier and family it is aid ho was iu hamilton on thursday on his way to buffalo mr sandilauis tlie late manager of this branch of the bank wag not aware of any irregularities iji the books until he read of it in the pa era to day x appropriate tciuarks in connection with the announcement of mass meeingsiu tho- interest of tlie canada temperance act he said a question of tremendous import ance was raised and forced upoii us this question was not shall we have a better i or more repressive law in the form of gen eral and entire prohibition- as ja substitute for the abused and scandalized scott act but the question is shalbweor shall wo not have an open bar the party which with great difficulty has secured th sit natures and order for a repeal vote are not willing to accept this as tlie object which the vote purposes to accomplish no no but they take up the cry of increased taxa tion depressed trade the law not kept and more whiskey sold de without waiting to answer such nonsense i would prick the bubble with an instrument of three words an open bar that is really what is wanted and i leave you to imagine wat will follow if that were secured on the first of march this question will be answered by the electorate of halton at the ballot box it is not a political ques tion but a moral one and i mistake the intelligence and morality and orderloving characterof the electors of halton if such an answer will not be given as will put a quietus upon this repeal business until the act is repealed for entire prohibition i make no apology for these remarks nor am i afraid that they will put a dam per upon the good feeliiig of itjiis meeting the methodist church has led in thisj movement for over a hundred years and i j wish to inform you that the general con- ference the highest ecclesiastical court of the church composed of the leading minis ters and laymen of the methodist church in j the dominion by resolution at its last session in toronto endorsed tho scott act and the eleven annual conferences in the dominion have since endowed that action 1 i the spirit of the rules of our society pre sent the same view of- the case and they all aim at the utter extermination- of tho traffic instead of going back to open bars a thing which the repeal asks us to do i tell you friends the methodist church i3 in distinct antagonism to such a result what do the owners of the bar care it istheir business and they want to get back to it no matter who pays tho piper what do they care about tho temptations thus phiced beforo our young men shall the christian men and women of halton help them to reach such a result not for a moment if thflr reflect upon tho quality of the st and as relation to consistency becoming a 4rfstian profession but i have no fears eie scott act has not ypf been repealed n every caso it has been sustained tidings oonie to us by the emjiire of one of themost signal defeats cl repeal that lias yet taken place in west moreland n b tbe scott act was sus tained a few years ago by tho slender ma jority of 73 last thursday tho electors ib westmoreland declared by the over- wlielming ms jority of- 7ii4 that the scott act was a success to rcuder them utterly valueless any fur ther as far as this community is concerned he concluded by saying that when the women get the franchise the occupation of the unknown writer of the leaflet will be gone and felt satisfied that halton will fin the coming election sustain her record and honor by a urprisiug majority dr belding was happy to bo present and have the rrivilcge of saying he was a pro hibitionisl iu toto if however you can not get prohibition at once keep the ground yoh have won and close up aud up and up prohibition is a blessing never give up one inch of ground which has been gained nearly- all the crime growb out of the liquor traffic while you have your hand upon the neck of tbe monster keep it there and choke a little tighter the meeting was cbsed with the benedic tion by bev it b cook l 5fkrtin- at milton milton eeb 21 an enthusiastic meet ing was held tonight in the town hall which was crowded to the doors mayor robertson acted as chairman and on tbe platform were llev messrs mckay mc- kenzie buss johnson and morrow j j mclaren q c sheriff clements s dice t g- mathieson crown attorney and mr william mccraueyi exmp letters of apology for absence from members of par- liament and other gentlemen were read by mr morrow mr russ gave a brilliant address he dwelt on tho opposition with which the had to contend aud said he looked forward to a great triumph mr mclaren was received with loud applause he saidtlic last time ho wasjiere he saw mr king dodds driving iu wstyle e4ual to baruums circus ah seemed changed he did not see him today- loud laugh ter he said its opponents cannot give a siugle reason why the act should be re pealed his admirable arguments defend ing the act called forth much applause- he asked if the was to go back on its record cries of nor his refer- eucoto the result in westmoreland n b called forth loud applause he closed with a touching appeal to the voters to sustain the act by a majority which would be a credit to the county mr william mc- 187 majority for henderson so a esgcksino no 1 sprouts school 50 no 2 norval 117 no h stewarttown h3 no 4 dublin l 30 no i thompsonscorners 0j no oglenwilliams h3- 474 majority for henderson 17 nasaoaweya no lcampbellville m nobrookvillo h no 3vjinatchbull o3 200 j majority for mcleod 70 nnlsox no 1 freeman no 2 nelson village no 8 cuiuminsviile no 4 bells school no o clinea corners 107 70 71 70 71 457 07 110 10 2k2 id 1s 87 07 h7 70 83 51 wo 374 300 4 oi 08 lis 02 7h 09 c7 70 4 55 58 83 457 437 rauey exmp said lie hajd a greater da marked for the repetl if the electors vote cra interest in the contest today ifhimi he ever had there wotiltl not be ldtvfbauots majority for hcnderson- tnaklloar no 1 the boyne no 2 drumquin no 3 posfville no 4 munns corners no 5 palermo no 0 bronto majority for henderson 20 clear majority f henderson i 17 votes polled hendersou 2183 lfeod 2030 total 4210 in the general election r fitbt year mr hendersou polled 2213 votes and mr waldie 2212 total 4435 or 216 moro than at the election just concluded ellixbtrijh concert co ake alterations in our store suitabj fj ilorincj hing will aiinost bs given away kelly brother grq 1 mam g in prdor anclto mei nioiiey w ltow a grc continue januatjf 1 extjaordm stock out will be g vcii will give y fti sale i hlvroktnii of goods oth iiuose oegetovh to jeuuee biir stock tlio tight times for have determined to sale flus sale shall ntil the 31st day of and we will make jfty efforts to clear the linhcard of bargains the following 4sj ilein xbbtvtistmtntz abeautflul ct lirod silk 2oc per yard j icr ard worth 13c iwder absolutely pure this pjwiler ncvur varies a marvel of purity btrciikth iind wtokuiiieii moro economical thnii the ohllnm kinls anti cannot bo sold in competition with the multitude of low test short urn t iiiciiu- kovai 1k1s roviiico 10g wall npcti weight nluin or incline st n y phosphate powders sold oalv in mill i will give y hats for oc niantlcs we arc oilcloths tonili the sepwyat 25c pel y hi som lea 500 to 1500 saved hull harness oulyi 700 fije catakipl worth ii5 cents frcej book 4 mm laifeg iniliiou facts worth 81000 sent with ever- 3sea ftr harness or by mall wc canadian co 170 king st toronto who mtg building umm fo rihic undersignedhas still a laree nnnijxtic x excellent buikijnc lots for sale in td fettg sureej- the location is very attractitb ujfl- tbere are no more asirablc lots on the mute fr tenns easy aijtlfto- rfecv t i ave smith act w l w and tkavell1kg sale8l to sell our choice varieties o nursery i iks ano satins 37lc dress goods fcr 5c for 8c worth 15c for 15c worth 25c and so on up ieryand mantles ye no 10towcship of erin tenders rinjrt be jjck tlic whole work and all the material eujjtfe brick aud stone sills as shown by specifieihm plans and sjiecifications willlie open for tufeeevs hicrifxir rlrivf lldif i tion at the fbee peess office- acton aftehfiit u glat ct u es lau i lb 7tj fllvllizy wh a1 the tendersare twn left- tho lowest er any tender not heetutisfib accdi tei as duitean mclntyre ovl joseph h thomison tmsusei amhft cree j j i uid 10c up ladies cuderful gopds for 1 tind soon up knitted woollen pdlnds inimeiisebarfraius a i koing to sell carpets jiifrs and mats to as- i people hemp carpet ood union carpet d allwool carpet 50c per yard i ipestry carpet 25eper yard briit cls carpet 50c ppr yard gr jat clearing out sale in e clothing boys suits mc- the treat of the season was the enter tainment given by the edinburgh co in the opera house last monday evening the programme was the yery best ever present ed to a st marys audience aud was sus tained without a break or even sign of weakness from beginning to end by the troupe of talented artists tho entertain ment began with the lome reel by the juveniles which was danced to perfection and fairly took tho house by storm scots wha hae by gavin speuce followed and was rendered in a manner perhaps never excelled in town not even by kennedy or corbett the effort was rapturously en cored weliave not space to report the whole programme suffice to repeat that the enter tainment was the best ever given in st maryb stmarysvoi2th dec 1837 our influence as a county conscientiously and as tbey belijve he closed by urgingon the voters to stand by tho right bev mr mckay of wjoodstock gave an address of a humorous character which was ably delivered and was received throughout with much merited applause the meeting closed with the benediction pronounced by bev d m mckiujzie the scott act vote is hmh the following is tho official return of the votes polled in the election for the repeal ot the scott act in this county on the 9th september 1884 it will be found interest ing for comparison for apst petition potition esqucnliii y ni 1 jiiguy 7s 30 2 norval ill 68 stewarttown 6 77 4 dublin 01 4s 5 thompsons corner 95 68 6 gleunilliaius 6u 89 nahstkawoya no 1 caiiinlicllvillc m 2hrookvllle 82 107 x knatehbull 94 trofnlgnr nol lioyno 70 71 2 dminquln 10i 74 3 munns corners si 92 4 iostville 56 57 5 palermo m 63 c bronte m 89 iselsou no 1 ereoman m 1 2 nelson villnee 03 99 70 3 cupuninsvilie 54 sa 4 bolls kchoolhouse 49 78 acton 61 101 burliiikt6u 7l 11 oooraetown 11 110 milton- 138 68 oakvillo- 101 109 total 1767 1947 majority aualust repeal 180 llallol1 spoiled and rejected 46 total votes polled 37c0 votes polled in 1s1 28s3 sliierease r76 a fatal it it siiinsliup to tho editor of tho fuek liiiss deaif sin thero are a great many people in this town and surrounding county wfao are anxiously watching hal ton three years ago you voted on the scott act just before we did and your splendid victory gavous uew life and a corresponding terror to the antis and now you voteon repeal on tho 1st march we about 1st may we are praying for the same fresijlts oh 1 we da asfi the good people of ballon touuito and give such a solid vote for prohibition that the enemies of onr homes will see that the licensed liquor traffic is doomed to utter defeat ioars sincerely a b swixfen collingwood feby 20th 1889 readymad mens suit l boys overcoiits aifd mens ov for 8100 times the uiidershirt weight for wear and gains we hav in prints from all 10c to 17 for 5c 01 will pay t them for iugs aire the best 4 fur 15sj la ljetter ihrn ever and should bejnthe hands otivcry prison emniing liuying o t c fl o plaht bulbs sill w thousands ot niitstnuiens cmt lrarlv 150 prices telling what it buy mil irtiere lo iet it nod namlngjotvest eices fof honwi pivls irlce of olldk onlr locents cludui a cvriiciic pool fr 10 cents wort of seels jaj1ls vice seedsman uoercatcri n y above is idea of w nrd in spec selves we successful millijiei ments produce mcleodj gt ias rcoats mens coats nd 200 worth four nioney allwoolmen i and drawers lib in ioc worth 75e foot felt overs special bar- v-f- atso struck a bairauza looorjieces to choose pst color worth from they are to be sold lie 8ce atfi 10c it buy then anil keep pring check shirt- 3ottons great drives lirtinp mlthe market for 10c am 12jcperyard- the imply giving a faint it we are doing come i the bargains foryour- are still carrying on oiir- dressmaking i ud tailoring depart- qpod sold for cash or anderso co harpeks magazine tho grand trunk express from toronto due at hamilton st 145 rtiday afternoon camo into collision with jl freight train about two miles east of hamilton the are m an and baggageman of tbe express being instantly killed the brakesman of the freight train fatally injured and tbe driver of the express veryseriously injured none of tbe passengers were hurt beyond a few bruises doth engines and several ears were completely wrecked both of the men so barlly injured are progressing favorably and are expected to recover conductor vince of tho freight train for whose arrest a warrant lias been issued is sup posed to be in duffalo the loss to the suall halton be behind this certainly railway avill he about fco000 a pleasant hour of leisuro may bo whiled away over the pagos demoted to fiction and poetry in harper mayazinc for majrch william black continues his in fur lochaber and mrs lncy c pillie con tri butes a clever sketch about the praiseworthy fickleness of a yonng tnau and the tact of the young woman who loved hini wisely and well miss sarah oruo jowett rolatos a pleasant tale about mejre pochetto and two loving hearts that were too much for her the mostcharmiug poetical fancy of the number ib alfred parsonss illustra tion of wordsworths bonnet in sight of the town of cockermoutji iu udditioii there are vorses by george parsons lath- rup cuarleb henrjwebb and julia c r dorr i luelih hakkkts p flour holler flour stone wblto wheat bed wheat spring glasgow barley oats rye peas hay straw wood per cord eggs per dozen butter dairy packed butter rolls cheese potatoes per bag applet pork lambskins pelts hides wool timothy seed per imsh clover bead aulke hi a fob 15th ltm i 2 10 to 2 2o 1 90 to 2 15 t82 to 0 8j 0 82 to 0 82 0 80 to 0 89 0 55 to 0 80 0 40 to 0 44 0 50 to 0 52 0 58 to 0 08 9 00 to 10 50 3 00 to i 00 4 00 to 4 50 i 0 18 to 0 20 0 17 to 0 15 0 20 to 0 2 0 12 to 0 15 o bo to i no 0 50 to 0 75 g 50 to 6 80 0 05 to 0 00 v 50 to 0 52 5 00 to 5 f0 01 to 0 20 2 00 to 3 00 5 60 to 5 75 0 50 to 7 05 has announced his t graixd wantev iblapghter -of- eithcr on salary or commission pennaotti ift plovucnt to- the right men no room forknv one upright and honest are the one irejv loovint for address with rereni j maybkothebs sfc xurperyinen- bocherterbtts tenders fr building 7 sealed tenders will lje received npjit monday 5th march at 2 p nia for tjbe tion 6f a brick school housed for ifbaqi stock of berlin a only ioc p jjo rassfll needles for j jc grotcl needles da needles kj serving macj ing machjit send or call for yourej paper accj ink schoo bags hairjj combs fir scissors k toilet soaj irnmfefise a dqisfef g dov iblind wide for 5c member our j from ioc pe the3iet1 sevbi1 parson pnblicserrtceslios school 2d0 ibj pastor alf strangers and vij tentivousberiiit th if sittings are pew steward lijj 3itti thui erin february 9th 1s68 partnership pti0 vroflce is hereby given that the prtnenllif iff heretofore saosisting between tbe nnfcfisi siitned as trunk- and traveling bag munturstrt hirers in the village of acton unite the mritfc or fliiu of moore i mcgarvin is this day ks solved bv mutual consent v iv vitkiss 1 tj jamts moobbaj waritoeey b d j e- megamjb dated this 31st day of january js88 i in reference to the above the bcaincsi vutvb ill f ifture be carried on by the nndersignediadrsfjf the tirur name of j e mcgarvin coiobjisf kill receive and pay all the debts of tbe isttis cfrpartucrshiji i 3 e mcakvis jtv bobfbt crambxw sgai dated this 1st day of february issd mm the scientific amenlgmf the mcf t popular scientific pier in the wprld established 145 1 weekly 300 a year tsoiajflfdp rphis nnrivalled peiiodicalj wbiyliwibgbl published by munn 6c co fozjr v y forty vears continnes to maintain its hitzb- v tation for excellenete and enjoys the largest cn culatlon ever attained by any scientific pobbav tv tion everynmnbetconuinssixteenlaieejajbg beantif ullv printed elegantly illustrated rtjwi sents in popular style a descriptive record ttbkl most novel interesting and important adruecfvjl in science aftjs ana manutacthres it slunnttrl progress of the world in respect to new mwonsetv eries and improvements embracing maemnarfc ji mechanical works engineering in an bnodiksml chemistry metallurgy electricity light hg architecture domestic economy agriailuni satural history riiiis the scienthicvhierican should have a puem ii every dwelling shop office school or workman foremen engineers sur ents directors presidents officials- farmers teachers lawyers physicians cjt men leopin every walk and professionia jbbjk i will derive satisfaction and benefit fromaregalsrivf reading of the scientific american ji try it it will bring yon valuable ideas snltei scribe for your sonsit will make them jnaalyvjj and self reliant subscribe for yourwdriaaen jttrj wiil please and assist their labor subscribe far- your mends it will be likely to give them s practical lift in life kemit by postal order or check va munn co 4 publishers 361 broadway hiss the dominion lkn wajsher wringeb f- payexted 1885 rihkmcst perfect and complete wuher jl wringer in pie dominion ittakeskletotay wherever introduced it washes easily it iistajf ciuickly it washes clean with it 4i dosey articles of average size can be washed and t0t- out within live minutes this macmae hjivi easily operated and docs its work so perfecw j aud ao puckly that wherever introduced tirbrj soon recognised as an article of necessity washes upon the same principle as bandh i- biugilvetso gently that itdoes hot injurs i -the- hucet labries it is solfftdjusfiiif washes even tho finest linen or the j bllukct with equal ease it eleies not wash the clothes leaving them to bo f hand but docs its wirk perfectly and oemp ly doing away with tho washboard bd 11 rubbing altogether it washes a dosen or nwj- articles atouce therebj- accomplishipg la hourorsotas much work as would othertiis occupy the whole day jiff a l burke of hamilton out tho patentomsjt this machine offers 500 of a challenge co ion by any other washing machine ever iirr6kg od that will accomplish its work equallysstoflv aa quickly aseasily and with as littlo bacjjfj the clothes every machine guaranteed toc- satisfacton sold scparatoor combinod price of mebw- completo with wringer 13 wfthnt i orders attended to as soon ai k correspondence solicited david schultis kockwoo po vl ral agent for the township ta nasseaweya eramosa gnelpn id all towns and viuag isaiah w royce evlfbtospffi- j general ageut for tho townships of zjtej caledon and garatraxa i idtlt gqqi3 tho 3reat dsygocd j d williamson co has been closed for one day for the urpose of marking down all the goods in the house see hand bill for pa bargaioas to right bargains tp left bargains before bargainsbehind the callnival now in wlh fling r pake of guelph houlaits dptjpseawpnciers exist iejjgf 1 j x ands of fbrms butre stnpshw by the marvels of invention those who mksf need af profitable work that can be dona wj- liviiigit homo should at once send thei to hallett co portland maine and rfegss freo full information how either sex of aflsbgg can earn from 55 to 25 per day audnpwjtow wherever they live you aro started itttl not reejuired sonio have made over wwtj a singlo day at this work all succeed worm powdebsl aro pleasant totnko rontrlnihclros- puriuve ij nbifo sure ud ewgvl i dcstroivr ot worms in culim oaitbsi g1llett powderb 99 purest strongest f j beady for use in any i5ss5 mating soap softenlne wt feetibkaat hundred oilier can equals so pounds sal sodv soldbyallgrocerasndl ewgillett 3iany3 colhrtrd by the free il no repeal far poll your yot tion trafalgar tow too the milton ij premises thechildsrojj ago remains at th vote as you pj return to license the antis given up all hope i johnnie camd boy dancer town the interior o of the guelph gen pleted the majorityj seott act in halt oriflgv rert e preached ih the bi afternoon the nollingpll thfeday are tbe speights store bockwood vention at rock morning at ten oi tbe mmber lature visjtecfbe college guelph yj 5 highland dl costume spanisri j town hauj actoil the acton the scarcity of hold v going ahead- mr adam sale of lots in his j lakcview plap8ol prof beaton piper since mfcsfe- piper mnsio towi rr- scots wkav songs by gavin tish vocalist of tljd march 1st the amiu tion of- halton- this meming j ioojtedfo owing tppr issue we are obu publtcation of municipal fiiianc singing the n the national dancj i townetallactonj the acton tt other new newspaj looks even brlghti possible drina onrriiiirsday agaiiiatlje upea insrye ji anniversary ij baptist church c fiev t e jawaj londoff engi pr al twelecticl tofiuthevaeaj of aid cutten ejf over mr peter k3 rthe expiosioi tailor store on quite a scare a controlled and tb btipi arhiuy 4 a worldlyan f lq niailtoibinkthel dn port the scott 4 their inflne wanner mr h h a youngest reevel he waielected tj 28 jears old christian vol before youagaj d you s ot the scotj traffic or with t port of it r loestiottofonj the special j ohorch under nvttej blind j fp tfaeyl ftet w

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