Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 8, 1888, p. 2

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t imw i 7- sorx -tf- mr t3ic rmavth ofjs iloclitqr f ciirt5iiu icfoirou tii ml march the ftfeof mrxhiui ciall of a dauilit 1 wkvnjikfkv ta fojiiwiicwi the ul march tlit u ol kr kflrt hcatltitfhik s i- r 1 ttariedl davi tillv iw-v- auhowucncehlhc brides mhtrth inis a him huimrtiivjou uioooi osuitj- ltv r lvis kccfot- of jwoodliuit crvuijii r- tiii crvjni 1fij kmilotcu jjien r mtroruvuitlt of llc iucrv- trakvuu1vuin ppdf lrr bt morr jfrripfss r14r 7- jltuaspayrilauckf less i l thktaslt as lasboiro by tla n xirt to ba round lu tuoluir polomt ibe turt oontor 111 npul otlbe scotl a la uifjr oaotj wi curled but thuriday wt iir kly aoliowtodxe lliaitbia retail hat p mily disappointed at hllou ibt ant omnty hut in the provide of ontido um ijujkhh tktr atioaoilbescoiijacci thm relumed to lh licmalatftvitera nd lor tho iflrst lime iu iu lislory lbe b ou act has ta repealed amopfi the rcasoue foi the tiajorily ic cared by the linocititei flu tnigty be men tioned i the volcrt fill ss xptaxdlxjjtuilxtsj twsurvoluctstttiarjrhm hentoria erpjij movement for the cmirfciioq ctxcrmaii canvieffc to the i elites and jfcitl preunutheai from lauding it is reported usl instead oriintrodac iauieprohibiiioa qncsuta thii session ne tennjjcrj oceanic rubers of the dominion parliament will cadeavor to perfect the sccttacl it nj perfecting ajid in oar ofimou uc iriy topcrtcstit would be to introduce- k mcijacc of- idcr iptilfcatioo viz eulikprohibfliqa i the rrpctt o the ppstiiiolcrgcccrmf diswy that v3 c o- iost offices iftr cstiib- irintfarit tins yew mtkinfi htoul iflj cpcraticiict ts3t adltsb ie k lided to iij ppil roaie the ucmber eiters uircali tli2aiik is estinifd si 7jxv sad cf potl cards u150cw xegisferci irxr jl5ji free kturs s1c0003 teirsfjjvs ic3 jhriodicajfi the 4 itiil uaot y of lie opponent jtriclu ot the antti rtdi u ownhr ptiring with mvflnltfltnperijicc men iliiujttbootthe act w a feeling thai the achad doae tr ort lod that iteu time lb jiuilfi for a better iyr ac as lothe fint itmuijtcmiierace tonthjcnghoatthefioam were aftud to ga u the poll with the pwenl voteri list rueykiietrthbanuihil f at ori gwt minynestiotullile votei while ruioywm- pexioce voter mine w left off the lit wtiile the friend ipt the coetny tovedtref theoalsiiie vote w verj iirge ind fivdred the liquor party it may beemitrtoic tint ijcaase which n aitempobary defeat iv whulty dsirty socectitftil fit cnrrytuf hevslhy a urfi hajorto phomuitiov yorth atcilffobd jthi rcno it of the eleotioa on the repotl 1 ot the soou act iu hilton lut thrdr wu fifrett iunrio for the lopporter of tcmpecincq and prohibluoa botli in the oiatily uid the dominion coutiderfoj i ho fact uiat tlio voter litt dtd wu very unuvorabte to the ftoott act the meraber of the ctmuty trdipcrauce aftkociatid felt out thd codlwt would likely w a pretty evenly divided ouc hat tioae anticipated such a dcfctil a wii aafferad that both ide workedto llicir olmoil ability for lucceiad appareut from he lagely in created imiiilvr of vote polled upou a hit prepared from an aueaamentof thrayeara ivury vole uial could be pollok wai broqchl ln and then can be do reaaouaue npruche cut upon the friend of the scott act for not doing their nholo daty in thl reapect tbe votes and raajotittea alhevarioai polling placi aw u f ollowi thrive ealy by pritt m sitatementa and ttl3jow confd attract tqch a large vote tbe arpinienta the i redaction cf icsatcn ofpoor tfcs the tem- ljllcoo bruii siif rauccliiucpas mat- tew 2il30acnj pircel tsocoo the xtouj pirceis revnzc aeoacied to s2023 peaditie ta si ig periycwnen pwd bythi kceicrfil coccittee of the ocurio lq 1 pi zzs importicct io pro- ui ovtc ontinp hts been atnr it is i till rldcit transfers thtj pqwer cf selling lands for tms from treisares ot grea faencst the coaafy triisrcj to the iosxshii md rillxet the of the bill is tfct it bncckthe peranco people anlvctlkiuor trinmphed the ite politic elecdaain thw county 1 lienaltd great many ivhy it ihonli iixve doce eo ji hrd to nndenuiid and the reajoiis gecerauy ad xnced is to why it did acfitortbiy affect the election are har4 to believe yet the f ict rerniios then there wist feclio 2 abroad as ex pressed to canvassers against repeal that wie have hid aaoaglrof j eile asceir i s passible to the land and the owner sq zs pve hun evefp opportcnity cf payic the aies axd reccirg fcis pn- pety from uit hkns cl knd tneccdatots under tbe preset tki sale ktceticies takes plzce anety jails froca the land tfcfiacracatsfrdtcthe ictding tkices centres cf lha ifcminia af the eacne in tludiencifeiilverenettthe bants oc if ociip like anneal eeaiinjc diy- sfcctkltlaicclths whole the trade of thje tow try ullrih szhjxj of late to a ets eirtin j is c a itiificiorj- wcdilfon 5iarch4lh l cut mzzz mbered ibpcrtant i a casli iaiiis irllb its bog n a bettar cot- eipectel pvee in the cry gopiz trade ifeiiu matters tppetr to be was at ode time t y witii the- dry cood rrde prirptiir rt of lie other branches it their trmsiiuns nearer to a iiissj ifcftrlane or nerval is ng at xtr 0- farrifhs lcoie tie f rst ai i oeiv cutuvo of the ieiioa b iheld iz tie ticfc list nifit j v icn its a heidfvery afterrooa at two and sattdcctici at hooper lite d i scfcnltet j j a y0ti- eecpis aocatof with a ipood membenhfp li betn forcin cdn- nectioc with the presbvterita cfecrch jedenlolis- t i i a ecart of the independent draer of fcretersxnsuieeniituteditedeniolia iwith frcrn thirty torty cfczrier memiersr ion the list 1 j the silvasftn army is nsiio progress iere- a lccxlj ccrp navic been formed acdcccesctfclnieins held by ihem at which ner outerta sre jr sag almost r i i a efcail cnortirs sale of the stock i- v plenenl ic i jaccb hsiiis enui at which fxirty poiprfs rere realized kxe iteddnfiah3te tceidav afamn andlixceaaenled v i j heiir that a nrsber cf enr citiins j yirovftojatarrepirtiat ilrdiaes 0afieiis trttiillatt thaiiay nizjfz cod tmreparti fcc3i ecjoyitie ue jwffdi ia j j provii uk fact that so cm of vcffn id cntrgt home cbti after daylight cc the foloffir crinip j 1 the rjjdf ihs freshtferian dmrch ve a ficineiafjy sccessfcl concert inthe town llii litlstednesiay eienicg j the haltwas well filled and the acdience ithor- i oehly c2ijed the etertaihmea leorded j their cy it yda people j i the news of tare inkfcss o the ektipn fortherepeu of tiie sect let m hilton wac i received wth eicertntfeeln by different people hpre fceitheffiajprity ara j cow of the opinidi tcitthftvty foe iict is eafor j fail cow we bliejeotne hjf idiien wfaisfcer hops in f til op retina v j xvk imp eocikroi itrcl o i crt of k s k3 the racth tiirlcl xn pn rc j riov oiris- acrreiiiftiir iiiistd- rlniyckwjoij iviiiweyaj for wih hi jl w 5 jl from the uhtaf crime of liquor cocsntcm ofj paid and ill the ras ye with bqt that the cooitr wants ira perfect law jrohibitioal tni voting contentr arhament vill x the feetior thai bo long aa we go or mctit with the scott act not give us prohibitioi among many c the friendi pf temperance is that the defeat yriil do pejd that- uicy will no longer be content 1 dih a half areas- ore ylhi ft baa been danpestrated that theracatv wants prchitiluf and that the j sctstt akhaa doce the wioje of the pait expected of il it certauilr was ueter ac cepted s a pertcanert mtascre and was really qtiliied as an inicatcr of poblic opinion from the firit tgultr ai5q ifajcritifcritralut total uc pouedrxxs total rte ioit ic liwjtk totiivstc polled 1c 11 1bs5 j j clecnox kottc j i lcless we have special legislation the scott act most remain in force qntil the lit of 5ty i5s3 a latfe notnber oi good men with prevjouily clean records cast in their votes witli the lqtcr interests last thursday aclcn went back on her record badly the three votes hero stood i5sth major ity for scott act js iq against repeal 1sss 8 against repeal the cootest was conducted with ranch spirit bat cpaa the most friendly terras cenefaljy i fiery of temper here and lucre was apparent bat nothing seriooa rescltedi neitljer of the xqt for prohifcitiod present parties will give ti itfnessre and there is fan pigevidence th t they will not aileas it he made to redoc d to their own advantage then we mns that wih too iosve ha content with taeasure which makes crim inal in one coonty what tin law protect in another a general law c est be enacted which will brand 6h6 tra so as criminal mtli have a psrty e been resting wherever fonad within the f u unmisuitxbl toe hition and inglng froni tions thronrhout the coontiy thit qcestioc will be the issue in a chorte r spare of time tfcan manyhave any idea o jtae scott act party take their defeat on the whole fiood naforedly t id look forward to the enccesa which will b tner eftartc upon the broi aeceptible qationof prbhmjifcen donaid ioc the genru prohi- aresent indie sore to crown cwiuid more tu- zrruyc r orjerf merit j clor t plic and jetailogie cjaisi lvlcrifvrdsani jdonam- sas and aclrieftjrey i cii5 rieohiclirty kate cose ajei itcphedru- j- 1 z r clac 2 llnjrca- itclicphurr john kerccdffid jte itdrdson jr clisc 2 leifta kwrey aces core andfranldin fciyerc f t claeelpt jpln 5fctt aler miller and jas morion class l ptl iliie ifjjfton harry sayere and lizzie jjrtds i- stinfc teacher i s peohtbinov fjletl the nev pnjlubin pafiy which has been freely disenssect in temperance coo- ventajns and alliances for scfme years pas isabotrl to take denjite slape in sefv iembet at a meeting of ike temperance workers in toroito the fa lowing rescla- ictianwxs adopted wtercu th experiecee ot titirty year fn great britain te ceiled etslec and oaaaaa thim that no 4rand tcmrccc legialalica cel be expected from tee outlet tikical lirti as tach and i i wfeerraa tbe pahtic cseractes of the party leaders is ite docnrnaffarinocrocedofhopa that prohibrticnirill be made the plant in either platform in die nearfutcre if at all and j wp tlre is no di istne qf prmcrle uctreen thecxistins paniea wfclciirenders their coatinaed exisece either tiecewarj- cr injpext- td therefore lc it j licvarred that this ecnveciioa is cf ojcnioa that the present janetcre is pecaliarlj tatonr- ahle fcr the organization cf a dev prty vifli jtohittitic as tec chief plant ini piatf onrr after the adoption of this resolution its sapporters met and decided to take initial steps to orgs hoe the party the following u a draft of the platform finally decided npon as one which the progressive part of community carr anils and which will form the basis foe a national prolrihition party l ihteonsneas and truth in pzblic tstixt as wcu as is private tjzs and no ksirnis vith wrong t eqaal rignta for all ereedf ciisstc and ciiiocalities tier exclcsfve priruejrek w cane i stcjnal untiment national litcrxturo and in til metiers ctimliie policy est cotictry crrt r prraptaoi atiilcte itobilttion of lisor tralsc 14 the otoectirnojit ot temperance ic ifiatiocin themcantiinebonefii and tigorocs enforcement of the scott act and of til other tan for thl nrpresilen 0 vjee and intern pcrince i lietrrcfcatnent and ccozonjriij jcblic e- pcniinrcidi the vitrr ol ridoting our t-honu- cs national tet c itanhook flinrtkejrithtdactosil qutlifi ciuon thadiiinctctoevtryfrfe ntn cf ki a wba cafcad ad trritc i 7 ah cxitimoa of the franchise to wotaea an ejwtil e scnalet s cfrfj ierrice reform a convdiiion will beicaued nnmediatel- to be held in shaflesbiry hall toronto on ilarch 21st and 2vnd fbr te completion of the organisation of the party an effort will be made to get mr wh howlaci to take the leadership y i cajbrev0vtlufo hi rirtith siinif toiiiiiiitfd fi- iuxfrt- r t recoil fiirur tokoxro 5fiff i t g- mardock c4dlsej fcrtjs csndemntd man john gamble received 1 jog despatcbfwn this morning the follow- fepay minister of ja tice power hh exceflency ib conncu his been ae3itd sentence r o commute the deatt in john gamfaje to iiu- 4 mm i ipriwaffelt fir liein tjjepeiiiientjary j gamwijirair the edncer of lixzie bqiy 1 j upoa irtjoniacrir iioalopatioa tru pet- fvneed rtsulu jn her death 4 u n is kalwirf koivvud ilurucctoo kol wht ko i viz- kolwird salvh miltoa- so 1 xonb wurt so a south vnl sq3eut wtrdv ko i w41j ftlw xo i avibt ejiiii xalscolchluoct no i kori xo i stc witaaq xadnblmi ii xosuuichohm 3 xofi giltrittiaut 0 xo i cjnpbeuriuc to xo t ilrookriilc s3 xa3kflchljajl i3 xelioa xo ifiwajliaj s 19 xo t luratijtdle kl xo3lvamiiisrijj ii xolokrttf jt xq5alitt jl xo lpomo ftj xoidhittjticia 1 xo51tville gf xo uuufi corners t3 xo s ivcreo xa 6 lirow c act ftt for ign if tin wrk 1tu uotujtte antulual lilwfl qllnutf 8on ninr ein6jbi-fiilrliiriril- jl 1 man lettrfl iitmi6 j oflnidg cowbu n in j 1 tl8oitt rami nbu r jpmsou j from our owucovniiojri t ottai much 0 tb 1 future otlbo hoam lor uic put itmk nvg boon row over tii dumlucd tromon 8iriliclvrd cirnvflnhti ilarnlriotgd lt63ipbbty reto- lotion juid tbo utliottoj wblcti voro lor tho firlt lluto la tibo liatojry of tlio homo prownlod- before tbe bufljpt ipeoch w nude tbe ortl nurod uffjir roio from tho fcu tbit folloni mcrt woricr nd tho two trembkyi aro the lrendi tramlaioti i for ho cotumom dtbitol durloglbo focai llioy jvroto tod iwo gilntt the ioitfy mpokiilly the ftcuch mioliun they held tbht out of euioo they hd liberty to do thu if r flieplein thought otherviie tod vrjte to mr speak er dcnundino their dujniml ind the bpoajtor oomflied in the homo sty linrler held that the 6pdikcrbd oxoeod- ed hii wthority u the report of ihedobifa ooqimittfio reoocojoeodioathoappoiafaieou hd beta edoptod and bcenma the action ot the booae therefore onli a reeqlduou of tho hqqm coald dlimlu uieni aolamin- oofl apen iocladiok aipimphlet wcro laid on the table tod wheq lhcjarc prinlfid the question will be foughi oat tnc ktit unrjurvouc- by fir tlie moetimfortant polilical ovcot lince tlie reaignatioaof ur blake ii the decision of thijjliberal party to dpjit 1reslriqtdltctprocity ai a poiioyka condoiiotru reached at the liberal eaoco and next day sir richard cirl- trrightpot a notieo of motion oo the paper boiled doirn it wta ubi unrestricted reciprocity with tin united satea ia high ly deaired unrestricted reciprocity means that canada will tlace on the free list of tier tariff all tliiiprodacu natural and artificial of the i united stales provided that country does jtfle aamej stanywooder ffbalit the difference between unrestricted reciprocity and oommercjal auion well the latter nonl4 clean the adoption of one uriff for tlie united staua and canada ajsinst the outside tcorid undcrsir richard cartwrijjnti proposal canada till maiouih hergwn taiiff and the btalcs their otto agaiot all oouide coontriev the debate oo thur resolaupo will last at least a week it iiil be the i ijsest orator ical display of the eeasion- j rnciaiuritei the total estimated eipei t itoreiil hi isc31c of which k33o300li s controllable eipendilarc the urgeatit x is 11879- 000 interesx on the public di bt an iaercas of ji033u2 it costs ovc jlsofloo to manage lie debt aannally ntheordinary depirtmeuta civil fjnemmei t costsjl3w 521 increase 3j 252 n tiae jwjoio increase juooo eefulatloi 700030 de crease 1800 arts and arrcuitore f ul 9i decrease idlijaji immigration uk- hi moullan donstructiou replied that tho of a llnejto 0 tormcuiltic i ndburpoino ibt frreatwl f heall fo itlio i imntuitoii of niua 1m lidd tbjtlj njsten- wsi lit j j tho seot4 time fcr tlio i lkthi kssjti in had an uuuijuajly be threshed c a renew 000 oo luresiieai will nt roue alto took pi a iu oporjli tiaptovod to the credit ofthe whiskey party itl decrease flluj mihtia 310500 l increase 32 f railway and canals income 8273850 increase j7e3g pahlic gives cs psiascre to bear tcctimonyto their rood befctvionroa thench of thedoction ttnseeoly demanstratioffs were looked for- bit inada at least qmet and order pre vailed i 1 thitproibitian is generally desired ia apparent the priiieinjj hotel-keeper- in town opealy promised last thnrsday even- in in ajpcbli place to vote for tt if fcrocaht before the electors he will prob ably hart an opportnxfty the many friends of mr d henderson m p poliucal temperance and lodal were sorely disappointed t his abaeatin himself froin tsitttcene on election day mr henderson explains thit he wu sick at ottawa and coald not come bat some how the explanations of public men for their misdemeanors are not always re- oeivedwiili trustfal confidence by a dis cerning and sometimes unreasonable pub lic mr hendersoa nroteata however that he will yet prove fo the people of the connty of halloa that its coarse was in every respect been opright and straightfor ward personal jtextion pirtfrsfjli eetpectinjj vbitorsto and from artonvvrith cliotn free pre headers arpkqreorlsa atuhrted j mr j fyfe of barrie was in town on ijbarsday 1 mtss jessie warren is visitinj friends in toronto mr j if femley of brantford was here last wee i mr c b grifsn of dcnnrille was in town last week i mr j p secord pf orilliay paid a yiait to his old home last week mrs v7stonerorontovisiedfriends 4t cedar creek fsrtn week mr byard hall and miss hall of hornby were gnats of acton friends this week miss stoat and mrs lnndy of eock- wood paid a visit to acton friends this week miss maggie cameron of godericb visited friends in this vicinity daring the present week mr d henderson mp carae home on saturday morning he retarned to ottawa on monday ercninj if r george c smyth is open for con- gnttalatians- he isthe father of a darling little leap year daaghter the first of a family mr and mrs thomas hcmxckon of hibgaie were goests ot acton friendahut vreek mr mcmackon returned home on friday j mr john x bzennej- of eidgetown came to acton last thursday o cast a good solid scott j vote he left with a sore heart bat a clear couscifl2a annual statement pr the heceipti and erpendirores of the bo arl of tmstees of acwa public school for the year ending dec- 3ijt 1887 rlk is beftuk j bttuxj march c a sro broke ontabeut 101ir in brjckers american livery aubles and dwelling oo queen fit complete ly destroyed the tmildihg and hack tbe cotters and eobes were destroyed out the horses were pot ont insured for ibflgq a frame dwelling adjoining was also horn ed to the ground contents saved breithaapts wholaale leather warehouse was slightly damaged thefire originated uirvoxh a defective stove doflbj balance from img t1s school rates per village treasurer 1700 00 government grant imoo r mr78 i 1irifkxts teachers salaries caretaker and secretarytreaa interest aeconnt insurance foe ifsw repaijj kfaps t apparatus chooi supplies and snudrica balauceon hnduist dec 1887 i j13m 00 123 60 isis 100 w 12300 cob a 67 7m 7i 12507 9 i kujlilm 1888 i voting onthe repeal tfcnfrew wilt take place on thursday april 15th 1 there an noweight bothfceepers and one barboy in the walkerton jsii for 6i ci- j tlior t moore principal i 575 00 cassia mcphail lind dept m0 00 d corrigan prd dept k0 00 lena dorland th uept 275 00 beolt actio l lyman caretaker 1j5 00 h violiuon of the scott act p moore becwtarytreasarer so 00 i jims 00 xtmoobb l alijkicklvik acton ubsukrjilubls- f r 1 s jiuly tdate body tlity dicakd be fbhery ti eity bti a tlisllmstter will in urn pojmlarjtlnunltcr 1 it now a lo disufticii on thii pwpaiiijon to frame new rules hi divorce procjtini senaior jjegowaii tlio mofr rccoifid aucnlij iiiciit u tlie codntryjor rvfornr hcnalptl unl llierc were divorce cosris in kova bcolia new hriiurwjclt aul 1rina kj- ward ulaiiih fiincf 4 if ljf fit v 1 0 btoiia had fifaitcd vj tlorccs mj cw jyouuwiclts ilorokjiclila remit nil divorce petitions to tttti iiickcl 6eiiuors the motion for a loccluottinitlo was carried after a titbate the sute having fitle 0 do hu ajjatirced till lija 20li ixuuiufsvtiia jttrrrns the press gallery bus tkcicl mr moljv neux 8t john editor of tub mwrtal tftrai as prettdcut mr js johnston of uic ottawa cituen vioaprc4 laud ltr ccok of uie htupirr kocrctary there will be tlie annual preas dqrttir andagrotp photograph ol the knights cf uic pciicii moweuaof tbe itontrcalctr bae been appointed on hiaiani h sitc tt the laic gcoeyvel j general middmon fccolicalj the rc- diitnbutiaa of th garrison artilery ua ridicules wbat ha terms u12 i military picnics of the city irgt meets which ie thinks should have paid adjqtsnta and go into ragalar oantps lika ja nauy cara fi a proposed ta hold the fxresv ban- qael tccinsdownc ialbe ssste clumber when uis eiellency will make a big speech j mr speaker oamet giics a aitiir al most every evening the indian report shows thii our- red skin brothers nnntfxr lsooq nndcr government csre ucbsts overla million dollars to take care of them and thcrcrlire 193 ichoou inperation far tlitjr icsirnc- lion i the death of mr honcrtiaa kares a vacancy ia west hastings wlticli ii a cgiil- ing couatrtaency itu execed that mr hatrycorbyanfl mr v h bigir fill be the 6onsecvatve and literbl candidates respectitely i the parcei posttreityuiih the stales is cowju force 1 j tbe hoase committees get tojwork to- iy i v it amor associates teicityjyeir old seatorwithan expectant bride of twestv- 4 ii the dominion temperance allistce is iu ession here ft -iks- ijjiii 1 tfi 500 to 11500 worth iceufi frr uoo ininicflifi4twn iwpwtnwhh -forbftnicst- or uy full it cmtf kz colc ilabttormio vful w w vtorks 11750 decrease i j35u0 fish erica 35500 decrease c2ct500 indians 11003702 increase 1033 sorthwest police to keep the indians ia order 179- 000 j cuitoms 8u- iw incr aiac 41g7g5 railways and canals 372 315 iacrease 1201255 post 0f9cc sjt7 g20 increase i0000 hjtilwayi ind canals capital 85249000 increase m 1 ifjlm mxcnfbipsrm oe j there are some k unresting items araoag all government exp inditnrea the speak- trei4 w000 sealiooal cle fcrdrav ft- r ioo n takes ili0oo co tay for the stationery xned annually b farliameht yet an annnal vote if iloxx inppliea all the departments for the yeir and the de partments are not hlggardly there u an other charge against contingencies for slationeia office of 530160 jit is enriona to note thai the haraorked fcivil servant oaed 11911 botes oi pena and s537 pocket knives last year another item stales that last year 1128000 worth of stationery wu poxchased and pot in stock rcttxttroce k1llmx ltttfces- daring the year itherc passed throngh the mails 7f000 atjd ig9qw0o postcards- there ijere ajgoooregistered letters oat of which 1 xl miscarried and 34 were stolen- by detected po clerks savings bank depoajtors havj if wodooo in that bank- half fonillion tenons took cct money orders araobnting to uoscoooo run tiec ijc run 1101 as is asnsi parliament tak days to get op steam and thi lets her go the report of corrupt practices prevailed eenfv ont waa referred to elections cotnmiftee id order said to decide what the legal jconseqnenoe of sachadecisionwas said to have farther ihqairy j when the committee reportajthe hoase will jrder the istrae of write for a new elaction ill reply sir charles topper confirnjed the report that there were were to be j no tariff change notwithstinding this it as befieverl changes mast be made if only to take advantage of the offer of the washington administration to abolish the daty on salt lumber and wool which is conditional upon a ike abolition by other coantries and is a direct offer to canada o reciprocity in those articles it ujrenerilly believed here that the government canntatoid making even farther changesj in answer lomr perry mr jfoster sid tho government were contiitially taking wpt to carry pot tbe terms of tmionbyiprofiding contm- nons steam j ccramraieiticv with pfiflt6 jijdward island thaijoestion of the sap- pression of trade combines yna dispell of by the adopliou ofjsr reso lotion to appoint a select committee to take- evidence in matter after a brief debate had shown a contbol of opinion that trade combines were if not illegal very mischiflvons- it was fiariothis discassica that mrhesson said soft coa only was taxed and hon peter mitchell who was on hii feet uleccedhis fnlermptcar with the remark get out yorrdont know anything about it mr hesaou wu right in his statement and mr mitchell himself went on to attack the daty on soft coal which formed he said tbreeioartha of- oar total coal consomptioo mt kirkpatricks bill to enable american vessels to come into canadian waters to breeder aid to distressed veasels provided iimpar privileges are granted by the ti 6 government bai paised iu first readings i was itated that the amoant receiijed lands in the orthweaf fqm807 was 1150701 mr gaillet question relative to mr ellis annexation viewiani what aotion the gov ernment proposed to take yr roled oat 0 order and mr gaillet yilltry to pat it in another form in tho meantime mr landcrkin has a nottco that tie will ask whether mr ellis com act wol be referred to a oomroittm comofed of sir david macphenoo hou j j abbott and other conieryfttivei wbb iluis aiguod aoaonei atiupntknifeattc thisjli one of the gepfal doctors little jokes ic r dawesin moving tor papers denlared tb it tho mail fnoon- veuieneei of prince 1 dward island had bwqlhuttiaifled bytljegovenjcientiaction powder i absolutely pure t this powder neror tirffs a marrciocpurilr ftrenfth and vholcssmcctc mom otcnociittj than the oniiiitry kiddc and cane at u- ict in competitioa wtlii lie u3auitn4ecikwtiliicrt weight alum or pborbal powder i r r has announced hi8 j toaiid winter slaaighter ahfnqtes akdpldtt b dlilsclks and ilchktu l5 ctianliiiiialljaiid atltlilianli vtipfn sad jtockwxl j alh1 brj lleckikl wfiji l lht iiijtiiul iivildiuffljii ton sali sssal rpl k iiniki icti 1 ill a llatj t mil ilun- art ijiiiwi u i vchmti dflralrtlot6 lj 1 i want lotal and ttuvfjjvd toe3 iuriiofcovariii eitliioc ftjiryior rooiuiihltui ijiviit to tha riphl nioo i diicilitlcljtaj honcrtsrel amirfj may ijltpt -op- jybft goods the freat dry jgocs palace of j d williamson cg- glselh ilasbeenclogodfor onedayforthe purpose of marking down ail the goods iri the houue sep iakd bill fob tparticulalvfe 1 bargains to right bargabs to ltrft- bargains before bargains behind thk cahxival jtow ix full fldfg jj d vyiliamson co ik the ontario mutual life assurance company head office watertoqont i note its progress asrsv lca jt iizti rr t in rrrfim4 xtf itih- euktsi tftaaoa slsitlii slfh shm s3j iojt0 j1h tk iijo 3i 13123 rui iab lii65 iiti hifils lutlis to0 uj st75 aiiis 90ii ir53i tstto rk336 s69r9i cu3j sfjch i us i9a- m010 g2fia 809190 incaoif suk ecld onr ecru uasyi townnc co icc wall nwashirajmolrcps eminent throat and lang snrgecn will next visit acton dominion hotef friday 2nd march one dayjonef catakkh theoat cteed a few of the buadreds no luce ictz fiimss eiii- treated by jlr wasi ee cut cctnod ifnjno ifekelvy kicjitou ost- catarrb andoonsnmption john ifckoikinffbtoaontfcatirrj urs x hopping kingston out broatno consamption- i iir e scotia kingston oat catitl lead and throat krsuobtramkanovaiid0tc4attli vaincsusttbctspirclvcr actcu out ca- tanali head and uiroal f fraud ucrlia ouu cjurrh tcid ii throat j j mlsskeuicebyuorlihbitujirrjto- htiitlfirrjsto- fwnralcorucna 9- ccttinli ieaj henry scott berlin out- affcjiia licrlijtoai guanh t tarrb h fatfirrli urs lmvteuer nearj 1 bead ind throat i lerf kcrchcr filiiwdi oit and throat 1 coincaiapuiptedtfrj jamei btacy dqtlon ozl cirru wm- fiboemaieriiodror ontdtorrl joseph saxuey fort grttiot u bud form i t w h btoroy gs of 6 loir fia glove lianaiactorcrfi actcnoah dr washirrinn li the only threat and lcnfikurroci in canado- uim uary a nombcrs ctitcrnlc joct cstarrb head and throat llri godfrey lehnc sjtcqlqul sumption tituisuidermoomacijoyij catarrb heal andthrost i end may ttjf bkiufcl mirtrynf illllril i l- gtjblph okt mtor way atttendamcb alt 1 tli uav larger tlii ft hj which ici tbe twt crtdenctiof tb vatce 61 hi coarw tp yoonc4ich u ajso tb srawina p4alarit j of jtfaa rradctp ire rftifla lglalpjct oagboe of thctr training and mented iqcccu fa b ritirs ana canada ud tlt lclud tata at any time sirf prpirai and preriiju tc ttnaa etc will be nii alniuj and nreriaufl ttnaa et aphs w eduecti myaccos injy p tenders for buildjngc cevted tsxdebr wth hreeel o uoudirthatarchatapfaito tbfcmpil ion of a bnck scfioot bgue tor kiu haaetlif n ko 10 towuairip of erin tectarsai m mi the wknjc verb and all tbe wte ai ctr brick nd tfouc ulls aabowc by ape ttetfr rians nd necificaliom will lie open w uon at the fsxepvess office actaa jtillfebrnary wbte all tiift ttliders bw fa left duncan uclutfro joscjilfh tlionjitoti t tttteew landrcfl titf ji ivi fcbmarr9ujlfiti qjeurnary wootc uj mo i ths toirei orany tendcrtntot ptl i duncan uclutfro 1 i itjulu iv into ictf fit paroeriilp wlvi heretofore sn iipned a troax torerjjntfce villa or flnulof moore if mcij olveduy mutnalorim wrrvess n that tee isxixjg betwwr- d trttdist bs of actonjaae- focivbi dsvm this jlt day of janurjlra la reference w the alioye the bi ia future be tixriiulyrje aefli tlie firai oame of 4- e- mtgarfii irij recolre and ay ill the debit- co-iannershii- k dated this trtijsjfcf keuruary ry jatanzger vhriddeial l secretary 3 p moore agent for actop just opened outs i ligiit spring oyercoatings ix j worsteds akd meltqxs i jieautiful flesiga aud variety of shades made up in tlie latest styles yiv- shafx crgimdyj y j merchant tailors cuelph these are hardt times i -but- ffltt sksidiijx3i main stri acton is fully pbepurij to tapply the ueeds of all who rei aire pete and fresh groceries ewe 1uui8j iiuv lufrittnesxtietrpt r a special stock of crockery and dishes are shown iasets atfrohrt s25u to s2000 twsets s5 worth 6 class sets 50c worth 65c lamps si 50 worth 2 od vosetable dishes fruit dishea cake 8tand9c au oilier goods proportiynatfily ijlieflp fancy god station eryfeif l v v l in mccarvix newest styles jfery ctipaijtgg l4sii consistikg op- f i toilet cases 1 dressing ases ii sieger smtf odotcpe in plush writing desksi j wdrk boxbsjs v jscrap kid autc t bumslnplui v andlaaw l m photo albums latestidaslgns haridmlrrorsr whisks anilawhlsk holders i v v toilet bottljes for covei wft shaving cases and tsu s7 ir i magic lanterns doilsincfilnaikid andrfupbe joapcil md basilrjjrfiom prtschtainfiia laslfrijinipf- j ipiijncj mtp it oecribtot ooiwwtnl ilbeaa8txr4p tevehwhintaibtfa jhesrs bullmrate bttoi ari 3t v report itbeeipii1 kilhmiowd council j hrctogeiiiaasi oucliiiocreiii is pcrchaaftthe iilri hafeiliimo jj lptisc bir openn i f- sebasineai filsvco til jhiai tiwi prttl kltajbict aaji ondjelt soc yap ai hj tjsvsctrfti t gnjaiiyir saw concerts jfitboaisctiacilby u ffxcclicdt pragraciqil tolststarewtj bat cbpiir icton ocr ilijicatrbw batlactisrki ledjgstvel laaohe tbisfa jltirtow bad els w rfiabizri bare bad tbe aborft 45b of iheir licilfti ibtait sjvfta natukl biurtalsb ii f tho aetln fm pr dicatlins of flie soests llfdervesbtaildidg a i the ilaut hieoflice timi3imriliirket ii j 1 baoaadttoonej sonny doff our qlka t4tbirig3 otla 13ary papoebiatf asoat oref thje fence las mcteodj s ci i brase qeofcowbi kisiolotion i le arf o dtoeajent k iscoobtof i eiaii salejor irj ljf6 foj tiie tasj eaaiaii bf i pjiaentinfti afaiibretsj nonctejjjt ialqse lilitieiir jbotio42 minion jjani islirpj drbejaiijrajtxoi ksi oa mqudajt tibni3lie ieriea o darfitg dhoti vrjn l hvcr rew cues onrcr kuoivs uiat my pricea urejlow aid always saliafacttiry rlyand secure goods cleap ul he covinced by caliinu coaie t h hakdixg sl eeryhlng ioes mj everyone come and receive the benefit as we are going to make alterations tlie merchait tadloriiig everything in stock in qeneral dry goods and olothingwill almostlbe iven away tioubands of ardsc of dress j for almout jltothmg oil qray and coloced flannels for half dies and wblio and qray for less thkn mill price overooatp suite and odd pants at yonr own prioi underwear away down asj low gentleman you wll make a great mistake if ypb dont attertdlthlscreat bale as we will positively g i i f etjfo weei bebelidi bias kets and comforters f6 prof ts msms giyg i tjimneiit in he s a 3b sy tenjiig thaprof i t rar merit andas i f address rpon ieaip lioa vasron idinffc fr l r23rjeveibnti pjisvtrekailoii l be eoarf wbt beantji 1 abt winks be n cetds- bi i-tmlawotfej-ot- slu tbe vo feerery ay f v tbe trk ijwwdbvfii yiley hr job a jjeijoj bb retotbeaiicjtp fii olihburiaaaaj shijiliiif otiiihojitp jieorfuaiiuiti ajiideiata lijries bod r tbljtrtm wpneurnsil ifmfaenal of mr3l slew jfyii as 25 cents

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