Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 8, 1888, p. 4

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fa psifes n- otobsbavmallbi s 16sk aj 1 j r f nnlflnii mi hi ill ii j lll- rrl su tertbaltnljfbuiu4v who ndhffwwrib py ttiye iny tvt s i u i ij j j mwrrtlfcf4ttvtc f bntfcinvtcst r lin vuat tac nty 0 kwniid in 3oal or ft iiuilchiqiiultil itvti t vbstttfcctcsu- tivtr uailiiicjtirf hcn tr stills mil lo s civ 11 ins on uincsctcuiii n you jrtii tlciciflilu vinxsin- tbooelioiecloods uxsj tdlcf trvnmc whj3atjwialrv si j simmlcr street and qtuct is try lua kr fj ere done oit wj1 7 it said jiiil trhcti an iiidiiiil die ills ramturelkrrvos pay all his debts we i maayhc wc heart- ily a xtuld- tnrir indian and die h we wait antil we all tluufc alike before we are willing to work tojfeler we will bo working apart trhcu lie hast trumpet 5v 1 j rulroad disasters scorn taha increasing in number in this eotstry ivobablc cinses too fifue sahbaih and coo mudi whiskey tco-maay- ilbgttl engines and too many titcgnl cexrs trto dohcir work lfrprar- j j didyouevcrflcii mairbo liada gooji home that wis paid for wli j ras in au- axcnist ygaceer aid sad voa cevcr will j itheqtucirisit isclceisiopdiatliisciab- 7 try that fciilffti ill do frirlhig in the wiyot tcciil rfjvtjlctrtsl and bombs co- thiaj ih bttier it wij be for all cca cerned uis jjmiiuoormtwond fiffl tha latter hu oil ilh i jilll akyiifayikb r hulhefdidapelhmbbtelpiid lixvvv r- taikiu ttte spnlifilit of llw oo6k lavoi dr uwv8im fpt wwi for two or throo dtyt tbb ci wumlnlpgr oommcoicd for vie crw ot brupitou abd ihooookafleriituaingevvrfttheraiha cliafci fped uhdapifcple ua ihouftlil it pewliie llie inimal o be aiked uie girl r ljuiia you irofiio vdrm qjrrad hai amoved ij aouc anythlur to the cat hare tape wortu from also dcftroyi lnwm pjron o lavcdi done aiiythlur to tfw cat hare fromlctomuojtdfiyiitq dou auylhioff w the crtff au kwdhforhu- repeated the axe tdtircawd i ate ii skk tuxpchcacf bookt arts awful to add to- oar kuowlcde bat practical uperiooce tcaclitt un cliauhe bnt rtmedy forll djicaret of the stomach lnttand blood it ciiily- to be hau aud u called bb 13 alv tho cat r cried loft cook- in borror fait then 1u flira joa notice to itve immcdiuly ill not bo under die ume roof with a biytben to i wont birto kauoual pilu act promptly upou the liver regulate the bowtlsaud aa a parga- tiro aw mild andahowagh the scriifvrmct aiitoz who h bitrccreziioas ernvfeuct ft ttdout care wlwj it appointed to the bal- faroorc post office taid generil johrmoa to lb prudent bat t do incut that my cook qtt mperilc4mtartarbaiingpowder i am done with pchfder containing alum acdaniqiooii i gne houowiyvcom care a trial it removed ten oorni from one pur of feci withiiai any pain what it has done once tt wiudo again qalof the many posscaaed by burdock kcodbufere it thai it mj be taken trt j1 jeasona of the yeaf and by either yoattkor old in ihit way the three busy b are always at work and4oiftgjood i the extraordinary popularity o ayeri qicrry pectoral is the natural result of its ate by inuuigbntpeopiefaroverfpryyeara ueis proven itself- the very beat petic for colds coogbs and palmooary com plcnls ciiis if he isfftct ii just cjiic editors y for the szp- etry pace cf the eic p has only the patent cf t as patcut the ssce ii ru of rtligibiia ncsjnpcr too rancb ulfc ahctt nlaite pdirt of uiegsiuyyslt ifitcrrto fiopt yoa would ect icixai jaieu yos rch would be e in ciil- tofluner some men uxvc so dzdx guizs uitt tbey cant do axytlinj lit ill dpxn ia the shade and think ibo at if says a philo- eopler might far the heiit cf iik cl ni as dry as an jlrizsci eanlrikre yt- m in old bock dicd litsiere is the lbliotinsterr czrioz- idle epistle it acrd5 th aicjirsl puv- lpoa words u llos worthjr oi liaiitariaa after locgmcaidernoalinicicdi medits tion ontlie ttcit rojiutia xlz pzesz in the nation i have z strci to become cr ruiiicn tb yccrjpprsbi tn of fiiis doclarttfcn ltisi3i irtfcc pre- paraiica to remove- my tci conteaient staiicc to ircus 1 ly 1 vi ii and itttkrxfcirtj2 obeemtion arli cin ott tioia fi wiqbeanrnji cajcalalijcn of ice or ifci vrmrs gang y s still more ccziis t i periseiycr oratlan vcttii much g iberatlinat tle great inittxi5n ofyour lmagfntiqctg ehtf szzk raaerittca on so alight a foanditisa b ct tftti eirclcation aid jach icn ptwedywraramala5ktpj rct br re- creaiwa or had tpnn frca ostentation to display yoar edaeitiqa byjan oddedsictra- tian or rather mfiltipiicaci cr wordscf the ejfcne termination thoifc cf great variation in eacii respective tiryiftzljqn kow without oispciitiox lozr ixbariocs aiication iii to tccice l occcpslion deaeescommmdalioiijofclichieimit- aikta a saaiefect grsticalcn i zm with- f flit hesrtilicn ttjnis llarf kwjeralicn- i i 7a f years ago the ej pai diacea cf entocky appeixed to be fcri cp with dis- sensioiis abaul high aid lowcbarca viets tbe blsbop unfcttrsiif allowed bis sympathies to bsdracm pet to os these parties a assies ihfiveafierbeccminfdjili cooracj resided the is i- the prefect biij i 7 diocese wis dcucminel dirjcdtvoas hi it pviuud lispjcpk and lticgtlc ii liberal titrs of the chcrdjj j orfciiic time lititfccr wisalje to diver wjchr lis tympa j tbies wcxchitli obc or he other party actil an occasion preseaiicj- ittjf iii a sociil cirdi a lady with lt ccnasity of i the sexj uid vsisiupjvjaac tre ytjcr views 2 ve duzti fiud cqu lrt hibtiarch or lowtlnich y fn racily tio blilisp rep ed jcadaci- r 1 fcnt hlcir jr anllegime i it is rudicsa to aid there txe c4 3ife- pas uow the jgauic jlj len wo j jscfc iifcrfjattu 11 tii lpvr rich i indju r tr in iiariiikj cider lis mior try ksxttjzduicut7tirft kay- i thepicgi endaredby he early chrii- tiia martyrs wera no daabt eicrcciitin bal net so prolonged or scarcely more dreadful than hose eipirienced by the ffiierere from inaammatoryrhecmatism- a disease which ueasflyicarabletiheoaf- t wik dr tbomas eciecfnc oilfsav- eren remy for pain a reliable caritire cf xjzizzy liver and other complaints and i a medicine of the parnstasweli as the moet salcury kied ioajo a more my tdniirt- ia worthy of zi commistrn- deronlall these psrllcs yoa 0 licca lvluiicz slulllx fxth oiton kol j jlexclh msjira- eorfimiice eaitxt grx ko 2- wbythepiftb is fciqil tongir o i does nat cotri- bosioa girl kc j ajthoity liwf uut-rand- 1 i beaaargur4 idout allow a cold in the bead to slowly and surely rca into catarrh when yoacan b cared for 2c by using dr chases catarrh cafe a few applications core ia- siptent catarrli i to 2 boiescortfi ordinary citarrlr 2 to 5 bcies fa jaaranteed to cure ctronic catarrh- try it only 15c and eiire enre j c alivin5aje elaitsville says h i jitie much piljare ia recommending dr thomas ecleirtrie oil froci having used it myseltind hsiring sold it for some time in my own case i will say fat it that it is lite best preparation i have ever tried for rhetteatira dcpcmd cpb it accidents- will happen despite all care sad painful iccries scch as sprains braises cats and barns res alt every family ehoold therefore keep btagyanls ytliew oil on hand it istba greafeatfamily rcrncdy for iii pains cockhs celda and fiore throat croan arl wliooptng coagh vieh qcitfcly to this excellent remedy j weir spoke f i caareaommend halyards yellow oil very highly it- caned me of rheamatism ia mjl lingers when e coald not bend them ids pixak etratiroy out a medicine fcir external and iitenral ose ia allpainfal cdmpliints f i j as ae creeps on apace the varioos f onc- fcans of the body jtow weaker ia their pr- formsnee old people who soser from ia- creajing indigestion torpidity of tbs liver and odnstipition sfcoald gi re 1 renewed impetus to the action of the stomach bile secreting organ and bowels with korthrop lymans vegetable discovery and dys peptic ccr5froml which aid is never sought in vain it works- wonders as a blooa parifer i ireuvortfcrrrtaff- a medicine which has stood the test of time for many years and aly given the bjct satisfaction as has ifagyards pectoral balsam is ceruinly well worth trying for gacghs colds hoarseness and all throat trebles for wfciclrut is so highly recam- mended james h gjlffipar cf t gumoar l co whoiesate grocen brockville says- hive isedttamarac elixir for a severe cold anlcdh whicfi it immediately relieved and cared j chrock derangements cf the stomach liversnu bloodv are speedily removed hy the active principle of the ingredientsvea- ieciuz into the composition of palfnielees yegeuble pdk tiese pills aot tpedtetl- lypj the deranged organs stimulating to teflon the dormant energies of the system thereoy remoring disease and renewing life and vitality to the affiicted ia taistiei the grett secret of the pokrity jof par- mtlce e aegetable pills i anauer hera mrs- ttithompson df elma onfj writes thxtishe saiteredifroai general weakness and was so redaced that at limes she be came almost unconscious three bottles t cjdrse of berdcbiood bhters completely eared toelatm vjd rve sijuifjingeirtu is j ber knd ttie now recommends b b blo femisite tuivctf wtjn ley jrsonifv i her friend and neighbors it always ailaic la tis upi nine bo- uridge whcezinggaspngtcerersfrqm asthma utu it iif2juvrc e receive qaick and permanent relief by using trriyr whit j lrtjjtj fr cii boston girl ivj 1 yh ijy deir u the poem kclia khun ya emtraber th umowizg- hues ciczr lzd ffoei this chasm vrith or-a- lurii seething if j earth in tiiizk us pmis were bteathingatj xo- i vfpui to know if coleridge dp4nt jjt u pia cia bt faoctberrf astlimacnre sold by all drag- gi-t- or fay mail ou receipt of priced repreeent ihi cirt attirerl bosyjj girl xo ceruinly does yn hive diseoveiy let as lay ih the brownngg cicb 8tev wik ia nvjih like rieileft a man without hand witbont the rih- fi fih nuiier whether much br little if hit heart e on heaven jaood life js better than reha bread aiid the rod carce froji iieavcn mitt kre caondt keep com ia if with flax without kujdljng it ins vca mipidlcai hisownwill b tiie- next ccuies thejndgiieat i i with tbsune cjeasnrc litb wliielr mtpmevbci to otbers ii ri 1 be measured tobifljaiua 7 m eiei ia mile he mosfc rude prcat j i natter before tijere are 8752 tliurches tn thedamin ion divided as follows meaioaist 1617 eoman catholic 185 preabyterian 1253 cfiurch of england i25t baptist wi congregational 110 lathering ob dis ciples 35nnnersalisti 7 othefcsorches z inontario tbercire 5075 cfanrcbes of which the methodistclaim 275 a unit lave i birth i ijaffcjac tmcet 1 itislbedatyof every person who has used bwdtett oaiuin 8rvp to let ita won- deifarqaklities be known to their friendij in cahng consumption severe cong croup asthma pneumonia and in fact all throat and laqg diseases ko person caii nse it witbont immediate relief three doses wiufeliere any ae and w consider ft tht duty of all droggisu to recomniend it to the poor dying contaroptite at ieasl to try one- bottle aa 80000 dozen boules were sold last year aodno one case where fairly was reported gach a bedfojpe aj iht germaa ayr cannot be too widely knowu akybardruggistabo tit sample bottles to try sold kt ien net is regoltr size 7oent sold by aw i raggbrta arid dealers in tie unfud sufes tnd canada oddsixb sks overaiuch amiuarity ipbili good coar- teiy he wboii ejerybodys friend it eillier very poor or very rich if the wind blows t eaten auyry cret w- j one enemy is loo many and a- hkodrad friends are too few the wolf changftahis coal bat not bit disposition j i j old limes axe sweetest md old friends aresoresl- a charitable man is tbe true lover of god asses sing badly becaasethey pitch their voice loo high 1 ia brief lid a uf telaf rpepsia is dreadful pisbrdered live misery indigestion ilia foe to good natarc j tbe human digestive tpparalas is one of he most complicated and wonderful things in existence it is easily pat oat of order greasy food icagh food iloppyfood bad cookery mental worry at boors irregu lar habits and many olfier things which oaghtnotto bebavc made the american people a notion of dyspeptics i bat greens angast flower has donea wanderfel work in reforming ibis sad busi ness and making the american people so healthy thxlhey cant enjoy their meals and be happy p i remember ko happiness without health bntgreens aogasy flower brings health and happiness tothe dyspeptic ask yoar druggist for a ibottie seventy- five cents j daoaervks cokblrrfcttf cucnurfeits are always dangerous more so hat they always closely imitate the original in appearance and name the renukbieeacxsacbievedbykasalbalm as a positive care for catarrh and cold in the head has indexed on principled parties to imitate it the public arecautioned not to be deceived by nostrnus imitating kasal balm innxme and appearance bearing sach uahiesaa kasal cream kasal balsam etc ask for xasil balm and do not lake ituitayons dealers m ay urge upon you for sale by all drcggiitsor sent postpaid en receipt ofprice 50c and h by addressing poifocd i co brockuile ont keitsadcomrnta the fiafrcrlxr fbroknshoaiehod paoicea lias no jcxl for rtlieviqc pxm both inleroal and xtirnal ti- cures piiu in tbe side back brbawt sore throat rbeamausin toothache lsmhigo scdaoy kind of a palxor ache it will most iurelyqaick en be blood and heal xi its acting power is wanderl brawashonselioidpan- sceo being acknowledged as the great pain reliefer and of doable the strength of any other elixir or lfaimeirt n tbe world should he irr every family bandy for nse when waoledae it really es the best remedy in the worjd far crsmpf in tbe stomich and pains and aches of all kinds ltadufarsale by alldmggistsat 25 cents a bottle aimcrro iforsras- are yoa distarbed at night and broken of yoor rest by a sick child saffering and crying with pain of cat ting teeth if so snd at once and get a bottle of mrs winalows soouiing syrup forchfldxen teething its valae is ibcal- calable it will relieve the poot utle sof- erer immediately depend apca ilinoth- ers there is no mistake about if it cures dybentery and jdiarrhcea regulatefl the stqrniclr and bowels cares wind colic softens the gams redoxes irifiamrriatibn and gives tone and energy to the whole fysiern ifrs winslows soothing sy- rnp tor childrcc tiething is pleasant to tle taste and is the prescaptios of one of tbe oldest and best female physicians and nrses in the united states aad is for sale by l ail draggists thronghont the world pncctweptyfive cents a bottle be sure and ask for sfgs wrxiiows sooxmsa stucpv and take no other kind i it is worse than madness to neglect coaclioc cold which is easily sabdaed if taken in time becomes when left to itself the farerunner of consumption andprema- iare death inflammation when it attacks theaellcxte tissue df the longs and bron chial tubes travels with perilous rapidity then do cot delay t cei a bottle of bicfcles anticons a mptive syrcp the medicine that jgrxsps this formidable foe of the hafnsn body drives it from the system this medicine promotes a free and easy expectoration sabdees the court heals the diseased parts and exerts almost wonder ful influence in caring coneamplion and other diseases of the throat and lungs if parents wish to savt the lires of their children and tbernaelves from- maob anxiety trouble and expense let them pro cure a bottle of bickles anticonsdmptive syrjipand whenever a child has- taken cold has aeoagh or hoarseness give the syrup according to directions i a- wood engraver id khiset toaorao 7f burdock blood i will cure or hglleve wfwe heart istohach flmdesalb k e ni 20 pleci 8 dress goods at tic- worth 121c stocktatiaf 8alo nowgolog oe 200 pair corsets sirca ho at 40c- per pair worth 1 00 clearggsale of coneu thii vmek sod pafru ladies woolhcise at 1 5c- worth 30c- i i j i qreat bjlo of glora a4d hotiorj 01sters at a5o tliia month tlantln at your own prion 25 ladle i ni 20 place i tapestry carpet at 4sic worth 60c t n i erery cirpet redooed dressmfking at moderate prices mckat brothers 46 and 46 king street east hamilton light l opened out- beautifa spring ptercoatings ik worsteds and meltoxsj i i liegignsaiil variety of shadei jfade m in tha r jtatesf st merchant tailor8 cuelph fur yiture undertaking furniture department i nki szlectoi ttocx or parlor fc i edroora saots spflng b da mattresses tables chairs etc etc vbtd undertaking department complete kttr 1 bbictrtli a full jiue of goods from the beat makers always on hand fsices eeasoxaeee speightson y a dxi aiinsroxrisrceaiiijsrit 55 kew and from 20 c karo organ 25 kewdomihiou organs most of those speight heaese cofiiu6ca8kctsfliid burial boles lof all sizes in stock i ordebs riudllptly killed j speight son frost the- temple ofimusic great cfiearingr sale ork and secohd hanl prganp anos melodiank on eas terms of-pavment- second hand bell organs ip oewfrom 173 up 5 thomas organs newj from t3 tip 10 good second hind pianos from 57s cp jtohej i m i slwafl we otlld iresiiectfttuk draav your attention to the extent and varied of our s ac vlaraist assortment ifigeritraf ontario arid can do asell for yoi or better thap qiscwhete buying- m cash inrfie largest markels of thb vl-ord- pjsforn the manbractuver direct e fcaoffcr you pn- quallsa dvnfttges in pricerkfselectipri if you intqnd to iuild we tink it will be to your advani sffie to five uj a ball when wewilfi place yoa in charge of an ex perienccd clertc specia lly adapted and weh posted in the build- ing tradell jur aim will be to rivejisatisfaction in every particaiarj flease call or write is j john m bqhpcq birect hardware ipoiers -j- dtjb3iphi v j have yousecured jourbinding twine yet prrecul iudicatioai are that it will be aoaroe we hate boaght uijaly of the best male v and will behapry to book ordera or five iotorpatiou jcrandtfun jiraia icftm kkfitr itut pajhiltrjlab tlrtilillieillhit accom- pu jjrn fcfalckijokiptttdoffii0 abdjlranvton j 1 nxeord oqlni tvtkt0 rlajrfaaiii impotitei jnibar from gebmajny to ikjusic store opjjoslto pout office ouelph the largest and most completelcontignttient of moslcalllerchandise thai has ever ueeareccsved in gnelph i the stock consists o biases violinoellot violas hau three qnarter liajfsizclvinlins gollars banjos cases accordeona piccolos flutes clariohetes harmonicas bnjb strings tmbotsrines cymbals bones flassdrnms snare- draini bilver and brass trimmings j j t these goodsaxe bonbt for casli and imported sireet so ihe music loving people of acton and vicidity may look for bargains this fall arid winter my store is stocked with a foil lino of the j bell organs ladowle pianos for ichichl am sole aent for ghelpb and vicinity besore to call and get tbe prices of xew organs before yoa rjny second hivnd odes i the lansdowuc fian itakin the lead leading mnsicians are selling their old pianos add baying this piano call and examine my stock no txooble to show goods special attention paid to the bheej utwc trade v remember the place tovehs block opposite post office v i cw theae are hard times i but t a main street acton j nire pare i fully prepared to supply the tieedi of all who reqoire pore and freab groceries fruits c aud everything elae in tliat line for tb2 timea cheap a special stock of crockery and dishes are shown in 8ets at from 250 to 2000 tea sets 5orth fe clas9 sets 50c worth 65c lamps 150 woth 200 vagetable dishes fru t dishes cakje staiids c v all other gooda proportionately cbeltp ever- customer knows that my puceaare iot andaiffaya satisfactoty and comeearly and aetorecooda cheap th hakdkg new ones will be eoovinoed by calling i- near- fiflr j carbetlsteiree the american i you wonder iwhy 50 i wccau civco maci fotlho iikjuevt thouu ods uy this in diur itetteiv it is tjecanso alter iulei lic njojo it ccuat jetjirojiniobilyio prist 15000 cojije that 100000 luriofi its joxlturist f putlest str9l0k coktaiiwkos alu a ammomlkltlhe x ortfllaariasa eljfttllleriyi tfnirrtftgbailib thg wanzerh socandtb eiliiwajlmr tt co siniltoaoat ti chi i uoey no uulni ko sia kooexpkisive sma a butbiabjgrafleol rrtrj itiap iroanintcc y1i itlth llflitcanrilt csi ynr bdljra ex boil eggs fcatota ttnrct 0 matt1he ron jii i solk igesrroe iczis jljnthead jajrmiiftiobralliilatja mwiijilia liott4uinfif glfil ae it prepati oa receipttc fotf jrtta co bi fanhob how tost ihow f jutp bilihed- nitw ediko if veua c elebrated essay os itl ot bper iatorrbcea or incpe tr excess o early unijscretjen the c lebrabed author id r bisi k ssajr ailyfleiyiastratcslrdr i eeeta 1 practice that tbefi a lensba jeirlyerror may beji pointing co ia mode of oirfi certain i nd dlthituaj liy pini i taoeitr acnuattervhathbttw ftt mayiar ihiuisiafciaaply orrfl teljw tallyl- i tzsh ledoroitbonld lib fl youtbaj d ctcjrv teauin the lai 8cm u itler siw in i 1uin i addrs jb rffciip ot i cni c u4icps- s f t u akk srii v ioas xi j htiabrii tuotitrfunr othr acricaltunl- icricxtieajs jiiid cautinncs- to i the recoguited 1 ithority un arricnjtanu mattcrt the world oyer with thooh ufl at edilob bo have indelit i locri4 wtaimiipborwniinorodihhewttcrs it will be man valuable 4imnc 18 tiutuclt ylndi cumber no contains oerlj one htmtlrfiri nriaiiia qiustraiians and orlcinai 1 aniccfi on iho ttvriii tardea hearth and hot ehojd irocn vr fijydiffrnirt writer syrar ilngiekolsc tt drhodder5 burdock t on cam ttrpt and anijriiari before ary fnctjonnd late tltfc oairilitcur wr tniso iiicmires e iccntcct tliimedic lmconirjrwcu both pictures tonuhed dee 20 1 rki df art are neither old time ehroiaas sor ordinari- cnfnjviuca but ex- or c in- ltiotoetchlpc and mewetverjiirocc on heatt plate paper tonrarriedin fuf pestpaid initrcmcnta ore at prwenl rested throagb- the country and t t rastniineiit which i sell to gfrcpcrfect atlafaction small musical merchandise includirig band and other instruments expecte i every day cjttect from german manufacturer which wiltbe sold cheapjtor caah- callaud tnaie trnidpcmtr as to vbat price bfinstrmnent yeunator yrite telephone cor nection jl wirmi efery a large con8igrhznt off till send seldetipn aeeordiag to prieo yon wlsh to pr to joor nearest station orilirtrilje sani forapprotajan lfple rostrnmenl is not worth the money i aakforit retnrn it tt nir eipente lamiundealhn in the genalne fleintiaiaa plana also the celebrated douiaicu piano and organ sheet maaic ordered daily j o iilmij3i taporwoxforaigmnsical merchandise qaetecst gnejph waggons and fanngaelpb marraiacti jrmbfs and threshers j8brjjonruaounerv9iily the welljinown have been avarded tt doling tlit inst three- years try abwour porl8 allfl mitt tot yoor e powers these oils are med and highly recomrqendeclntqieslodej j j jifedcalaasi i faimers ask forjtbetn nse nooiher t t j ut quen outou worti by our orsat offer jucrian ajrrieulumstteng or german t kith choice of pictnife apti vrp nets volame jul pallihediegtiikxlour honae how to boantiy tliem beagtifnjljr iltstntm bound in cloth and cold price lil ahpoetpidlfor 1jj0 dr uieaanie withbcdi rfctarc all ioviald fc- ienod to seall pwl for swcinsei number euiah or gennan fulwewrriptlon of xew to dlihaha nciv babscriber and full dfription of th pictures d portrait of tiic injctei of ilifsc prjtat works no attracting worldwide attention c anyassers w atei e vsywhilite j most ubej inducements adcpess books ia- unkact david w judd pnl 751 broadwayi blaurincfipv who samuel rocjer8 co toronto i ucleannd kyelasiesare to befoand in minon they aftnfecosnifcended byandtpstimoniali have been biddnt bxpresident and ter vicepri3ent of aion dicauade president of- ihp collft of physicians and burgeons of qaebet th dean tbe kelicaifacolty of latal tnjiversity tbe presij den atd eipresidentsof the btedical boncflof nova scotia c a complete- assort- meet of tbese eicellent goods will be tyaojd at th store of i i- 4 bpfarsqhi agnt aito ai a large ic tof theae gooda are 15 indhea wideithii fmpoltalta if eooash to mike 12 j9 dreaea for ladiea beaidei ihiaweeka amprnahtai there were aeerel- prevlona arrivi la of very haodaobie fresohndbritiah dreaa goorta 44ae alttpment of baahttfol preach bdka etatitusatln eaoheaae8auittetuesllenz faille raq calae maroelii j and lnitriije afrled thli reek alao rjolored 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